#coveting William
sleepingingarden · 22 days
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blackboar · 10 months
Why did William Stanley betray henry vii?
Sorry to be late. It's a good question, but my first answer got erased, and I ragequit for a time. First, I must point out that there still is controversy regarding whether Sir William Stanley did betray Henry VII. Evidence is slim, and we do not know the exact plan he had in mind, only 'treasonous' talk. I think he did attempt to support Perkin Warbeck and that there was a Household plot, or at least something resembling that, burgeoning at the Tudor court. Sir William Stanley attempted to revolt against Henry VII because I think he simply thought Perkin Warbeck was Richard of Shrewsbury. This is why he rebelled against Richard III. Recall Sir William was a servant of Edward V and consistently followed the House of York during its struggles against the Lancastrians.
When the House split in 1483, he remained loyal to Edward IV's progeny. Hence, his support to Henry VII which was support to his late master's daughter. Perkin Warbeck was another struggle for him because if he was Richard of Shrewsbury, then he was probably the rightful king in William's mind. William was sixty years old by then and a very dangerous foe to have, with the income of an earl and large cash reserves. His defection was a blow to Henry VII who managed to preemptively arrest him. Still, the 'betrayal' of William Stanley was a sign of enduring frailty for the Tudor regime.
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comparativeoracle · 2 years
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Covet. Art by Lindsay D. Williams, from the Desert Illuminations Oracle.
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reccyls · 29 days
Villain's Festival 2024 (Team High Nobility) - Amusement by the nobility, for the nobility
My translation of the team story (William, Elbert, and Victor) for the 2024 election yes this is really really late, i forgot i owned this orz
The one to steal Kate's heart would be the winner of the special bonus from the Queen. As the competition begun, three elegant and refined members of Crown gathered together in the castle.
William: The battle for the bonus, was it? What an interesting idea.
Elbert: ....Ah.
William: Oh, Elbert. Rare to see you in the hallways.
Victor: Why, if it isn't William and Elbert! Victor: Lady Luck must have guided me down this path so I could meet the two of you. And so... Victor: How about we have some tea together?
William: The tea you brew is as delicious as ever, Victor.
Victor: I'm honored. Oh, and do try the scones as well.
(glass breaking)
Elbert: ....?
William: What is it, Elbert?
Elbert: ...I think I heard the sound of something breaking inside the castle.
William: That must be everyone else having quite a lively battle right now. All to capture Kate's heart.
(more glass breaking)
Elbert: Ah... That was a window on the second floor.
William: As long as they're having fun. William: Anyway, a broken window here or there is good for ventilation.
Victor: ...And the cost for repairs will be coming out of my own pocket money... Victor: Well, what matters is that everyone is enjoying themselves!
Elbert: ...Are you two fine with sitting out of the contest?
William & Victor: Of course not.
Elbert (surprised): ....
William: There is simply no reason to rush into things.
Elbert: Why not?
William: The contest lasts for the entire day. William: The winner is whoever has managed to steal Kate's heart pendant by the end of the day. William: At any rate, you certainly have no intention of giving Kate up either, do you? Elbert, the covetous queen.
Elbert: Not at all.
Victor: I completely agree with William. Victor: Although, perhaps one of the reasons we're all so laid back is because we're all rich.
William: Always so scathing, Victor.
Victor: You make it sound like I'm some kind of foul-mouthed scoundrel, Will! I'm just saying the truth, aren't I? Victor: You and Elbert both have your own properties and assets you manage. Victor: And I-- whoops, that's top secret.
Elbert: ...Are you also nobility, Victor?
William: Who knows? This man is so full of mysteries that we'd be here until the sun goes down before we even get close to unraveling them all.
Victor: A. Ny. Waaaaay... we'll all just steal Kate's heart at our leisure, and with utmost elegance, won't we? Victor: It's important to always keep noblesse oblige in mind.
William & Elbert: That's right / ...Yes.
Victor: So, how about another cup, William? Elb-
Kate's voice: AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Victor: What a mess!* Was that Kate's voice just now? *This is actually what he says in-game
William: It was indeed our lovely little robin's cry.
Victor: Oh dear~! Let's go see what happened!
Elbert: It came from that direction. Elbert: If anything happened to her... I won't fogive who hurt her.
William: Heh, seems that the ennui has disappeared. William: Well then, let's go and take back our Kate.
William: Kate, we heard you calling.
Kate: William! And Victor and Lord Elbert too. Kate: Jude, Roger, and Alfons agreed to team up with each other. Kate: They caught me once but I managed to slip away, but I'm pretty sure they're still chasing me.
William: I see. Elbert, we leave Kate to you.
Elbert: Right... Kate, come here. Elbert: ...Don't leave my side for a second.
Kate: O-okay.
William: And now. Victor, how shall we serve those three up?
Victor: Do you even have to ask? Victor: Well done, of course.
Jude: Damn it, can't find that woman anywhere.
William: Hello, Jude. That's quite a lovely glare you're sporting today.
Jude: Tch. Of all the times for this annoying bastard to crop up...
William: And this annoying bastard would like to invite you to dinner. What's your answer?
Alfons: Was that Jude angrily cursing just now?
Roger: If you have the time to wonder about that, then just look for Ka- Roger: ...Wait, these footsteps...
Victor: How do you do, my lovely Cursed Ones?
Roger: ...Victor.
Alfons: Oh my, Lord Victor. You look like you're in high spirits today.
Victor: I can overlook the broken windows. My generosity is as boundless as the sea, after all. Victor: But, since you've bothered Kate... it's time for some punishment, no?
Alfons & Roger: ...Uh oh.
Kate: Thank you so much for saving me from that nonsense!
William: What matters most is that you're unharmed.
Victor: It's rare for William to go all out. Victor: We just narrowly avoided turning the corridors into a sea of blood. What a naughty boy ♪
William: Aren't you far more naughty than I am?
Victor: Oh, stop it. You'll make me blush with that kind of praise.
Kate: "A sea of blood"... Kate: Did I ask the wrong people for help?
Elbert: ...Don't worry about it. It's better that you don't know.
Kate: ...?
William: Kate has been safely retrieved. William: And the three of us worked together to ensure that. However... William: What should we do from here?
Elbert: ...What do you mean?
William: Our ultimate goal is to win Kate's heart and receive her necklace, isn't it? William: So that makes us all each others' rival.
Victor: You aren't wrong.
Elbert: ...I want it. The necklace... and Kate too.
William: It's passé to use brute force to win.
Victor: In that case, to make it fair, why doesn't Kate decide the winner?
