federer7 · 1 year
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Bicycle Girl, in the Coombe. Dublin. 1966
Photo: Evelyn Hofer
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stairnaheireann · 8 months
Bang Bang!
Bang Bang (Thomas Dudley) was an eccentric elderly gentleman in Dublin in the 1950s and 1960s who achieved fame as a character in the city. A fan of cowboy films, Bang Bang used to travel the buses and trams of the city staging mock shoot-outs with passing people (hence his nickname). He carried a large church key in his pocket which he used as a ‘gun’. Dubliners, who enjoyed his good-natured…
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View On WordPress
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s38s73r · 2 years
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Farmland at Coombe, Camborne, Cornwall /Kernow
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miquella-dalzell-1988 · 4 months
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Coombe estate Yarra Valley. Storytime wedding lost in love photography
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Nature's Marvels. Text by Lucy Berman. Illustrations by Roy Coombs. 1971.
Internet Archive
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userdocumentary · 1 year
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QUEERSTRALIA (2022) Episode 1 dir. Stamatia Maroupas
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Cookies III
Laura Coombs x Reader
Summary: Laura comes home to something she doesn't like
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Meeting you had been the greatest accident of Laura's life.
Something that she mused about all the time when she drove home from practice.
It had been snowing earlier in the day, the whole city covered in a soft, white fleece of snow that had Laura's toes freezing in her football boots all practice.
That snow had turned to hail on the one day of the year that Laura had to walk home from training because her car was getting serviced. Originally, she thought that it was snowing and she'd always enjoyed snow even if it made her toes so cold that it was like they were about to freeze off.
Then the hail hit and she was left without an umbrella and freezing cold toes. The hail got harder and harder and Laura was forced to take refuge in whatever the first shop she came across was to wait it out.
You called it a coincidence. She called it fate.
She'd stumbled into the bakery you owned and fell in love on the spot. You were behind the counter, boxing up the pastries that hadn't sold that day when she came sliding in.
You'd welcomed her in, guided her to the back and turned on the oven for her to prop her cold toes in front of to warm up.
You'd baked her a cake at that moment, a big one that tied her over until the hail was done and she could make it home for dinner.
Although she never exactly made it home for dinner. She took you to a restaurant instead, somewhere halfway between cosy and fancy where you spoke about everything that came to mind and earned her your number in return.
She returned to the bakery almost every day to help you lock up and walk home.
Now, you had nearly four years of marriage under your belt and a dog going through the teenage years.
"Hey, Butterscotch," Laura greeted the dog as she stepped through the door.
She hung up her coat and slipped off her shoes, freezing suddenly when she noticed the amount of shoes lined up next to yours. She wildly looked up at the coat rack where coats she recognised hung up over your own.
The voices coming from the kitchen were also recognisable and she stormed into the room.
Her teammates were scattered around.
Lauren and Esme were both sitting at the table while Sandy and Jill were actually sitting on the table, each of them munching on warm cookies with half-melted chocolate chips inside.
Leila and Laia were stroking Butterscotch (the traitor), who had happily trotted straight up to them and flopped onto her back for belly scratches.
Kerstin, Bunny and Jess were sitting up on the counters while Alex and Kelly were both standing by the mixing bowls, listening closely to your instructions.
"How," Laura said through gritted teeth," Did you all get here before me?!"
"Must've taken a detour," Alex said dismissively," Why, Coombsy, unhappy to see us?"
"I see you all for hours at training," Laura replied, arms crossed over her chest," I don't need to see you at my house. What are you doing here?!"
"Baking," Chloe said," What does it look like?"
Laura grumbled something unintelligible under her breath before swiping a hand over her face. "Obviously. But why? None of you are bakers."
"Chloe had an idea," Kerstin admitted, swiping a finger through the batter and sucking it off with a pop," About selling cookies and cakes and stuff at the games to raise money for charity."
"It's not really special if they're store bought," Chloe carried on," So Alex called the best baker we know and here we are."
"Don't worry, baby," You told your wife, pealing away from supervising the mixing to pull her into a hug," They're all going to be put to work eventually. Maybe you can make some of them help you clear out the backyard shed while everything bakes."
Most of the team go wide eyed.
You'd be complaining about the messy shed for nearly two years now and Laura kept putting off sorting it out until she had help and, with her whole team here, it look like she had all the help she needed.
"Excellent," She said, eyes alight with the idea of getting revenge for the invasion of her house. "Esme, Lauren, there's boxes in the garage. Kerstin, Leila-"
"You can't take Leila," You cut in," I've got her down for making my filling. And you can't have Laia either because she's meant to be making my cupcake frosting."
