#crossing my fingers that there will be more than 'press x button/auto play text'
talvikielo · 7 years
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Aaaahhh a friend sent me a leaked image of Erenfried's design for Tenshi no Namida and just like everyone else so far, he looks good too and I hope that this smug little shit will get his own route now because he is definitely in my top list 👀👌 Still, I'm mostly excited to see the full design of that new character (カミーユ...so Kamille/Camille/Camus?) though...He looks very cute judging from the very little smile shot pic they use to tease us with! And what about the gameplay? I hope they will update us soon about how the game works cause I am dying to know if this game will be somewhat similar to the first Neo Ange in gameplay or strictly visual novel now...
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millenniumpuzzle · 3 years
a flaw in the code
Kaiba runs his Twitter more or less automatically, including a function to mass-block people who interact with Tweets he has blocked. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that he blocks people he doesn’t mean to block. When he gets confronted over this, how will he respond?
my introduction to canon x oc (the oc being kazuko kubota, the child of me and @duelistkingdom ) and it’s from kaiba’s pov (feat unrequited rivalship), because of course it is. enjoy! read on ao3 here
Kaiba’s spine stiffened at the familiar voice. He clutched his books to his chest, their reassuring weight giving him the courage to spin on his heel. As he expected, Yugi Mutou was behind him. Or, not Yugi, but the other Yugi. He was wearing the uniform jacket properly, unlike his tendency during Battle City, but he was no less imposing.
Kaiba swallowed, hoping his voice came out naturally. “Yugi. What’s this about?”
“My partner was discouraged this morning. When I asked him why, he pulled up his phone instead of actually talking to me. So, I will do the same to you: care to explain this?” With all the flair he usually saved for revealing a Spell card, the other Yugi flipped his phone towards Kaiba. Kaiba had to squint—he wouldn’t be caught dead in his reading glasses at school—but when he finally made out the text, he frowned.
“So you’re blocked by somebody on Twitter? Please, Yugi, this isn’t something to get worked up about. It’s not like it’s a personal attack.” He ignored the voice in his head reminding him that he had written a program for his own Twitter that would block anyone who associated with certain tweets. Tweets that featured Yugi boasting about his beautiful, talented, clever girlfriend in particular.
“Just somebody, huh?” The other Yugi fixed Kaiba with a stern look. It should have seemed out of place on Yugi’s round, friendly face, but Kaiba couldn’t help but feel suddenly small. “Try again.”
Kaiba sighed, but took Yugi’s phone in his own hand, finding the appropriate position where he could read the text with the least amount of eye strain. And— “What is this?”
The other Yugi was right; he wasn’t blocked by just any random loser on Twitter. The screen was on Kaiba’s own Twitter page. Instead of the Kaiba Land promos and Duel Disk news he had most recently retweeted, however, the screen was gray, apart from a block of tiny letters. “You are blocked by this user,” the website proclaimed, though as Kaiba met the other Yugi’s piercing eyes again, it felt more like an accusation than a simple statement of fact.
“I’d think you would know,” the other Yugi replied, voice startlingly cool.
To his horror, Kaiba found himself at a loss for words. “I don’t—I mean—” He cut himself off, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a couple deep breaths. As he did so, he searched his memory, but he couldn’t recall hitting the block button on Yugi. At least, not of his own volition.
“Use your words, Kaiba.”
Kaiba growled, but forced his eyes back open. “I didn’t block you.” At the other Yugi’s raised eyebrow, he rushed on, words running into one another in his haste to get them out. “At least, not on purpose. In fact, my account is more or less completely run automatically, using programs that I wrote specifically for that purpose. Some of these scripts do involve blocking users, so it’s possible that your account got caught in some filter accidentally.”
The other Yugi frowned, crossing his arms and tapping his fingers against his elbows. “So what you’re saying is, your computer programs blocked my partner by mistake?”
“Exactly.” Kaiba couldn’t help but feel a jolt of envy at how quickly the other Yugi picked things up. “It was a quirk of the system, nothing more. Tell Yugi that he can stop moping about it.” He felt ridiculous asking someone who, for all intents and purposes, was Yugi to pass along a message to Yugi. Ever since Battle City, though, he’d found himself a bit more amenable to the ridiculous, implausible things that happened around Yugi Mutou.
The other Yugi, for his part, perked up substantially at the mention of his own name. “I can do better than that!” A genuine grin spread over his features, drawing Kaiba’s attention to his plush lips, the dimple on his left cheek. “I can bring him out so you can tell him yourself!”
He continued speaking, but aside from a few mentions of the word “partner,” Kaiba was no longer listening. Ice had shot down his spine, while paradoxically, heat bloomed in his cheeks and sweat formed on his hands. “That won’t be necessary,” he snapped, interrupting the other Yugi’s joyful monologue. “Just tell him what I said. Goodbye.”
