#context: we have been testing out a sample of Writer's Blood and it's a very neat ink
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#we speak#fountain pen#or at least. related#context: we have been testing out a sample of Writer's Blood and it's a very neat ink
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(Continue from Part 1)We are now in Part 2, and Nichols takes over the writing. A guy named Stan Campbell claims that he “programmed” the Montauk Boys. You remember them, right? They were the kids who were kidnapped due to their Aryan bodies and sent hurtling through time. Now, that was pretty dumb, but can it get any dumber?“Back in the early 1970's, the Montauk group became interested in programming children. According to legend, gray aliens picked up about fifty kids and delivered them to Montauk. They would then be programmed and separated into three groups: ages 6-12, 13-16, and 16-22.”Yes.Yes it can. So we’re dealing with, what, three alien races now?The first group was split into two subgroups if they survived the “processing”; one was given to the “grays”, and the other was “programmed” and placed back in their families. Supposedly, they were programmed to be sleeper agents for the government to activate at any time with a hypnotic command “so that they band together into vigilante squads and go after government enemies” and is this really where The Division came from? Seriously?The second two groups were also meant to infiltrate society, and were also split into two subgroups. One was meant to serve as mindless assassins to murder a specific target, and the other was meant to form satanic cults that would accomplish… something. I don’t know, it doesn’t really seem like the Church of Satan is doing so well, nowadays.So apparently this had been going on for some time at good old Brookhaven National Labs. Apparently the aliens were also harvesting the boys’ fear somehow. Alas, even Nazi-run plans to create prepubescent Manchurian Candidates in association with gray aliens fall victim to affirmative action, as some darker haired and even (gasp!) darker-skinned boys were also included. So I guess we shouldn’t rule this out as a possible Stranger Things plot point!Oh, who am I kidding, of course we should.The book then goes into excruciating detail about how the “reprogramming” process went, and I will not be retyping it here because it’s horrible. My apologies to all the S&M pedophiles and Business Insider writers reading this.Chapter 10 discusses the guy who spilled all of this; “Stan Campbell”, which is a fake name meant to protect his identity. Nichols met him at a 1991 lecture by Elaine Donald, a civil rights advocate speaking on behalf of- nah, I’m just kidding, she’s another damn psychic. Anyway, Nichols offers to drive Campbell home. Campbell accepts, and reveals the following;“…he let loose, describing problems as an abductee, problems with the Government and consequent legal difficulties. He had been accused of embezzlement but didn't remember doing it. Although here called opening bank accounts and getting money from somewhere, he wasn't sure exactly what he'd done.”I think I might have an idea as to what “Campbell’s” true identity is.So Campbell had another conversation with Nichols later, revealing even more information. Nichols deduced that he had been “violated” and describes him thusly;“He was paranoid, his mind was weak and he virtually had no will of his own.”This only reinforces my hypothesis.Under hypnosis, Campbell reveals that he was abducted by government agents riding in UFOs. Then came this bizarre series of events;“Eventually, Stan started to remember activity with the CIA. In the early 1980's, he had received a phone call at 3:00 A.M. with someone requesting that he apply for work at the CIA. He was told to report to a specific place and fill out application forms. Subsequently, he was requested to go to the New York Institute of Technology and take a test. He was contacted again and told that he did extremely well on the test. Then, he was told to report to a particular hotel (I recall it being The New Yorker) under an assumed name and that there would be a room waiting for him. He gave a false name, was given a key and went in and waited. Stan said the room was suspicious because it was next to a utility closet and there was a mirror on the wall next to the closet. He was fairly sure that there were cameras and surveillance equipment behind the mirror. After a while, the phone rang and a lady came up and gave him a battery of psychological tests. He returned home and was eventually contacted again. He was told that he'd done very well on the tests and that he had to report to the final testing section. This unit was in Virginia in a town I remember being called Crabwell Corners. There, he went to a Holiday Inn. He was sure it wasn't open to the public because it always had "no vacancy" signs yet there were any never people in it. Each room had car keys and other things that went along with it. Stan was given another fictitious name and