#coraline johns
s0fter-sin · 3 months
vampire au where they can only drink the blood type they were before they were turned. other blood has an almost poisonous effect, burning them from within like acid and drinking too much of it can kill them
in the old days, before the knowledge of blood types, it made humans they could feed on absolutely precious. they're kept safe, pampered and doted on; a vampire’s most prized possession
attacking another vampire's human is seen as the highest insult; not only is it a slight against them, it also carries the implication of "i want you to starve"
it's also used as the cruelest of punishments; starving a vampire for months, until they're feral with hunger just for their torturer to throw in a random human, watching them desperately suck down poison, their instincts begging them to keep drinking even as it kills them
ghost is one of the few who survived it; thrown in a pit so deep, he saw stars in the middle of the day, left with nothing but the dried bodies of the humans roba drained without care, others with their throats slit, blood he can't drink spilled out around them
a taunt of the one thing he needs but will never get
but ghost hasn't survived this long just to give up here
he refuses to die in this stinking, rotted pit
ghost is a force of nature as he descends over roba's manor; killing any who wander into his path until the halls run red. until he gets his hands on roba and tells him a secret:
vampires can feed on the blood of any vampire, regardless of blood type
it becomes a legend in vampire high society; if you starve another, you'd best make sure they actually die
otherwise you might end up piled in a dining room, the vampire you left for dead lounging on a throne of corpses with his fangs lodged in your throat
ghost decimates roba's empire, burning it to the ground until no one dares to speak his name in fear of incurring his wrath. it's incredibly taboo for a vampire to feed off another but ghost's too powerful for anyone to challenge him and the other vampires are too scared to try. scared of what he's willing to do, the lengths he'll go to; not that they'll ever admit it
soap is the first human he ever brings to court; delicately bathed in the finest silks and jewels, his throat always bare so he can show off ghost's ownership, his bite framed in lace
he's not like the delicate waifs the other vampires show off; he doesn't cling to his master, demure and submissive. he shows off his teeth as often as any vampire, fully willing to rip out the throats of any who insult him or ghost
a feral master needs a just as feral pet
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starsofang · 5 months
Call of Duty || Coraline AU
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Running away to start a new chapter and escape the troubles of your past, you find yourself in a darker predicament than you had hoped for.
Coraline with a twist. And COD men. Obviously.
PT.2 / PT.3
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You took in the sight of your new home from where you stood in the doorway. Your eyes studied the peeling wallpaper, the old water stains on the ceiling, the long, hallway rug that didn’t seem to want to lay flat from where it slightly popped up in the middle. It was a place far from special, and in all honesty, the house was a bit… depressing in a sense. But it was your new home, and it was the first thing offered to you when you had run away, far from your original home – if you could call it that.
Sighing, you stepped inside the dingy house, slipping off your shoes that had begun to collect mud from the rain that cascaded down outside. Just like this new house, the outside was just as somber of a sight, with gloomy rain clouds hanging in the sky and weeping water drops down to the overgrown yard.
As you made your way into the home, you could faintly hear music playing from upstairs. You paused your walking to stare up at the ceiling, ears tuning in on what the resident upstairs could possibly be playing this early in the morning.
Circus music…?
Shaking it off, you proceeded to navigate your way around the place, opting to ignore the light sound of symbols clashing and strange kazoos blaring from above. Instead, you began your long journey of unpacking the little things you brought with you when you left your old home.
There wasn’t much, and in the few hours you had spent unboxing it all, you realized just how much you didn’t have. Even the furniture that came with the home wouldn’t cut it, what with its old, antique styling and dust that was definitely not from this century.
“Fuck this,” you muttered to yourself, shaking your head in disbelief.
One look at the rotting fruit in the fridge – just how long had it been in there? – told you that you’d need to run to the market if you didn’t want to starve on your first night alone.
