#concrete cure and seal
hellhoundmaggie · 4 months
wait whats the big SH headcanon you aren't into? I love SH but haven't interacted with the fandom a ton
Thank you for asking!
The theory I can’t agree with is that Wayne is a sentient fungus colony occupying Sam’s body. I do agree that there’s something inhuman puppeteering Sam Wayne’s body, but there isn’t any clear textual evidence suggesting the something is fungal.
There’s a couple of supporting arguments people tend to make for Fungus Theory, but I find them weak and tenuous:
Wayne’s body is rotting at a fast pace. Fungus is a cause of decomposition. Therefore the body must be colonized by a fungus.
Fungus may be a cause of decomp, but it’s not the only cause. Many kinds of organisms contribute to decomposition — insects, scavenger animals, microbes, etc. — and fungus is not necessary to the process. I’m not completely ruling out the possibility that the rapid rot is caused by fungus, but in the absence of concrete evidence, there’s no reason to assume this has to be the case.
Sybil is helping Wayne in some unspecified way. Sybil specializes in folk medicine, which has potent magical effects in her hands. Sybil specifically uses chaga, a fungus, to make a mind-control tea. According to the homeopathic principle of “like cures like,” Sybil must be using chaga or a similar fungal ingredient to support the fungus in Wayne.
This argument might be more convincing if Sybil used fungal cures exclusively, but she doesn’t. In fact, chaga is the only fungal cure she is shown to cultivate or use. The castor beans she gives Doc come from a plant. She grows poison flowers in her tea nook. Even the unspecified blend she gives to Tabitha is herbal, not fungal. Also, one of the effects of the chaga is to make the drinker trust Sybil, even to the point of not registering information that makes her look bad. If Wayne is drinking the chaga, then shouldn’t he trust her? Why does he assume she would hurt an aged MC? It doesn’t make sense to assume Sybil’s giving him chaga.
Wayne zaps Reese with what appears to be a set of yellow tendrils slithering out of his wrist; there are yellow fractal networks in a couple of Reese’s paintings. Some fungi are fractal networks, some fungi conduct electricity. The thing in Wayne’s arm must be part of a fungal network!
I can think of something else that zaps people with electricity: lightning. I plan to elaborate on this more in a series of theory-posts, but suffice it to say that I find my theory about lightning to have more textual support than the fungus theory while requiring fewer assumptions. Occam’s Razor, baby!
Abby Howard tends to take inspiration for her monster designs from her study of evolutionary biology. Reese’s monster design is an excellent example of how biology influences Abby’s art: he is a chimera of several real animals, both living and extinct. It would only make sense for her to have based Wayne on something biological too — like fungi!
This makes sense to me as a meta-textual argument. But again, there’s no textual evidence that Wayne is fungal, so there’s no reason to accept that Abby took inspiration from fungi when designing Wayne.
Again, I plan to write up my own pet theory — which not only explains what Wayne is, but also helps explain Reese’s origins, the nature of the Seals, the influence the Scarlets had over the town’s past, and the parts MC and Tabitha have to play in the town’s future — someday soon. But I hope this post helped convince you that, despite Wayne’s sense of humor, he is not a Fun Guy. Have a good one!
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paigegonerogue · 3 months
Ficlet where Ellie gets a fever/mild cold while still on the road to Lincoln or Pittsburgh? There's just so much time skipped in that whole period before jackson where endless bonding moments and potential for learning to trust can exist
Sorry this took a hot second! Thank you so much for the request!
Anyone can send me asks for specific TLOU story ideas and I’ll write a bit for them! So anyone reading this—feel free to send me requests!
(1.1k words. Mentioned character death.)
(Also I know you said before Pittsburg but I did right after because it worked a bit better for this story)
They were nearly a week out from Kansas City when Ellie’s cough started to worry Joel. It had started small, just a sound he’d attributed to the dusty tunnels they’d all gone through with Henry and Sam. But it had gotten worse. Small, sharp exhales to guttural roars that racked her tiny frame. 
She’d been quiet since KC, something Joel had been trying and failing to convince himself was because of how raw her throat most likely was.
