#convo;; camila m
billyigskars · 4 months
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I caught Upgraded the other day and it was pretty good, in case I haven't told you enough talented you are. Also how stunning you are. I'll have to work on keeping up with you more. How's it going with you lately? || @camilamcndcs
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theregoesgeoff · 1 year
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There was a chance that Geoff was still a bit nervous, but mostly, he was ready. He enjoyed time with Camila and felt they were connecting pretty well. So, he had no doubt in his mind he was finally ready to make things official. For him it wasn’t as easy as it was for his friends/bandmates, he did have his daughter to think about and Farore was his number one priority. Hearing Camila agree to meeting her soon and knowing how he felt himself, the guitarist was definitely a lot more sure of her, and that his daughter would like her a lot.
As soon as he arrived at her place, Geoff parked his car before climbing out, making his way towards the front door before knocking to alert her of his arrival. Now he was just waiting to see that lovely face he started really falling for, the woman that had him currently mentally fumbling over finding the right words to shared what he wanted. || @camilamcndcs​
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heartofsofia · 8 months
Messages 📲 ⇢ Cami 💖
Sofia: Honestly, I swear, the more I see of you since my double binge of Daisy & The Six, the more I just adore you. We need to get together. Girls night, hang out, something. I'm craving this so badly now. Where are you? How are you? || @cami--morrone
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zacharydaefron · 3 months
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Since we're at another amazing place together, tell me, who are you excited to see perform? Should we sing and dance together to something? || @camilamcndcs
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theresbillie · 4 months
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I saw your post about SXSW and I have to say, congrats on that. I'm bummed I didn't get to see the premiere, but I'm sure it's amazing and I'll have to check out your new romcom as soon as possible. How's it going otherwise? || @camilamcndcs
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affection1999 · 2 years
Hunter x human! male reader
brah i need more hunter x male reader ffs SEASON THREE SPOILERS!
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Summary: Hunter meets a human after sneaking out of Luz’s house. then they fall in love yada yad
• Hunter wanted to do something more for Luz and Camila considering that they’ve done so much for them. Catering for him, cooking for him, buying things for him, and just caring for him. Something that he often doesn’t get.
• So he snuck out, he can’t just help them with stitching clothes. He wanted to get something for them, so there he was. Up and about in the human realm, he walked by shops and humans. But something caught his eye, a certain human.
• A human that was unmistakably handsome. he shook his head, no i need to find something special for Camila and Luz. he thought, but the smell of coffee and baked goods caught him going to the cafe the certain male was at.
• The much taller male welcomed him in, hunter awkwardly waved. the quite handsome and intimidating male was the only worker there. Luckily for the male there was only but two or three customers in there. Hunter anxiously walked up to the counter looking up at the good looking male.
• hunter awkwardly coughed, thanking that he brought some human money (stole from camilas purse). “u-uhm what do you think i should get?” Hunter asked as he fiddled with his thumbs. M/n chuckled as he warmly smiled, “you could try our more favorited drink called “everlong” !”
• Hunter couldn’t help but express his emotions hearing the deep voice from the worker. Love at first sight? he thought, hunter already questioning his sexuality with this man he had just met.
• “u-uhm i’ll get just that…then” Hunter uttered pulling a ten dollar bill out of his pocket. “a large, medium, or small?” The male asked staring into hunters eyes and almost examining his features.
• “a medium please..” his voice trailed on giving the ten dollar bill to the worker, getting 6 dollars and 45 cent change back. But as hunter was about to receive his change, hunter accidentally dropped it. spilling the coins and dollar bills on the counter and on the floor. Anxiety ran up through hunters veins, his breathing hitched, his only thoughts were “oh shit people are gonna laugh at me, they’re already judging me aren’t they, he’s judging me isnt he”
• he failed to notice the worker walking to hunter and giving hunter a reassuring pat on his back. “hey bud? are you okay? what’s wrong?” the reassuring words from a stranger was so werid to hunter. what did he deserve to get this?
• “u-um i’m fine, i’m sorry” Hunter said as he straightened himself up. “hey um, i know we just met but if you need to talk to me. come after my shift which is gonna end in ten minutes.” The handsome stranger said as his hand left hunters back and ran to make hunter’s drink.