Alone. Even just the simple reminder felt foreign, almost unrealistic. You had traveled all this way – no, not traveled. Ran all this way, and now it was a reality. This broken, rundown home was proof of that, and it was only just the beginning.
Stepping out of the home, you fumbled for the keys to lock the door behind you. Once you were sure it was secure, you made your way down the line of steps and to the paved sidewalk of the building. The rain had stopped in the hours spent unpacking, and you released a small sigh of relief at not having to drive in it once again.
As you ascended the last step, a door could be heard opening with a pair of deep voices filtering out with it. Pausing, your head whipped over to the left, where another staircase leading downwards was now occupied with two men bickering – one was tanned and pretty, with a certain confidence that seemed to ooze out of his perfectly unblemished skin (damn him), while the other was an older gentleman with thick facial hair and kind eyes.
“Oh, hello!” The pretty one greeted you when he got to the top of his stairs, a blinding smile curving on his lips. Bickering seemingly forgotten, he indulged himself with the presence of a newcomer. “You’re the new neighbor, eh? Thought Laswell locked up that ol’ place long ago.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but before you could say anything in return, the other man with the mutton chops spoke. “Don’t mind him. You settling in alright? Nothing wrong with the place yet?”
Besides the rotting wallpaper and eighteen-hundred’s couch? And the creepy circus music playing from above?
“No,” you opted to say instead, eyes flickering between them.
“Ah! Good to hear it,” The older gentleman cheered with a bright smile, clapping his hands together. “Been quite some time since having a neighbor. Well, besides Soap, that is. Wouldn’t want to scare you off so soon, now, would we?”
Pretty boy nodded in agreement, almost a bit too enthusiastically, and you felt you were missing something. These men were… strange, to say the least. And so forward, too.
Also, who the hell is Soap?
You could only assume he meant the other resident living in the apartment upstairs, what with his weird music and loud footsteps. Soap, huh?
“John Price,” The older one introduced with an outstretched hand. “And this here is Kyle Garrick.”
“Call me Gaz, love,” Gaz corrected with a warm smile.
You stared down at John’s hand, which was soon joined by Gaz’s. Hesitating for a moment, you first shook John’s, then Gaz’s, their grip firm and skin rough to the touch.
“Right. Nice to meet you.” You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling much too exposed with the way they were staring at you. “Say, John, what exactly do you mean, wrong with the house–”
“Well, it was lovely to meet you, Caroline! We’d best be off now, but do come over if you need anything, yes?” John cut you off with a crinkly smile, placing his hand on Gaz’s shoulder and guiding him away from where you stood at the end of the stairs, successfully avoiding further conversation and disappearing down the pathway to the road.
“It’s Coraline…” you muttered under your breath, before the realization that he even knew your name, albeit incorrectly, dawned on you. You hadn’t offered it in return, yet somehow, he already knew.
Your eyes followed them as they walked, watching as they grew farther and farther away until they turned the corner at the edge of the driveway and could no longer be seen. Out of sight, out of mind.
How the fuck did he know that?
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maycanady · 10 months
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vampire appreciation week | vampire fiction that deserves more appreciation
moonlight (2007-2008)
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myreyisbae · 3 months
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Moonlight (2007) Banners
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z5mbiegrlz · 16 days
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me & juju core @l8verson ‼️‼️‼️
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royalchewy · 22 days
Trolls Coraline AU
I’m sure someone has probably thought of this, but a Coraline AU with Rosiepuff in the place of the mother/Beldam would be so interesting.
Like, I know it would be so easy for the Bros (specifically John Dory) to be the place of the parents, but I think a fun switch up could be Rosiepuff as mom/Beldam, JD maybe in the dad’s role (still older brother though), and Poppy as Wybie to Branch as Coraline. Thought?
