#crop tops in Switzerland
marciliedonato · 1 year
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headspace-hotel · 1 month
data about where carbon emissions are coming from is so frustrating cause there's all kinds of huge, sprawling, just fucking vast breakdowns of What Causes The Most Carbon Emissions Out Of All Everything In The Entire World, but those are aggregations of numerous smaller but still vast aggregations of data, which are processed and polished from various aggregations of crunched numbers, which are patched and pieced together from various studies, estimates and calculations, which are sieved out of numbers crunched from various measurements, estimates and records, which have been collected, estimated or otherwise conceived through an unspeakably huge variety of methodologies with unspeakably huge variety in limitations, reliability and margins of error.
Even if some of the data was very fine-grained at the beginning, it was filtered through some very coarse number-crunching techniques for the sake of the coarse data, so the results are only as good as the wrongest thing you did in any part of this process, but the plans of action are getting thought up from the top down, which makes the whole thing a hot fucking mess.
For example. And I just made this example up. Say you want to know whether apples or potatoes have a worse impact on climate change. So you look at one of these huge ass infographic things. And it says that potatoes are bad, whereas apples are REALLY good, the BEST crop actually. So it's better to eat apples than potatoes, you think to yourself. Actually we should find a way to replace potatoes with apples! We should fund genetic engineering of apples so they have more starch and can replace potatoes. Great idea. Time to get some investors to put $5 billion towards it.
But actually. Where'd they get that conclusion about apples? Well there's this review right here of the carbon footprint of all different fruits, seems legit. Where'd that data come from? Well it's citing this study right here saying that tree-grown crops are better because they sequester carbon, and this study right here about the distance that different fruits get transported, and this study right here where different fertilization systems are compared in terms of their carbon footprint, and this study over here that sampled 300 apple, peach, and orange farmers comparing their irrigation practices and rates of tree mortality, and this study...wow, okay, seems really reliable...
...what's the first study citing? oh, okay, here's a study about mycorrhizal networks in orchards in Oregon, saying that there's a super high density of fungal mycelium in the 16 orchards that they sampled. And here's a study about leaf litter decay rates in Switzerland under different pesticide regimes, and...okay...relationship of tree spacing to below ground vs. aboveground biomass...a review of above and below-ground biomass in semi-intensively managed orchard plots...
...That one cites "Relationship between biomass and CO2 requirements...carbon immobilization in soil of various tree species...mycorrhizal fungi impact on carbon storage...
...wait a second, none of these are talking about apples, they're about boreal forests...and orange trees...and peanut farms! They're just speculating on roughly applying the non-apple data to apples. You have to go backwards...
Yes! "A review of belowground carbon storage in orchard cropping systems!" Seems like overall the studies find potentially high carbon storage in orchard environments! Walnuts...pears...oranges... intercropping walnuts and wheat... intercropping apples and wheat... wait a second, what about orchards with only apples?
Time for you to go back again...
"New method of mulching in apple orchards can lower irrigation and pesticide needs..." okay but if it's new, most farmers aren't doing it. "Orchards with high density interplanted with annual crops show way more mycorrhizal fungus activity..." "Mycorrhizal associations with trees in the genus Malus..."
...And pretty soon you've spent Five Fucking Hours investigating apples and you've got yourself in this tangled web of citations that demonstrate that some orchard crops (not necessarily apples) store a lot of long-lasting biomass in their trunks and roots really well—and some apple orchards (not necessarily typical ones) have high amounts of mycorrhizal fungi—and some techniques of mulching in orchards (not necessarily the ones apple farmers use) experience less erosion—and some apple trees (not necessarily productive agricultural apples) have really deep root systems—
—and some environments with trees, compared with some conventional agricultural fields, store more carbon and experience less erosion, but not apple orchards because that data wasn't collected in apple orchards.
And you figure out eventually that there is no direct evidence anywhere in the inputs that singles out apples as The Best Crop For Fighting Climate Change, or suggests that conventional apple farming has a much smaller carbon footprint than anything else.
The data just spit out "apples" after an unholy writhing mass of Processes that involved 1) observing some tree-grown crops and deciding it applies closely enough to all tree grown crops 2) observing some apple orchards and deciding its applicable enough to all apple orchards 3) observing some tree-including environments and deciding its close enough to all tree-including environments 4) observing some farming methods and deciding it applies closely enough to all farming methods
And any one of these steps individually would be fine and totally unavoidable, but when strung together repeatedly they distort the original data into A Puddle of Goo.
And it wouldn't be that bad even to string them together, if trees didn't vary that much, and farming didn't vary that much, and soil didn't vary that much, and mycorrhizal networks didn't vary that much, and regions that grow apples didn't vary that much, and pre-conversion-to-apple-orchard states of apple orchards didn't vary that much, and economic incentives controlling apple farming didn't vary that much, but all of these things DO vary, a Fuck Ton, and if the full range of variation were taken into account—nay, intentionally optimized—the distinction between apples and potatoes might turn out to be be MEANINGLESS GOO.
anyway big size piles of data about Farming, In General, make me so bitchy
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Wn prompt: buttons
[for @unicyclehippo as part of our little series for ea other — outside switzerland era pov, or: the kind, amused things a vintage shopkeeper & her wife in switzerland think of ava & beatrice. also on ao3.]
one hot afternoon the door rings and a girl rushes through, a little bit of a hurricane, and another follows, calm in the eye of a storm she seems both exasperated by and fond of at once.
you’re used to an influx of university students during the summer months. many are passing through, on their way from zurich to berlin or munich; some are just relaxing here, passing time before they’re inevitably swept back into their everyday lives. you’ve lived here for a long time, since you yourself stumbled on this town just after you finished a degree in marketing that could have been of use but sparked so little joy you decided to give yourself a year, or two, or maybe five, to figure out something better, something happier. you’d worked at the vintage store before it was yours, with its previous owner, clara, taking a shine to you, even though, in those days, you were quieter, reserved, kept mostly to yourself. when she had wanted to retire, she sold the shop to you for much less than you knew it was worth — you buy her groceries and weed her lawn and fix anything in her house; you have her over for dinner every sunday.
it’s a good life, especially when it’s quiet in the morning, just before the shop opens, and you spin the pretty ring around aleyna’s finger and kiss her while she laughs and tastes like coffee. in those moments, with her black hair and the wrinkles that have gotten deeper around the edges of her mouth, under her eyes — from smiling, from your small home and the blue eggs the chickens in your yard lay, from her books and her records in this store that she sells with care and fondness, the way she does everything — that you love. in those moments, and in so many others, too — there is no better a life that you can imagine.
‘hello,’ you say in german. ‘welcome. i’m lena. is there anything i can help you with?’
‘i’m ava,’ one says, enthusiastic and rocking on her heels once, trying to keep her excitement in; she’s beautiful in a pretty way, in a young way, with messy, tangled light hair and a t-shirt with a hole in the sleeve. ‘and this is beatrice.’ she gestures to the girl beside her, a little older, stoic and straight backed, although she offers a smile, almost apologetic. she has on a black jumpsuit and her hair is in a neat bun at the back of her head. she waves. ‘we both use she/her pronouns, i don’t really care, though. and we’re staying here for the summer!’ ava continues, in perfect german, a happy smile on her face. ‘at least that long, i guess. we’re on sabbatical. anyway, we need stuff!’
‘clothes,’ beatrice clarifies. ‘our apartment is already furnished, ava.’
ava doesn’t seem deterred in the slightest. 'we need fun things too.’ ava takes beatrice’s hand and squeezes, which makes beatrice’s eyes go wide and you want to laugh, just a little. ‘but, yes, clothes.’
‘clothes can be fun,’ you say. ava grins; beatrice grimaces at you, a small warning not to encourage ava too much, it seems. you lead them over to some of your more casual shirts and summer tank tops, which ava seems immediately delighted by.
‘is it okay if i try things on?’
‘of course.’ you point toward one of the small dressing rooms near the back, with heavy curtains.
‘by the way,’ ava says, while beatrice carefully looks through tanks and t-shirts with a frown, ‘your suit is gorgeous. i would think it would be hot, but what is that — linen?’
‘yes,’ you say, and you don’t miss beatrice’s curious gaze at your slim pants, your loafers, the way your jacket sits perfectly on your shoulders. ‘it’s quite comfortable, even when it’s warm.’
‘i love that for you.’ ava already has a whole armful of cropped tanks and a few patterned overshirts, two pairs of denim shorts, and a pair of jeans the color of wild roses that aleyna had loved when she found them at a market two towns over. ‘bea, i’m gonna go try these on! fashion show!’
beatrice blushes but she nods. ‘stay within budget, please. i don’t think you can get all of what you’ve picked.’
‘yeah, obviously. don’t worry, i’ll find my favorites.’
ava scampers off and you don’t miss that beatrice hasn’t picked up anything to try on; you remember a feeling, back when your hair was too long and your pants were too tight against your hips, when you fought yourself into dresses, and the way she touches the same kind of tank ava had been thrilled to put in her arms reminds you, a little, of yourself.
‘i like to tailor,’ you tell her, and she looks at you carefully as you walk over to a clothing rack with — if you do say so yourself, and also aleyna says so, which is more important — beautiful slacks on it. some are formal, could pair well with a jacket, and some are more casual and comfortable. beatrice follows you, a little reluctantly but with measured, sure steps, solemn, exacting posture in her neat jumpsuit. you pick up a pair of navy slacks you genuinely do love, an exaggerated wide leg, and a grey pair that sits high on the waist. there’s a collarless button down you’d found a month or so ago, and you hand it to her as well. ‘what do you think?’
she takes them almost reverently, and sometimes you forget: you have lived here in the mountains and woken up to your wife and her sleepy grumbling for so many years, now — what it felt like to understand yourself for the first time. ‘they’re …’ she shakes her head, at a loss, it seems. ‘i’d like to try them on, if that’s okay.’
‘of course.’
ava bursts out of the dressing room not soon after beatrice is in the one next to her, and when she notices beatrice isn’t still standing outside, she grins.
‘well, lena, thoughts?’
you’re ultimately and immediately charmed by ava — her grin and genuine delight over a tank and a pair of cutoffs. ‘do you feel happy?’
‘god,’ ava says, ‘so fucking happy! i had — honestly, it’s a long story, but i haven’t gotten to pick out much stuff for myself, at least not in a long time. it’s so fun.’
you smile. ‘i told you so.’
she laughs. ‘but, while bea is in there —‘ she hooks a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the dressing room — ‘let me look at some knickknacks or something. she’s so serious but i can wear her down, i’m sure of it.’
you’re pretty sure ava could wear anyone down, but you don’t say that. ‘well, we have some records; my wife enjoys curating a collection so it’s fairly eclectic, but there will probably be something you’d like.’
‘sick,’ ava says, in english, and then laughs at herself. she starts looking through the few crates of records you have, pulls out blue by joni mitchell with a sad smile. ‘my mom loved this album.’
‘if you put it at the bottom of your pile of clothes, i’ll make sure it makes it into your bag.’ you wink when ava looks up at you and she smiles.
‘that’s very kind. thank you.’
it’s so sincere, ava immediately calmed and quiet, but then she perks up again when she hears the curtain of the dressing room open and beatrice steps out in the grey slacks and white button up you’d handed her. she’s a little awkward but her shoulders have relaxed and ava is about to drool next to you, you’re pretty sure, based on her complete lack of words; beatrice has to fight for a few seconds to look away from both ava’s thighs and her chest, but she does, eventually.
‘yes.’ beatrice offers you a real smile, not out of politeness but because she means it. ‘i think i need a belt?’
‘bea,’ ava says, rebooting and hurrying over to her, the record set carefully on the counter first. ‘you look so cool! like, whoa. conversely, also hot.’
‘what?’ ava says, without any hint of an apology. ‘you do!’
you hand beatrice a simple black belt and find a few more button downs for her to try, a pair of loose levi’s, cuffed at the ankles, for lazy saturdays, and hand them to her too. she cradles them to her chest for a moment, and ava notices too.
‘thank you, lena,’ beatrice says. ‘i’ll finish trying everything on and then, if ava’s done, we’ll be out of your hair.’
you hair is perfect, thank you very much, and ava laughs when you primp it. ‘no rush, i’m just glad you liked some of the clothes.’
‘i do,’ beatrice says, then walks back into the dressing room.
‘whew,’ ava whispers. ‘am i right?’
it makes you laugh, her genuine distress. ‘i know the feeling.’
ava smiles. ‘well, bea wants to, like, get groceries, and clean, and go on a run, blah blah. but i’ll be back! i want to hear about your wife.’
‘she’s here most mornings, in fact.’
‘incredible.’ ava fist pumps. ‘i love mornings.’
you charge them far less, when beatrice brings two pairs of slacks, two button ups, and a pair of jeans so neatly folded you’re both a little concerned and a lot impressed, and places them on the counter, along with ava’s pile of tank tops and shorts and pants, and of course the album.
‘ava,’ beatrice says, ‘we don’t need that.’
ava pouts, but before she can argue, you say, ‘don’t worry about it. my wife will be thrilled it’s in good hands.’
beatrice looks torn; sometimes, kindness is difficult. but ava bounces on the balls of her feet and puts both of her hands on one of beatrice’s shoulders, practically begs. ‘fine,’ beatrice says. ‘thank you again, lena.’
‘sure thing,’ you say, accept beatrice’s neatly stored cash from her simple leather wallet, and send them on their way with a few bags. ava’s already trying to convince, you hear as they walk out, beatrice to skip their run and eat gelato by the lake instead. which, honestly, sounds like a good plan for the afternoon; you text aleyna and she comes by half an hour later, leaving the library a bit early, and kisses you in the golden sun.
ava comes in a few days later with a bag of pastries and three coffees and a giant smile.
‘hi!’ she says, delighted when she sees you and aleyna both sorting through a new box of books.
‘hello, ava,’ you say, stand and smile. aleyna stands too and steps forward to offer her hand. ‘this is aleyna, my wife.’
‘yes!’ ava puts the coffees down on the counter and then steps forward to shake her hand with enthusiasm. ‘i’m ava, it’s nice to meet you.’
‘i heard you’re a joni mitchell fan,’ aleyna says, with her black curls streaked with silver, her bright smile, her deep accented voice, her brown skin particularly gorgeous against the yellow of her summer slip dress, and you want to laugh at how ava’s eyes widen, how she seems to go a little weak at the knees.