With that, he turned on his heel and fled the hallway, books still clutched close to his chest. He could feel his heart hammering in his ears, even as he turned into the men’s room and locked the door behind him. The wooden door was cool against his back as he sunk to a sitting position against it, letting his school supplies fall from his arms.
God damn it. Kaiba exhaled sharply, dragging his hands down his face, before pulling out his phone and opening Twitter. A rare occurrence, as of late; there wasn’t much that he needed to keep up with online, and he rarely wanted to check the inane tweets his contemporaries made. When his profile opened, he navigated to the “Blocked Users” page. There was quite a bit to scroll through, but eventually, he was face-to-face with Yugi’s smiling profile picture.
Almost immediately, he turned his phone off, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face in his crossed arms. He really did block Yugi. Prevented from interaction with one of the only people he actually wanted to interact with by his own programs.
He allowed himself a moment of despair, before pulling himself back together, unlocking his phone once more. Even so, he still flinched at the reappearance of Yugi’s picture. Keep it together, Seto. You’re just seeing what triggered the block. Think about it like a programming error.
One of the benefits of Kaiba’s auto-block program (nicknamed “Crush Tweet Virus” by Mokuba) was that if Kaiba blocked a tweet, not only did it block the person who made it, it also hid the profiles of anyone who interacted with it. What’s more, it allowed him to see the blocked tweet a given user had liked or retweeted. This was a nominally useful feature. In Yugi’s case, however, the reason for the block made Kaiba’s blood run cold. God. Anything but that tweet.
Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to blink it out of existence, the proof was there. Kaiba opened the blocked tweet in question, and his stomach immediately turned over. He didn’t have a name for the emotions burning in his gut. All he knew was that the image of Yugi pressing a kiss to Kazuko Kubota’s outstretched hand, the caption declaring “These two are couple goals,” threatened to overwhelm him with discomfort. He had blocked it for a reason.
In fact, there was a theme to the posts he had blocked. They all contained some reference to Yugi Mutou, Kazuko Kubota, and/or the fact that they were currently in a relationship. As much as he wanted to lie to himself, he knew what irked him so much about the reminder that Yugi was dating somebody. It was the fact that he wanted to be the person whose hand Yugi was kissing—the reminder that Yugi clearly didn’t have the same feelings toward Kaiba.
His face was burning. If only he could take his uniform jacket off, splash water on his face, anything to calm him down without ruining his composed appearance. Instead, he navigated back to his “Blocked Users” page, once again making eye contact with Yugi’s smiling headshot. If his fingers trembled at all as he hit the “unblock” button, Kaiba certainly wouldn’t admit to it. He would have to reprogram “Crush Tweet Virus” to exempt Yugi entirely, as he would almost certainly interact with other tweets about his girlfriend. Girlfriend—the word made Kaiba’s stomach do another unpleasant flip.
He thought he was done with the whole endeavor. In fact, he was almost at peace, comfortably eating his lunch on the roof a few days later. Part of that had to do with the fact that he hadn’t interacted with Yugi in all that time, but nobody needed to know that. Unfortunately, things couldn’t be so easy for him.
“Hey, Kaiba! They told me I could find you up here.”
Kaiba nearly spit out his mouthful of rice. Surely, his ears were playing tricks on him. Kubota went to Rintama, she wouldn’t have time to make it onto the roof of Domino High during her lunch break. Yet, as he craned his neck up from his lunch, his stomach dropped. Those baby-pink hair buns could belong to nobody else.
He jumped to his feet, uncomfortable with looking up at the much-shorter duelist, then cleared his throat. “Kubota. What are you doing here?”
Kubota just grinned at him, though it looked more like a hostile baring of teeth to Kaiba. “I was in the neighborhood. Figured I’d drop by and thank you for unblocking Yugi.”
“You knew about that?” Kaiba said, keeping his gaze fiercely locked with her lavender eyes.
“Of course! Yugi and I don’t keep things from each other,” she responded, sounding hurt. “He was really upset when he realized you blocked him, so finding out that it was a mistake made him feel way better. So, uh, thanks.”
Why was she thanking him? He and Kubota didn’t speak much, but when they did, she was usually admonishing him. The lashing she gave him at Duelist Kingdom flashed through his mind; he suppressed a shudder. Yet, analyzing her body language, he didn’t think she was being sarcastic.
She cleared her throat, then, and gestured towards him. Right, she had said, “Thank you.” What was the right response to give? He settled on a curt, “You’re welcome,” and a brief jerk of his head, an abridged bow. Yet, she didn’t turn to leave. Instead, she glanced up and down his form, hands on her hips. One side of her face twitched—a suppressed smile?
“So, the stowaway tells me your Twitter account is basically automated,” she said casually, slipping one of the straps of her bright red bag off so that it hung from one shoulder instead of both.
“Right, you don’t hang out with us much. That’s what I call the other Yugi.”