Laura nodded. "Okay, Jess, then. You guys can get the shovels out. Move it girls. Let's go!"
Alexa and Chloe snickered and Laura whirled on them.
"Don't start laughing now," She said," Because I'm coming back for you two as soon as you're done."
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trulyhblue · 8 months
If you write for her, I will not be opposed to a Kerstin Casparij one because I have the biggest fattest crush on her. Maybe a fan keeps showing up in the fanzone (an area of the Joie stadium where a selected few are allowed to meet the players, but it's random each time and should make it so its different every time so everyone gets a go.) And nobody knows why she's there or how she keeps getting chosen but the players find it funny and make sure to get round to her every time. But Kerstin always spends a particularly long amount of time with her, until it's revealed that she's pulling strings and getting the girl in every time just so she can see her. (You can either do it where she does it because she likes her or because they're dating, it works with both and I'm not sure which one I want more.)
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Kerstin Casparji x Reader, Lauren Hemp x Platonic! Reader, Esme Morgan x Platonic! Reader, Man City WT x Reader.
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, established secret relationship
A/N — Thank you for this request!! Love it so much. Will definitely write more for Kerstin if anyone is willing to send in some requests!!!!!
You had met Kerstin in a bakery down the road from your house. When you first saw each other, the woman nearly tripped over her own feet. You were surprised by the shock on her face like she was starstruck by being in a metre of your presence. You gave her a friendly smile, hoping your open ambiguity would keep things humble.
It was during your final exams, the ones where you needed to pass so that you could continue your degree. You were very passionate about what you did, and sitting down in a quiet coffee shop with your headphones on and books open was your idea of being productive.
Kerstin, on the other hand, had the impression that you didn't want to talk to her.
Which, well, to be honest, you were in the middle of studying, but you gave no clear indication of what she thought you were thinking.
Instead of going about her day — she should've been at training twelve minutes ago, but it was only media day so they could wait — she slowly sauntered closer to where you sat, pretending to be interested in the decorative flowers that embellished the cafe. You watched her out of the corner of your eye, smiling at her piss-poor attempt in remaining discreet.
You were dressed in very basic clothing, similar to hers save for the Manchester symbol embedded on her jumper. Only one ear was covered by your headphones, meaning that Kerstin would be heard loud and clear if she plucked up the courage to speak to you — which she was trying to do now. She thought you were the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, and she was surrounded by women almost every single day of her life. You looked extremely immersed in what you were doing, which should of been an indicator of apathy but it only lured Kerstin in more.
She wanted to know everything about you. Your name, you favourite colour, what you did, what you loved, who you loved—
It sounded a bit creepy, so she shook off her thoughts and focused deeply on the flowers. The woman was staring at her screen distantly, aimlessly typing away on the keyboard with a mug by her side.
When she realised you had caught her staring, she buried and swallowed down her pride. “They are nice flowers, don't you think?” She asked, her cheeks burning a vibrant red as if she had just run a marathon. You noticed her accent, one that wasn't accustomed to Manchester, and nodded like you cared about the topic.
“Yes, but I think they are fake.” You replied, smiling wider as the woman’s flustered state only grew in size when she caught sight of the very fake-looking plants.
“Oh.” She gulped, shoving her hands into her pockets. She's so stupid, she thought to herself, she’d blown her chance of even talking to this gorgeous stranger by talking about some stupid, fake plants.
You wondered whether the woman would continue the conversation she started, but the silence that followed was a pretty good indicator that she was audibly stumped on what to say.
“They are pretty, though.”
“Like you,” Kerstin spoke without thinking and instantly regretted it. She slapped her hand across her mouth, nearly walking out of the coffee shop, packing her bags and moving back to the Netherlands. “Fuck, sorry. That just— erm, came out. Sorry.”
You took off your headphones, pretending to act offended, raising your eyebrows and sighing. “You don't mean it?”
“What— no, no, you are so pretty. Like, beautiful, gorgeous. That's why I'm here. Well— yeah, I saw and thought you were pretty. I didn't mean it like that. You're probably smart, too, but— erm, yeah.”
The look of remorse almost made you feel bad, but your amusement — and somewhat endearment — overturned your hesitancy.
Instead, you laughed, took a sip of your drink and smiled, hoping it would calm the woman’s nerves.
“You worry too much.” You said, moving across the booth you were sitting on, offering the space beside you for her to sit down. She did so without delay. “I'm not someone you should waste your worry on.”
