#crowley x castiel fanfiction
coastbox · 4 months
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what if castiel made a deal with crowley in front of dean
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ghoastixx · 3 months
SPN Boys w/ angel wing tattoo gn! reader
Synopsis: The Supernatural boys reaction to finding out you have angel wings tattooed onto your back.
Warnings: Mention of possible innuendos
When he sees them for the first time, he's suspicious. He's seen angels, knowing how tricky they can get.. Perhaps you were just another trick of Heaven to make him vulnerable. He doesn't like it
Once you both confirm that no, you are in fact not an angel, he chills out about it a bit.
Definitely asks you if you regret it now that you both know how big of dicks angels are.
Doesn't really ask about it. The most he would do is get drunk and ask why you got it but that's it. He really doesn't care much.
As much as he's indifferent about it, he'd eventually grow to adore it.
"Hey! Angel!" Castiel looks over, "No, not you. Y/N."
I personally think he would like to look at them. He would like it if you wore shirts with the back showing or no shirt at all.. He just wants to see them.
Much like his brother, he's a little suspicious at first, would interrogate you.
"Y/N," "Yes Sam?" "What's that tattoo for?" "Which tattoo." "On your back." "Angel wings?" "Yes." "Just liked them." "Oh."
He would trust you, especially if you have other tattoos that don't have to do with hunting or the such.
Would ask you about them, constantly referring to them as "Your wings."
A long day of interrogation of a town? He's patting the spot next to him on the small motel bed saying, "C'mere, I'll rub your wings for 'ya."
Messy hunt? "Go clean your wings off, Y/N."
It's even funnier if Dean doesn't know about the tattoo. He's so confused as to why his brother keeps mentioning you having wings. Assumes it's sexual.
He just..adores them? In a way he feels as if you are an angel sent to keep him in line.
He'd rather have you than other angels anyways.
Would 100% call you angel out of it. Forget any other nickname he may of been trying out, you are now just angel.
"So, angel, get this.."
He doesn't understand at first. At all. He will ask you about it.
"Why are you pretending to be an angel?" "Excuse me?" "You have wings drawn on.." "Oh, my tattoo?"
Once you explain it to him, he calms down a bit, but he's still a bit confused. Why did you get it, why angel wings? Why the specific design? Why on your back? Did it hurt? Lots of questions.
He likes them. Why wouldn't he? It makes him feel closer to you in a way.
Dean will refer to you two as "the match made in heaven."
It's cheesy.
I think Castiel would like tracing over them with his finger, dedicating it to mind.
He likes having something in common with you, in a way. He thinks it's endearing.
"Y/N," "Yes, angel?" "Take your shirt off," "Oh-Cas-" "I would like to examine your tattoo."
Oh this cocky bastard.
He's honored, for starters, or at least that's what he says.
"oh-Baby, what's that you got there?" "Gabriel, what are you talking about." "Those delicious wings you've been hiding from me."
He understands the concept of tattoos more than Castiel does, so he doesn't have too many questions.
He just thinks that they are hot, and honestly he is so valid for that.
"I mean- these are almost better than the real things!"
He likes to tease you about them, since he's in fact the inspo.
But, happy spouse is a happy house, he does constantly talk about how much he likes them. Constantly.
"C'mon sugar, let me see them again, please???" He loves to look at it, touch it, etc.
He gets sad when he remembers you don't actually have wings.
I do not think he'd be a fan.
Sure, he stands you as a human, but.. a human pretending to be an angel?
"Darling, you realize you're not an angel, correct?" "Yes, Luci." "Just making sure."
Sure, he wouldn't say anything about it to drive you away, but he thinks you have a lot of nerve.
He doesn't like to think about it too much.
Bud does not really like them much due to what they represent but he really doesn't care.
He'd go so far as to just call you an angel to go along with it.
he's really indifferent about it :/
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happy74827 · 5 months
The Demon With A Heart
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[Crowley x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When Crowley saves your life, you can't help but think it was a little more than self-interest.
WC: 1858
Category: 99.9% Sexual Tension (lmfao), 0.01% Fluff + Angst? {TW: Mentions of Demons (obvi), Murder}
Crowley is too iconic not to have fics. I said what I said.
You didn’t know how to react. It was as if your tongue was taken away, and you couldn’t talk, no matter how much you wanted to thank the man.
No, the demon.
You stood there with wide eyes, staring at the King of Hell, Crowley. He looked the same as before: a clean suit, a snarky comment, and a look of disgust on his face. But, instead of being on the opposite side, he was wiping the blood off of the angel blade he used to kill the angel that jumped you.
He just saved you—The King of Hell.
The very man who told Sam and Dean countless times that he doesn't do anything for free and doesn’t help people without getting something out of it. Yet, here he was, standing in front of you, not asking for a single thing.
The thought was a bit unsettling.
"Purely out of self-interest, darling," He says, breaking the silence and putting the stolen blade into his jacket. "Call it a favor that I plan to collect in the future."
He was about to leave, but you couldn’t let him go. Not without a thank you, at least. You didn't want him to think you didn’t appreciate what he did.
The man turns back around, his hands in his pockets, his expression unreadable.
"Thank you."
The corner of his mouth turned upward, forming a small smirk. He didn’t say anything but rather kept his eyes on you for a second longer. He then disappeared, leaving you in the dark.
And it did leave you in the dark. For days, weeks, months. He never came for that favor, and he never brought up what happened. In fact, he barely talked to you at all. It was always towards the Winchesters.
You began to believe it was nothing but a dream. That Crowley somehow didn't save you. The angel was a fake, and this was all some sick joke. It felt like gaslighting.
But you knew what happened was real. You remembered the blood splatter and the dead corpse. The way his face contorted when he pierced the angel's heart.
It was all too real.
So, why was he ignoring you? Why did he pretend that it never happened? Was he going to hold it over your head? Or was it just the fact that the King of Hell did something nice for a human?
Was it because he… cared?
One night, you got your answer. It was a quiet night filled with books, tea, and soft music. At least, it was before those idiotic brothers decided to tear down the bunker in search of some book.
You couldn’t remember the exact reason they needed it, but you were too tired to argue. So, you stayed in your room and tried to fall asleep.
That is until the lights went out and the emergency lights kicked on. Okay, now you were annoyed. You got up, slipped on your shoes and a coat, and walked out of your room.
"Alright, what did you two-"
You paused mid-sentence, eyes falling onto the figure in the library. The man was facing the opposite way, but you knew exactly who it was. The familiar black suit and hair gave it away.
"Hello, Darling,” he replied, turning around and smiling at you. It was almost unnerving. He didn’t have a malicious aura or even an evil one. Just... a smile.
You looked behind him and noticed… well, nothing. You were expecting the Winchesters to be with him, and yet, it was just him.
"Where are the boys?"
"Moose and Squirrel? Ah, they're off somewhere, doing... well, you know. Something heroic, I suppose. Figured I’d stick around… enjoy the scenery."
That’s when you looked up and understood what he meant. He was stuck, quite literally. Those devil traps they put everywhere finally did something good.
You half-expected him to bring up that 'favor' he was talking about or maybe even just demand to get out of there, but he did neither. Instead, he looked at the ground and sighed.
At the moment, the King of Hell looked just like a caged puppy, sad and alone. If he wasn’t such a… demon, you might have even felt bad for him.
But, you left him in there, strolling along to the kitchen to find some kind of light. You were not giving up your two hours of reading due to power loss.
As you shuffled through the cabinets, looking for any form of match or lighter, the lights flickered back on.
So that’s where the Winchesters were.
You shrugged and turned back to your room but stopped at the entrance to the library. Crowley was still there, but this time, his face was twisted. He was clearly pissed.
"Why did you do it?" The burning question you wanted answered for months finally came out. Crowley stopped his little fit and turned towards you, a confused expression on his face.
He looked like he had no idea what you were talking about.
"I do a lot of things, Chipmunk. You'll have to be more specific."
You walked towards him, resting down the candles and book on a nearby table. You didn’t know why, but the need to confront him was growing.
"Save me all those months ago."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
You were getting closer, now only a few feet from him. Crowley, however, didn’t back away. Instead, he watched as you moved, his expression unchanging.
"That angel could’ve killed me, yet you came out of nowhere and stabbed him. I know you don't do anything out of kindness, so why did you do it? What do I offer that no one else does?"
Crowley stayed silent for a while, not giving any indication of answering your questions.
You thought it was just a lost cause until his expression changed. It was subtle, but you caught it. The corner of his mouth turned down, and his eyes widened, then narrowed.
He almost looked ashamed.
"It's just like I said. Self-interest." He spat out, his voice sounding like venom. You almost took a step back. It still sounded like the same old Crowley, but his tone was different.
You decided to call his bluff.
"I don't believe you."
Crowley raised an eyebrow, a smirk coming across his face. He was amused by the sudden attitude, but it didn’t last long.
"And what makes you say that?"
"I saw the way you looked at me after you saved me. Hesitancy, almost. Like you were unsure. As if..."
The King of Hell stared at you, waiting for the last part of your statement. He was eager but not for the answer. No, he knew what you were going to say.
He was just waiting to hear it come out of your mouth.
"You care."
Those words hung in the air, both of you processing it. Crowley continued to stare at you, the smirk disappearing, leaving his face neutral. He had a blank expression.
A silence grew, the atmosphere turning awkward. It wasn't until the demon let out a loud sigh and looked to the side that it was broken.
"You’re really pulling on the heartstrings, Chipmunk,” he muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "If I had one, I'd say it was aching."
"Do you?"
You knew what you were implying. Crowley was the King of Hell, the ruler of the damned. He was the furthest thing from human, yet he could walk among them and, sometimes, be mistaken for one.