‘i — uh — yes.’ she fumbles with the bag of pastries and then holds them out. ‘these are — thanks for the record. and for bea’s pants.’
you do laugh, then, but you take the bag from ava’s clumsy hands. ’thank you, ava. that’s very thoughtful. and i’m glad beatrice likes her pants.’
‘she does.’ ava sighs. ‘and i love her pants.’
aleyna smiles into her cup of coffee. ‘i heard from hans you both got jobs at the bar?’
‘yeah! it’s fun. i’m kind of terrible at it but i love to learn. bea is, of course, perfect.’ she rolls her eyes. ‘but i get to meet so many people. they’re really nice when i mess up their drinks.’
you take in ava’s tiny shorts and the way she’s tied an overshirt over a bralette, leaving just a sliver of her stomach exposed, and her soft, pretty features, her bright smile. ‘enthusiasm goes a long way.’
ava grins. ‘exactly!’
‘do you want to help us sort through some books?’ aleyna asks.
ava sits down on the floor, crossed legs and scuffed converse and bright eyes. ‘i love to read; i’d love to see what you have. bea is still asleep; maybe i could surprise her with something.’
you let aleyna and ava go through a few boxes together while you work on a suit in your back workroom, but you can hear ava laughing brightly and eventually she pops her head through the doorway.
‘bea and i are gonna go swimming,’ she says, ‘but i’ll be back soon, i’m sure. aleyna is wonderful, you’re really lucky.’
‘i am,’ you agree. ‘what book did you get?’
it’s tucked under her arm carefully. she smiles. ‘the spring flowers own. i don’t know it yet.’
it’s tender, the way she means that she will know it; she’ll read it with care and meaning. ‘ah, etel adnan. one of aleyna’s favorites.’
‘that’s what she said; i’m excited.’
‘it’s very beautiful.’ you don’t add that it’s sad, that adnan’s bright paintings have brought your wife to tears on more than one occasion.
ava might understand; she is so young and pretty and bright but there’s an ache that’s hard to miss — a displacement, a longing.
‘enjoy the lake, ava. and tell beatrice hello from us.’
ava knocks twice on the doorframe. ‘i will.’
it’s a rainy, damp afternoon, nowhere in town terribly busy, when beatrice ducks into your store.
‘apologies,’ she says in form of greeting, looking a little lost without a jacket or umbrella. ‘i made the mistake of not checking the weather this morning.’
‘not a problem at all, beatrice. you’re always welcome here.’ beatrice smiles, gracious. ‘my wife was just making tea, if you’d like some? jasmine green tea.’
‘that sounds wonderful,’ she says.
‘hello!’ aleyna calls from the small back kitchen.
you gesture for beatrice to follow you. there’s a small table and four mis-matched chairs, carefully chosen, and aleyna smiles.
‘aleyna,’ she says, offers a hand.
‘beatrice.’ you know her handshake is firm and serious but she swallows once and you don’t miss the rise of pink on her cheeks. ‘pleasure.’
‘you’re british,’ aleyna says.
‘yes, from london, originally.’
aleyna smiles. ‘finally, someone to enjoy my good tea with.’ aleyna kisses your cheek to soften the upcoming blow: ‘lena is wonderful, and so handsome, but has awful taste in tea. she’s happy with just an over-steeped bag.’
beatrice grimaces around a laugh. ‘ava can’t make tea if her life depended on it. i’ve shown her many times, and she seems to get lost about halfway through.’
you suspect that might be because of beatrice’s careful hands and the serious set of her jaw, but you don’t mention it.
‘ah, ava,’ aleyna says. ‘she’s wonderful.’
‘she is,’ beatrice says. ‘exhausting, annoying… full.’
‘is she enjoying her book?’
‘she is,’ beatrice says, ‘very much. she’s been reading to me at night sometimes, so i’ve been enjoying it too.’
you share as quick a glance with aleyna as you can.
‘adnan is beautiful,’ beatrice continues. ‘you’re lebanese?’
‘yes,’ aleyna says. ‘you know her work?’
‘her paintings, mostly. i would love to read her work in arabic, though. ava’s fluent in a few languages, but all of them romance.’
you laugh — as if this is, somehow, a shortcoming beatrice would love to remedy — as aleyna perks up. ‘you know arabic?’
beatrice nods. ‘not as well as i’d like. i’m better with it spoken than written. but i’d love to improve; it’s beautiful.’
aleyna smiles, then says, in arabic, ‘i would love to speak with you, whenever you want.’
beatrice blushes down into her mug, then looks up. ‘your tea is excellent,’ she responds, a little slow, with an accent much more careful than aleyna’s lyrical and gravely lilt over the words, but perfectly. ‘i do know how to say more than that, also,’ beatrice says, and aleyna laughs, ‘but it really is wonderful.’
‘i appreciate it.’
‘lena.’ beatrice turns all her attention to you. ‘i was wondering if you had a sweater or two? ava continues to take my jacket when it’s cool. i’m sure she’ll enjoy taking my sweater too, but it would be helpful to have more than one.’
‘that would be,’ you grant her and spare her the embarrassment of clearly ducking into your shop because she’d gotten caught in a rainstorm with no jacket which is, apparently, ava’s fault. ‘want to come look at a few?’
‘sure.’ beatrice carefully rinses out her mug in the sink before following. ‘thank you,’ she says to aleyna, in arabic, ‘for the poems, and for the tea.’
‘come around anytime.’
beatrice smiles and follows you out, and you show her a soft green cotton crewneck you’d just gotten in. she holds it to her chest for a moment in the mirror, considering, and you wonder if ava ever gets beatrice to do anything without carefully thinking about it first. ‘this is perfect, thank you.’ she pulls it on immediately, definitely a little cold still, and you’re glad for her: that she has ava; that ava has her — in whatever capacity that is right now, the capacity you hope it’ll be eventually — and for her quiet, persistent kindness.
‘of course, i’m glad you like it.’
beatrice touches one of the suit jackets you’d finished recently, a little reverent. ‘i love a lot of the clothes you have, honestly. i — i’m not sure if i know, yet, how to be who i want to be.’
‘you’re young,’ you say. ‘not as a platitude, i promise.’ she nods. ‘but i didn’t figure out that i loved suits until i was years older than you.’
her shoulders relax a little, at the small out, the gentle understanding. she smiles, indulgent, and meets your eyes. ‘i can’t imagine you were ever anything other than very handsome.’
‘well, that is true.’ she laughs. ‘but impeccably dressed? that’s a journey. and you’re on your own.’
‘was it scary?’
she touches one of the gorgeous opal buttons on the suit.
‘but very, very beautiful too.’
she tucks her hands into her pockets. ‘i’m sorry, i have to get going. ava thinks she can cook but we cannot afford another grease fire.’
‘better avoid that.’
‘how much is the sweater?’
you charge her a few euro; she eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t argue. she calls goodbye to aleyna, says a soft farewell to you, wanders back out — warmer, now — into the rain to make her way home.
ava bounces in on a sunny, hot morning, her hair sweaty and now short, cut to her chin, and you laugh when she gives you a high five.
‘your hair looks great,’ aleyna says, and you voice the same. ava preens, which aleyna happily laughs at.
‘bea cut it for me!’ she smiles and then looks at a few bracelets. ‘well, i tried to do it myself, but it’s, like, impossible. i had no idea. but, you live and you learn. bea fixed it, though, and then i convinced her to let me give her highlights! they’re so cute.’
‘how long have you been together?’
‘just a few months,’ ava says, trying on a little cap, and you raise your brows — you’d had a little ongoing wager with aleyna, after you’d run into the two of them at a summer festival in the city center, market lights and food and music; they’d been holding hands and ava had kissed beatrice’s cheek on multiple occasions. ‘but it feels like i’ve known her forever.’
‘young love,’ aleyna says, looks to you fondly. ‘remember when we felt like that.’
ava freezes, still looking at herself in the mirror.
‘i still feel like that, my dear.’
aleyna rolls her eyes fondly and kisses you on the temple. ava is still stock still in the corner, with the cap crooked.
‘i’m bisexual,’ she says, then puts her head in her hands, definitely embarrassed and you just laugh. but one thing about ava: she soldiers on: ‘i just mean, i like girls, and, anyway — is it — hypothetically, if someone wasn’t together with their best friend because of … prior commitments, but you’re pretty sure there’s, like, reciprocal feelings, and those commitments are… a little less strict now, and i know bea is — well — is it — should i kiss her?’
you wait for her to take a few breaths and steady herself. ‘so… you’re not dating?’
ava groans. ‘i wish.’
aleyna owes you twenty euro; you knew they were too jittery to have made that jump. you’ll remind her later. ‘do you think beatrice is ready for that?’ you’d seen the way her hands shook when she bypassed a row of dresses for a pair of men’s pants you’d hemmed for her; the way she blushed around aleyna when they spoke arabic together over tea some afternoons; the way she grinned when you’d handed her your favorite bronkski beat record and said, ‘my parents never let me listen to them, but i always wanted to.’
ava frowns; you think she might legitimately be about to cry. ‘i don’t know.’
‘well, it’s clear to me that you love each other, and you have your whole lives,’ aleyna offers. ‘you’ll sort it out.’
ava does cry then, and you thought that was going to be soothing response, but you wait a beat and then hug ava: small, slight — scared, clearly, of something you don’t understand.
‘you’re right,’ she says, after a few moments, and dries her tears. ‘we’ll — there’s time.’ she fiddles with the cap, runs a hand through her hair and then can’t help but smile, just slightly, as she tucks it behind her ears. ‘we’ll have time.’
‘you will,’ aleyna says, looks to you and you know she means it as a promise, the same one you made to each other years and years ago.
ava sniffles and nods and then laughs. ‘wow, sorry! crying in front of my two favorite lesbians. other than bea, obviously, but — fuck.’ she looks a little panicked but then, ‘oh well, you already knew, right?’
‘yes,’ you say, and aleyna laughs.
‘well, you’re tied for number two on the list, sorry.’
‘an honor.’
ava bows with a flourish and giggles at herself. ‘anyway, now my hair is always in my face, something i did not think through. so i’m gonna get this hat.’
you ring her up and she puts it on backward with a little grin and waves on her way out.
‘hello,’ beatrice says, wandering as you’re near closing, without ava in tow. ‘if it’s too late, i’m happy to come back another time.’
‘not at all.’
she smooths her already perfectly neat bun. ‘i was wondering —‘ she takes a deep breath and settles herself, like she’s about to shoot a gun— ‘can i try on a suit?’
‘of course,’ you say calmly, and it works: she nods in thanks and lets the air out of her lungs. you find her a beautiful, light linen suit — a little oversized, still a little feminine, and a pair of loafers you love, a collarless button down to go under the jacket. she takes her time in the dressing room, but when she steps out, her hair out of its bun, swept over her shoulder, her shirt tucked in neatly, she looks in the mirror and bites her bottom lip.
‘this is beautiful.’ it’s wistful, and sad.
‘you look handsome.’
she looks up at the ceiling, then tries to wipe tears of her cheeks as discreetly as possible. ‘you love being who you are.’
‘i do,’ you say. ‘i love being butch; i love that people know who i am, and how i want to be.’ you bring her some elegant cufflinks and she lets you put them on.
‘i love this suit.’
‘you’re more than allowed.’ you squeeze her wrist, just once. ‘it is a great suit.’
she smiles, grateful for the levity, and then lets out a big breath. ‘it’s quite a gift, to be in your own skin.’
‘it is.’
she tells you that she can’t get it — not yet, she says, a promise more to herself — and after she’s changed and meticulously hung the suit back up, she gives you a hug. you put your hand to the back of her head, as protective as you can. you had had an older dyke who had given you your own suit, had taught you careful stitches to tailor a waistband and how to comb your hair back neatly.
‘i do have something for you,’ you say, and hand her a small necklace, an opal drop on a black cord; aleyna had found it at a market in geneva and given it to you for the express purpose of giving it to beatrice. it’s meddling, but you think, in this scenario, maybe a little push is kind.
‘i can’t — this is too generous.’
‘it’s not.’ you put it in a small velvet bag for her. ‘i’m old, and have a beautiful wife. you get to go be yourself. and i think there’s a girl who cares a great deal for you.’
beatrice nods. ‘thank you. ava will love it, i’m sure.’
when you get to the shop a few weeks later, there’s a note shoved under the door; you open it and see what you’re sure is beatrice’s careful handwriting:
Dear Lena and Aleyna,
We are deeply sorry to leave without saying a proper goodbye; we’ve had a family emergency and have to get there as quickly as possible. Your generosity — your tea, and books, and music, and the beautiful suit I’ll think of for years to come — has changed my life. Your love is somewhat of a holy thing, I think. Ava also says that she appreciates all the crop tops you had for her because it made flirting more fun (she made me write this). In any case, we’ll miss you greatly; hopefully, we will be back eventually to visit again. I hope my Arabic improves, and Ava would like to make you drinks one day.
All our love, Beatrice + Ava
it’s a warm morning in may, spring giving way into the purple blooms of summer, when the door opens and you almost drop your coffee because you hear laughter you could never really forget, and then ava and beatrice walk in. you haven’t seen them in two years, and they both look older, a little tired, but they’re holding hands and ava is just as bright as you remember, a cap still backward on her head, short hair tucked behind her ears, an exuberance in her steps; beatrice’s hair is long and blonde and she smiles with a lightness in her eyes you’d never seen before. aleyna walks out of the back, absolutely delighted.
‘what are you two doing here?’
ava smiles. ‘we were visiting some friends in berlin, then heading to andalusia for a few weeks. we live in los angeles now.’
‘california!’ aleyna grins.
‘right on the beach,’ ava says. ‘but, well, we wanted to stop by, say proper goodbyes and then a new hello!’
beatrice laughs, free and open, and the hand that sneaks its way across the back of ava’s shoulders seems second-nature at this point. ‘i, um, actually — we have a wedding soon.’
‘not ours,’ ava says, but then looks to beatrice, ‘but one day, right.’
beatrice flushes red, but her smile doesn’t falter at all. ‘one day, yes.’ she turns to you and sets her shoulders. ‘could you help me with a suit?’
you give her a hug; you can’t help it, and no one mentions it when she lets ava wipe a few tears when she backs up. ‘it would bring me immense joy to do so.’
and you do — ava sits with aleyna and whistles at everything beatrice tries on, and beatrice puts on a slim navy suit — without a shirt underneath; she had smirked at ava when she walked out — and then looks at herself in the mirror. she meets your eyes in the reflection and nods, just once.