Kaiba flushed with embarrassment at the memory of the prior conversation. “I see. Yes, he’s right. That is how Yugi got blocked.”
Kubota leaned in, one eyebrow raised. “So, what program blocked Yugi? ‘Cause Stowaway tells me that he didn’t think you were lying about it being an accident, but I haven’t heard of anything that blocks people so liberally.”
“What do you mean?” Kaiba asked, frowning. “One person getting blocked by my program doesn’t mean that I’ve blocked everybody.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kubota wasn’t looking at him anymore, instead focused on her own phone. She scrolled for a moment, fingers moving in time with the rhythm she chewed her gum, before turning her screen towards him with a cry of triumph. “This thread says otherwise.”
Again, Kaiba was forced to squint at someone else’s phone screen, and almost immediately, he regretted ever signing up for Twitter in the first place. The first tweet was from Mai Kujaku, reading, “Lmao, guess I pissed him off somehow!” It was accompanied by a familiar screenshot: Kaiba’s own profile, with the text “You have been blocked by this user.”
The next tweet was from Kubota herself, remarking, “Lol, I’ve been blocked since Duelist Kingdom.” After that, the replies were full of Yugi’s friends, all posting similar screenshots and complaining about (Mazaki) or rejoicing (Jonouchi) being blocked by Seto Kaiba.
Damn him for forgetting that Kubota was an excellent strategist in her own right; he shouldn’t have let his guard down around her. He would never admit he had been thrown off, though. Instead, he straightened his posture, using the extra inch of height to sneer down at Kubota. “So my program kept the dweeb patrol from interacting with me. Seems like it’s working as intended.”
“But you didn’t want it to keep Yugi out, right?” Kubota said, a confident gleam in her eye that he recognized from when she dueled. She was right, of course, but he kept his mouth shut rather than admit it. “Whatever your program does, it obviously has a chain effect, since I haven’t interacted with any of your tweets. Maybe it doesn’t involve your tweets at all? I can puzzle this out all day, Kaiba.”
“Fine! If I tell you, will you stop talking?” Kaiba growled, frowning all the harder when Kubota grinned in response.
“Sure.” Her voice was as bouncy as the curls escaping her buns. Kaiba hated it.
Kaiba paused, trying to collect his thoughts. All the while, Kubota rocked on her heels, humming a melody he didn’t recognize. Finally, he happened on a good starting point.
“I thought I was aromantic.”
To his dismay, Kubota appeared to choke on air, coughing hard before breaking into disbelieving laughter. He crossed his arms, glaring at her, until she finally collected herself enough to say, “I’m sorry, I just— That is not what I expected you to say.” At Kaiba’s silence, she sighed, putting her hands up in a placating gesture. “Fine, I’ll be quiet. I guess you’re not aromantic?”
Kaiba thought about saying something in response to her air-quotes, but thought better of it. “I thought that I was above all of that. I didn’t have time for romance anyway—I still don’t. But then, you and Yugi got together, and it made me feel...ill.” Kubota’s face twisted, but he didn’t address it. “At first, I thought I was having romantic feelings towards you—”
“What?” Kubota’s horrified cry was a bit much, in Kaiba’s opinion, but he felt the same way.
“Calm down, that wasn’t the case.” He narrowed his eyes at Kubota’s exaggerated exhale, but continued. “After some thought, it became clear that… I was experiencing romantic attraction, but not towards you.” The other words on his tongue died once that horrifying revelation was out, and he snapped his mouth shut, letting his confession linger in the air.
Kubota’s brow was furrowed, however. Why was she confused? Kaiba had told her everything she needed to know! He was about to accuse her of taunting him when she gasped, eyes widening. “Are you… Coming out to me?”
Kaiba’s already-pale face became even whiter. “No?”
“Yes, you are! You’re coming out to me! And you started your coming out speech by telling me my boyfriend was your gay realization?” With every step, she advanced on him, until she was close enough that when she pointed her finger for emphasis, it brushed his chest.
“That’s—a blunt description, Kubota.”
She just shook her head. “I mean, it’s fine, I’m bi, but it’s a weird way to tell somebody you’re gay. And this relates to Twitter...how?”
Kaiba scoffed. “I could be bisexual.” When Kubota’s brow raised, a familiar irritation began coursing through him. Better than embarrassment. “I could! You don’t know that I’m—that I don’t like girls.”
Kubota scoffed right back, undaunted by his bristling. “Whatever you want to tell yourself. I just want to know what this has to do with blocking Yugi on Twitter.”
“It has everything to do with that,” Kaiba said, but his mouth dried up as he realized exactly why Yugi and the rest of his friends were blocked. He cleared his throat, then balled his fists and looked away from Kubota. The words felt like venom in his throat; the only way to alleviate the burning they caused was to spit them out. “I set up a program to block anybody who liked certain posts. Posts that talked about yours and Yugi’s relationship.”