Kate: Huh, me? Kate: I don't know if I could make a good judge...
William: I once read a fairytale from the Far East. William: The princess of the moon was being courted by several men, and so she issued them a quest. William: "Whoever finds this object and brings it to me shall become my husband."
Victor: What a wonderful idea! Victor: We'll look for whatever it is Kate wants, and whoever can bring it to her wins.
Elbert: ...Kate. What should we get for you?
Kate: Umm. In that case... Kate: Find something that will make me smile... I guess?
Elbert: ...Something to make her smile... Elbert: ...... Elbert: ....Oh.
(leaves room)
Elbert: ...Will? And Victor.
William: From the expression on your face, it looks like you have the same idea as the both of us.
Victor: Yes, it certainly does.
Elbert: ...Let's go see Kate.
William: Little robin, we have found what will make you smile.
Kate: "We"?
William: Would you lend me the heart necklace you're wearing for just a moment?
Kate: ...? Um, sure. Here you go, Will.
William: Though the necklace is in my hands now, the prize belongs to all of Crown.
Victor: We'll use the bonus money to throw a party for you and everyone else.
Kate: Really?
Elbert: ...Yes. Elbert: What will make you smile is... being able to have fun and spend time with everyone. Elbert: Isn't that right?
Kate: Yes! Exactly! Kate: Thank you, everyone.
William: .... William: Indeed, that is the most precious thing in the world, that no amount of money can buy.
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formulinos · 8 months
what i want you guys to understand is that when i say that every single driver wants to go to ferrari, i'm not being biased, arrogant or conceited. it's not that i want to be annoying and make it seem like i know more than everybody, i don't. it's that time and time again we see the story unfold of a driver who is well comfortable wherever he is and he still take the plunge once he gets the coveted offer.
sure, the team is a mess, as it has been for these past 16 years without a title, only a madman would take that. yes, but it's too tempting for a driver to imagine himself as the person who will finally bring an end to this. a formula 1 driver without delusion and ambition is as good as gone.
but the key word here at the end is "imagine". you have to understand, that if you take aside the numbers - 16 constructors' championship, 15 drivers' championship, 243 victories, 249 pole positions, 259 fastest laps, 9672 points and 1074 grand prix - ferrari were still there from day one, when the sport was a sport, creating the myth of the red car with it and renewing it throughout all this time. and as much as current mercedes and red bull teams are kicking ass, and as much as mclaren and williams have one day done so, they all had their moments of glory when f1 was already too connected to the glam, money and business side of things for the same sort of mystique to be formed about them in the imaginary of formula 1 supporters.
fundamentally, what i'm trying to say is: all the other teams operate in the concrete, while ferrari works in the realm of dreams. you just can't look at her in the same way.
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
A New Afton - Stepfather Steve Raglan/William Afton x Stepdaughter Reader
Chapter 2
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content, daddy kink
Also available on AO3
taglist @yellowbunnydreams
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William Afton thinks, perhaps, he is moving things along a little quickly.
It’s only the first night; it’s barely been a few hours. And here you are, your school uniform clad body pressed against him, your soft lips touching his.
He could argue that time was of the essence, there’s no time like the present, whatever other platitudes there are about that elusive entity that enslaves mankind, but he’d recognized that look in your eyes. You’ve been devouring him all evening, consuming his face and his body as thoroughly as you’d knocked back those beers. Coveting.
He knows about coveting. Intimately. It starts with the children at the arcade. A higher score. A bigger prize. Continues to the dining hall. Another slice of pizza. Another piece of cake. Outside. The Emily girl bullied. A kind of hum in his ears, as if her blood has a frequency. He wants to silence it. He craves revenge. He covets the power it brings.
Then there’s the simple fact that, well, he wants to fuck you. So yes, things are progressing rapidly. It’s just the nature of things. Fate taking him along by the hand, guiding his path to you.
The warmth leaves his lips as you and he draw apart. “Steve…”
He frowns. This won’t do at all. “There’s going to be a new rule around here. You won’t be calling me that when we’re alone together. You’re to refer to me as what I am. Your stepfather.”
You blink at him, looking uncertain. “You…want me to call you Stepdad?”
His teeth flash. “Nothing so proper. We can shorten that right down to Daddy.”
A little hitch of breath, a flutter of lashes. God you were gorgeous. He can’t wait to see what other sounds he can elicit from you.
Your stepfather has just kissed you.
Closed mouthed, it could almost be considered chaste and innocent except it’s everything but. You know you’re supposed to feel guilty. You know it’s wrong. But you like it. You like the warm hand on your shoulder and how he cradles your bare knee. You can smell the shampoo from his recent shower and the cologne stirs your pheromones.
You’ve gone on a few dates over the last couple of years, but have never really had a steady boyfriend. You’re still a virgin. You wonder if Steve knows this, if your mother has ever mentioned it. About your boyfriend situation, or lack thereof, that is; not the virgin thing. That would have been weird.
Not that cheating with your mom’s new husband isn’t weird in and of itself. When he suggests you call him Daddy something thrills within you. You feel the place between your legs throb and tingle. You’ve had a couple of guys try a few clumsy fumblings there but nothing serious or experienced. You think this man in his fifties must be quite the opposite.
“Ok, Daddy.” You try the phrasing out. You feel his body shudder beside yours. He kisses you again, his mouth lingering this time. The kiss becomes wetter. Lips parting. His tongue probes gently. Your stomach flutters and your pussy throbs again to remind you of the growing need within. You lay a hand on his cheek, sliding over his beard. This texture is new to you. All of the boys you’d been with have been clean shaven. The tendons in his neck are taut beneath your fingers. You’re too shy to explore any further just yet. His mouth tastes like mint. The scent of his cologne is heavy in your nostrils. It’s intoxicating. You have a pleasant buzz from the beer you’d imbibed earlier and in your body from your arousal. Every touch of his tongue against yours strums another chord inside you.
He sucks your bottom lip, tugging gently with his teeth. You feel the smile before you see it. “You like doing this?”
“Yes, Daddy.” It still feels a little silly and awkward. Or maybe that’s just you. You want to sound sexy for him. You’re just not sure how.
“Good girl,” he says, and the pulse in your sex is palpable, demanding attention. “I’m sure a good girl like you is still a virgin, right?”
You like the praise. Your body likes it too. “Yes, Daddy. I haven’t…I haven’t done very much of anything.”
“What have you done?”
“A little touching. And kissing. On the mouth,” you add hastily.
“Do you ever touch yourself?”
You worry your bottom lip, cheeks flushing. “Sometimes.”
“How? Show me how.”