Was it possible for him to be human or even have emotions?
Crowley looked at you and frowned, clearly not liking the topic. But he didn't deny it. It was a strange sight—the King of Hell, frowning and silent.
It was almost adorable.
"I'm not asking for anything. I just… want an honest answer."
"Well, I am a demon, love,” He stated, his tone changing to a more playful one. “Honesty isn’t quite in the job description."
You were starting to get impatient, and it showed. Your voice was firm, and your posture was tense. You wanted an answer, and you were determined to get it.
The demon in question let out another sigh and looked at the ceiling as if praying for a quick escape.
"You're a pain, you know that? It's exhausting." He grumbled, rolling his eyes. "But, I suppose, since you asked nicely..."
The man looked at you, his lips pursed. He was still hesitating, which only made you more curious.
"Yes, I care. About you. Happy?"
You blinked a few times, processing the information. Did the King of Hell, the person known for not giving a shit, just admit he cares?
"I-" You started, not knowing what to say. It was a surprise but not an unwelcome one. Crowley wasn't exactly a bad guy, well, a demon.
"Do you actually mean that?"
"Now that…" Crowley started, his voice low and deep. He leaned towards you, making you back up, but the wall soon prevented you from going any further.
He was inches away, his breath hitting your face. You could see his eyes staring into yours—a pretty brown, like a mocha latte.
"…Is the kind of question that will get you in trouble, love."
You weren’t sure what he was planning, but you didn't care. The way his eyes were looking at you, the smirk on his face, the closeness...
He was probably expecting you to back away, but he was wrong. You were an avid reader, obsessive even. This scene wasn't new, nor was it shocking.
The only shocking part was the fact that you were the one in it. And, well, the fact that you didn’t mind it.
"Unlike you,” you whispered, a small smirk on your face. "I don’t care."
Your response made him pause for a moment, squinting his eyes and giving you a confused look. It only lasted a few seconds, though. Soon, he understood, and a chuckle escaped his lips.
You truly believed you were about to lose your chance with the man upstairs, but loud footsteps interrupted you.
"Crowley, you slimy son of a bitch! If you’re not here, we are going to-"
Dean stopped talking as he rounded the corner, seeing you and Crowley close. His expression was shocked, almost comical.
"The hell is going on here?"
You and Crowley both turned to look at Dean, a look of annoyance on the King of Hell's face. Sam came around the corner as well, sharing the same look of confusion.
Crowley gave you one last glance, a bit of disappointment in his eyes, before taking a step back. His attention moved on to the two hunters, his usual smile returning.
And despite the annoyance in the air and the confusion, the only thing that came across your mind was another question that you were sure would take control of your sleep schedule once again.
"Hello, boys," He purred, his arms moving to his side. He was back to his old self, not showing a single sign of what happened moments ago.
Had the beauty thawed the beast?
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jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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i❤️ supernatural
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lunajay33 · 4 months
I’ll Be There🤎
Summary: After Castiel gets tortured by other angels he shows up at your door, you were always his favorite and someone he could trust so you help clean him up
Pairing: Castiel x f!reader
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I was sitting at this dinky motel table doing some research on a case with my brothers, Sam and Dean, when there was a knock at the door followed by a groan
I got up placing my hand on my holstered gun and opened the door, there stood Castiel blood running down his nose and his shirt covered in blood either it be his or some other being
“Castiel what happened” I gasp wrapping my arm around his waist leading him carefully inside, I know he’s an angel but he’s still obviously hurting
“Some angels got me, wanted to know information on where the tablet might be, barely got away” he said slumping down the bed Dean was sitting on
“How’d you get away?” Dean asked
“One of them wasn’t as loyal to the cause and gave me a window to escape”
“Come on let me get you cleaned up hun” I smile reassuringly, I lend out my hand which he is quick to take as I lead him to the motel bathroom
“Sorry we couldn’t help, I hate seeing you like this” I say as I wet a cloth then gently dabbing at the dried blood in his nose
“I wouldn’t want you in harms way” after I washed the blood off his wound already seemed to have healed but his shirt was still bloody
“Please be more careful Cas I don’t know what I’d do without you” he stood towering over me
“I’d never leave you and if I did you’d still have Sam and Dean”
“Cas they’re my brothers that’s not how I see you”
“Do we not have a bond?” He asked confused in that endearing way
“Of course we do I just feel different about you” I say as a blush heats my face as I look up at his intense stare
“And how is it you feel?”
“I like you”
“Well I like you as well, all of you are my friends”
“No Castiel…….i really really like you”
“And I really really like you” he smiled, god this was frustrating
I took his hand and lead him back out to Sam and Dean
“We have a bit of an issue, I’m trying to tell Cas here how………..how I have feelings for him but he’s not really grasping it” admitting my feelings about Castiel to my brother is extremely embarrassing but all they do is smile
“Cas you can do that mind reading thing just read her mind and maybe you will understand what she’s talking about” Sam said trying to hide his mischievous smirk
Cas stood infront of me with a determined look as he placed his hands on my shoulders
“Do you consent to this?”
“Ummm sure” my eyes shone bright as my memories and feelings of him flickered through my head, the feeling of my beating heart speeding up when he’d glance at me and smile, or when he’d do anything cute my belly would fill with butterflies, when we first went and got ice cream together and his reaction at the first taste made me feel like joy was all that came when being around him
The light dimmed and we were back in reality, he looked at me with awe as if what I feel for him is crazy
“Your heart beats for me?” He asked tenderly as he covered my heart with his hand
“Always Cas”
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 year
Vices and Virtues
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Kinktober prompt: Threesome
Relationship: Crowley/Castiel x Reader
Content: 18+ only; threesome, unprotected sex, throat fucking, p in v, creampie, degradation, double penetration, oral (f and m receiving)
Summary: After a drunken ramble, an Angel of the Lord, and the King of Hell, both take on your challenge. Turns out, Angels can be just as depraved as demons.
A/N: to make Kinktober a little more exciting, i wanted to go with a pairing that doesn’t happen too often! if you have requests for other characters, let me know!
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Angels and demons have been polar opposites for millennia. Before you’d gotten into hunting, discovering what lurks in the dark, you had a basic idea of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. After some time you realized that, surprisingly, angels are dicks. It was something Dean professed every now and again.
Over time, while getting to know both an angel and a demon, it opened your eyes to a morally gray truth. Demons can sometimes have their reasons for raising Hell, sometimes even literally. Angels, despite their reputation in modern religion, weren’t always good.
Both angels and demons have both proven themselves at breaking their stereotypes. Demons weren’t always headstrong about painful torture, and angels cared too little about being ‘perfectly innocent”.
That realization hit you even harder now that you lay sprawled on the bed, with two pairs of eyes staring you down.
You were fully clothed, but with the way these two looked at you, you may as well have been stark naked. Crowley had been utterly silent, shifting glances between you and the angel. Contemplating.
Castiel, who had before been so awkward before, held an air of confidence, looking at you intently and giving a dark nod to Crowley. You sat up fully, crossing your legs as you looked between the two men, though that was a loose term.
“So,” you started, “what’s up?”
Your tone was level, but it didn’t dismiss the blush spread on your face, or the way your hair on your arms stood on end. You’d known precisely how you’d gotten into this situation, and it was all because of a stupid question a few weeks ago.
It was a simple evening for everyone to relax. You, the Winchesters, Crowley, Castiel, and Rowena had been drinking since you’d all gotten home from a long hunt. More like mission, really, but you were all home safe, and one piece. Some parts of that night had become fuzzy, but you couldn’t forget what you’d said to Castiel and Crowley when the others had left, or simply passed out.
“You think angels and demons have ever… heh… done it? Like, together?” Your words slurred together in a drunken stupor.
Castiel had given you a thoughtful look, but stared at the ceiling as he gave an answer.
“It would be possible, though it’s rather confusing. I can’t imagine an angel and demon taking one another into… the bedroom.”
Crowley piped up, “It’s only because our feathery friends think they’re above that. Total prudes, if you ask me.”
“Good thing no one asked you,” Castiel quipped, sipping his drink.
You’d all laughed it off, thinking that was the only time you would talk about it. After all, it was just a hypothetical joke, a drunken ramble.
You’d been wrong about that. It seemed that Crowley and Cas remembered every word and flirty smile you gave them that night. Crowley took a step toward you with his hands tucked behind his back, a smug smile spread across his face.
“I’m sure you recall what you’d said to us back then, about angels and demons, and their time in the bedroom.”
You froze, eyes wide up at him while he continued.
“It got me thinking,” Crowley nodded to Castiel, “that it could be more authentic if you had the real experience.”
You reeled over his words, the pit of your stomach grew heavy as you realized just what he meant. Castiel followed Crowley’s lead and stepped toward you, his face still as stone.
“Cas?” you asked, “Are you okay with this?”
He nodded solemnly, “I didn’t know how to… navigate the situation. I was given some help.”
You cocked your head to the side, looking between the two in confusion. Crowley smiled, nodding to the angel.
“I may have given Feathers a little something to, well, help us in this. Our sweet Castiel was feeling shy, so I decided to lend him a hand.”
Castiel rubbed his nose quickly, and it clicked. Crowley must have given him some sort of aphrodisiac for tonight. Castiel shifted on his feet, glancing down to his crotch, assessing when something would kick in.
“Come here, sweetness,” commanded the King of Hell, ushering you over with beckoning fingers. You did as you were told, striding over to the demon.
Crowley cupped your cheek, sweeping his thumb across your cheekbone. His eyes raked over your face, hovering on your lips before he leaned in, planting a soft kiss. You hummed into him, letting out a high moan into his mouth when you felt another warm body from behind.
