#corporate knowledge
deancasforcutie · 3 months
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Dean complimenting fellow queer people on their game
Bonus inverse, trying to out-game someone to vicariously flirt for/with your presumed-but-not-at-all-straight friend who has no game whatsoever:
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
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yandere behavior
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yes-i-read-sappho · 9 months
realizing that neither xie lian nor hua cheng possess a fully developed frontal lobe has radically changed my perception of them
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Bruce: The most Nepo Baby of the Nepo Babies
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Type of day when he pretends he has a hangover to not deal with their bs. The peace inside the company is all Lucius works.
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He does not accept criticism.
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The Gotham Knights' hoodie is Dick's or Jason's, and was in the kitchen that morning when Bruce ran late for the meeting.
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Rip to the (paid) intern that was terrified to bring documents to THE Bruce Wayne and found themselves stuck in his office, listening to him telling stories about his kids for hours.
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"I don't understand why we need to make more money, we're already rich." (he's talking about the highers up)
Just a bunch of doodled memes of how I believe Bruce Wayne acts with his company. He is not a capitalist, he doesn't care about making more profit and doesn't understand finance.
If you think Brucie Wayne is just an act, talk to Lucius Fox, who has to endure Bruce' antics at WE. The man whines like a child about having to speak to any shareholders, he has to be dragged to meetings. In Bruce's eyes, his job is "using the company's money to improve the people's life", "talking about his kids" and "being a pain in the ass of the highers up". If someone is trying to kill Bruce Wayne, 50% of chances some WE shareholder or board member ordered the kill because they are tired of him stopping them from playing the game of capitalism. His other employees love him, tho. There aren't janitors as well treated than the ones working for Wayne.
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
speaking of the Radium Girls...god, that story is enough to make a conspiracy theorist out of one, if one's not careful to remain levelheaded and make judgments based on reliable, peer-reviewed science
because like. yeah, corporations DO cover up the health dangers of their products for years on end. that's like a known thing they're quite fond of doing
heavy-metal dyes. radium. tobacco products. PFAs. the indoor tanning industry is STILL trying to argue that tanning beds don't give you cancer- I've read newspaper articles theorizing a link between UV and melanoma as far back as the 1940s, though I'm not sure the lack of coverage was corporation-related since tanning beds didn't exist yet and big holiday resorts had other draws besides sunbathing
I'm not going to go full "5G IS SATAN!!" or anything. the evidence of that, to my mind, is lacking; the evidence against it substantial (also some chucklefucks are selling definitely radioactive "anti 5G devices" so uh. that makes it pretty clear which the rational side is in that debate)
but you have to wonder- what could it be right now, without us knowing? what's the next radium?
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Brotha spoke facts.
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reality-detective · 1 year
FDA, BIG pharma all run a "Sickcare" program rather than a *Healthcare" system. There are more involved here than these two but I hope you get the point?
Here's an idea... The government gives grant money to universities to do research and experiments. But these institutions are doing things that find ways to harm you rather than aiding in helping you.
Now what if this was flipped?
What would that do?
The Earth supplies everything we need for healing and there have been a lot of holistic health doctors that were shut down and if they didn't, they were murdered because they were showing positive results from that type of practice.
Did you ever wonder why, when you go to the doctor they quickly prescribe drugs, but they never talk to you about your diet? 🤔
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ganondoodle · 1 year
said this on tiwtter too but im seriously at my limit, people go and be all like "oh my god young people have no idea of basic internet security omggggg" and the same person will immediately make an account on t/hreads that is stealing so much data from you its basically one step away from straight up kidnapping
i get we are all desperate, i really do, but i WILL judge you if you go and sign up for the literally shittiest app on earth thats really just a flimsy disguise of a bunch of data suckers in a trench coat
use tumblr, cohost, pillowfort, (the latter two also allow nsfw) ANYTHING but that suckerberg leech i am BEGGING you
idk how accurate it is but i saw the numbers of 75 MILLION sign ups for the threads bs, what the hell are you doing, i feel like im in one of those old anti technology comics were young people just walk off a cliff en masse bc they only look at their phone and nothing else while im the old guy in a chair watching them do it
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orfeolookback · 4 months
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good take!!! correct take!!!! until your universities are free, so they stop being for privileged/rich people only, they won't be good!