You face grows even hotter. “I…I’m not sure…”
“Suddenly shy are we?” He laughs softly. “Its ok to feel a little embarrassed. You’ll get over that. What if I were to touch you instead? Would you like that?”
Your pussy immediately answers yes, throbbing and sending another wave of fluid. You know your panties are wet. You nod.
“If you don’t like it, tell me to stop, okay?”
“Ok, Daddy.”
He kisses you again and you feel the hand at your knee shift, stroking up your thigh, first on top, then shifting to the inside. “Open up a little for me.”
You part your legs, letting out a little whimper when you feel his fingers stroke you through the crotch of your panties. Only the first touch and it’s already a million times better than anything you’d previously experienced.
“You’re quite wet already,” he murmurs. He traces the outline of your clit through the cotton fabric and your hips jerk involuntarily, grinding you against his hand. His caress is electrifying, the nerves sizzling and snapping. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You gasp when his hand moves and shoves beneath the waistband, his fingers now touching you directly. A needy sound escapes you. You pant beside his mouth.
“Is this how you touch yourself?”
“No, I…it’s so sensitive I just use a pillow or a stuffed animal between my legs. With panties on. It’s…”
“Have you ever cum?”
“Yes, sometimes.”
“I’d like to make you cum. Either with my fingers, or…my mouth.” His tongue darts out to stroke your lips and you moan. “What do you think, sweet girl? Which do you prefer?” His middle finger teases your entrance while his thumb strokes your bundle of nerves. It’s all very gentle and slow. You can’t even stop yourself from pressing against him in search of more contact.
“Whatever you want,” you respond breathlessly, forgetting to add his new favorite title, but if he minds he doesn’t show it.
“What I want, hmm?” Steve withdraws his hand and sucks on the fingers damp with your juices. “Oh, you’re fucking delicious.” He shoves the coffee table back and kneels in front of you, lifting your skirt to admire the tiny pink bows printed on that delicate bit of fabric before hooking thumbs into each leg hole and the rest of his digits curling over the waistband, jerking your underwear down, over your hips and thighs and knees and calves and ankles. He flips the skirt out of the way and grabs your hips, tugging until you’re barely still sitting on the couch, the edge digging across your ass cheeks as he pushes your legs back for you to hold, your cunt presented to him. He spits on your sex—completely unnecessarily, you’re already soaked—but you find the gesture filthy and erotic. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.”
“I want you to…please eat my pussy Daddy.”
He plants a trail of kisses along your inner thighs, teasing you, his beard tickling your skin. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Are you going to cum in my mouth like a good girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He rests a hand on the space below your navel, fingers spread over your mound, pulling slightly to draw the skin over your clit taut. His tongue slides across the nub in a sharp lick and you see stars. His mouth presses against you and he sucks and you moan. Better than anything you’ve ever tried, far better than anything anyone else has ever offered you. He’s slurping on your pussy like it’s the best meal he’s ever consumed, moaning at the taste and the vibrations echo within your core.
You release your grip on the back of one of your thighs and slide your fingers into the older man’s hair. So silky soft. Slightly damp, from the shower or sweat; you’re not certain which. It’s overwhelming, the feel of that ravenous mouth on your private place, all lips and tongue mashing and sucking and laving. You keen and whimper and mewl against him, insensible noises of pleasure, of need, of lust. You feel perspiration spark at the back of your knees. There’s a coiling knot of pressure building within your core that’s becoming unbearable. His eyes meet yours, dark and depthless and it sends you over the edge, spasming violently against him as he focuses all his attention on sucking your aching clit relentlessly. Your trembling legs fall and your thighs reflexively try to clamp down on him, the sensitivity skyrocketing. The fury against your pussy lessens and he laps more slowly, letting you ease down off your high, your body still wracked with spasms until he finally, finally emerges from between your legs.
Your stepfather wasn’t kidding when he says you’re delicious. Forget the best pussy, it’s the best fucking thing William’s ever tasted, period. Honey sweet. And the sounds you create. It makes him want to eat you out somewhere with vaulted ceilings so he can have that sound echoing around him. Fucking incredible.
So good he’d had to unzip his fly in the process and stroke himself to completion while he was devouring you. As much as he wants you to touch him—and fuck does he want that, those delicate hands and your sensual mouth and that tight virgin cunt wrapped around his cock—he’s not so far gone over in the lust that he doesn’t realize he needs to pace himself, for your sake. He likes you being needy, but he doesn’t necessarily want you reluctant or fearful. He wants you to want it. To beg, like you just had. It’s so much more satisfying to corrupt than to simply force. It takes skill and patience and Afton has plenty of that.
So for this evening, he’s settled for his hand accompanied by the flavor of your inner essence on his tongue and it takes the edge off. He shuts off the television and retires to the bedroom he shares with your mother while you shower and get dressed for bed. Perhaps you’re lying there awake right now, heart pounding, sex still tingling, limbs still feeling the aftershocks of your release. Not so much the young innocent girl anymore, the one who had chosen to wear pink ribbon patterned panties that morning before going to school, perhaps admiring the row of plush toys from your childhood lining the bookshelf beneath the window gone now, left behind, a relic of the past. Maybe you’re staring into the dark void above your head, cuddling whatever stuffed animal you’d previously used to pleasure yourself, wondering if he’ll come to you again.
The taste of you still floods his mouth and he thinks perhaps he will. Or perhaps he will wait.
It is only the first night, after all.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
"Meghan was as blind to the reality of royal life as Harry was to the reality of life without them. Like I said yesterday, they sold each other a PR narrative that crumbled the second they said ‘I do,’ and they’ve been scrambling to keep those narratives going ever since."
Plus Meghan AND Harold wanting William& Kate's material life and status as opposed to the responsibilities. 
Partly because Harold was treated like William for a long time, probably more indulged than William for reasons everyone discusses ad nauseum, lines became blurred as to expectations.
According to SPARE, Harold convinced himself that if he got married, his life would get the same upgrades that William got upon marriage and possibly more because he believed that the family only handed out the goodies to the married ones because marriage was treated as a milestone telegraphing adulthood and maturity. That's the bill of goods he sold Markle as well as the mirage of being the most popular family member as he was = Queen and or ability to dictate family matters as Diana had succeeded in doing. 
The big problem with coveting WK's life, is that they don't see the work and patience that went into building that life. Kate lived in Nott Cottage for years and even added a newborn before she could move into the big apartment or Anmer. At best she decamped to her parents' home when it got too much.
The Sussexes tell us all about WK's luxurious apartment because they didn't bother to make Nott Cott a home for themselves even with royal collection furniture at their disposal which WK were also invited to use and they did/ do. 