A set of hands gripped your hips and drew them back, brushing fully against a newly hard Castiel. He ground into you gently as Crowley moved his lips fluidly with your own. A breath caught in your throat when Castiel’s lips found your neck, trained on the soft spot below your ear.
He sucked at your throat, adding a painful pressure that sent heat straight to your core. The marks you would have later would have a complicated explanation, for certain.
You whined softly into Crowley’s mouth, bringing out a deep hum from him. The demon’s hands finally moved down your body, taking their time over your shoulders, down to your chest, and to your waist. He kneaded softly at the supple flesh of your middle. Your head was spinning from the rush, unsure as to which man you should give your attention.
Sometimes, Castiel’s ability to read minds was irritating, but it was your saving grace tonight. His voice creeped over your hot skin as a low growl.
“You’re nervous,” he whispered. “You can’t decide what to do, correct? All I ask is that you breathe. Relax. Let us take care of the rest.”
You let out a bated breath, melting into the two men that kept you from falling apart at their voices. Castiel’s hands wandered to your front and moved upwards to your chest, gently palming your breasts through your shirt. You mewled softly when his fingers brushed over your nipples; he toyed with the hardened buds, rolling them between his fingers.
Crowley slipped under your shirt, pushing it upwards to your collarbone, exposing your aching breasts to the cold air of the room. He dipped his head to your chest, taking claim of a nipple from Castiel, swirling a warm tongue around it. You arched your chest into his touch, stomach tightening with each movement.
There was an air of urgency around you. You needed more, the glorious torture sent you in a tizzy, desperate for attention to your aching sex. Each part of you throbbed in unison, a soft cry for their touch.
“Someone’s growing impatient,” Castiel murmured against your skin. Crowley chuckled in reply before breaking away from you. He stared at you mischievously, snapping his fingers.
In the blink of an eye, your clothes vanished, as did Castiel and Crowley’s. Two thick cocks landed against your body, eager and throbbing with each grind into your nude form. Castiel eased his length against the middle of your ass, pumping himself on you. Crowley ground into you from the front, his heavy length pressed into your stomach.
Every part of you ached in need. To be touched. To be ravaged. To be fully used.
Crowley brought a hand to your neck, pressing firmly on either side to give you that crazed pleasure from lack of air. He urgently crashed his lips to yours as you struggled to breathe. His hand released you from its grip; the blood rushing back in had you panting, a sloppy smile on your face as you ogled the demon.
It was Castiel’s hands that were more greedy, to your surprise. He took his time groping your ass, your hips, your breasts.
“Seems that our angel appreciates your looks just as much as I do,” Crowley purred against your neck, leaving wet kisses in his wake. You shivered at the air that blew across your skin, bucking your hips into Castiel’s length.
Crowley pulled you with him as he neared the bed, Castiel wasn’t far behind, pumping his cock with a fervent hand.
You sat on the edge of the bed. Crowley gently kissed your jaw, reaching your ear.
“Lay down, darling.”
Crawling to the top of the bed, you laid your head against the pillows. Castiel stood to your right, now making his way toward you. The bed dipped as both men came to your side, splitting up and moving to each end of your body.
Crowley trailed his tongue along your thigh, nipping your skin along the way. You reached upward to Cas, carding your fingers into his hair before tugging him down to you, pressing your lips to his.
As if it were lock and key, Castiel quickly took you over, kissing you with unmatched passion. His hands found your chest as they’d done before, twisting your nipple to bring out another high-pitched whine into his mouth.
Your legs were being urged apart, spread completely before Crowley, who awed at the sight of your wet slit, pulsing with each heartbeat and inviting entry. He dipped lower, nestling comfortably between your legs. His tongue jutted out and licked a wide stripe through your folds. Your hips bucked onto his tongue as it passed over your clit.
Castiel pulled away, “Does this feel good?”
The angel, as always, cared about you deeply. Your pleasure was his responsibility tonight, and he wanted to make sure he and Crowley were delivering the best service to you.
You nodded, gasping when Crowley wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking the swollen bud while his tongue flicked across the bundle of nerves. You needed more. To touch them.
Until now, you’d been so quickly overcome with pleasure you’d lost all sense to return the favor. You reached toward Cas blindly, finding his cock and wrapping your hand firmly around the shaft. He grunted as you pumped him with a tight grip, brushing your thumb over the head of his cock, now slick with precum.
You twisted your top half to face him, gripping the back of Castiel’s thigh and pulling him closer. His cock prodded your cheek before your tongue guided him into your mouth, swirling around the tip. He shuddered, bucking his hips eagerly into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks as you bobbed your head on his length, pushing yourself lower and lower until the head of his cock slammed into the back of your throat.
“Fuck,” Castiel cursed, paired with a low moan He stared in amazement as you worked on him, the way your lips looked better wrapped around him. An image he knew would never leave his mind.
Crowley drew your attention back to him, pressing a finger to your slick entrance, dipping in with ease. He curled the digit to brush your g-spot, sending a wave of heat across your skin. You moved your hips on his finger, whining around Castiel’s cock in your effort to get more pressure.
“Not a good… angle,” Castiel said gruffly. He pulled himself from your mouth, a string of spit showing you just how sloppy you’d gotten. Crowley broke his mouth away from your pussy, his fingers still pumping into you as Castiel took hold of your shoulders.
The angel tugged you sideways and backwards. Your head hung off the side of the bed, directly in front of Castiel’s thighs. His cock thumped against your jaw, a silent command to open your mouth. You slacked your jaw to allow him in, sucking him greedily.
He cradled your head in his hands, thrusting his hips into your mouth, the head of his cock hit the back of your throat with more ease this time. From this angle, he could fully use your throat, warm and tight.
“Good,” cooed the angel, shoving himself further into your mouth, “Good girl, open up.”
Your mouth had never felt more full, now being stuffed by Castiel’s dick. Tears stung in your eyes, falling past your cheeks and into your hair. You gagged on his length, barely finding a second to breathe. Cas stilled and pulled out of your mouth, patting your cheek lightly.
“Take a breath,” he instructed.
It was hard to do so when there was a demon’s fingers buried in your cunt. You cried out when Crowley’s pace quickened, with the tension in your abdomen you could hardly breathe at all.
Crowley shifted himself into his knees, leaning over to watch your expression as he pounded his fingers against your walls. You gaped up at him, straining your neck to watch his smile grow as an orgasm took you over wholly. Blinding white light clouded your vision as you clenched around his fingers.
Between your soft whimpers, Crowley praised you, “That’s a good girl. You look so beautiful like this.”
You relished in the praise, eagerly opening your mouth for Castiel once again. He pushed himself past your lips, striking the back of your mouth and easing into you slowly, filling your throat. He thrusted slowly at first, but quickly lost himself in the tightness of your throat, his hips hurting harshly into your mouth. You gagged loudly around him, but it went ignored. Castiel kept his relentless pace, glancing to Crowley and giving him a nod.
As he fucked your throat, Crowley positioned himself at your soaked folds, pressing the thick tip of his cock against your swollen clit. You cry out around Cas’s cock, drowned out by a harsh gag when he shoved himself in fully. He eased out of you as Crowley eased himself in, their movements in tandem with one another.
Hissing through gritted teeth, Crowley stretched you inch by inch, snapping his hips into yours as he bottomed out. You’d never though someone could be filled so easily, to feel like both ends of your body would be split right down the middle.
Crowley moved slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size. Castiel let up his movements, staring longingly at your pussy, now wrapped nicely around the demon’s cock. If there was a good word for how he felt, it would be jealousy.
The angel grew frustrated, a new wave of sadistic pleasure taking him over.
He smacked your cheek, “I’m not done.”
You opened your mouth dutifully, moaning around his cock. He kept his pace slow this time, giving your throat some well-needed relief. You wound your tongue around the head when he pulled from you, sucking harshly around his tip, bringing out a soft whimper. His hips sputtered slightly before he quickly pulled back, breathing heavily.
“Careful, Castiel,” Crowley teased, pulling you down onto his cock. “Keep going like that, you’ll disappoint our little toy, here.”
Castiel glared at the demon. His chest heaved with his heavy breaths, trying to recollect himself before going further. He lifted your shoulders and adjusted you back onto the bed. Crowley kept himself buried deep in your stretched pussy, jutting his hips to strike deeper and crash against your cervix.
There was no way you could disappointed this night. Not with the way your body was being taken advantage of, in the best way imaginable. You clenched down onto Crowley’s length, making him groan at the tightness of your walls. They fluttered around him as another climax crept up. With a few quick thrusts, the demon had you falling apart on his cock.
He laughed softly, “Slutty little thing, getting spit roasted like that. Two cocks using you until you’re all filled up.”
Crowley kept your gaze as he pounded into you, his balls slapping against your ass with every deep thrust. The noises coming from your pussy were wet, sloppy, and utterly divine. It was just what Crowley needed to hear, to know he was doing his job right.
A pair of lips found yours once again, moving smoothly against you as you shuddered around Crowley again. The shockwaves of your orgasm were hardly over before Crowley pulled his length out of your sweet cunt, stretched and aching to be filled again.
“Let’s have you on your knees, kitten,” Crowley directed, lifting you up to a sitting position. His gaze softened as he looked you over. Castiel gave you a concerned look.
“Is this still okay for you?” the angel asked, eyes keening for your answer.
You nodded quickly, looking between the two men, “Of course. It’s wonderful. I was wondering if… well…” you trailed off.
Crowley lifted your chin to look at him, “Use your words, princess.”
Biting your lips, you thought about how to phrase the words. You looked sheepishly between them, “I was wondering if you could take turns. From behind, I mean.”