A raised eyebrow. “Just talked about? That’s kind of a broad net, even for you, Kaiba.”
“Fine. They were posts which included photographic or video evidence of you being a couple. Usually with highly supportive comments. Those were the kinds of things I blocked, and the virus associated with it blocked anyone who interacted with a post I blocked using this system.”
Kubota shook her head. “Even your weird Twitter bots are like Duel Monsters cards. I’d say to get a hobby, but it seems like you’ve got your hands full already.”
“Are you challenging me? Because I’ll wipe the floor with you in a Duel, we both know that,” Kaiba growled.
“No,” Kubota said lightly, “but not because I think I’ll lose. You’re so predictable, Kaiba. I should have seen this coming, though I didn’t think you would be this weird about me and Yugi. Guess I was wrong!”
Arms folded, Kaiba surveyed his adversary. Five-foot-nothing, blowing a bubble of gum at him while she rocked back and forth on her booted heels, skateboard underneath one arm. Her Buster Blader cards came to mind, and he cringed internally. He made a mental note: find a copy of her Battle City deck and run simulations against it, to discern ideal counter-strategies.
But, he needed to respond to her before that could happen. “Hmph. As long as Yugi doesn’t forget who his true rival is, I suppose I don’t need to make a fuss about his romantic decisions.”
Kubota’s shoulders shook, but she looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Thank you, Kaiba. Are you...sure you’re okay?”
“Of course I am,” Kaiba said, more off-kilter than he’d ever been. “Now, the bell’s about to ring, and I haven’t finished my lunch.”
Checking her watch, her glossy lips parted in surprise. “Shit, you’re right. I gotta get back to Rintama. Don’t be a stranger, Kaiba!” With that, she ran toward the stairs, waving at him over her shoulder before the door slammed behind her. Kaiba exhaled slowly, and looked at the remains of his bento. He wasn’t very hungry, all of a sudden.
What had he done?
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sherrybaby14 · 6 years
The Distraction XI
Summary:  This is based off a request for a dark!Steve Rogers x Reader.  You are innocent and Steve is in need of a distraction.
A/N:  So this is it! The last chapter!  Thank you all for reading!!
  His chest rose and fell at a rapid rate. Both of you speechless.
   “I love you too.” He said the words in between pants.
     They weren’t words though. They were more. They were everything. He was your everything.
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                        Five minutes of work and then he could check again.  Steve leaned back in his chair and ran his hands down his face. He had the browser window minimized, but all he could do was stare at it. What if she had moved rooms?  What if…she tried to leave?
                        “Ugh.” Steve knew it wasn’t his finest moment but he clicked the mouse and maximized the screen.
                        His heart jumped in his throat.  She was gone.  He clicked the button to zoom out to all of the cameras and scanned the screen.
                        “If you want to slack at work I can recommend a better movie.” Tony’s voice made Steve jump in his chair. “Wow, you are distracted. I can’t remember the last time anyone snuck up on you.”
                        “It’s the first day I’m leaving her alone out of the basement.” Steve went back to scanning the images.
                        “There.” Tony leaned over and tapped the screen, zooming in on her. “See? Y/N’s fine.”
                        “She doesn’t like it when I watch her like this.” Steve watched as she curled up on the couch with a book.
                        “I told you, my system is flawless. You will always know where she is.” Tony bit into an apple with a crunch over Steve’s shoulder. “Now we don’t exactly have desk jobs. Any leads on that threat?”
                        “I don’t think it’s credible.” Steve made the camera image of you larger. “I used to love being here, but now I just want to be with her.”
                        “Retire.” Tony leaned back. “Or go down to a consulting position.  I know you don’t need the money.”
                Steve had been thinking about that exact idea lately. Then they could spend all their time together, and soon they would be ready to start a family and he didn’t want to miss a second of time with their children if he could help it.  
                “The old man is growing up.” Tony slapped Steve on the back. “I’m glad this whole experiment worked out for you.”
                A smile spread across Steve’s face. He nodded, knowing Tony’s ego didn’t need a full-on thank you.  But Steve had his girl now and that wouldn’t have been possible without Tony’s assistance.  Steve was catching on to technology, but Tony helped with the door and cameras amongst other things.  
                Steve’s smile faltered when she stood up from the couch.  He recognized body cues and she went from relaxed to almost running.  
                “You should put it on motion setting then the view would auto-switch. Go to camera four.” Tony tapped the screen sending it into touch mode and made the change.
                Steve’s knuckles went white as he watched her sprint to the hall and towards the front door.  He knew leaving her alone was a mistake.  She wasn’t ready.  He stood up from his desk ready to rush home, equal parts scared, angry, and disappointed.
                Her hand grabbed the handle and Steve started to turn.  
                “Woah, calm down.” Tony set his hand on Steve’s shoulder.  
                “I told her not to leave.” Steve ignored Tony and started towards the door. “Now we’re going to end up back at square one.”  
