#couldn't find a translation of the novel i could search by word
crispyjenkins · 2 years
i am absolutely begging someone to explain the blood pool in mdzs/cql to me because i have spent legitimately an hour and a half on this and have found n o t h i n g and i sort of need to understand it to be able to write it. naturally i am too anxious autistic to ask any specific blogs so i thought id cast this out to all 1,000 of you to see if any of you know
pls im so desperate
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ranray · 9 months
Since I wanted to share a few works of mine here's my last ShinRan fic's rough translation. It's called "Do you remember that sunset?" and were inspired by "Eternal Eternity" from Sailor Moon. So it some references to that song.
I'm really sorry for all the grammar mistakes or strange phrases (if there's so), I'm not good at English.
“Do you remember the first sunset we saw together?”
'I'll never forget that' Shinichi almost said. Even if he lived forever, he would never be able to forget the glitter of the setting sun and the gentle smile of little Ran. They were sitting on his bed and looked out the window, just like now, but when they were seven years old. When Ran's mother left her with Kudo’s.
Shinichi just took a look at the pale Ran to guess why. Kogoro and Eri's quarrel again. Each time stronger than the previous one. Each time, Ran stood aside and twirled her favorite pocket mirror in her hands.
Ran hoped it would stop. That two or three quarrels would be enough, but she had to cry more and more. Everything is not the same as it used to be - it's a new truth, it's hard to accept. Only Shinichi's sad look remained unchanged.
Shinichi could feel his anger growing. Two adults couldn't be so stupid. He couldn't move away from Ran in those years. Shinichi covered Ran with his small hand. The icy gaze of his eyes hurled spears at his negligent parents.
Even if it was late at night and his mother told him to not worry, he would dive under the covers with his phone, knowing that Ran couldn't sleep. He didn't talk about Holmes, he didn't bother Ran with detective stuff he loved. He listened to everything Ran had to say to her father and mother. Their mothers were angry tomorrow, and two children laughed together, discussing yesterday's events.
Ran grumbled with him and Sonoko about everything that happened, everything she wanted to say. Resentment, discontent, loneliness, everything that had accumulated in her young soul. Sonoko promised that she would take her with him to unwind at the sea, she was about to persuade her parents. Shinichi promised to go with them, even if he knew that the three children would never seriously go anywhere.
Days and months passed. Spring came after winter as well as new year at school. Shinichi remembered the terrible wind that tore off Ran's favorite hat. He remembered the tall tree he had climbed for it and the bruise he had received. Ran’s quiet "thank you" was all he wanted at that moment.
To Ran, every day seemed like an eternity. Every word of the parents brought the quarrel closer. One day is like another, and time has passed without waiting for Ran.
Ran, Mouri's only daughter, was left alone. She could spend the whole evening playing toys, plugging her ears with headphones to hide from her parents' quarrel, but, in an instant, she would inevitably grab her phone.
Through her tears, she searched for Shinichi's number, trying to catch his first or last name. She accidentally mixed it with Yukiko’s, but Yukiko understood Ran. She promised to persuade Eri to keep Ran with them.
It was easy for her. Shinichi didn't expect that in a few minutes he would see Ran in the living room with a small bag in her hands. As soon as their eyes met, Ran rushed to him. She wanted to see him so badly.
To hear his carrying words to her again. If Shinichi is around, if she could touch his arm, there are two of them. It's not scary if they’re together.
They enjoyed the sky. Yukiko scolds them, but tomorrow, now, the sunset is important. Shinichi squeezed Ran's hand. "You can count on me, Ran, always," Shinichi smiled. His cheeks flushed. Ran didn't need to know that this phrase was from a romance novel.
"Whatever happens?” Ran hesitated, but Shinichi squeezed her hand without the slightest hesitation. He was able to find Ran when they were playing hide-and-seek. And he believed that he would solve all the riddles if it saved her.
"I'm sure. No matter how much time passes, I'm there. It doesn't matter when," he whispered phrases from books. He said every one he could remember, just to make Ran smile. And he was telling the truth, even if it was like this.
And Ran believed. I believed that Shinichi would be there. He will be the one who comes if it is bad, as it is now. As always. As if it were meant to be. As if it was meant to be. Ran could rely on him.
"Lean on me," Ran whispers softly at the end of the sunset. Their slight smiles... A difficult moment that brought them together. Since that sunset we've always been together.
"Still, you lied to me," Ran sighed, noticing that Shinichi’s flashbacks ended. He pouted. "I've been waiting for you for a year, but you...”
"I'm sorry," Shinichi averted his eyes. I knew that ‘I'm sorry’ is not enough. After all, he was there all the time, unable to let go of Ran. While she didn't get more than a phone call.
"I don't know how I didn't figure it out," Ran was smiling now. Forgiveness had to be earned, but it was worth her gaze and their intertwined fingers. It was all worth it. "Conan-kun's hand was like yours... As if deep in my heart I knew...”
"I've gone crazy every time," Shinichi wasn't lying. Every tear Ran shed was his pain. The pain of an idiot who believed he could protect Ran like this. "Your gaze spoke more than words," he sighed. A sad question that had stuck in his head burst out. "Don't you regret forgiving me?"
"No," Ran smiled slyly. This is his first serious mistake. And the remorse in his eyes is enormous. “We have a long way to go. And I want to go through it with you, this time together. Like back then.”
"Together," Shinichi whispered. A single word breathed more warmth than the setting sun. "Together," he repeated, squeezing his hand on Ran's shoulder.
They seemed to be back in childhood among that similar seven-years-old days. Again, the sunset they met together. A sunset that they noticed separately in their rooms when they did not want to fall asleep. Their shared moment is timeless.
"I haven't told you that I missed you yet?" Ran chuckled. Shinichi didn't have to ask. He could see it in Ran's eyes. Her pain and loneliness. "I've thought so many times to go look for you...”
"And you'd found me many times," he exhaled languidly. How many times Ran exposed him? I had to go out of my way to deceive her. Every time Shinichi wanted to admit his defeat. “Do you remember that?”
“Yes... Even though you denied everything, I felt like you were nearby," a breathless whisper, a smile on his face. Ran clasped her hands around Shinichi's waist and squeezed them so tightly that he let out a low gasp. "It's like you've always been there... Like in your phrases from romance novels.”
“Did knew what I was repeating from the books that time?” Shinichi let out a small chuckle. Instead of hugging Ran back, he sat Ran between his legs. Ran blushed thicker than the sunset. Shinichi held her so tight that she couldn't move. "It may seem strange to you, but... Thank you. I’m happy that I’m important to you.”
‘What an idiot!’ Ran wanted to say. From the moment he soothed her as a child, Ran knew that he was important. That feeling was from love, but it's something similar. Friendship. Trust.
