kn96artworks · 1 year
status: currently looking for a remote online job
because after 27 years of living, i have decided to care more for my chronically audhd brain by avoiding people and excessive stimuli
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silentglassbreak · 8 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
I’m getting some of the most amazing comments and reblogs, I thank you all so deeply!! I love this story so much. I love where I know it’s going, so please trust me?
Warnings: Good ol' fashioned misery.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86
Part 4 - Graveyard
I could feel how flighty she was, like a feral cat that could scurry with any sudden movements. I held my hands out, trying to ease tension, and failing.
“Baby,” Her face was unreadable. Something between bewilderment and pure shock, but also seething rage, possibly. “nothing happened.”
She stared at me, waiting for me to say more, but I didn’t.
“That’s all you’ve got?” She was mocking me, and my stupidity. Good. I deserve it.
“Yes. Because that’s all there is.”
Her eye roll was as dramatic as they come, nearly making her head spin.
“Well, she was sure worked the fuck up, Noah. Sounded like a little more than nothing.”
The evenness in her voice contradicted her body language. She was now stood, hands in the air, confrontational.
“She’s insane.”
Her eyebrows jumped, a look of disbelief on her face.
“A girl essentially professes her love to you, and you call her insane?”
Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely.
“Leena, I’m not just being an asshole here. She has actually fucking lost it.”
I tried to mimic her calm, hoping this would steer the conversation on a healthier course.
That hope was thrown out when her voice jumped several decibels.
“Oh fuck you, Noah!” I could see them now, the hot, angry tears, rising to the surface, not quite ready to spill over. “People aren’t just so fucking obsessed with you that they make that kind of shit up!”
My eyes were staring at her, a frantic anxiety now rising inside me.
“She did! I’ve never, not fucking once, given her any ideas! She’s fucking mental, Mileena!”
“What happened at the club, Noah?” Her voice was back down, her hands hanging helpless at her sides.
“Nothing happened. We talked, and she spilled a fucking drink on me, and herself, so I-“
“Back up.” She put her hand up. “Don’t gloss over the details. Walk me through it.”
I shrugged hard. “I was alone, sitting on the couch, and she came over to talk to me. She had already had a few, and was pretty drunk when she approached me.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, frustration bubbling. “She spilled her drink on both of us.”
“So you were sitting pretty close together?” She raised an eyebrow, her arms again crossed in front of her.
“Jesus, Mileena, it’s a club! It was loud!” I threw my hands in the air and eyed her, irritated. “Since when are you the jealous type?!”
Her mouth fell open, and I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth. What a stupid fucking thing to say. Of course she’s not. That’s not what this was.
“The jealous type?!” How do I delete the last ten seconds? “You think this is me being jealous?!”
Ctrl + Alt + Del?! End Task?!
“You’re the one that’s fucking insane, Noah!” She turned, grabbing her phone off of the nightstand. “Let me show you how your behavior changed since that night.”
She unlocked her phone, opened our thread, and began scrolling. I didn’t even need to be close to see, my texts were back to back, five to six at a time, or paragraph long messages. She switched to her call logs, which was just my name over and over the past several days.
I would like to hand in my resignation to life now, please.
“Since that night, you’ve been blowing me up, and being extra affectionate, and clingy.” She scoffed, locking her phone and tossing it on the bed. “First I thought you just missed me but-“
“I did miss you!”
“You felt fucking guilty, Noah!” Her voice was nearing a scream. “Now quit pussy-footing around it and tell me what fucking happened that night!”
I sat down in the bed, and took a deep breath.
“Please believe me when I tell you, nothing actually happened.”
She stayed planted, several feet away.
“We left the club, I gave her a ride because she was going to Uber, and that wasn’t safe.” She was deathly silent. “Car ride took about thirty minutes because of traffic. We just listened to music, sang the songs on the radio.”
“She made a bit of a pass at me before she got out, saying something like she wanted to get to know me better? Or something like that. I don’t remember verbatim.”
“I went back to the club.”
She shifted her weight, leaning back on the desk against the wall. “That’s it? That’s all?”
I chewed the inside of my cheek. “No.”
She visibly tensed, so I just went on.
“She texted me later. Said she left her vape in the car.” I looked up at her, trying to earn some kind of emotion. I was met with nothing but ice. “So I went to go get it.”
“She couldn’t get it herself?”
I didn’t have an answer for that. She could’ve. She offered.
“I found it, and took it to her room.” Her face almost looked like it was turning a sickly shade of green. “She opened the door, in her underwear, and a crop top.”
Her fingers were gripping the edge of the desk so hard that it was likely to snap if she didn’t let up.
“She invited me in. I left. Went back to my room. And avoided her ever since.”
Her hands eased ever so gently, but she didn’t let up her gaze. Seeing she wasn’t satisfied with that, I swiped my own phone from the table, and opened to Rachel’s text thread, handing her the phone.
“See? Nothing.”
She scrolled, eyes reading the one-sided conversation from the last few days.
“Only other thing I can tell you is that Folio told me that she said some shit to him at the bar, that she liked me? Or wanted to sleep with me?” I sighed. “I don’t know, and I don’t really care.”
She nodded, locking my phone, but still had yet to speak. She was thinking, going over it in her head, checking for holes, but there were none. That was all of it. I didn’t do anything wrong.
“I have only one question.” She handed my phone back to me, and I just nodded. “In the hall, she asked you if you considered it, going in her room. If you thought about it.”
My stomach dropped, my mouth went dry, and my heart stopped, all in the same fraction of a second before her next words came out.
“Did you?”
Where do I go from here? My brain, my heart, and all of my senses screamed at me to lie.
But I couldn’t.
Last time I lied to Mileena, I was drinking. And she left me. And who would know? Who could prove me wrong?
But…I couldn’t.
I saw something, I can’t say what exactly, break behind her eyes. A tear finally spilled out over her cheek, and I saw her jaw clench under her skin. I felt as though I had just cut a cord on a rope bridge that held me up, and now I was just falling. Plummeting.
“Oh…” Her voice was so small now, and I felt something inside me shredding. Screaming. I’m such a fucking idiot.
Good one, Sebastian. Way to take it to your grave, dumbass.
But this was a grave, that I somehow ended up in, that I didn’t even fucking dig. It was fucking aggravating.
I stood up, reaching for her, but she flinched, putting an arm up between us, and squeezed her lids closed. More tears leaked from her eyes, and she only cracked them open for a second.
“Can you, uh, give me a few minutes?” She averted her eyes away, and I backed away from her out of respect. “I’m just…” She waved her hands around her head. “processing.”
I nodded. “Of course.” Shrugging, I pulled my shirt off. “I can take a shower? And we can talk more after?”
She only nodded in response, wiping her face.
I made my way into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I decided to take a quick shower, trying to wash the anxiety off of me. It was out in the open now, the fun part was working through it, and reminding Leena that no one else compared to her, and my idiotic brain was never going to turn on me like that again.
Imagine my shock when I stepped out of the bathroom, and my hotel room was empty, her bag, phone, and shoes gone. I ran over to my cell, opening it to call her when it began ringing, Nick’s face flashing.
I opened the call with haste. “What’s up?” My voice was frantic.
“Dude, what the fuck happened?!”
My fist was slamming into the door harder with each swing, the phone up to my ear telling me I was getting voicemail, again.