Casa Montecito has really basic, ugly furniture from the little glimpses that they've shown with no attempt to make it cosy or luxurious or covetable. 
The respect that WK command now, took work and patience to build up. The Sussexes complain it isn't fair that they aren't equally respected while they do no work and tear down the little people give them for being royals. 
The list is endless as to why their vision failed, but primarily it's because they aren't prepared to work to realise the vision they covet and they have no plan B. 
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callmearcturus · 1 year
my blog title is from a pamphlet handed out at Janelle Monae's Electric Lady tour, which I have carried in my heart ever since.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Blind Love Ending Epilogue
Blind Love Chapter 25
Several seasons have passed since we started living in Crown Castle.
Occasionally, we have days like this--when we can't get out of bed.
Kate: Mmm... Lord Elbert... we should go eat soon...
Elbert: ...No.
When I try to gently remove the arm that's hugging me from behind, my already limp body is rolled over, and he hugs me from the front again.
Elbert: ...Today, I'm not taking a single step outside.
Kate: Ah, ah--
Elbert licks and bites all over my body, leaving marks as proof of his possessiveness and obsession.
--The trigger is always trivial and sudden.
In a locked room, we made love until we were both drenched in sweat, then dozed off and woke up to eat in bed. As we chatted about silly things, before we knew it, we were melting into each other again – as if losing the contours of our bodies.
Kate: Wait, Lord Elbert...
Elbert: ...No?
He lifts his head from my chest and tilts it.
His blue eyes waver anxiously beneath the smooth sway of his golden hair, and the depths of my chest tingle sweetly.
Kate: ...No, I don't dislike it...
Elbert: I see... That's good.
Kate: But...
Elbert: ...But?
My face grows hot, and I hug Elbert's head tightly to my chest.
Kate: When we spend time like this... my body feels strange for a while after...so it's a bit troublesome.
Elbert: ............
Elbert: ...You're cute even when you're troubled.
Kate: Oh my...That's the one thing that really troubles me, you know...?
Elbert: ...Ah, I apologize.
Elbert: But... you're still cute even when you're angry.
Kate: ...
Elbert: ...hehe.
His shapely lips kiss the tip of my nose, leaving me speechless.
--Elbert, smiling happily, is the most beautiful person in the world.
William: Elbert has become more of a "greedy queen" than before, hasn't he?
After dinner the next day--after seeing off Alfons and Elbert, who had been called away by Victor, William raised his teacup to his lips and laughed cheerfully.
Kate: Is that so...?
William: Yes. Perhaps it's because he's learned to desire for himself... not for the sake of gaining someone's approval.
His hand reaches out and brushes away the hair that had fallen on my shoulder.
His fingertips touch the exposed nape of my neck.
Kate: ...William?
The memory of Elbert's lips leaving a mark of obsession there resurfaces, and my cheeks heat up.
William: This is a cute mark.
William: But Elbert's desires, from now on--may even consume your hands, feet, eyes, and ears.
William's red eyes narrow as if testing me.
The mark Elbert left tingles sweetly.
Kate: ...I understand.
Happiness, love, heart, body, life... fleeting things slip through our fingers no matter how tightly we cling to them.
I know the urge to capture, bind, consume, and not lose them burns within him.
(But Elbert... is a strong and gentle person.)
I know he suppresses his desires day and night so as not to hurt or sadden me.
I know the reason he occasionally locks me in that room is because the suppressed desires reach their limit and overflow.
(So... even if Elbert's kindness is one day consumed by desire--)
Kate: ...If it satisfies Lord Elbert,
Kate: I'd be happy to offer my arms and legs...
My whispered voice was, even to my own surprise, dreamily ecstatic.
William: ...Elbert truly found a wonderful jewel.
His fingertip traced the red mark and then left my skin.
William: I look forward to seeing where your love will lead.
Elbert: --Kate.
Kate: Ah, welcome back Lord Elbert...
Before I could turn around at his call, he pulled me closer.
Elbert: ...Come.
(Ah, there it is again.)
You look at me with such longing, covetous eyes.
I will gladly bear the sin of your greed once more.
As soon as we returned to his room, Elbert embraced me.
Elbert: ...I apologize.
Elbert: I try to restrain myself, to not take you away like this so you won't suffer...
Elbert: But...
His fingertips trace the spot where William touched.
Elbert: ...I couldn't.
His blue, ocean-like eyes are moist with a dim obsession, filled with pain.
(The happiness and pain Elbert feels right now)
(It's all my fault.)
Along with the guilt, a tingling pleasure runs down my spine.
He looks so pitiful, so adorable... so lovable, seeking me as if drowning in pain.
Following the feelings welling up in my chest, I kissed his lips.
Elbert: ...Kate?
Kate: You don't have to restrain yourself.
Elbert: Then... why do you look so pained?
Kate: ...Because I'm happy.
Kate: I'm happy that you desire me... that you're suffering.
Kate: I'm so happy that my chest aches...
Elbert: ...
Kate: I'm the one who should apologize, for being happy that you're suffering...
Elbert: ––Quiet.
Kate: Mmm...
Our tongues entwine deeply, our kiss stealing each other's breath, sending a tingling sensation through my head.
Elbert: ...If I don't have to restrain myself,
Elbert: I want to make you forget the feeling of being touched by anyone other than me... right now.
Kate: ...
His gaze, dark and burning hot, falls on the nape of my neck, and once again, my heart trembles with joy.
(I want to be branded with all of that possessive love--)
Kate: Please... paint me all over with you.
Elbert: ...Kate.
Elbert's hand rougly sews my wrists to the wall.
Kate: Nngh--!
I felt a sweet pain as he bit my neck, crucifying me like a butterfly.
The body that had made love in a sloppy manner just yesterday only picked up pleasure from the pain, overflowing with nectar.
Kate: Ah, ah....Nnn.....
Elbert's soft, hot tongue brushed the deeper red marks, caressing my throat, collarbone, and chest, making a watery sound.
Elbert: ...Let me expose you even more.
Elbert: Let me touch you deep inside, where only I can touch you...
My wrists were released, and I was about to collapse, but I was still standing with my back pressed against the wall. Elbert wet my entire body from top to bottom with his lips, tongue, and fingertips, opening my blouse, and removing my skirt and underwear.
It was as if he was carving my entire body into his own.
Kate: Lord Elbert...
Elbert: Hm...What...?
Kneeling at my feet, Elbert looked up at me, running his tongue along my trembling thighs.