told to go to a room on the second floor and wait. A number of people came in and did more tests. During the tests, he was sent from one room to another. The whole experience was very strange and he didn't remember half of it. The "testing" was odd, to say the least. He remembered waking up stark naked with his rear end up in the air. A lot of times different parts of his body would hurt. Three out of the four days he was there, his anal opening hurt. This was about all he remembered. He was eventually told that the testing was complete and that he should go home and wait for further instructions.”Ah, the days before Internet applications.So after getting shoved into the trunk of a limo and then being electrically shocked in the navel while an alien watched at an old castle (seriously), Campbell recalled that he had been diverting funds to the “carry on” of the Montauk Project in the Alsace-Lorraine Mountains in Europe.Chapter 11 is called “The Devil’s Chapter”. Nichols brings Campbell to Cameron and discovers that he’s under the influence of several aliens. Somehow, Cameron managed to break the aliens’ influence over Campbell, who proceeds to recognize Cameron. Apparently he was one of the directors at Montauk, having had “some psychic resonance” with Cameron and he was in charge of breaking and reprogramming the kids. So I guess this guy is the equivalent to Martin Brenner (you might want to go back and read his whole recruitment process again with that in mind; it’s kind of hilarious). He even describes how he shoved some of the boys into a small, dark “five sided” room deep underground. He also used cages made of chicken wire.So after describing some body horror involving the kids and being electroshocked, Campbell describes… this;“The next thing he saw was a rectangular opening appearing above the table where they had done the programming. He was sucked right up into the rectangular opening and found himself dressed in early Jewish robes about the time of Christ.”No…They’re not…“The next thing Stan knows, he's in the time of Christ. His mission, as he remembers it, is to go find Jesus and do two things.”You’ve got to be kidding me…“First, he's supposed to remove a sample of blood and then he's supposed to kill Him.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Well, I was wrong. Against all odds, these two managed to top themselves.We’re not even halfway done, by the way.“He finds Christ and Christ greets him in a most surprising fashion. He said that He knows what Stan is there for and He even volunteers to give him the sample of blood. But, Christ indicates that He is not ready to die yet. He tells Stan that he will not be able to kill Him. Operating on his orders from Montauk, Stan then reports emptying a revolver into Christ without phasing Him.”“The whole experience might have lasted for ten hours in terms of Montauk time but Stan felt that he had been in the time of Christ for about two months. We believe that Stan may have somehow become Judas or walked into his body. Somehow, it seemed that he assumed the identity of Judas, betrayed Christ and arranged for His death as reported in the Bible. Again, this was all on order from Montauk.”…..Do I really need to comment on this? I think it speaks for itself.“None of this is terribly clear. It is also highly controversial from a religious point of view.”NO SHIT.“Stan reported that he brought a vial of blood from Christ back to Montauk. He didn't want to give it up and continued to hold on to it. Then, he felt a burning and the blood "went through him" like an exorcism. He was subsequently sent through a portal to Mars and told to hand over the blood to Christ who he would find on Mars. Stan then emerged out of the underground on Mars and saw a mountain range. Near a mesa, in the corner of a group of rocks, stood a tall thin figure who looked like Christ in robes. He walked over and nervously extended the blood to the robed figure. As the figure accepted the blood, he looked up and Stan now saw the face of Duncan Cameron, masquerading as Christ. Duncan stood there frozen for a number of minutes and Stan took off. The time context of this is not known but we guess that it is late July of 1983 because of some incidents that Duncan has additionally reported on.”No, dear reader, you are not hallucinating. I would like to remind you that many people treat these books as indisputable, hard truth. I would also like to remind you once again that Duncan Cameron was the guy that Eleven was based off of. Please keep that in mind while you read this;“Stan then went back to the Martian underground, popped into the vortex and returned to Montauk. There, he was told that they wanted the blood because it could be mixed into Duncan's bloodstream in such a manner that Duncan would have the same DNA blood coding as that which is on the Shroud of Turin. This could then be used as an argument (quite falsely) that Duncan is the second coming of Christ. Whether the exact details of the incident are accurate, this aspect of the story rings true because Duncan's training (in his current body, born in 1951) had groomed him all along to be the Antichrist… According to what we've been able to put together, Duncan had been trained to be the Antichrist.”Wow.Just… wow.