#couldn't find white rabbit clips
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Cosplay of Rei Shimizu from How to Date a Magical Girl!
How to date this magical girl? You can't ✨🔪
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mister-reborn · 1 year
Chatgpt Fairytale
Once upon a time, in a world of black and white, there was a cartoon character named Max. Max was a funny and lovable character who had been around for as long as anyone could remember. Max had always been content living in his cartoon world, but one day he met a beautiful cat named Felicity.
Felicity was different from any other cat Max had ever met. She was kind and gentle, and Max found himself falling head over heels in love with her. Felicity, in turn, was drawn to Max's sense of humor and infectious spirit. They would spend hours talking and laughing, and Max knew that Felicity was the one for him.
As time went on, Max and Felicity's love only grew stronger. However, Felicity was not content to live in a cartoon world forever. She yearned for a normal life, one where she could be a human and experience everything that the real world had to offer.
Max was heartbroken when Felicity told him of her desires, but he knew he couldn't stand in the way of her happiness. So, one day, when Felicity crossed over into the real world, Max followed her.
To Max's surprise, he found that he was still stuck in his cartoon form. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from his black and white world. But Max was determined to be with Felicity, so he set out to find a way to become human.
Max tried everything he could think of, but nothing seemed to work. He tried jumping into a painting, thinking it would bring him to life, but he remained in his cartoon form. He even went to a magic show, hoping that the magician could help him, but nothing changed.
Max began to lose hope, but he knew that he could never give up on Felicity. So he continued to search for a solution. Finally, after months of searching, Max stumbled upon an old bookstore, where he found a dusty old book that talked about the power of love.
Max read the book from cover to cover, and finally, he found the answer he had been looking for. Love, it seemed, was the key to his transformation. Max realized that his love for Felicity was so strong that it had the power to transform him into a human.
With this newfound knowledge, Max rushed back to Felicity and declared his love for her. As he did, Max began to transform before her eyes. His black and white form melted away, and he became a real boy.
Felicity was overjoyed to see Max in his human form, and they lived happily ever after, exploring the real world together. Max had learned that love truly knows no bounds, and that anything is possible if you believe in it with all your heart.
I prompted this in chatgpt while listening to "If I could" By Mineral and watching short clips of Osward The Lucky Rabbit. Enjoy.
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oldschoolvpq · 3 years
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My first encounter with Tamagotchi was spring 1997, when I was in third grade. One of the popular girls in my class had a purple and neon pink P1, and I'd never seen anything like it. I was immediately enamored and my pet-obsessed self wanted...no...NEEDED one (because that's how kids are).
Of course, the boom was in full swing and they were impossible to find, so my first virtual pet was a clear white Nano Kitty.
In early summer my mother finally succeeded in purchasing actual Tamagotchi from the local Toys R Us. My prize was a white and black P1, which I wore around my neck and took everywhere I could, including pottery camp and the local 4th of July carnival. I loved the heck out of that thing!
I've amassed a lot of virtual pets and Tamagotchi merch over the years, but unfortunately I no longer have my very first two. The Nano Kitty, after being lost for months, was discovered to have drowned in the washing machine while clipped to the chest pocket of my denim overalls over the summer. The mystical white Tamagotchi...I ended up loving too much, resulting in the C button getting stuck inside the shell and rendering the toy unusable.
(I know now that I could have easily fixed this by taking the toy apart with a screwdriver, but I was 8 and wouldn't attend fiddling-with-electronics camp until the next summer.)
On a rainy day, my mother drove me, heartbroken, to return my poor broken Tamagotchi to Toys R Us. While they couldn't give me the exact same model in exchange, they did have a new variety...and so, I met my yellow tiger-stripe P2, which 24 years later I still own and fire up from time to time.
Nostalgic childhood memories aside, these first encounters with virtual pets sent me down a super weird rabbit hole in life that, while I'm grateful for, I also wonder how things might have played out differently had that one girl never brought her new trendy toy to school.