A darkness pooled in his eyes at the thought. To use you so freely was a blessing he’d realized he went so long without. After this, he hoped you’d remember who you belonged to this night, whose names you would be screaming.
Crowley backed up, allowing you room to position yourself. You crept toward the edge of the bed, ass up in the air, your sore pussy in full view for them. They both approached you, gazing at the lewd sight before them. You pathetically ground your hips into nothing, your hole and clit being neglected as they took their time.
“Tell me, sweetheart, who’s this?” Crowley asked lowly. A cock sat at your entrance, teasing your hole before easing inside, stretching you out slowly. You were fucked slowly, letting your body adjust and asses the feeling. Hips snapped into yours, the cock crashing against your cervix. These movements felt different from before. The length still filled you, but not as it had done with Crowley.
“Cas… Castiel,” you whimpered.
“Smart girl,” Castiel said from behind. He rolled his hips into you, sending his cock deep into your pussy. A familiar wetness leaked from you down to your clit, completely soaked in your slick. Castiel eased himself into you until he reached the hilt of his length, stilling inside of you, processing the way your walls wrapped around him, slick and hot.
Ready to be used.
His hips crashed into you without warning. You bit into the sheets as you cried through gritted teeth. Castiel fucked you mercilessly, his balls smacking against your clit and sending shocks of pleasure to your heat, wrapping ever tighter around the angel’s cock. He grunted in response, landing a blow to your ass. A wide pink handprint now decorated your skin, followed by a series of other blows to deepen the rosy color.
Crowley tapped Castiel on the shoulder. You overheard him talking to the angel between your cries of ecstasy.
“Fill that cunt to the brim, Castiel. Use that hole properly.”
On command, Castiel’s thrusts became harsher, more frantic. His thick cock stretched your walls with each movement as he slammed himself into your cervix. Your stomach tightened as you came around him, letting out a loud cry of his name into the sheets.
Quickly undone, Castiel felt a rush over him when you said his name. His thrusts faltered again, cock twitching as he spilled his load into you. He pushed deeper as he finished, fucking his cum deeper inside of your cunt.
Crowley smiled at this, smirking to the angel. “Bred like the perfect little bitch. Good work, Castiel.”
Sweat pooled at Castiel’s brow, streaking down his face as he composed himself, regaining his breath. He looked to Crowley with a drained look before pulling from you. You whined as he left you empty.
Castiel resigned to the bed, flopping back to lay by your side. He shifted to brace himself on his arm, stroking a hand through your hair. Little praises flowed from him while Crowley lined himself with your entrance.
“You’re doing so wonderfully, sweetheart.”
You gave him a lazy smile, exhausted from the toll he’d taken on you. Your attention snapped back when you felt the head of Crowley’s cock press at your pussy, coated with what of Castiel’s cum had dripped out of you. He gripped the base of his cock and eased into you as he’d done before, filling you up deeper from this angle.
After a moment he was fully settled in, feeling your warmth around his length. Crowley groaned lowly as he began to thrusts, achingly slow at first.
Hardly done, and you were sore, to say the least. The internal battle of your soreness, versus the sweet sensation of a cock filling you, could never be won. You pushed your hips onto his length, smacking softly against his hips. In reply, Crowley harshly gripped your hips and began to pick up his pace.
Each moan was a symphony, a song of whines and groans that could only be one thing.
Pure, frenzied pleasure.
You arched your back when Castiel’s hands roamed over your perk nipples, fondling each breast as best he could given the angle. You hoisted yourself up on your elbows to grant him permission to go further. His calloused hands ran across your chest to your face, cupping it gently while he watched your expression contort with each deep thrust.
Castiel smiled warmly as you cried out Crowley’s name, unable to move from the grip the angel had on you. His eyes were glued to yours. He wouldn’t dare miss a second of this.
After he’d felt you before, Crowley was just as easily spellbound by the way you took him. Each thrust pulled him further to the edge of his own orgasm, but he was intent on drawing another one from you before he did so.
“Who does this belong to?” Crowley’s voice was soft as the finest silk.
At this point, each sensation rolling through you left you gasping, all rationale had left you completely.
You dumbly whimpered out a reply, “You… both of you.”
Crowley snapped his hips into yours, setting his cock impossibly deep inside your pussy. His pace was, arguably, more intense than Castiel’s, ravaging you whole as you shuddered around him. Your climax tore through you like lightning - your vision blurred, eyes rolled back in ecstasy.
“Smart girl. You’ll get your reward very soon,” Crowley said sweetly.
Your clenched down onto him, smiling to yourself when you felt the King’s cock twitch inside of you. Crowley breathed haggardly but remained intent on his brutal pace, stretching every warm inch of your cunt to fit his cock perfectly.
Castiel’s lips caught your own, swallowing the sweet sounds you made when Crowley’s thrusts began to grow sloppy. Crowley slammed himself into you once, twice, three times until his own orgasm hit him. He slowed his movements as his own released spilled inside of you, coating your tight cunt in his cum - a reward for your obedience.
He pulled from you slowly, his drained cock hanging heavily at your ass. Warmth flooded over you as cum leaked from your pussy, staining the sheets beneath you. You lowered yourself to sit on your knees. What all had been resting inside of your sex was still flowing out of you - it was it’s own reward for being of service to these two men, after all.
Castiel presented a newly-summoned washcloth, warm and damp to the touch. He left it up to you to clean yourself before snapping his fingers, cleaning himself entirely.
“Oh, please, Cas. Where are your manners?” Crowley said, snapping.
In an instant you were fully clean and dry, melting into the mattress with a sigh. Crowley’s clothes had come back, as did Castiel’s a moment later. The two men sat your side, looking over you with pure endearment.
“I certainly hope that that was okay,” whispered Crowley, carding his fingers through your hair. You nodded, groggily shifting yourself to sit up with them. Each movement reminded you of how sore you’d be tomorrow. Regardless, it was an unforgettable experience you’d think about for a very, very long time.
With another snap of his fingers, Crowley handed you a set of thick, cozy pajamas, paired with fuzzy socks. You smiled at him, thankful that he valued your comfort.
“Are you sore at all?” Castiel piped up.
You nodded, “It’s okay, though. I like it.”
Castiel’s brows furrowed, “Humans are strange… some of you like being in pain. It is a foreign concept.”
“We could make it not-so-foreign, if you’d like,” Crowley retorted. Castiel simply rolled his eyes instead of the signature glare. You shuffled into your pajamas and sat back on the bed.
Neither the angel nor the demon left your side, instead leaning back into the bed with you.
“Staying?” you asked, “I was going to put on a movie.”
Castiel powered on the TV, “Take your pick.”
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arjwrites · 3 months
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ my masterlist ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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requests: closed (but not for long!)
100 follower event masterlist
Close- fluff, fem!reader Summary: Reader breaks her arm on a hunt and needs some somewhat intimate assistance. Who does she ask for help but Sam Winchester, with whom she shares a silent, mutual pining????
Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer- fluff Summary: While hunting with the Winchesters, you had picked up a disposable camera to capture some memories. Each photo represented an important point in your collective journey- all the while, hinting at a budding connection behind the scenes. 
Close Behind- angst, gn!reader Summary: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Sam- and that scares the hell out of him. Based on the song “Close Behind” by Noah Kahan. 
Heaven Hellbent- angst, fem!reader Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Sam discovers a secret you've been keeping for years. Part 1 of the series! DEAN WINCHESTER X READER
Back on the Beach- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: Reader and the Winchesters find themselves at the beach for a rare day off after a long string of difficult hunts. Something about the special day changes things forever.
Bless the Broken Road- angst, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the broken road that led Dean Winchester to you. Based on "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts.
Times You Threatened to Kill Dean Winchester- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: A brief account of all the times you wanted to kill a certain hunter.
The Space Between- fluff, a little bit of spice, gn!reader Summary: Reader breaks their arm on a hunt and needs a little assistance. Dean version of Close (Sam x Reader)
In The Stillness- angst, fluff, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean Winchester CASTIEL X READER
Numb- angst, comfort, winchester sister!reader Summary: Reader is Sam and Dean’s sister. After a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself separating from her brothers to deal with her own shit the only way she knows how. Castiel, however, has a few things to say about it. 
Saving Grace | Part 2- gn!reader Summary: Cas is hurt after a hunt, and when he's hurting, you're hurting. Sometimes even an angel needs a helping hand.
Saving Grace Epilogue- gn!reader Summary: Ways the world has softened since uniting with your angel. Can serve as an epilogue or stand alone!
Lessons on Humanity- gn!reader Summary: Human!Cas arrives on your doorstep in need of a helping hand. Taking him under your wing, you offer him more than he bargained for.
GABRIEL X READER Long Day- gn!reader Summary: After a stressful day, a familiar face pops in for a visit. With snacks.
CROWLEY X READER coming soon (leave a request!)
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kryptid-writes · 1 year
A Battle of Fates
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Y/n is just a regular girl whose dreams are haunted by the devil each night. When these dreams become a reality and she is forced to face her intertwined fate with Lucifer, her world is turned upside down. She is forcefully given the gift of grace and must learn to live with her new found powers with the help of two hunters and their angel. Will she choose to give into her destiny of loving the devil, or will she choose her own fate with a certain Winchester brother?
This story is 18+
This is a slow burn fic that has two endings which allows the reader to choose Dean or Lucifer. The reader is written as female, but descriptions are kept ambiguous to look like anyone.
Characters/pairings: Lucfier x reader, Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley.
General warnings for this story: Graphic violence, smut, and swearing. Other warnings may apply to specific chapters.