“What apparently happened during this ridiculous and perhaps unprecedented manipulation of time is that the powers at Montauk were trying to usurp the very power of God. Christ, as the representative of God, got the last laugh. His blood was wanted for diabolic purposes, but He reversed the entire process. The blood ended up having a cleansing effect on Duncan and changed his entire personality. Before that incident, Duncan was conceited and arrogant. Afterwards, he became quite a nice person. His first order of business was to meet with a cabal of people at Montauk who would sabotage the project. An arrangement was made to release Junior and the Montauk Project became inoperable. Although it is still active in some form today, the Montauk operatives are not believed to have anywhere near the capability they had in1983… The important point is that it indicates the Christ consciousness prevailed and saved us all from possible manipulation by the Montauk Project. Mankind can be saved from devastation and there are higher forces at work that we can align ourselves with.”So a cabal of time-traveling-weather-controlling-mind-controlling-teleportation Neo-Nazis using the power of the Force with the assistance of three alien races were personally defeated by Jesus Christ Himself and the Demogorgon’s inbred cousin from the Pacific Northwest.This. Fucking. Book.……………………………………………………………………………………….Moving on…Oh yeah, there’s more. Only in the world of Peter Moon and Preston B. Nichols is an appearance by our Lord and Savior not the climax.So after that, Campbell was accused of embezzlement by the “Charles Food Company”, which Nichols claimed is a Mob-run organization that assisted the Montauk Project by grabbing kids off the street. They got involved with Campbell because after Jesus kicked the Project’s ass there was still a whole bunch of kids left over. The government kindly set up a trust fund for them, but it ran out of money (this is the most realistic part of the book). So they assigned Campbell to manage it. The Company would put the money in his account while he managed it, but he utter messed it up so the Company ended up suing him for embezzlement in 1988 for $400,000 ($4,616,000 in today’s money). Over the course of legal proceedings, Campbell was being stalked and harassed by government agents, which lead to Nichols delivering this bit of helpful advice;“At this point, I began to threaten over the phone (which I know to be tapped) that if Stan was locked up, I would go and prove the Montauk Project as much as I could and also go public on my involvement in the Moriches Bay UFO crash (I helped to shoot it down when I worked for BJM by jamming its drive with the appropriate frequencies — a whole other story).”Nichols… you broke me. You don’t have to keep coming up with means to test my sanity.So after a whole bunch of legal drama, Campbell was sentenced to thirty-three months in federal prison. In order to prevent him from being brainwashed while in prison by making several public appearances and by having a psychic safeguard his mind.In Chapter 13, Peter Moon approaches Elaine Donald, the psychic who introduced Campbell to Nichols.“Elaine said that all the things that Stan came up with were under the influence of the drug Prozac and that he wanted nothing to do with Montauk… It was all pure hallucination and/or delusion.”Oh my God, a voice of sanity! There’s still hope!This hope is immediately crushed when it is revealed that Campbell was brainwashed in prison. Sigh easy come, easy go.Chapter 14 is all about Alien Treaties.Are you really surprised by this point?“The first treaty between aliens and the U.S. Government was supposedly signed in 1913. I don't have any information on it other than it involved World War 1.”I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments as to what exactly this treaty could have entailed.“The second treaty was signed somewhere around 1945 to 1947. This was supposed to be an alien technology exchange of some kind. Rumor indicated this exchange was with aliens that referred to themselves as the ‘K Group’… The K Group had been alarmed by the dropping of the atom bomb and wanted the world to disarm from nuclear weapons. They apparently feared what mankind might do. There was an agreement that nuclear devices would be abandoned in return for other technology. Of course, this treaty was not adhered to by the humans and the K Group totally abandoned us.”Well, Klaatu, barada, nikto, K Group.