#cpirits // aether
lustbcrne · 22 days
|| @cpirits (Aether) gets to play with Wriothesley! ||
Honestly, it wasn’t all that often that the Meropide would find himself in such a position. Or even able to indulge in his desires like this overall. He had quite the image to maintain after all, especially in a place like this.
Yet now with the Traveller, well, he trusted them plenty to show this side of himself.
That, plus the fact that he found them to be quite the intriguing person, how could he not be eager to have them now? To see just how they’d react once he’d begun to touch them, tease and try to take apart any and every ounce of composure they had…First things first, however—
“Stop or slow down will work just fine if you need to, but if I get in a foggy enough headspace—“ He firmly tugged the leash taut, once, twice in quick succession. “—that will work just as well. Understood?”
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The Oni was seated inside Komore Teahouse, where he'd been spending a great deal of time since he last saw Aether. Of course, nobody but the two of them know what happened that night during the fireworks and other festivities. Of course, he'd known they were leaving once they recovered what everything they did together, that didn't mean it hurt any less. Sure, he knew he'd see them again at some point, which was why he'd been focusing on getting things done, and hanging out with his local friends.
Though at the moment, it was just him and Taroumaru inside the teahouse. He was sitting inside the room that was typically used by the Yashiro Commission members, Thoma, and the Traveler. He was drinking some tea and eating a small snack they served while thinking about what he was planning on doing once he was finished and he'd paid for his drink and food.
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He'd finish his tea and snack, before getting up and heading to the special payment box to drop in the Mora he owed. He happened to be by the front counter where Taroumaru was located as someone seemingly burst in from outside.
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[RANDOM, KINDA KINKY PROMPTS] || { tied } : one muse ties up / handcuffs the other during sex // Fem!Wriothesley to Aether @cpirits
random, kinda kinky prompts  | Still Accepting |
💫 "Ngh I think they're a bit tight still," Aether says and he lays on the bed while Wriothesley ties his arms to the bed, he was down to try new things and Wriothesley was happy to do so. "Maybe next time you will get tied up and I'll take care of you." Aether smiled as he watched Wriothesley do the ropes, he was hard but not fully hard yet.
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crimsononiarataki · 5 days
//Just as a note: I am not planning on doing any romantic shipping with any other Aether muses aside from @cpirits!
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stelliferousduo · 4 months
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@cpirits said: [ tangle ] sender carefully knots their fingers with receiver's // from Aether ll hands & touch meme (Accepting!)
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These kind of peaceful moments spent with her twin were truly special. There was nobody else in the whole universe who she felt quite as comfortable around. Aether was someone she could share just about anything with after all. As long as they could continue traveling together, there was nothing else she could ever wish for.
"Say, brother...Do you remember the place I told you about earlier? The one from my dreams. ーー A place where those flowers still bloom. Do you think such a place truly exists?"
If it does, she can only hope that they can reach and witness it together.
"Actually, no. Don't answer that question. I want it to be a surprise."
The warmth from his hand holding onto hers was so comfortable, Lumine felt herself growing somewhat drowsy. A short nap wouldn't hurt, right? It's not like they were in any rush. Closing her eyes, she felt herself slowly drifting off into a deep slumber.
When the female awoke again, she had no idea how much time had passed. "Aeーー"
The spot besides her was empty, her brother nowhere no be seen.
( Right... It was but a dream... )
Her heart ached as she had to fight back the tears, teeth digging into her bottom lip.
"I just don't understand, brother...Why can't we continue our journey together?"
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cpirits · 1 year
(( @mirroredworlds || XIAO
@cpirits asked: Walking up the steps to the top of Wangshu Inn, Aether held two plates of Almond Tofu, having made it himself in the kitchen below. He wasn't expecting Xiao to show up right away, and he didn't feel like calling his name, but didn't think the Adeptus would mind.
Looking out across Liyue, Traveler leaned against the railing and held his plate, cutting it slowly with a fork. // Aether to Xiao
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Xiao was there, up on the roof had the Traveler taken the time to look up he would undoubtedly have spotted the Adeptus. He could see that the other was consuming his favorite dish that was made by human hands, the deliciousness known as Almond Tofu. Eyes would narrow just slightly before the guardian would appear behind Aether, just slightly off to the side.
"Here again, Traveler?"