His ocean-blue eyes, stirred as if to churn up the obsession lurking in their depths, melted into a muddy pool. The deepest part of my body, a place only Elbert could touch, ached madly for him.
Kate: ……I love you.
Elbert: …… Ah……
Elbert: I love you too.
Elbert: My –– my only, Kate.
Avaricious love erodes the gentle him.
While I cherish his kindness, I dream of the day when I will be robbed of everything by his greedy love.
That day will surely come, someday--
It will be the best happy ending for us.
Roger: Hey …… What do you think about El's fate?
Roger asked the man next to him, watching Kate from a distance, groaning while looking at the flowers wet with morning dew.
Alfons: El's fate …… "To die without gaining or fulfilling anything," was it?
Alfons, who was asked, leans languidly against the pillar and looks towards Roger's line of sight.
Alfons: I interpreted it literally to mean that nothing would remain in his hands……
Alfons: But if it means suffering from an endless desire for love……
Alfons: I think it's too romantic to call it a curse.
Roger: ……Are you envious?
Alfons: I'll hit you.
Another figure appears in the garden.
A man with golden hair that is dazzling even from a distance and a beautiful appearance like a bisque doll finds Kate in the flower garden and calls her name in a voice sweeter than any flower nectar.
Elbert: Kate.
Kate: ! Yes, I'm coming.
Picking a flower, Kate runs.
A fluttering butterfly, as if lured by a flower.
Roger: Haha, she looks happy just being called by her name.
Alfons: …… If I could smile like that.
Alfons: The pain of love would be just a little spice.
Elbert: That flower is ……?
Kate: I was looking for a flower that suits you, Lord Elbert.
I gently decorate the pure white rose I found in the garden on his hair that looks like it was spun from gathered light.
Elbert, adorned with roses, blinked his eyes.
Kate: Look ……It's very beautiful. As a thank you for the flower crown the other day.
Elbert: ……I have more things to decorate my room with again.
Kate: Shall we make it into pressed flowers?
Elbert: That's a good idea. ……Put it in a frame so it doesn't break.
Kate: Hehe, then I have to buy a nice frame.
Elbert: ............
Kate: ……Lord Elbert? What's wrong?
Elbert: ––Nothing.
Elbert: I was just admiring you again.
Elbert: You are the most beautiful in the world today, smiling happily.
Let's stay together until the best happy ending.
While embracing the joy and pain of loving each other ––.
Both Ending Clear Epilogue
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Originally published in Atlas Obscura, January 2020.
In early 2020, inside a bright Brooklyn gallery that is plastered in photographs of apples, William Mullan is being besieged with questions.
A writer is researching apples for his novel set in post-World War II New York. An employee of a fruit-delivery company, who covetously eyes the round table on which Mullan has artfully arranged apples, asks where to buy his artwork.
But these aren’t your Granny Smith’s apples. A handful of Knobbed Russets slumping on the table resemble rotting masses. Despite their brown, wrinkly folds, they’re ripe, with clean white interiors. Another, the small Roberts Crab, when sliced by Mullan through the middle to show its vermillion flesh, looks less like an apple than a Bing cherry. The entire lineup consists of apples assembled by Mullan, who, by publishing his fruit photographs in a book and on Instagram, is putting the glorious diversity of apples in the limelight.
Read the full article here and check out William Mullan's Odd Apples for photos and further reading.
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worstmombracket · 1 year
The Worst Dad Bracket Masterpost
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ROUND 4: Ends Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM CST
Feel free to send in any propaganda for the shitty dad YOU think should win the coveted World's Worst Dad cup!
1A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs Dr. Martin Brenner (Stranger Things) - Battle of the Training From Hell Dads Winner: Endeavor
Donald Davenport (Lab Rats) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Rich Dads Winner: Preston Northwest
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Every Dad from Fire Emblem Fates (Fire Emblem Fates) - Battle of the Dads of Timey Wimey Nonsense Kids Winner: Bro Strider
Mr. Turner (Fairly Oddparents) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epiteth Erased) - Battle of the Dads of Kids who Should Not Have That Responsibility Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Viren (The Dragon Prince) - Battle of Dads I Know Nothing About Winner: Straff Venture
Iemitsu Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of Mafia vs Robber Baron Dads Winner: Jacques Schnee
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Trigon (Teen Titans) - Battle of the Demon Hunter and Demon Dads Winner: John Winchester
John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Nyarlathotep (Persona 2) - Battle of the Dads Whose Submission Reasonings Made Me Go WTF the Most Winner: John "Jod" Gaius
1B Matchups:
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Battle of the Religious Trauma Dads Winner: Claude Frollo
William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Roy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Battle of the Purple and Yellow Dads Winner: William Afton
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - Battle of the Bald Dads Winner: Walter White
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs Ghetsis (Pokémon Black and White) - Battle of the Animal Abuse Dads Winner: Ghetsis
Masayoshi Shido (Persona 5) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Battle of Your Rival's Shitty Dads Winner: Manfred von Karma
Harry Wormwood (Matilda) vs Gabe "Smelly Gabe" Ugliano (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - Battle of the Ordinary Shitty Dads with Extraordinary Powerful Kids Winner: Harry Wormwood
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Gozaburo Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Battle of the Corporate Shithead Dads Winner: Gabriel Agreste
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Firelord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Battle of the Dads of Kids in Desperate Need of Therapy Winner: Firelord Ozai 2A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (BNHA) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Classless High Class Dads
Winner: Endeavor
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) - Battle of the Neglectful Toy Enthusiast Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of the Arshitocracy Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) - Battle of the John Dads
Winner: John Gaius
2B Matchups:
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs William Afton (FNAF) - Battle of the Burning Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon Black & White) - Battle of the Kingpin Dads
Winner: Ghetsis
Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs Harry Wormwood (Mathilda) - Battle of the there's not a coherent theme here ngl dads
Winner: Von Karma
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Firelord Ozai (ATLA) - Battle of the Big Bad Dads
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 3 Matchups:
Endeavor vs Martin Blyndeff - Battle of the Selfish Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture vs John Gaius - Battle of the Literary Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
Claude Frollo vs Ghetsis - Battle of the Ominous Latin Chorus Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Manfred von Karma vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Rival’s Shitty Dad… 2!
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 4 Semifinals Matchups:
Martin Blyndeff vs Straff Venture - Battle of the Dark Horse Dads
Claude Frollo vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Awful Authorities Dads
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 2)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, weapons, injury, animal death, mention of gypsy curses (as mentioned on the show)
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Part 1
Guests filled the chairs inside the Grace Shelby Institute as you continued to walk with Charles, showing him a picture of his late mother. You stopped in front of the framed portrait and the multitude of fragrant blooms all around it, wondering if the boy would have any memory of her. Your heart ached for him as you felt his chubby hands come to rest around your neck.  Breathing deeply, you savored the weight of him in your arms and hugged him to your chest tightly. The guilt of being alive to receive this little boy’s affection when his mother’s life was cut short gnawed at you. It shouldn’t be me here now with Charles you thought. It shouldn’t be me comforting him or Tommy. 