She knew she could run over to play with Shinichi if she felt sad. She could call him if she needs to talk. Only his presence made her feel better. All she had to do is find Shinichi.
And even though time slipped forward without a trace, as long as she didn't see him, he was there. In a message, call or a trinket gift - valuable part of his feelings and him. Always with her, no matter how time has passed.
It doesn't matter if fate existed. Ran wanted to believe in the thread on their little fingers. Still, Shinichi's smile at the sunset warmed her heart even more. Shinichi hugged her with a childish smile, not hiding his nostalgia for the sunset. Happy, that they’re a couple now.
Ran turned to Shinichi. A red ray of the setting sun descended on his face. Ran pressed her hand to his warm cheek. Together again from now on.
"Ran, if you'll stare at me, you'll miss the sunset!" Shinichi only teased her. He was thinking of something else, and you could see it in his eyes. "Afraid you won't be able to find me when it gets dark?"
"Don't tease me!" Ran chuckled. She held him with other hand. And didn't want to let go of him. "No matter when, we would still meet again?"
"Trust me. Until the very end, I will watch every sunset here with you," Shinichi whispered softly. He lifted Ran's hands to leave a light kiss on her small fingers. “You won't be lonely.”
"And you promise that you won’t leave me alone anymore," Ran loved to tease him back. Shinichi didn't mind it, he laughed. He deserved it. “Promise?”
"I promise that if something happens, we'll deal with it together," it is no longer a cliché from romance novels. A sincere promise, whispered only to Ran and Ran alone. For her and silent sunset.
"Let's share everything like this sunset," the phrase broke by itself. With a smile, Ran turned to the sunset, a faint arc of the great sun floating over the horizon.
"Then let me share something," the predatory tone of Shinichi voice made Ran laugh for some reason. As soon as Ran turned to him, Shinichi pulled her into a kiss.
Their hands were intertwined, just like when they were children. A small silk thread seemed to tickle their little fingers. It was getting hot in Shinichi's arms.
Sun went below the horizon. Soon they can observe the moon and the stars.
"Ran," Shinichi licked his lips. Whatever he said, he wanted more kisses. "We making stargazing our new tradition? If one of them falls…"
"What you going to wish?" Ran smiled. ‘For us to be close,’ flashed through her mind.
"We've already promised to be together forever," Shinichi's breath tickled his nose. He didn't believe in fate. Any fate, except his and Ran's. “Let's think about what else we can wish.”
"Hmm," it was hard to hide Ran’s red cheeks. As much as she denies it, Shinichi are pretty romantic. Probably too much. “We have a long night ahead... Let's think about it together!”
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warabidakihime · 1 year
Intimate Ink
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Characters: Nanami Kento x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N, a struggling writer, finds herself in the clutches of a frustrating writer's block. In search of inspiration, she seeks the help of her boyfriend, Nanami. Hence his debut as the author's Muse.
Content warning: smut and profanities. Minors DNI.
A/N: this is just me giving myself a pep talk by indulging into my deepest desires loljk ha enjoy.
You grumbled as you turned away from your laptop, which you had been looking at for the last five minutes, hoping that an idea would finally come to you so you could begin writing the next sequence in the new chapter of your novel.
Everything was in place, but you couldn't manage to translate the scenarios in your imagination into actual words.
Just like your current mental state, the storm outside continued to wreak havoc. You swore you saw a chunk of someone's roof fly by. For a brief while, your heartbeat rate increased as you worried that the piece of metal would crash through your window and then slit your throat.
Crossing your arms as you leaned back on your chair, all the while closing your eyes to ground yourself, if there was one thing you had learned throughout your whole career as an author, it was that you shouldn't write when your head was clouded; otherwise, it would affect your output.
As you sat in silence in your office, you heard the front door open, indicating that your boyfriend, Nanami, was finally home from his errand run to the mall. He went shopping today for a new laptop charger after their golden retriever, Pepper, chewed on his old one. He couldn't bring himself to yell at the poor puppy since the relief he felt when Pepper didn't get electrocuted outweighed his displeasure.
Even though it was still early in the morning, your sleep-deprived boyfriend willed himself to go out and buy a replacement for his broken charger. His own deadline was nearing, so he didn't really have the time to procrastinate.
"I'm home," Nanami called out.
Deciding to take a break from writing, you finally stood up from your office chair and made your way downstairs to greet Nanami.
As soon as your eyes landed on him, a big smile appeared on your face. You had been dating for five years, but the feelings he gave you were very much the same as when you first started seeing each other.
"Were you able to buy what you need?" you asked.
Nanami nodded as he showed you the shopping bag in his hand as well as the milk tea you had requested him to buy on his way home. Maybe the sweet drink could help you get back on track.
You skipped over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying, "You're the best. Thank you, Nanamin."
Your ever stoic boyfriend gave you a boyish smile and said, "You're welcome. Have you eaten? I also bought food. You looked like you've been cooped up in your office all day."
"Yeah, I've been having a hard time with my novel. I can't seem to move forward."
"Your deadlines are not until next month, right?"
"Well, yeah, but... I don't like it when I'm in a stump." You chuckled humorlessly, clearly bummed about not being able to write at will.
"What part are you stuck at? Maybe I can help," Nanami said after settling down on the sofa.
"Huh? We-" Nanami immediately looked your way when you stopped abruptly, but before he could ask you what's wrong, you beat him to it and spoke first, "Yes, you can."
"I'm glad. So, which part of the chapter did you need help with?" Nanami asked again while tapping the space beside him, implying that you sit down with him.
So you did walk towards him, but instead of sitting beside him, you settled yourself on his lap. That caught him off guard, but he quickly adjusted and welcomed you quite eagerly; his eyes focused on you while he waited for your next move.
"Actually, I do know what to write next; I just don't know how to word it correctly. More specifically, I can't quite picture the scene in my head as accurately as I could."
"What do you mean?"
"I suck at describing positions, you see. But I might nail it down if I try to act them myself," you explained as you straddled your boyfriend, who was completely chill about everything so far.
"Hmm... is that so?" Nanami said coyly as he wrapped one arm around your waist to prevent you from falling backward, but apparently there was no need for that because as he was leaning backward to make himself more comfortable, you were already leaning forward towards him until you were chest to chest.
It was such a completely harmless gesture, but the tension in the room grew significantly stronger. It was so potent that they both felt their skin tingle with excitement. Nanami's intent stares and slightly wet hair caused by the rain weren't helping either. In all honesty, you felt your insides churn when you saw him by the foyer when he just got back from his errands. He looked so sexy and enticing, you almost jumped on him.
You cupped one side of his face, your thumb caressing his chiseled, gorgeous face. "Will you help me?"
After what seemed like forever, your heart started to race as you felt Nanami's arm wrap around your waist, keeping you steady on his lap. Your closeness started a spark of anticipation between you, and you exchanged a meaningful gaze. You could see the desire flickering in his eyes, mirroring your own.