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pyjamaart · 3 months
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Year 4 of submitting art for the SiIvaGunner Art Gallery!! >:]
For the fourth time now, I can proudly present my entry for this years SiIvaGunner Birthday Gallery! I had to put up with a lot of obstacles this year, like starting in June when I normally always started in early May, my parents and my brother visiting during the exact time frame I wanted to work on this, a crippling addiction to playing Dragon Quest Monsters and many more.
But as you can see, I really locked in at the end and finished it exactly one day before the deadline (17th June).
Now to explain my vision for this piece: I'll have to admit, since starting my new job in February, I didn't have any time to keep up with the loads of SiIvaGunner rips that are uploaded each day, since I always listened to them at my old workplace while I took care of my mountains of scientific journals. At my new job, I don't have anything to do with journals anymore. I mostly talk to students at the counter all day. Can't really listen to YouTube videos when someone wants something from you every minute. I also do a lot of things related to facility management in between (our library buildings are practically falling apart in some places...), so even when I'm not at the counter, I have way too much stuff to do to listen to rips. Sigh. Sometimes, I miss my old job.........
But I'll try my best to catch up some time in the future. At the very latest in September. My first vacation days in 7 months... Anyway, let's get back to the image at hand:
In the foreground, there's obviously my beloved dynamic duo of besties: Woodman and Nozomi. Woodman has been missing from the channel for 1 and a half years. Please bring him back. I miss my wife, Tails...
For this piece, my theme was centered around my favorite SiIvaGunner joke from the past few months (or has it been years?): The raft ride. I wanted something fun and summer-y, so I decided to put all the characters I drew in cute little sailor outfits. For Woodman, I just drew him in something simple that I thought of myself, which complimented and incorporated his usual armor.
Next we have Nozomi, who dons her outfit from μ's fifth single "Wonderful Rush". I had a few water themed outfits to chose from with her (and Honoka, for that matter), but I chose Wonderful Rush for Nozomi since it just fit with the aesthetic I was going for.
Next to those two is Coraline from the 3DS street pass game "Ultimate Angler", which is also prominently featured on the channel. For her outfit, I just modified her usual attire a little to fit in with the sailor vibe. I also turned her sun visor around because I could for the life of me not figure out how to draw it properly at this angle. Uhhh... I mean, I turned it around because I thought it looked cool.
I hope you can see that I had an absolute breakthrough in Gimp. I think I already talked about it on my Buck fanart, but I finally discovered layer modes. After 4 years of working with Gimp. Spectacular, I know. If you don't notice it here, you'll definitely notice it on the next image in queue for the robot master quest I have going on. I can already spoil you who it's gonna be this time: Tornadoman! I honestly couldn't believe what I was drawing. I think I was possessed by something for a few hours. It was honestly a little scary. But I think you'll see what I mean once you see the actual image, it's really different from the usual stuff I draw.
Getting back to the topic of this picture, let's talk about the background now. I decided to draw a little ship with lots of familiar faces making up the crew.
The ships captain is Honoka, who is standing on the very left of the deck. I took her outfit from μ's single "Heart to Heart!", which also fit into the aquatic theme quite nicely.
Right next to her, under a rainbow flag that's fluttering in the wind above them, is Aquaman. My beloved. Since I drew him into last years birthday gallery image, I decided to do the same this year. I also put a little starfish on his hat because I think it looked cute ;)
Standing epicly and mysteriously on the top of the boat is Meta Knight. I don't know if you can see it when it's zoomed out so far, but he's holding some kind of folded map in his right hand. Maybe they're looking for treasure??
And on the very right of the ship are Tito Dick and Robbie Rotten, reenacting that one famous scene from the Titanic movie.
After that, we shift our focus to the left of the image, where we can see Fluttershy flying over the island from Tomodachi Life.
And that's it for this image folks. I hope I'll finish my Mega Man Fully Charged art before the weekend ends, so stay tuned for that next! And after that, we're going right back to the robot master grind. ;)
Until then, this has been Jenny Pyjamakama, signing off. ;)
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Remaking this poll because I accidentally made the first one last 24 hours instead of a week. Treasure Planet won the 24hr poll but I wanted to see who'd win the longer one like my other movie polls.