He'd cross his arms across his chest while keeping his eyes focused on the other male. He knew Aether was capable but that didn't mean he was just going to allow anything untoward to transpire while he was there. He'd take a few steps forward, toward the other male, but not arrive at his side just yet. This wasn't the only time the other had been up here with him like this and it likely wouldn't be the last. What the Adeptus wanted to know was what had brought the other here and why he'd decided to bring along Almond Tofu as well.
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He wished he could not jump when the Adeptus appeared behind him, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. The rush of air slightly made Aether startle, and he nearly dropped his plate right off the railing! Luckily his hand was able to catch it.
Turning toward Xiao, he stretched his arm and offered the second plate of Almond Tofu, a smile on his face. "Yes, I'm here. I hope it's no bother. I thought we could share a treat together."
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watchfxrthefangs · 2 years
Send (⊙_⊙;) to walk in on my muse in the naked // Aether to Zhongli @cpirits
Send (⊙_⊙;) to walk in on my muse in the naked
🟡Zhongli sighed as he stepped out of the shower, drying himself and his hair. It was a peaceful night, and while the traveler was staying with him, he was sure the blonde was resting after the long trip he took back to Liyue. So he took the opportunity to shower before settling down with a cup of tea.
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Dressed in only a towel around his waist, he exited the bathroom, contemplating what tea to have when he found Aether standing in front of his door, looking quite stunned to see him. "Ah, traveler." He perked, completely forgetting his state of undress.
"Did you need something?"
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kitxkatrp · 2 years
!!! The other twin jumped in front of their sibling, and shielded her from the anonymous person assulting her. Brandishing their sword, Aether's eyes glared and they looked back at her. "I can't stand it! You'll not be hit again as I'm here." // Aether to Lumine @cpirits
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"Aether..." She hadn't expected that -- but he had always been protective over her, so she shouldn't be surprised. She bit her lip, fingers on the hilt of her sword.
She could handle herself, but...
...It felt good to be protected too.
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studentshaul · 2 years
[MORE RANDOM DIALOGUE PROMPTS] “did you do something different with your hair?” // Aether to Kokomi @cpirits​
more random dialogue prompts
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“Why yes, do you like it Traveler?” 
The Priestess did a little twirl before giggling into her hands. She had indeed done her hair up a bit differently today, a pink pony tail that ends with light blue could be seen.  “I thought I would change it today. However I should have warned the villagers. They were surprised when they saw that their priestess switched styles...although...”
She started to see some other Watatsumi Island women suddenly sporting ponytails after she changed hers. A little creepy. 
“...Sorry had something on my mind. I am glad you like it!”
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ofoni · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:  Aether is just gonna staaaaaaaaaaare at the Oni, his eyes light up and his cheeks went pink. "H-hi." He's nervous and the other is so...tall. // Aether @cpirits (hi..I love your muse omg he's so damn hot)
random ask || always accepting @cpirits​ 
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           HE FELT THE EYES ON HIM, as he turn around and stared at the other right back. Blinking, he slowly titled his head for a moment, and he smiled brightly. taking a few steps over to the other, the smell of the other was friendly, someone who would want to try and hurt him, so reaching out he placed his hand on the other a bit and messed up the others hair a bit. 
                                       “ Hello! Hello!  how can I help you??” 
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@cpirits asked: [KISS MEME] 💋💋💋💋💋💋 // from Aether
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The Oni had smelt Aether the moment they arrived in the general area he was in. He'd growled to himself, likely due to how long it'd been since the last time they'd seen one another. After all, they spent that night together, and the moment Aether had recovered they'd left. While initially, he'd been pretty hurt, he'd also understood that the Traveler had an important mission they were on. To find their twin sister and then leave Teyvat with her, so, it was his own stupidity that led to him growing attached to them.
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"Ya got a lotta nerve showin' up around here like this again, Aether."
While his words might have sounded angry, he wasn't actually mad. Hurt yes, but not mad. He'd thought he was important to the other, after all, why else would Aether have gone with him to his house that night, rather than staying with Paimon and their other friends otherwise? A clawed hand would somewhat roughly grip the blond's face, and his lips would be downturned in a frown, brows furrowed.
Wordlessly, he'd lean in before kissing Aether with ferocity that was unmatched even by what they'd done when they spent the night in the Oni's home. Fangs might catch the smaller individual's lip, perhaps even hard enough to draw a bit of blood, and before long, the Oni's hands would be tugging at some of the annoying things the Traveler wore. He knew to be careful, so he wasn't just trying to tear their clothing off or anything, but he was making it fairly obvious that despite the time they'd been apart, he'd missed the other something fierce.
