#ct's claims just cemented the bond between the two
honey-beezer · 2 years
First in Flight, First to Fight
A/N: This is my first bit of creative writing in a while, so I’m probably pretty rusty atm, but figured if I don’t just start posting, then I’ll never let myself by holding some standard that will forever rise. The eternal rivalry between OH and NC is too fun to pass up anyways. Any suggestions/notes are appreciated!
Word Count: 700
 The question that prompted the argument could have been considered innocent enough if it was posed by anyone other than Florida: “Who was really the first state to fly?” Both Ohio and North Carolina had been sitting around; Carolina had his feet kicked up as he munched on an apple, while Ohio was reclining and reading a book.
 When asked about it later, Florida said the statehouse had been too quiet for his liking, and North Carolina and Ohio just happened to be in the same room while he was talking to Louisiana nearby. It was practically begging to happen. As soon as the sentence left Florida’s mouth, the states in the kitchen fell silent apart from the audible sigh that sounded much like Gov.
 North Carolina broke the silence and made the first move, scoffing as he said, “Well, of course it’s me. The Wright brothers flew in Kitty Hawk,” which was apparently the spark that lit Ohio’s fuse.
 “Oh really? Remind me again, where were they from?” He answered with his face still in his book. A few sets of eyes started peeking from behind the door frames, curious as to which way the argument would turn. Sometimes they would “agree to disagree,” but others could be yelling matches that kept up for hours.
 “Just because they were from Ohio don’t mean you’re the first to fly,” Carolina held, rolling his eyes as he set the mostly forgotten apple he was eating on the table. “If it hadn’t been for the Kill Devil Hills, the Wright brothers wouldn’t have left the ground.”
 “But they still made the plane in Dayton,” Ohio pressed, setting the book aside and turning to Carolina. “You’re just the last stepping stone of the journey.”
 By now, most of the states had gathered at the doors of the room. Florida started going around taking bets and running the pool while Louisiana kept Gov from breaking the fight. Both states in the debate had turned to each other, still seated but prepared to get up at a moment’s notice.
 “It was only proven possible after coming to me. If they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have left the ground,” Carolina countered, voice growing a bit louder as he spoke. Ohio stood up at that, with Carolina rising to meet him, voice matching Carolina’s volume as he said, “Everything was still designed here. Dayton was where the first plane was born.” A murmur of excitement swept through the onlookers, some already exchanging money when a new voice pierced the room. “Both of you are wrong anyway. Whitehead’s got the Wright brothers beat by two years.”
 A new silence covered the room as every set of eyes turned to the source of the statement, falling on Connecticut who looked confident in his remark as he leaned against a door frame. The new silence was charged as eyes shifted between the old rivals and the new competitor. It held for a second. Then a minute. Then Ohio and North Carolina glanced at each other, nodding as their eyes met, before fully turning toward Connecticut.
 To the rest of the states, it was honestly startling how well the two states argued together. Both immediately tore into Connecticut like they had been preparing for weeks. Their combined fury created a rant that lasted 10 minutes, tearing into the lack of witnesses, evidence, and publicity. Once they were done, the pair strode out side by side, leaving a sputtering Connecticut in their wake.
 When they stepped out the door and onto the porch, North Carolina and Ohio looked at each other and started laughing, falling to the ground and holding one another’s shoulders as they gasped for air. “That never gets old,” Ohio said as he wiped away the tears in his eyes.
 “Did you see Connecticut though? Boy looked so full of himself, actin’ all cocky. Seein’ him gaping like a fish was the icing on top,” Carolina cackled, sending the two back into their laughing fit. When they finally calmed down a bit, they leaned shoulder to shoulder, catching their breath with quiet giggles still escaping into the afternoon wind.
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