Nanami's voice dropped to a low, husky tone as he played along with your unconventional request. "Alright, let's bring your imagination to life," he said, his voice laced with a mix of confidence and seduction.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Nanami took the lead, his hands gently guiding your movements. With each gesture, he narrated the scenes from your novel, his voice resonating with a blend of authority and desire.
"The horny couple finds themselves in a secluded room," Nanami began, his voice captivating and commanding. Though his narrations were captivating, you were unable to refrain from laughing at the way he colored the characters in your story. But he was right on the money.
"Then the ever-needy bastard gently undresses her, savoring the sight of her exposed skin, inch by inch."
A soft moan slipped through your lips when you felt it brush against your crotch.
Nanami's hands moved with purpose, caressing your sides, his touch igniting a fire within you. Your breath hitched as you felt the brush of his fingertips against your skin, fueling your imagination and heightening your senses. Even more so when you felt his arousal grow firmer from the confines of his khaki shorts.
"Once she's bare before him, he explores every contour of her body," Nanami continued, his voice a sensual melody. He trailed his fingers along your arms, leaving a trail of tantalizing sensations in their wake. "His touch is electric, awakening every nerve and every hidden desire within her."
Your heart pounded in your chest as Nanami's hands moved further, tracing delicate patterns along your back and then the curves of your ass. You could feel the heat building between you two; the room continued to be filled with an undeniable magnetism.
You were so entranced that you didn't notice how quickly both of your clothes were coming undone.
"Their lips meet, hungry and eager, as your bodies intertwine," Nanami whispered, his voice a breathy caress against your ear. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your skin, igniting a cascade of tingles down your spine.
Your mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions, lost in the sensations Nanami created. You surrendered yourself to the experience, allowing your imagination to meld with reality.
"They lose themselves in the rhythm of their desires, their bodies entwined in a dance of passion," Nanami narrated, his voice filled with raw emotion. His hands explored your curves, leaving no inch untouched, matching the intensity of his words.
You and Nanami were enveloped in a world where your shared fantasies became tangible. The boundaries between fiction and reality blurred as Nanami brought your novel to life, painting a vivid picture with his touch and voice.
Your breath hitched, your heart pounding in sync with Nanami's steady rhythm. A surge of inspiration washed over you, breaking through the walls of your writer's block, but at this very moment, curing your inability to write was the least of your worries.
You wanted Nanami, and you wanted him now.
After your productive brainstorming session, you and Nanami found yourselves breathless. The air crackled with a mix of desire and satisfaction, and a mischievous glint danced in your eyes as you looked into Nanami's gaze.
Your lips curled into a seductive smile. "Well, well, Kento. I must say, you have quite the creative way to help me overcome my writer's block," you purred, your voice dripping with playful innuendo.
Nanami smirked, his fingertips tracing light patterns on your thigh. "I'm a man of many talents," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of confidence and desire. "But I must admit, it's not every day I get to bring a story to life in such a hands-on manner."
You leaned closer, your breath tickling his earlobe. "Oh, but you're so good with your hands, Kento. It's as if they have a mind of their own," you teased, your voice laced with undeniable allure.
Nanami's fingers trailed higher, causing you to shiver with anticipation. "Is that so?" he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "Tell me, Y/N, what else do you enjoy about my hands?"
Your eyes sparkled with mischief as you leaned back slightly, your gaze meeting his. "I enjoy how they explore every inch of my body," you whispered, your voice dripping with desire. "How they leave trails of fire in their wake, igniting a hunger that only you can satisfy."
A flicker of challenge danced in Nanami's eyes as he grasped your chin, his touch gentle yet commanding. "Is that a challenge, Y/N?" he asked, a hint of playful arrogance in his voice. "Because I assure you, I'm more than capable."
Your lips curled into a wicked grin as you leaned in, your voice a sultry whisper. "Prove it," you challenged, your eyes smoldering with desire. "Show me just how skilled those hands of yours can be."
The room was filled with a tantalizing mix of laughter and moans as Nanami and you surrendered to your desires. Your banter continued, punctuated by passionate kisses and gasps of pleasure. The two of you explored each other with eager anticipation.
Your fingers traced the contours of Nanami's chiseled chest, reveling in the power that radiated from his body. "You feel so good," you whispered, your voice laced with a mix of breathless awe and desire.
Nanami's lips found their way to your neck, peppering it with gentle kisses and igniting a trail of shivers along your spine. "You taste even better," he murmured, his voice husky with need.
The needy bastard’s lips curled into a wicked smile as he complied, intensifying his advances. "You make the most beautiful sounds," he growled, the raw desire evident in his voice. "I love how you react to me."
Your hands explored with purpose, mapping out every curve and crevice of your intertwined forms. You arched your back, giving Nanami better access to your sensitive spots. "Right there," you gasped, your voice thick with need. "Don't stop."
Your bodies became a playground of sensations, with each touch and stroke driving you closer to the edge.
Your fingertips traced the contours of Nanami's sculpted chest, particularly his perky nipples, eliciting delicious sounds from his sinister lips.
Nanami's hands caressed your curves, his touch firm yet gentle. He reveled in the softness of your skin, savoring the sensation as his fingers glided along your body.
Your mouths met once again, tongues entwining in a fervent dance. It was a language of pining, expressing what words couldn't convey. As you kissed, your bodies moved in perfect harmony.
Your hands traced the lines of Nanami's muscled back, her touch both gentle and demanding. "You make me feel so fucking good," you whimpered.
Nanami's lips curled into a wicked smile as he locked eyes with you, his movements steady and deliberate. "And you, my love, are a vision of pure ecstasy," he replied, his voice husky with desire.
Your nails dug into Nanami's skin, the room filled with the sounds of your union—moans, gasps, and the rhythmic slap of skin against skin. It was driving you both incredibly insane.
As your pleasure intensified, your words grew more audacious.
"Fuck me harder," You moaned, your voice laced with a desperate need, to which Nanami happily obliged.
What his Queen wants, his Queen gets.
"Holy shit–you feel, so! so good!" You gasped, your voice filled with raw desire. "I need more of you, Kento."
Nanami returned your stare with a boyish smirk, his own yearning reflecting in his eyes. "You're insatiable, Y/N. But I'm more than happy to give you what you crave."
"Oh, fuck yes," You cried out, your voice filled with unbridled pleasure. "I'm so close, Nanami. Make me come; make me lose control."
Nanami's voice was a low, seductive growl as he replied, "Hold on a little longer, Y/N. I want to savor every second of this intoxicating pleasure."
Your bodies moved with a desperate urgency, their movements fueled by the primal need to find release. 
Your voice trembled with a mix of anticipation and longing. "Nanami... I can't hold back anymore. I need to come. Please..."