• Hunter stayed. this is crazy, i cant believe im waiting for a stranger i don’t even know, he thought. He got his drink though, quietly and sneakily taking his drink so he doesn’t have to come in contact with the worker. after ten minutes, the strange came to hunter with normal casual clothes.
• They walked out of the cafe together, tension in the air. Hunter sipped on his drink, instantly liking it as his elf like ears perked up. “good right?” the human chuckled as he walked with his hands in his pockets. “yeah that’s surprisingly good” Hunter said as it for quiet again.
• “so are you new to this town? we usually don’t get new neighbors” M/n said sparking up a conversation once again. Hunter stayed silent and answered “oh yeah!” silence once again.
• m/n couldn’t help but cringe, this is gonna be a long convo. “do you like art museums? we have one here, we could go there if you like.” M/n asked patiently waiting for the short male to respond.
• Unsurprisingly, Hunter said yes and they both went. Hunter and M/n finally got out of the awkward stage and talked more about themselves. Hunter had never felt so comfortable with a person he had just met, it was awfully werid and comforting. Unfortunately the hangout had to end.
• “Ya’know hunter it was really nice hanging out with you, and i hope we could do this again.” M/n warmly smiled as hunter stared at him. “yeah i had a nice time,,” His voice trailed off scared that this was gonna end just like that.
• “can i get your number?” Hunter never knew that M/n would say those words. “oh um yeah it’s..”
• After that, they hang with each other continuously and of course hunter had to tell the others. Luz and Amity never knew that hunter would have any feelings for a guy…they thought he was just a straight white boy. The others knew he was a little fruity but never questioned him.
• However their hangout was a little different, m/n was more fidgety and more careful on his words. It was only at the end of their hangout when m/n finally asked hunter something that made his heart flutter.
• “um, i don’t know how to start this hunter, i’ve always liked you the day you walked up to my counter and asked me what drink you think you should get. And i was wondering, hunter if me and you could um, date?” M/n asked as he looked away from hunter’s eyes, hunters eye grew wide as he almost made an excited noise.
• Hunter couldn’t contain his happiness and hugged M/n so tightly that he practically couldn’t breathe. “yes! yes yes yes yes” Hunter said in the chest of M/n.
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arianagbutera · 2 years
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I feel like I need more of you in my life, so let’s bond a bit, maybe arrange a girls night. Are you busy at the moment? Right now, I’m personally just eagerly waiting for R.E.M Beauty to launch in Ulta on the 17th. How’s one of my favorie Rivderdale ladies? Also, I’m doing pretty good myself.  || @camimcndxs​​
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theregoesgeoff · 1 year
Text📲 ⇢ Camila
Geoff: If you don't mind a nice guy who's kind of bold, I'm just going to ask if you'd like to go out on a date sometime. Whenever you're free.
Geoff: You'll the connection if you don't just go for it, right?
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shelovescontrol91 · 5 years
4/? She’s talking about when she heard the songs. I feel like shAwn didn’t wanna come out and admit it bc she was w M. But the songs were too obvious and that had to have some sort of convo about it leading to the awkwardness at the tswift show. I think that got resolved, Shawn seemed to be going out in TO a lot around this time and he and camila were chill at jingle ball and the Grammys - so their friendship was coming back. That makes IICHY make so much sense bc the lines “I cant move on if
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zacharydaefron · 4 months
(Text): I promise once I am done at SXSW, I will come find you wherever you might be!
Text: Now I'm already counting down the days, until then. 😘
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Me and Camila's convo at the m&g she called me adorable twice 😍 she also called me by my name I'm still shook (audio only) @waakeme-up
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theregoesgeoff · 1 year
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It seems wrong to leave a lovely gal like you out here alone. I hope whoever you roomed with is amazing, but they can’t hog you the whole time right? Care for a drink? Maybe sight seeing? Stargazing together? || @camilamcndcs​
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zacharydaefron · 4 months
(Text): I have to say my bed is a little cold at night without you besides me warming me up, just saying.
Text: What a way to really make a guy miss the best days. Now I'll be hoping one of us wraps soon so we can change this.
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