“The third treaty happened when the Regelian grays came and contacted the Government. These grays said they could help us, but they wanted us to help them as well. They desired certain technology. According to what I'm told, this treaty was agreed upon sometime between 1951 and 1954. We are currently under this treaty although the grays have violated it from time to time.”Why am I not surprised.Chapters 15-18 just describe how humans received transistors courtesy of the Orions and K Group. There isn’t much of interest here, other than the Roswell crashed UFO (got to work that in!) carrying human body parts and President Truman haggling with aliens.We have reached Part 3, and Peter Moon takes over once again. Chapter 19 is literally about Moon and Nichols arguing over the movie rights to the book. Again, there’s not much of interest except for whatever reason, Moon immediately assumes that the studio executive he negotiates with is an alien.In Chapter 20, Nichols receives a bunch of transistors containing original alien tech from “Orion Diversified”. Moon then meets a doctor referred to as “Dr. O” who allegedly came up with a way to treat AIDs, but is being suppressed by The Man because…. I have no fucking idea.Moon then gives this interesting piece of information;“And for those who do not know, anyone in the New York area who deals in the carting industry had better be approved or sanctioned by the mob. If you don' t believe me, try opening up a competitive business and see what happens.”We’re almost in the home stretch and I am way too tired to research this, so I’ll just take Moon’s word for it and assume that the garbage men are all mobsters from now on.Moon then describes how Nichols was approached by a government agent who offered him another job because apparently the government is still trying to time-travel. Nichols declined. In response, Dr. O implies that he was a part of the Project as well, and reveals that he has figured out a way to reverse aging. Moon leaves us with this quote;“Immortality and time travel might be fun, but they also require a lot of hard work.”Couldn’t have said it better.Chapters 21-23 are just about Moon and Nichols traveling around and talking to people. They first met von Neumann, who was the guy who sold Nichols the receiver at the end of the first book. He only gives a few cryptic statements. Then, the duo visit Klark, the guy who introduced Nichols to von Neumann. Klark is apparently holding pieces for Nichols to build a time machine with. He also wants to aid in the next book, and then use the profits from it to build a time machine. Well, you better use the money I gave you for these books well, Klark. They then visit a woman named Helga Morrow, whose father worked at Montauk. His job was to train psychics to communicate with astronauts and figure out a way to integrate aliens into human society. Oh, and when Helga was born, this happened;“During the gestation process, her mother's gynecologist, a noted spiritualist by the name of Dr. Haase, inserted a mysterious metallic rod into the womb in order to enhance the I.Q. and psychic ability of Helga. She was a government experiment! To this day, you can see what appears to be an antenna structure in X-ray pictures of her head. This is part of what makes her an acute sensitive and psychic.”I’m debating whether “taking copious amounts of LSD in isolation tanks while pregnant” or “jamming a metal rod in a fetus’s head” is a dumber explanation for psychic abilities. Regardless, her father had disappeared shortly after being involved with Montauk and she has been looking for him since.Chapter 24 deals with a woman who claimed that her father was involved with the Philadelphia Experiment. This woman was one of a set of triplets, and is referred to as “Baby A”, and her sisters are referred to as “Baby B” and “Baby C”. Apparently, their father was the one manning the controls for the experiment at Norfolk. Oh, and Babies A and C were created from alien DNA. Because of this, they are psychic.Well, I think this explanation may take the gold.Oh, and apparently mind-control experiments were being done in Sembach, Germany as well.Chapter 25 is about the filming of the documentary. While doing this, our heroes find out that Montauk was covering up the disappearances of the kidnapped kids because “Montauk is a tourist town and shocking news does not make for more people and good business.”I beg to differ.When the camera crew arrived at Camp Hero, there was a mysterious hole in the side of the transmitter building. They enter and describe the interior;“Perhaps the biggest find during this period was a house next to the officers' lounge. The upstairs contained the oddest "military" decor you've ever seen. One room was loud paisley, another tiger striped, and one was painted like confetti. There was a fourth room that was painted black and white in the strangest pattern arrangement. I first speculated that it might have been a base whorehouse.”Well that’s nice. So after a hard day of time-traveling and torturing children, base personnel had a means to unwind. I wonder if they let the aliens use it too.So after attempting to record some “hues” coming from the base, the filming wrapped up, and you can watch the whole thing in all of its early 90’s VHS glory here. However…”Before the documentary shooting began, Duncan's readings said it must all be completed before