I growled, and beat on the door harder. “Open the fucking door, Rachel!”
I felt a set of hands on my shoulders, tugging backward.
“Noah! Calm the fuck down!” I fought back against Folio, as the door to the room swung open.
Rachel’s eyes were still thick with sleep, her hair hanging in a low ponytail. This time, she was fully clothed. Hilarious.
“You fucking psychopath!” My logical brain was gone, and I was fully primal, as I lunged toward her. Several hands had me around the waist, arms, and one on my chest. Nick’s face came into my line of vision.
“Noah, stop! Fucking stop!”
“No! She’s fucking insane! She knows what the fuck she’s doing!” I was baring my teeth like an animal, my hands balled into fists.
She stared at me, terrified, eyes blown wide and nearly hiding behind the door.
“W-What are you talking about?” Her words were timid, which only enraged me further.
“Don’t pull that bullshit! You knew she’d hear you! You manipulative bitch!”
A hard slap came across my cheek, and I glared over at Nick, who had taken a defensive step back.
As angry as I should’ve been, I was instead brought back to reality, realizing it was at least 1AM, in a hotel hallway.
“You good, dude?” My eyes stared at his, my body softening with each passing second. Eventually, the hands holding me loosened, and I shrugged away from them.
I nodded at Nick, who pushed my shoulder down the hallway toward another door. “C’mon dude, let’s go talk.”
“Is he drunk?” I could hear Rachel’s voice behind me, and I snarled, almost turning around before I heard Folio.
“Oh shut up, Rachel. You’ve done enough.”
Safely inside the room, I sat heavily on the bed, and dropped my head in my hands. My friends stood around me, staring down at me.
“She left?” Folio’s voice was sad, and I just nodded, staring at the floor.
“She came and got Laura about half an hour ago. She was crying. Said they had to leave.”
I picked my head up. “Laura was in your room?”
Nick raised his brows at me. “Is that really your concern right now?”
I heaved a breath and flopped back onto the bed, covering my face with both arms.
“She’s not answering my calls.”
“Fill us in, man.” Jolly sat next to me.
I had to go through all of the details again, them all asking various questions. By the end, I was more calm, but still so fucking angry.
“I’ve got to get home, man. I can’t ride back with her.”
Nick nodded. “We can rent a car in the morning? Drive back alone?”
“Pfft, and leave us with the wicked witch?”
I snorted at Folio’s comment.
“What the fuck am I going to do?”
“For starters, I’m calling Sumerian tomorrow. Figure out our options, legally.” Leave it to Jolly to use his right mind. “For now, you need to stay away from her.”
Standing up, I moved toward the bedroom door, squeezing the handle before opening it. “Not a problem. Just keep her the fuck away from me.”
Back in my room, I promptly blocked Rachel’s number from my phone, electing not to send her a last scathing text message.
I then, profusely, called Mileena. I was met with voicemail, leaving a few in my endeavor to reach her. I must have done this for hours before finally falling asleep, fully clothed, on top of the comforter.
When I awoke, Nick was jostling my shoulder, a duffel hanging from his shoulder.
“Let’s go, Sleeping Beauty. I’ve got the rental downstairs.”
I obeyed, gathering my things haphazardly, and following him to the lobby, not bothering to stop to brush my teeth or comb my hair. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered.
The drive back to Calabasas was long, hot, and irritating. I was slumped in the passenger’s seat while Nick drove. About half an hour in, I finally spoke.
“What if she doesn’t forgive me?”
Nick scoffed. “Please.” I glanced at him inquisitively. “She’s forgiven you for worse.”
I bumped my head back into the headrest repeatedly, groaning. “I hate this.”
“I know. But it’ll all work out, dude. Mileena loves you, and she’s a reasonable person.”
I nodded, accepting that answer.
“So…” He turned to look at me for a second. “You and Laura?” This made him crack a smile, that I returned.
“She’s fucking cool, dude.”
I slapped a hand on his shoulder. “Damn good baker, too.”
He nodded. “Yeah, she made me this cheesecake for my birthday? Fuck, man. Amazing!”
My mouth fell open. “Your birthday was five months ago!”
He laughed. “Dude, you miss a lot.”
I shook my head. “You little shit, couldn’t tell your best friend?!”
“Sure, if my best friend wasn’t always so wrapped up in his own drama.”
I punched a fist at his shoulder, laughing.
I opened the front door, and was met with overwhelming silence. No Angel barking. No TV playing. No voices. Nothing.
I moved slowly into the house, feeling an overwhelming nausea, as I bound up the stairs toward my room to deposit my bag. It was clear no one was here, but I didn’t know what to expect the further into the house I got.
The note was laying on the middle of the bed, but I didn’t pick it up immediately. I set my bag down and opened one of the dresser drawers, Leena’s pants drawer, which was empty. I then walked into the closet, where all I found were empty hangers on her side. I jogged down the hall to Addie’s room, where I found her walker, diapers, wipes, and clothes were gone. Even Angel’s bed that was always laid in the corner was gone.
My heart sunk, and I walked slowly back to my room, picking up the folded paper on the blanket, opening it to see her clean script.
Addie, Angel, and I will be staying at Laura’s for a while. Dad left this morning. When you’re ready to come see the baby, text Laura.
I dropped the note, it falling gently back to the bed. Without thinking, my hand grabbed the lamp on the side table, slinging it at the wall behind the dresser, causing it to shatter.
“God damn it!” I screamed, my words echoing around the empty house. The tears fell hot onto the bed, my teeth grinding tightly together.
I let a few hours pass, taking a cold shower, and forcing myself to calm down. I ate a bowl of cereal, choking down each bite while fighting against the nausea settled in my gut. After I had gotten dressed, and relaxed enough to know I wouldn't explode at any given moment, I texted Laura.
Me: Hey
I didn't have to wait long.
Laura: Hey
Me: Can I come see Addie?
Laura: Of course
The drive to her house took about twenty minutes. I had rehearsed over and over what I would say to Leena, how I would convince her to come back home with me. How we could move past this.
But when I pulled up to the house, I was disappointed to see only Laura's car in the driveway, Leena's Tahoe nowhere in sight.
When Laura answered the door, she had Addison on her hip, who gave a large, single-toothed smile as soon as she saw me. Any hesitation and anxiety I had melted the very second I laid eyes on my daughter. I hadn't held her in months, and right now, all that mattered was her.
"Hey baby girl!" She reached her little arms out for me, and I scooped her up enthusiastically, planting a long, hard kiss on her cheek. She squealed in excitement. "Ugh, I missed you so much."
I squeezed her into my chest, her hands grabbing at my hair. She smelled so sweet, the baby scent still having a full effect on me. Laura moved to the side to let me in, and Angel ran up, barking in excitement.
"Hey buddy!" I squatted down, still holding Addie, and ran a hand over Angel, who licked me with fervor. "Been taking care of my girls?"
He barked in response.
I stood back up, and gave Laura a smile, not entirely sure where we stood. She returned it, a warm look in her eyes. I felt some relief, knowing I had someone on my side.
"Hey Noah." She gave me a one-armed hug, almost sympathetically, and shut the door behind me.
I walked over to the couch, sitting and letting Addie down. She began walking on wobbly legs toward her toys sprawled across the rug, Angel right behind, always watching.