Nanami's eyes smoldered with desire and a hint of adoration as he adhered to your request. "Let go, Y/N. Give in to the pleasure. Come for me."
At that very moment your bodies convulsed with bliss, their shared climax washing over you like a tidal wave.
As your breathing slowed and your bodies basked in the afterglow, feeling absolutely well-spent. After what seemed like a total bang fest, the two of them remained silent as you tried to come down from their high with Nanami leaned all the way back on the sofa and you were plastered on his chest wearing a smile that practically spells, "Just had the best fuck of my life."
The two of you spent the next several minutes catching your breath, the room enveloped in a comfortable silence as you basked in the afterglow of your shared ecstasy. Eventually, Nanami broke the quietude with his sultry voice, "Well, I hope I was able to help you gather enough inspiration and references for your novel."
In response, you released a weary chuckle, your voice carrying a hint of contentment, "You have no idea; in all honesty, I could write a whole trilogy at this point."
"Don't forget to mention me in your 'thank you' message, and I'd like to receive a portion of the revenue should your novel become a box office hit."
You rested an elbow on Nanami's chest, your eyes sparkling with playful mischief as you beamed at him, "Am I not enough? My readers only get an autograph and maybe a picture from me, but you get the whole package."
"Well, if that's the case, how about a bonus?"
"I'll think about it. Till then, keep your lines open," you replied with a teasing smile, and right after that, a yawn slipped through your lips, eliciting a fond chuckle from your boyfriend.
Your conversation seamlessly transitioned into a cozy stillness. As you drifted off to sleep, your bodies remained intertwined, creating a cocoon of warmth and intimacy. When you awoke well past midday, the rest of the day was dedicated to unwinding and enjoying each other's company.
And as if Nanami possesses the voice of an angel, figuratively and literally, your novel did indeed reach box office success. True to your playful agreement, he received his well-deserved bonus.
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kazinsblog · 7 months
Ohh, actually, I did have things I've been wondering about, so I'm glad there's someone who has just as much fun with translation trivia as I do that I can ask now! I while ago, I did try to look up rain code's chinese title. Needless to say, I quickly found out that "rain code" isn't even really part of the actual title... but the machine did give me 雨碼 as the translation of "rain code", and it seems that it happens to be pronounced like yuma? I couldn't help but notice the coincidence at the time, but I'm not familiar with the 碼 so I couldn't be sure if it was just giving me something strange.
Also, just yesterday, I was writing an analysis for rain code's chapter titles because they are mostly based off of novels. Chapter 4's title is キミのすべてが0(零)になる, (based off of すべてがFになる). I became curious why they would add the 零 in parentheses, because it means zero/nothing and they already wrote the number 0 next to it. I came to find out that the original chinese meaning of this character was something like "steady rain"? I figure its relation to rain must be the intention behind them adding it. (I suppose it makes sense when I look at the radicals used in it...)
I'm glad i have someone to talk about translation stuff too!
Master Detective Archive Rain Code's Localized name in Chinese is 超偵探事件簿 霧雨謎宮 (the literal translation is Super Detective Archives Light Rain Labyrinth). 霧雨 (Wu yu) means light rain/drizzle which does kinda describes Kanai ward in a way, 謎宮 (Mi gong) means maze or labyrinth which explains part of the gameplay. For Rain Codes title translate i think the translation team used a sense for sense translation method to explain the games context a bit for Chinese players.
Also~! Like you mentioned~! Rain Code's literal Chinese translation is 雨碼( Yu ma) . When i translate something i personally like to use a word as a base and search for a synonym. So for 雨 (Rain) it became 霧雨 (Light Rain), the Code part is a bit tricky the Chinese translation went with 謎宮 (Labyrinth) it could be to explain the game play or make a connection with 碼 (Code).
And now that you mention it yeah! 雨碼 (Yu ma) does sound like Yuma XDD. Even the Pinyin spells Yuma, what a coincidence!
And for the CH4 title translations, comparing all three names (Chinese, English, and Japanese) The Chinese translation is more true to the Japanese text compared to English.
I tried to color code the each of the words... i hope it isnt too confusing
你的一切將回歸為零 (Everything You Know Will Return Back to 0 (Zero)
キミのすべてが0(零)になる (Everything You Know Will Return Back to 0 (Zero)
The Imperfect Insider (reference to The Perfect Insider)
I think the 0 (zero) here means that the world that Yuma knew will soon return back to zero like back to where it all started, he doesnt know anything who to trust or what to believe in like how he was in CH 0. another reason why i think the JP title added 零 next to the numeral 0 might be to clarify that 0 means zero. Because without it the 0 might look like an O
キミのすべてが0になる (0)(O)= ? They do look similar XDD
i hope that helped a bit~!
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four-loose-screws · 2 years
FE7 Novelization Translation - Chapter 8 Section 6
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Chapter 8: Noble Lady of Caelin (Section 6)
Several hours after they had confirmed Marquess Caelin was safe, Eliwood’s army moved into one of the guest rooms inside the castle to listen to everything Leila had to say. Now that she was here, there was a lot they wanted to ask her.
Lyn joined them after she was finished checking on her grandfather.
Hector got the conversation started. "Leila, what have you been doing here?"
"...At Lord Uther's order, I have been searching alone for information into the mystery of Marquess Pherae's disappearance."
"My father?! Did you find anything out?!" The look in Eliwood's eye changed completely.
"Yes. I will tell you everything." Leila stared straight at Eliwood and stated, "...I will start my report with my conclusion. Marquess Pherae is alive."
"That's great news, Eliwood!!" Hector shouted.
"Thank goodness!" Lyn breathed a sigh of relief. 
"Are you sure…?!"
Leila nodded to further put Eliwood’s mind at ease. "Over the past several months, I have been a member of the Black Fang. This is information I have obtained directly from them, so it cannot be wrong…"
"The Black Fang… The assassins guild Erik spoke of?"
"Yes. We have known of their existence for some time now."
Leila did as Hector asked and started her explanation. "The Black Fang is an assassins guild founded by a man named Brendan Reed. Their operation, based in Bern, began over ten years ago, then gradually spread to each of the other countries. …Their ideology was to target only nobles who prey on the weak, so the people saw them as chivalrous thieves and highly supported their work."
"...Chivalrous thieves, huh?"
For a league of assassins to be chivalrous thieves… Hector was puzzled by that strange combination. Normally, when one heard the word "chivalrous thief," the image of a person who stole money from nobility and wealthy merchants to redistribute to the poor came to mind. But this Black Fang seemed to be a bit different from that.
"However, about one year ago, Brendan remarried, and that event was the trigger that gradually changed their operations. …For anyone who would pay, they would take on any assassination job, no matter how difficult, and now their targets were not limited to evil people, but also began to include the innocent…"
"And the people who caused my grandfather's pain are this Black Fang group?"