“I’m sure that little whore can’t wait to become the new Mrs. Shelby,” Linda said in a harsh whisper, though it was loud enough for anyone to hear.
“For fuck’s sake Linda, you know how long she’s been with the family. Tommy would never feel that way about her. She takes care of Charlie like her own child so there’s no reason for such cruelty toward her,” Ada bit back in your defense. 
“Exactly, she’s coveting what isn’t hers,” Linda said piously. 
The two women were unaware of your presence as you walked the floor behind their chairs with Charles and the words you’d overheard stung painfully. You’d worked hard over the years to gain the trust of the Shelby family and you never felt you were done proving yourself. At times like these you wondered if you would always be an outsider.
The sunlight streamed through the threadbare curtains, waking you to sudden confusion when you realized you weren’t in your vardo. As you searched the cracked ceiling above your head, you heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and jerked the covers to your chin as your heart began to race. When the muffled voices of the Shelby brothers faded down the hall, you heard a rapping on your door and Polly’s voice came to you softly through the keyhole. “Y/n, are you awake?”
“Just a moment,” you replied, forcing your heavy legs over the side of the bed and placing your feet onto the cold floorboards. Your limbs ached from lack of sleep as you pushed yourself toward the basin and splashed water onto your face, still puffy from the evening of crying into your pillow. Slowly you opened the creaky bedroom door and peered around the door. 
Polly stood waiting with a kind expression. “Good morning, ready to meet the children?”
You stood looking down at your feet, tears collecting in your eyes. You felt exhausted and overwhelmed so you froze, unsure how to respond. Polly noted your distress instantly and clasped her hands over yours saying, “I’ll give you a moment to yourself.”
“No, don’t go,” you said, looking up at her. The last thing you wanted was to be alone. 
“Alright. Would you like to come downstairs for some tea?” she offered. You peeked over her shoulder and as if she could read your mind she assured you, “The boys have gone. The betting shop opens soon.” You gave her a grateful smile in return and followed her to the kitchen where she offered you a chair while she put the kettle on. You sat watching her as she told you about John’s four children-Katie, eight, William, six, Clara, five, and Henry, two. She explained that his wife Martha had died giving birth to their youngest while he was away during the war. “It’s been difficult for him to raise them on his own. He came back a changed man.” Thinking for a moment she added, “Well, perhaps not so much as Tommy, but still, he hasn’t a clue about those children,” she laughed.
“What happened to Tommy?” you asked, curious to know more about the mysterious man who refused to marry you.
“He does what he does for us you know, but sometimes I wonder if he weren’t meant for a different life. He wanted to work with horses before the war. Now I don’t even recognize him,” she said as she stared out the window, lost in thought. 
You held your hands firmly around the porcelain teacup, but all the warmth had drained away with the liquid. As you stared into the bottom, you cocked your head, noticing the patterns of your tea leaves. You gulped at the outline of a beast, a clear warning to you. 
“Is everything alright, dear?” Polly asked, noticing you’d gone white as a sheet.
You only nodded in reply, taking the cup away from her to wash out the contents. 
“Don’t be nervous about meeting John’s kids. All they need is a firm hand and love,” she said mistaking your fear for nerves.  
The sight that greeted you at John’s house was worse than you had anticipated. You had some difficulty pushing past the front door as several pairs of tiny shoes and an extra pair of John’s boots littered the front hall. As you ventured inside, you froze at the sound of a commotion in the kitchen, only exploring further when you heard the shrieks of children’s laughter. When you looked beyond the doorframe, you took in the sight of a tow-headed girl and boy around the same age, standing on chairs, pulling items from the cupboards with obvious delight. Flour had covered every inch of the floor and honey was oozing off the counter between their little fingers. 
When they spotted you, they turned and the little girl said, “Oh, hello. We were pretending to be naughty bear cubs. Have you come to be our mama bear?”
Your mouth hung open a moment as your surveyed the mess. Then you replied, “Well, erm…not exactly. I have come to look after you though and right now it looks as though you need a bath.”
“I don’t want a bath!” the little boy protested. Just then Polly entered the room and gasped as she saw the mess in front of her. “William and Clara Shelby! What the bloody hell!”
“It’s alright Aunt Polly. I’ll help clean it up before Daddy sees,” Clara said climbing down from her perch to give Polly a hug. Polly intercepted her before she could smear honey over her dress and you turned to gather the child in your arms. 
“I happen to know that your Uncle Tommy has a new horse in his stable. If you’re very good, I could take you to see her,” you said, attempting a bribe. The children nodded vigorously in agreement before leading you up the rickety staircase. You sidestepped toys as you went, looking for the other two children. 
When you reached the landing, you were startled by the presence of an older girl in one of the bedrooms who was already dressed, combing her hair methodically. Despite her tidy appearance, the room didn’t look much better than downstairs as the floor was strewn with dirty clothes and a layer of dust which covered every surface around her.
“Katie, this is Y/n,” Polly said introducing you. “She’ll be looking after you while your dad is at work.”
Katie pursed her lips together in a thin line, looking you up and down. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and addressed Polly with a sniff, “Why should I learn her name? She’s just another one of Daddy’s whores. She’ll be gone tomorrow and you know it Aunt Polly.” 
You gasped at her directness and the hostility of her words. For a young child, she was quite blunt. Then you reminded yourself of everything she must have been through with the death of her mother. However, Polly wouldn’t stand for such insolence. She stepped forward landing a harsh slap across the girl’s face. “You won’t dare speak that way again in my presence, do you understand, Katie?” 
The girl’s lip trembled for a moment, but she didn’t cry. Without looking up, she replied, “Yes, Aunt Polly.”
You shifted your weight uncomfortably before saying, “Where’s the baby?” 
Katie pointed down the hall and you thanked her walking away swiftly. Rounding the corner, you smiled at the sight of a toddler asleep in his cot. Somehow he had slept through the earlier commotion. He had a head full of blonde curls and his lips were full like John’s. He looked like a tiny angel as he slept. Taking a moment to rub his back, you wondered how you were going to handle four children who needed so much from you. You didn’t have time to stand idly much longer as a fight broke out between William and Clara down the hall and you dashed away to break them apart.