"She's not here?" I looked up at Laura, who had sat cross-legged across from me on the floor. She just shook her head sadly. "Can I ask where she is?"
She just sighed. "She's asked me not to say. She wants to be alone."
I nodded, not surprised. "I don't know what to do Laura."
She leaned back on her palms, stretching her legs. "I wish I could tell you, hon. But I don't know. She's hurt."
I huffed, frustrated. "I didn't do anything. I was good, I didn't cheat on her, I didn't fuck around."
Laura eyed me, unamused. "Noah, you admitted you thought about sleeping with another woman." She put her hand up, gesturing to me. "Can you say you'd feel different if she did that to you?"
I considered this, realizing I hadn't thought about it that way at all. She had a valid point.
"Fair. I just want the chance to explain that it doesn't matter. I love her, no one else. I don't want anyone else."
Her eyes were so soft. Laura heard me, which I appreciated. Hopefully she could convince Leena of the same.
I spent two hours playing with Addie, and feeding her lunch, before Laura excused herself to the bedroom to take a phone call. I had just cleaned up Addison, and was removing her from the highchair when Laura walked back in, her phone in hand.
"Here, let me change her clothes, you take this." She handed me the cell and I looked down to see the call open, Leena's face on the screen.
I looked at Laura, who just nodded while she turned and took Addison in the next room.
"Hey!" My voice was so jumpy, I cleared my throat to calm it down. "Where are you?"
"I went to a meeting." Her words were stale, no feeling behind them.
"Oh, that's good." I stepped out the back door, pulling it closed behind me. "Are you going to come back? I really need to see you."
Her breath was loud on the other end, slightly ragged. "Noah, I don't want to see you."
What is the feeling when you feel like your skin is going to melt off, but your insides are completely frozen? Is there a name for that? Panic, maybe?
"You don't." It wasn't a question. She didn't respond. "Okay, uh," I kicked at the dirt under my feet. "I don't know what to say to that."
"I don't know if I can do this, Noah."
Shattered? Devastated? There's a fucking name for it.
"What do you mean?" I couldn't bring my words above a whisper, given the wind had been knocked right out of me. She wasn't saying what I thought she was, was she?
"There's always going to be a tour. Time away. Me home with Addie. A girl who throws herself at you. Lots of them."
"And, it's just too hard, Noah."
Shaking. I was fucking shaking.
"No, babe-"
"I can't do it. Not now. Not with Addie. I thought I could. I really, really did."
"Leena, listen-" I was yelling now, but she just kept talking.
"I love you too much. And I love us. But we can't be us. Because you're a rockstar. And you have a career, and a life."
"I have you! And Addison! I'll quit right fucking now, Mileena! I will call Sumerian right now and tell them I'm out. Forever. I'll ghost write. I'll produce from home. I'll never tour again!" I was desperate. I was begging.
"No, you won't, Noah. You love it. It's your dream. I won't let you."
"I love you! I won't lose you over this! Rachel is nothing! Nothing!"
"It's not just her. How many more Rachels will there be?" I heard her voice cracking. "And I'll be at home, with Addison. We can't go on tour with you. I can't always be there. Noah, I just can't."
"Mileena, I'll do anything. Please."
"Take Addie for the night. Or a couple days. She missed you."
"God damn it Leena, stop and listen to me!"
"We can work out me having her while you're on tour. You can have her when you're home, or we can split the time if it's not a heavy year." She sighed. "We don't need to worry about custody."
"Custody?!" I was full-blown screaming. "Mileena! You're overreacting! Please!"
"I'm sure you think so. But you haven't been where I am. You haven't seen what I have! You haven't been left behind! I was, Noah! And I supported you! Through it all! I happily stayed home with Addison while you chased your dreams, and became the success you are! And when I finally have you back, I hear you almost slept with another woman?! You considered it?!" She stopped abruptly, her words blurring together, sobs shaking her words.
She took a moment to compose, which was fine, because trying to swallow everything she had just said was proving to be more difficult than I expected.
"I'm not going to do this." She paused for only a beat. "Take Addison. Let me know when I can come pick her up. The car seat should still be in your truck."
I couldn't speak, my mind was blank. My brain was flattened.
"Just be gone by six." And the line went dead, the phone beeping, signaling the end of the call.
Oh. That's what this feeling was.
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yooniesim · 1 year
How To Go Back To Origin:
Read all of this post before you begin!
First, close all instances of Origin in Task Manager (ctrl + alt + delete to open it, scroll all the way down to make sure you've ended all of them!) and delete the ThinSetup folder as described in this link.
Next, start following the steps in this link.
After changing the local file as described, change it to read-only (right clicking the local file, left clicking properties -> "read only" check box -> apply -> okay).
When you're pasting the code into the local file, make sure it's in line with the rest of the code, exactly the way it's shown in the screenshot.
Very Important: after you start to install origin again, when you're on the screen where you select your language, stop and repeat the steps of the first link, deleting the ThinSetup folder if it's there again! If you don't, it'll try to update itself. Once you do this, then it's safe to resume installation of Origin.
If all goes well, you should be back in Origin with no EA App pop up! 💜
(All credit to p0358 on Twitter for the workaround, this is just an explanation of their method with my added tips!)
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4ltrd · 1 year
See Update in Reblog Below!
I've futzed around with a bunch of machine translation over the years, and here's what I've landed on (for Android and Windows).
Note: For both of these, the translations are wildly imperfect. Having some knowledge of the language you're translating obviously helps, or you're going to be confused when Google or DeepL decide to infer the wrong pronouns because they aren't people and don't understand context.
When I'm purely on my phone, I use EverTranslator. It's free and much better than it used to be once you make a few changes in the settings. I have it set to . . .
Joiner between text blocks: Space
Remove ending dashes: On
Remove line breakers inside text blocks: On
Remove spaces in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text: On
EverTranslator: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.firemaples.onscreenocr
UGT (with a controller)
Mirroring Your Screen on your PC
I cast my phone to my laptop via Windows Phone Link or ScrCpy when I use UGT.
§ Windows Phone Link
Upsides of WPL:
It should be natively included in your version of Windows (you'll need to get the app on your phone, though).
(Usually) sound will come through your PC instead of phone.
USB connection not required--you can connect wirelessly to a PC on the same internet connection. Great if your phone is charging across the room.
Can't rotate the screen manually for apps that are weird about rotating (AKNK).
§ BlueStacks
This method ought to also work with BlueStacks, but I haven't ever used BlueStacks because I'm paranoid about where I allow my Google data to be accessed.
§ Samsung Dex
Samsung Dex doesn't rotate apps at all, so that method is straight out.
§ ScrCpy
Scrcpy via USB Debugging mirrors your Android to your PC without having to root your phone. This is a little more advanced than using Windows Phone Link or BlueStacks, but you're using your own phone without granting anyone your Google credentials AND you can rotate the screen easily (unlike Dex or Windows Phone Link).
Upsides of ScrCpy:
You can rotate the ScrCpy window on your PC by holding alt and pushing the left arrow key. Great for AKNK's outings and sleep support.
Getting sound through your PC rather than phone via ScrCpy is less reliable. Though it supposedly ports audio to your PC natively with the latest release, I still need to use the dev's SndCpy: https://github.com/rom1v/sndcpy/blob/master/README.md
Setting Up UGT
UGT requires more work than EverTranslator, but once you've set it up, it's worth it. You can use it for anything on your PC. Congratulations, you can now play any untranslated Japanese otome game via emulator.