"That is correct. …I know for a fact that in his new wife’s shadow is a mysterious man named Nergal. The Black Fang is currently operating in secret in Lycia by Nergal's orders. Nergals’ right-hand man, Ephidel, enticed Marquess Laus and caused him to plot the rebellion against Ostia. The first to answer Marquess Laus’ call for rebellion… was Marquess Santaruz.”
"Lord Helman…? Why would he…?"
Why would such a good-natured man like Marquess Santruz accept Darin’s invitation? Eliwood could not help but be filled with doubt, but since Helman was gone from this world, his reasons could never be known.
"Next was Marquess Elbert of Pherae."
"...So you're saying that my father really was on the side of the rebellion?" As soon as he heard the part of Leila's story that he was most interested in, Eliwood asked his question. 
Leila quietly shook her head. "...That, I do not know. However, it is true that he is with Marquess Laus. At a place called… the 'Dragon’s Gate.'"
"The 'Dragon's Gate?!' Where is that?!"
"It is on Valor… I am sorry. That is all I know."
"It's in Valor Island of all places…? Dammit!" Hector knew about the location of the Dragon’s Gate, and clicked his tongue, implying that it was a bad place to be. 
Meanwhile, Lyn, who knew little about geography, couldn't guess at all about what kind of place it was, and cocked her head. "What kind of place is it?" She asked.
Eliwood answered her.
Valor was an isle located in the seas to the south of Lycia.
Supposedly, those who stepped foot upon it never came back alive… That reason was why it was also known and feared as the Dread Isle.
Few ever went there, which made it the ideal location for someone to hide themself and carry out their actions in secret. 
"If it is where Father is, then we must make our way there and find him. To the Dragon’s Gate!"
At Eliwood’s unyielding determination, Hector immediately voiced his words of support. "I'm going too. …I'd tell you to do otherwise, but even if I try to stop you, my efforts would all be in vain."
"I will join you as well."
"Lyndis, I am happy to accept such feelings from you, but will it be alright for you to be away from Lord Hausen?"
Because they had both retaken Castle Caelin and saved Hausen, she would say goodbye to them here. Or so Eliwood thought, and that was why her offer surprised him.
"...If we don’t do something about Marquess Laus and his army, then they might target my grandfather again. And I want to save Eliwood’s father as well. Losing a parent… is unbearably painful… I do not want you to experience that pain as well."
"Lyndis… you too, Hector. Thank you. You both put my heart at ease."
Knowing full-well of the dangers, they both swore to help him. Eliwood was grateful for that sentiment from the very bottom of his heart. He could not help but feel that he was currently with friends who could never be replaced.
"Don’t worry about it!”
“We’re friends! Of course we’d do things like this for each other, right, Eliwood?”
Hector and Lyn both said as cheerfully as they could, attempting to dispel the ominous shadow, this league of assassins… the Black Fang… that they had begun to see looming in their future.
“...I’m going to be investigating for a while longer. Lady Lyndis, I think it would be wise to act as if Marquess Caelin is dead for the time being.” Leila proposed.
Considering the order Ephidel had given Leila, that was an obvious precaution. If he knew that Hausen was still alive, then he would pursue Hausen’s life once again.
Lyn, understanding what Leila meant, vowed to do as she said. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
The moment Leila turned to return to her work, Hector called out to stop her. “Nergal… and Ephidel. What are they like?”
“...I have not seen Nergal yet. …But I have had several opportunities to speak with Ephidel. He is… uncanny… He always wears his cloak low over his eyes, so I have never been able to see his face. And yet…”
Though it was only for a moment, Leila stopped moving. An image of Ephidel’s face flashed through the back of her mind, causing her to freeze up. However, it was truly only for a moment, then she immediately continued speaking. She used her words to drive away her fear.
“...in just the golden light of his eyes alone… You can see clearly… that he is something not human.”
With those words from Leila, Eliwood and the others felt ever more certain that he was an ominous being.
“Hey, if it isn’t Leila!”
As she walked out of the castle, she stopped when a man called out her name. “Matthew. …It’s been a while.”
The fellow spy approached her with a friendly smile on his face.
Though Leila’s expression was indifferent as always, it did soften a bit, and that was obviously thanks to the man in front of her.
“What’ve you been up to? Been assigned to some dirty work again?”
“There’s no such thing as ‘dirty work’ in our line of profession, is there?” Leila responded as if it were the obvious answer. 
Matthew nodded to say, 'You aren't wrong.'
“...So, how much longer is this job going to take?”
“My end goal is the same as yours. Rescuing Marquess Pherae. So… if all goes well, I might be able to return to Ostia at around the same time as you.”
Her words made him visibly happy. "Really?! Then come to my hometown!"
"To where you were born? Why?"
"...To introduce you to my family."
Leila gasped. "Matthew…"
The smile disappeared from his face, and his normally aloof demeanor vanished, his gaze upon her also becoming serious and passionate.
Matthew's sudden marriage proposal surprised her, but she also felt warmth spread through her heart.
They looked into each other's eyes for one moment, one second… a mere tiny sliver of time.
But the two spies had no more time than that to spare.
"Ha ha, well, that's all I had to say! See you!" Matthew's serious face softened back into his usual lighthearted expression, and he turned around and walked off.
Leila, now left all alone, kept her gaze on his back for a brief moment, then finally let out a chuckle. Not as a spy of Ostia, but as just a woman. 
"...He's just like always! Doing whatever he pleases! Doesn't even wait to hear a reply."
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devilofthehounds · 14 days
God Eater 3 Character Novel | In the Name of the White Flower: Chapter 5
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[image id: A novel cover. Hilda Henriquez from God Eater 3 stands in the foreground. In the background are profile shots of Abraham Gadolin (top left) and Werner Gadolin (bottom right). Separating the two are a pair of red armlets, streaks of dried blood overlaid on top of them. The text, when translated into English, reads, “God Eater 3 Character Novel | Chapter 5: Hilda Edition | In the Name of the White Flower”. /end id]
This is a fan translation. Original text here.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
We barely escaped the satellite base with our lives. Soon enough, we were found by a Gleipnir transport and taken to safety.
Thankfully, Ricardo survived as well, receiving treatment on the transport.
However, we were unable to return to Fenrir HQ immediately.
A mysterious phenomenon that could consume all forms of matter, believed to be occurring simultaneously in various locations across the region.
Continuing to spread rapidly even now, it had swallowed up Fenrir HQ in the blink of an eye. The condition of the residents and God Eaters therein were unknown.
The surviving God Eaters somehow managed to find some survivors and regroup, but it seemed no one had an accurate grasp on the situation.