‘that’s the one, then?’
she nods. ‘i think so.’
‘this isn’t fair,’ ava pouts, ‘bea’s gonna look so much hotter than me. she’s gonna upstage the bride and the groom at this point.’
aleyna laughs. ‘terrible problem to have.’
ava rolls her eyes, joyful all the same. ‘you would know.’
aleyna smiles in your direction — a lifetime, a whole lifetime; your heart still swells like it did the first time you ever saw her. ‘i would.’
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rupalic · 1 month
Growth Strategies Adopted by Major Players in Turf Protection Market
In the dynamic landscape of the turf protection industry, key players like Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland), UPL Limited (India), Corteva Agriscience (US), Nufarm (US), Bayer AG (Germany), and BASF SE (Germany) are at the forefront of innovation and market expansion. These industry leaders are driving growth through strategic initiatives such as partnerships, acquisitions, and cutting-edge product developments, solidifying their positions as influential forces in shaping the future of the turf protection industry. Their efforts not only enhance their global presence but also set new benchmarks for industry standards and customer expectations. The global turf protection market size is estimated to reach $8.1 billion by 2028, growing at a 4.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The market size was valued $6.4 billion in 2023.
Top Global Turf Protection Leaders to Watch in 2024
· Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland)
· UPL Limited (India)
· Corteva Agriscience (US)
· Nufarm (US)
· Bayer AG (Germany)
· BASF SE (Germany)
· SDS Biotech K.K. (Japan)
· AMVAC Chemical Corporation (US)
· Bioceres Crop Solutions (Argentina)
· Colin Campbell (Chemicals) Pty Ltd (Australia)
· ICL Group Ltd. (US)
Investments and Innovations: Key Strategies of Top Turf Protection Companies
🌱 Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Leading the Way in Integrated Pest Management
Syngenta Crop Protection AG, a global agribusiness based in Switzerland, operates prominently in the crop protection and seeds markets. The company offers a comprehensive range of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and seed treatments, helping growers worldwide enhance agricultural productivity and food quality. With a presence in over 90 countries, Syngenta’s reach is truly global. In October 2020, Syngenta further strengthened its position by acquiring Valagro, a leading biologicals company. Valagro’s strong presence in Europe, North America, Asia, and Latin America complements Syngenta’s existing crop protection chemicals. This acquisition allows Syngenta to offer more integrated pest management strategies that reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, while Valagro’s expertise in plant nutrition promotes healthier turfgrass growth and improved soil health.
Know about the assumptions considered for the study
🌍 UPL Limited: Innovating Turf Management Solutions Globally
UPL Limited, formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited, is a global agrochemical company based in India, providing a wide range of agricultural solutions, including crop protection products, seeds, and post-harvest solutions. UPL is a key player in turf management, offering innovative solutions for golf courses, sports fields, and other turf areas. Their product portfolio includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators, all designed to enhance turf quality and health while effectively controlling pests and diseases. Operating in over 130 countries across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, UPL has 28 manufacturing sites worldwide, solidifying its position as a leader in the global turf protection market.
🏆 Bayer AG: Streamlining for a Focused Future in Turf Protection
Bayer AG, a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany, operates across three business segments: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, and Crop Science. The company’s Crop Science division caters to the turf protection market, offering products such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. With operations in over 90 countries, including regions like North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, Bayer maintains a strong global presence. In March 2022, Bayer sold its Environmental Science Professional business, which includes turf protection products, to private equity firm Cinven for USD 2.6 billion. This strategic divestment is part of Bayer’s ongoing efforts to streamline its portfolio and concentrate on core businesses, ensuring a more focused approach to its future operations.
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willowedhepatica · 1 year
avatrice + stargazing
Thank you for the prompt! This is a passage from their time in Switzerland:
It's July.
And like July does, it had pressed his lips to Ava's skin and left sunburns behind. Beatrice doesn't believe she ever fully grasped the existence of the sun after living in the dark for so long. Laying on her back, staring up at a white ceiling that was unforgiving in its emptiness.
Ava gets blisters despite the halo, skin red and body sore from the exertion. She even seems to invite it at times. Letting her body soak up the sun like she was grabbing for lost time. She could feel it at least.
That's what seemed important.
Despite the aching and despite the burn. She could feel it.
Beatrice would chastise her for it at times. When it got especially bad. It didn't really face Ava, especially when Beatrice insisted she should put on sunscreen and Ava would get this wolfish grin, wiggling her body back and forth as she told her she could do it. The blush that rose to her cheeks wouldn't dissipate even when Ava laughed, making Beatrice duck her head down and pretend she needed to take care of something else.
It wasn't until a day later, when Ava was walking out of the bedroom with a low cut crop top and shorts, wincing as she stretched her arms that Beatrice gave in. Only because she realised Ava would never do it herself and moving her hands over Ava's body wasn't so bad. Wasn't so bad– she sucks in a breath, biting down hard on her bottom lip as she puts lotion on Ava's back. Ava had propped herself up on a chair, only backwards, legs wiggling on either side of the backrest. Beatrice had needed to grab her own, scooting closer in order to properly reach, to the point that her knees brushed up against the sides of Ava's seat.
The radio on low volume and the humming of the fan made them both fall into a strange silence. One that was comfortable and warm and a little nerve wrecking because it meant Beatrice noticed every shiver she produced. Every twitch of Ava's body and strain of her muscles against her hand.
It didn't seem to be just her who was affected by the act. It made Beatrice still in relesation. Not sure if she should take the feeling growing inside her as fear or exhilaration. Maybe both.
Ava would sometimes disappear for hours. It turned Beatrice into a standstill every time it happened. Like she was the clock ticking down on the wall and waiting for something to shatter. She would come home every time, burst through the doors with trinkets in her hands or collected carefully in the fold of her shirt. Hands green with algae or sticky with lemonade. She would have this glow about her that made Beatrice draw back from her fretting, instead listening to Ava's small stories of what she had done.
That's the thing. Ava had a way of gathering stories around her. No matter its size, they were special, like the part of a galaxy only she could create. She helped a small boy pick shells by the sea. Shoes off and crouched down on her knees in order to not slip on the cliffside that was slick with water. That's why only the down part of her pants were soaked when she got home. That's why she had pockets full of seashells that smelt like salt and why her fingers were speckled with sand. She would wash them eventually, gathering them on a shelf in their living room. It was like her own little sanctuary and Beatrice wasn't going to complain. The ache it created whenever she looked at it was fond.
It wasn't unusual for Beatrice to wake up in the middle of the night, the other side of the bed empty. When she didn't find Ava anywhere in the apartment – not in the bathroom or on the couch watching something on the tv, she knew where she would be.
The window was open, letting in the cold of a summer night. Beatrice grabbed a blanket from the couch and climbed out of the window to find Ava on the roof. Knees tucked into herself as she looked up towards the sky.
"I always dreamt of seeing the stars when I was at the orphanage. The nuns would never bring me out at night, telling me it was too much of a bother."
Ava didn't tear her eyes from the sky as Beatrice settled herself beside her, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. They sat quietly for a while, lost in their own thoughts, before Ava broke it with a breathless laughter. Edged with a kind of sadness she often got when talking about her past. "How could it be a bother when you were able to see this?"
She motioned up towards the sky, the stars. They trickled the night sky and stretched to infinity and made Beatrice feel small. But she understood Ava's wonder, tried to soak it up.
Despite it, Beatrice's eyes fell back to Ava who had her cheek pressed against her knee, hair falling down, still tousled from bed. Her eyes were glimmering, reflecting the stars that were watching over them. Comets danced across her cheeks, the moon shining. Ava made the appearance of logic falter in her grip. She was made of asteroids. Holding the suns on the tips of her freckled fingers.
Yeah, she wondered too. How could anyone find the night sky any less than mesmerising?
"I wouldn't know."
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leslie-allen-spillane · 11 months
Henri Blommers
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Henri Blommers is an Amsterdam-based fine-art photographer working in general analog, with a variety of cameras and techniques. He creates a refuge out-of-this-world dimension full of bold colors, based on contemporary socially engaged themes like plastics and the impact on our future, and digital influences on our lives, and is co-creator of Hello Gorgeous magazine fighting the stigma around HIV.
In his projects, Henri materializes the images by cooking film in plant material, soaking negatives for weeks in salt, or spraying agricultural chemicals on film.
Nature under threat
During my research, I photographed the places that different stakeholders in forestry, farming, water management, and the local community referred me to. Areas where biodiversity is either increasing or decreasing or where changes in policies have been implemented. For example, leaving the remains of fallen trees, keeping field margins intact, having weeds in between crops, having streams go their own natural way, leave rocks in the fields. In other words, restoring the multitude of biotopes, so uniquely found in Switzerland.
Homo reconnectus
Regeneration is necessary if we want to overcome the climate crisis. We can achieve this by implementing regenerative agriculture (traditional farming without chemicals, artificial fertilizers, and concentrated feed) and reducing cattle so drastically that they are only grazing for nature management and living on residual flows. The reduced methane and nitrate levels will result in soil impoverishment leading to improved biodiversity. We can improve the basis even more drastically by connecting loose pieces of nature, such as forests, meadows, and gardens, enabling plants and animals, now blocked by roads and other human obstacles, to find their species for mating. Also, the concept of ownership needs to change: our garden is not our property. We are only its temporary stewards. Chaos is good, not the controlled black earth stony garden that is the common ideal now. Our human perception that nature starts beyond the fence of our garden needs to change. Education and re-prioritization are fundamental if we are to become part of nature again. To be part of the pyramid and not at the top, a new type of human, Homo Reconnectus.
Analog images developed in water from rivers in agricultural areas and boiled with plant remains of invasive or proliferating species due to climate change. The negatives were then treated with glyphosate, fertilizer, nitrogen, ammonia, and biological pesticide or incorporated into analog or digital collages.
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quietblueriver · 2 years
Tell Me You Don't Know Me
Avatrice Week Day 1: Fake Dating/Undercover
They're in London when it happens. The OCS has sent them to check out a cell of Adriel’s followers apparently still peddling bullshit (and more importantly, maybe demonic possession) to anyone they can convince to spend time with them. The new method is more HBO-doc cult-y, starts with a fucking potluck apparently, before dipping (heh) into the more serious shit. They’re easy enough to find, still handing out honest-to-god flyers at various points across the city. 
Nobody recognizes Ava; it’s been almost a year and these days she’s back to crop tops and sneakers, experimenting with streaks of different colors in her hair. And some strategically planted misinformation from Kristian and Vincent and their sources means that nobody would really know what to look for, anyway. 
As for Beatrice, a few months ago she had asked Ava to come with her to get her hair cut, had gone in with her bun and come out with a clean fade and a very overcome girlfriend. She’s still figuring out her style but has moved almost exclusively to menswear, falling somewhere between hot professor (unsurprising, 10/10) and hot mechanic who has a side gig in a band (more surprising, also 10/10) depending on the day. Ava’s about it. Anyway, nobody is clocking Bea and her hard part as the assassin nun who fucked up a truly impressive number of Adriel’s clowns at various points during his campaign of bullshit. 
The OCS has a stupidly nice safe house where they’re crashing as they pick up intel (Ava’s still not sure what happened in Switzerland, not that she would trade it, but that Church money is real), and they’re headed back there, through Kensington, when Beatrice stops short, causing Ava to stumble. 
Her eyes are fixed on a group of people stopped on the sidewalk, talking. They’re still some distance away but close enough to be recognizable. Ava knows immediately. 
“Okay, baby, okay, just come with me.” 
She pulls Bea into an alley nearby and steadies her against the wall, runs her hands up her arms, cups her face. 
“Hey, it’s okay. We can wait here or turn around or do whatever you want. I think I saw a coffee shop like 2 minutes back.” 
Bea shakes her head lightly, pulling herself back from wherever she’d gone when she saw her parents. She kisses Ava, pushing out from the wall and straightening her shoulders. 
“Fuck them. I’m not ashamed of myself. I am certainly not ashamed of you. I am happy, no thanks to them, and I will not apologize.” 
Therapy is the shit, Ava thinks, not for the first time. Yasmine came through with a connection, somewhat horrified that the OCS didn’t already have one—a very discreet former member of one of the seemingly endless secret sects of the Church. Doesn’t hurt for Beatrice that Margaret is unapologetically gay as hell. Doesn’t hurt for Ava that Margaret has a bomb therapist partner who also doesn’t bat an eye at shit like demonic possession. 
Ava is so full of pride and love for Beatrice that she might actually burst, has to exert a serious amount of control to keep the halo from lighting up the whole block. She’s bouncing on her toes to divert the energy. 
Also, like, Bea cursing will never not be hot, but Ava keeps a grip on that particular set of feelings for the moment. Later, in their cushy safe house, she can let Bea know exactly how attractive she is and try to make her curse for much more fun reasons. 
“I love you. I’m so proud of you. And also I really am okay if you want to avoid them. I know you’re not ashamed of me, and they don’t deserve you. They’ve never deserved you.” 
Bea kisses her again, tucks a strand of Ava’s hair behind her ear. 
“Honestly, they might not even recognize me. It’s been a long time and I’m now their worst nightmare.” Demonstrating her point, she runs her fingers through her own hair while pulling at the leather jacket she’s wearing and kicking the toe of one of her boots against the ground. “Basically a walking billboard for lesbianism.” 
(Ava had been with her at the thrift store when she found that jacket, had nearly lost her mind when Bea put it on. “Jesus, fuck, Bea, please get that and wear it home so that I can fuck you in it as soon as humanly possible.” Beatrice had reddened but purchased the jacket and put it on before they left the store. Ava was very proud that she didn’t catch them a public indecency charge, pulling them back to their apartment in record time. She had Bea against the door before it had even fully closed, running her hands appreciatively over the leather before dropping to her knees and admiring it, admiring Bea, from a different view.) 
“Incredibly effective billboard. Really overachieving in spreading the homosexual agenda, honestly. I have glared at at least half a dozen women today alone. And don’t get me started on how you lead me into temptation like it’s your fucking job.” 
The smile she gets is fond, fond, fond, and Beatrice kisses her sweetly. 
“I love you. Let’s go home. Does Thai sound okay?”
She grabs Bea’s hand and turns back toward the sidewalk. 
Ava notices Bea check her posture (impeccable as always) as they round the corner back onto the sidewalk and she stays close, placing the hand not wrapped in Bea’s on Bea’s forearm and squeezing. 