A walkthrough on how to set up UGT: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741318181
You'll need to futz around with the config file a bit, especially with the autoglue, even when you move from game to game, but it's worth the hassle.
UGT normally supports controllers to make it easier/faster to translate (and save your wrists/fingers), but that feature is broken at the moment. The dev knows. So, I cobbled together a script in AutoHotKey for my Xbox controller . . .
Autohotkey: https://www.autohotkey.com/
The script: https://vatnalilja.neocities.org/UGTAHK
Once you load this script into AutoHotKey and run it, the buttons on your Xbox controller will work as follows:
UGT's normal functions will work; consult the program
A will translate the active window (use ctrl+F10 to set a translation rectangle so it's not unnecessarily translating everything onscreen—you can always use ctrl+F10 to set a new rectangle)
B will clear the translation (the equivalent of spacebar in UGT)
Y will act as the left click of a mouse button
Left joystick will act as a mouse, so you can move around the screen to select things without touching the mouse
I updated the above AHK config file so its set back to UGT default (ctrl+f12), allowing you to run it out of the box with UGT. My original version was tailored to my modified hot keys.
These AHK settings may conflict with games that require these buttons on a gamepad, but you can look up AutoHotKey's instructions and easily change them in the script. I promise it isn't hard. Otome games are usually point-and-click, though.
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This is what my setup looks like on Windows with my Android phone cast to my laptop via Windows Phone Link using UGT and a controller (not that you can see the controller part). It's so big. Good for my old eyes!
Here's my setup via ScrCpy:
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Another option besides UGT is DeskTranslator, which won't require you to connect Google or DeepL in the settings or set up anything in Google Cloud Dashboard, but will require you to know some Python, access PowerShell, etc.
The installation directions for DeskTranslator and its requirements are available on each repository page, and if you need help installing Python packages, you can very easily search Google for the right commands to copy/paste into PowerShell.
One nice thing about DeskTranslator is that it will give you reasonably real-time translations without having to push any keys/buttons. Use this combined with Windows' captions in a foreign language and you can have translation of spoken dialogue that has no built-in captions in your game.
You can also drag the translation box over a normal dialogue box and use it that way, too (like UGT or DeepL's app--see reblog below for more on DeepL's app).
When used with ScrCpy, you can simply hold your phone in your hand (connected to your PC by USB) and tap the screen like normal. No controller or keyboard hot keys are needed.
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ScrCpy + SndCpy with Windows Captions and DeskTranslator
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ScrCpy + SndCpy and DeskTranslator
If you use Apple products or a controller other than an Xbox controller, YMMV. There is a version of UGT that is on Linux and experimental on MacOSX: https://pypi.org/project/pyugt/. Godspeed.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Does Euros ever read what ancients say about him on social media?
yeah and it's all praises n shit cuz you know they are living on top of this thing and view it as their God so they better be uh... goddamn language barrier- Be Good To Him
they also have this thing where they believe the Anemoi are- FUCK i forgot to mention this in that ask about why the Anemoi are so special
so besides all that technical stuff the Anemoi iterators (except Zeph) were named after the actual Anemoi Gods also to sort of "ward off" the dangers of the winds. the Eo group is stationed in a very windy place and well since the Global Religion ctrl+alt+del'd the Folk Gods out of itself for the sake of the Iterators filling the God roles (in a way that allowed the Houses and Monks to control these new gods- it's all about control), the Aeolus Root people needed Gods to pray to to keep the winds at bay
so Boreas, Euros and Notos are prayed to like actual Gods to give the Ancients protection against the wild winds. that's what the boy means by this
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while Boreas doesn't give a quarter of a shit about it and Notos is just
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Euros liked to ride the high of the praise and worship fully until some stuff started becoming clearer to him thanks to Sparrows. afterwards he just sort of blocked all of that shit out cuz it either made him uncomfortable or creeped him out or annoyed him to hell n back
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[pictured: Euros scrolling the #PraiseBeToCaperOfEurosOurGod tag on bubbler dot com for ego boosting reasons before getting religio-politically corrected by wife]
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/49544980 by soliloquent "Tony, I've completed the background check on Steven Rogers, and there's something big you need to know. Like, massive security-threat level big. I'm sorry, sugar. He's bad news." —⎊— or: A corporate espionage story told solely through excerpts from CEO Tony Stark's inbox. Featuring romantic pining, delightful office lunches, sarcastic super-geniuses, intense investigations, revolutionary nanotechnology research, unhinged arch-nemeses, haunting ghosts from the past, and an endearing emoji overload by a witty Peter Parker. Words: 17118, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Ransom Drysdale Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, CEO Tony Stark, Employee Steve Rogers, Secret Agent Steve Rogers, Worried Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Smart Steve Rogers, Stark Industries (Marvel), Hammer Industries, SHIELD, Hydra, Hacking, E-mail, Epistolary, Nanotechnology, Identity Porn, Miscommunication, Confusion, Trust Issues, NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS, Falling In Love, First Dates, Getting Together, Office Romance, Power Imbalance, Peter Parker Loves Emojis, Tony Stark is a Paranoid Bitch, Softest Bean Steve Rogers, this is not actually angsty... but kinda... you have to read to understand SORRY, POV Tony Stark read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49544980
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june 2023
1. natalie evans - sleeping in 2. dsps - 二分之一的我 3. pynkie - spiral 4. daisy the great - glitter 2 5. miette hope - if a tree falls 6. jason mraz - pancakes & butter 7. this is the kit - more change 8. the japanese house - sunshine baby 9. jenny lewis - cherry baby 10. the rocket summer - m4u 11. ajj - a thought of you 12. isabel pless - jude law 13. hozier - francesca 14. maty noyes - lighter thief 15. ichiko aoba - space orphans 16. gabby's world - fabby 17. unflirt - out of time 18. sir chloe - leash 19. blü eyes - street noise 20. tegan and sara - girls talk 21. arlo parks - pegasus (ft. phoebe bridgers) 22. miya folick - cockroach 23. benee - bagels 24. izzy camina - alprazalam 25. junior varsity - share ur feelings 26. juliana hatfield - don't bring me down 27. caroline loveglow - strawberry 28. chloe moriondo - celebrity - blood bunny version 29. glen check - mind surfing 30. amazombies - 1955 31. boilermaker - alone 32. record setter - outdated wallpaper 33. glass bones - january embers (supernova) 34. waveform* - freak me out 35. hot mulligan - shouldn’t have a leg hole but i do 36. bully - change your mind 37. mint green - body language 38. hannah jadagu - dreaming 39. jess kallen - ink 40. jeff rosenstock - liked u better 41. tsosis - snake eat tail 42. a day at the fair - maxwell's two thousand seven 43. sophie meiers - high beamz 44. juliet ivy - breakfast song 45. carr - sick bro 46. sydney sprague - smiley face 47. heather sommer - wanted 48. babebee - stranded 49. madelline - i don't wanna be ur fucking friend 50. yen strange - best friends 51. bishop briggs - baggage 52. dominic fike - ant pile 53. girli - cheap love 54. ukiyo - ctrl alt delete 55. lova - popstar 56. iri - season 57. ralph - pain relief 58. post malone - mourning 59. ayelle - for me 60. thuy - i got it 61. okthxbb - sickly 62. kučka - cry cry cry 63. kesha - peace & quiet 64. misogi - pink noise (feat. dream, ivory) 65. miraa may - big mistake 66. keke palmer - waiting 67. summer walker - to summer, from cole - audio hug 68. atmosphere - still life 69. sampa the great - mask on [feat. joey bada$$] 70. beyoncé - america has a problem (feat. kendrick lamar) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6nYW9esnOxCKtaRpcdYioI?si=4e630c7230624274
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shieldfoss · 11 months
Me, Saturday: "Let this UX failure between Linux, VSCode and the Markdown plugin inspire me to spend all afternoon and evening writing an excruciatingly boring text on systems compatibility that will never be relevant but will cost me 5-6 hours of my life and increase my hatred for UX as a field and as a concept."