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” Kerstin answered wholeheartedly, pleased when she noticed the blush that dusted your cheeks. “I would rather worry about you than anything else for the rest of my life.”
You laughed, crossing your arms over your chest. “You don't even know me.”
With a push of confidence, Kerstin wrapped an arm over the back of the booth, scarcely missing your shoulder. “If you’d let me, I’d like to.”
It was from there that you and Kristen started to hang out.
Seven months had passed, and you were now completely and utterly in love with the woman. Kerstin was an externally affectionate person despite her introverted persona. She loved showering you with compliments, giving you everything you needed at exactly the right time with just the right amount of love and devotion.
You found out she was a football player pretty early on in your relationship due to the tight and busy schedule the girl had, including her diet, exercise, and all of that. You weren't a massive football fan, but going to your first game a week into knowing Kerstin made it seem to find a way into your heart.
Your girlfriend wasn't the only one to give compliments. You had your fair share in making sure the Dutch woman knew how much you were enamoured with everything she did. It took you a while to get used to her career and the publicity that came with it, but you found pleasure in knowing that once you got back to your shared apartment you could tell and show her just how much she made you feel so so proud.
It was in mutual agreeance that you both wanted to keep your relationship under wraps. Your feelings for one another and how you cared for each other were one of the highest concerns in your relationship, and by keeping your love between yourselves, you've found that it worked better overall. You didn't want to indulge in a media presence, and Kerstin respected that.
Kerstin was fine with putting herself out onto social media, but when it came to you, she wanted to make sure you were comfortable at all times.
Because of this, you both came to the decision that at games, you wouldn't sit within the family and friends section, and instead, in the crowd with the fans.
You were among the group of fans that were guaranteed to meet the players after the match, whether it be cause they paid more or if they were chosen randomly by officials. For many weeks, people just assumed that they were lucky or could just afford to pay the extra money to be seated in the same section. Both you and Kerstin found it amusing when fans would wonder why you were always the first one to be greeted, or why you knew her.
After a month of this recurring theme, some of Kerstin’s teammates started to notice.
Surprisingly, Lauren, who wasn't the most observant, caught sight of it first.
“Do you know her?” She asked Kerstin after a game against Everton, watching the Dutchie make eye contact with you from where they were signing shirts.
Kerstin looked at Hempo, a blush running across the bridge of her nose.
Shrugging, she thanked the last fan, handing back the pen. “She's a friend of mine.”
Lauren’s eyebrows furrowed. “Then why isn't she in the friends and family section?”
When Kerstin didn't instantly reply, silenced by the prodding questions she was receiving, a distant idea clicked in Lauren’s mind.
“She's your girlfriend?” She sounded, obviously a little too loudly since the Dutch international nudged her warningly.
“Alright, nosey, keep your voice down.” She snapped, pulling the girl away from the crowd. “You can't tell anyone, alright. It's still pretty new.”
Lauren’s eyes widened in alarm, not exactly thrilled with the commitment of keeping a secret. “Does Jill know?”
“Why would Jill know?”
“I don't know, I didn't think I’d be the first person to find out,” Hempo replied, looking back at you. “Can I tell someone?”
Kerstin’s eyebrows furrowed. “I just said you can't.”
“Yes, I know, but I'm terrible at keeping secrets,” Lauren whined. “Please, let me tell Jill, at least.”
“No, because Jill will tell Viv and Viv will tell Beth, and Beth will tell literally everyone.” She quipped, only half-heartedly digging at the Arsenal girls. She watched Hemp sigh like a child, looking down as if the burden of her knowing was too much. “You can tell Esme but that's it.”
That was how the first people found out about you and Kerstin. When she told you that night, you weren't necessarily fazed. It was bound to come out at some point, and you’d rather Kerstin’s teammates find out from her than the internet.
Unfortunately, though, the rest of the girls weren't afforded the same luxury as Esme and Lauren.
All of the girls at Man City couldn't believe their eyes when they found out Kerstin was in love.
Well, to be fair, they weren't quite certain this was true. Lauren and Esme saw it first at the next game against West Ham, watching their teammate smile cheekily at the girl in the stands when she should've been stretching.
Sandy mentioned the Dutch International’s love-sick countenance to some of their teammates over lunch a few weeks later, promoting Hempo and Es to spill their not-so-long-kept confession.
None of the girls knew who Kerstin was talking to — or even if their suspicions were acclimated, but Sandy, Esme, and Lauren all made it their mission to keep their lips closed.