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seedsknees · 5 years
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heyyy have you ever seen Michael in the bathroom and said to yourself dang, I wish I can emote in a bathroom and be all sad and stuff because your bestfriend just broke your heart at the biggest party of the fall? haha. me too. so this is me one day being so obsessed with bmc and mitb that I made my own creeps shirt :))) also I fell down into the rabbit hole of painting tiktoks. today I wanna share how to make it to every sad human fanperson so we can all hang out... in the bathroom that is. :)
STEPS: I was too poor for the proper materials for this. but if your a poor fangirl/fanboy like myself this might help. hope this helps.
first, you gotta find your basic black sweatshirt. I thrifted mine. it's pretty easy to find. it's gotta be cotton/cotton blend though this is important.
next, outline a pattern for the letters on a piece of used cardboard. I used a reference then sketched it out. (I'm too poor to print them out hah)
align all the cardboard letters to their proper placements, you can even tape them into the shirt and parade around your house like a weirdo because it just looks so good. after that, outline the things with an old white colored pencil.
I used a cookie tray to stretch the fabric out for easy painting. for the sleeves, I used my favorite plate ;) use clips that your mom used for her burger joint business to pin up the edges into the tray and the plate.
Next, tape up the edges. so you l'll have satisfying edges when your done painting. I did the REEP part first bc I didn't have many clips.
for the painting! I used acrylics for everything. I even researched if it'll peel off if you wash it. turns out, cotton blend/cotton really soaks it up so it'll be practically permanent. I did mix some white textile paint in the paint mixture.
you gotta base it with white first so the colors come out nice. then paint the letters in the colors you want. I did mine in gradient because I wanted mine to be unique :') you have to know though that you dont have to be good at painting (I wasn't) you just have to sense it all out.
I did at least 3 layers of this paint so the holes will not be seen so be patient and dry them infront of the fan if you don't have a blow dryer.
and your your done! now you have your own creeps shirt. now you can hang out in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall too! welcome fam!
disclaimer: Im a poor fangirl so I couldn't afford iron on stuff, shirt printing OR buying the merch itself. I only have 3 year old acrylics, a minimal experience in painting, and pure and passionate love for michael mell aka michael in the bathroom. this is just how I did it and the shirt still survives to this day. I've worn it in different bathrooms already.
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jpat82 · 5 years
Chapter 9
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    The cavern was almost silent, the dripping seemed to get louder as you tried to listen for whatever dropped down ahead of you. The thundering in your chest was heavy in your ears as you stood still, your mangled hands held tight to your chest. You closed your eyes to the complete darkness ahead, if only James were here.
    "The two of you sound like a heard of wild elephants, not two wolves. I think Hulk is quieter then the both of you." A accented voice ahead of you stated, a flash of silver in the darkness as your eyes popped open.
    "I can smell her." Thor's familiar voice cut through the air, tension in your body immediately falling away from you, relief flooding through you.
    "Of course you can, you fool, she is directly behind you." Loki's voice hissed, a warm hard rest on your forearm. "Y/n, what happened?"
    "They.. they brought me here. They want Luca." You stuttered as a warm tear slipped down your cheek. "We have to get out of here and get to him."
    "Master Barnes is heading this way." Thor told you, his words echoing off the walls.
    "We don't have time." You responded, a pleading tone in your voice.
     "But Lady.."
      "No!" You interrupted the wolf, your voice carrying through the cavern, echoing. "We go now."
     "I like you." The third man stated, silver eyes looking at you through the darkness. "A woman that doesn't back down, I can see why Bucky picked you."
    "She's injured." Loki stated with annoyance. "Not that I care if Bucky gets angry that his woman is injured further, I would rather not to have deal with more then my share of work."
     "When have you ever back down from a messy fight? Brother, have you gone weak?" Thor chuckled knowing how to crawl under his brothers skin.
     "I didn't say that." Loki smarted back.
     "I don't care, my son is in danger and if we don't get out of this cave James won't be the one you are dealing with!" You snapped.
Bucky walked between Sam and Steve, Steve on his right, Sam on his left just as it had always been. They followed the trail that Pietro and the wolves had made. The moon high in the sky above of them, silence had descended across the family as they pushed forward.
"You've been more quiet then usual, what is it Bucky?" Sam clipped out, his eyes scanning across the field ahead of them. "Cause not that I don't enjoy ripping someone apart, you and Steve seem a lot more tense then usual."