Eventually they found a small town, a place called ‘Lecompton’, as far as he could tell from the worn, tattered signs scattered around the eerily empty neighborhoods.
It had been one of the places FEDRA tried to clear out before they gave up and started barricading civilians in the QZs, or at least he thought, judging from the tank tracks etched into the concrete, bullet holes in the shabby, cracked plaster of houses, and homes burnt until they were just charred frames.
They barricaded themselves in an old bar, Joel sealing all the windows in an attempt to muffle their sounds to the outside. Ellie’s coughs were loud enough that he felt like everyone in the world could hear, and even if the town seemed relatively safe there was probably a stray infected or two somewhere nearby.
”Hey, Ellie, I’m goin’ out for a second.” He took her shoulder after her latest round of hacking screeches. She looked up at him with a pathetic choke, her eyebrows drawn together. “Try to be quiet.”
She looked up at him, widening her eyes and making an explosion gesture above her head. ‘Woah, really?! I hadn’t thought of that’. 
Joel sighed, a hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Somehow she could still manage to snark him with her voice blown out.
“Yeah yeah, I get it.” He told her. “I’ll be right back.”
He took a seat outside the abandoned bar, letting his head fall back as he stared up at the cloudy sky above him. The cough was making him nervous. A frantic kind of nervousness that could only be cured by getting it to stop. Getting Ellie okay.
He couldn’t trade for medicine. Even if he found another party, people offering something as valuable as medicine almost always had an ulterior motive.
He made a mental note to tell that to Ellie later.
Really all he could do at this point was hope that the cough wasn’t an infection or strep throat. But he was never good at waiting or hoping, and as he stood and prepared to try and find anything useful he could in the small houses surrounding them, he spotted a small pine tree off in the underbrush where the town trailed off twenty feet away.
“Brought you some tea.” He said gruffly, sitting down next to where Ellie was curled in her sleeping bag on the floor. “Need some fuckin’ peace and quiet.” He handed her the tea he’d brewed, still hot in his thermos from the fire he’d snuffed out outside.
Ellie looked down at it, a crease between her eyebrows as she looked back up at him.
“It’s Eastern Red Cedar tea. You make it using the pine and boiling it. Helps with coughs.”
Ellie looked back down at the tea, slowly lifting the cup to her lips and tilting her head back to drink. She made a face, nearly dropping it. 
Joel’s first instinct was to snap at her, but she hadn’t really done anything wrong.
“Yeah, I know it doesn’t taste great,” he told her instead. “But it’ll help.”
Ellie scrunched her lips to the side, nodding once before she reached over towards her backpack, unzipping it and shuffling through the contents.
She pulled out a sketchpad they’d found a few days ago in an abandoned gas station and a blue pen which she shook a few times.
‘U botenist now?��� She wrote in the smallest possible font, trying to save as much room as possible for her surprisingly good drawings.
“First off it’s spelled with an ‘A’, not an ‘E’. Second off… just drink the fuckin’ tea.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, scratching down a quick ‘fine’ before pausing and staring at the letters.
He knew they were both thinking of exactly the same person.
Suddenly the silence didn’t seem so refreshing anymore.
“A couple years after the outbreak this young woman joined our little group of raiders—me and Tommy’s.” He started before he could think better of it. But by the way Ellie lit up he knew it was the right choice. “Drink your damn tea while I’m tellin’ you all this.” He told her, gesturing at his thermos. “So her name was Poppy, which was pretty funny ‘cause she loved plants. Loved ‘em.” He scratched his cheek, considering his words. “She was the caretaker of this garden at her college before the outbreak. Brought the whole thing back from just a couple dead weeds. She was real proud of it.” 
Ellie finally took another sip of her tea.
“Once we’re all headin’ through Kansas and she points out this pine tree. She says ‘that’s an Eastern Red Cedar, it’s good for coughs and bronchitis and joint pain and digestion’. And I really didn’t give a shit, but I go ‘damn, why ain’t we usin’ this all the time?’ And Poppy goes—” he smiled a bit, thinking back to it. “—‘’cause it tastes like if a pinecone could shit’.”