Sandy was the one to come up with the pact, yet the demanding eyes of Roebuck after an endurance training session set her tongue loose.
Lauren wasn't at all happy. Esme ended up spilling the secret to Mary as well, meaning the secret was already spreading across the team.
Meanwhile, fans were growing more and more suspicious of you and how you managed to steal the attention of Kerstin after each and every game.
The media surrounding you two got so big that Kerstin’s national teammate Viv called her one day asking what was going on.
Kerstin knew Lauren and Esme had told at least half the team by then, including Jill, who had run up to you after a game and pretended to flirt with you just to annoy her teammate. Viv was quick to point out that if she wanted to keep your relationship private, putting you in the midst of cameras and media attention wasn't the most suitable option.
You ended up deciding that if you were to stay in the crowd, both of you needed to be willing to make your relationship more public.
It had been seven months of concealing your obvious love for one another. Pretty much the whole team knew about you, and it only took fans a quick video of the two of you looking at each other to piece the clues together. You were both mature enough to keep your private lives private and social lives up to your discretion.
You made the decision to share very minimal parts of your lives together without spelling it out. This meant that you could hug your girlfriend for that little while longer in front of everyone. You could kiss her and not look around to see if anyone was looking. You could tell yourself that Kerstin was yours and you were hers.
But you didn't need public knowledge to make you feel loved by her.
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kerstincasparji — bit of a charmer ✨
viviannemiedema — ❤️
laurenhemp — love that bakery
*liked by kerstincasparji and yourusername
esmemorgan — busy girls
^ wosofan — SHE KNOWS
maryfowler — 🐐
user23 — is she dating the fan??
^ manchestergirl — if you mean the girl in the stand then yeah I think so
jillroord — ew cooties
^ viviannemiedema — shush
^ jillroord — no 😍
user7 — why does she sit in the stands and not in the family and friends section
^ laurenhemp — that's what I said 🫢
yourusername — charmer, huh?
^ kerstincasparji — idk, some pretty girl called me it
^ yourusername — didn't you call her beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, talented, incredible, out of this world
^ kerstincaslarji — she likes to think so.
^ user12 — IS THIS HER??????
^ arsenalwosoxx — THEY HIT THE PENTAGON
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majoregan · 5 months
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Blue Hearts II Kerstin Casparij x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2020
A/N: based off this request. Let us know what you think. 🩵
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Y/N 🩵
laiaalexandri 💪🏻
womenfootballfan Caption 10/10 🔥
The Manchester City squad was taking their lunch together in the club’s cafeteria. A very excited Kerstin Casparij just told her teammates about the great conversation she had with you through social media. Playfully shocked Jill Roord placed one hand on her chest: “I can’t believe you started chatting with a stranger via Instagram, Kerstin.”
Unimpressed by the dramatics of her fellow Dutch friend the defender shrugged it off:” What’s the big deal?” “Ignore her, tell us will you meet her in a real life?”, Esme Morgan waved it off. Hesitant Kerstin bit her lip:” I don’t know yet. She seems nice on her Instagram profile.” “She seems nice, huh?”, Lauren Hemp wiggled with her eyebrows.
Equally teasing Jill asked her:  “What if it’s a serial killer?” “Only if books count as weapons, Jill. I agree with Kerstin she looks adorable.”, Esme shook her head after taking a look at your Instagram profile.  The tall blonde Dutch forward snotted:” You know there could be anyone behind that profile, Esme. You’re just so gullible.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re way too cynical for the fact that you’re in a relationship.”, the English defender shot back with a crooked smile on her lips. Amused the former Wolfsburg player corrected her:” I’m not cynical, I’m Dutch.” “So is Kerstin.”, Lauren observed, it was obvious that they shared their nationality but were very different personalities. That’s why Jill quickly responded:” She doesn’t behave like a Dutchie.”
“Oh my god, she just asked if we want to meet at a bookshop!”, Kerstin exclaimed. Grinning Laura Coombs replied:” Well, there are enough people that would probably notice a murder there.”  “True, so it’s a relatively safe meeting point from her side but I’d get suspicious if she wants to go the crime section.”, Alex Greenwood winked at the Dutch defender.
Smirking Kerstin reassured the older blondes: “I’ll text you SOS If she does that.” “Okay, good.”, Alex nodded satisfied with her answer. Curious Laura glanced at her:” That means you’re going?” “Yes, I’m starving for some new literature.”, she joked. This costed her an eyeroll of her national teammate:” No, you’re starving because you’ve not touched much of your food yet.”