Me, Sunday: "... why do I even have followers. Why do I have more followers today than I did yesterday? Why do the new ones look like real people instead of bots. Who is here for this?"
Anyway it was actually quite hard to find a key that would mean something to the OS, to a background service, to a client and to a plugin at the same time - mainly because of the background service, those are typically either bundled with the OS or have the manners to not intercept keystrokes.
If I hadn't experienced that emoji plugin[1] failure I probably wouldn't have thought of this at all, even though the markdown plugin conflicted with VSCode - I would just have though "lmao this is annoying but I guess it makes sense that they're squatting ctrl-b for bold"
Fed (danish for Bold, e.g. Microsoft Office uses it when you have DK keyboard layout, Ctrl+F makes text bold and so Ctrl+B opens the "find" dialog.)
OS - maximize window
Browser tab with youtube - mute
Run (With super, Microsoft equivalent to ALT-F2)
Refresh (With control, refreshes browser tab)
'R' (Inserts R in browser form, or reloads gun in browser game)
Open terminal
Open new tab
Text power tool plugin
Lock screen (with super, Linux)
Changes active focused program? (With alt, Linux)
Clear focus or Go Back (any number of apps)
Change keyboard language (For some reason???)
activate focused component inside browser tab
activate focused component in app UI
[1] This was such an unforced error! IBUS (the keyboard interceptor that allows emoji and unicode) comes with my distro they could have set it up to use a [super] combination. What the fuck. They know this in general - with two valid exceptions[2], every shortcut they have either starts with [super] or acts on a focused component.[3]
[2] Ctrl+Alt+Del, which is a cross-OS, cross-hardware standard, and so: Valid. No program is going to squat on that, and ALT+F2 which is a cross-distro standard and so slightly less valid but makes sense.
[3] Except NO THEY DON'T. All the ones that are listed in their online documentation are like that - if you go to the actual shortcut menu in the OS and look through it, you'll find plenty that don't start with super! This is why we cannot have nice things!
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ghoulangerlee · 1 year
May I ask 12, 20, 31, 53?
jimothy!!! thank you!!! i hope your day is going well! <3
12. what's something you want to do right now?
cook breakfast, for the short term haha. feelin kinda hungry this morning. long term is: get my ears pierced again (just the lobes im a baby, but third holes speak to me)
20. what is your favorite song at the moment?
DYWTYLM - Sleep Token ; I don't know what it is about this song but god it's been on repeat for so many days. Mostly in my car, just gotta yell the lyrics at the top of my lungs or w/e haha
31. 3 random facts
u can have 1 fact about me and 2 random ones about random things lmao
1: i am colorblind (specifically blue-yellow type) 2: shift + ctrl + alt + windows key + w will launch microsoft word :) 3: sharks do not have vocal cords and instead communicate with body language
53. 5 things that make you happy 1: my kid and my husband <3 2: Ghost 3: my job and the people I work with :) 4: All the fwends I've made via Ghost and other various fandoms I've been in 5: the weather (hopefully) cooling down :))))
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xumoonhao · 1 year
heheh...heres what i have so far for stuff <3
windows key shortcuts:
windows key + semicolon key: this opens up the emoji keyboard, which also gives you access to a gif search function (kind of like what tumblr has!), kaomoji/emoticons, alternate characters (letters with accents over them, math symbols, different kinds of arrows, etc.,), and also your clipboard!
windows key + v: brings up the same window as the above, but opens up your clipboard instead of a quick history of emoji, kaomojis, and alternate symbols. previously, this was how you opened your clipboard before windows 11!
windows key + spacebar: this scrolls through the different keyboards you have installed on your computer, i.e changing from an english keyboard to a japanese keyboard. this way, you dont need to use a website to type in another language; you just need to install the right keyboard!
windows key on it's own; this opens up your start menu.
ctrl key short cuts:
ctrl + c: this is how you copy a selection of text, file, or something you've selected in editing software.
ctrl + x: this is how to cut a selection of text, file, or something you've selected in editing software.
ctrl + v: this is how you paste a selection of text, file, or something you've cut or copied in editing software.
ctrl + h: this brings up your history tab.
ctrl + b: this brings up your bookmarks tab.
ctrl + n: this opens a new browser window, in your browser: in writing or editing programs it will open a new document or file, depending n what youre doing.
ctrl + t: this opens a new tab in your window and switches to it from your current tab. this is something you can toggle on or off, however!
ctrl + d: this bookmarks whatever tab youre on.
ctrl + shift + p: this opens up a new private browsing window.
ctrl + z: this undoes something youve deleted.
ctrl + y: this redos something youve deleted.
ctrl + a: this selects the entirety of a document, picture, or files in a folder.
ctrl + o: this opens a new file in any program. in your browser, it brings up whatever last folder you were in in file explorer, which allows you to open files directly in a browser tab (firefox allows you to directly open any files [even pdfs!!!] in a browser tab, not sure about other browsers!) or to open files in a program, like selecting a profile picture.
other shortcuts!:
function (fn) +
shift + insert: this is another way to paste in things you have selected. IMPORTANT: do note that, if youre using a writing program (such a libre office or notepad), hitting insert on its own will activate overtype mode. if this happens, simply hit the insert key again! however, if you want your text to delete whatever is in front of it, leave this on!
ctrl + alt + enter in the search bar: this enters whatever youre searching for and opens it in a new tab, without switching to that tab immediately. i personally find this very useful if i suddenly think of something to search; writing it down and opening something this way lets me look-up whatever it is i need to without distracting me from what im currently doing!
dragging a link to a new tab: does the same thing as the above shortcut; opens the link you drag without switching to the tab.
trackpad functionality:
using two fingers on a trackpad enables you to scroll without using the arrow keys or a scrollbar! using two fingers to move up on your trackpad moves a page down, and using two fingers to move down on your trackpad moves a page up; using two fingers to 'push' a page to the left allows you to go back one page, and using two fingers to 'push' a page to the right allows you to go forward a page, if you have one to go to.
tapping with two fingers acts as right clicking.
tapping with three fingers opens up your start menu.
tapping with four fingers brings up your notification menu.