“I love you. I’m okay. I promise.”
The group is still standing there, half a dozen people talking in a circle outside of one of the ridiculously nice rowhouses that Kensington is full of. And okay Ava already hates these people and will until she dies (and resurrects and dies again, as things apparently go for her) but also how fucking rude are they, taking up the entire sidewalk like that’s an acceptable thing to do. 
She knows the second the first one clocks them, face going from regular stick-up-the-ass to tree-trunk-up-the-ass. She knows Bea sees it, too, because Bea sees everything all the time anyway, and she is on high alert right now. Bea holds her hand tighter and keeps walking. 
By the time they dip into the street to avoid their huddle (rude), they have the attention of the full group, which has gotten quiet and, like homophobic Ood, collectively begun to emit disapproval and disgust. Two of them, the two she had pegged as Bea’s parents, are especially focused on Bea as they pass. 
Ava has imagined kicking Bea’s parents’ asses too many times to count. What’s the actual point of having a magic, empathic, sort-of weapon embedded in her back if she can’t use it to absolutely fucking stomp her girlfriend’s shithead homophobic parents. Even without the halo, Ava could flatten them in a number of fun and creative ways, all poetically thanks to Bea. But she knows this is not about her; it’s about Beatrice, and her job as the person who loves Beatrice more than anything else in the world is to support her while she figures out how she wants to deal with these stupid fuckers. Of course, she does break out the face she reserves for cat-calling men, people who hit on Beatrice while Ava is literally right there, and the worst of Adriel’s goons. She’s only human and they’re fucking lucky she isn’t halo blasting them right out of their way, right out of England entirely. 
She feels eyes on them after they pass but stops herself from glancing back. They make it a block and a half and Ava is ready to ask about Thai food, provide a distraction if Bea wants one, but Bea doesn’t relax. If anything she’s holding herself tighter now. 
“They’re following us,” she says lowly. “My parents.”
Ava remains quiet, lets Bea set the pace, occasionally rubs Bea’s forearm. After another block, Beatrice steers them down a side street, waiting. A few moments later, the couple round the corner and stop, what Ava thinks is surprise flashing briefly over both of their faces before they settle back into what Ava guesses is neutral for them. They have the expressions of stern Victorian schoolteachers, and not in the hot way. They are perfectly put together—Bea’s mom is in a black dress and black and white tweed blazer, heels high enough to be intimidating but not high enough to be anything other than appropriate. Her dad is in a charcoal suit with a blue silk tie, black capped Oxfords shining. They’re beautiful people, just like Bea. 
“Hello, Mother. Papa.” 
“Beatrice. Hello.”
It’s her dad who’s speaking, and his tone is formal, the fucking psycho, as if he’s not seeing his only daughter for the first time in years, as if he hadn’t been following them. 
“Is there a reason that you were following us?”
Bea is standing steady, tone as even as ever. Ava knows she’s upset, probably nervous, because she can feel Bea’s pinky tap unevenly against Ava’s palm, invisible to everyone but Ava. Also because she knows Bea and this is an objectively weird and fucked up situation and of course she’s going to be upset by it. 
“Beatrice.” It’s her mother this time. “Don’t be dramatic.” It’s dismissive. Ava hates her. “We were merely being discreet. We weren’t sure that you would be able to talk to us. You’re clearly...on an assignment. I wasn’t sure whether your friend was aware of your...position.”
Beatrice looks at her for a moment before saying, surprise slipping just slightly into her response, “I am in London for work, yes, although I’m not working right now.” 
She tilts her head in Ava’s direction at the same time that she steps just slightly in front of her. Ava’s heart breaks—Bea is moving the same way she does when she’s gauging danger, protecting Ava from her parents. Ava is the one making that move most of the time, these days (which they’re both fine with because “it doesn’t hurt my ego to acknowledge reality, darling—you could flatten everything in a three block radius and still be ready for a fight. I know you don’t doubt my skills. I know that it’s about something else.” A waggle of Ava’s eyebrows, a move into Bea’s lap. “Oh, I have no doubts about your skills, Bea, and yes,” softer, closer, “it’s about loving you.”). 
“This is my girlfriend, Ava. Ava, these are my parents.” She hesitates for a moment before adding, “And I’m not quite sure how it’s relevant but yes, Ava knows about my work. We work together.”
Ava’s not totally sure how this shit works but she’s 80% that the fact that Bea didn’t even bother with their names is the fancy rich person equivalent of her spitting at their feet. She’s very proud. The scale of things Ava wants to say to these people runs from “get fucked,” at the most polite end, to a literal punch in the face, at the most honest end. She nods her head slightly and says nothing at all, is now very proud of herself, as well. Frankly, she’s doing an excellent job of being restrained here. 
Bea’s mother takes a step toward them and Ava stops herself from reversing Bea’s move from a moment ago, forces herself to stay still. The woman is looking at Ava like she’s a problem she’s trying to figure out and, oh, Ava knows that face. Ava loves that face. Suddenly she’s seeing Beatrice, puzzling through an issue with the books at the bar or trying to figure out where she went wrong with a recipe, Beatrice unable to find the shirt or the sweater that she wants (Ava stole it; it’s always because Ava stole it). It’s in the crease of her mother’s forehead, the clench of her jaw and the press of her lips, the slight scrunch of her nose. Ava knows, logically, that it makes sense for Bea and her mother to look alike, but she’s still genuinely shocked to find the person she loves so clearly present in the woman in front of her. 
Finally, she seems to come to some conclusion, looking back to Beatrice and saying, “Right. Of course. I must have misunderstood the nature of your assignment.”
Ava loses the thread sometimes but she’s been paying pretty close attention to this whole situation and she has no idea what Bea’s mom is talking about. Beatrice is quiet for a moment.
“My...assignment? I’m sorry, Mother, I’m not sure what you mean.”
Her mother gestures, stabs the air in a very pointed and incredibly controlled way, at Bea’s body, at Ava, at their hands. Ava’s not sure what the fuck that’s supposed to mean. 
“Don’t be obtuse, Beatrice.”
Ava prickles; the halo gives a hum of agreement beneath her skin. Beatrice must sense it because she squeezes her hand.
“I’m not being obtuse, Mum. You’re being obscure. What exactly do you think you know about my work here?”
Her tone has ventured into mild frustration, and Ava wants to clap her hands in appreciation. She does not. Because she’s a grown up. 
Her mother looks around quickly, like she’s trying to be sure there isn’t anyone watching, lowers her voice. “Honestly, Beatrice, I don’t know why you’re making me say it. This obviously isn’t your typical attire and,” she makes a face like she’s smelled something rotten, “you’ve cut your hair. You’re walking around holding hands with...this person. You’ve introduced her as though you’re having some kind of…relationship. Publicly. There’s clearly a purpose for that and,” she waves at Beatrice, “for all of this. We know that the Church has asked you to do some…unorthodox things. I can’t pretend to know why exactly all of this is necessary but clearly,” she looks around again, hisses, “You’re undercover.”  
Ava blinks. I mean she’s not wrong—they’re obviously not telling Adriel’s assholes (much more accurate name than FBC, by the way, and catchier) who they are or who they work for because their work kind of depends on them not figuring it out, but Ava’s pretty sure that’s not what she means. Beatrice is silent, Ava assumes because she’s trying to process.
Taking the silence as confirmation, apparently, her mother continues, “Your father and I weren’t sure that you would be able to speak with us given that you are working and given,” here she appraises Ava again and Ava fights the urge to stick her tongue out, “your company. We thought...getting to know her...might have been part of your work. Apparently, the two of you are,” she gestures at their hands again, “working together in this. I had not guessed.”
“I don’t...Part of my...work? Getting to...getting to know her?”
Ava is only really used to seeing Bea this inarticulate when Ava’s trying super hard to make her that way, but she can’t blame her because, from what Ava can put together, Bea’s mom thinks the Church has sent Bea undercover as a...butch dyke with a pink-haired girlfriend? She thinks Bea is, what? Pretending to eat pussy? For Jesus? For the record, Bea’s definitely not pretending, although Ava would say it’s a religious experience. Also, okay, fine, Ava does sometimes bring Jesus into things but only in the super blasphemous way, thanks very much.   Ava whispers, “What the fuck?” before she can stop herself, clearly loud enough to be heard by Bea’s parents, who sneer almost simultaneously.
Bea’s mother speaks again, confident, in the direction of her husband, “I knew she was not affiliated with the Church.” 
Score one for Ava. She’s honestly delighted that it’s so totally inconceivable that she could be a nun (those never-nun vibes are the vibes she wants to be putting out), but this makes literally no sense. Suddenly she can’t help herself. 
“Hey, I could totally be a nun. You don't know my life. I spend like all my time with nuns. I know so many nuns. Biblically, even!” Well there’s that. Biblically, Ava? Who even says that? Ava looks at Beatrice, who is still facing her parents but whose shoulders have started to rise toward her earlobes. For reasons Ava cannot articulate, she continues. “Well, just one nun. Biblically, I mean. I only know Beatrice biblically.” Nice, Ava. She’s not done, apparently. “Speaking of Beatrice, what, exactly, did you think the Church asked Bea to do? Seduce me? Mission fucking accomplished. Also, if you thought I was a mark, or whatever, why would you follow her? What if you'd blown her cover and ruined all that time she spent being super hot for the Church? Or, what if she had brought me down this street to rail me…for Jesus? Holy shit, I’m gonna shut up now.” 
Bea has finally turned to look at her and is...trying not to laugh. “Good Lord, Ava,” she whispers as she tries to keep it under control. Ava can see the shine in her eyes and the slight twitch of her jaw, her shoulders. Ava winces slightly and gives what she hopes is an appropriately apologetic shrug. Beatrice squeezes Ava’s hand, coughs to cover a laugh and turns back to her parents, who appear to be so horrified that they cannot move. Ava’s very glad she’s not trying to make a good impression on these people because that was a fucking disaster. 
“Right. Well. Clearly there has been some confusion. Mother, I renounced my vows about a year ago. My relationship with Ava is not part of an undercover assignment,” her voice waivers slightly as she tries not to laugh, “and for that matter neither are my clothes or hair. I’m just very, very gay.” She adds, after a moment, “Although you’re right that Ava is not a nun.”
Ava is giggling before she can think to stop herself, and Bea is looking back at her with so much affection that she feels the halo start to hum. She coaxes it back into quiet. Ava turns her attention back to Bea’s parents, who are still standing very still, but now frowning somehow even more deeply than before. 
“Beatrice, surely you aren’t telling us…surely you aren’t saying…with this woman…” her mother starts, voice hard and angry, the word woman spit like venom, which Ava thinks probably has at least something to do with the fact that she just monologued about fucking their daughter in the weirdest way possible. Then there’s the sacrilege. Also, her boobs look amazing in this tank top, which Ava’s guessing doesn’t work in her favor in this particular circumstance. Ava takes it as a compliment.
Also, she’s fascinated, but horror-movie fascinated, at what’s happening right now because these people caught Beatrice with her hand up another girl’s skirt when she was 15 and now they see her holding hands with Ava, looking exactly as wonderfully queer as she is, and they’re more willing to believe that she’s on a secret gay mission for the Church than that she’s actually just, you know, gay? Holy shit, this woman is deluded. Homophobia is fucking wild. 
Before her mother can stutter out anything else, Bea’s father puts his hand on her shoulder and she quiets. Gross. He steps, like, right in front of his wife, pushing her back a step, to stare at Beatrice. Gross-er. 
“It is unfortunate that your time of service in the Church failed to help you get over this...predilection, Beatrice, although it is far from the first time you have failed to meet very reasonable expectations. At least we are not unused to being disappointed by you.”
His tone is dripping with condescension and indifference and this is his daughter, his objectively incredible daughter. Ava can suddenly see six-year-old Bea standing alone in front of this cold, hard man—hair in a knot that leaves her with a headache, uncomfortable in the ballet shoes she already hates, posture perfect in her little leotard and tutu. Ava can see her there, trying so, so hard to be what he wants, and feeling like she’s not enough. She wants to wrap tiny Bea in her arms and take her away. She wants this man to hurt the way he hurt her. It takes every ounce of self-control she has to keep the halo still and silent, to contain the angry, vengeful thing growing in her stomach. 
“It really is a shame,” her mother says, curt, from where she’s now stationed behind him. “We tried very hard to help you, Beatrice, but you always were a stubborn, ungrateful thing.” 
Ava’s self-control is officially running on empty. She considers her options. Ava could kill them very easily but they’re in public. Maybe she’ll borrow Bea’s signature throat punch. Less messy, still effective. Seems like a winner. The halo hums lowly with approval. Before she can move, though, Bea is fully in front of her, unfolding that last little bit of herself until she’s standing there as the soldier she was trained to be. Sister Beatrice may be gone but Bea is still a fucking badass. And Christ she’s hot. (See? Blasphemy only.)
“As it turns out, I don’t actually give a shit what you think. I have a wonderful life. To the extent you were ever my family, you aren’t any longer. My family loves me for who I am, and despite your best efforts, I love myself, too.”
She is confident, her body casually dangerous, her voice steady and unbothered. Ava would like her to be done with this interaction for at least 100 reasons, and she’s proud to say that only like a quarter of those are sex things. Bea turns to Ava, smiles like Ava is the only thing she cares about. “Ready for dinner?” 
Ava’s definitely hungry. (5/10 at best but her focus is absolutely elsewhere.) And, right, so maybe she underestimated, but still it’s only like a third sex things, which is very impressive given her fucking smoke show of a girlfriend. And also Ava can want to push Bea down onto the closest bench and do her very best to positively reinforce all of this confidence and also be so fucking proud and happy and in love that she wants to cry because she can contain multitudes, or whatever. Ava rises on her toes to kiss Bea’s cheek and nods.  
“Just a sec,” she takes a step forward and looks at Bea’s father, meets his eyes. “She is the best person I have ever met, which is saying a lot, because I spend most of my time with people who have given their lives to their faith and helping others. And because,” Ava lets her eyes glow bright with the halo’s energy, a party trick, really, but super effective for scaring people and, she hopes, shaking the smug fuckers in front of her, “I have some experience with the divine.” 
Sure enough, Ava watches as Bea’s father’s eyes grow large, as her mother takes a step back. Bea puts a gentle hand on the small of her back and she turns to smile at her reassuringly, blinks back to normal.