“No, she’s starving for a meaningful emotional bond with someone.”, with these words Alanna Kennedy stole smiling the food off Kerstins plate. Weakly the owner of that dinner protested:” Hey!” “Cheeky chica.”, Leila Ouahabi commented. The Australian player tried to defend her actions in front of her fellow friends: “I was hoping she would go right now and leave her food here.”
“You know what? I’ll.”, motivated Kerstin jumped off her chair. Motherly Laura advised her: “Take that food with you!” “Hey.”, Alanna pouted.  Beaming the Dutch defender said goodbye: “See you tomorrow guys!” “Have fun. And call us if something’s off.”, the English forward reminded her. Groaning Jill hid the face in her hands:” This will end terrible.”
“Or it’s just the beginning of a wonderful story.“, Esme mused, watching Kerstin leave. Alanna shook her head in disappointment; “And she still didn’t leave me any of her food.“ “You can have some of mine. The English food can’t keep up with the spanish.“, Leila laughed, pushing her plate towards the Australian. With a shrug, she dug in; “I’m happy as long as there’s food.“
Meanwhile, you were so distracted looking at literature in the bookshop that you barely noticed someone approaching you. “Hi, y/n?“ You turned around to find Kerstin smiling at you. “Yes, hello, Kerstin.“, you replied politely. Your gaze got caught on the book she was holding in her hands; “Your book pick?“ Kerstin nodded, handing you her book so you could read the synopsis on the back; “Yes.“
“Great choice.“, you smiled at her, impressed by her taste already. Carefully, the football player pointed to the book you were holding; “Can I see yours?“ “Sure.“ “Thanks.“ While Kerstin examine the book, you explained; “I thought Conversations with friends seemed very appropriate for the chats we already had online.“ “I like that.“, Kerstin agreed with a laugh.
Relieved about the fact that you two were getting on as well in real life as you did online, you suggested; “They have a coffee shop here too. Do you want one? Please say you like coffee.“ “Who doesn’t like coffee?“, the dutch football player replied with a laugh. “I heard some do but I never came across that species in the literature department.“, you joked as you both started to make your way to the café.
Grinning, Kerstin admitted; “I’m no exception to that.“ “So you would like a cup?“, you asked. “Yes, sure.“ “Okay, great.“ You ordered for the two of you and sat down at a table next to a window. The smell of coffee filled the air between you two. “Wow, this coffee is really good.“, Kerstin commented right after her first sip. You wrapped your hands around your cup, happily nodding; “Yes, right? It’s one of my favourite places in Manchester?“ “It is?“, Kerstin asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
“Yes, it’s more lively than the uni library and I like that. Do you have a favourite place here?“, you answered truthfully. Kerstin took another sip of her coffee, thinking about the question for a bit; “Actually I do.“ “Apart from the football stadium?“, you grinned, hinting at your shared love for the beautiful game.
“Do you think we football players just spend our entire lives in the stadium? We also go out for coffee or dinner?“, she jokingly rolled her eyes at you. Impatiently, you leaned forward; “No, of course not. So is it a coffee shop or a restaurant?“ A fond smile appeared on the football players face; “It’s Jill Scotts coffee shop. It was the first place the girls took me to when I joined City.“
“That sounds really sweet.”, you answered. Confidently Kerstin thought out loud: “Maybe, I’ll take you there too some time.” “Yes, I’d like that.”, you told her beaming at the prospect of seeing her again. The defender looked deeply interested at you: “So, tell me something about yourself. My teammates thought you might be a serial killer.”
“I can assure you I’m not a serial killer as you know I’m a literature student who does enjoy watching women’s football with her friends in her free time.”, you replied with a crooked smile on your lips. Grinning Kerstin had to admit: “That doesn’t sound so scary.”  
“So yes, I love reading, spending time with friends, love if coffee involved in those meetings and I do own a cat.”, you added. As you mentioned your pet the Dutch player’s face lit up: “You own a cat?” Later you’d get to know that she was a cat owner aswell, making her in your eyes even more lovable. “Yes, she’s called Virginia after you probably guessed it Virginia Woolf but most of the time, we call her Ginny.”, you nodded enthusiastically.
Taking another sip of her coffee, Kerstin said: “Ginny, that’s cute.” “What about you? What do you like besides football?”, you wanted to know from her, playing with a loose string of your hair. The defender’s answer made you fall for her even more when you were already about to: “Reading and photography.” “And writing witty Instagram captions.”, you winked at her.