                “WAIT.” Tony was one of the few people who could give that command and Steve would listen.  “Look.”  
                Steve glanced over his shoulder to see you curled up on the porch screen.  His adrenaline started to fade, but then his jaw clenched.  
                “I was clear.  She wasn’t supposed to leave the house.”  Steve walked back over. “What if she’s testing the limits?  Seeing how far she can get without me noticing?”  
                “Of course she’s testing the limits.” Tony took another bite of his apple. “Wouldn’t you?”  
                “She should have asked me first.” Steve knew he should have left her in the basement. “She’s not ready.”
                “I thought she dropped the L word?” Tony dipped his chin. “Check your phone.”
                Steve pulled the thing from the pocket of his jeans. There it was on the home screen.  
                Would you mind if I sat on the porch?
               It’s such a nice day. I’ll be good. I promise.
               Please? The house is lonely without you.
               You told me this is my home too, does that mean I can go outside? I won’t leave the porch I promise.
               I am going to sit outside. Please don’t be mad at me.
               I love you.
                The text messages started two hours ago.  Steve felt heavy with guilt.  
                “I was so busy watching her I didn’t even think about her messaging me.”  Steve shook his head as he sat back down. “I saw her on her phone too, but I had mine on silent. I assumed she was checking e-mail or something.”
                “Okay man. If you’re giving her access to e-mail/internet then this whole freaking out watching her behavior is your problem, not hers.” Tony folded his arms.  
                He tried to look disappointed, but the apple slipped from his fingers and hit the carpet with a thud.  
                “I never said it was on her.” Steve watched as she flipped the pages of her book.
                “Retiring or not, there’s no way you can be with her every second of every day. It’s not healthy.” Tony picked up his fruit and continued to eat.
                “You’re the definition of healthy?” Steve pointed to the fruit.
                “You should take advice from the man who didn’t judge you for this entire situation.” Tony swirled his finger. “All I’m saying is, you’re never going to trust her unless you give her a choice. What’s that cliché?”
                “If you love someone let them go.” Steve knew exactly where Tony was going, the thought had crossed his mind.
                “Well that works too, but I was thinking ‘all is fair in love and war’.” Tony took another crunch from his apple. “Either way, do something because you being here physically with your head with her isn’t doing much good for the team.”
                Steve sighed.  He knew Tony was right, he had some choices to make and maybe it was time Y/N made one too.
               Was it a test?  Was he not responding because he was mad at you? Were you annoying him at work?
                Or was it worse? Did something happen to him? For all you knew he was on a mission, battling bad guys, saving the world.  As the hours ticked by the thoughts got worse. What if he was injured? You felt a panic attack come on.
               You knew there were cameras all over the house. Maybe he was watching you.  If he was and had a problem with you going outside, he would rush home, right?  
                That was enough.  You ran towards the front door; sure you were going to lose your nerve if you paused to think about it.  
                As soon as you got to the swing your heart clenched. He said not to leave, would he be angry? Did you break a rule?  You flipped through the pages of your book and then heard the ding.
                Don’t go further than the porch. I’ll be home in two hours. We’re going out.
                You dropped your head back and closed your eyes. He was safe. As soon as that settled in you picked your head back up. Out?  A smile spread across your face.  It had been so long. Was he going to take you to a movie? Maybe dinner?  
                He had promised to take you to Coney Island. The weather was nice, maybe it was time to ride some rides.  
                You tried not to get too excited because it didn’t matter where he was taking you as long as the two of you would be together.
                The book and the porch were no longer interesting. You stood up and went back into the house, determined to make yourself look perfect for your date.  You were going to take as long as possible to get ready because right now two hours sounded like an eternity.  
               The blue dress you chose would always have a special place in your heart. You ran your hands down the pleats and remembered the first time Steve dressed you.  It must have been his favorite.
                That scared girl seemed like a stranger.  You remembered the night he took you and your virginity, but it wasn’t you shaking on the bed. It was like you were standing in the room watching the scene play out instead of being there.  
                Still, the vision made your lips part as you let out a stifled whimper. The phantom orgasm sending shivers down your sides as a tingle formed between your legs.  
                You pushed your thighs together and hoped if he brought you to Coney Island he would give you some panties.  
                Then the image of Steve’s hand creeping up your thigh as a rollercoaster went to the top caused another wave of excitement.  You were definitely a different girl.  
                The break of the door opening sounded and you rounded the corner. Steve walked inside and you almost melted at the sight.  You stood in the hall as he came to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, while you placed yours around his neck, giving you the touch you craved.  
                “I missed you doll.”  He kissed the top of your head.
                You squeezed and shut your eyes as tears started to form. It was hell being away from him.
                “I love it when you get all ready for me like this.” He pulled back and you looked up. “Of course tonight it’s not just for me, is it?”
                “It’s only for you.” A tremble worked its way over you. “Were you mad at me today?”