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st4rstudent · 2 months
Will we ever meet Bobby JR in Person?
Because I have no Idea how to draw him since I don't know how tall he is or how old he is.
Like is he a 5 or 6 Year Old Kid?
Is he born just a Regular Child or born a Prodigy?
And will he like Bear Toons? Since he Love anything related to Bears?
Like he will go crazy that any Products like Food and Toys including Clothing that has a Bear on it.
I can't properly answer any of these, since I'm not apart of the team or anything, so everything I say after this is purely speculation and/or just random thoughts. I assume that, even if Bobby Jr is not added physically into the game, he'll be mentioned plenty of times (especially around April Toons with Thomas's dialogues). Especially if Crystalline is added to the game, since it's been established that the entire Cyger family has some issues going on. As for height, you can kind of estimate his height based on this photocard of him and the Chairman. He's shorter than the Chairman (who has an ingame model that can be compared to other managers). I assume he's at most half of Chairmans height. Do NOT leave him outside with a giant hawk. He's very obviously a child, I always imagine an age that's somewhere in the early-middle of elementary school, like maybe 7 or 8? Truthfully I only assign age ranges to characters, not specific numbers, makes it easier. Either way, I can't see him being in middle school yet.
I think the idea of him seeing a bear toon and getting really excited would be kind of funny. He ends up having to be dragged away by Robert.
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It'll Be Fun
Notes: This is the first post of the Nathan Bateman Choose Your Own Adventure for the Youvebeenlivingfictional 5k Follower Celebration! Just a heads up about a couple of things:
All CYOA paths are complete. If you hit the gif that says it's the end, it means that it's the end.
There is one (1) spicy chapter within one of the paths. If you cannot see the chapter, you need to update your content settings. Find the instructions to do that here.
This is not beta-read. As always.
The links to other paths are at the bottom of posts
If there are any broken links, please let me know!
Warnings: Cursing; angst; fluff
Summary: You’ve heard stories about how Bateman…Operates. You’ve only met him in person once, shortly after you’d been hired as Chief Knowledge Officer. It had been brief, perfunctory: Hi, how are you, happy to be here, love it, thanks for the money, enjoy your plane and helicopter ride back to your fucking remote, subterranean, in-fucking-sane facility you billionaire hermit whackadoo—
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You had an idea of what this would be like, of course, but the reality is…Absolutely insane. You’re tired, you’re sweaty, and you are so, so happy that you fucking packed light. You shift your bag on your shoulder, glancing around. Follow the river. Follow the fucking river? You’re not a goddamn girl scout. You pull in a deep breath, then let out a relieved sigh as you finally spot the house…Up a rather steep incline. Son of a bitch.
You puff out an irritated breath as you bend forward a touch, resting your hands on your knees.
“Ohhhkay. Okay,” You mutter, straightening. Fuck, you hate team building. Hell, you hate it even more when it’s in such limited quantities of people—this way, there's nowhere to hide, you're easily missed. It’s barely half the C-suite: just you, Bateman, the CFO and the CMO.
It’ll be fun.
Bateman had slurred that across the phone on a status nearly two months ago. It’ll be fun.