We were taken to a frontline base that had been designated as a temporary rendezvous point for those who had managed to escape. We disembarked, the carnage at the satellite base playing on repeat in our minds.
"Werner, Hilda... I'm glad you're safe."
Commander Gadolin, taking temporary command in this time of crisis, placed his hands on our shoulders.
"...Werner, stay with Hilda for the time being."
The commander wasted no words as he took in the sight of our bloodstained clothes.
Werner nodded, but I felt strangely clear-headed.
"I'm fine. Werner, you're needed elsewhere. Please, do what you can."
"Don't worry about me. I'll find some way to help as well."
Werner looked back at me one last time, then nodded and returned to his unit with the commander.
I pushed my way through the crowd, many of whom were disheartened and confused, as I searched for the children.
Did everyone at the orphanage escape safely?
If I were to lose them as well...
Memories of the smiles of everyone who supported my dream filled my mind.
Slowly, they were being painted over with vivid memories of blood and flames.
The longer I searched, the less I was able to suppress my fears. A wave of nausea rolled over me.
Please... Please...
"...Big Sis Hilda?"
I looked up at the faint sound of her voice calling out to me.
Just ahead was Iris, her eyes wide.
She was holding hands with the sketchbook girl from before and staring at me.
"Big sis... Big sis!"
As soon as she ran to me, I held her tight, clinging to hope. I couldn't hold back my tears.
"Iris! Thank goodness... I'm so glad...!"
"Me, too! Everyone from the orphanage is fine! We're all alive! I'm so glad you're okay, big sis...!"
We cried together, relieved we'd survived and found each other.
The girl holding Iris's hand smiled at the sight of us, seemingly relieved as well.
"I'm glad you're safe, too... Have you been able to make friends with everyone?"
"I've been helping her practice talking to everyone! I'm sure she'll introduce herself when she feels better, so we'll have a fun chat then, promise!"
The girl, blushing, nodded enthusiastically. She clung to Iris as if the other girl were her own big sister.
Seeing the two of them filled my heart with hope.
Iris led me to a makeshift tent set up in the base, where we were able to reunite with everyone from the facility.
"Big Sis Hilda, is Uncle Werner...?"
"He's alright. Right now, he's going around helping everyone. We'll see him again soon."
The news brought smiles to the children's faces, blossoming like flowers.
Hope was still alive.
With that, we could walk ahead into the future—or so I wanted to believe.
A mass of ash, devouring everything it came into contact with.
This phenomenon, swallowing up countless lives, became known throughout northern Europe as "The Calamity", the moniker spreading like wildfire amongst the survivors.
"A large-scale area created by the Calamity... For the time being, we will refer to these areas as 'The Ashlands'."
A majority of Fenrir's top personnel had been swallowed up by the Ashlands that emerged at HQ, their whereabouts unknown.
With Abraham Gadolin serving as governor-general, Gleipnir was reorganized. Conferences were held day and night to address the threat of the Ashlands, though no solution had been discovered thus far.
Werner and I attended the conferences as well, as we were researchers who had survived the chaos immediately following the outbreak of the Ashlands.
The top priority currently being discussed was securing safe places for the survivors to live.
It was deemed urgent that the next generation of satellite bases be built to maintain their functions even should they be swallowed up by the Ashlands.
As soon as that was established, attention immediately turned to the research being conducted by me and Werner—expanding living space underground, unaffected by the Ashlands.
"With the cooperation of House Victorious, we have already begun selecting a site and preparing for construction. Werner, Hilda, if you are asked about your opinion regarding the matter, do not hesitate to give it.
Both Werner and I could only nod silently.
In the blink of an eye, the utopia we had envisioned was taken from our hands, and development was to be carried out under Gleipnir's jurisdiction.
Thinking about it logically, I understood it couldn't be helped. And yet, it was frustrating to watch as our dream became distorted.
"Next, a report on the results of the investigation into the Ashlands."
"Yes. Thus far, we know that the Ashlands are composed of microscopic viral structures."
"Oracle Cells... So, the Ashlands are made up of microscopic Aragami?"
"It's impossible to say for sure. Their eating habits are too diverse, and there are many data points that don't match up with previously observed characteristics..."
"But God Arcs and anti-Aragami armored walls maintain their functions even after being swallowed up by the Ashlands! Could we consider this a new type of Aragami?"
Experts in various fields engaged in heated debate, grasping at straws for clues.
A realm where even God Eaters lost their lives in a matter of minutes.
Already, the infrastructure of northern Europe had been decimated and cut off by the Ashlands.
Even those of us who survived felt as though we were surrounded on all sides by approaching walls of death.
We knew that if a solution wasn't found quickly, people would begin to reach their limit.
"If the Ashlands are Aragami... would it be possible for Odin to devour them?"
Governor-General Gadolin's unexpected words brought silence to the conference hall.
Odin, the anti-Aragami weapon. An enormous, humanoid God Arc that was being researched underground at Fenrir HQ.
If it could be completed—
"Wait, Father. There are still many issues that need to be resolved before Odin can become operational. It's completely unrealistic to consider it when we can't even reach HQ!"
A majority of those present agreed with Werner's words.
However, even as he nodded in response to Werner's words, the governor-general stared intently into space, as if he were seeing something the rest of us couldn't.
"In any event, even with the completion of the underground bases, the survivors will be critically short on supplies! Most locations stocked with supplies, including Fenrir HQ, have been swallowed up by the Ashlands!"
As the debate drew on with no answers, what we needed to do slowly became clear.
"Our number one priority is finding a way to retrieve supplies from within the Ashlands! If we can't do that... we will perish!"
Everyone fell silent in the face of our unshakable, hopeless reality.
"But there are reports of unidentified powerful Oracle readings being observed within the Ashlands! Just what can we do...?"
As everyone's spirits sank further, suddenly—
"Why not just develop a solution? An evolved God Eater, resistant to the Ashlands."
In the heavy silence, the first to speak was a man wearing a flashy scarf.
Next to me, Werner immediately stood up.
"Doctor Inukai. You talk of evolution, but do you truly understand the amount of sacrifice that would entail?"
"Of course I do. Are you objecting out of fear of sacrifice? I'm certain everyone else has realized this is the only feasible solution."
Evolution, in order to adapt to the Ashlands.
As he said, it seemed everyone agreed it was the only option.
However, without exception, those gathered in the room knew the cost of such words was too great to bear.
It was understood that this road would be one paved with blood.
Everyone found their gazes shifting toward Governor-General Gadolin.
There was a long, heavy silence. As he bowed his head, I could sense the immense pressure he now bore.
"...It cannot be helped."
Eventually, he broke the silence with those terse words.
The governor-general slowly rose to his feet.
"We will continue to consider all possibilities and countermeasures. However, effective immediately, we must develop a God Eater suited for operation within the Ashlands! A new blade that will cut a path to save humanity!"