(Thank you to my editor and bestie, Tommy)
Chapter 1 - Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter 2 - A Gift From the Devil
Chapter 3 - Intruders & Trenchcoats
Chapter 4 - A Winchester Welcome
Chapter 5 - The Bearer of Bad News
Chapter 6 - A Lesson in Enochian
Chapter 7 - Secrets Secrets Are No Fun
Chapter 8 - Clipped Wings
Chapter 9 - Cat’s Out
Chapter 10 - Alone Again
Chapter 11 - Desperate Times
Chapter 12 - A Deal With the Devil
Chapter 13 - Revelations 
Chapter 14 - A Battle of Fates
Chapter 15 - Defying Fate (Dean’s Ending)
Chapter 16 - To Eternity (Lucifer’s Ending)
Full Masterlist
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pinkiebieberpie · 9 months
Could I request the SPN men and what trope you would have with them? With Castiel please!
hi!! that's new and i love this idea, i made a few moodboards for them all <33
sam winchester - (college) friends to lovers
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dean winchester - only one bed
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castiel - forbidden love
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john winchester - enemies to lovers to enemies
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crowley - opposites attract
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jack kline - soul mates
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supernatural masterlist
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𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
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PAIRING : dean winchester x original female character
STORY SUMMARY : in series masterlist
CHAPTER WARNINGS : age-gap. pining. teasing. underaged flirting. language. violence. gaslighting. gun play. murder. description of death.
A/N: i've had this series replaying in my mind for over a year. i'm so happy to share with everyone and i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. i've got big plans for this story! thank you all for your support, feedback (preferably good) is always appreciated!
check out the teaser if you haven’t already.
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Maricela's POV
I've known the Winchester brothers for four years now. I was fifteen when they visited Kenosha, Wisconsin, on a hunt for a Lamia. I remember hearing the roar of the Impala's engine pull into the gas station before it drove to the opposite side of the pump I was using. The motor's purr cuts just before the driver's side door creaks open, freeing a tall and handsome specimen. Once he reappeared from behind the pump, I did a double take. I couldn't help but stare at the man who wielded the most beautiful green eyes, trying to place where I'd seen them before. The longer I studied his chiseled face, the more familiar it seemed.
The man noticed my gaze and turned to look at me. He gave me a small smile, and I realized what I had been doing. I tear my attention away while my cheeks begin to heat, embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," I say, focusing on the ground. "You just look really familiar."
"Oh, I don't know about that," his deep voice responded. "I'm not from around here."
I nodded, taking in his words, but felt in my gut that he wasn't telling the entire truth. Instead of thinking too hard about it, I push it to the back of my brain and look at his sweet ride.
"Pretty nice car you got there." I compliment.
"Thanks," he says before flashing me a charming smile.
I was instantly mesmerized by him. I had no intention of ceasing our conversation in hopes of becoming closer to him while I had the chance. Who wouldn't do the same? Regardless of any age difference.
He looked away and stared into the distance, getting lost in his head. I clear my throat before speaking again.
"What year is it?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation alive.
"'67." He answers proudly.
I ask, genuinely curious, "What kind of engine does it have?"
A slow smile spreads across his face as if the question doesn't get asked often. He nods for me to follow him, and I smile as my plan succeeds. He pops the hood from inside the car before walking towards the front of the Impala. As I pass the driver's side door, the man sitting inside gives me a tight-lipped smile. I give him one in return, then turn my attention back to the gorgeous man as he props the hood.
"Impressive. Let me guess—this baby pushes out 460 hps." I comment, staring at the redone engine.
"461. How did you...?" He trails off. I catch him staring at me in my peripheral vision. I turn to the attractive man and can't help but smile even wider at the amazement shining bright in his eyes. He thrusts his hand out and says, "I'm Dean."
I take his hand and squeeze, giving him a firm handshake. "I'm Mari."
"Ma-dee...?" He repeats in question.
I giggle at his uncertainty and nod at the correct pronunciation of my Spanish name. "Yes, sir."
"What's a girl like you know about engines?" He smirks, leaning against his now-closed hood.
"I know a thing or two." I shrug nonchalantly. I heard the gas pump jerk, indicating that my tank was full. "I should get that."
I turn to walk back before his voice stops me.
"Hey, uh—you wouldn't happen to know where the nearest motel is, do you?"
"Wow, Dean, I'm flattered, but I like to be 'wined and dined' before we sixty-nine." I causally joke.
His eyes widen with shock as the blush rises to his cheeks, his jaw dropping slightly. I found it arduous to keep my smirk hidden after his overt reaction. His head shakes violently, his hands rising in defense before speaking.
"What? No, I didn't mean—I don't want to—Not that you're not—" His green eyes quickly skim every inch of my body. "I'm not saying you don't look good 'cause wow—but I just—"
This man, who exudes confidence, getting so flustered over my words was unexpected. I couldn't help but stop his self-torture with a laugh.
"I'm just fucking with you."
Relief washes over his features before letting out a large breath. After a chuckle, he says, "You're good, really had me going there."
"Well, if you're this easy to rile up with words, I can only imagine how well you'd respond to actions." I smile at the vulgar things I had in mind.
To say I surprised even myself with my comments is an understatement. I have never been confident enough to speak to any guy like this. Let alone one this jaw-droppingly sexy, but he definitely brought that side out of me.
A mischievous smirk plays on his lips as he gets closer. "You've got a dirty little mouth there, sweetheart."
"You going to clean it out for me?" I say seductively before sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.
Dean's eyes widen again, but he tries covering it with a huge grin. He opens his mouth to reply but gets cut off by the man in his car attempting to mask the words "jail bait" with a cough. I can't help but laugh; he wasn't wrong. The man standing in front of me turns red once more.
"Why don't I give you those directions?" I offer, hoping to ease the awkwardness.
He nods, giving me a shy smile. He thanked me after I gave him the information.
"No problem." I walk to my car and grab the nozzle from my gas tank. I put it back into its machine while he does the same. "I hope to see you around."
He winks before I slip into my front seat. I smile at his small but powerful gesture and pray the last words I spoke to him become true.
And they did, just not in the way I would've imagined. What I didn't expect was to see a monster—a real monster—attack someone important to me. Two FBI agents tracked me down in my hometown for an interview. And just my luck, the agents happened to be the gentlemen I met earlier. Their faces were just as surprised to see me as I was them.
A knock sounded on the front door. I pause my movie before surreptitiously peeking out of the living room window that faces the street. My eyes widen as I see a familiar classic car parked outside my house. My heart rate spiked, knowing that the Impala could only belong to the man I met just the other day. Panicking, I push myself off the couch and run to the bathroom.
I look in the mirror and see a nightmare staring back. My eyes were red and puffy, and my hair was in shambles. I heard another knock, but this time louder. With no time to run a brush through my bird's nest of hair, I groan in frustration. I drag myself out of the bathroom before the rapid pounding begins against the front door.
"Coming!" I yell while combing my fingers through my thickly tangled brunette curls.
I stand just before the door and take a moment to breathe. After straightening the sweats I chose to lounge in, I curse myself for not being presentable at a time like this. I suck in a breath before reaching for the door handle, bracing myself for the judgment and embarrassment that was guaranteed to come my way. In one quick motion, I swing open the wooden door to see the two familiar, tall, handsome men standing before me.
Their eyes became wide as they recognized who I was. I self-consciously sink into my hoodie, shy from their attention.
"Mari..." says Dean, just as surprised to see me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, confused.
"We're uh, we're FBI agents. Just came to ask Maricela a few questions." The gentleman with long hair answers. "Is she home?"
"That's me," My eyebrows knit together. "Wait a minute, you're FBI agents?" I ask, not believing them as I eye up their suits.
"Yes." Dean and I locked eyes, and I could tell from his facial expression that he was hiding something.
"Let me see your badges." The words spilled out of my mouth.
They exchanged a look as if they didn't know what to do. They fumbled over their words before I cut them off.
"Well," I cross my arms. "Let's see it."
"Look, I don't think we need to—" Dean starts.
"Then you're not coming in. Plain and simple." I sass, standing my ground to the suspicious strangers.
Sighing in defeat, they pull their badges from their inner suit pockets. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose before taking their badges for a closer look. My eyes thoroughly examine their IDs, noticing an off detail, realizing why they were, or at least Dean was, hesitant about showing their badges. I hand them back before recrossing my arms.
"So... Jimmy, huh?" 'Dean' looks at me in confusion before the realization dawns upon his face. "I recalled you introducing yourself as 'Dean.'"
"Well, uh..." I see him struggle for an excuse. "I go by my middle name. Each time someone called for 'Jimmy,' my dad and I didn't know who they were referring to. So yeah, I—uh, I go by Dean."
I give him a 'you've got to be joking' look. He clears his throat and smiles, trying to play it cool.
"Right..." I stare at his face, hoping to magically remember where I knew him from—other than the day we met. Knowing my luck wasn't great, I brushed it off once again.
"May we come in?" Mr. Robert Plant asks.
With the faintest nod, I step aside to let them pass. Once they were in, I closed the door and led them to the living room. They settled on the couch and nervously smiled at me as I sat across from them.
"Are your parents home?" 'Dean' asks.
I shake my head. "No, they're not. But I'd rather get this done and over with, so please make this quick."
They nod before starting. "All right, tell us how you knew the victim. Then, walk us through what you saw last night."
I take a shaky breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Luke and I had been friends for a while. I had the biggest crush on him. I figured he only liked me as a friend, so when he asked me to dinner, how could I have said no? He wanted to drive down to Kenosha and try this new restaurant."
"So, it was a date?" 'Dean' questioned.
"I guess you could call it that. Everything was going great until I stepped away to use the restroom. When I came back... Luke was with another girl." I replay the awful memory. "She was all over him. I was furious! Why ask me out, then allow some random chick to finish our date? It just didn't make any sense. But I refused to stay and watch, so I left..."