“She saved me, saves me all the time, really. You spent her whole life trying to make her small. You failed. She’s a miracle. And again,” she lets her eyes flash bright quickly, can’t help but smirk when Bea’s dad staggers back, “I know something about those.”
She reaches back for Bea, flips them off with her free hand. “It was in no way nice to meet you. Seriously, one of my least favorite experiences, and I’ve literally died twice and spent a few years fighting demons in a hell dimension, so well done you.” 
She turns fully to Bea and then they’re walking, pressed close together, away from them. 
After a few blocks, Ava turns to look up at Bea. “I hope that wasn’t too much, Bea. Sometimes my mouth gets away from me, not that that’s news to you. Or an excuse! I’m really sorry if I...”
She trails off at the look on Bea’s face, which is...oh. Well, that’s unexpected. Beatrice is looking at Ava like she wants to ruin her. In the very good, very welcome sex way. They’re near a small park and Beatrice tugs her hand until they’re inside, sheltered by hedges and wrought iron, and presses Ava up against a tree. One of her hands presses into her hipbone, thumbing at the hem of her shorts while the other splays possessively over her ribs, pressing into the material of the black tank top Ava wears beneath an olive green bomber she’d stolen from Bea. 
She’s close to Ava, pupils blown, and she whispers, “This okay?”
Ava shifts slightly forward so that she can shrug out of the jacket, anticipating a future annoying limitation, and then places her hand over Bea’s on her rib cage, shifts it lower and back up, underneath the fabric. Bea sucks in a breath. She doesn’t even mention the jacket Ava just let drop to the ground. Beatrice’s jacket. Ava shivers. Disregard for mess is a top 5 indicator that Bea is about to absolutely wreck her. She’s fucking delighted, meets Bea’s eyes and arches her back slightly to press herself further into Bea’s hands. 
“Yes, Bea. Very, very okay.” 
And then Bea’s mouth is on hers, hard and filthy and as possessive as the hand moving torturously slowly toward where she wants it under her shirt. Ava’s knees go weak and Bea moves to press a thigh against her, both hands suddenly firm on her hips and pulling Ava closer, whispering soft affirmations between kisses when she hears Ava moan. She moves her own body to match the rhythm of Ava moving against her thigh. 
Bea breaks away to bite and suck at Ava’s neck, soothes the marks, already disappearing thanks to the halo, with her tongue. Ava is a whimpering mess when Bea makes her way up her neck and to her ear, whispering, voice raspy with want, “Do you know how much your love means to me, Ava?” 
Ava traps Bea’s face between her hands and says, with as much love as she can put into her voice, with the halo glowing hard against the bark of the tree behind her, “I meant what I said, Bea. You’re a miracle. You’re beautiful. I can’t believe I get to love you this way.”
The kiss she gives Beatrice moves them from heated to gentle, and when she pulls back, Bea is still breathing hard but her grip on Ava’s hips is softer, her thigh now still where Ava’s pressed against it. 
“Want to continue this at home?” 
Ava shifts slightly, feels the bark of the tree rough against the exposed skin of her lower back and shoulders. She’s in no way opposed to letting Beatrice do whatever the fuck she wants to her against this tree but they do have a very nice apartment and Ava has some ideas about what she’d like to do for Beatrice that are logistically more difficult here. 
“Yes, please.”
Her stomach growls, and Bea laughs, moves a hand under her tank to press gently against the skin of her belly. 
“Food first. I really do want Thai.” 
She bends down to retrieve her jacket and holds it open for Ava as she pulls herself away from the tree. Ava kisses her cheek in thanks. Bea runs a hand through her hair and straightens her jacket before reaching out for Ava’s hand and pulling them back toward the road. 
“I guess we are technically undercover,” Bea says, as Ava swings their joined hands higher and higher. 
Ava snorts. “Yeah, you’re right. Although pretty sure I’d be much more excited to be doing whatever the fuck your mom thought we were doing. I mean honestly, Bea, what a pervert.” Bea smiles. Ava feels victorious. “It is kind of hot,” Ava continues as they make their way toward the Thai place closest to the flat. She waggles her eyebrows. “Wanna play undercover nuns later, Bea? Ooh, ooh, wait—undercovers nuns! Fucking nailed it.”
Bea rolls her eyes and tucks a strand of hair behind Ava’s ear. 
“How hungry are you? You want to split a green curry and pad thai?”
Ava bumps her shoulder. “Sure. Satay, too. And mango rice.” She skips ahead and looks back at Bea. “Also, don’t think I didn’t notice—that wasn’t a no. I’m going looking for your habit as soon as we’re home. There’s gotta be a spare in the safe house, too, right?” 
“If we’re undercover, why would we need the habits?”
“Backstory, Bea. Backstory.”
“I love you. You’re ridiculous.”
“Still not a no!”
Ava laughs over Beatrice’s groan. 
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silversoulstardust · 2 years
Tagged by @mygeekcorner thanks boo 😘
Name (as far as Tumblr will ever be concerned): Chromie, or Eevee. there's another nickname I frequently use but it would be right on the nose if anyone irl ever found this blog so I'm just gonna leave it out lol
Sign: scorpio-sagittarius cusp, but I lean more towards sagittarius traits
Height: 1.64m
Time: 3.38pm (GMT+8)
Birthday: November 22. shared it with mark ruffalo, scarlet johanson, jamie campbell bower and jamie lee curtis!
Favourite Artist/Band: plenty depending on mood but my chemical romance has been a constant since I was 14
Last Movie: do revenge. amazing film, 10/10 loved it when girls are unhinged. also maya hawke finally kissed a girl? like hello? why would you miss that?
Last Show: stranger things. just rewatch my favourite bits whenever I'm having a meal until I finish eating (can you guess which part(s)? lol)
When I Created This Blog: mid 2014 I think. ditched the old one I made circa 2009 because the followers were getting too many (close to 4k) and it kinda overwhelmed me because of the pressure. people followed me for japanese comic translation and I don't do that anymore after I started working (also because my proficiency is in decline due to lack of practice)
What I Post: fandom stuff and general shitposting, really. sometimes I write for my blorbos
Other Blogs: already deleted but its url was monochromefujoshi. that's where the chromie nickname came about fyi
Do I Get Asks: very rarely lol. but I'm not good at responding to asks so this is actually a blessing?
Average Hours Of Sleep: I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every day. (emphasis on the try. it all depends on the lord of hyperfixation)
What I’m Wearing: a red and white stripes crop top with pajama pants cuz it's 32c out there. it's a weekend baby, it's time to wear jammies all day
Dream Job: marine biologist. I started scuba diving this year and god I wish I had known that being a marine biologist is a career option. bc coming from asian household, your options are limited to doctor, engineer and lawyer smh
Dream Trip: goshhhh there's just plenty of places I haven't been, but my top picks are Italy, Switzerland and Turkey <3
Favourite Songs: recently I've created a millenial middle school jam playlist specific to me and my experience and on loop these days are Goo Goo Dolls' iris and The Calling's wherever you will go
tagging @olyollyoxenfree , @aringofsalt , @edgynotice , @mitzwinchester , @abitofboth and everyone else who are interested to tell me about themselves! <3
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goldiers1 · 2 years
Hazardous Chemicals in SHEIN Products Break EU Regulations.
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  Greenpeace has conducted research on the Chinese fashion company SHEIN that identifies high levels of hazardous chemicals which break European Union regulations by up to 100% or more. Some 47 products were randomly tested and 7 (15%) were found to have contained hazardous chemicals that break EU regulatory limits. 5 were found to break the EU limits by 100% or more. The products are purchased online from Germany, Austria, Spain Italy, and Switzerland. They were also purchased from a pop-up store in Munich, Germany. All the products tested included children's clothes and shoes. All the garments were sent to an independent laboratory BUI for chemical analysis. SHEIN is at the forefront of ultra-fast fashion which has environmentalists up in arms. There are many reasons too, including the short life span of their products, ultra-low pay to Chinese workers, and now clear breaches of EU health regulations. Established fashion designers like Prado have also been vocal about intellectual property theft. BUIs findings included very high levels of phthalates in shoes and formaldehyde in a baby girl’s dress indicate at the very least SHEIN is not regulating its product production.  
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Munich Pop-Up store. Photo by Maria irl. Greenpeace.  
SHEIN targets TikTok users.
  Rebecca Morter, founder of the sustainable e-commerce site Lone Design Club recently said in an interview with Glossy, “The worry with what Shein is doing — especially with their target audience of Gen-Zers* — is that it is making them think that it’s OK to pay next to nothing for an item of clothing, when the only way to have reached that price would mean exploiting people along the supply chain, from the makers to the designers,” * Gen-Z (people born between the mid-to-late 1990s and 2012).  
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SheIn Women's Casual V Neck Sleeveless Ribbed Knit Cami Crop Top. Photo by Shop8447. Flickr.  
The Supply Chain.
SHEIN's business model relies on products being produced and delivered almost instantly. The fast fashion style forces suppliers to deliver at breakneck speed which in turn makes things very hard for regulators. Earlier this month SHEIN announced the opening of a 170,000 sq ft. Warehouse and Office in Greater Toronto Area. The company is set to keep expanding and if regulators don't start looking into this soon there could be really bad ramifications.  
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Dye Factory in Shaoxing, China. Photo by Lu Guang. Greenpeace.  
Greenpeace's point of view.
Viola Wohlgemuth, Greenpeace Overconsumption & toxics Campaigner in Germany said, “Greenpeace is calling for the EU to enforce its laws on hazardous chemicals – which are a basic requirement for achieving a circular textiles economy and the end of fast fashion, as set out in the EU’s own Textiles Strategy.” “But the EU’s proposals also need to take on the inhuman system of exploitation and destruction by ultra fast fashion that should have no place in any industry in the 21st century, by holding companies fully responsible for environmental and social exploitation in their supply chains and the impacts from fashion waste. This also needs to be urgently addressed through a global treaty, similar to the recently agreed UNEA plastics treaty that is currently being discussed, to finally tackle the giant fashion footprint.”  
In conclusion.
SHEIN's business model needs investigating by the authorities soon rather than later. If their business model is putting people at risk of exposure to dangerous levels of toxins then the public has a right to know. Parents should do some research and make sure their kids are not put at risk because of new fashion trends.   Sources: THX News, LinkedIn, SHEIN, Glossy, Euro News & Greenpeace. Read the full article
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palmoilnews · 16 days
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > Hurricane Francine disrupts Louisiana energy hubs, crop exports > Argentina soy planting seen up 7.5% this season, Rosario exchange says > COLUMN-Record yield pegs for US corn and soybeans face test on Thursday -Braun > Financial investors reduce net short position in Euronext wheat > Russia's breadbasket region says bad weather, trader's exit will hit 2024 exports > Ukrainian wheat prices seen rising amid tight supply, producers and analyst say > GRAINS-Wheat climbs to one-week high; soy, corn firm ahead of USDA data > Japan to slash domestic wheat price by 1.8% from October > FOCUS-As beer loses share to hard seltzer, US barley farmers scramble > Ghana raises cocoa farmgate price by nearly 45% to boost farmers' incomes > SOFTS-Robusta coffee at nearly 16-year peak, cocoa rallies > India to buy soybeans to help farmers reeling from losses > BHP sees Brazil as major potash market for new project in Canada > Agrichemicals company Syngenta cuts jobs in Switzerland > VEGOILS-Palm oil ends higher on rising inventories
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supriyab · 2 months
Biofertilizers Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
The global biofertilizers market is valued at USD 2.8 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 5.2 billion by 2028, recording a CAGR of 10.9% during the forecast period. The increasing farmland area across the globe is a major driver for the biofertilizer market. According to FiBL, the organic farmland area is recorded at 76 million ha. in 2021. The increase in concerns about environmental health and the usage of synthetic fertilizers in crops has also fueled the growth of the biofertilizer market in various regions. The rise in initiatives taken by governments across the globe to encourage sustainable practices is also propelling the growth of biofertilizers market.
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Biofertilizers Market Opportunities: New target markets: Asia Pacific and Africa
The Asia Pacific and Africa regions are two of the largest consumers of fertilizers. Population development, particularly in Asia, has led to an increase in food demand, which will ultimately result in an increase in fertilizer usage. Governments in these regions are placing a strong emphasis on the use of environmentally benign fertilizers, like biofertilizers and organic manure, to mitigate the negative impacts of chemical fertilisers. Government agencies have aided in raising farmer understanding of the benefits of using biofertilizers. Africa has experienced active conventional farming over the past few decades, which has utilized synthetic fertilizers to supply the soil with vital plant nutrients. However, the quality of the soil and the vital nutrients have been compromised by the over application of these fertilizers. The region now needs biofertilizers as a result of this aspect.
Challenges: Intense competition and product rivalry due to similar products
A significant problem in the sector is the availability of counterfeit biofertilizers, which harms farmers’ perceptions of the finished product and restrains market expansion. Due to their exact chemical qualities and comparable physical traits, counterfeit products have a very low production cost and have shown to be impossible for farmers to distinguish from genuine biofertilizers. Poor microbial load, contaminated items, or inappropriate strains are used to simulate a product. Due to a highly fragmented market with unorganised participants, counterfeit products are sold in Asian nations.
Download PDF Brochure: Biofertilizers Market
By mode of application, soil treatment segment is anticipated to occupy major share in the biofertilizers market during the study period.
When planting legume seeds in hot, dry, highly acidic soils, adverse weather, or when seeds have been treated with chemicals that are toxic to rhizobia bacteria, it is necessary that a liquid biofertilizer formulation be applied directly to the soil to achieve optimal nodulation. When applied to the soil, fertilizers diffuse their way into the crops. Fertilizers promote increased yield and productivity since the roots of the crop are in close touch with them. Hence, the growth of segment occurred during the review period.
Top Companies in the Biofertilizers Market
A few leading players operating in the market are Novozymes (Denmark), UPL (India), Chr. Hansen Holding A/S (Denmark), Syngenta (Switzerland), T.Stanes and Company Limited (India), Lallemand Inc (Canada), and Rizobacter Argentina S.A. (Argentina). The companies are launching different kinds of products into the market. The expansion of product portfolios offered by the companies is strengthening their presence around the globe. Companies are manufacturing different kinds of biofertilizers for different types of crops. This is resulting in their increased market penetration. Similarly, partnerships are also fostering the expansion of the companies, and helps to create synergy and; obtain a competitive advantage in the industry.