The CFO and CMO had signed on enthusiastically; you’d been a little more hesitant to speak up, but had reluctantly agreed—and been met by an cheery, Yeaaah! from Bateman. Maybe that should’ve spurred you to be just a touch more excited, but you’ve heard stories about how Bateman…Operates. You’ve only met him in person once, shortly after you’d been hired as Chief Knowledge Officer. It had been brief, perfunctory: Hi, how are you, happy to be here, love it, thanks for the money, enjoy your plane and helicopter ride back to your fucking remote, subterranean, in-fucking-sane facility you billionaire hermit whackadoo—
Beyond that, you’ve hardly interacted with him outside of meetings, briefings, emails, what have you. You do a good job. You get your shit done. He doesn’t call you out because you've never given him a reason to.
You huff softly as you begin a long hike up the fairly steep incline. Alright. Pace yourself. No need to fuck your knees or ankles or anything up right before you meet your boss—
You wince as your foot slips, your knee skimming against a sharp rock. You groan, looking down and eyeing the throbbing spot. It hasn’t torn your leggings, but you’re willing to bet the skin’s a little torn under there. Damnit. You push on, righting your footing. Come on. Arrive in one piece. You don’t want the fricking sun to go down before you get there, and you really don’t want them to have to come looking for you.
(Though if you’re being honest, you’re not sure that Bateman would go out of his way to send out the search party. You can see the article on Wired now—BlueBook Chief Knowledge Officer Gets Eaten By Bear On the Way to Corporate Weekend Retreat. Said Bateman, “She knew she’d have a hike through challenging terrain. She should’ve brought her bear repellent. Frankly, we can’t tolerate that kind of narrow-minded unpreparedness at BlueBook. We’re already looking to hire her replacement. Our front-runner has climbed Everest.”)
You snort to yourself at the thought. You can practically hear Bateman saying it—with that damnable smug curl to his lips; you can see his hand drawing out of his pocket to adjust his glasses; to pass his hand over his closely shaved head, his palm loosing a rasping little shush against his cropped hair; his shoulder shrugging dismissively before he impatiently waves the reporter on to their next question. Oh, yeah, you wouldn’t put it past him. You’re only useful to Nathan as long as you suit his needs. You’re certain that if your visions for the company didn’t align with his, if you didn’t fall in line with what he wants for BlueBook, he’d drop you without a second thought. 
It would only be right, of course. It’s his company, not yours. 
You come to another stop once you reach the top of the hill, bracing your hands on your lower back and giving it a bit of a stretch. Fuck. You need a shower. A long, hot shower. You straighten up, and are set to go full steam ahead to Bateman’s when you hear your name called. You go still, dread trickling into your chest, your eyes squeezing shut. Maybe you can pretend you didn’t hear him? 
But you’re not on some crowded city street, or office hall, and you’ve stilled for too long. You turn, slapping on a smile at the sight of the CFO, William Ellis, at the bottom of the steep hill. You force a smile, raising a hand to wave. You’re fully intent on turning back around and heading toward the house, but he calls out, “Mind giving me a hand with my bags?” 
Yes, you do mind. You’re not a fucking bellhop. You don’t want to help him with his bags—you don’t even want to be here. You want to stomp back to that field and camp out until that helicopter comes back to take you home. 
Instead, you turn around, measuring and bracing your steps as you trudge back down the hill. 
“Damn good luck running into you.” 
It's the third time he says it, though he’s run out of breath more and more as he did. Ellis is a short, stout Englishman. His typically fair, clear skin is ruddy and red from exertion. It probably doesn’t help that his voice seems to come from his nose, and is pushed out of the narrow purse of his lips with his rarefied Oxbridge snobbishness. “Sure,” Is all you offer now. The first time, you’d said Isn’t it; the second, you’d chuckled lightly, offered, Guess so. Maybe if your responses become monosyllabic, he wouldn’t bother. You shift your bag on your shoulder, moving Ellis’ duffle bag from one hand to the other as you deftly avoided the rock that you’d slipped on before.
“Nice of Bateman to have us along,” He adds. 
“Don’t get to see much of the old sport these days.” 
The Old Sport. Christ. This man is one off-white jacket, gin rickey, and Dead Man’s float away from being an F. Scott Fitzgerald character.