Fun fact: Eris from Sinbad was my bi awakening
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puffpal7 · 4 months
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Far cry x Coraline au w/ joseph as the other mother and diego as coraline
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theactualrogue · 3 months
I got my bf to watch good omens with me and he said our vows could be what beezlebub and gabriel say to each other.
Yelling, crying
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brinleyparke · 2 months
Oufits Inspired by Moonlight Characters Masterlist
Beth Turner:
Coraline Duvall:
Josef Kostan:
Mick St. John:
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starsofang · 5 months
Call of Duty || Coraline AU || Part 5
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Running away to start a new chapter and escape the troubles of your past, you find yourself in a darker predicament than you had hoped for.
Coraline with a twist. And COD men. Obviously.
PT.1 / PT.2 / PT.3 / PT.4
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You knew you shouldn’t have gone back. Everything in your body, mind, and soul were telling you to turn back, to lock up the door and keep it locked – yet there you were, on your hands and knees, crawling through the fluorescent tunnel once again.
It welcomed you as if waiting for your return, pulsing and swirling with the bright, galactic colors as you made your way through. Si wasn’t with you this time. There were no tufts of fur to tickle your skin, no yellow eyes to pierce into you like mean, little daggers.
When you reached the end of the tunnel and pushed open the familiar door, it was too late to turn back. You stepped out of it, carefully surveying your surroundings. Everything looked the same as before – tidy, neat, and very well decorated compared to your little home.
You weren’t sure why you returned. You hated your mother with every fiber of your being, but this other version of your mother was practically calling your name, seeking you out. Maybe that was her plan all along, but to your dismay, it was working in her favor.
“Hello?” you shouted, voice echoing throughout the house. You heard nothing in return, and for a moment, you thought that perhaps you really should turn back. Maybe it was a sign that this wasn’t a good idea.
“Coraline!” A voice responded before you could finish that thought. You released the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, shoulders deflating in what you told yourself was relief. “I didn’t hear you come in, dear.”
In the doorway of the kitchen, your other mother stepped in, beaming brightly at you. Her smile was just as unsettling as before, and you convinced yourself it was only because you weren’t used to seeing a smile on your real mother’s face.
“Hello again,” you greeted quietly, fingers wringing nervously in front of you. Her button eyes, though unable to necessarily look at anything without pupils, seemed to notice the tension in your body. Her smile twitched, but just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.
“You came back! I’m so happy to see you. Come in, I have a surprise for you.”
She turned her back to you, stepping further into the kitchen and out of sight. You followed after her, eyes taking in the way she moved – so calculated and precise, it was a bit unnerving.
When you entered the kitchen, you noticed an array of cookies on the table. Just like last time, she remembered your favorite sweets.
“Those aren’t the surprise,” she said in amusement. “The neighbors have actually invited you over! They’ve been waiting for you all day, and I just knew you’d come back.”
“The neighbors?” you asked with a frown. “What for?”
Your neighbors certainly weren’t that welcoming. Sure, they had greeted you out of politeness and would hold the occasional conversation with you, but it always ended with unanswered questions and them seemingly bothered by your presence. Gaz was the epitome of that, what with the way he glared at you like the scum of the Earth.
“The men downstairs love to play card games. They’ve invited you to join them, if you’d like. I’d hate for them to be disappointed.”
The way she spoke of it made it seem more like a warning than an offer. She wasn’t asking you to go – she was telling you. And though she kept that pointy smile on her face, even you could see right past it.
Maybe a part of you was living in denial. You found an unwanted comfort in this other mother of yours, and you didn’t want to disappoint her, either. She was all you ever hoped for in your own mother, and that broken part of you was desperate for approval.
“Will you be joining us?” you asked, to which she laughed and waved a dismissive hand your way.