     Bucky looked back at his family, each of them following him blindly yet again. He sighed heavily, his head slowly turning back forward looking out across the grassland that shown under the silver light of moon. A shiver of dread coursed it's way down his spine.
"Eons ago, there were only two races. Humans and daemons. Everything today that isn't human, has somehow come from the daemon bloodline, whether through virus, or creation." Bucky calmly explained, thinking back to the ancient books he had read while being tutored by Stan. "All of us, have daemon origins. Including y/n."
"And that's because she had the dormant strain of what you have." Sam stated, more to remind himself that even if Bucky's wife had started human she was as much a creature of the night as any of them.
"Yes." Bucky replied. "These daemons, they didn't look human, didn't look like the wolves, didn't even resemble humans in anyway. Their skin was black, or dark violet, navy. Odds scars ran across their faces and down their back, horns grew on the their heads, often times twisted and at unnatural angles. They were very powerful, and had a very distinct smell."
"So your saying we're following daemons?" Sam questioned.
"Good, god no." Steve chuckled, he noticed the separation in the soil yards a head, the slight smell of sulphur riding on the wind. He ran up ahead as Bucky kept his pace.
"Yes and no, daemons can't reproduce, they never have been able to. And the can't exist here without a host and thats what they do is find hosts." Bucky stopped suddenly, Sam followed suit and both men faced each other, the family gathering around them. "They envade the body of a living being, it's almost like they rip themselves apart and force apart of their own being into someone else. They create destruction, war, mayhem and pain where ever they go for no other reason then that they can. The only goal they have had was take over the earth and lay it to ash. To create the perfect hell to live in."
"Holy hell." Clint breathed, his jaw going slack.
"Thousands of years ago, the humans and other creatures of the night banded together in an attempt to take them out. It was bloody, and long drawn out, their leader, Thanos, was brutal and took to using kids as his weapons and warriors. Eventually we thought we had succeed, we could do what the humans couldn't or wouldn't do. The night creatures decided upon ourselves to burn down an entire country, we surrounded all ways for them to escape and turned it to ash. For two years we made this country burn till not a single body was left." He explained, all emotions removed from his voice, his eyes a dull blue as he spoke. Bucky took a deep breath before continuing. "The humans never forgave us."
"So we're dealing with daemons? Or just one that's been like a photo copied on steroids?" Tony asked, his eyebrow raised.
"Once a host is infected with daemon essence it spreads through the human body, slowly transforming into a new daemon that is completely different then the original." Bucky explained.
"So it's similar to the vampire virus?" Tony stated, shrugging. "You can turn us into a vampire but like with parental restrictions. We can't make other vampires and we don't get the cool eye trick but essentially we can do the same things."
"Except once the person is infected by a daemon, they become one, one hundred percent." Steve stated as he walked back the rest of family. "The hounds and Pietro went down there."
"Then down the hole we go." Bucky replied.
"Alright Alice, but I get to be the white rabbit." Tony quipped.
Wanda rushed through the darkened passage under the house, Luca held tight to her chest. She knew every turn, she had spent hours down here soon after she had been turned. Bucky and the rest of the family left her behind as they didn't think she was strong enough to handle the hunt. Now she had been glad, it prepared her to run blindly in the darkness to the door that opened out into the forest.
She had thought Thanos was dead, long gone. Her heart hammered hard in her chest, her stomach flipping over and over again. There was no way he should be alive. No way at all. She had seen the visions of his death when she was child and then again when her and Pietro had been on the run from hunters. It was brief and fleeting image she had seen but he had been there, collecting the lives of children.
     The child in her arms squirmed as she shoved the old wooden door open, allowing the cool night to wrap around her. Moonlight filtered it's way through the thick canopy above giving her light to navigate through the dense forest.
    Now, he was here. The only thought burning through her mind was to put as much distance between them and her as possible. She ran down the brush covered hill side, heading in the direction of the town, keeping clear of the foot paths on the off chance any of his lackeys would be laying in wait.
    Someone stepped out from behind a tree, Wanda couldn't stop next thing she knew she was colliding into someone.
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