“Well, that’ll happen,” Is all you offered in turn. You fight the urge to drop William’s duffel on the doorstep as you approached the house. Instead, you still, watching William approach and draw his phone out to check the instructions. 
“Now let’s see…” He mutters. “The instructions did say that the…Keycard pad was around here…Somewhere…” 
“William Ellis.”
You glance over as a robotic voice draws your attention to a keypad.  It's just another moment before it instructs:
“Please approach the console and face the screen.”
William wanders closer, eyes still set on his phone. You bite your lip, choking down a laugh as a light flashes, taking a picture of the top of William’s head. 
“Take your keycard.” 
You step closer as William took his, and the same robotic voice said your name. You step in front of the camera, forcing your face into a neutral expression. 
“You ought to smile a bit,” William chuckles. You tighten your hands on the straps of his duffel as irritation pulses through you. You have half a mind to drop this duffel bag right on his foot—knowing full well that his work and personal laptops are in here. Instead, you reach out, taking the card from the slot. 
“You may now enter the residence.” 
William doesn’t hold the door open for you. He doesn’t even gesture for you to be the first one in. You’ve already had enough of this man’s shit—and you haven’t even seen Bateman, or the CMO. You don’t want to see them in this state anyway. The CMO, Dan Marshall, is one of your better workplace friends. And Bateman—well. Either way, you’re not sure you’re ready to see him yet, for all of the hell he’s already put you through with this little hike. 
“So? Shall we?” William nods down the hall. 
Shall you? 
Go With William to Find Nathan and Dan
Go Off On Your Own and Find Your Room 
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chiprewington · 1 year
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okay no more blender spam i promise
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liquidchocolatecake · 2 months
currently captive audience to a knock down drag out fight in my brain between desire to respect the wishes of the creator and not look for anyone redistributing the comic and god i fucking miss wonderlab i miss wonderlab so much you have no idea i want wonderlab back so bad
#project moon#wonderlab#seriously wonderlab was so fucking good that like#the entire time pre-limbus release every time we got news i would get so excited for a potential followup on wonderlab's ending#and the idea of seeing characters like taii#with amazing designs from a comic that already had some absolutely stunning imagery#drawn in a style like the absolutely fucking beautiful painterly style of ruina's character art and cgs#getting to see more of taii and the other survivors of the branch and seeing where their lives would go after that ending#seeing how the loss of so many important people would affect them and how they'd struggle in the aftermath of l corp's collapse#we already had ONE distortion in the ending of wonderlab with catt and that happened BASICALLY MOMENTS AFTER LOBCORP'S ENDING#can you IMAGINE how cool it'd be to see all of these characters#who already have experience with combat and ego and weird anomalous monsters via their work in the branch#react to and potentially figure out and adapt to the distortion phenomenon?#LITERALLY THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF LIMBUS IS GOING INTO FORMER L CORP BRANCHES#THAT'S THE SELLING POINT OF THE GAME! THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE! OF COURSE I WOULD GET EXCITED ABOUT MORE WONDERLAB STUFF!#BUT NOW WE'LL NEVER GET THAT#WE'LL NEVER SEE TAII AGAIN IN OFFICIAL MEDIA#WE'RE JUST LEFT WITH THE MEMORY OF THAT FINAL PANEL AND TAII GAZING OVER THIS STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL SURREAL LANDSCAPE#WITH PROMISES OF A JOURNEY WE'RE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO SEE#FUCK I MISS WONDERLAB#wonderlab was so fucking good that it accidentally became the cornerstone of my entire perspective on project moon's works as a whole#and now that it's gone i can't go back to lobcorp or ruina without feeling its absence like a gaping void in my chest#the only thing left in its place being the knowledge of the shitshow that was the drama surrounding project moon for a while#and the thought that maybe in a different world we would've gotten to see more#FUCK man#no joke i literally made myself cry typing this whole rant out#suddenly learning that wonderlab had been taken down was a fucking wound i have never recovered from#and i've never been able to look at ruina or limbus with the same sense of awe and wonder and curiosity ever since#just the bitter knowledge that yet another formerly beloved story and world has fallen into corporate nightmares and gacha cash grabs#i haven't been able to keep up with project moon much at all since. i don't know if anything else has happened.