                “No.” Steve brushed his hand over your hair. “You did very well. I need to get better at checking my phone.”  
                Maybe you shouldn’t have sent him so many messages. His work was so demanding and you knew in the back of your heart he wouldn’t have cared if you went on the porch.  You shouldn’t bother him so much.
                “Well, you look ready to go.” Steve dropped his arms from your waist. “Shall we?”
                Your features tightened.  You expected some private attention before you left. Your arousal went unanswered and you clenched your thighs.
                “I recognize that look.” His blue eyes flashed as he dipped his chin and took your hand. “If we end up in bed we won’t end up leaving.”
               “It doesn’t have to be the bed.” You blurted out as you pressed your hand to his chest.
               “Very clever Y/N.” Steve placed another kiss on the top of your head. “But you know what I mean.”  
                You let out a sigh, not trying to hide your disappointment.
                “Are you trying to break me down?” Steve tilted your chin up. “Because if you keep pouting like this I’m going to give in and cancel all our plans. Would you rather stay home?”
               “I’m sorry.” You dropped your head and squeezed his hand. “I won’t pout.”  
                “Good girl.” Steve turned and led you out the door.
                He spun around on the porch and locked the house. You had been on a few walks over the last couple weeks but hadn’t gone anywhere really.  Steve offered to take to you a few stores, but it was so easy to have stuff delivered.  For some reason your anxiety flared, maybe leaving wasn’t such a good idea.  
                “Are you alright doll?” Steve appeared next to you, a look of concern on his face.
                You opened your mouth to tell him you wanted to stay home, but stopped. He wanted to go out and you couldn’t be a hermit forever. Besides, you would be with him all night. Safe.
                “Yeah.” You placed your hand back in his. “Curious where we’re going.”
                “It’s not far.” Steve walked off the porch first.
                For some reason, your feet felt heavy, but you picked them up and walked in your flats right behind your man.  He led you down the pathway that went around the house. Normally you went toward the beach and realized you didn’t really know what the back of the house looked like.  
                There was a concrete path that led through a backyard with a shed and a garage that faced out towards a back alleyway.  Steve fiddled with the keys.
                You tried to remember the last time you were in a car. It was probably the night Steve acquired you, but of course, you were unconscious.  You brought your hand to your neck where he had poked you with a syringe and drugged you. Different girl.  
                He went to the garage and lifted the door.  The space was immaculate with half of it turned into a workbench.  In the center was a mid-size black SUV.
                “You look surprised.” Steve led you over to the passenger’s side and opened the door.
                “I pictured you a classic car guy.” He lifted you into the seat.  
                “I’m not really a car guy at all.” Steve leaned over and buckled your belt. “This one had a high safety rating. The classic ones are death traps.”
                “It smells brand new.” You almost forgot what the new car scent was.
                “It is.” Steve winked before shutting the door.  
                He walked around and jumped in the driver’s seat.  
                “I got it a few months ago when I decided I would be driving something very valuable.” He turned over the engine.  
                You looked out the window and tried to downplay how giddy his comment had made you.  This was all for you.
                He backed out the driveway and you were off.  The sun was starting to set and you wished you grabbed a sweater.  It didn’t take long until the houses disappeared and storefronts popped up. The old you would’ve been obsessing over each turn, trying to figure out where you were, but now you didn’t give that sort of thing a second thought.  
                You didn’t need to worry about that sort of thing. Steve would take care of you.  The thought made you glance at your man. There was no smile on his face as he drove with a tense posture.  
                “Are you alright?” You shifted in your seat to look at him. “You seem nervous.”  
                “I’m fine.” Steve’s body language was a different story. It looked like he was squeezing the steering wheel so hard he might break the thing.  
                “I’m not going to run away or cause a scene.  You don’t have to worry about that.” You reached out and put your hand on his fingers.  
                “I know doll.” Steve didn’t relax.
                “In fact, I don’t want you to worry about anything.” You tried to study his reaction. “I love you. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me.”  
                “Well, it’s my job to worry about you.”  The car slowed down.  
                You looked around as Steve came to a high metal fence. He rolled down the window and then tapped in a security code.  The gate opened to show lines of brick storage units.  
                “Where are we?” This wasn’t the date night you were imagining.  
                Steve didn’t respond as he drove down the line of orange doors.  He slowed again toward the back.  
                “I have something to show you.” He stopped the car.
                You looked at him and swore he was starting to sweat. He put the car in park and turned off the engine.  He didn’t unbuckle his belt as he put his hands on the wheel.  Whatever he was doing it was upsetting him.  
                “Hey, we can go.” You put your hand on his leg. “You don’t have to show me anything.”  
                Though your curiosity was spiked. The man had lived such an interesting, long life.  You wondered what was in the storage unit.  Maybe something from his childhood? Or something from the war?  
                “No.” Steve unbuckled his seatbelt. “Come on doll. It’s important.”  
