#corona take me
jennilah · 6 months
brightness not very indicative of what it was like irl until i kind of messed with it at the end
that was absolutely incredible. There are no words, really. Everything about today was perfect and exactly what I always dreamed of. seeing a total solar eclipse was a long time bucket list item for me and it was literally jaw-dropping. my hands were shaking filming here
also dont give me shit for not showing the sun i was too busy looking at it with my eyes & not through my camera (also it looks bad on camera)
the crowd was something to behold alone. i really wasnt sure what to expect when i went over to Old Port but wow, the turnout was insane
other pics:
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foggyfanfic · 2 months
There comes a point when you are doing too much research for fanfic, and that point is probably way before you’re looking up the interactions between the Cocos and Nazcas plates in order to decide where you would put a fictional island if you want it off the coast of Colombia.
#somebody take the internet away from me#because I am about ten minutes from taking this map of the Teri if plates and using it to map out the Disney Universe#because where would Atlantis be? with all the earthquakes it has to be on a fault line#Beuaty and the Beast takes place in rural France#but what about Frozen? Arandelle is vaguely Norway but is it a part of Norway? or next to it?#Tangled is sorta in Germany (even though their kingdom has a Spanish name)#plus thanks to the TV show we know there’s other kingdoms around Corona that are not Germany#Jesus Christ the Eurasian plate is huge#is this map accurate? it can’t actually be that big#is this why that woman from Amsterdam was so baffled by the idea of earthquakes?#ANYWAY!#this map says that the South American plate is moving west aka converging with the plates immediately west of it#and this map shows an underwater mountain range right where the South American plate meets the Nazcas plate soooooo#that’s where I would put a fictional island#just a little North east of Isla Isabela#it would be roughly triangular#relatively protected from hurricanes but would have frequent earthquakes#hmmmmm technically speaking that’s north of the equator and on the east side of the Pacific Ocean Gyre#so the water at the western beaches would still be pretty cool#the eastern beaches would be warmer#ok I’ve figured out the geography of my fictional Disney kingdom#now…#to figure out the actual plot of this fic#oh and that tag up there should say tetonic plates not Teri If plates#damn autocorrect
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dorkfruit · 10 months
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umm.. r yuo mad at me ..
read this fanfiction here and it did irreparable damage to my psyche so of course i had to draw some art of it
^ tumblr flagged my original post soo umm i had to crop it and put the full stuff on the twitters
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kedreeva · 1 year
So are any of your peahens brooding right now? Any more babies in the forecast?? Just curious :)
Yep, Aris and Arcana are sharing a questionable nest and Corona is nesting in the barn with what I am going to guess are a few dud eggs (since Polaris was in horny jail for being an asshole) and one (1) egg from Arcana/Indie that I'm hoping goes and hatches for her. I have no idea if any of the eggs under Aris and Arcana will hatch; they shared a nest a few years ago and did fine. Aurora and Eclipse did Not do fine this year. There's also some of Eclipse's eggs in the incubator, which should be hatching a few days after Aris' do, and I'm HOPING that I will be able to just shove those babies under Aris overnight, because all babies belong to Aris and her interminable motherly rage.
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ivypond11 · 7 months
i've been obsesing over a tlt twilight au solely because of the silly edit with harrow seeing alecto alla bella seeing edward and.
it's so silly and dumb but gideon being the vampire and ianthe being the werewolf and they both obsessively pin over the weird loner wet rat harrow that just moved into town. i wanna say camilla, palamedes, dulcinea (the real one), protesilaus, jeannemary and isaac are part of the same family, all vampires, with abigail and magnus being the parental figures (basically the cullens). the third and second houses i'm thinking are all the werewolves, maybe the eight too. i just love the idea of ianthe and coronabeth being raised to maybe one day both take over the pack until they find out coronabeth is in fact not a werewolf. john and all the remaining of the first would be the volturi ofc but all the cavaliers would actually be alive? i haven't thought that far.
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lylahammar · 2 years
me when I see skinny Coronabeth art
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the-butter-churner · 1 year
what do we think the tridentarii's dad's name is.
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ablogofcourage · 7 months
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tardis--dreams · 8 months
I can't decide what's more frustrating. Job applications and communication with people there or trying to contact the doctor's office.
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rozecrest · 9 months
at this point i feel certain tlt is going to get an adaptation i’m just bracing myself. they’re gonna fuck something important to me up it’s just what aspect
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frengles · 2 months
i'm trying to start taking my life seriously again in a myriad of ways and i can sense that i am on my way to becoming slightly less fun again so as to achieve a more fulfilling 生活 and continue growing in the directions I want to. it's like a perennial thing. the last one was 2018-2019 if you've been tracking my personal psychology
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apple-of-my-pie · 2 years
Given Ianthe’s eye color fuckery in HtN, Paul’s “there’s time for you and Naberius Tern” comment in NtN, and the consistent reappearance of pretty much every Locked Tomb character that the reader would assume to be dead, one of my top predictions for Alecto the Ninth is that we’re gonna see Babs again
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ruinedholograms · 2 years
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NIN|JA (05.30.2009)
The Frail (soundcheck)
The Wretched (soundcheck)
Non-Entity (soundcheck)
Lights In The Sky (soundcheck)
Burn (soundcheck)
Mach of the Pigs
Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
Metal (Gary Numan cover)
Meet Your Master
Head Down
I Do Not Want This
Gave Up
The Fragile
The Downward Spiral
Mr. Self Destruct
Physical (You're So) (Adam Ant cover)
The Good Soldier
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
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sapphoesie · 2 years
obsessed with how Camilla and Palamedes are the most unhinged codependent duo in a series full of unhinged codependent duos
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mariamegale · 2 months
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hedge-rambles · 2 years
"And who even cares about Babs?"