“No, I have much to do around here. You and I can spend time with one another after, yes?”
You weren’t sure what on Earth she could’ve possibly had to do, but you took it with ease, sending her a nod in understanding. She seemed happy with that, and she flashed you another grin, placing a hand on your shoulder to guide you to the front door of the house.
You watched as she used her free hand to open the door, noting how long her nails were. Long and black, slightly pointed, and you briefly wondered if she did them herself. It was always a dream of yours as a child to get your nails done with your mother, and maybe she’d be able to provide that for you.
“Out you go, dear. You know where to find them,” she urged, squeezing your shoulder before letting go. Her smile never left her face, and you wondered if she ever didn’t smile.
She watched in the doorway as you made your way down the familiar set of stairs. The outside of the home looked better than yours on the other side. The grass was perfectly cut and green, bushes filled with beautiful flowers blooming and stretching out towards you in curious greeting. Even the sky was clear, filled with glistening stars that seemed to smile down at you. The moon was large and bright, beaming light across the yard and making it appear much more breathtaking than the home you were growing used to.
Descending down the stairs, you lifted a hesitant hand to knock at the door of your neighbors. As if waiting for your arrival, John opened the door with a blinding smile. The sight of him had your mouth growing dry.
It was your neighbor John, with the perfectly groomed facial hair and beanie slapped on his head, but his eyes… were just like your other mother. Cold, empty, buttons sat in the sockets, glistening in delight when he saw you.
“Coraline, lovely of you to join us. Your mother said you’d join us,” he greeted politely. It was then you noticed Gaz behind him. Instead of a harsh glare you had received the day before, he was smiling beautifully, full cheeks puffed out and straight teeth shining back at you.
Swallowing your nerves, you offered a tight smile in return, allowing him to pull you into his home. Much like your other mother’s, it was wonderfully decorated and easy on the eyes. Comfortable furniture, shiny, wooden floors, and trinkets of all kinds sitting on shelves.
“Are you up for some card games, Coraline?” Gaz asked from where he stood beside you. He leaned down to your level to continue smiling at you, and the proximity of him so close to your face nearly had you jumping back. Those eyes caused a flutter in your heart to roar, and you wished it was in a sweet way rather than a fearful way. Part of you found the buttons on Gaz disappointing. The real Gaz had such beautiful eyes.
“I may not be very good at them,” you confessed honestly, but it didn’t waver them.
“Nonsense. We’ll teach you,” John offered, and just like your other mother, he guided you with a hand on your shoulder to a table that had various decks of cards neatly stacked.
The three of you sat around the table as John’s skilled hands began shuffling the cards. You watched silently, hands twisting in your lap in a fit of nervousness.
“We can start simple. Blackjack,” John spoke as he placed the deck of cards on the table, hand remaining on top of the deck. You weren’t sure how to play Blackjack, but he seemed to already be aware of that from the way he smiled at you. “I will give you and Gaz two cards, facing up. I’ll receive two cards of my own, one facing up, the other facing down. Copy?”
You nod, watching his hands as they slipped cards from the top of the deck and placed them in front of Gaz and you. While Gaz had a five of hearts and an eight of spades, you had a ten of diamonds and a nine of spades. When John flipped his first card over, he had a six of hearts, while the other remained facedown.
“Your set of cards has to add up to as close to twenty-one as possible. You have the opportunity to ask for another card if you want to risk it and get closer to twenty-one. If it goes over twenty-one, you lose. If it doesn’t, then at the end of the round, I flip my hidden card over. If my cards wage higher numbers than yours, I win. If yours are higher, you win. Pretty simple, aye?” John asked, throwing you another smile while he gestured to the cards set out in front of you.
That seemed simple enough. You were already off to a good start for your first try, sitting with a number of nineteen, while Gaz sat with a number of thirteen.