With considerable effort, you readied the four children for an outing to the stables and Polly walked with you. She assured you a kind man by the name of Curly would be there to watch over the horse. He was half horse himself, she joked and that made you feel better about how the mare was being treated. 
Everyone was in high spirits as they discussed where the horse came from and you tried to describe the camp where you’d lived before arriving in Small Heath. When the children asked about the horse’s name, you gave the Romani name and they laughed at the unfamiliar sound. It was then you realized they must not be familiar with the language. 
When you arrived, you were surprised to see Tommy there. You greeted him, explaining you had brought the children as a treat and he didn’t seem to mind. He was surprisingly kind to his nieces and nephews, allowing them a turn to sit upon the horse and take a short ride. You smiled at the sight of him teaching them to ride, even little Henry. 
As you helped the last child dismount, he asked, “Is she always this steady around people?” 
“Yes, mares spook less easily, but she’s always been this way. What do you intend to do with her?” you asked, filled with curiosity at his intentions.
“A good horse like this?” he displayed a wide grin. “You know my business, love. I intend to race this beauty,” he said patting her flank. 
Your face dropped slightly. “I see.” 
“You don’t approve?” he asked noticing your hesitancy.
“I didn’t say that,” you added quickly.
“But you were thinking it,” he said, searching your eyes for meaning. Then one of the children ran up to you, tugging at your skirts. 
“Y/n, I’m hungry!” William cried.
“Alright, back home, then,” you said with a smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Shelby,” you said.
The next evening you returned from John’s house exhausted from a day of cleaning and wrangling children. You were soaked to the skin from walking home in the rain, but you couldn’t have cared less. Collapsing into a chair, Polly brought you a cup of tea by the fire to warm you. 
“Were they any better today?” Polly she asked, looking at you for a genuine report. 
“A bit, yes,” you replied as you attempted to ring water from your hair.
“I know it might be slow going, but they’ll come round,” Polly said as she went back to her sewing.
“I’m not worried. I like them,” you assured her with a smile, thinking of how their antics reminded you of your sisters at their age. “I grew up without a mother and I think all children should be loved and cared for by someone,” you said earnestly. 
Polly looked at you and nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, I think you’re going to be very good for this family,” she proclaimed to herself and your heart filled with pride at her statement. 
Before you could reply, someone began pounding on the door urgently. You and Polly startled at the sound and before she could make it to the door, Tommy rushed forth, finding Curly at the doorstep.
“Tom! Tom, you best come quick! Come!,” Curly said, his words coming at such a rapid pace, the lantern that hung from his hand swung wildly with the force.
“Is it the horse?” Tommy asked, grabbing his coat from the hook. Curly nodded emphatically. 
Your breath caught in your chest at the news that something might be wrong with the beautiful mare you’d brought from camp and you stood up announcing, “I’m coming as well.” Without a thought for the bad weather, you ran out the door, trying to keep pace with Tommy and Curly as you ducked your head to avoid the driving rain.
When you reached the stable, the mare you loved so much was holding one foot off the ground in obvious pain. “Tell me what’s wrong with the horse, Curly,” Tommy asked in a calm, even tone as he assessed the situation.
Curly placed a gentle kiss to her nose and stepped aside, mumbling, “It’s a curse, Tom. Someone put a bad seed in the hoof. They put a spell!” You watched quietly from the shadows as Tommy placed his hands on either side of the man’s face to steady him, hushing him gently. 
Uncle Charlie stood next to the mare, observing her reverently. You could tell by his grim expression there would be no saving her and his words confirmed it. “Whatever it is, it spread to the other feet,” he said, gesturing toward the horse’s large hooves.
Curly broke free from Tommy’s grasp, shaking his head. “It’s going to her heart by tomorrow, I’d say. I’ve seen curses like this twice. Can’t take them back,” he said in an agitated voice, raising a finger in the air as he rocked back and forth.  
When Uncle Charlie spotted you, his face drew back in a snarl. “I told you, Tommy, didn’t I? Warned you against black blood gypsies.” He huffed out a breath through flared nostrils as he clenched his fist by his side. Tommy turned as though noticing you for the first time when Charlie called out, “Come on, Curly, let’s get out of ‘ere.” He pushed past you into the rain and you swallowed thickly at the hatred he felt for you and your kin. 
As you watched them disappear into the night, you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding and your eyes drifted toward your horse, now Tommy’s horse. You felt small and helpless, wanting nothing more than to comfort her. Coming to her side, you stroked the mare gently, laying your head against the velvety soft fur of her neck.
“Did you do this for revenge? Tell me the truth,” Tommy asked in Romani, voice tight with emotion, rain water dripping off his hair and into his long eyelashes. 
“Is that what you think?” you breathed out in a whisper, looking up at him with a look of hurt and confusion. 
Without another word, Tommy pulled his pistol from his jacket pocket and you shrunk away from him, feeling your heart pound in your chest, hands tingling and head feeling dizzy from adrenaline. You wondered if it wasn’t just Uncle Charlie who despised you. Did Tommy hold the same hatred? His distant stare chilled you and suddenly you were sure he was going to kill you as you thought of Polly’s words. Two days ago she had told you, “Now I don’t even recognize him.” Was he really so unpredictable? You’d seen him turn violent quickly so you knew it must be true. You closed your eyes, praying he’d dispatch you quickly. 
You heard the gunshot, a deafening blast so close to you, it felt as though it had pierced your chest. However, when you pried your eyes open, you saw the horse fall onto its side with a sickening thud. You watched in horror as she died before you, the life draining from her eyes as wretched sounds were released from her body. Doubling over in silent sobs, you clasped a hand over your mouth. You wanted to look away, to believe it was a nightmare and this had never happened. Then Tommy’s voice cut through the fog and the ringing in your ears.
“Get out,” he said in a voice hovering over a whisper. You shivered involuntarily as you turned to watch him raise his gun a second time, but he only swiped his arm across his mouth. You noticed his breathing was irregular, chest heaving as though he might break down himself. He looked up at you with wild eyes, “I said, go. Get back to me brother’s house now!” You watched his hand tremble slightly and you imagined him burying you next to the beautiful horse. With that, you ran as fast as your legs would carry you. You slipped in the thick, black mud several times, falling on hard stone slicing your knees open as the cold rain pelted your face and arms, but somehow you couldn’t feel anything at all.
Cont. reading Part 3
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tomionefinds · 2 months
Hi! Any recs that is royalty-themed? Either Hermione or Tom is from royal blood. Even better if there’s a possessive/jealous Tom. Thanks!