Ellie let out a small laugh, wincing and reaching her hand to her throat. 
“So there’s your story. Now drink.” Ellie grudgingly took another sip, reaching towards her notebook and scribbling something down.
‘What happened to her?’ 
Joel forced himself not to wince.
“We went our separate ways.” He lied. “The group disbanded eventually and we just said our goodbyes.” He could still hear her screams, trapped, rattling around inside his skull, clawing for his eardrums.
He blinked, her decimated corpse flashing behind his eyes.
Ellie looked down, taking another sip.
‘Really?’ She wrote. Joel nodded.
“Yeah. Saw an old ally of mine and they said she’d settled in the Phoenix QZ.” He knew he shouldn’t lie. Shouldn’t come up with tall tales trying to spare Ellie’s already gone innocence, but he didn’t want to see that look in her eyes anymore. The one she got when he knew she was thinking about just another person who died.
“Y’know, I had another ally. His name was Hank, but we all called him ‘Barrel’ because he could handle a rifle best I’ve ever seen.” 
Ellie perked up, looking surprised he kept talking. 
“So one day me and Barrel, we’re out scavenging for food—drink your tea—and we get ambushed. There’s ten raiders on us and we’re dashing like hell to—”
Remember, send me requests for more! This was super fun to do!
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echoalyssa · 2 years
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Scarce Fifteen | Jason Todd
You lean back against the concrete half wall, the air in Gotham tonight is warm but somehow still seems menacing. You can't stop staring at your watch, the little white digits defying time by moving oh so slowly, and then finally, finally the rush of air from your left. You immediately step into his warm embrace and your face is pressed into the hard leather breastplate covering his chest.
Neither of you speak at first, you just soak up the presence of the other person, except time is ticking and there is only so long before you are alone on this rooftop alone again.
He smells like chemicals, sweat, and blood but somewhere deep underneath all of that is the almost unnoticeable familiar scent of home, of him.
He ducks his head, whispers your name against the shell of your ear. As sad as it was, this had been routine for the two of you for the last month. The scarecrow knew he couldn't hold Jason's mind when you were out there.
He'd 'granted' Jason fifteen minutes with you every Monday at midnight. No minutes more and you certainly could do no less. Originally he had tried to do this without visitation with you but it meant that Jason wasn't fully present. He would never be, but letting him see you once a week relieved his mind and gave the scarecrow just a little bit more control.
You hated that seeing him pushed his mind deeper into the trap but deep down you both knew there was no other way to survive.
Your boyfriend is clinging to you like it's the last time he may ever hold you. It's partially true. Hank had died two weeks ago and though you understood it was Jason's face but not Jason Jason behind his death, not everyone agreed with you.
From your understanding Jason remembered everything that he did while under the drugs but it was like watching a movie. You saw everything, it was your body but you couldn't actually do anything.
"You need to put me down." He says, his voice a hoarse whisper.
You know what he means, you know its the logical answer. With no body the Scarecrow couldn't use it to hurt anyone. On the other hand, he could also just find another body.
You shush Jason immediately, sealing you lips against his to prevent anymore of those words from being spoken.
"Dick and I are working on it. I promise. Don't talk like that."
He whimpers, pressing his face into the crook of your shoulder. "I don't... I don't think I can do this anymore."
At his words you feel your heart wrench. It was bad enough being on the other side of the whole thing but you couldn't imagine what it would be like to actually be the one being controlled.
You don't know what to say to him. You can only press his gloved hand over your chest so that he can feel your heart thrum.
"I'm yours." You finally say, "I'm with you. You're strong. I believe in you... I can't even imagine what it must be like. Jace, I love you. Hold out for me, just another week."
The silence stretches until he presses a kiss to your temple and gives you a curt nod.
He steps back head falling forward and then he looks up at you, eyes glowing red with a sinister smile on his face. He replaces his mask and looks you over one more time before he's backing up towards the edge of the rooftop.
He's laughing as he steps back, free falling off the top of the rooftop.
You don't move for a long while, breath coming in shaking spurts. It never gets easier. You reset the timer on your watch, 6 days, 23 hours, and 59 seconds it reads. You just had to make it another week. Another week to figure out how to cure him. Another week without Jason.
