#confession d'un enfant du siécle
movie--posters · 1 year
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A little peak into Charlotte's 'newest' film, Confession d'un enfant du siécle (Confession of a child of the century). 25,000 Euros are needed to get this thing off the ground - to date they are currently at the 14,490 Euro mark and have 5 more months to the 'start' date. Ever wanted to be a movie producer? now's your chance...
You can contribute 10,000 euros or 10.50. And get your name on credits :D - apart from supporting Charlotte you are also entitled to your share of the money earned at the box office after the project is finished. Sound good? check the link for all the details. My name will surely be on the list - I hope to see some of the tumblr community up there as well =)
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