the 18th of January (1993) or there would be danger. His information was very specific. Further readings indicated that four aliens from the Andromedan galaxy had entered the underground base and caused some sort of etheric distortion in the electromagnetic field over Montauk. They apparently caused an explosion in the entire underground and caused untold damage to the current Montauk operation. The Andromedans are believed to be benevolent and were willing to sacrifice their lives to sabotage the Montauk underground.”I am so happy that I have long ceased to care about pointing out how absurd this. So Nichols went back to the base to get some more footage and got accosted by a couple of state troopers. Nichols actually managed to win a lawsuit (which I can’t seem to find any record of) against them. Security was now significantly tightened at the base.Chapter 26 is where we learn that the Montauk Manor is haunted by ghosts (yes, ghosts), because it was built on top of a Native American burial ground. Well, nice to know that Moon is a Kubrick fan. Oh, and also a “coven of witches” meets on the base grounds to perform rituals. And there’s apparently “many” covens on Long Island. I never saw any sign of witches anywhere, but fine.Chapter 27 begins with a discussion of a man named Kenn Arthur who Moon met at a Psychotronics meeting;“Kenn was extremely cynical about Preston's story and would sometimes makeup the most hysterical jokes about it. However, he would be the first to admit that he is obsessed with pessimism about anything. As time went by, I would make little discoveries that indicated that a project really did exist. He'd laugh it off in one way or another.”Hey, I think I found my “past incarnation”!“As time went by, the main thrust of his communication was that Preston's story was an elaborate hallucination.”Yeah, tell these lunatics off, Kenn! I’m beginning to like this guy!“He said that the true story is far more bizarre than anything Preston could possibly put together.”God damn it.So, Arthur explains the “true” story behind where the Nazi gold came from (if you forgot about that, I don’t blame you). It did not come from a seized train in France, but instead;"In 1945, the Nazis, convinced the Third Reich was about to fall, sent a U-boat to Montauk containing riches seized during the invasion of France with instructions to bury them underground inside twelve metal shell casings. The German sailors followed orders and buried the treasure at Camp Hero with a large rock nearby to be used as a landmark. After the war, the money and jewels were to be used for bribes, false passports and safe passage to the United States and South America for high officers of the Reich."Oh yeah, that’s much more plausible.So apparently the Germans handed off the money to the government in exchange for immunity and “many ended up owning barber shops on Myrtle Avenue in Ridgewood, Queens.”Sure, fine, whatever. I’ll assume that all the barbers in Queens are Nazis from now on.Chapter 28 starts off by claiming that there is a series of catacombs under Montauk, with entrances under the Montauk Manor, Camp Hero, and of course, Mark Hamill’s house. Apparently they were funded by the German Kaiser in the early 1900s to reach “Inner Earth”. They also connected to another mansion that served as a boys’ military academy that was shut down for several health and safety violations. Moon concludes that this academy was a cover for the kidnapped boys from the Project.Chapter 29 deals with a woman referred to as “Madam X”. She explains that there are 12 different “mystery schools” monitoring Cameron. What’s a mystery school?“Also known as secret societies, these are organized groups that have been around since time immemorial. Their names sometimes change with the winds of politics but throughout history there have been many branches. The Illuminati, Knights Templars, Masons and Rosicrucians are just a few samples of organizations that have been identified as mystery schools. While the aforesaid are well known throughout history and are at time considered notorious, there are others that work more secretly in an effort to balance what the others have done.”Well, I guess The Secret World can be seen as a documentary, then.“The Order of Melchizedek, the Magi and the Order of the Seven Rays would all fit into the latter category. I don't know the full organizational charts and interrelationship of all the groups. That is a job for conspiracy theorists.”Oh look, Moon is trying to distance himself from conspiracy theorists. Cute.“Since the beginning, the twelve major mystery schools have been concerned with the balance of good and evil or light and dark. It is in this realm with which we can identify the Antichrist. The Antichrist is important because it is the focal point of what Montauk is about.”Yep. The “focal point” of the infamous Montauk Project, the thing that our beloved show was based off of, was summoning the Antichrist.Moon… Nichols… whoever’s writing this… what’s going on up there?I mean… no sane person can come up with this. I’m genuinely kind of concerned for their mental well-being. The rest of the chapter is basically just an explanation of Crowley’s theories that the “Christ” and “Antichrist” must be kept in balance.Chapter 30 is about Jack Parson’s magical experiments with his pal L. Ron Hubbard in 1946, in which he performed the “Babalon Working” ritual.