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aylavirizu · 2 years
get to know me better game (ty @ctrl-alt-cel for da tag ÷^D)
three ships: thiefshipping is my #1 rn but i am also an enjoyer of puppyshipping and puzzleshipping☝️☝️
first ship: uhh idk tbh?? it mightve been puzzleshipping but honestly,,, it could also have been tendershipping bc i have vague memories as a lil kid looking at pics of bakura on google bc he was and still is my fav and id see pics of yami and ryou bakura and be like "oh thats cool" and my ipad home screen was also fanart of them together but idk if i actually shipped them or was like "oooo pretty art" yk??
last song: queen fly by alice schach and the magic orchestra yk how freaking cool it is to make up ur own language to sing in bc god DAMN also that song gave me the inspiration to make my ocs butterflies
last movie: everything everywhere all at once w @ctrl-alt-cel i was sobbing bro
currently reading: i meannn nothing ig i dont get my hands on books that often but like, we're reading night by elie wiesel in english class so ill just say that for my answer lol
currently consuming: nothing but i JUST had a hershey's bar
currently craving: my millenium ring keychain to be fixed😔and money
and then i dont have any friends to tag</3 i just got here a couple weeks ago lmao
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Learn Emacs?
I think Emacs is something best learned on the side, as a platform - as a programming language, a REPL for that language, a set of libraries, a framework for making GUIs (primarily but not exclusively text-oriented ones), and a package ecosystem. But you should not actually try to use it as your primary text editor, or even learn it as such. If you're like me, you'll spread this journey out in many little tries over many years, and that's fine.
Try the goodies built into Emacs that are not text editing. Try dired. Try eshell. Install Magit and try that. Maybe install and try a preconfigured bundle of config and packages like Spacemacs, not to grow into it but just to see what it's like. Try some Org mode stuff. If you ever use SSH or FTP or whatever, or even just sudo, try TRAMP. Try TRAMP with dired, try TRAMP with eshell, try TRAMP with anything else neat that you've found.
If you're like me, you'll probably walk away after each little thing thinking "yeah okay that's neat, But I don't really get what the big deal is, I could do the same with thing [...]". You'll notice how you could compose a lot of little UNIX programs together to do the same stuff, and you'll like that design more. You'll be annoyed by the startup time vs Neovim, you'll be annoyed by the out-of-the-box deficits relative to VS Code and IntelliJ's stuff and so on. That's fine. The goal is to gradually sample the platform.
To a much lesser extent, only if you're interested in sampling yet another possibility for text-editing interfaces, you might want to try learning its out-of-the-box keybindings for text editing, but... look, personally I think the out-of-the-box experience is at best bad-relative-to-what-you-already-know. I tried it a few times and for me, vi-style modal access to cursor movements and edit operations is a far bigger win than Emacs-style modifier-key access to the same.
You will see mentions of swapping Ctrl and Alt, because that's the layout on the old computers that Emacs' defaults were designed for. You'll also hear people suggest rebinding CapsLock to Ctrl. Honestly I think this is a lower-value detour, presupposing that Emacs as an editor out-of-the-box is worth learning, if only you could just optimize it a little to not give yourself RSI. But if you're going to do that, I suggest also trying Sticky Keys. Maybe it's just me, but I find Emacs' constant modifier key demands far more ergonomic if I can latch or lock modifiers as-needed.
Eventually, once you learn Emacs-as-a-platform enough, you'll start to see that all the little lisp functions and "modes" do a better job of being small composable pieces that do one thing well than UNIX CLI programs. Once you're sufficiently fluent in Emacs-as-a-platform, you'll find it easier to implement the behavior you want in Emacs than in the shell, or in your favorite editor.
And then, only then, will it have been worth it to have learned Emacs. Because then you can build your editor in Emacs. If nothing else, there's a critical mass where it becomes easier to incrementally improve your favorite editor by emulating it in Emacs first. And someone else has probably already done most or all of that work. And then you can keep incrementally improving on it, converging on an editor that's personally optimized to you - a bespoke tailored tool for exactly your mind.
Or that's the idea anyway. I'm not at the end of that journey, I'm just forecasting where it leads. After years of on/off poking at Emacs in various forms, I'm finally fluent enough that I'm incrementally creating something better than my favorite editor (and shell, and window-managing workflow) within Emacs. Not for the sake of doing anything with Emacs, but just because it feels faster and easier within Emacs now than outside of it. I don't know where this lurch ends. Every other lurch into Emacs ended with disappointment, with just enough inefficiency or annoyances that I just gave up on it. This is the first one that felt like it could end with me switching to Emacs as my main thing, but it's still entirely possible that this too will run out of steam.
And that's fine, that's the whole point I'm getting at. Every time I've jumped into Emacs, I made some sort of progress. And then I jump back out and run for a while with a terminal, shell, vi, and various CLIs as my daily tools, because I have to get stuff done after all. Sometimes I did some mix of both - I have memories of using Spacemacs to edit and a separate terminal with a shell for git.
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lessrthanthree · 2 years
doing homework in one language while listening to music in a second language and being talked to by someone in a third language is the ctrl alt del of the brain processing unit
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umio-log · 2 years
Favorite 2022
         →2012 →2013 →2014 →2015 →2016 →2017 →2018 →2019 →2020→2021
The Glitch Mob - Ctrl Alt Reality
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Diplo – Diplo
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EPROM, G Jones -  Acid Disk 2
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Domi & JD - Beck Not Tight
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Overmono - Cash Romantic
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Daphni  Cherry
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Sudan Archives - Natural Brown Prom Queen
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Huerco S. - Plonk
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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Unlimited Love
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S.Murk - Circuitbreaks
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µ-Ziq - Hello
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Terminal 11 - The Heaviness Of Hovering EP
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Guchon -  CTX012
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권은비(KWON EUN BI) - Glitch
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Ebi Soda - Honk If You're Sad
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加藤ミリヤ - オトナ白書
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Limre - ロキノンサンセット
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Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
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VaVa - tAtu
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Bodysync - Radio Active
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Ado - 新時代
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Clark - 05-10
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The 1975 - Being Funny In A Foreign Language
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BOP - Renaissance
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↓ →2021年
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nameofallteams · 23 days
299 Hackathon Team Names For Codefest Contests