A warm laugh escaped Kerstin’s mouth, it seemed to have come straight from her belly: “Yeah, that too.” After the nerves of a first meeting have calmed down you two spend a pleasant time at the bookshop chatting about everything and nothing at the same time.
Right before you had to depart you handed her a book with the title Love in the Time of Serial Killers, you couldn’t help but to smirk: “Maybe you should give your teammates that book.” “Maybe, I’ll.”, the Dutch woman told you. Her brain was already busy thinking how to ask you out for another date, she wanted it to be clever and funny like you. But for now, she gave you a kiss on your cheek, whispering a hopeful goodbye and hoped for another hello soon.
On the next day Jill congratulated Kerstin chuckling:” Congrats for not getting murdered.” “Thank you. I even brought you something.”, the younger Dutch player replied with an innocent smile on her face. The blonde who was known to always have a book in her suitcase when she travelled but never read them, threw her eyebrows up at the sight of the gift:” A book?” “You’re welcome.”, Kerstin chirmed.
With a look at the present Alex remarked giggling:” I’m a big fan of the title.” “More important, how was it and will you see her again?” , Esme demanded impatiently. Turning red Kerstin mumbled: “She was very nice and I enjoyed it so yeah, I’ll probably see her again.”
Esmes face lit up with delight; “See, Jill. I was right!“ “About the fact that she wasn’t murdered? Congratulations.“, Jill rolled her eyes. “No, you know what I mean.“, the defender protested. Jill acknowledged her with a dismissive gesture; “Yeah, fine. Love won and all that.“ “It did!“, Esme nodded determinedly. “Sweet.“, Jill commented with a small smile.
Kerstin let out a sigh, giving her teammates a disapproving look; “Girls.“ But even she failed to hide a grin. “We’re happy for you, Kerstin.“, Laura said, putting a gentle hand on Kerstins arm. Impatiently, Lauren asked instead; “Will she come to our next game?“ “Maybe.“, the dutch football player replied with an innocent shrug.
Esme concluded quickly; “So, yes.“ “But I don’t want to introduce her to you.“, Kerstin added, giving each of her team mates a stern look. Esmes eyes went wide in a mixture of surprise and offense; “Why not?!“ “You guys are embarrassing.“, Kerstin laughed. “Us?“, Lauren replied, feigning shock. “Who else?“ The English midfielder shook her head in disappointment; “Rude.“ Alex Greenwood looked less than impressed as she told her teammates; “Don’t worry. Sooner or later we’ll meet her.“
Of course, Alex was right. As soon as the final whistle blew at Manchester Citys next home game, Jill pointed in the direction of the stands; “There’s blue heart!“ “Who’s blue heart?“, you asked surprised as Kerstin came over to quickly give you a kiss. “You are.“, she admitted with an innocent grin.
A smile spread on your face as you remembered the blue heart emoji you sent to Kerstin in response to her Instagram story. The blue heart that started your chatting. “Oh.“, was the only thing you could say to that before Lauren pulled you into a tight hug; “Great to finally meet you.“ “Hi, girls. Nice to meet you all too.“, you smiled at the group of football players that had accumulated around you. “We’ve heard a lot about you already.“, Alex smiled.
Jill added with a smirk; “Yes, Kerstin never shuts up about you.“ “Oh really?“, you replied, catching your girlfriends cheeks turning pink. “That is a lie.“, she protested weakly. “Nah, it’s the truth.“, Chloe Kelly disagreed. Kerstin gave you a pained look; “That’s why I didn’t want them to meet you.“ “But we wanted to meet her.“, Esme interrupted. Kerstin gesticulated towards you; “You did now. You can leave.“ “Oh no, we’ll celebrate that win with a team dinner, remember?“, their captain reminded Kerstin.
Wary, she squinted at Alex; “That was never planned.“ “Yes, it was. Let’s go, girls.“, Chloe yelled. Innocently, you gave your girlfriend a kiss on her cheek; “Sorry, love. I guess we have to join them.“ A sigh escaped her while she interlaced her fingers with yours; “I hate that you’re on their side. But I guess we do.“ “I’m just curious, you know? It’s your team after all.“, you shrugged. “Fine.“
While her teammates slowly retreated to the dressing room, you winked at her; “Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it when we’re back home.“ “That sounds like we have a deal.“, she smiled back at you. “Cuddling with the cats and reading out loud to each other?“, you suggested. Another voice interrupted your conversation; “Sounds disgustingly romantic.“ Jill grimaced in disgust while Esme rolled her eyes at her; “Jill!“
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queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: In which Laura and her wife surprise everyone with not only their marriage, but the ref shocks people on pitch as well
laura coombs x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously
warnings: language, cuteness and slight anger/angst
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y/n just posted
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liked by, 1maryearps, ellatoone and 328, 299 others
tagged lccoombs
y/n derby day tomorrow means pampering today :) 🥰
view 12, 289 comments
username1: I love them so much !!! 🥹🥹
username2: I want this relationship ! 💳💳
username3: RIGHT???
