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worldpopulationday · 3 months ago
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session, Day 3 - Afternoon.
The Committee will focus on four areas of social development, namely: (1) future-proofing social protection systems in Asia and the Pacific in view of key megatrends including demographic trends, climate change and digitalization to address vulnerabilities and support sustainable social development, (2) building inclusive and comprehensive social protection systems in the face of emerging challenges as well as the Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific, endorsed by the Committee in October 2020, (3) social and economic challenges and opportunities associated with slower population growth and the shift towards a greater number and share of older persons, and (4) strengthening disability-inclusive development and disability rights, as well as Implementation of the Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032.
The Eighth Session of the Committee on Social Development will be convened in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
Watch the Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session, Day 3 - Afternoon!
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tasmendongtaspandan · 3 years ago
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Tas pandan bunga hias Tas pandan Tanya produk lain nya? WhatsApp 085-222-308-405 Grosiran selalu banyak stock beragam tas dan dompet Produk Kerajinan Rajapolah Tasikmalaya. Tolong diperhatikan Kami hanya melayani Pembeli yang serius. Kerajinan Tangan Rajapolah Menjual Produk Kerajinan Rajapolah. PIN BB : D42C717D No hape : 085222308405 Untuk pemberian harga spesial all produk silahkan add : - WeChat : hario_abrianto - WhatsApp : hario abrianto ( +6285222308405 ) - Line : harioabrianto2 - Kakao Talk : harioabrianto Blog kami : Blog 1 : http://ragamhandicraftrajapolah.wordpress.com/ Blog 2 : http://rajapolahkerajinantangan.blogspot.com/ Kunjungi Kami di : -Fans Page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kerajinan.rajapolah -Twitter : https://twitter.com/RajapolahArt -Tumblr : http://kerajinanrajapolah.tumblr.com/ -Instagram : @kerajinanrajapolah - Devian art : kerajinanrajapolah #taspengajian #pengajian #pengajianpernikahan #souvenirpengajian #100hari #paketyasin #tahlilan #yasinan #pengajian100hari #40hari #souvenir40hari #souvenir100hari #siraman #souvenirsiraman #selametan #souvenirwisuda #wisuda #sertijab #souvenirsertijab #rapat #rapatkerja #souvenirrapat #bali #kuta #denpasar #taspandan #clutchpandan #dompetpandan #taskeben #tasmendong (di Malang Town Square (MATOS)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSd8-ptF07L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cristeldesign · 3 years ago
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🖍 Preparando materiales para nuevas clases del próximo curso, que daré en @skillshare ¡y en español! 🍹El verano es ideal para relajarse con acuarelas o con actividades que nos ayuden a descansar y a usar las manos. Ejercicios sencillos para aprender las técnicas básicas mientras creamos nuestras piezas para montar un collage. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que pintaste con acuarelas?: Cuéntamelo en los comentarios con un 1,2,3 ó 4. ¡O tu propia respuesta! 1️⃣ En el cole 2️⃣ Hace un mes 3️⃣ Esta semana 4️⃣ Ya ni me acuerdo 💚💚💚 #watercolorlettering #watercolorletters #watercolorclass #watercolorforbeginners #watercolorfun #watercolortutorial #acuarelafácil #acuarelaparaprincipiantes #acuarelasconcristel #skillshareclass #skillshare #clasesenespañol #acuarelasobrepapel #collageacuarela #acuarelacollage https://www.instagram.com/p/CSd8-XIoGHr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gingermck · 3 years ago
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After a long but nice day on the road, I’m almost settled in … taking a breather before turning in to catch some of the @olympics equestrian events. I outlasted my unpacking partner. #rosie 🏇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSD8-qYLl-H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Courtship, God, biblical beliefs, respect and good manners are an important trait. Even in part of old-fashioned romance it was about finding a partner to marry ( although sadly some didn't follow it) it was about getting married and not only about commiting fornication (one night stands). In courtship dating, Saying "please," "thank you," "sorry," and "excuse me" isn't supposed to seem as a fussy formality. Interactions that are made with warm personality and being personally nice by using names and smiling are good traits. Showing respect for boundaries and going at things biblically and correctly is a pace that both parties should be comfortable with, it is important. Now Bad boy and bad girl tactics like being late, missing a lot of phone calls, a condescending tone and attitude, and acting like you know more than they do, or making a person feel like they aren't anything but a "candyshop" or treat them like they are a child, or force them to be with you even if God says they aren't the one but go against God's will to be with them is a no-no in courtship along with other things that are a no-no. Now today many people don't want to do this, they rather get what they can and leave and that's wrong. They rather sin than to live in abstinence and wait till marriage. Let's not be like the world, let's do God's will and wait on His timing. Being absent from fornication (sexual immorality) and waiting til marriage is actually good and right to do, the world doesn't know how good it is to go God's way. So let's turn our back to the world and turn our eyes upon Jesus and keep our eyes on Him and live in allegiance to Him and His will fully and completely. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSD8-GrrccA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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underthecitysky · 5 years ago
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worldpopulationday · 3 months ago
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session, Day 2 - Afternoon.
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session, Day 2 - Afternoon
The Eighth Session of the Committee on Social Development will be convened in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
Watch the Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session, Day 2 - Afternoon!
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worldpopulationday · 3 months ago
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 2– Morning).
The Eighth Session of the Committee on Social Development will be convened in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
Watch the Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 2 – Morning)!
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worldpopulationday · 3 months ago
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 1 – Afternoon).
The Eighth Session of the Committee on Social Development will be convened in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
The Committee will focus on four areas of social development, namely: (1) future-proofing social protection systems in Asia and the Pacific in view of key megatrends including demographic trends, climate change and digitalization to address vulnerabilities and support sustainable social development, (2) building inclusive and comprehensive social protection systems in the face of emerging challenges as well as the Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific, endorsed by the Committee in October 2020, (3) social and economic challenges and opportunities associated with slower population growth and the shift towards a greater number and share of older persons, and (4) strengthening disability-inclusive development and disability rights, as well as Implementation of the Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032.
Related Sites and Documents
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session.
Watch the Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 1 – afternoon)!
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worldpopulationday · 3 months ago
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 1 – Morning).
The Eighth Session of the Committee on Social Development will be convened in-person at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
The Committee will focus on four areas of social development, namely: (1) future-proofing social protection systems in Asia and the Pacific in view of key megatrends including demographic trends, climate change and digitalization to address vulnerabilities and support sustainable social development, (2) building inclusive and comprehensive social protection systems in the face of emerging challenges as well as the Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific, endorsed by the Committee in October 2020, (3) social and economic challenges and opportunities associated with slower population growth and the shift towards a greater number and share of older persons, and (4) strengthening disability-inclusive development and disability rights, as well as Implementation of the Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032.
Related Sites and Documents
Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session.
Watch the Committee on Social Development, Eighth Session (Day 1 – Morning)!
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