                He reached over and undid yours before she opened the door and stepped out.  You went to the handle on your side, but Steve was there in an instant.  He picked you up from the seat and set you on your feet.
                “Just…remember I love you.” Steve ducked his head down and pressed his lips to yours.  
                It took you by surprise, but you placed your hands on his cheeks and opened your mouth.  He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer as his tongue swirled with yours. The need between your legs started to grow again. How was it possible for one person to want another person this bad?  
                “Mmmmm.” You let out a moan and Steve pulled away.  
                You didn’t care what was in the storage unit.  There was nothing from his past that could chase you away.  You were his. Forever.  
                He went to the side of the garage style door and put in a key.  It was dusk now and the sky was darkening by the second.  Steve went to the center and opened the unit.  
                Nothing looked out of the ordinary. It looked mainly like furniture.  There was a mattress on its side, a dresser, a television, and a couch.  
                The couch looked familiar. You took a step forward and realized it all looked familiar.  A lump started to form in your throat.  You didn’t know if it was a sob trying to break free or your voice getting caught.  
                You didn’t let either come out as you stepped inside the unit.  Steve didn’t touch you as you passed him, staying a few feet behind you.  
                “Why are you showing me this?” The back had several bins stacked on top of each other.
                “It’s time for you to decide Y/N.” Steve shuffled behind you.  
                “Decide?” You ran your fingertips over your old dresser and wondered if your clothes were inside or in the bins in the back.
                “If you want to leave, I’ll set you up with a new apartment and support you financially until you get settled.” There was a shake to Steve’s voice. “If you want to stay, it will be more of the same. I still expect you to follow my rules. I’ll take care of you. Keep you….”
                “Stop.” The tears in your eyes started to fall down your cheeks. “Just stop.”  
                You knew you shouldn’t talk to him that way, but your brain was firing off in all directions and you couldn’t concentrate on anything. The man might as well have been speaking gibberish.  A decision? A choice?  
                You glanced around the storage unit, looking at all of your old possessions. The television you used to binge watch, the crummy kitchen table where you ate you take out and doubled as a desk, the couch you used to fall asleep on more often than the mattress whose springs poked you in the back.
                “Please Y/N.” Steve’s voice startled you. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
                It was like everything was moving in slow motion as you spun to face him.  He bit his lip and stuck his hands in his back pockets as he glanced at the ground before meeting your eyes.  
                He took a step forward and you knew he wanted to hug you, but you took a step back and lifted your hand.  Right now you didn’t want comfort from him.  
                “I am thinking you look so sad.” Steve held both of his hands in the air. “And I want to hold you until you’re smiling again.”
                “You said you would never let me go.” Your voice cracked. “So either this is a test, and if I chose to leave you are going to take me back home and start over again, back to the basement, or it means that your feelings for me have changed and you’re no longer willing to burn the world down for me.”
                Steve lowered his hands and flexed his jaw.
                “Either way it hurts.” You took a step towards him. “But it doesn’t matter because I am not giving you a choice.”
                You brought your hand up and cupped his face before looking him square in the eyes.  
                “I crave you. Your touch. Your control. Your guidance. Your praise. All of it.” Your eyes went to his lips. “So I won’t make a decision, because there’s never been a choice, for either of us.”
                In the same movement, Steve crashed his lips against yours and brought his hands under your ass, lifting you into the air and storage unit. You wrapped your legs around him and wiggled in his embrace, trying to rub your body against his as your kiss deepened.  
                Steve fell forward and your back hit the couch.  Both of your hands dropped to his waist as you undid his jeans.  You continued to kiss and realized he had better positioning to free his cock so you bunched the skirt of your dress up and spread your legs.  
                He owned you and that was how you wanted it.  There was no sense in fighting that fact. Missing him all day had left your soaking and there was no need to ease inside.
                Even with the lubrication, he filled you with such force that you broke the kiss and winced.  Steve didn’t stop as he brought his hips back and slammed into you with power making you moan and cry at the same time.  
                The door to the unit was still wide open and any patron could drive by so you knew you had to be quiet.
                “All mine Y/N.”  Steve moved back and slammed inside of you again.  “Every bit of you is mine.”  
                There was such force behind his movement and his words that you moaned.  He quickened his pace, not pulling out as far but still pumping into you so hard your body bounced on the couch.  You were about to start screaming from pleasure if you didn’t find something to do with your mouth.  
                His neck was right in front of you and you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down closer to you as your mouth attached to it. You sucked in hard and pressed your tongue against his skin as he kept stuffing you with his cock.  
                You brought your arms around his back and held him closer, lifting your body as best you could while you were caged underneath him, still sucking his skin hard into your mouth.  The closeness made him press against your clit with every thrust.  
                Each time he hit your bundle of nerves you squealed, making it harder to keep your lips on his neck.  