“Hit me,” Gaz spoke, scratching a finger along the table where his cards sat. John flipped a card off of the card deck and turned it towards Gaz, placing it down in front of him – a ten of hearts, causing him to go over twenty-one. He let out a groan, causing you to smile to yourself.
John turned his button-filled gaze to you, silently asking if you wanted to risk it or stay.
“I’ll stay,” you murmured, to which he nodded and flipped over his last card. Shifting your eyes down to it, you noticed it was an ace of spades, making his number seventeen.
“Beginner’s luck, aye, Miss Coraline?” John teased while Gaz threw you a grin.
John proceeded to reshuffle the cards, the slight sound of them sifting together filling the room. You watched while you pondered, thoughts running through your mind of what exactly this was and why you were here.
“John?” you asked, and he hummed in question, continuing to shuffle. “What exactly is this place?”
John glanced at you briefly before back down at the cards in his hand. He began setting out the cards once again, just as before.
“This is your home, Coraline. Is it not?”
“Well, yeah, but…” You sighed, taking in your cards. A six of hearts and a five of clubs. John had a ten of hearts, with the other card remaining hidden. “It’s not really my home, is it?”
“It could be if you want it to be, Coraline,” he offered with a smile, turning to look at Gaz, who had a stack of a ten of clubs and a three of spades. “Mother would really like it to be.”
“But she’s not my mother,” you defended with a frown as Gaz scratched his finger once again. John planted another card in front of him, revealing a two of diamonds. He let out another groan, resting his head on his fist.
“She loves you,” John urged, button eyes boring into your own. “Mother wishes you saw that. You in?”
It made an uncomfortable tightening in your chest erupt at the thought of that. How he referred to her felt so strange and out of place.
“Yeah,” you sighed, and he hummed in approval, placing a new card down for you. An eight of clubs, making your number nineteen. Once John was confident in your play, he turned over his next card, revealing a seven of diamonds. You had beat him once again, and part of you felt like that was the plan.
“Wow, Coraline, twice in a row, look at you!” Gaz cheered proudly, sending you a beaming grin. You threw him a forced one back, and once again, John shuffled for the third time.
“What do you mean she loves me? She… doesn’t even know who I am,” you asked John.
“‘Course she does. Mother knows all about you. She wants you to stay here so she can show you what a real mother is like,” he explained calmly, his eyes focused on you as he shuffled. “She only wishes to love you, Coraline. This place is much better than your real home, isn’t it?”
“Aye,” Gaz agreed.
You looked back and forth between the two of them, unsure of what to say. You had gotten your answers, but at the same time, you felt even more stumped than before.
“I don’t want to stay here forever.”
John’s smile tightened, and he threw a quick glance at you before setting down the third round of cards.
“Whatever you wish, Miss Coraline. We only want what’s best.”
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“I shouldn’t go back,” you muttered to yourself. You had returned to your real home hours later, spending the entire night playing silly card games with the men downstairs, as well as talking over dinner with your other mother. Just like the first time you had met her, the time was spent speaking of your inner thoughts, expressing to her the turmoils of your mind while she provided you with the perfect things to say. It was as if she had a script imprinted in her mind, and she was reading to you everything you wanted to hear.
You were conflicted, terribly so. You felt such a comforting aura with your other mother, and you found yourself enjoying time spent with the neighbors and their games. The company is something you’d been craving for a long time, and finally, you felt accepted in a world where normally you were tossed aside like a meaningless pet.
On the same note, you knew there were red flags, and it showed in Soap’s warnings, the way your other mother’s smile would occasionally turn into a sneer for a fleeting moment, and the way John spoke about your other mother as if she were a god to be worshiped.
You knew you shouldn’t return, and maybe some time apart would clear your head.
To rid yourself of your worries, you forced yourself to sleep, succumbing to a late night full of worries and lingering thoughts.
