simkjrs · 7 years
your writing is stunning. ive been reading fanfiction a long time and i have never come across anything as good as your fics. not once. im so glad you take the time out to write all this while getting basically nothing in return, & i cant wait to see where youre going with your ideas. have you written any original fiction? do you plan to? id read absolutely anything you post, regardless of whether i love the characters already. thank you so much for treating us to your fics.
hey thank you so much for this ask!! it brought a smile to my  face, i feel so flattered that you’d read my original fiction!!
right now, i’m mostly cutting my teeth writing-wise with these fics. i do have a couple story ideas lying around though,
the story of kolepsis 
when persephone woke (podcast narrating the adventures of a cynical wanderer in a post-apocalyptic wasteland being dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing
crunode: the adventures of a talisman maker as the crossroads dimension she lives in starts falling apart
???: local woman’s home is destroyed by a war between different gods and their followers; decides the solution to this is to go kill the gods themselves
one day... they will be written
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brandonwaratah01 · 5 years
🍷 HelloO h e y hi! 💋
Health wise - h o p e all is Good !
M a t h e m a t i c a l & C r e a t i v e L i t e r a t u r e
‘ If the Siphanta sp. flew and glided in a repetitive crunode. What are the chances of it landing into a dragon fruit flower?’
- B r a n d o n v.p N g u y e n -
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