“It involved creating a Moonchild which was the raising of the Antichrist as was explained in the last chapter. Parsons also viewed this experiment as reversing the stagnant and unbalanced patriarchal power structure of the Piscean era. He was also a big fan of womankind and in this work he sought to bring out the Goddess energy that had been repressed for millennia.”And what is a “Moonchild”?“There are differing views. Cameron explained to me that she's uncomfortable with the word. She said that every time one has sex, a thought form is created. This is sometimes called a Moonchild. The thought form will go out and do the bidding of the magicians involved (sex partners).”All the more reason to use condoms, then.So how did the actual ritual go?“Parsons and Cameron gave their sexual energy with Hubbard overseeing the operation and using his astral vision. It was an exhaustive operation which was designed to open an interdimensional door for the manifestation of the goddess Babalon (which means understanding), the Mother of the Universe. She would appear inhuman form, and many to this day consider that Cameron is indeed the incarnation of Babalon.”And what did this accomplish?“According to the accounts of many others, Parson (along with Hubbard and Cameron) succeeded in creating a rift in space-time (not unlike the Philadelphia Experiment). A doorway to "the other side" or another dimension was created. It was after this operation that UFO sightings began to be reported en masse. The famous Roswell crash occurred in 1947, prior to the death of Aleister Crowley. Whatever happened during the Babalon Working, there is extremely wide acceptance in both magical and scientific circles that something of an extremely profound nature occurred that had an extreme interdimensional effect. Besides the massive UFO sightings that followed, there was also the National Security Act and the formation of the CIA.”In case you ever wondered how the Central Intelligence Agency was formed, there’s your answer; it involved magical sex-spirits. Also I thought Cameron kicked off the UFO wave when he shut the defense system off on Mars in the last book. I really don’t want to know what it says about me that I’m paying more attention to the continuity of these books than the authors.“It is also noteworthy to point out that, according to Cameron, both Parsons and Hubbard were never the same after the experiment. Both would have many struggles and Parsons would be officially assassinated six years later. Ironically, the Capitol building in Washington. D.C. was stormed by UFOs within a very short time after Parsons died.”We’re almost done folks, just hang in there a little longer.So essentially the Babalon Working is a way to achieve CHIM and obtain the power of God. I’m sure this gives the guys over at r/teslore boners, but what the hell does this have to with Montauk?Well, Chapter 31 reveals the Jack Parsons was the guy who ran the entire Montauk Project. Maybe. Or maybe the Montauk Project was just a synchronicity with Parson’s work. It’s not really clear. Also, “JPL” actually stands for “Jack Parsons Laboratory” rather than “Jet Propulsion Laboratory” (that’s an ego trip if I ever saw one). And L. Ron Hubbard was a wizard.Moving on.In Chapter 32, Moon learns that Parsons and Hubbard were censored by Crowley due to their interest in Chaos Theory. Yes, Chaos Theory, the thing Jeff Goldblum refused to shut up about in Jurassic Park.By this point if a T-Rex suddenly appeared in this book and murdered everyone, I would not even bat an eyelash.So apparently in 1943 Crowley did a ritual in England that caused a “line of rough water” to appear and point toward Long Island. And he also used magick to aid Rudolf Hess’s attempted peace mission. And he created the Loch Ness Monster. And he was looking for a powerful magical item called “The Book of Desolation”. Also, interestingly enough, he discusses the Upside-Down;“Amado explained to me that most people misconstrue spanning the distance to mean going from the physical plane to the astral plane. This is not correct. The world we live in is here and now, like Zen masters teach. This is our "reality" in which we exist. But the world "there" is a different reality into which we may wander on occasions. Spanning the distance means to go from "here" to "there". Between the two worlds is a transformational state.”Or least I think it is. Look, I’m just trying to justify the colossal amount of time I spent writing this by actually connecting it to the damn show somehow.Chapter 33 is where Moon explains something that I’m sure has been scientifically proven; sterility in twins indicates a virgin birth.What, you didn’t know that? Come on, it’s common knowledge!