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It always seemed as if one of your neighbors was around at the right time. When you exited your home with plans of stopping at the market, you noticed John and Gaz in the large front yard that seemed to go on forever. They were on their hands and knees in the dirt, tugging out old weeds, sweat dripping down their foreheads and necks.
“Hello,” you greeted politely, and John looked up at you in surprise. He smiled, and under the facial hair, you couldn’t tell if it was forced or genuine.
“Afternoon, Caroline,” he offered, continuing to pluck a stray weed from the root. “Heading out, I see?”
“Mm. Need some new groceries.”
Gaz stared at you when you spoke, unmoving. He looked conflicted, unsure of if he wanted to say anything to you. He was no longer glaring at you like last time, but instead, he looked almost pitiful. Why, you were unsure of.
“Say, John, do you like card games?”
John’s eyebrows rose up and he sat up from where he was hunched in the dirt, resting his arms on his bent knees. “I do. Gaz, Soap and I play them on occasion. How’d you know?”
Ah. So the other neighbors really were carbon copies of your real ones.
“Just a hunch. I’ve been learning how to play, but it’s not fun by yourself. Figured I’d ask if you would like to sometime,” you offered with a smile you hoped looked polite.
John hummed in thought, lifting an arm to run it over his sweaty forehead, wiping away the glistening shine from the heat. He glanced over at Gaz, who looked back at him. They had a silent conversation, before Gaz cleared his throat and John threw you a nod.
“Sure, Caroline. We’ll let you know when we play next.”
You let out a breath of relief, giving him an enthusiastic nod and another warm smile.
“Great. I’ll see you!” You waved them goodbye and began your journey to the market, leaving the two of them behind to tend to the yard.
When you were gone, John and Gaz looked at each other once again.
“You reckon she’ll be the one to stick around?” Gaz asked John. John frowned, returning to his weed work.
“Let’s try our best to make it happen, hm?”
i haven’t played blackjack in years so mind u, i tried my best 😭 praying ur enjoying the story so far, stayed up to write this and do not regret it
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bracketsoffear · 7 months
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Coraline (Neil Gaiman) "The presence of another world that resemble the one you know but different, the Other Mother whole deal and the fact that she spies on people using dolls and sews buttons in place of her victim's eyes."
Who Goes There? (John W. Campbell) "A group of American researchers, isolated in their scientific station in Antarctica towards the end of winter, discover an alien spaceship buried in the ice, where it crashed twenty million years before. They recover an alien creature from the ancient ice. Thawing revives the alien, a being which can assume the appearance, memories, and personality of a living thing it devours, while maintaining its body mass for further reproduction. Unknown to them, the alien immediately kills and then imitates the crew's physicist, a man named Connant; with some 90 pounds of its matter left over, it tries to become a sled dog. The crew discovers the dog-Thing and kills it midway through the transformation process. Pathologist Blair, who had lobbied for thawing the Thing, goes insane with paranoia and guilt, vowing to kill everyone at the base to save mankind; he is isolated within a locked cabin at their outpost. Connant is also isolated as a precaution, and a "rule-of-four" is initiated in which all personnel must remain under the close scrutiny of three others.
The crew realizes that they must isolate their base and therefore disable their airplanes and vehicles, yet they pretend that everything is normal during radio transmissions, to prevent any rescue attempts. The researchers try to figure out who may have been replaced by the alien (simply referred to as the Thing), to destroy the imitations before they can escape and take over the world. The task is found to be almost impossibly difficult when they realize that the Thing is shapeshifting and telepathic, reading minds and projecting thoughts. A sled dog is conditioned by human blood injections (from Copper and Garry) to provide a human-immunity serum test, as in rabbits. The initial test of Connant is inconclusive, as they realize that the test animal received both human and alien blood, meaning that either Doctor Copper or expedition Commander Garry is an alien. Assistant commander McReady takes over and deduces that all the other animals at the station, save the test dog, have already become imitations; all are killed by electrocution and their corpses burned.
