#crave and mantis: god's cuddliest siblings
heart-forge · 5 years
The ROs and a "there's only one bed" situation pre-relationship!
He’s more fine with it than you’d think. Like he’s so easily flustered and Maureen lives to torment him about the imagined relationship between the two of you, but honestly in a one bed situation he’s all right. He’s desensitized himself to a lot of things that he would consider inconvenient to be embarrassed about (ie sleeping arrangements). He would end up on you. It is his natural place.
She overthinks it a lot, but ultimately her dedication to having somewhere comfortable to sleep for both of you wins her over. She’s tense for a lot of it and won’t end up nearly as on top of you as she could have, but I think there’s something tender about her starting on the other side of the bed and barely moving, to feeling her back pressed against yours.
He’s like, classically embarrassed about the whole deal, in the flustered and apologetic sort of way. He’ll volunteer to sleep on the floor but is enough of an adult to understand that it really isn’t worth arguing about and generally more comfortable for everyone if he just shuts up and gets in bed. He’s very self conscious about where his body is in relation to you, but regardless it’s possible you’ll wake up with his arm around you.
She’s a little giggly about it: she tries to face it with professionalism, but out of all the LIs she’s most likely to have a book under her bed where this exact situation leads to something a little (read: very) dirty. She also has a sister though, so she’s used to staying on her own side of the bed under threat of violence. You might wake up scandalously close to her, but she’s unfortunately pretty good at minding her limbs.
They’re both ultimate extremes of the spectrum. If you manage to convince them to share the bed and not just immediately drop to the floor with a cushion off the chair and a thin blanket, which is a chore in and of itself because they feel this weird sense of like, is it taking advantage of my homie to share the bed? Once they’re past that though you wake up with Gnarl wrapped around you like a starfish.
It really depends at what point in the relationship yall are at because if it’s too early, he can and absolutely will flat out pigheadedly refuse to share. He would rather stay up literally all night than just share the bed. At a weirder point int he relationship, assuming the two of you are somewhere safe where he doesn’t feel the need to personally post guard, the fact that he’s willing to share is novel enough: that you’ll definitely wake up pressed against him, not actively being held but definitely back to back, is more intimacy than you expect from him.
She plants herself down in the bed like she’s daring you to mention that it might be weird for the two of you to share, and takes up as much space as she likes: a little more than necessary, actually, just to flex on you. The thing about her is that she’s way more cuddly when she’s unconscious than she is while awake, so you might actually wake up holding her. Is she awake before you, realizing that you’re holding her and so paralyzed with Feelings about it that she can’t actually even begin to decide whether or not she wants to push you off? You’ll never know.
He tries to laugh it off, because it’s not strictly uncommon to come upon just one bed, or to not have a handy spare: he’s happy to loan you his, and gets more flustered when you suggest that he doesn’t have to sleep on the floor since it’d be inconveniencing him. He’s just… naturally cuddly, is the thing. Crave is warm and despite being a human scarecrow (metaphorically, game’s not that weird) unusually comfortable. You will wake up late with him wrapped around you, and it will be the best sleep you’ve had in your life.
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