If he could, he'd try to convince them to stay on Teyvat after reuniting with their twin, but he had a feeling neither of them would want to stay, so he'd just make do with what he could for now. He'd pull back from the kiss after a few moments. His sunset eyes would bore into the golden ones of the Traveler before he pursed his lips.
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@cpirits asked: [RP STARTERS: CONCERN] “Are you sure you’re okay?” // Aether
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The Oni was resting against the trunk of a tree, his chest adorned with a few shallow wounds. Nothing major, and nothing that would take him long to recover from. Since he wasn't human his healing capabilities were a BIT stronger. Even if he'd been knocked out he'd have been fine within about half an hour, or so.
"Yeah, yeah... I'll be good to go in a few minutes. Just... gotta catch my breath."
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He was by no means wheezing but his breathing WAS heavier than it typically was. Likely a sign that he'd sustained an internal injury of some sort. He wasn't wrong though, he would be absolutely fine sooner rather than later. Aether would know due to how well the two knew one another.
"Come on now, don't look at me like that, Aether. This is nothin'! Ouch..."
A large hand would rub at a bruise on his side, a wince would barely be disguised during the action. Fuck, he'd gotten PRETTY messed up this time had he? He was a bit sore, and he could smell his own blood, but other than that he honestly felt fine.
"How bad do I look? Is my hair okay?!"
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A little birdie said you've got a crush on Aether, big guy.
"Whoever the 'little birdie' is, shouldn't be talkin' about me at all."
The Oni would narrow his eyes before shaking his head. He hated that people were saying stuff about him. So what if he DID have a little crush on Aether? It's not like anything would come of it, right? The Traveler was busy looking for his sister and he refused to be greedy and try to get the other to stay with him.
"Besides, it's not like admittin' that would change anythin' they're still gonna go look for their sister, and they already mentioned before that they ain't stayin' on Teyvat once they're reunited."
He'd rather not allow his minor crush to grow to where it'd hurt him when they inevitably left to go to another world with their twin. He could always try to find something with another person from Teyvat instead.
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"I have no intention of sayin' anythin' to them."
@cpirits (tagging for the Aether mention)
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@cpirits asked: Aether was fishing off the coast of the city in Inazuma, holding their rod while watching the water. They had plenty of time to get really good at fishing, having done the pass time in both Mondstadt and Liyue. Wind passing over the beach, their braid and tails of their scarf wrestling against the pull. // Aether
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He was walking around without his gang, mostly the Oni was just talking a walk to clear his head. He wasn't sure what was up but he knew it wasn't anything BAD by any means. His hands were loosely tucked into his pockets, and the only thing really noticeable regarding him being out would likely be his footsteps.
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Given that he wasn't fully human, he still had the senses of an Oni, so he caught the scent of Aether as they fished. He'd slowly make his way toward where the scent was coming from. It was breezy, but not cold, not that the cold would bother him. Given that he dressed the same regardless of the season. Once he spotted Aether he'd slow down so his footsteps wouldn't scare the fish away.
Once he was close enough he'd essentially kneel down beside Aether before speaking, though he kept his voice down, he knew how to fish and enjoyed doing so, he didn't do it as often as he used to, since he did various jobs for Mora so he could feed himself, Ushi, and his gang.
"What's up compadre? Been a bit since you came around. How you been doing?"
Should Aether look at him, the Oni would grin, showing off his impressive fangs, though he wasn't doing so to intimidate or make the other think anything of it, either. He also refrained from touching the other on the shoulder, he wasn't sure they'd appreciate that at the moment.
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watchfxrthefangs · 2 years
[SPICY SHARING A BED PROMPTS] “ you’re closer to me than ever before. i can hear you breathing. “ // Aether to Zhongli @cpirits
spicy sharing a bed prompts
🟡It was unconscious. Zhongli had a habit of curling when he slept. It was just comfortable for him, and even though he did fall asleep beside Aether, he woke to find himself against the blonde's back, slightly curled around the other.
The brunette thought Aether was sleeping til the other, startling him. The words sparked a want to press closer, but he resisted. Just cause those words were stated did not mean they were an invitation for him to get closer, though... they were not said with any disgust in them.
"Do you... wish me to move away?" The rumble in his voice was still there from sleep, but he kept his voice low, not wanting to break the peaceful morning air.
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