Everyone suspects each other by now but must stay together for safety, deciding who will take turns sleeping and standing watch. Tensions mount and some men begin to go mad, thinking that they are already the last human, or wondering if they could know if they were not human any longer. Ultimately, Kinner, the cook, is murdered and accidentally revealed to be a Thing. McReady realizes that even small pieces of the creature will behave as independent organisms. He then uses this fact to test which men have been "converted" by taking blood samples from everyone and dipping a heated wire in the vial of blood. Each man's blood is tested, one at a time, and the donor is immediately killed if his blood recoils from the wire. Fourteen men, including Connant and Garry, are revealed to be Things. The remaining men go to test the isolated Blair, and on the way, see the first albatross of the Antarctic spring flying overhead; they shoot the bird to prevent a Thing from infecting it and flying to civilization.
When they reach Blair's cabin, they discover that he is a Thing. They realize that it has been left to its own devices for a week, coming and going as it pleased, as it is able to squeeze under doors by transforming itself. With the creatures inside the base destroyed, McReady and two others enter the cabin to kill the Thing that was once Blair. McReady forces it out into the snow and destroys it with a blowtorch. Afterwards, the trio discover that the Thing was dangerously close to finishing the construction of a nuclear-powered anti-gravity device that would have allowed it to escape to the outside world."
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myreyisbae · 4 months
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Here are scans I did of the Pamphlet that was included with both the 2009 and 2011 Moonlight (2007-2008) complete series DVD set in the US
I wanted to remake this post since the original mentions the 15th anniversary and it's been a couple years since then I've even found the website advertising this complete DVD set
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moonlight-fan2008 · 5 months
Moonlight rewatch for millionth time
Episode 2 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
Mick: monsters don’t get happy ever after. Me: Stop saying you’re a monster! Stop it now
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I like Mick’s early 80’s look, it had a 1970ish vibe to it
I know Mick probably panicked but he should have just snapped Lee Jays neck before running off
I like how Beth’s like talk about my feelings? No I’d rather get to work bye lol same girl
I think I’ve said it before but I think Beth purposely picked out a 25 year old single malt to maybe catch Mick in a lie or maybe get some sort of reaction from him
I wish we got more Bobby scenes
My head canon is that Logan and Mick met over World or Warcraft and Mick beat Logan who then threatened Mick (think end game with Thor) and Mick was like oh okay I’m so scared then Logan hacked him and went to his place and was like oh shit my bad uh friends? When he realized Mick was also a vampire
I love him but Mick really needs to think things through before he acts
Ilene deserved better I’m glad she gets justice in the end
Lee Jay in fact did not understand
Mick says vampires don’t have a club house that they hang out at and yet we have this episode where we have vampires at a club that has freshies then several episodes later another club where they all play pool. So what’s the difference?
I never noticed this before but Mick had random lemons in his fridge
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There’s like four or five of them in there. It’s most likely for clients that come over but he also has green apples in there too.
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Lee Jay is the worst
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I like Josef’s casual style in the way that something about it still feels very expensive and true to Josef’s personality
I like how Beth is a ride or die when it comes to Mick. She’s only known him a week but she’s already willing to break the law and go against her boyfriend and friend to help prove his innocence
I wonder what happened to Julia after this episode, I’m sure she went to therapy for everything that happened but it’s just strange we never see her again especially when Josh died
Is it bad that when Mick is running and jumping on the rooftop that StarWars bad lip reading of Yoda singing “now run jump” etc etc was playing in my head? Lol
Where did Mick get that blood packet from and why didn’t he get help for the silver buckshots in his body? Did he just rob a blood bank ? Because I highly doubt Guillermo would let his friend go off on his own in such a vulnerable situation
I like how they didn’t drag out the vampire secret for very long. Sometimes I feel like when writers and directors drag things out like that for too long it becomes a bit stale once things are actually revealed
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Coraline (2009)
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