With that, the governor-general concluded the conference.
After the conference, I said goodbye to Werner, who was going out on patrol, and decided to check in on Ricardo.
He'd been in a coma this whole time.
I drew back the curtain in the infirmary. However—
Ricardo wasn't there.
All that remained was a bed, dutifully and meticulously made.
"What... Where could he have gone with those wounds?!"
It seemed the doctors had only become aware of his absence when I informed them.
I rushed outside in a panic. No matter how hard I looked, though, I couldn't find him.
If he had gone missing in a situation like this, there was no way we'd be able to find him.
"Huh? Big Sis Hilda?"
At that moment, Iris happened to be passing by with the children from the facility.
Iris and the others had been trying to help however they could, offering words of encouragement to those who were injured.
"Iris, have you seen a man with bandages on his right arm? He was staying here in the infirmary."
"Huh? ...Sorry, there are so many people here..."
It felt as if something important had slipped out of my grasp.
As if to fill this sense of loss, I gently brushed back Iris's hair.
Where on earth was I going?
Without regular contact with the children, it was becoming increasingly difficult to remember.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
can i still ask?if not,ignore this
Please may i have a Carlos Madrigal x fem filipina reader where Carlos sees her reading books and decides to join her reading club.
After that they become friends and maybe more?
Thank youuuuu
p.s.,sorry if im irritating
"ating nobela"
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— Carlos wasn't a fan of stories or tales about love, but when he laid his eyes on you, he begins to believe that this was the start of his own love story.
— modern-au, fluff
— female and Filipino reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— none
—  hiiii sorry this was late but I hope you like this <3
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The past few days have been hectic. Everyone was always in a rush these days, often occupied with tasks in life. Carlos Madrigal can say the same. He's been constantly trying to keep his grades afloat though if someone asked him, he wouldn't care if he got a shitty grade. But then he would remember his mamá's chancla and he would shudder, a chancla from his mother does things to his integrity. Carlos couldn't bear to see his brother Camilo finessing his way through it all, a tiny part of him was jealous and impressed.
It was the end of another day at school but unfortunately for the students, finals were coming up tomorrow. As much as Carlos wanted to go home and just play his guitar, he needed to study to pass tomorrow's examinations. So, he scowls and makes his way to his school's library. He'll just borrow some textbooks and leave. The teen enters the enormous library filled with various students, all cramming to get some studying done. Carlos prevents himself from being one of them.
Briskly, Carlos walks through the bookshelves and searches for the books he needed. He grabbed one for math and for chemistry, all he needed was a textbook for history. As he smoothly navigates his way to another section of the library, he passes through an aisle containing novels and classic literature. 
Carlos stops when he discovers a girl leaning on one of the shelves, reading deeply into a book. He can feel his heart coming to a halt before palpitating rapidly, he gulped and shakingly wets his lips. The girl looked so gorgeous and busy burying her nose into the book, Carlos watched her eyes reading the contents, he was captivated. He stood there for a while, admiring the pretty stranger. Eventually, said stranger catches him red-handed gawking at her.
"I'm sorry, do you need something?"
She softly asks. Carlos finds himself tongue-tied, opening his mouth but a word doesn't get out. He might've looked like an absolute dumbass right now. Luckily, he manages to pull himself together and slowly approach her. He sees the book that she's reading and recognizes it. The book was one of his mother's favorite novels, a love story that was told over and over again. Suddenly, Carlos has an idea.
"I can't help but notice that book you're reading"
"This? Oh, I just started. Wait, don't tell me you're going to spoil the plot for me?"
She furrowed her eyes at him, playfully. Carlos takes the opportunity to chuckle and lean against the shelf, close to her.
"I could. Okay, so Joe and this girl-"
"Hoy! Huwag!"
"I've read the book a couple of times, the plot is pretty predictable"
"Oh, so you read Mr. ...what's your name?"
Carlos shows her a toothy smile as he shuffles the books to his other arm and brings his hand for her to shake. She takes his hand and Carlos tries not to melt inside by her touch.
"Carlos, Carlos Madrigal"
"Nice to meet you, Carlos. I'm [Name] [Surname], do you also have impeccable taste in books?"
"I can admit that I have versatile taste in literature"
"Hmm, impressive. Got any recommendations?"
She shuts her book close and gives him her full attention. Carlos was lying when he said he was a bookworm, he was only trying to garner her attention. Fortunately for him, his mother has a fascination with tons of novels while growing up so he'll use whatever book she read to his advantage.
The teen talked with [Name] for the rest of the day, completely forgetting why he was in the library in the first place. Luck was on his side because of the books he recommended (that he saw his mother reading and that he has heard of) made her think highly of him. Carlos can notice her smile growing bigger with each minute she babbles her favorite novels to him. However, the breathtaking moment fades away when she excused herself to go attend her book club. Carlos hides the disappointment with a casual wave, telling her that he'd see her around.
After she left, he stands awkwardly for a second as a smile crept up his face. It felt so odd to feel incredibly giddy about someone. Carlos was stumped that he forgot to ask for her number. But he had her name and the fact that she part of the book club told him that he'll be seeing her soon. Was this his chance to impress? Perhaps. But Carlos isn't the one to take things for granted.
Carlos gingerly goes home and immediately asks his mother for all of her favorite books to read during his free time.
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Wherever he went, Carlos would always find you, a book in hand. He hasn't gotten the chance to talk to you ever since the first encounter so he resorts to admiring you from afar. Of course, he has done his fair share of stalking you on the internet. Turns out, you were the president of your book club, your hobbies are well..reading, and you like a lot of genres. Since he borrowed some of his mother's favorite books, he started reading. Carlos has finished three books in the past five weeks.
"Oye, hermano, what are you reading?"
Camilo slips beside him in the cafeteria during lunch. Carlos ignores his presence as his twin brother took a peek at the book he's reading.
"Hey! Isn't that one of mamá's books?"
"So what?"
"Why reading them all of a sudden? I thought you hated sappy love stories"
"I...I needed to read it for...literature class"
Carlos tries not to sweat under Camilo's suspicious gaze, to his relief, the latter simply shrugs the topic off. Midway through a chapter, Carlos spotted you in the corner of his eye. He subtly directs his gaze on you, taking a seat and pulling out one of your books, and starting eating lunch. He can feel his cheeks heating up at the sight of your beauty. Carlos slowly lowers his book and begins to stare at you, forgetting about the world at the moment.
God, you looked so pretty like that. You took a drink out of your soda, Carlos never wanted to be a soda bottle so fucking bad. Your [Eye Color] eyes are busy tracing the words on the book, if only you looked at him like that. He watched every reaction you would make to what you were reading and it makes him all fuzzy inside. Carlos wished to brush your hair and whisper sweet nothingness to your ears while you read a book. He wanted to hold you as delicately as you hold that book. He wants to-
"Earth to Carlos?"
