naffeclipse · 7 months
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Out in the desert! I'll let you know if I come across a tongue-eater (if I can still tell the tale).
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 1 month
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"Ssoo... What's your story, sir-"
"Please, child. Call me Mel. That's my birth name."
"Okay. What's your story, Mel?"
"My story begins when a man who is part of my family tree decides to destroy a witch's home. The witch didn't love that at all. So she came back from her tomb and cursed my family. The curse was that if our families ever had boys, they'd become ghost-like creatures when the boys turned 40."
"Why only boys?"
"Because it was the man who decided to destroy the witch house."
"A-are there other boys in your family that turned into these spirits?"
"No... I was the first... Now I go by the name that everyone in town gave me!"
"What name?"
"The Floating Skull."
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List of people I’m afraid of because they have too much power:
Figure Skaters
Anyone who’s ever worked on stop-motion animation
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reddfishket · 5 months
yknow what's funny. touch tone telephone by lemon demon shaped an entire oc for me
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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heartslabyul cryptid???
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crypitd · 1 year
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Hey everyone! I will be participating my first Inktober, with a twist.
Since I realized too late it was going to be October, I needed time to think. I thought, why not go back to the good ol'days of my illustration courses, give myself time to sketch, and plan, but also do it all within constraints.
I've taken the Official Inktober prompts, have them constrained within the 6-7 prompts, as the order is listed (no mix and match!), and post it once every Friday of October. Hopefully resulting in a cohesive illustration.
I don't know if this is done before, so please let me know if this was already a thing, but if it isn't, then please tag me if anyone does this!
As per Fat Bird Friday schedule, they will resume after Inktober.
Happy inking!
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cryptids-stories · 2 years
Another Christian who likes cryptids? Do me eyes decive me? 😯
Hehe yess I frimcken love weird little creatures
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I love following people who just reblog the same post over and over again it’s so funny
That being said willcamposleftnut has been supplying me with women and old men in crop tops over the last few days
Everyone say thank you willcamposleftnut
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What happened to Urban Legends?
I feel like I am the only one on this, but I have been thinking about the classic urban legends. Like the killer in the backseat sort of thing. I remember there where all these urban legends everyone knew a version of. But then no one seems to care about telling them. Does anyone care about cryptids anymore? I feel like ever since Slenderman was created that seems to be the cause of decline in old ways that urban legends where told. Now its all on the internet I know I sound like an old person but, I really feel like we letting a form of storytelling die out. You can find out the origin of the Slenderman story, but it's not the same as hearing about Bloody Mary. I am willing to do my part and make myself into an urban legend.
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Cryptid concept #3
So like you know when your hand gets that tingly feeling
Yeah it’s just static man trying to steal your hand.
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crypitd Mikey is so baby, Leo need to take care of two babies now
Nothing new, if you ask meh lol
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naffeclipse · 6 months
inky slime, if you will
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 1 month
You know... The Skull Face Medic...
He might come back...
BUT as a creature as his own. With the skull face because I think it's cool.
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Years ago at my old church I learned all the books of the Old Testament by singing them to the tune of Yankee Doodle and now whenever I’m looking for a specific book in the Old Testament I’ll sing the song in my head and it occurs to me that most other people probably don’t do that when reading the Bible
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salad-006 · 4 months
you should make Eddigma a gf for funsies
The idea of trying to get this fuckin crypitd a gf and expecting it to turn out well or for him to even care is so funny to me .no offense but i think I should bring you to my laboratory and put you in the mouse maze for examination
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
Random question for the crypitd au but why does spy leave scout alone? Is there s reason? Or does he just not mind scout
They barely remember anything about their previous lives. But the subconscious remains.
Even if they don't know why themselves, some things stays the same.
In this case he still subconsciously knows Scout is his son.
That doesn't mean he will help him, just that he doesn't want to hurt him. He'll leave him alone as long as Scout leaves him alone.
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