Novozymes is a multinational biotechnology company that primarily manufactures and sells enzymes, biofertilizers, and biopharmaceutical components. The company operates in two key segments: enzymes and biobusiness. They provide biofertilizers within the agriculture biologicals category. The company’s goods are sold/exported in over 130 countries. Biofertilizers occupies a significant portion of agriculture biologicals category and has generated considerable income for the corporation, particularly due to tremendous development in the regions like Asia Pacific and South America. In October 2020, Novozymes launched three new biofertilizer products; TagTeam; BioniQ; and Optimize LV, into the market which aims to enhance the crop yeild. Apart from this in October 2021, Novozymes announced a partnership with Anuvia Plant Nutrients (US) for the development of new biofertilizers by sharing resources.
UPL is a global leader in providing a comprehensive range of patented and post-patented agricultural solutions for arable and specialty crops. It offers seed solutions, crop protection, soil improvement, post-harvest solutions, and farmer involvement activities. This guarantees that UPL is present at all stages of the value chain. The company has a strong presence in more than 138 countries and has 42 manufacturing units and 30 R&D centers across the globe. In October 2021, UPL entered into a collaboration with CHR Hansen Holding A/S to innovate agricultural biological solutions, including biofertilizers to improve farm productivity.
Request Sample Pages: Biofertilizers Market
Key Questions Addressed by the Biofertilizers Market Report:
What is the projected market value of the global biofertilizers market?
What is the estimated growth rate (CAGR) of the global biofertilizers market for the next five years?
What are the major revenue pockets in the biofertilizers market currently?
What kind of information is provided in the competitive landscape section?
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 6.1
Armed Forces Day (Spain)
Arrival of the Swiss at Port-Noir (Switzerland)
Artists of America Day
Atlantic Hurricane Season begins
Azores Day
Binky Day
California Adopt-a-Pet Day (California)
Children’s Day (Cape Verde Islands; Germany; Mongolia)
Crop Over begins (Barbados) [until 1st Monday in August]
CSC Social Media Day (India)
Dare Day
Day of Protection of Children’s Rights (Armenia)
Day Without Alcohol (Poland)
Dia da Crianca (Cape Verde)
Dia de la Marina (Mexico)
Dinosaur Day
Disneyland Day
Don't Give Up the Ship Day
Dorset Day (a.k.a. St. White’s Day)
Drigh R’Zimb (Elder Scrolls)
Drug Control Agency Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Early Bird Day
Famadihana begins (Turning the Bones; Madagascar)
Fei Fei Day (Vancouver, Canada)
Festival of Non-Linearity
First Day of Meteorological Summer (Northern)/Winter (Southern)
Flip A Coin Day
Gawai Dayak begins (Harvest Festival; Sarawak, Malaysia)
Global Day of Parents (UN)
Go Barefoot Day
Golf Day Minnesota (Minnesota)
Gremlins Day
Heimlich Maneuver Day
Helen Keller Day
Idiopathic Hypersomnia Day
iHeartRadio Access Day
Intergenerational Day (Canada)
International Children's Day (Moldova, România)
International Day for Protection of Children
International Farhud Day
International Fraud Day
International IGBO Day
International Sheltie Day
International Table Top Day
Kaiko Kinenbi (Yokohama Port Opening Festival; Japan)
Madaraka Day (Kenya)
Mothers’ Day (Mongolia)
Muslim Supreme Council Day (Uganda)
Nammilk Day (Namibia)
National Billboard Day
National Cloud Database Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Day of Mourning & Lament
National Dinosaurs Day
National Game Show Day
National Love Island Day
National Maritime Day (Mexico)
National Nail Polish Day
National Pearl Day (UK)
National Pen Pal Day
National Reef Awareness Day
National Roman Day
National Say Something Nice Day
National Skincare Education Day
National Tree Planting Day (Cambodia)
National Use Your Indoor Voice Day
Neighbours’ Day
New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day
Nursing Assistant Day
Oscar the Grouch Day
Pancasila Day (Indonesia)
Phi Day (UK)
Pois Day (French Republic)
President’s Day (Palau)
Say Something Nice Day
Service Design Day
Simple Speak Day
601 Day
Sgt. Pepper Day
Stand For Children Day
St. Lupulin's Day (patron of American hops)
Superman Day
30 Days Wild (UK)
Victory Day (Tunisia)
Wear a Dress Day [also 12.1]
Wear It. Beat It. (f.k.a. Rock Up in Red Day; UK)
White Rabbit Day
WHORS Day (Whoremongers & Harlots Optimal Reformation Services)
Winterfair (from “The Vorkosigan Saga”)
World Andropause Awareness Day
World Brahmin Day
World Farmer’s Day
World Hypoparathyroidism Awareness Day
World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day
World Outlander Day
World Reef Awareness Day
Yobuko Otsunahiki (Tug-of-War Festival; Japan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Grog Day
Hazelnut Cake Day
Mint Julep Day (Oxford, UK)
National Olive Day
World Milk Day
Independence & Related Days
Amalgamated Territory of Friends (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kentucky Statehood Day (#15; 1792)
Malvern and Roslyn (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Patetopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
People’s reformed States Republic (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Samoa (from New Zealand, 1962)
Tennessee Statehood Day (#16; 1796)
Unironia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
1st Saturday in June
Ardbeg Day [1st Saturday]
The Big Lunch (UK) [1st Saturday]
Butterfly Education & Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Dare Day (North Carolina) [1st Saturday]
Do-Dah Parade (Kalamazoo, Michigan) [1st Saturday]
Drawing Day [1st Saturday]
Eel Festival (Jyllinge, Denmark) [1st Saturday]
Fete Day (Elfreth’s Alley; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Global Degrowth Day [1st Saturday]
International Lolita Day [1st Saturday]
International Parkour Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
International Ungulate Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Nametag Day [1st Saturday]
National Black Bear Day [1st Saturday]
National Bowls Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Bubbly Day [1st Saturday]
National Cheer Coach Day [1st Saturday]
National Cherry Pit Spitting Day [1st Saturday]
National Corn Hole Day [1st Saturday]
National Family Recreation Day [1st Saturday]
National Health & Fitness Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Learn to Row Day [1st Saturday]
National Pineapple Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Prairie Day [1st Saturday]
National Trails Day [1st Saturday]
National Virginia Diverse Business Networking Saturday (Virginia) [1st Saturday]
Pencil Day [1st Saturday]
RED Shirt Pride Day [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Turtle Races Day [1st Saturday]
Wicket World of Croquet (Indianapolis, Indiana) [First Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 1 (1st Week)
International Clothesline Week (thru 6.7) [Starts 1st Saturday]
National CPR and AED Awareness Week (thru 6.7)
National Fishing & Boating Week (thru 6.9) [Starts 1st Saturday]
Stepparents Week (thru 6.7)
Festivals Beginning June 1, 2024
Art & Wine Festival (Walnut Creek, California)
Ashland Strawberry Faire (Ashland, Virginia)
Bacon & Beer Festival (Merrimack, New Hampshire)
Beer City Festival (San Jose, California)
Blue Water Sturgeon Festival (Port Huron, Michigan)
Boujee Foodie Con (Fort Monmouth, New Jersey) [thru 6.2]
Brewshed Festival (Boise, Idaho)
Chiefland Watermelon Festival (Chiefland, Florida)
Cricket World Cup [thru 6.29]
CVUUS Rhubarb Festival (Middlebury, Vermont)
Dessert Wars (Tampa, Florida)
Empire Asparagus Festival (Empire, Michigan)
Epic Con Saint Petersburg (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 6.2]
Epsom Derby Day (UK)
Flag Wool & Fiber Festival (Flagstaff, Arizona)
FLOW Strawberry Festival & Book Fair (Windham, New Hampshire)
Fremont Burger & Brew Fest (Fremont, California)
Frühlingsfest (Rapid City, South Dakota)
Garden Fest (Middletown, Virginia)
Highland Renaissance Festival (Eminence, Kentucky) [thru 7.21]
Idaho Wine and Cider Month (Statewide, Idaho)
International Reggae Wine Festival (West Friendship, Virginia)
Ka'u Coffee Festival (Pahala, Hawaii) [thru 6.8]
LA WineFest (Long Beach, California)
Lafayette Brew Fest (Lafayette, Colorado)
Livermush Festival (Marion, North Carolina)
Louisiana Peach Festival (Ruston, Louisiana)
Manitou Springs Colorado Wine Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Monon Food Fest (Monon, Indiana)
Mountain Brewers Beer Fest (Idaho Falls, Idaho)
Mt. Vernon Brewers Festival (Mt. Vernon, Illinois)
Oz Comic-Con (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 6.2]
Ponca City Herb Festival (Ponca City, Oklahoma)
Putnam County Dairy Festival (Eatonton, Georgia)
Red, White and Blueberry Festival (Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
Rhubarb Festival (Lanesboro, Minnesota)
RISINGRISING (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 6.16]
Strawberry Days (Metamora, Indiana)
Strawberry Fair (Cambridge, UK)
Strawberry Festival (Media, Pennsylvania)
Strawberry Festival (West Cape May, New Jersey)
Taste of Julian (Julian, California)
3 Barons Renaissance Faire (Anchorage, Alaska) [thru 6.9]
Troutacular Trout Festival (Spruce Pine, North Carolina)
Troy Strawberry Festival (Troy, Ohio) [thru 6.2]
Truckfest (Wolsingham, UK)
Vaile Mansion Strawberry Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Vulychna Yizha [Kyiv Street Food Festival] (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.2]
Walthall County Dairy Festival (Tylertown, Mississippi)
Wellborn Blueberry Festival (Wellborn, Florida)
Whiskies of the World Scottsdale (Paradise Valley, Arizona)
Windy City Hot Dog Fest (Chicago, Illinois)
Wisconsin Beer Lovers Festival (Glendale, Wisconsin)
Feast Days
Annibale Maria di Francia (Christian; Saint)
Biray Festival (Blessed Virgin Mary; Philippines)
Bran mac Febal (Celtic Book of Days)
Caprias (Christian; Saint)
Cardea’s Day (Goddess of Hinges and Doorways; Pagan)
The Cave of St. Patrick’s Purgatory Pilgrimage Day (Ireland)
Crescentinus (Christian; Saint)
Daniel Boone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eneco (a.k.a. Íñigo; Christian; Saint)
Festival for Juno Moneta (Goddess of Money; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Carna (Goddess of Health and Vitality, and Doors and Locks; Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Oak Nymph (Celtic/Pagan)
Fortunatus of Spoleto (Christian; Saint)
Frans Post (Artology)
Gawai Dayak Festival (Sarawak)
Gerald Scarfe (Artology)
Go Barefoot Day (Pastafarian)
Hen-Peelers’ Holiday (Shamanism)
Herculanus of Piegaro (Christian; Saint)
Íñigo of Oña (Christian; Saint)
John Masefield (Writerism)
Justin Martyr (a.k.a. Justin the Philosopher; Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran)
Kalends of June (Ancient Rome)
Lupulin (Church of Beer; Saint) [American Hops]
Maarten van Heemskerck (Artology)
The Martyrs of Japan, II (Christian; Martyrs)
Oscar the Grouch (Muppetism)
Pamphilius and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Peter of Pisa (Founder of the Hermits of St. Jerome; Christian; Saint)
St. Pulcheria (Positivist; Saint)
Ronan of Locronan (Christian; Saint)
Simeon of Syracuse (Christian; Saint)
Tempestas' Day (Goddess of the Storm)
Theobold Roggeri of Alba (Christian; Saint) [Porters]
Wistan, Prince of Mercia (Christian; Saint)
Wite (a.k.a. Candida), Proculus the Soldier, and Proculus (Christian; Saints)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [30 of 57]
Active Rivals (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1876)
All Teed Off (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
All This and Rabbit Stew (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Novel; 1908)
The Asphalt Jungle (Film; 1950)
As the Crow Lies (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Ball Four, by Jim Bouton (Sports Diary; 1970)
A Balmy Knight (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1966)
Banana Binge, featuring Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
The Borrowers, by Mary Norton (Novel; 1952)
Bugged by a Bug, featuring James Hound (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Three Cantos, by Ezra Pound (Poems; 1917)
A Cat in Paris (Animated Film; 2012)
Clouds of Witness, by Dorothy L. Sayers (Novel; 1926) [Peter Wimsey #2]
CNN, a.k.a. Cable News Network (1st Cable News Network; 1980)
Codfish Balls (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Darn Barn, featuring Possible Possum (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
The Dream of the Blue Turtles, by Sting (Album; 1985)
Dubliners, by James Joyce (Novel; 1914)
Dustcap Doormat (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
Endangered Species, by Klaatu (Album; 1980)
Enema of the State, by Blink-182 (Album; 1999)
Evil Under the Sun, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1941) [32]
A Face in the Crowd (Film; 1957)
Fantastic Mr. Fox, by Roald Dahl (Children’s Book; 1970)
Feat of Clay, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #19]
The Fly, by George Langelaan (Short Story; 1957)
40 oz. To Freedom, by Sublime (Album; 1992)
Foundation’s Edge, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1982) [Foundation #4]
Gaston’s Mama Lisa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2009) [Millennium Trilogy #2]
Give Peace a Chance, recorded by John Lemmon (Song; 1969)
Goodbye, Mr. Chips, by James Hilton (Novel; 1934)
Gryphon, by Gryphon (Album; 1973)
A Gun for Sale, by Graham Greene (Novel; 1936)
Halt and Catch Fire (TV Series; 2014)
Hansel and Gretel (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1952)
Happy Landing (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
Hearts and Glowers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
Honorable Cat Story (Hashimoto Cartoon; 1961)
Hot Rods (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1953)
Hunting High and Low, by A-ha (Album; 1985)
Hypnotized (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
Injun Trouble (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
In the Nicotine (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1961)
I Put a Spell on You, by Nina Simone (Album; 1965)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler (Novel; 1979)
Kisser Plant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Kitty Foiled (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1948)
Knocked Up (Film; 2007)
The Last Mouse of Hamelin (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
Law and Order (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
Little Man, What Now?, by Hans Fallada (Novel; 1932)
Lost and Foundation (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1970)
Lucky Dog (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1956)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen, by Noel Coward (Song; 1931)
Main Course, by The Bee Gees (Album; 1975)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Metropolis, by Thea von Harbou (Novel; 1925)
Moulin Rouge (Film; 2001)
Mous-Arechac (Scaramouche), by Hamid al-Usurid [Darius Milhaud] (Piano Duo; 1943)
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, by Robert C. O'Brien (Novel; 1971)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1926) [6]
Night and Day, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1982)
The Night of the Hunter, by Davis Grubb (Novel; 1954)
Nutty Pine Cabin (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1942)
Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon (Novel; 1991)
Pandora (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
The Parsifal Mosaic, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1982)
Pearl Crazy (Hashimoto Cartoon; 1963)
Phantasm (Film; 1979)
Rainbow Connection, by Kermit the Frog, written by Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher (Song; 1979)
The Rainmakers (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1951)
Rasslin’ Round (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1934)
Robin Hoodwinked (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1967)
The Runaways, by The Runaways (Album; 1976)
Scientific Sideshow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
Scuba Duba Do (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Seeing Ghosts (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1948)
The Shipping News, by Annie Proulx (Novel; 1993)
Shove Thy Neighbor (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Show Biz Beagle (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
Shoein’ Horses (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1934)