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snaggsville · 3 months
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Coming along...
The concrete steps are fully cured. I replaced the top bluestone step since it was already loose. I'll fully install it this week. Once it's sealed it should have a dark, wet look to it. The color should be close to the shutters and the roof.
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radix-outpost · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky theory: Ellee, the princess of yore, and Cure Majesty.
This was spurred by two things, mostly: a vid discussing Cure Majesty’s hidden voice lines in the Sky Mirage and Colourful Action Mix Palette toys (mostly the latter), and a comment on same about Ellee possibly being reincarnated from the “princess of yore” in this post title.
SHORT VERSION: Ellee is the “sealed” form of the princess from Yoyo’s mythology lesson in episode 5, and will become Cure Majesty.
LONG VERSION: Admittedly, this is a bit of a long shot at the moment, but there’s not a whole lotta candidates for Cure Majesty (her voice is definitely not Beryberie’s or Shalala’s) and Ellee’s already part of the team, as much as a telekinetic baby can be. I don’t think they’re gonna hit us with another Cure Ace.
(Note: yes, those “leaks” of a teenage Elle as Majesty are fake. I don’t think this necessarily precludes her from becoming Majesty for real.)
My main points of suspicion are these:
* Yoyo not being fazed by a pair of Skylandians knocking on her door is one thing. Yoyo not being surprised that Ellee can create Sky Tones, when all evidence points towards Cure Sky being this generation’s first Cure? It comes off like she already knew Ellee could do this even if she’d secretly watched her grant Sora her Sky Tone (and Ellee empowering a Cure before Sky would be pretty impressive, seeing as she just turned ONE YEAR OLD).
* Episode 5 and the legend of the princess who summoned the first Pretty Cure. Who in the main cast is both a princess and a Cure-maker?
* I’m no childcare expert, but Ellee sure is developing quickly for a one-year-old. She also has powers that her parents clearly don’t.
* Hirogaru Sky’s logo has five streaks of colour, four of which correspond to the main team; the odd one out is purple. The Colourful Action Mix Palette toy confirms that Cure Majesty is a purple Cure. Ellee’s hair and theme colour are purple (well, lilac). You see where this is going.
* Perhaps most importantly: how does the Underg Empire know of Ellee’s powers if she presumably hadn’t had any time to demonstrate them until the series begins? While there’s a number of potential answers there, this combined with points one through three make me lean towards “Ellee’s been around a lot longer than we thought”.
Methinks Ellee is some kind of Eternal Hero (heeey, thematic relevance to Hirogaru!) who’s been fighting the Underg Empire for ages and for whatever reason has temporarily reverted to a baby, though it’s too early to say if she reincarnated or materialized on the royal doorstep. The Underg Empire wanting to capture this immortal jellyfish of a Cure and turn the tide of war feels like the most concrete reason for them to be gunning for Ellee.
The messages in the Sky Mirage toy imply that Cure Majesty will debut around September or October (like Moonlight and Muse, AFAIK); Ellee being captured and needing to pull off a miracle would be a fittingly dramatic late-series event.
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alettertothesea · 1 year
Once Upon A Time
It was the first time he was coming back here in years. He never thought he would set foot here again. In this city. In this street. In front of this door. The last time he had closed it behind him, he had sworn to himself that he would never come back. Yet here he was, one hand gripping the handle and weighing up the pros and cons of whether to lower it. Because this house wasn’t just any building and the pale imitation of the others forming the residential precinct. It was the only place he could call home. And he didn’t really know what he was doing here today. Why he had bought a train ticket at the last minute. Why he had spend hours sitting on an uncomfortable seat last night to be standing in front of this door.
Sighing and wiping away with an invisible hand any thought that could make him turn and run away from this place, Hinata opened the door and stepped inside. He might have been surprised at the atmosphere that suddenly wrapped him or the odor that covered the walls of his nostrils. But a draft hit him violently like a gust of wind in a storm. The humidity and mold of the time didn’t fill the place. The mixture of floral perfume and chemicals from fresh paint wasn’t floating in the air. After so many years, the house still had that same smell of fresh laundry with a hit of citrus. Hinata smiled when he recognized the subtlety of the fruit. Tangerine.