My voice began to waver as the emotions I felt the night before came rushing back.
"I called my best friend to come pick me up. While I waited, I decided to go back and confront him, giving him a piece of my mind. That's when I found him..." I hesitate, fearing they wouldn't believe the truth of what I witnessed.
I didn't expect them to, especially since the local cops didn't. For two sole reasons: One. Who ever listens to the crazy person who says monsters are real? Two. I was a minor, and no one takes you seriously if you're under the age of 18—even then.
"Found him..?" 'Dean' asks, sitting at the edge of his seat. My eyes found his, and just for a moment, I felt safe in the comforting pools of green.
My lips part, contemplating what to say next. Hesitation got the best of me, so I settled on; "Dead."
They nod, taking in my statement. "You told the police you saw a monster kill Luke."
I give a dry laugh before nodding in agreement, my gaze wandering. "Yeah, I did."
"Is there anything more you can tell us about this so-called 'monster' you saw?" Robert questions.
"What's the point? You're not gonna believe me. No one else does." I shrug.
"Hey," 'Dean' made it a point for me to make eye contact with him before saying, "We just want to help. So, try us."
I bit the inside of my cheek while frantically searching his beautiful green irises for clarity. His brows furrowed, woven with hope yet silently pleading to trust him. So, with a deep breath, I confessed. "When I went back, he—uh, he was on the ground, and she was... eating him. She looked human, but her face—it changed."
"Changed? Changed how?" Robert eagerly inquired.
"I swear it warped into something snake-like."
The men exchanged glances before fixing their attention back on me. "How did she escape?"
"She heard other people coming near us and ran off. I tried running after her, but she turned a corner and was gone. I called the cops but not before seeing the huge gaping hole in Luke's chest." I numbly say as I stare off into thin air, as his lifeless and mutilated body flashes behind my eyes.
"All I know is whatever that thing is, ain't human. She's a monster, and I swear, she's gonna get what's coming to her." I seethe.
After persuading me to tell the truth, they tried convincing me what I witnessed, what that monster did to my friend, wasn't real.
"Look, Mari," 'Dean' started. "Forget what you think you saw, all right? Cause monsters aren't real. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can cope with your loss."
"My partner's right. It's easy to think that some—" Robert lifts his fingers to add air quotes. "—'monster' could be responsible for your boy friend's death, but the FBI can assure you, there's no such thing. In certain traumatic events, the witness can alter reality the more they try to remember what happened. It could just be that you have an overactive imagination. It happens all the time, especially in kids. I think that's what's going on here."
I glare at them in disbelief. How dare they come into my house and feed me lies—telling me I have an 'overactive imagination.' As natural as breathing, I begin expressing my anger.
"I don't care who you are—I know what I saw. This thing will continue to kill people until it's caught. So why don't you quit wasting your time selling me something I ain't buyin' and find the damn thing!" I say each and every word louder than the last, anger fueling the fire they only fanned higher.
Silence fell between us. It was evident that my outburst caught them off guard, but I couldn't care less. Time and energy were being wasted by trying to convince me otherwise. I take a deep breath and collect my thoughts before getting up from the couch to walk out of the living room.
"Now, if there's nothing else you need from me—" I say while opening the front door. The men take my hint and begin walking towards me. Robert delivers a stiff smile before walking out of the house, leaving me alone with 'Dean.'
"Thank you for your time." He mutters before exiting my home.
"Hey, Page," I called just after he walked down the porch steps. He pivots to meet my gaze. "If you don't find this thing, I will."
With a nod, he turns back around and heads for his car. As soon as they drove away, I threw myself into research. I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew these two from somewhere.
I soon found myself down a rabbit hole.
"Oh shit..." I murmur, finding what I was looking for but not what I expected. Then, it all dawned on me.
Sam and Dean Winchester.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That's where I knew them from. They came in January of 2007 and took hostages in a bank before escaping, dressed as SWAT agents. They were a huge story, especially since they were wanted for other heinous crimes. Those of which included—credit card fraud, breaking and entering, disturbing a crime scene, impersonation of law enforcement, assaulting an officer, breaking out of jail, mass murder, kidnapping, arson, grand theft auto, grave desecration, and lastly, desecration of corpses. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing I was alone with them. Yet, all I could think about was what they wanted and why they didn't hurt me if they had such a rap. My mind kept racing and racing until I made a plan.
After an hour, I had a theory on what kind of monster killed my friend. So, I decided to confront the mystery men and pray they really were here to help. After changing, I traveled down to the city where they stayed.
I pulled up to the motel and braved myself with a deep breath before exiting my car. I clutched the gun in my purse as I walked over to their room. With determination, I knocked on their door. My heart hammered against my rib cage, wondering if what I was doing was a mistake. Dean opened the door, and his eyes instantly widened. I brush past him and walk into the middle of the room while taking a quick scan, ensuring it was just us three before turning to face them. Without wasting a beat, I jump into business.
"I know who you are," I assert with as much confidence as my voice could muster. "Sam and Dean Winchester."
Their faces dropped at the mention of their real identities.
"Now," I begin. "I want the truth. Who are you."
"Well, if you know our names, you should already know who we are," says Sam.
"I read what the articles wrote about you, even what law enforcement officials have tried charging you with before you were 'killed.' Yet, here you are: alive." I take the loaded gun out of my purse and aim at the brothers. "So tell me, who are you."
The men raised their hands in surrender, no doubt startled to see me wield a deadly weapon. What'd they expect? That I'd walk into the lion's den unarmed? I might be foolish, but I'm not stupid.
"Woah, woah. Mari, put the gun away. It's not a toy." Dean said, taking a step closer.
"No shit, Sherlock." I steady my trembling hands. "Now, somebody better start talking, or I'll start using this thing."
"Okay! Okay!" Dean shouts after hearing the click of the safety release from the trigger. "We'll tell you. Just please, put it down."
I hesitate but lower the weapon at a 45-degree angle, not ready to put it away completely. "You're right. I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother, Sam. But we're not what everyone says we are. We're... we're hunters."
My brows narrow in confusion. "Hunters?"
"We hunt monsters. We try to save as many people as we can. It's our family business."
I take a deep breath before saying, "I thought you said monsters weren't real."
The brothers seemed to relax when I put the safety back on before shoving the gun back into my purse.
"We had to. It was for your own good. You're too young to learn about the things that go bump in the night." Dean says before sitting at the table near the window, across from Sam.
"I appreciate it, but I can make that decision on my own."
"If you really want to know, it was a Lamia that killed Luke," Sam says, trying to ease the tension between his brother and me.
I nod. "Yeah, I know."
Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "You know?"
"Yeah," I pull out the folded paper I printed earlier. He gets up from his chair, walking closer so I can hand it to him. "I did some research and came across it. Figured it could be a possibility."
"So why did you come here?" Dean asked.
I shifted my eyes to meet his. "Because if those allegations were true, you would've killed me. And you didn't... You came to me, looking for clues to—to help. Bad guys don't do that."
I watch as his eyes soften. He gives me the tiniest smile before nodding.
"Now, how do we kill this thing?" I ask.
"No, no, no." Dean gets up from his chair and walks over.
"What? I'm going to help you kill it." I declare.
"I don't think so, sweetheart." He quickly towers over me. "Leave it to the adults."
"You don't scare me, Dean Winchester," I say confidently.
The truth is, I was—just a little. His lips parted as if he was going to say something back but he didn't.
"I think it's best if we take care of this," Sam interjects.
I fought with them long and hard until I finally wore them down. They agreed I could come with them as long as I stayed out of the way.
We ascended the steps of the church and pushed the heavy doors open. The men led the way before stopping in front of the altar. I gasped once I saw the priest's dead body lying on the floor with his throat cut open.
"Damn it!" Dean cursed. "She got to him first."
"What do we do?" I ask, frightened.
"Call Bobby," said Sam before the Lamia made her way from the back room.
Dean whipped out his phone and dialed whomever Sam referred to.
"What's another way to kill a Lamia?" he eagerly asks. He looks to the priest lying at his feet before saying, "It didn't pan out. What's Plan B?"
While Dean took instructions, the Lamia charged toward us. She dodged Sam's punch before grabbing his clothes and flinging him across the room. He hit the pillar before shouting for his brother. Ignoring me, she runs over with supernatural speed and snatches him away from the column that kept him upright. Dean sprints to the back room just before the Lamia throws the tall man to the floor like he was nothing.
She then straddles him, wrapping one hand around his neck before hissing. Her fangs and forked tongue were on display, just like they were the first time I saw her. Fear freezes me in place, trapping me in the memory of Luke's murder. She uses her unoccupied hand to press her fingertips against Sam's chest as if she were going to plunge it into his body. He tries prying her hands away with no luck. The monster begins to dig her quickly, growing claws into the man, forcing out a pained cry. The sound of his torture pierces through my comatose state, snapping me out of it.
Without second-guessing, I feel my body rush towards the monster, tackling her off the youngest Winchester. I quickly crawl over and grab the knife near Sam. I stand, holding the large blade in front of me. She pants heavily as a slow smile spreads across her face. The same one that burned in my memory that fateful day.
That was enough for me to lunge the large knife at her. She quickly dodged and tried attacking back, only for me to do the same. I finally land a strike on her arm, slicing her skin open. Yet, just as fast as it appeared, I watched her heal. The sudden realization that she couldn't be weakened easily had hit me like a truck. She took the opportunity to jump me, knocking the knife out of my hand. We wrestled on the floor before her strength dominated.
"I remember you." Her voice spoke. "You're the girlfriend."
"Shut up." I hiss while trying and failing to push her off of me. Her taunting laughs echo off the church's walls.