Carlos snaps out of his trance and glared at Camilo, who was waving a hand in front of his face the entire time he was daydreaming about you. Camilo smirks his way.
"Oh, I saw what you're looking at"
"You didn't see shit, pendejo"
"Uh-huh. You were swooning over none other than [Name] [Surname]"
"How...how did you-"
"Come on, hermano, you were being obvious. Plus, me and [Name] share the same classes"
Camilo laughs when his twin brother crossed his arms and frowned at him. They shared the same room since five, they were wombmates! Camilo knew how Carlos behaved, and vice versa. He takes a sip of his apple juice.
"[Name] is a fantastic girl. If I were you, I would join her book club"
"...And why would I take advice from you?"
"I heard she was looking for one last club member to fill the spot, don't think you are her first option"
Camilo watched in amusement as all the color in his brother's face drains. Carlos gritted his teeth, he can't let it happen, he needed to join your book club before anybody else steals his place! So, at the end of the school day, Carlos went sprinting to the book club. He found you talking to one of your club members. He sucks in a breath and gently knocked on the door.
"Uy ikaw! Carlos, right?"
"Yeah, I was thinking if...if you have one last slot for me to join in"
"No way...you're joining the book club?!"
"Perfect! I would love to have you as my member!
Carlos was enjoying the beaming smile on your face as you excitedly welcomed him into the club and introduced you to the other members as well. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Carlos' jaw dropped when he saw Camilo standing in the doorway, he watched you rush to him. Quietly, he listened to your conversation.
"Here are the papers for my brother's club application"
"Thank you! I'm not really in a rush in finding new members. I have plenty of slots left!"
"Ah, you see, mi hermano likes to read books so why not join your club, eh? Don't worry he's not gonna bash someone's head against the wall! I promise, he's a really cool guy to be with"
"Well, he has interesting taste in literature so..."
Carlos took a peek and saw the slight tint of pink on your cheeks, he looks at Camilo in the eye and found him mouthing a 'you're welcome' his way. He was conflicted if he wanted to punch or thank his twin brother.
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Joining the book club was the best decision Carlos has made in his entire life. Surely it was because he gets to spend time with you and get to know you more. Weeks after joining the club, Carlos has grown closer to you. Finally, you gave him your number as you two spent the past few weeks chatting.
You would be more open to him, insisting on hanging out after school. Carlos loved to spend time with you alone, reading books. He learned to love your habits and the way you would sometimes speak to him in Tagalog. You two became incredibly close to the point you would invite each other over to introduce to your families. It was a bliss to know that both of your families are fond of you and Carlos.
You two did together almost everything. Having sleepovers, going to concerts, stargazing, and exploring local libraries. Carlos couldn't imagine it wouldn't get better than this until one night. He invited you over to his house for another sleepover. It was way past midnight and both of you were still awake. You just randomly looked at him across his bed with flushed cheeks.
"I like you, more than a friend"
Carlos merely contains himself as he crashes to the floor. He sits up and looked at you with owlish eyes, you avoided his gaze.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to let you know..."
"[Name], I like you too. For a while now"
You gave him a bewildered expression before burying your face with a pillow. You have no idea how Carlos waited and wanted to tell that. You shyly glanced at him, fully blushing.
"Yeah. [Name] I...I don't really like reading but I saw you that day at the library and I knew I had to make you mine"
"Carlos, you're kidding"
"I'm not. I literally borrowed my mamá's books and read them all so I can impress you"
"Tangina Carlos pinapakilig mo buong internal organs ko!"
Carlos has no idea what you said but he's guessing that you're expressing how your feelings for him are true. Carlos wasn't a firm believer in romance he often read in books, but seeing the way you look at him now with those lovely eyes, he's on his way to believing.
"So, will you go out with me, [Name]?"
"Oo! Of course, Carlos!"
"Great, I want to know where the rest of ating nobela leads to"
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taglist: @vanevafu, @irisia-ckzkb1109, @elegantkidfansoul, @candykamikun, @cahmilo, @pochi-moochika, @justzei, @try-cry-why-try...join here!
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thirrith · 3 years
would you happen to know of any inspirational chinese quotes/phrases/etc. that would apply for a closeted queer situation? my chinese is nowhere close to good enough to search for stuff like that
I don’t, actually! So I went online to look (and I also thought about it really really hard), and oops now I have more questions than answers. So brace yourself for a very long and disorganised rant (with minimal inspirational chinese quotes).
Well, I mean, a direct translation of 'inspirational quotes' is 勵志語錄, but the two of them probably have different connotations. The one in Chinese is more like... toxic positivity I guess? Not a fan, and, besides, I tried looking for ones that apply to closeted queers, but except for those that are can-literally-apply-to-anybody generic (I think you're not asking for those?), I couldn't find any.
And then I thought really hard seeing if I could come up with idioms or quotes (that are inspirational in the literal sense), but then I realised, it really depends on what and who these quotes are for.
I mean, if I were thinking about my own closeted queer situation (for example years ago at school), the first thing came to mind would be 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。在人屋檐下,不得不低頭。Is it true? Yeah, it's basically saying even though you may be deprived of many things, at least you can keep your forest so you won't run out of firewood (it's okay not to come out - how do you live your best queer life if you don't first stay alive?) and that you'll have to keep your head down when you live under (somebody else's) eaves (that is, when close-minded people hold power over your and coming out will threaten your safety - maybe you're still financially dependent on your parents, for example). Is it inspirational? Well, depends on if you have a cynical sense of humour It's really just spelling out the obvious in a way that rhymes. Would I say it to other closeted queer people when I want to encourage them? Probably not. Reserved for sarcastic purposes only. I find it relatable, though.
So many queer people from the sinophone stay closeted even to important people (family, mostly) their entire lives. You would think that's painful. Well, yeah, obviously! But not necessarily painful enough to motivate us to come out. Some of us never come out or even consider it. We keep our head down under the eaves, but it doesn't mean the forest is all that we have. Maybe it's a cultural thing.
(When I was thinking about key words for my google search I realised that we don't have a word for 'closeted'! We can talk about 身處櫃中 or 尚未出櫃 or 隱瞞身份, of course, but none of them are as established, concise and popular (and suitable for search engine) as the word for coming out, 出櫃.)
Oh, by the way, I really like this novel by Pai Hsien-yung published in 1983 called 孽子. The author is a very famous author who is gay. This novel is beautiful. Reading this book hurts. If you're interested, this webpage is filled with quotes readers have selected from this book.
Look, I'm really happy that you're interested in this very specific topic and decided to ask me. I know I didn't help much, and I hope you didn't find this rant too annoying.
And you know what, your ask actually reminded me of the sad fact that I haven't read chinese literature for a very long time.
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