The Shoe Must Go On (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Shōgun, by James Clavell (Novel; 1975)
Sidney’s White Elephant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Snow White and the Huntsman (Film; 2012)
Spooking of Ghosts (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1959)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Film; 1984)
Stig of the Dump, by Clive King (Novel; 1963)
The Stranger, by Albert Camus (Novella; 1942)
Stranger in a Strange Land, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1961)
Streets of Fire (Film; 1984)
Tales from the White Hart, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1957)
The Tenant of Wildfowl Hall, by Anne Brontë (Novel; 1848)
Tootle, by Gertrude Crampton (Children’s Book; 1945)
Total Recall (Film; 1990)
The Tower Treasure, by Franklin W. Dixon (Novel; 1927) [Hardy Boys #1]
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, by Pablo Neruda (Poetry; 1924)
Valley Girl, by Frank and Moon Unit Zappa (Song; 1982)
Venni Vetti Vecci, by Ja Rule (Album; 1999)
Today’s Name Days
Justin, Konrad, Ronan, Silke, Silvana, Simeon (Austria)
Cvjetko, Gaudencije, Justin, Mladen, Slobodan (Croatia)
Laura (Czech Republic)
Nikomedes (Denmark)
Sireli, Sirelin, Sirle, Sirli (Estonia)
Nikodemus, Teemu (Finland)
Justin, Ronan (France)
Silk, Silvana, Simeon (Germany)
Evelpistos, Gerakina, Ierax, Justine, Pyrros, Thespesios (Greece)
Tünde (Hungary)
Benedetto, Giustino, Graziano, Lia (Italy)
Astrids, Biruta, Junite, Mairita (Latvia)
Galindė, Jogaila, Juvencijus, Konradas (Lithuania)
June, Juni (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Bernard, Fortunat, Gracjana, Hortensjusz, Jakub, Konrad, Konrada, Magdalena, Nikodem, Świętopełk, Symeon (Poland)
Iustin (România)
Alexandra, Faina, Julia (Russia)
Žaneta (Slovakia)
Aníbal, Floro, Justino, Luz (Spain)
Gun, Gunnel, Nikodemus (Sweden)
Clara, Justin, Valerian (Ukraine)
Brigham, June, Junella, Mari, Marilee, Marilou, Marileena, Marilena, Marilu, Marilyn, Marylynn (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 153 of 2024; 213 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 25 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 24 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 24 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 3 Blue; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 19 May 2024
Moon: 25%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 12 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Pulcheria]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 75 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 12 of 31)
Calendar Changes
June (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 6.1
Armed Forces Day (Spain)
Arrival of the Swiss at Port-Noir (Switzerland)
Artists of America Day
Atlantic Hurricane Season begins
Azores Day
Binky Day
California Adopt-a-Pet Day (California)
Children’s Day (Cape Verde Islands; Germany; Mongolia)
Crop Over begins (Barbados) [until 1st Monday in August]
CSC Social Media Day (India)
Dare Day
Day of Protection of Children’s Rights (Armenia)
Day Without Alcohol (Poland)
Dia da Crianca (Cape Verde)
Dia de la Marina (Mexico)
Dinosaur Day
Disneyland Day
Don't Give Up the Ship Day
Dorset Day (a.k.a. St. White’s Day)
Drigh R’Zimb (Elder Scrolls)
Drug Control Agency Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Early Bird Day
Famadihana begins (Turning the Bones; Madagascar)
Fei Fei Day (Vancouver, Canada)
Festival of Non-Linearity
First Day of Meteorological Summer (Northern)/Winter (Southern)
Flip A Coin Day
Gawai Dayak begins (Harvest Festival; Sarawak, Malaysia)
Global Day of Parents (UN)
Go Barefoot Day
Golf Day Minnesota (Minnesota)
Gremlins Day
Heimlich Maneuver Day
Helen Keller Day
Idiopathic Hypersomnia Day
iHeartRadio Access Day
Intergenerational Day (Canada)
International Children's Day (Moldova, România)
International Day for Protection of Children
International Farhud Day
International Fraud Day
International IGBO Day
International Sheltie Day
International Table Top Day
Kaiko Kinenbi (Yokohama Port Opening Festival; Japan)
Madaraka Day (Kenya)
Mothers’ Day (Mongolia)
Muslim Supreme Council Day (Uganda)
Nammilk Day (Namibia)
National Billboard Day
National Cloud Database Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Day of Mourning & Lament
National Dinosaurs Day
National Game Show Day
National Love Island Day
National Maritime Day (Mexico)
National Nail Polish Day
National Pearl Day (UK)
National Pen Pal Day
National Reef Awareness Day
National Roman Day
National Say Something Nice Day
National Skincare Education Day
National Tree Planting Day (Cambodia)
National Use Your Indoor Voice Day
Neighbours’ Day
New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day
Nursing Assistant Day
Oscar the Grouch Day
Pancasila Day (Indonesia)
Phi Day (UK)
Pois Day (French Republic)
President’s Day (Palau)
Say Something Nice Day
Service Design Day
Simple Speak Day
601 Day
Sgt. Pepper Day
Stand For Children Day
St. Lupulin's Day (patron of American hops)
Superman Day
30 Days Wild (UK)
Victory Day (Tunisia)
Wear a Dress Day [also 12.1]
Wear It. Beat It. (f.k.a. Rock Up in Red Day; UK)
White Rabbit Day
WHORS Day (Whoremongers & Harlots Optimal Reformation Services)
Winterfair (from “The Vorkosigan Saga”)
World Andropause Awareness Day
World Brahmin Day
World Farmer’s Day
World Hypoparathyroidism Awareness Day
World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day
World Outlander Day
World Reef Awareness Day
Yobuko Otsunahiki (Tug-of-War Festival; Japan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Grog Day
Hazelnut Cake Day
Mint Julep Day (Oxford, UK)
National Olive Day
World Milk Day
Independence & Related Days
Amalgamated Territory of Friends (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kentucky Statehood Day (#15; 1792)
Malvern and Roslyn (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Patetopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
People’s reformed States Republic (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Samoa (from New Zealand, 1962)
Tennessee Statehood Day (#16; 1796)
Unironia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
1st Saturday in June
Ardbeg Day [1st Saturday]
The Big Lunch (UK) [1st Saturday]
Butterfly Education & Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Dare Day (North Carolina) [1st Saturday]
Do-Dah Parade (Kalamazoo, Michigan) [1st Saturday]
Drawing Day [1st Saturday]
Eel Festival (Jyllinge, Denmark) [1st Saturday]
Fete Day (Elfreth’s Alley; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Global Degrowth Day [1st Saturday]
International Lolita Day [1st Saturday]
International Parkour Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
International Ungulate Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Nametag Day [1st Saturday]
National Black Bear Day [1st Saturday]
National Bowls Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Bubbly Day [1st Saturday]
National Cheer Coach Day [1st Saturday]
National Cherry Pit Spitting Day [1st Saturday]
National Corn Hole Day [1st Saturday]
National Family Recreation Day [1st Saturday]
National Health & Fitness Day (Canada) [1st Saturday]
National Learn to Row Day [1st Saturday]
National Pineapple Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Prairie Day [1st Saturday]
National Trails Day [1st Saturday]
National Virginia Diverse Business Networking Saturday (Virginia) [1st Saturday]
Pencil Day [1st Saturday]
RED Shirt Pride Day [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Turtle Races Day [1st Saturday]
Wicket World of Croquet (Indianapolis, Indiana) [First Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 1 (1st Week)
International Clothesline Week (thru 6.7) [Starts 1st Saturday]
National CPR and AED Awareness Week (thru 6.7)
National Fishing & Boating Week (thru 6.9) [Starts 1st Saturday]
Stepparents Week (thru 6.7)
Festivals Beginning June 1, 2024
Art & Wine Festival (Walnut Creek, California)
Ashland Strawberry Faire (Ashland, Virginia)
Bacon & Beer Festival (Merrimack, New Hampshire)
Beer City Festival (San Jose, California)
Blue Water Sturgeon Festival (Port Huron, Michigan)
Boujee Foodie Con (Fort Monmouth, New Jersey) [thru 6.2]
Brewshed Festival (Boise, Idaho)
Chiefland Watermelon Festival (Chiefland, Florida)
Cricket World Cup [thru 6.29]
CVUUS Rhubarb Festival (Middlebury, Vermont)
Dessert Wars (Tampa, Florida)
Empire Asparagus Festival (Empire, Michigan)
Epic Con Saint Petersburg (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 6.2]
Epsom Derby Day (UK)
Flag Wool & Fiber Festival (Flagstaff, Arizona)
FLOW Strawberry Festival & Book Fair (Windham, New Hampshire)
Fremont Burger & Brew Fest (Fremont, California)
Frühlingsfest (Rapid City, South Dakota)
Garden Fest (Middletown, Virginia)
Highland Renaissance Festival (Eminence, Kentucky) [thru 7.21]
Idaho Wine and Cider Month (Statewide, Idaho)
International Reggae Wine Festival (West Friendship, Virginia)
Ka'u Coffee Festival (Pahala, Hawaii) [thru 6.8]
LA WineFest (Long Beach, California)
Lafayette Brew Fest (Lafayette, Colorado)
Livermush Festival (Marion, North Carolina)
Louisiana Peach Festival (Ruston, Louisiana)
Manitou Springs Colorado Wine Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Monon Food Fest (Monon, Indiana)
Mountain Brewers Beer Fest (Idaho Falls, Idaho)
Mt. Vernon Brewers Festival (Mt. Vernon, Illinois)
Oz Comic-Con (Adelaide, Australia) [thru 6.2]
Ponca City Herb Festival (Ponca City, Oklahoma)
Putnam County Dairy Festival (Eatonton, Georgia)
Red, White and Blueberry Festival (Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
Rhubarb Festival (Lanesboro, Minnesota)
RISINGRISING (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 6.16]
Strawberry Days (Metamora, Indiana)
Strawberry Fair (Cambridge, UK)
Strawberry Festival (Media, Pennsylvania)
Strawberry Festival (West Cape May, New Jersey)
Taste of Julian (Julian, California)
3 Barons Renaissance Faire (Anchorage, Alaska) [thru 6.9]
Troutacular Trout Festival (Spruce Pine, North Carolina)
Troy Strawberry Festival (Troy, Ohio) [thru 6.2]
Truckfest (Wolsingham, UK)
Vaile Mansion Strawberry Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Vulychna Yizha [Kyiv Street Food Festival] (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.2]
Walthall County Dairy Festival (Tylertown, Mississippi)
Wellborn Blueberry Festival (Wellborn, Florida)
Whiskies of the World Scottsdale (Paradise Valley, Arizona)
Windy City Hot Dog Fest (Chicago, Illinois)
Wisconsin Beer Lovers Festival (Glendale, Wisconsin)
Feast Days
Annibale Maria di Francia (Christian; Saint)
Biray Festival (Blessed Virgin Mary; Philippines)
Bran mac Febal (Celtic Book of Days)
Caprias (Christian; Saint)
Cardea’s Day (Goddess of Hinges and Doorways; Pagan)
The Cave of St. Patrick’s Purgatory Pilgrimage Day (Ireland)
Crescentinus (Christian; Saint)
Daniel Boone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eneco (a.k.a. Íñigo; Christian; Saint)
Festival for Juno Moneta (Goddess of Money; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Carna (Goddess of Health and Vitality, and Doors and Locks; Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Oak Nymph (Celtic/Pagan)
Fortunatus of Spoleto (Christian; Saint)
Frans Post (Artology)
Gawai Dayak Festival (Sarawak)
Gerald Scarfe (Artology)
Go Barefoot Day (Pastafarian)
Hen-Peelers’ Holiday (Shamanism)
Herculanus of Piegaro (Christian; Saint)
Íñigo of Oña (Christian; Saint)
John Masefield (Writerism)
Justin Martyr (a.k.a. Justin the Philosopher; Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran)
Kalends of June (Ancient Rome)
Lupulin (Church of Beer; Saint) [American Hops]
Maarten van Heemskerck (Artology)
The Martyrs of Japan, II (Christian; Martyrs)
Oscar the Grouch (Muppetism)
Pamphilius and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Peter of Pisa (Founder of the Hermits of St. Jerome; Christian; Saint)
St. Pulcheria (Positivist; Saint)
Ronan of Locronan (Christian; Saint)
Simeon of Syracuse (Christian; Saint)
Tempestas' Day (Goddess of the Storm)
Theobold Roggeri of Alba (Christian; Saint) [Porters]
Wistan, Prince of Mercia (Christian; Saint)
Wite (a.k.a. Candida), Proculus the Soldier, and Proculus (Christian; Saints)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [30 of 57]
Active Rivals (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1876)
All Teed Off (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
All This and Rabbit Stew (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Novel; 1908)
The Asphalt Jungle (Film; 1950)
As the Crow Lies (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Ball Four, by Jim Bouton (Sports Diary; 1970)
A Balmy Knight (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1966)
Banana Binge, featuring Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
The Borrowers, by Mary Norton (Novel; 1952)
Bugged by a Bug, featuring James Hound (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Three Cantos, by Ezra Pound (Poems; 1917)
A Cat in Paris (Animated Film; 2012)
Clouds of Witness, by Dorothy L. Sayers (Novel; 1926) [Peter Wimsey #2]
CNN, a.k.a. Cable News Network (1st Cable News Network; 1980)
Codfish Balls (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Darn Barn, featuring Possible Possum (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
The Dream of the Blue Turtles, by Sting (Album; 1985)
Dubliners, by James Joyce (Novel; 1914)
Dustcap Doormat (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
Endangered Species, by Klaatu (Album; 1980)
Enema of the State, by Blink-182 (Album; 1999)
Evil Under the Sun, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1941) [32]
A Face in the Crowd (Film; 1957)
Fantastic Mr. Fox, by Roald Dahl (Children’s Book; 1970)
Feat of Clay, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #19]
The Fly, by George Langelaan (Short Story; 1957)
40 oz. To Freedom, by Sublime (Album; 1992)
Foundation’s Edge, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1982) [Foundation #4]
Gaston’s Mama Lisa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2009) [Millennium Trilogy #2]
Give Peace a Chance, recorded by John Lemmon (Song; 1969)
Goodbye, Mr. Chips, by James Hilton (Novel; 1934)
Gryphon, by Gryphon (Album; 1973)
A Gun for Sale, by Graham Greene (Novel; 1936)
Halt and Catch Fire (TV Series; 2014)
Hansel and Gretel (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1952)
Happy Landing (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
Hearts and Glowers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
Honorable Cat Story (Hashimoto Cartoon; 1961)
Hot Rods (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1953)
Hunting High and Low, by A-ha (Album; 1985)
Hypnotized (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
Injun Trouble (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
In the Nicotine (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1961)
I Put a Spell on You, by Nina Simone (Album; 1965)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler (Novel; 1979)
Kisser Plant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Kitty Foiled (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1948)
Knocked Up (Film; 2007)
The Last Mouse of Hamelin (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
Law and Order (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
Little Man, What Now?, by Hans Fallada (Novel; 1932)
Lost and Foundation (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1970)
Lucky Dog (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1956)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen, by Noel Coward (Song; 1931)
Main Course, by The Bee Gees (Album; 1975)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Metropolis, by Thea von Harbou (Novel; 1925)
Moulin Rouge (Film; 2001)
Mous-Arechac (Scaramouche), by Hamid al-Usurid [Darius Milhaud] (Piano Duo; 1943)
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, by Robert C. O'Brien (Novel; 1971)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1926) [6]
Night and Day, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1982)
The Night of the Hunter, by Davis Grubb (Novel; 1954)
Nutty Pine Cabin (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1942)
Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon (Novel; 1991)
Pandora (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
The Parsifal Mosaic, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1982)
Pearl Crazy (Hashimoto Cartoon; 1963)
Phantasm (Film; 1979)
Rainbow Connection, by Kermit the Frog, written by Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher (Song; 1979)
The Rainmakers (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1951)