"I've got to say, your boy toy tasted amazing." She adds to the torment. A fresh set of tears fills my eyes. I turn my head and see the knife not too far away. I look at her again while I reach for the knife. "Don't worry, sweetie. He didn't suffer... that much."
My fingertips lightly grazed the edge of the handle. With one last stretch, I grasped onto it, and with one swift motion, I jammed the blade into the monster's throat.
"I said—" Her eyes widen in shock before I yank the knife out. "Shut up!"
She stumbled off, allowing me to get away. I push myself off the ground and run towards Sam, still lying on the floor.
"C'mon." I pull him up with all my strength before shifting some of his weight onto me.
We stumble to the back room where Dean was with the Lamia on our asses. Once we were in the kitchen, Dean tossed what seemed to be herbs out of the bowl he held at the evil creature. She flinched as if it had stung while Dean pulled the stove away from the wall. The monster fixed her eyes on the older Winchester, ready to pounce. I threw myself in her path before she—very easily— flung me out of the way. I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up. Sam followed my actions, only for him too to be cast aside.
"Fire in the hole!" Dean shouted before lighting the gas that seeped out of its line.
We watch as the Lamia burns to a crisp while listening to her violent shrieks. Once she was dead, Dean cut the gas, putting out the fire. My chest rises and falls, trying to calm down yet attempting to register everything that just happened. Dean walks in front of me and offers me a hand. I hesitantly accept before he pulls me off the floor.
"Are you all right?" he asks.
I nod with reassurance before Sam walks over to us. "I'm fine."
"It's over now." Dean rubs my back. "She can't hurt anybody else."
After the hunt, they took me out to dinner. It was less eating, at least for me, and more them giving me the talk about all that is dangerously real in the world. It goes without saying I became a hunter that day. Once I turned 18, I made it a full-time job. As much as Dean hated the fact that I fell into hunting and as much as he tried to stop me, I would help them on cases if we were near one another. After hunts, we always found time to hang out. They became my closest and most trusted friends, family even. We were always there for each other, especially at our lowest. Sam was the big brother I never had, while Dean was the crush I never seemed to get over.
Since the day I met him, my feelings for the older Winchester have only grown stronger. Each moment spent with him was bittersweet, knowing I was so close yet so far away from where I craved to be. But anything was better than nothing at all. Even with Sam's year-long encouragement, I refused to tell his brother how I felt in fear of rejection. The timing was another reason I hadn't confessed my undying love as each Big Bad became worse than the last. Things got a little more complicated when every angel fell from Heaven only to receive worse news when I called Dean to question 'The Global Meteor Shower.'
"Mari," Dean's hoarse voice spoke. "It's Sam... He's in the hospital."
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LEFT A MARK TAGS : @k-slla
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, headers, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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wishfullyeternal · 11 months
Supernatural Masterlist
Dean Winchester-
Dean x Reader- Fluff
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP)
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP) Pt 2
Dean x Reader- Unexpected
Dean x Reader- Mary
Dean x Reader- One Left Shoe
Dean x Reader- Running into the Trees
Dean's Flowers
Sam Winchester-
Sam x Reader- Don't Worry, I'm Used to it
Sam x Reader- I'm Sorry
Castiel x Reader- Advice
Cas x Reader- You Called?
Castiel x Reader- What is Love?
Castiel x Reader- Tired
Gabriel x Reader
Gabriel x Reader- Crushing
Gabriel x Reader- Comfort
Gabriel x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Comfort
Crowley x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Awkward Cuddles
Crowley x Reader- Healing Your Wings My Dear
Crowley x Reader- Never a Hugger
Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
Crowley x Reader- Betrayal
Crowley x Reader- Control
Lucifer x Reader- Lucifer ≠ Love
Chuck x Reader- You're a God Too
Chuck x Reader- Afraid
Chuck x Reader- I'll Love You
Samandriel- Cuddles
Jack x Reader- Confused
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f1ct1onalplaces · 27 days
Divine Worship
Castiel x Fem Character
Summary: Castiel loving and being loved.
TW: Religion, Human consumption metaphor
Castiel was an angel of the Lord, one to be feared and seen but never worshiped. Angels were merely here to do God's bidding. To pray upon or on them was to sin. Only God shall receive such treatment from his children. 
Yet, when she spoke of loving him, Cas only listened. 
"I love you more than life," she would whisper in the dead of night when only the stars could hear. 
No, she could not say such words. God gave her life; she must not take his gift for granted, for it was her laugh that brought life to the buds inside his chest. Every smile and touch bloomed these buds until he was ready to share his bouquet with her. 
"I love you more than I should." She shouldn't love him at all. He was undeserving of such feelings. To him, love was what he had known all his life. Love is to protect. Protect the word of God. Ensure the security of Heaven. Punish the undeserving. But this. She did not love him in such a way. 
She loved the way rosemary craved the sun. Gentle and soft, full of life, full of light. She was his sun, and that couldn't be. Without her, he would wither away. The bouquet in his chest would wilt away to nothing, leaving a gaping wound that would bleed for eternity. 
"I love you more than God." Castiel, the angel of the Lord's mind, went silent. The wind blew through his head, swirling in and out. 
She wasn't allowed to say that.
Yet, He wanted to hear it again. He wanted her to speak it slower and softer until it became gospel. 
This was treason. He should shove her to the ground and command that all her love was sick until directed to his almighty. But he did none of that. 
Castiel pulled her closer, held her tighter in the way a grieving loved one clutched their rosary and buried his head deeper into the dip of her shoulder. 
"Say that again," he growled in desperation.
"I love you more than God, Castiel." The feeling this gave him could never be explained. All he wanted was her. And the sudden urge to consume every piece of her was overwhelming. He would start with her hands. Hold them to his chest and kiss each finger, praising what held him so perfectly—pressing them deeper into his sternum until they were falling into the cavity of his breasts. He needed to feel her heart against his. Beating into each other, vessels tangled until her blood was running through his veins—the immoral act of it all. The gory details twisted together until bone was scraping bone. 
"No," was the only thing Castiel could utter in between thoughts of her teeth sinking into each and every one of his pulse points.
"I love you more than God."
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ghoastixx · 3 months
what about spn boys with an S/o who pranks them with the ‘monthly shed’ thing? How would they react to that?
SPN boys being pranked with the monthly shed
synopsis above
notes: I hope you know, whoever you are, I love you for this. This.. this is amazing.
Author's notes: Gender Neutral Reader, but AFAB body. Mentions of menstrual cycle.
Dean Winchester
Freaks the hell out.
Brother does NOT understand, he hardly understands makeup as a whole so he would never even think of it as an option.
"Is it like your period?? Is it a side affect??" "Baby, what do you mean? It's my monthly shed." "I THOUGHT THAT WAS YOUR PERIOD."
He is stressing.
He would 100% ask if you need anything. Tries to tell you that you look amazing, though he does wonder if you're a monster.
Will ignore you once he finds out you were joking. You scared him, he's petty.
Will ask you how you did it.. he wants to try it on Sam.
Sam Winchester
Now, Sammy is a smart boy. He's lived with a girl before, I feel like he'd know better. He knows how makeup works.
..but you're so persuasive.
He shakes himself out of it, he knows very quickly you're bullshitting.
He's mostly just interested on what exactly you had on to make it look like you could peel your skin off. He wants to know how it works, how you put it on, what it is.
This is what you get for loving a smart boy.
He's confused
genuinely so confused.
"Does this have to do with a humans menstrual cycle..I was not aware..the human body could do that.."
Asks if there is a way he can help..what you do with the skin..how to treat this..how long you've been dealing with it.
Genuinely if you were to go further with the joke and use the siren-esc route I've seen on tiktok where they mention that "To keep our beauty we have to drain it from men" he will actually tweak a little bit.
He doesn't remember Eve having to do that?? When was this update??
Please reassure him you're joking, he might have a crisis.
Even if he knew that you were joking, he would soo play into it
"Sugar, what are you doing?" "My monthly shed," "Your monthly shed?" "Yes, why is something wrong?" "I've never seen something like this before, sugar. What is it that you do for this again?" "Ah, I have to drain a man to keep my beauty before I wilt." "OH. SO THAT'S WHY YOU'RE WITH ME."
It literally goes exactly like that. Nothing else.
He does ask you how you do it though, sure he could do the same thing if he wanted, for real, but he wants to see you do it.
He is slightly intrigued.
"My dear, whatever are you doing?" You mention you're peeling your skin off?
"Darling, you're shedding?"
Immediately (Ironically) compares it to a snake in his mind. Wonders if his father punished humanity finally.
"My darling, I was around. I do not remember this being..necessary."
He sniffs it out so fast.
Would act unphased but he sort of does want to know about your odd illusions you can do with the odd..face paint you insist on wearing.
Only a tad bit concerned.
Humans don't normally..do that.. do they.
I think he would be confused but would want to act like he knew what was going on.
Like..yes this is totally normal! oh- a joke- psh yeah I knew that, I was only humoring you, angel.
What a charmer.
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vanteguccir · 3 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❆ - angst ✮ - smut ❀ - fluff
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── ୨୧ ! new addition | d.w. [ ❀ ]
where Y/N discovers she is pregnant and worries about how her boyfriend, Dean, will react.
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All rights reserved © 2024 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐑. Please do not copy, rewrite, or translate my works on any other platform.
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ohsc · 3 months
hi hi <3 would very much love to get some requests for x reader drabbles or one-shots as i’m getting back into writing atm and have an unhealthy obsession with spn (i haven’t watched the 15th season yet)
would love to write all sorts of things; romantic, platonic, smutty, etc etc
requests are open for sam, dean, castiel, and crowley, and destiel (not x reader) examples of my writing can be found on my masterlist
lots of love <33
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New Addition🤎
Summary: Being Sam Winchesters long time girlfriend was wonderful until he had family business and was on the road all the time, but what happens when you find out you’re pregnant?