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Choosing a creative and unique team name can set the tone for a successful hackathon or coding competition. Whether you're looking for something funny, clever, tech-inspired, or just plain cool, a strong team name can boost your team’s energy and make you stand out. Here's a comprehensive list of 299 hackathon team names that will inspire your coding journey and bring a little fun to the world of code. Tech & Coding-Themed Team Names These names pay homage to the world of programming, with a nod to various coding languages, frameworks, and tech culture: - Null Pointers - The Bug Slayers - Code Monkeys - Debug Thugs - Stack Overflows - Code Warriors - Ctrl+Alt+Defeat - Syntax Terminators - The Hack Street Boys - The Programmed Ninjas - Git Pushers - Byte Me - Code Crackers - Binary Bosses - Full Stack Force - 404: Team Not Found - Algorithmic Avengers - Ctrl+Alt+Elite - Runtime Terror - The Codebreakers Funny Hackathon Team Names A little humor never hurts, and these funny team names will show your competitors you mean business but are still ready to have fun: - Compiling Errors - Segmentation Fault - Java the Hutt - The Semicolon Squad - Mission Unpossible - The Loops of Fury - Noobz R Us - Pirates of Silicon Valley - #IncludeUs - Hack of All Trades - Hack to the Future - The Internet Explorers - Debugger Ducks - Return of the Bug - Bros Who Code - Coding Ninjas - Error 404: Name Not Found - Keyboard Ninjas - The Rebooters - Too Lazy to Fail AI & Machine Learning Team Names If your hackathon team is all about AI, data science, or machine learning, these names will help showcase your tech-savviness: - Neural Net Ninjas - The Tensor Kings - Machine Learning Maestros - AI Aces - Algorithm Architects - Bot Squad - Deep Learning Dynamos - The Neural Networkers - The Data Wizards - Intelligent Agents - Quantum Quants - Data Miners - Code AI-lerts - Model Builders - Artificial Intelligentsia - Predictive Pioneers - Cognitive Coders - Matrix Manipulators - Hidden Layers - Data Decoders Cybersecurity-Themed Team Names For teams focused on security challenges, these cybersecurity-related team names are perfect for showing off your hacking prowess: - The Firewalls - Hacktivists - White Hat Warriors - Secure Coders - Encryption Experts - The Ethical Hackers - Cyber Sleuths - Malware Exterminators - Security Buffs - Phishing Phighters - Trojan Warlocks - The Encrypted Ones - 2-Factor Freaks - Cyber Defenders - The Hash Slingers - Data Guardians - Zero-Day Warriors - Penetration Pals - Bug Busters - Cyber Ninjas Web Development Team Names For web developers, these team names give a nod to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end/back-end web technologies: - HTML Heroes - CSS Messiahs - JavaScript Junkies - Full Stack Fanatics - The DOM-inators - The Bootstrap Bros - AJAX Avengers - The Responsive Rangers - Web Wizards - React Native Nerds - CSS Assassins - The Code Inspectors - Front-End Force - RESTful Rebels - The Static Shockers - HTML Hackers - The Webcrawlers - The Devtools Division - The Angular Attackers - The Web Geeks App Development Team Names If your hackathon project focuses on mobile or app development, these app-themed names are a great fit: - App-tivists - The Swift Squad - Android Annihilators - iOS Innovators - Appetite for Code - The Mobile Marvels - Swift Slayers - App Architects - Java Junkies - The App Legends - App Attackers - Mobile Mavericks - CodeCraft Mobile - Code Surgeons - Swift Coders United - The Droid Squad - Mobile Ninjas - Push Notification Ninjas - Mobile Machine - App-o-Holics Cloud Computing Team Names For cloud-based hackathon projects, these team names reflect the high-flying world of cloud computing: - Cloud Commandos - The Cloud Gurus - Azure Avengers - Serverless Savants - The Cloud Native Coders - Lambda Legends - AWSome Team - Cloud Kings - Kubernetes Killers - Cloud Control - The Skycoders - SaaS-nators - The Cloud Conquerors - Fog of War - Multi-Cloud Magicians - The Elastic Engineers - API Avengers - The Cloud Nine Coders - Hybrid Heroes - Server Sorcerers Hardware & Robotics Team Names If you're building something physical or diving into robotics, these team names will represent your hands-on spirit: - RoboCoders - The Circuit Breakers - Hardware Heroes - Byte Bots - The Gearheads - Code Mechanics - Automation Nation - IoT Innovators - The Robotic Rulers - The Motherboard Mafia - The Pi-thons (for Raspberry Pi fans) - Servo Kings - RoboWarriors - Giga-Bots - Robotica Legion - RoboCrafters - The Hardware Hustlers - Code-Bots - Wires and Bytes - Circuit Crushers Team Names for Data Science Enthusiasts Data is king in today’s tech world. If your hackathon project is focused on data science, analytics, or big data, these names will resonate: - Data Crunchers - The Big Data Ballers - Data Wizards - Insight Igniters - The Number Crunchers - Data Whisperers - Data Wranglers - The Data Syndicate - Big Data Brainiacs - The Data Scientists - Analytics Avengers - Data Crushers - The Predictive Pirates - Data Knights - The Data Streamers - Data-Driven Divas - Cloud Data Creators - The Insight Masters - The Trend Trackers - The Data Geniuses AI-Powered Team Names For teams diving deep into artificial intelligence, these AI-themed names will make your team sound cutting-edge: - AI Revolutionaries - Machine Learning Masters - The AI Innovators - The Intelligent Agents - The Neural Network Ninjas - Cognitive Coders - DeepMind Devs - The Algorithm Analysts - AI All-Stars - Neural Ninjas - Cognitive Craftsmen - Brain-Byte Bots - The Learning Machines - Reinforcement Raiders - AI Enforcers - The Code Intelligentsia - Artificial Intelligence Alliance - Smart Coders - Deep Learning Hackers - The Singularities Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Team Names If your hackathon project revolves around blockchain technology or cryptocurrency, these names will let everyone know your focus: - Blockchain Bandits - Crypto Crusaders - The Ledger Legends - Decentralized Dynamos - Blockchain Brains - The Mining Minions - Crypto Kings - Smart Contract Coders - The Hash Shredders - The Decentralizers - Block by Block - Token Traders - Satoshi’s Army - The Coin Cowboys - Blockchain Innovators - Crypto Wizards - The Ledger Lords - Crypto Knights - The Chain Reactions - Decentralization Nation Futuristic & Cool Team Names For teams that want to project a futuristic, tech-savvy image, these cool and edgy team names are perfect: - The Quantum Coders - Cyber Knights - Future Forward - The Innovators - Technotron - CodeBots United - The Code Lords - The Next Gen Coders - The Future Thinkers - Cyberspace Kings - The Singularity Seekers - Innovation Igniters - The Virtual Vanguard - Tech Titans - The Cybernauts - Matrix Manipulators - Codebreak Revolution - The Next Big Thing - The Inno-Masters - The Futurists Short & Catchy Team Names Short and snappy names can be memorable and impactful. Here are more concise hackathon team names that pack a punch: - Byte - Hex - Sync - Bug - Algo - Bits - Ping - Bash - Null - Flux - Node - Cache - Chip - CodeX - Loop - Botz - OptiCode - HackX - Cipher - DevOps Geeky & Nerdy Hackathon Team Names For the teams that embrace their inner geeks and nerds, these names will proudly show your love for all things tech: - Nerd Herd - Geek Squad - The Binary Beasts - The Nerdy Bunch - Techie Titans - Code Geeks - Digital Dorks - Nerd Ninjas - Geek Gods - Geek Mode - The IT Crowd - Nerd Alert - Geek Freaks - The Byte-Sized Geeks - Coder Clan - Pixel Geeks - The Nerd Brigade - Geek Avengers - Tech Nerds - Debugging Nerds Space & Sci-Fi-Inspired Team Names For the team with a love for outer space, science fiction, or cosmic mysteries, these team names are out of this world: - Space Invaders - Starship Hackers - The Code Awakens - The Codalorian - Cosmic Coders - Galaxy Brains - The Warp Drivers - Code Nebula - Hyper Hackers - Astro Coders - Rocket Propelled Coders - Space Hackers - Intergalactic Innovators - The Code Side of the Moon - Star Commanders - Beyond the Code - The Black Hole Bytes - Planet Hack - The Code Trek Conclusion There you have it—299 creative, funny, and inspiring hackathon team names that will bring your coding team together, boost your confidence, and make you stand out at your next Codefest or hackathon. Whether you want something witty, techy, or futuristic, this list offers a wide variety of options to help your team express its identity and creativity. So, pick the name that resonates with your group’s energy, and get ready to code your way to victory! Read the full article
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benefits1986 · 2 months
xocial xp
Fear not for I am with you, even if you feel like you don't exist.