“A virgin birth refers to interdimensional mating and results in what is called a Moonchild or Sexchild. This is also a sterile birth, and the sterility results from the interdimensional mating.”“On a physical level, a virgin (or even any other woman) can be impregnated and not know how. This is the result of a latent male protein from the father that resides in all females but cannot be found unless it is triggered. It is in fact an acid that acts just like a sperm and penetrates the zona pellucida, a protective body which contains a sack. The zona pellucida is very hard to penetrate. If it wasn't, any old sperm or perhaps anything else (like animal sperm) could come in and be a candidate for gestation.”“Normal pregnancy occurs when the native (or psychic) intelligence in the cell receives a message that a sperm is out there waiting to enter. If the proper biological conditions are present, the sperm is permitted access. In the case of a virgin birth, the protein is activated to act like a sperm and "fools" the zona pellucida into thinking it's a sperm. A child is eventually born with the gestation period usually lasting ten months.”“The protein referred to above is located in the body's original cells which are eight in number and located at the base of the spine. This is the root of "kundalini" and is the first physical base of life where spirit first united with matter. These eight cells are juxtaposed in a geometrical fashion that consists of two pyramids. Four cells make up a pyramid or tetrahedron. The other four make another similar pyramid. The two tetrahedrons then interlock upside down to each other. If you were to take a two dimensional side view, this cell structure would look like the Seal of Solomon, more popularly recognized as the Star of David. This geometric structure contains all the wisdom of the universe and can be tapped either psychically or electromagnetically. (This is also the exact point where Montauk boys have had incisions for abduction purposes). This tetrahedral structure is what is penetrated by the magician when a Moonchild is created. His own consciousness or psychic/sexual energy (which is electromagnetic in nature) is taking the latent protein within the center of the tetrahedrons and is awakening the kundalini within the zona pellucida. A magical child is thus created.I am so fucking done with this book.The gist is that this method ended up creating Christ and the Antichrist, and Parson ended up creating the Wilson twins (and by extension Cameron the Antichrist) through this method because I guess he was Darth Plagueis all along.I have never been more relieved to see the word “Epilogue” then I am now. Moon talks a bit more about Parsons and Crowley, and the book mercifully ends with this message;“New information about Montauk, its ramifications and other projects continues to come in. There is no shortage of excitement or lack of avenues to pursue in our quest for understanding the universe(s).”“We will talk to you again later.”Great, thanks for reminding me that there’s fifteen books left.Thus concludes *Adventures in Synchronicity”, a book that took another book that was already completely insane and then injected it with two shots of pure LSD. If you managed to survive reading this with your sanity intact, then I applaud you.The purpose of these commentaries was to inform all of you guys and gals of the origin of Stranger Things. Well, I accomplished that part. The second purpose was to formulate a prediction for Season 2. So, based solely on this tomes of madness, here are my predictions:Jonathan is going to drop dead of a heart attackHopper is going to spend the entire season in a courtroom fending off a lawsuit from conspiracy theorists he arrested.Nancy is going to become a born-again Christian and reject both Jonathan and Steve in favor of a magical wino fisherman.Brenner is going to survive, and will end up working out of a mob-owned ice cream truck.Lonnie is going to use the money from his lawsuit to build a time machine.Steve is going to join the Sea Org.Mr. Clark is going to remember that he was an employee of the Brookhaven Hawkins National Laboratory, and then write seventeen books about it, inspiring a generation of conspiracy theorists.Mike, Dustin and Lucas are going to embark on a Goonies-style hunt for Nazi gold, but will get abducted by aliens and be reprogrammed as sleeper agents/hitmen.Will is going to be the host for the Antichrist.Eleven is going to be revealed as the literal Second Coming.It will be revealed that Aleister Crowley saved Barbara at the last second, faked her death and trained her to be a Time-Lord.Mark Hamill will have a cameo.Well, that’s it for this one. Check in on the Hawkins Book Club next week, where we’ll take a look at Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness.Thanks for reading, and until then, Stay Strange.The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time Overview via /r/StrangerThings
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