Pairing: Early Seasons Sam Winchester x f!reader
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Sitting in my apartment missing waking up to sharing the bed with Sam, cuddling against his warm body, sitting on the counter as he makes us pancakes, getting ready for college parties together, everything we use to do now just memories
“Come on Sam I miss you, when are you gonna be home?” I sighed into the phone
“I’m sorry baby I miss you too but Dean and I are working some jobs and….”
“Jobs? I thought you were just looking for your dad? Sam are you okay I’m worried” he’s been gone for a month now and it was miserable he helped pay half the rent and it was a struggle by myself now and he’s my soulmate and being apart really wanes on the heart
“Well we’re still looking just making some stops along the way” I could hear Dean in the back making fun of him calling me baby
“You know I can’t be mad at you I’m just……I just miss you but I hope everything is going good with Dean and you find your dad” he told me all about his problems in the past with his family but all I wanted was for him to be happy
“You know I miss you too baby, wish I could see you, sleeping in these shitty motel rooms doesn’t compare to WOAH Dean stop hitting me!” Dean obviously didn’t want to hear the end of that making me cheer up a bit
“Well just call me more when you get the time but I have class, I love you Sam”
“Love you too Angel” the call ended and I was forced to go along with my daily routine, get ready, go to class and come back to an empty apartment
It went on like this for 2 more months and it just got worse, his calls became less frequent maybe once a week, I fell into a deep sadness that only Sam Winchester could brighten, and I became sick at first I thought it was a flu maybe a stomach bug but after talking to some friends and one test later and I find out I’m pregnant, I have to be atleast 3 months along since that’s the time he’s been gone
After having an hour long breakdown I dialed Sam hoping he had some time to talk and not on another job
“Angel why are you calling so late?” His voice groggy
“Sammy……we need to talk” I stutter out still emotional
“What’s wrong are you okay?”
“I’m pre……I can’t tell you over the phone I need to see you…..please” I beg praying he’ll just come home
“I don’t know Dean and I are…”
“Sam this is really important what ever you’re doing can wait, I need you”
“Okay we’ll be there by the time you wake up”
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I woke up exhausted from the stress of the day before, I’m pregnant actually pregnant under normal circumstances I’d be happy starting a family with Sam but with how absent he’s been I feel him drifting away
I willed myself out of bed and pulled on one of Sam’s hoodies that hung down to my knees and wore a pair of pair of black legging, running a warm cloth over my face to freshen up when I heard a rapid knocking at the front door
My heart filled with panic and I was becoming hesitant about coming clean, I opened the door and there he stood, towering over me like a god yet still so soft on me
He swooped down and lifted me easily into his arms and held me close, being back in his arms just felt right it felt like home and so I broke down again as I clung to him
“Sammy” I whined as I hide my tear streaked face in his shoulder smelling his oh so wonderful cologne
He brought me inside and sat me down on the couch, Dean looming in the room after he rummaged for food in our kitchen
“Angel what’s wrong? You don’t look so good” he asked as he stroked my hair helping calm me
“You’ve been gone so long and I understand but it’s been a hard 3 months alone, I can’t sleep, I can’t think straight, I’m broke and……..”
“And what?” Dean intervened making my heart jump, Sam sending him a glare
“I thought I was just sick but…….im pregnant” I felt so vulnerable as he just looked at me seeming to be in shock
“You’re joking” Dean groaned
“I didn’t mean too…..im sorry” I say as my lip trembled
“Oh Angel this isn’t your fault it’s mine and I shouldn’t have left you alone so long like that I don’t know what I was thinking” he sighs as he holds me to his chest
“Family business Sammy” Dean stated
“Dean stop”
“Sam if being with your family is so important and doing all these jobs I understand but if that’s what you want then I don’t want to hold you back if this isn’t what you want anymore”
“What? No of course I want you I want this, you’re my soulmate and I’m never letting you go again, you deserve to know the truth”
“Sam don’t” deans assertive tone booming in the room
After Sam told me everything about this new supernatural world I was sceptic at first but honestly it connected a lot of dots
“So these jobs you work are important but I can’t go months being apart again”
“You can come with us, just for while you’re pregnant and then when you give birth we can go home and settle” he said with a bright smile, that smile I fell in love with
“Are you sure Dean won’t hate me” I whisper to him
“He’ll lighten up trust me Angel”
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Sam helped me pack all the my clothes and personal items I needed and we were off on the road, it was a nice car with lots of room for me to stretch out in the back
“So where are we going?”
“There’s signs of a vampires nest in a small town, going to check it out see what’s going on” Dean says his eyes still on the road, he still made me a bit nervous though
“Umm are vampires one of the easier monsters you deal with?” I ask trying to make conversation
“They can be, but a nest of them can be a bitch”
They go on to tell me all the cases they’ve worked since they’ve been gone and it’s crazy to wrap my head around, after driving all day we finally got to the town settling into a little motel room
“I’m gonna go pick us up some dinner” Dean said as he threw his bag on his bed and left
I sat on the bed me and Sam are sharing sighing once the door closed
“What’s wrong Angel?”
“I just hate being a burden to you guys I know how stressful this is for you plus having this baby….”
“Hey you’re not a burden I’m just glad you’re with me now, being cooped up with Dean 24/7 can become a bit macho” he says making me laugh
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?” I ask as he places his hand on my tiny bump
“I’m happy with either, you know my mother would have loved you you’re as kind as she was, well atleast that’s what Dean says about her”
“You know this baby is the luckiest in the world to have you as their father, and such a handsome one at that” he smiled as he pulled me into his lap pulling me close
“I’ve missed this, holding you” his hand runs down my back sending shivers
“Kissing you” his lips gently press to my collar bone making me gasp
“Being with you at night” the door bursts open interrupting our moment, I jump out of his lap and their stands Dean and what I believe to be their father from old pictures Sam has showed me
“Sammy trying to get some” Dean laughed making my body heat in embarrassment
“Who’s this?” John asked his voice full of disapproval
“Dad where have you been? Never mind that right now, this is y/n my girlfriend”
“And what the hell is she doing here son?” I felt little under his gaze
“She can’t be alone she’s pregnant” Sam said confidently as he held my hand
“Sam what the hell were you thinking, you can’t have a pregnant girl doing this job, you need to be focused”
“Maybe I should just go home” I say as I go to pick up my bag
“No! You’re staying Angel I’m not letting you go again” he said as he wiped a stray tear I didn’t know had escaped my waterline
“She’s family now dad, you can’t push her away cause if you do then you’re just gonna push me away too, for good this time” John sighed and gave a look to Dean
“Tomorrow we’re going to stake out the vampires nest, be ready” he said sternly before stomping out of the room leaving an awkward cloud looming over the three of us
“Come on you two let’s eat” Dean said in a lighter tone obviously trying to pick up what his father ruined
We ate at the little table chatting about random things, how Sam and I met, our first date and how nervous Sam was, almost everything we had together up until this point
“Have you told your family about the baby?” Dean asked after he took a swig of beer
“I don’t really have family, I was raised in an orphanage and when I turned 18 I was pretty much on my own, I stayed in the schools dorms until Sam and I moved in together, plus our friends kind of changed after first year so it’s mostly just been Sammy and I”
“I’m sorry”
“Oh no it’s fine I’m happy with the way my life turned out it lead me to Sam after all” I smile looking at Sam who had that loving look, he was so gentle compared to his brother
“You guys are going to make me hurl”
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It’s been a crazy and stressful 6 months but I’m now in the last week of pregnancy and to say I’m scared is an understatement, I’m terrified but I feel like I can’t tell Dean and Sam with what they face everyday, this is probably a walk in the park to them
They were out right now hunting a werewolf as I paced back and forth in yet another motel room, I’ve been having cramps in my stomach since I woke up but I just thought it could be indigestion from the food we ate last night but they’ve only gotten stronger, walking helps but this could just be Braxton’s hocks I try to tell my self that is u til my water breaks, I’m hesitant to call Sam because of the case but like he said this is more important, I dialed hoping he’d answer
“Hey we’re on our way back now did you need us to pick you up anything?”
“Sam my water broke” I could hear him tell Dean to drive faster
“Okay just hold on we’ll be there soon, just do the breathing exercises like we practiced”
“Okay I’ll try” I breath deeply as another contraction hit a whimper left me but I know it’s going to get much worse
Minutes later Sam and Dean busy through the hotel room, Dean get my to go bag and Sam gently picks me up and brings me to the car sitting with me in the back
“Sammy I’m scared”
“We’re almost to the hospital hold on kiddo” Dean said trying to reassure me, he’d warmed up to me over the months like Sam said
“You can do this, think of our little girl or boy we’re about to meet” I nodded gripping his hand, we got to the hospital and were settled in a private room, Sam at my side and Dean on the couch used for husband or partners
“What if something happens?” I ask as he brushes my hair back
“Everything will be okay, you’re the strongest woman I know”
“It’s time Mrs Winchester” the doctor said making my heart swell at the name, he was wrong but I didn’t care
After some agonizing pushes that pressure was gone replaced by a little babies cries, the nurse laid the baby on my chest and she was beautiful, she had Sam big green hazel eyes and had light brown hair
“Congrats on a baby girl” the nurse said, they cleaned me up and left the room letting the four of us settle
“What are you going to name my little niece?” Dean asked now standing on the other side of the bed mesmerized by her
“How about Luna Mary Winchester” I say looking up to Sam for his opinion
“I love it, I love you, both of you” he smiled as he played with Lunas little fingers
“The three of us just became four”
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