                Steve put more weight on you and started rocking his hips, keeping more pressure on your clit while he filled you.  It was too much and you dropped your head back to the couch and let out a moan.  
                “That’s right Y/N.” Steve started going even faster and you couldn’t stay quiet.  You panted and moaned underneath him.  “You’re so good.  You take me so well.”  
                The praise made your toes curl and the coil in your stomach tighten.  
                “Perfect. My perfect Y/N.”  Steve’s face was right above yours. “Cum for me doll, like the good girl you are.”  
                “Ahhh!” You didn’t hold back as the spring burst forward.
                It was hard to tell if it was black spots or just darkness but your orgasm ripped through you with a roar.  Steve gave two more quick thrusts until he followed you over the cliff, his cock unloading inside of you.  
                You dropped your arms until they were at the sides of your head while Steve pressed his face into the couch.  Your fingers trailed the fabric.  You never thought this couch would see any action.  
                “We should get out of here.”  Steve’s cock slid out making you whimper.  
                He tucked himself back into his pants and offered you a hand.  You stood up and felt your juices trail down your leg.  You wished you were at home, then the two of you could have undressed all the way.  
                He brought your hand to his lips and then pulled you close, throwing an arm around your shoulder.  
                “Steve?” You leaned against him.
                “Yeah doll?” He walked you to the car and opened the passenger’s side door before lifting you inside and buckling you in.
                “Never bring me back here again.” You pressed your lips.
                Steve looked up at you with wide eyes.  There was hidden meaning in your words that was not lost on him. He gave you a single nod in understanding.  
                He stood up and placed a peck on your lips before he shut the door and closed up the storage unit.   When he climbed in the car the light from the door gave you enough time to see your work.  
                Steve turned over the engine and drove away while a smile spread across your face.  He owned you, but you owned him as well.  And right now there was a mark of your ownership in a big purple hickey on his neck.
               It was hard to keep his eyes on the road. He wanted to keep glancing at her, especially when she was smiley like this.  
                Steve reached out and took her hand, feeling guilty he didn’t have both of his on the wheel. If they got in a car accident and she was hurt he would never forgive himself.  
                “I didn’t think we were in the car this long on the way out.  Are we going home?” She glanced around the neighborhood.  
                “Not yet.” Steve gave a smile. “I thought it was time to introduce you to some people.”
                Her eyes went wide and she dropped Steve’s hand and flipped open the mirror.  
                “No…can we go home?” She looked perfect. “At least let me change? I mean…I smell like…and there’s stuff on my leg.”
                “You smell like me.” Steve wanted her to have the reminder. “And that’s my stuff on your leg.”
                Steve spotted the pizza parlor and found a parking spot right out front.  
                “I’m not ready for this.”  She started to shake her hands out. “Please, can we reschedule?”
                “You are ready.”  Steve leaned over and unbuckled her seatbelt. “They’re going to love you. Just be yourself.”  
                He got out of the car and grinned. Tonight had gone perfect. Y/N was clever and saw right through his ruse, but she was confident enough to call him on it.  Of course, he was never going to let her go.  
                “Please.” She looked at the ground when he brought her out of the car. “Another night?”
                “Don’t overthink it.” Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her inside. “It’s just a small group.”
                He walked inside and held her tight.  Bruce spotted them first and Steve led her over to the back.
                “So this is the famous Y/N?” Tony asked. “I understand why you’ve been keeping her to yourself.”  
                “Ignore them.” Nat held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”  
                “Hello.” Y/N shook hands.
                Steve sat down and put her chair extra close to his. Tony started talking and he noticed Y/N start to relax.  He knew she was ready.  
                “Is that a hickey?” Bruce got Steve’s attention.
                “What?” Steve touched his neck.
                “Way to go Y/N.” Nat held up her hand and Y/N gave her a high five.
                His girl turned to look at him and she gave a sheepish smile.  
                “Oh, we’re going to talk about this when we get home.” Steve winked as he placed a light kiss on her neck.  
                Nat started up a conversation with Y/N and Steve leaned back in his chair.  He moved his hand to the back of her neck and rubbed his thumb in a small circle.  
                She was his perfect distraction.  So shy, too smart for her own good, beautiful, and she had developed so wonderfully under him.  
                Steve continued to rub the tiny circle and his smile grew.  If she wanted to mark him with a hickey on his neck it was fine, he pushed a little harder and then felt it.  
                There was no way she was ever going to leave him or get away.  He made sure of that on their first night when she was still unconscious, in fact, it was the first thing he had done in her apartment after knocking her out.  
                His thumb moved again over the tiny microchip in her neck.  Maybe one day he would tell her about it, but he didn’t think so.  He didn’t want to risk having her try and rip it out. Besides, she was being so good right now, but what if that changed?
                Steve had to be prepared for anything and one thing was sure.  He was never going to let her go. NEVER.
 Thank you everyone for reading!  I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feedback is always appreciated!
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