“Why did you buy tangerines? You don’t even like them!”
“But you do. Moreover, just because I don’t eat them doesn’t mean I hate their fragrance! Besides, I fell in love with a big, sweet and at times sour tangerine. So how can I hate them?”
A snort crossed his sealed lips when the last bits of memory evaporated from his mind and from before his eyes; jumping at the same time at the sound he had just made. How long had it been since he laughed with such innocence? With such fondness? With so much love? How long had it been since he actually laughed?
It had taken him years to start over after that day. Yet a few seconds in this house seemed to cure all his sorrows and heal all the scars left open within him.
Hinata went further into the house. Nothing had moved or changed. He didn’t know why this fact surprised him, because, technically, it was normal for everything to stay as its righteous place if nobody lived here. If no human presence animated this skeleton of concrete, wood and plaster. Still, he couldn’t prevent his heart from squeezing painfully in his chest. He couldn’t help sliding his forefinger along the edge of a piece of furniture to collect a thin layer  of dust. Or his eyes to fall on one of the photos placed here and there throughout the house. The picture painted an immeasurable happiness. An unconditional love. A loving home.
With a trembling hand, Hinata took the frame. His already tight throat constricted even more. He gulped past the lump in the middle of it. His eyes glazed from the tears that had created an opaque curtain over them. He gently stroked the cheek of the second man who was frozen on the glossy paper. In the halo of sunlight, the man with ebony hair and midnight blue eyes (which no one could see because he had closed them), so dark that Hinata had always had the sensation of drowning in the depths of the ocean, was smiling like Hinata had never seen him smile. His lips were stretched to his ears and his straight white teeth were visible.
“Why did you develop it? And why did you put it here on display?”
“Because people need to know you can smile!”
“I look stupid!”
“No, you look beautiful!”
The photo pressed against his chest, right on his heart, Hinata found himself on the engawa. Sliding slowly down the beam, his gaze lost in the vastness of the garden, which didn’t look like a wilderness, as if someone came to maintain it regularly, Hinata wondered how things had turned out that way. How the light could have given way to darkness so quickly. How the sun, the cloudless azure sky could have been chased away so that an eternal night settles over his head.
“I came back. You begged me to and I told you I would. But where are you?”
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fairisfair · 2 years
❛ i made a mistake. ❜ ashton & vera !
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“Is that what you call it in America?” Vera quips as gloved hands shift the last of the largest rubble off his thankfully intact form. The building had been crumbling courtesy of the caper they’d been attempting to capture and Asher’s attempt at slowing the process had been . . .  miscalculated.
Brick and concrete dust swirls in the air after she comes to under a wooden beam. Vera blinks rapidly to clear her gaze and senses. Still alive -- a great way to start. She’s able to pull herself out from under the debris while her ears ring high pitched bells. Pressing glowing hands over her ears the mutants’ healing ability soothe away the sound. Ignoring her dislocated shoulder for now, she waves at the thick air in front of her without much success. Vera coughs and calls his name twice before spotting Ashton near a jumbled of bent water pipes. 
“You’re alive and that’s what matters.” Her former nurse training subconsciously spoke the calming words as though he were a soldier on a different kind of battle field. “Hold still, alright?” She has a second to decide to remove the shrapnel from his abdomen or cure the head wound that no doubt carries a concussion. Vera calculated the amount of blood loss is worse. Removing her gloves, she doesn’t warn him before yanking out the jagged iron -- adding a quick “sorry!” after -- and covers the wound with a flat palm. A bright, white glow shimmers underneath her hand, sealing torn tendons and re-lacing veins back into place. 
“Better?” The light subsides with only a fresh scar over his skin. Lips smile softly as she focuses on his eyes to check for the correct tracking response to her gaze while stroking his dirty mess of curls out of the way to find source of blood on the crown of his head. . 
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westasianetwork · 19 hours
Ashford Formula Price in Dubai
Densify, Seal, Cure, Harden and protect any concrete surface and make it durable and easy to clean with Ashford Formula Dubai. Contact us today!