Here are some royalty recs! - Haus
Light of the Moon by Maloreiy (admin favorites)
T | Complete | 69k
King Riddle needs a bride, and he has declared he will marry whoever is smart enough and strong enough to solve his magical riddle. Written for the Tomione Fest, hosted by the Tomione fanfics Facebook group. Tied for the winner of Best AU, and tied for the runner-up of Best Cover Art.
Nobility by Olivieblake
M | Complete | 148k
When a tyrannical king takes the throne by the blood-stained tip of his sword, two women find themselves tangled in his search for power. Who is the pawn and who is the queen, and what will they sacrifice for love? Hansy/Tomione, eventual Dramione. Royalty AU. COMPLETE.
The Girl with Everything and the Boy From Nothing by bunnystealsyourcarrots (also an admin fave)
M | Complete | 36k
A Tomione Medieval Au where a lord from nothing and nowhere surrounds the castle of a princess with the intent to take everything from her brick by bloody brick.
Serpentine Moves by Betagyre (not quite royalty but peerage)
E | Complete | 357k
Medieval Norman Conquest AU. Fourteen years after eloping with a Muggle, Merope Riddle, of an English wizarding noble family, discovers that she and her son are the last of the line, so she petitions for her title and fiefdom back. Meanwhile Lord and Lady Granger are minor nobility who want their daughter taught magic, but Lord Malfoy, appointed by William the Conqueror to rule English wizards, won’t allow an unattached Muggle-born to study alongside young purebloods at Hogwarts. Merope and the Grangers make common cause and betroth their children, thwarting him for now. But war is coming, and a long, dark path lies ahead.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (I'll Crawl Home to Her) by TMRiddles
T | One-Shot | 4k
He's her bodyguard with a nasty secret, and she's the heir to Magical Britain's throne. This is the five times he saved her and the one time he couldn't.
Pearl by Imotales
M | One-shot |3k
In search of pearl Tom Riddle finds his treasure. Inspired by a scene of an incredible Indian movie 'Padmavat' Regency era romance between king Tom aka Voldemort and princess of a small country. Tom doesn't fall in love. No, he only seeks to use and covet. Or is he? Is it the greed of a king or falling in love at first site wrapped in the skin of want by a dark wizard who doesn't know the meaning of love?
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astralnymphh · 1 year
born of flora and fauna 𓇢𓆸 | ellie williams | series guide⛧
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𓇢𓆸𓍢ִ໋- knight!ellie x princess!reader AU guide ⛧ (teaser II.)
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✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
𓍢ִ໋-;this is purely a guide to my upcoming series, detailed with important places and their names, descriptions and reference photos. i'll also include short excerpts of ellie's backstory in this fic plus the readers. vol 0./the prologue is making quick progress so i wanna get y'all excited as long as it doesn't flop (ALSO I FIGURED OUT GRADIENT TEXT FINALLY!! kinda.. im too lazy to fix anything) cw: literally only one mention of mature themes. nothing crazy. the actual series on the other hand.. will be SMUTful
𓆸𓍢ִ໋-; castle maelony
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𓍢ִ໋-; mount of the regal family, bejeweled in a facade that masks a strident haunting no king would wish to dig up from the catacombs lining the roots of this limestone beast. 𓆸𓍢ִ໋-; istenad
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𓍢ִ໋-; core of the meadowland, visible from far mountain boundaries of all directions. adorned with dreamy spires and coliseums, to markets and common houses, every mother and their kin covet this kingdom. 𓆸𓍢ִ໋-; dunwich
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𓍢ִ໋-; ellie, a knight bound in hide and chainmail, derived and nurtured in the prairie village of dunwich, where the fertile seasons prove flaxen of corn and the trickling sweat of every farmhand turns to gold. any newborn granted to this quaint village is fated to form calloused hands with labor written in their palm lines as time flows.
𓆸𓍢ִ໋-; glade 'ionspire'
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𓍢ִ໋-; a front line of trees encircling this unmapped forest, conceals a beautiful loch only few souls venture to. it happens that a determined princess can be caught galivanting about with a weapon, playing her dreamt up persona of a maiden warrior she only dawns in private. 𓆸𓍢ִ໋-; clementine cottage
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𓍢ִ໋-; no home is without its glamour of hearth. a picturesque getaway straying from the bustling streets of instenad tempts such who fiend for freedom. nights under the brilliant spangled sky in this cottage have been ones of love, tangled in bed, vowing to your beloved in a hysteria of lust.
(and there she is!! im really excited to get this fully fledged out its gonna be a JUICY series promise even for being centered in medieval times it is quite deviously lustful !!!)
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thepoppedbb · 4 months
The Pregnancy Portraits of Sir William Allardyce
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Sir William Allardyce (1831-1893) was the only son of General Sir Douglas Allardyce (1801-1878) and his first bearer Edward Heath Allardyce (1812-1831). Sir William's deliverer died two weeks after his birth, and he was largely raised by his father's second bearer Arthur Widdicombe Allardyce (1816-1876). Arthur gave birth to William's eight half-siblings, six of whom, including the future novelist Herbert Allardyce (1839-1880), survived to adulthood. A promising artist from a young age, his early career was interrupted by his service in the Crimean War. Sir William's injuries in battle left him impotent and with facial scarring and a pronounced limp for the rest of his life. Denied the ability to sire sons of his own or to pass on his titles-which went to his half-brother Sir Henry Allardyce (1836-1901) upon his death-he began painting the pregnant bearers of his aristocratic patrons. By 1860, it was considered a symbol of family prestige for Sir William to paint a bearer during their first pregnancy.
Critics, both today and in his own time, critiqued the lack of variety in his painting. Sir William's style seemed to stagnate once he returned from the war, showing little of the liveliness and evocativeness of the works he painted before his near-fatal injuries in battle. His close friend, the sculptor André Frédérix (1840-1912), said, "Allardyce seemed fixated on this single image, which simultaneously represented his deepest desires and his deepest agony." A contemporary rival, the painter George Fitzhubert (1829-1908), was less sympathetic in his overview of Allardyce's post-war career: "Allardyce's output can be divided into two categories-paintings in which the subject faces left, and those in which the subject faces right." It is true that his subjects were uniformly sat in chairs while dressed in white gowns against the rather mundane backdrop of his London studio. However, his patrons and their families coveted these paintings and they adorn the walls of many grand houses and museums to this day.
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Consolidated, Brutal Equation (Remixes), (12" Single), [from Friendly Fa$cism (1991)], NET 031, Nettwerk Europe, 1991 [Covet The Cover]
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Sleeve Design: William Dickson II Layout: John Rummen
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