Rasslin’ Round (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1934)
Robin Hoodwinked (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1967)
The Runaways, by The Runaways (Album; 1976)
Scientific Sideshow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
Scuba Duba Do (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Seeing Ghosts (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1948)
The Shipping News, by Annie Proulx (Novel; 1993)
Shove Thy Neighbor (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Show Biz Beagle (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
Shoein’ Horses (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1934)
The Shoe Must Go On (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Shōgun, by James Clavell (Novel; 1975)
Sidney’s White Elephant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Snow White and the Huntsman (Film; 2012)
Spooking of Ghosts (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1959)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Film; 1984)
Stig of the Dump, by Clive King (Novel; 1963)
The Stranger, by Albert Camus (Novella; 1942)
Stranger in a Strange Land, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1961)
Streets of Fire (Film; 1984)
Tales from the White Hart, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1957)
The Tenant of Wildfowl Hall, by Anne Brontë (Novel; 1848)
Tootle, by Gertrude Crampton (Children’s Book; 1945)
Total Recall (Film; 1990)
The Tower Treasure, by Franklin W. Dixon (Novel; 1927) [Hardy Boys #1]
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, by Pablo Neruda (Poetry; 1924)
Valley Girl, by Frank and Moon Unit Zappa (Song; 1982)
Venni Vetti Vecci, by Ja Rule (Album; 1999)
Today’s Name Days
Justin, Konrad, Ronan, Silke, Silvana, Simeon (Austria)
Cvjetko, Gaudencije, Justin, Mladen, Slobodan (Croatia)
Laura (Czech Republic)
Nikomedes (Denmark)
Sireli, Sirelin, Sirle, Sirli (Estonia)
Nikodemus, Teemu (Finland)
Justin, Ronan (France)
Silk, Silvana, Simeon (Germany)
Evelpistos, Gerakina, Ierax, Justine, Pyrros, Thespesios (Greece)
Tünde (Hungary)
Benedetto, Giustino, Graziano, Lia (Italy)
Astrids, Biruta, Junite, Mairita (Latvia)
Galindė, Jogaila, Juvencijus, Konradas (Lithuania)
June, Juni (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Bernard, Fortunat, Gracjana, Hortensjusz, Jakub, Konrad, Konrada, Magdalena, Nikodem, Świętopełk, Symeon (Poland)
Iustin (România)
Alexandra, Faina, Julia (Russia)
Žaneta (Slovakia)
Aníbal, Floro, Justino, Luz (Spain)
Gun, Gunnel, Nikodemus (Sweden)
Clara, Justin, Valerian (Ukraine)
Brigham, June, Junella, Mari, Marilee, Marilou, Marileena, Marilena, Marilu, Marilyn, Marylynn (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 153 of 2024; 213 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 25 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 24 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 24 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 3 Blue; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 19 May 2024
Moon: 25%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 12 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Pulcheria]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 75 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 12 of 31)
Calendar Changes
June (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
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bhavanameti · 4 months
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The Pea Protein Market is projected to reach $1.14 billion by 2029, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.7% from 2022 to 2029. In terms of volume, the global pea protein market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 12.7% during the same period, reaching 4.68 million tons by 2029. The market's growth is primarily driven by increasing interest in plant-based nutrition, health and wellness trends, the expanding plant-based food sector, rising consumer awareness of the nutritional benefits of pea-based products, and the focus of key players on developing innovative pea protein ingredients. Additionally, emerging market opportunities and the launch of new pea protein-based products offer significant growth potential. However, a strong preference for animal-based proteins globally remains a notable challenge.
Top 10 Companies in the Pea Protein Market
1. Roquette Frères Le Romain (France)
Roquette Frères specializes in producing specialty food ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients, offering non-GMO yellow pea-derived pea protein through its Food & Nutrition segment. With 20 plants and several sales subsidiaries, its global presence spans France, the U.S., China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Romania, the U.K., Germany, Finland, and Russia.
2. AGT Food and Ingredients Inc. (Canada)
AGT Food and Ingredients processes and distributes pulses and manufactures ingredients and packaged foods, offering pea protein for snacks, meat replacements, and other alternatives. The company operates in Canada, the U.S., Turkey, China, Australia, and South Africa, with sales offices in the U.K., the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and India, and markets its products in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
3. Cargill, Incorporated (U.S.)
Cargill manufactures and markets food, agriculture, financial, and industrial products globally. It provides pea protein for bakery items, beverages, dairy alternatives, meat analogs, pet food, and snacks. Cargill has manufacturing facilities in 70 countries and sells products in over 125 countries.
4. Ingredion Incorporated (U.S.)
Ingredion produces ingredient solutions for various industries, including food, beverage, and animal nutrition. It offers pea protein used in bakery products, snacks, cereals, and meat substitutes. Ingredion has a global presence in North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa.
5. Archer Daniels Midland Company (U.S.)
ADM procures, processes, and markets agricultural commodities and ingredients. Through its Nutrition segment, ADM offers pea protein isolates and textured proteins for functional foods and beverages. ADM operates in more than 170 countries with 450 crop procurement locations, 271 ingredient manufacturing facilities, and 44 innovation centers.
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6. DuPont de Nemours and Company (U.S.)
DuPont develops products for various industries, including food and health. Through its subsidiary DuPont and Nutrition & Biosciences, it offers pea protein under the TRUPRO brand for applications like protein beverages, snack bars, dairy alternatives, and meat substitutes. DuPont has facilities in 70 countries across Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa.
7. Axiom Foods Inc. (U.S.)
Axiom Foods manufactures protein solutions and dairy alternatives, offering North American-grown yellow pea-derived pea protein for meat analogs and allergen-friendly foods. Axiom has a presence in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
8. Burcon NutraScience Corporation (Canada)
Burcon NutraScience develops plant-based proteins for food and beverages, including dairy alternatives, ready-to-drink beverages, bars, baked goods, and meat substitutes. Burcon operates in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
9. Glanbia Plc (Ireland)
Glanbia focuses on nutritional solutions, offering pea protein and other plant-based proteins for health supplements and functional foods. It operates major production facilities in Ireland, the U.S., the U.K., Germany, and China, serving customers in over 130 countries.
10. Cosucra Groupe Warcoing SA (Belgium)
Cosucra develops natural food ingredients from pea and chicory, providing yellow pea-derived pea protein isolates. The company serves the food & beverage, specific nutrition, meat and savory, and animal feed markets across North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.
Other Notable Mentions:
Sotexpro (France)
Farbest Brands (U.S.)
Shandong Jianyuan Foods Co., Ltd. (China)
The Emsland Group (Germany)
Nutri-Pea Ltd. (Canada)
Top 10 companies: https://meticulousblog.org/top-10-companies-in-pea-protein-market/
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electronalytics · 5 months
Green Technology and Sustainability Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
Green Technology and Sustainability Market size was valued at USD 18.11 billion in 2023, and is projected to reach USD 130.41 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 21.9% from 2024 to 2033.
The competitive analysis of the Green Technology and Sustainability Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Green Technology and Sustainability Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Green Technology and Sustainability Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/green-technology-and-sustainability-market/13389/ 
Market Segmentations:
Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market: By Company • CROPX INC. • ENABLON (SUBSIDIARY OF WALTERS KLUWERS) • ENVIANCE (ACQUIRED BY CORITY) • GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY • HORTAU • INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION • LO3 ENERGY • ORACLE CORPORATION • TRACE GENOMICS INC. • TECH MAHINDRA LIMITED Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market: By Technology • Internet of Things (IoT) • Cloud Computing • Artificial Intelligence & Analytics • Digital Twin • Cybersecurity • Blockchain Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market: By Application • Green Building • Carbon Footprint Management • Weather Monitoring & Forecasting • Air and Water Pollution Monitoring • Forest Monitoring • Crop Monitoring • Soil Condition/Moisture Monitoring • Water Purification • Others
Regional Analysis of Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Green Technology and Sustainability market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Click to Purchase Green Technology and Sustainability Market Research Report @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/green-technology-and-sustainability-market/13389/?license=single
Key Report Highlights:
Key Market Participants: The report delves into the major stakeholders in the market, encompassing market players, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, end-users, traders, distributors, and more.
Comprehensive Company Profiles: Detailed company profiles are provided, offering insights into various aspects including production capacity, pricing, revenue, costs, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption patterns, growth rates, import-export dynamics, supply chains, future strategic plans, and technological advancements. This comprehensive analysis draws from a dataset spanning 12 years and includes forecasts.
Market Growth Drivers: The report extensively examines the factors contributing to market growth, with a specific focus on elucidating the diverse categories of end-users within the market.
Data Segmentation: The data and information are presented in a structured manner, allowing for easy access by market player, geographical region, product type, application, and more. Furthermore, the report can be tailored to accommodate specific research requirements.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis of the market is included, offering an insightful evaluation of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Expert Insights: Concluding the report, it features insights and opinions from industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on the market landscape.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Green Technology and Sustainability? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Green Technology and Sustainability? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain? Customization of the Report:
This report can be customized to meet the client’s requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([email protected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1 346 666 6655 to share your research requirements.
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Stringent Datalytics offers both custom and syndicated market research reports. Custom market research reports are tailored to a specific client's needs and requirements. These reports provide unique insights into a particular industry or market segment and can help businesses make informed decisions about their strategies and operations.
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marketinsight1234 · 5 months
Global Digital Agriculture Market Size Expected To Reach USD 41.48 Billion With CAGR 11% By 2030
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The Global Digital Agriculture Market size is expected to grow from USD 18 billion in 2022 to USD 41.48 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 11% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
The digital agriculture market has experienced rapid growth in recent years, fueled by advancements in technology and the need for more sustainable and efficient farming practices. Digital agriculture encompasses a range of technologies, including precision agriculture, agricultural drones, sensor-based monitoring, and data analytics, among others. These technologies enable farmers to optimize resource usage, improve crop yields, reduce environmental impact, and make data-driven decisions. With the world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, there is increasing pressure on the agricultural sector to produce more food with limited resources, making digital agriculture solutions indispensable.
Top Key Players for Digital Agriculture Market:
Deere & Company (U.S.), IBM Corporation(U.S.), CNH Industrial (U.S.), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), AGCO Corporation (U.S.), Raven Industries (U.S.), COFCO International (Switzerland), Agrofy (South Africa),Eden Farm (Indonesia), HummingBird Technologies (England), Cranswick PLC (U.K) and Other Major Key Players.
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Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
Market Driver:
One significant driver of the digital agriculture market is the increasing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors in farming operations. IoT technology allows farmers to collect real-time data on soil moisture, temperature, crop health, and weather conditions, among other variables. This data provides valuable insights into crop performance and environmental conditions, enabling farmers to make timely and informed decisions to optimize their operations. The ability to monitor and manage farm activities remotely using IoT devices enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and ultimately improves agricultural productivity.
Market Opportunity:
An emerging market opportunity in digital agriculture lies in the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. By leveraging AI and ML algorithms, farmers can analyze large volumes of data collected from various sources, such as sensors, satellites, and drones, to gain deeper insights into crop growth patterns, pest and disease detection, and predictive analytics for yield optimization. AI-powered agricultural solutions have the potential to revolutionize traditional farming practices by enabling autonomous decision-making and enhancing overall efficiency. As AI and ML technologies continue to evolve, there is a vast opportunity for innovation and growth in the digital agriculture market.
Segmentation Analysis of the Digital Agriculture Market:
By Type
Crop Monitoring
Artificial Intelligence
Precision Farming
By Technology
By Application
Field Mapping
Crop Scouting
Weather Tracking
Drone Analytics
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Regional Analysis of the Digital Agriculture Market:
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Key Industry Development:
In November 2022, AGCO Corporation launched a brand new online tool called Geo-Bird to help farmers around the world independently plan and optimize their global navigation satellite system (GNSS) machine guidance lines.
In October 2021, CNH Industrial launched an innovative platform named AGXTEND for digital agriculture solutions in Brazil. AGXTEND develops and provides ground-breaking technologies that allow farmers to extend their efficiency, and sustainability of agribusiness by precision farming, and thereby their economic success.
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About us:
Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achileve their goals.
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