Ashford Formula Price in Dubai
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linoconcreteau · 2 days
How Weather Conditions Affect Concrete Pouring
Pouring concrete may seem straightforward—mix, pour, and let it set, right? Not exactly. If you've ever tried to pour concrete in extreme weather, you know it’s more art than science. The weather can be a fickle partner, turning what should be a routine job into a tricky balancing act. Understanding how weather conditions impact concrete pouring is crucial, mainly if you aim for a durable, long-lasting finish. Whether you're a seasoned contractor or a DIY enthusiast in modern concrete Adelaide, this guide will help you navigate the weather's challenges.
The Hot and Cold of Concrete Pouring
Pouring Concrete in Hot Weather
Pouring concrete in hot weather is a race against time. High temperatures speed up the chemical reaction that causes concrete to harden, known as hydration. While a quick setting might sound good, it creates several problems. Rapid hydration can lead to cracking, reduced strength, and a poor finish. Taking precautions is essential if you’re working with Concrete in Adelaide during the sweltering summer months.
Tips for Hot Weather:
Start Early: Begin pouring as early as possible to avoid the day's peak heat.
Use Water Wisely: Carefully add water to the mix to avoid weakening the concrete.
Shade and Cool: To prevent the concrete from drying out too quickly, use shades, windbreaks, or cooling measures like water sprays.
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Dealing with Cold Weather
Cold weather presents a different set of challenges. In low temperatures, the hydration process slows down, which can delay the setting and curing of the concrete. This makes the concrete more vulnerable to damage, such as freezing, which can ruin its integrity. 
Tips for Cold Weather:
Pre-Warm Materials: Keep the materials warm before mixing.
Use Accelerators: These additives speed up the setting process, making pouring concrete in cold conditions easier.
Cover the Concrete: After pouring, use insulating blankets or plastic sheets to retain heat and protect the concrete from freezing.
The Role of Humidity and Rain
High Humidity
Humidity can be both a friend and a foe when it comes to concrete pouring. On one hand, high humidity can slow water evaporation from the concrete, which helps prevent cracking. On the other hand, too much moisture in the air can lead to excess water in the mix, weakening the final product. For those working with Concrete Adelaide, balancing humidity levels is critical to achieving a solid finish.
Tips for Humid Conditions:
Monitor Moisture: Keep a close eye on the water content in your mix.
Seal the Surface: Use sealants to prevent excess moisture from affecting the drying process.
Rain is the nemesis of fresh concrete. If it starts to rain while you're pouring concrete, the water can disrupt the mix, washing away cement and leading to a weaker structure. Rain can also leave unsightly marks on the surface. Knowing when and how to pour during wet weather is crucial for concrete workers.
Tips for Rainy Weather:
Check the Forecast: Always pour concrete when there’s no rain in the immediate forecast.
Use Covers: If rain is unexpected, have tarps or plastic sheets ready to cover the freshly poured concrete.
The wind might not seem like a big deal, but it can significantly affect concrete pouring. Strong winds can speed up the evaporation of water from the surface, leading to rapid drying and increased cracking. For Concrete Adelaide projects, paying attention to wind conditions is as vital as monitoring temperature and humidity.
Tips for Windy Conditions:
Windbreaks: Set up barriers around the pour site to reduce wind exposure.
Curing Compounds: Apply curing compounds to the surface to slow down water evaporation and prevent premature drying.
Pouring concrete is not just about mixing and pouring; it’s about timing, precision, and understanding the elements. Whether it's scorching heat, biting cold, or unexpected rain, weather conditions can make or break your concrete project. For those working with Concrete Adelaide, knowing how to adapt to the weather is crucial for ensuring the quality and longevity of your work.
Source From: How Weather Conditions Affect Concrete Pouring
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adhesives122 · 2 days
Silicone Sealant
Silicone sealant is a type of adhesive commonly used for sealing and bonding in a wide range of industrial, commercial, and household applications. Known for its flexibility, durability, and resistance to environmental factors, silicone sealant has become an essential product for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. This article explores what silicone sealant is, how it works, and where it’s used.