Been having some thoughts about Naberius Tern, following on from this post (OP @sainamoonshine) about Babs, and how we really ought to think more about him.
First things first: 1 - Our views of Babs are, I think, heavily skewed by the fact that Gideon is our POV character in GtN and she just straight up doesn't like him. 2 - I think @masctoast was onto something about Taz dropping Boofy to get us all thinking about Babs, but take it one further and it might be that he's still going to be important somehow beyond as just a fancy outfit for Ianthe.
I've written afore about how I think we need to definitely not underestimate Coronabeth, that despite Ianthe's view of things, Corona is wickedly smart and in a lot more control of situations than her sister ever realises. From that post:
The Third House is the house of lies and deceit said with a shining smile, of pretty words and poisoned knives. The reductive characterisation of the house as a whole is grasping and underhanded and raised to deceive for their own motives, it’s their job, but Coronabeth Tridentarius is an entire level beyond that.
But the thing to remember is that Babs is also Third House, and he was in on the ruse the whole time as well. Babs knew Corona wasn't a necro, and spent much of his life bonded to the two of them as part of the Grand Deception. And we know that was a partnership made up of two cavs and a necro really. I think that, fundamentally, Corona and Babs had a lot to connect over, having similar strengths (beautiful, strong, cavaliers) and similar trials (24/7 Ianthe exposure) and, though we don't see it played out in the books explicitly, we can infer some things.
In NtN, what is one of the first things Crown says to Ianthe wearing Babs? She complains that Ianthe just can't do Babs' hair right, and implies that she can and always could style his hair. She also used to do Ianthe's hair for her, and it's an intimate act in many ways, social grooming.
In GtN Corona reveals herself to be a fairly decent swordswoman, trained with the rapier in secret. Who exactly do we think trained Coronabeth? I think it's safe to say it was Babs, one of the only people in on the fact that she wasn't a necro. They shared their training with each other.
The first post I linked talks about the fact that, read a certain way, Babs is plausibly spending a lot of time making an arse of himself in order to protect Corona's secret. But I think, with that in mind, we can reread a specific early scene in GtN to suggest Corona is also protecting Babs.
Ianthe is cruel and vicious and self absorbed and prickly, and of the trio she's the only one who's an adept. A flesh adept no less, and presumably able to inflict some truly unpleasant non-lethal acts on anyone who draws her ire. In their first proper scene, Gideon spies them all having one of their little tiffs, in which Babs has a go at Ianthe in defence of Corona. How does Corona respond? She leaps to Ianthe's defence, pinching Babs' ear and telling him to back the fuck off. We know now that Ianthe was not someone desperately in need of protecting, neither physically nor emotionally, she wasn't some weak, wilting wallflower.
So why did she do it? Was it because of her deeply enmeshed, codependent thing with her sister? Well, yes, obviously. But if we consider that Corona and Babs may have been genuinely close friends, actually cared about each other's wellbeing...that can be read as having another layer to it. That is to say, Corona is protecting Babs from Ianthe, by taking control of the situation, salving Ianthe's anger and also ensuring that the only harm that comes to Babs is relatively minor, compared to what Ianthe might be able to do.
And it makes sense, the three of them have been together for a long time, and for all Ianthe and Corona desperately love each other in their fucked up way, I think Corona and Naberius may have had a very deep connection as each other's confidants and friends. Babs was one of the few people Corona could bitch to about Ianthe, one of the only people who genuinely knew what was going on with them. Babs was the only person she could really talk to about cav shit, who knew she was truly made to be a cavalier, not a necro - her secret sparring partner.
We can never take anything said and done by the Third House at face value, their whole deal is social subterfuge. Knives and plots hidden behind glittering smiles. I think Corona spent much of her life deceiving Ianthe as to how much power she actually wielded, how much control she actually had over their ruse. In NtN we see how quick and adept she is at handling Ianthe, even when her sister is on a level of power unto a minor god.
And I'm not sure we can even trust her words fully at the end of GtN when Ianthe ate Babs. In that scene, Babs is dead, Ianthe is Ianthe and Corona is a blubbering mess, distraught.
Corona recoiled from Gideon and looked up at her, her golden hair smeared to her forehead with sweat and tears. “She took Babs,” she said, which seemed fair enough. But then Corona started crying again, big tears leaking out of her eyes, her voice thick with misery and self-pity. “And who even cares about Babs? Babs! She could have taken me.
I think it's safe to say that part of this is 100% as it's surface read, Corona's massive co-dependence with Ianthe, she honestly feels upset that Ianthe didn't eat her soul. But I think there's another layer to her grief, that Gideon thinks she's been mistaken about after the first pass. I think she's genuinely upset about the loss of Babs, her friend and confidant, her second closest person other than Ianthe.
"And who even cares about Babs?" You did, Coronabeth Tridentarius. You cared about Babs.
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