username4: I want someone to love me this much as well! 🥺
username6: SAME 😭
lccoombs: my baby <33
y/n: <333
lucybronze: You never do cute things like this with me :(
y/n: you ain't my girlfriend
lucybronze: I'm your best friend
y/n: you're in BARCELONA??
lucybronze: hmmmph
y/n: answer my ft call rn
username7: FRIENDSHIP GOALS 🥺🥺
keirawalsh: parents 👏😌
y/n: o' sweet child of mine!!! 🥰
stanwaygeorgia: cuties !!
lccoombs: 😘😘
ellatoone: See you tomorrow Laur! ❤️
y/n: she says see you! 💙
alessiarusso99: Love this! 🥺
y/n: love you! 🥺
manutdwomen: love you two sm !! ❤️❤️
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y/n just posted on her story
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username2: ARE THEY?????
username3: THEY HAVE TO BE??? 😱😱😱
username4: OMG OMG OMG OMG
username5: Y/N FUCKING COOMBS OMG 🥰🥰🥰
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y/n couldn't help but laugh at the crowd's reaction to her shirt, the cheers and screams of excitement at the name on the back made Mary roll her eyes playfully.
Laura and y/n had kept their marriage quiet, only a their teams and families came, as well as the England squad. No one seemed to suspect a thing without the engagement announcement.
It had been a gorgeous ceremony, y/n's maid of honour being Lucy and the right-back made her cry far too many times with her speech. And after discussing, y/n decided she wanted her wife's name on her back.
The second the man utd team sheet went up, the comments and her phone had been blowing up, the team and herself finding itself hilarious as people freaked out.
And after taping her ring around her finger and walking out with her team, y/n could see the complete shock her name change had given and it made her grin.
As they walked down the line, high fiving the city players, Laura came face to face with her wife, both being started today due to other injuries in the squads.
Laura smiled softly as she got to her wife last, the blonde pressing a kiss to her wife's ring, which caused a loud 'awww' to ripple through stadium.
y/n smiled softly and winked at her wife before jogging to her team and getting ready to prepare for the match, a small knot of worry in her stomach.
username1: man this game is rough!!
username2: y/n and Laura are so cute tho, the fact Laura instantly pulled her away from Alex is so sweet
username3: y/n's yellow was in no way a card?? 🙄🙄
username4: honestly this ref hates her, because even the commentators said she got the ball???
username5: THIS REF HATES MAN UTD WTF??? 🖕🖕🖕
username6: I AM SOO confused how that is a free kick? Like? Man city were losing so the ref was like oops better let them get a goal???
username7: I'm a city fan and even I think y/n's card was wayyy too harsh?
username8: the way Laura was there like, 'she got the fucking ball?' - like??? 😡😡
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y/n didn't know what was going on. She was aware that she was being rough, but Manchester derby's were always like that. But the ref seemed to have it out for her.
She was on a yellow and she knew it as she jostled with her lover, Laura just slipping past her with her smaller frame. y/n let out a curse of annoyance as she chased after her wife.
She managed to jostle again and dispossess her wife, the blonde sprawling out across the floor in annoyance as y/n's harsh shoulder barge, a legal tackle but an annoying one.
Laura stood up and watched as Mary managed to intercept y/n's pass, her wife letting out another curse of annoyance as she moved back into her defensive position.
However, the shrill call of the whistle stopped the game as Katie dispossessed Mary. Katie threw her arms up annoyance as y/n defended her captain, saying she had fairly got the ball.
To everyone's shock however, the ref held up a second yellow y/n's way, quickly switching to the dreaded red. It was current the 76th minute and 2-2.
"What the fuck?" y/n asked in shock.
"Wait why?" Ella asks running over to the ref.
"Foul language toward another player." The ref stated and y/n's jaw dropped as she looked over to Marc, her manager who was animatedly trying to discuss it with the 4th official.
"I didn't say it to her, I said shit as I tried to chase her down!" y/n yelled, walking toward the ref. "You've had it out for me all game." y/n defends once more.