Shit post incoming because today is a day of social experiments to the tune of "Here's Me Trying Not To Be Avoidant And How I'm Failing So Far" however, let's go. We're giving the warm-up games of life a good try. Perhaps, this might cure my perpetual boredom and non-existent pake.
Hmmmm... how do we start?
I guess I really find it weird to talk to people who are the exact opposite of my lived realities. Bakit naman kasi minsan na nga lang ako mag-yes sa mga social experiments tapos ang usual takada e mga kakaibang nilalang na 'di ko naman kauri as a non-class s na halimaw? LOL. Alam mo 'yung okay sige. Eto ko. Ano ka diyan? Ganern. Nakakatawa lang din kasi in fairness naman, may glimmers (?) kahit shimmering on the surface. Wala e. Ano ka pa ba? Ano pa beyond the obvious ka? That is what I wanna dig... deep and hard. Rar. Ganern. And so, ayun na nga. 'Yan na lang muna because... abangan na lang natin ang mga kaganapang susunod. Ayun.
Ganito, oks naman burger with large fries and large drinks. Pero calamares sa kanto girllly ako e. Pero puwede rin naman baby squid na calamari na may lemon sa ibabaw tapos may garlic aioli dip with freshly crushed black pepper. Ayun lang muna.
Saka ko na lang kwento 'pag may ending na. Ending agad? LOL. Basta. IYKYK. EMS.
Next, nagdasal ako ng taimtim sa favorite church ever ko kahit 'di naman ako nagsisimba madalas. Super rare akong mag-church kasi wala lang. I fucking hate traditions. Tonight, opak. Todo dasal mode tayo for some things na kailangan ng matindeng divine intervention. Halos walang tao at may lamig pa ang kakapatay lang na AC kaya naman, kahit 'di na umabot sa Adoration Chapel because kakatamad magtanggal ng shoes (Hahahaha), hala sige. Magandang move 'to.
Nakakatawa 'yung dasal ko. Actually, pinagdasal ko na 'yung isang intention mga 12 years ago. OPAK. Pero, looking back, hindi siya taos-puso noon. Medyo lang. Kung baga, hindi siya half-assed pero 'di siya full force tulad nung pinagdasal ko mom ko sa last breaths niya. LOL. 'Di rin siya tulad ng pagdadasal ko para sa ngalan ng Ikot at Toki kahit 'di naman ako magiging bona fide ever bilang doon lang tayo sa hanash ng grad school. LOL. Mga pinagdadasal ko talaga, weird noh? 'Yung mga pang-legit deliksss levelsss 10000000 na.
And so, etong isa kong intention, iba na siya ngayon. Shemayyyy. Hahaha. Mabait na ako. LOL. On track. LUH. Shettttt. Ayun lang. No prayer reveal. Saka na 'pag nasagot na. Or baka naman ang sagot talaga ay no. LUH.
Second and pinaka number 1 ngayon e 'di naman para sa akin. Lagi naman yatang mga 80% ng dasal ko 'di para sa akin. As a sinner in scarlet kasi ako. Hahahaha. Saka, ayun, parang oks naman ako in general kahit spiral malala. Hahaha. Grabe 'yung hugot ng prayer na 'to kasi naman, naman, naman. Ayun. 'Di na lang din muna reveal because feelings natin about this szn e pina-process pa natin mainam.
Speaking of processing feelings, para maiba naman. Eto na. Magiging non-negotiable ko na talaga ang mga tao na 'di marunong makinig. Kasi ako, oks akong listener na madalas delulu cheerleader pa tapos kahit deliks na, enabler pa ako. So, kapag ako, nagpakawala ng feelings na 'di naman madalas, aba, sana naman e magkaroon ng small ears, hearing, hearing all the time. IYKYK.
In general 'to, sa lahat ng aspects. Here's me trying to communicate how I feel, why I feel, and what I feel na. 'Di na tayo autopilot na problem solver na delulu solulu ang stress language sa life. Ending burnout - hiatus - CTRL ALT DEL. In the same manner, siguro need ko rin i-reintroduce sarili ko lalo na small circle ko. :p
Simply put, 'pag walang empathy kausap ko, EKIS ka na agad. TRIPLE EKIS. Perioddddttzzz. Bye. Kahit sino ka pa. Kahit ano ka pa. Wala akong pake. 'Di na talaga ako magpapalampas ng mga red flags ngayon. Tapos na ako diyan.
Or baka naman, time to prune it again. Hala siya. Small na nga, gawin pa nating smaller and smaller circle? EMS. Abangan. Puwede namang sa outside the small circle pero nasa circle pa rin 'di ba? Minsan kasi talaga, when you change (sana naman for the better), may mga maa-outgrow ka talagang connections kahit gaano pa sila ka-deep or kaya naman, mage-evolve mala-Pokemon ang mga connections mo na 'to kung both parties ay willing and able consistently. O, child. This is very, very curious.
As a recovering AA (avoidant anonymous), sige, let's give things a good try, unti-unti on the way to lagi-lagi. EMSSSSS. Hahahahaha.
Lordeeee naman, bakit 'yung prayer kong isa mabilis ang mga kaganapan or social construction na naman ba 'to bilang a chair is not a chair in the same manner that a chair is chair, too? CHARAUGHT. Paki fast-track 'yung number 2 kasi nga, marami na naman akong bagong pimples na mala-bulutong tubig dagat kakaisip. Hahahaha. Pero sabi nga... Fear not for I am with you. Add ko na rin: Fear not for I am with you, even when you feel like 'di ka valid lalo na hidden feelings mo. HAHAHAHAHA. Sino ka dyan? Let's go for purple people who will actually listen in kasi deserve ko 'yan. Need ko 'yan kahit ayoko siya. Hahahahahaha. And don't be mean naman din to people who don't give a shit about listening. Malay mo, mismong sarili nila, 'di nila pinakikinggan kaya ganun sila? Or baka, ayaw lang din nilang pakinggan sarili nila kasi it's easier and less risky. Usto mo yun? Bait ko na 'di ba? Hahahahahaha.
Note to shit self: 'Wag nating ipilit na magbago o umayon ang mga tao sa non-negotiables natin. Please lungs. Nasubukan na natin 'yan ages ago, kaya, paki usap. Tantanan na.
I feel better as I am ending this shit post. Bukas ulit! Time to go biking with the wonky B babbbbyyyyy. Forda unli ahon incoming soon. HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI. And check natin kung road to riding a scooter na rin 'to na matagal ko na ring tinatanaw on weekends along Tags and the sedated south streets. AHOOO. ACHOOOO. Let's keep failing forward, taruuhhhh!
Iba ang Leo szn 2024. Roaring rar. Blazing in all shades of blue. Keep it up. Keep up. Maiba naman. Brene Brown szn is officially on and on and on. LUH SIYA, MHIE. Katakowwwttt.
PS: Milestone ko today forda small win is I talked to this mala-parental ko sa community. I look and feel peaceful daw. OPAK. Sabi ko after all this time? EMS. Nagpa-thank you ako with kinda tiny tear that doesn't fall because, alam mo na. O baka kasi nga, magkamukha kami ng nanay kong dragon sa szn na 'to. Baka final szn ko na rin 'di po ba? Sobrang tagal ko rin 'tong inantay. Mga 12 years. Hahahaha. O baka kasi outta MNL na rin tayo because... abangan!
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