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patchouli thinker
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catgirlhell · 1 year
hi! about the "learn how it works before you start making assumptions" about the bluesky post and its networks; what assumptions should we be looking out for? that its not twitter and not everyone is going to be connected like on there? your description of federated networks is understandable, but the default domain it seems to have at signup is bluesky's. I feel like most people would be using this, and only people looking for a certain thing and knowingly leaving that "sphere" will know that theyre isolating to a different community.
I'm new to this too and theres very very minimal, well explained things about it online, and youre the only person I've come across who seems to know anything, so if you have more advice to share I'd appreciate it!
as much as I would like to answer this as an authority and really contribute to the nascent understanding of federated instances as an alternative to current social media platforms, the fact of the matter is that im not. i have a basic understanding of the way in which they work and how to use them, and I dont think im the best source of information. this being the case, since i did bring it up and i did get an ask, i'll try to explain the best i can.
the "fediverse" (dont mind the silly name, we know its silly) might best be explained with the similarities to email. Misskey, Mastodon, and others marketing themselves as federated instance platforms are basically like if you took your email account and stapled twitter to it: Misskey/Mastodon are not platforms themselves, so much as they are frameworks for web servers that connect to one another independently and are run by individuals. These frameworks are usually open source, have different alternative forks that offer different additional features/ui elements, and ultimately all connect to one another regardless. but they are not "platforms" like tumblr or twitter or facebook. anyone can make their own federated instance, and what that instance looks like depends on what framework they used to set it up.
Bluesky and Threads are different. Bluesky differs in that it is run on a private protocol-- it runs differently to the protocols used by the aforementioned open source alternatives and currently cannot connect with them. It's still in beta and its too early to call how it will operate. Threads, like Bluesky, is also a private protocol. At current, it merges your information with other Facebook/Meta products (facebook, instagram, etc). Supposedly, these will eventually be able to communicate with the Fediverse at large, but you should keep a great amount of suspicion with them, as both are run by billionaires. Bluesky is the project of the former head of twitter, and Threads obviously belongs to Zuckerburg and Facebook.
If you head about "x platform is homophobic/racist" in reference to the earlier federated instance frameworks, understand this very crucial thing about Mastodon/Misskey/etc:
They are not websites. They do not have established moderation policies and staff dedicated to managing who posts what.
as stated, Masto/Misskey are just server frameworks. Each federated instance using those frameworks is run by individuals on their own private web servers that they either operate themselves or rent out from a company. the largest Misskey instance, Misskey.io, is currently under fire for having homophobic moderation practices. This does not mean that every instance of Misskey is moderated with homophobia in mind, and homophobic moderation tools are not built into the code of Misskey.
As the old guard of web 2.0 crumbles, the internet is changing again. whether we fall back into the ad-friendly hellhole of yesteryear or we enter a new phase of the internet's wild west depends on platform migration patterns and whether or not people develop some pretty basic web and internet literacy that's been lost over the last 20 years as the internet corporatized and users had to learn less and less about how the websites they used work. my explanation here probably has incorrect information and holes in it, but that is because i, myself, do not fully understand the total extent to which the fediverse and federated protocols operate; i, too, am a layman.
that being said, i hope this was helpful to anyone trying to figure this stuff out. i've already carved my own space on a small, invite-only instance with friends, but i've got no plans to move shop until this place really does burn down to the ground. hope that helps. good luck!
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seoafin · 3 months
apparently at the corporate job i work PART time at my friend says i come off as cold because i don't make small talk with people and don't smile that often
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