The ref was having none of her defence and pointed at the tunnel. Despite the game being at City, the crowd suddenly set off in louds sets of boo's at the ref.
The cheer of 'you don't know what you're doing' became louder as y/n continued to shout in anger at the ref, Laura finally tugging her wife away, telling her to calm down.
"Get the fuck off me!" y/n hisses ripping herself out of her wife's hold and her move caused the smaller woman to stumble slightly. The ref blew her whistle again.
y/n let out a dull laugh as she heard the official following her the woman telling her to get off the pitch immediately. y/n scoffed and trudged off the pitch.
Marc was looking as confused as she was and as the ref shouted at her once more, y/n had enough. She chuckled and grabbed her coat from the bench and jumped over the barrier.
The cheers got louder as she moved to the crowd tugging on her coat and lifting her water to her mouth as she sat next to a city fan, who held up his fist for a fist bump, which y/n did.
The ref watched her confused for a moment, as if trying to figure out if she was serious. y/n just opened her arms as if to say 'and what' as she grinned.
"I'm off pitch!" y/n called and Laura had to slide a hand over her mouth to hide her wide grin.
If there was one thing people loved about Laura's wife, it was that she was known for being a sarcastic little shit, it was one of the things people adored about her.
y/n knew they would appeal the cards and at least her red and one yellow would be revoked, because in all honesty she hadn't done shit.
Marc snorted, having to walk away as he tried not to burst out laughing at his longest running player, acting liked a child as she sat in the opposite teams stand, with people cheering for her.
Eventually, the game drew to a close, a draw being the final result even with utd down a woman. Laura moved over to her wife, who was sat chatting to a city fan, who seemed to be in awe of the woman next to her, despite being a City fan.
"You coming trouble?" Laura yelled up to her wife, who grinned and said goodbye to the fan, taking a quick photo before jumping back over the railing and into her wife's arms.
"I'm sorry for snapping love." y/n hummed, Laura chuckling as she pressed a kiss to her lover's head.
"It's okay baby, you had a rough game." Laura promises as they walk into the tunnel.
"She fucking hated me!" y/n defends and Laura sighs pressing a kiss to her wife's head.
"And you are no help with your sass." Laura says and y/n scoffs.
"Just because you're two years older doesn't mean you can mother me!" y/n tells her wife as they near the changing rooms.
"I thought you liked it when I took charge?" Laura asks quietly, her teeth pulling at her wife's earlobe as the woman pauses in shock.
Laura chuckles and kisses her wife's cheek before skipping into the changing room, y/n gulps and pulls at her collar before walking into the changing room, where she is greeted with cheers of amusement by her team.
y/n just posted on her story
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lccoombs posted on her story
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y/n just posted
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liked by, alessiarusso99, 1maryearps and 372, 811 others
y/n don't take lessons off me kids...
view 10, 281 comments
username1: ILY SO MUCH 😍
username2: ICON ICON I-I-I ICON ICON!!! 👏👏👏
username3: her just sitting next to a City fan who fist bumps her ! 😭😭
username4: Laura trying not to laugh
username5: Marc crying! 😭
ellatoone: crazayyyyyy 😂
1maryearps: I have never been so proud in my life! 🥺🥹
katiezelem: As your captain, I reprimand your actions... As your friend, I fucking love you!
y/n: 😝😘
lccoombs: my little troublemaker! 🥰
y/n: you've put a ring on it now baby!! 😌
lccoombs: and would never take it back! 😊
username6: 🥺🥺❤️
katie_mccabe11: Fooking hilarious! 😂
y/n: heheh 😌
lucybronze: I both idolise you and worry about you!
y/n: love you tooo bestie! ☺️☺️
alessiarusso99: omg! 😂😂
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y/n just posted
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liked by 1maryearps, leahwilliamsonn and 402, 299 others
tagged lccoombs
y/n thought it was time you guys received some of these ;)
I love you so much Mrs Coombs xo
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lccoombs just posted
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liked by alexgreenwood5, lauren_hemp and 401, 989 others
tagged y/n
lccoombs the best day of my life. I love you Mrs Coombs xo
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username2: Mrs and Mrs Coombs omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
username3: IT IS SO CUTE
username4: I wanna cry 😭
username5: lucy being maid of honour?? crying! the dresses?? crying! the last dance photo?? crying!
username6: when is it my turn to be god's favourite??? 😭😭
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short but sweet this one - queen laura is criminally underrated so thank you to whoever suggested this one!!
Queenie xo
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Claiming the 6th clip 🤭
Requested by: @hiro--aoki 🙈🙉🙊
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