#considering there isnt as many ppl so it isn't as confusing
hallofharmony · 1 year
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daydream forester in the passage of alignment
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twentytworoses · 3 years
Chuuya Nakahara
Gryffindor but the Hat very nearly sent him to Hufflepuff (Chuuya overheard someone in the train say that Hufflepuff is a house for ppl who aren't special and he tried to change the Sorting Hat's decision bcs he wants to look cool lmao)
He's good at Defense but someone constantly needs to remind him to use his wand, not his fists.
He doesn't care about his grades, until he met Dazai and suddenly everything became a competition.
He's got a black cat named Arahabaki and he's a little demon (Baki hates Dazai and thats why Chuuya loves him)
His rivalry with Dazai is widespread and professors have to keep them away from each other to avoid stirring fights.
He doesn't give a shit about house rivalry because Kouyou is a Slytherin, he'll beat up anyone who annoys him no matter their house.
Chuuya is a half-blood
Chuuya's housemates are confused with his relationship with Dazai; they say they hate each other but most times, you'll find them hanging out even in their free time. (this is mostly bcs of Dazai who goes out of his way to find Chuuya and annoy him and suddenly they spent the whole day together)
He's amazing in Quidditch, and has a talent for Charms. He later becomes the Captain.
Tachihara, a gryffindor and his teammate, is Chuuya's best friend (I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP DONT @ me)
Nobody mentions his height. NOBODY.
Dazai Osamu
Before the Sorting Hat could fully reach his head, it screamed "Slytherin!" almost immediately.
Dazai hates green, and complains about how the colors don't match his fashion sense
Dazai's background remains a mystery to everyone. He has qualities that make up a high-class pureblood and his clothes are all tailored expensively, and yet no one knows who the fuck he is or where he came from. When someone asks, he bullshits his answer every time.
In big parties, people has seen Dazai interact with Mori Ougai (the Minister of Magic) in multiple occasions and people suspect that he might be Mori's ward or son he's kept hidden all this time.
Dazai mostly fools around, doesn't take anything too seriously and yet his housemates are fucking terrified of him. Students from other houses don't understand the fear considering they only see him as a "goofy" slacker.
Dazai isnt friends with anyone in his house, and if he isn't seen with Chuuya, he's with Oda, a Hufflepuff student who's two years older than him. They have an inseparable friendship and Dazai grows to respect him.
Oda is the only person Dazai is willing to listen to.
In potion making, Dazai is kept in a seperate table, alone, where he just sits there, not doing anything until all of the students finished with theirs. He's only allowed to do his potion when he has a supervisor watching him bcs he's drank or exploded his cauldron so many times that he's a safety hazard to his classmates and himself.
He's shit at Potions and following basic instructions.
He could score all of his subjects perfect, but he doesn't want to.
Yes, Dazai threw himself into the Black Lake. And jumped from the Gryffindor tower. And broke curfew to explore in the Forbidden Forest where he met a giant spider. And drank a highly dangerous potion before getting disappointed that he grabbed the wrong one. And—
Dazai broke every rule there is and somehow, for some ungodly reason, he isn't expelled yet.
Once a slytherin student was curious about what's under Dazai's bandages and snuck in his room to peak while he was dressing. He never came back the same again.
Professors rarely call Dazai out for recitation, because he'd always add an unnecessary comment and most of the times its directed to Chuuya and given the redhead's fiery attitude, Chuuya responds back and Dazai eggs him on until it ends with an inevitable brawl.
Someone spread rumors about Dazai had killed someone in the past; the fact that Dazai can see Thestrals and never denied anything doesn't help at all.
Dazai is incapable of producing a Patronus.
Chuuya knows something about Dazai's past considering when they first met, there was an instant resentment and familiarity. These two clearly had history together before they attended Hogwarts.
Dazai's grades are higher than average, but not like impressive. The only time he's ever shown a bit of seriousness in his grades is when Chuuya challenged him, and suddenly, his grades are all O's (except for his Potions LMAO). Chuuya loses.
No one's sure what the losing punishment is but Dazai now calls Chuuya his "dog" and Chuuya's face explodes into color but interestingly, the redhead doesn't oblige.
Dazai bemoans about the Quidditch matches as tacky and boring but he never shows up late when Gryffindor's team is playing.
Chuuya's Patronus turns out to be a dog and he threatens bodily harm on anyone who'd tell on Dazai. Everyone wants to keep their heads so they agreed to keep their mouths shut.
When Oda graduated on his last year, Chuuya and Dazai's relationship changes. They still argue, still claim to hate each other, but they appear closer.
Dazai becomes touchy and Chuuya doesn't brush it off like he used to. Their arguments are less heated, and more playful banter.
"We're not dating!" a voice booms at the gryffindor table once, when heads are turn to Chuuya, his face is all red and Tachihara seems tired about something.
A ravenclaw student sent a love letter to Chuuya, and a week later, a Troll invaded the girl's dorm (no one knows how it even got in) and she nearly got stuck with it. In the same week, someone pointed out marks on Chuuya's neck
"It's a mosquito," Chuuya answers venomously. "An overgrown, annoying mosquito."
Dazai seems to find his answer so hilarious.
Here's the link for the Shin Soukoku Hogwarts AU
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