What is Silicone Sealant?
Silicone sealant is a polymer-based compound made from silicone, oxygen, and other elements. Unlike other adhesives that dry and harden by evaporation, silicone cures through a chemical reaction called vulcanization, which transforms it from a liquid or paste into a solid rubber-like form. This curing process can occur at room temperature or with the application of heat, depending on the type of silicone used.
Types of Silicone Sealant
There are various types of silicone sealants available, each suited to different purposes:
Acetoxy Cure Silicone Sealant:
Often used for general-purpose sealing, this type emits a strong vinegar-like smell during curing due to the release of acetic acid.
It bonds well to non-porous materials such as glass, metal, and ceramics, making it ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, and glass repairs.
Neutral Cure Silicone Sealant:
Releases alcohol or another neutral substance during curing, making it less corrosive and less odorous than acetoxy types.
This variant is suitable for sensitive surfaces like concrete, metal, and plastics, and is commonly used in construction and glazing applications.
High-Temperature Silicone Sealant:
Designed to withstand extreme heat, it is often used in automotive, industrial, and appliance repairs.
Its resistance to high temperatures makes it perfect for sealing engines, heating systems, and ovens.
Sanitary Silicone Sealant:
This variant contains antifungal additives that help resist mold and mildew, making it ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, and wet areas.
Fire-Rated Silicone Sealant:
Used in fire-resistant structures, this sealant provides a barrier to flames, smoke, and toxic gases, often in buildings where fire safety is critical.
Key Properties of Silicone Sealant
Silicone sealants possess unique characteristics that make them highly effective in various settings:
Flexibility: Unlike many other adhesives, silicone remains flexible after curing. This flexibility allows it to accommodate movement in the materials it’s bonding, which is especially useful in areas exposed to temperature fluctuations and vibrations.
Water Resistance: Silicone sealants are highly resistant to water and moisture, making them perfect for sealing joints in bathrooms, kitchens, aquariums, and other wet environments.
Temperature Tolerance: Silicone can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from extreme cold to intense heat, without losing its adhesion or flexibility. This makes it suitable for outdoor applications and high-temperature areas like ovens and engines.
Durability: Once cured, silicone sealants are long-lasting, resisting wear from UV exposure, ozone, and other environmental factors. This makes them particularly suitable for outdoor applications like window sealing, roofing, and gutter repairs.
Adhesion to Various Surfaces: Silicone adheres well to many materials, including glass, metal, plastic, ceramics, and wood, making it versatile for different projects.
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Silicone sealant is a highly versatile and reliable adhesive that can be used in a wide range of applications. Its water resistance, flexibility, temperature tolerance, and strong adhesion make it an invaluable tool for professionals in construction, automotive repair, electronics, and even home improvement. Understanding the different types of silicone sealant and how to apply it properly will ensure long-lasting, durable results for any project. Whether you’re sealing windows, repairing an engine, or fixing a leaky faucet, silicone sealant is the go-to solution for effective, waterproof bonding.
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mclcontracting · 5 days
Maintaining Concrete Driveways: Best Practices and Tips
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Concrete driveways are a popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. However, like any part of your home, they require some care and attention to maintain their quality and appearance over time. Proper maintenance not only extends the life of your concrete driveway but also enhances its visual appeal and prevents costly repairs. In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices and essential tips for maintaining concrete driveways.
Why Maintenance Is Important for Concrete Driveways
Concrete driveways are durable, but they aren’t invincible. Over time, exposure to weather elements, heavy vehicles, and daily wear can cause damage. Proper maintenance helps to prevent cracks, discoloration, and structural degradation. By regularly caring for your driveway, you ensure that it maintains its strength, functionality, and appearance for years to come. Neglecting maintenance can lead to costly repairs or even replacement in extreme cases.
Regular Cleaning: The Foundation of Driveway Maintenance
One of the simplest yet most effective ways to maintain your concrete driveway in Christchurch is through regular cleaning. Dirt, debris, oil spills, and other contaminants can accumulate over time, leading to stains and surface damage.
To keep your driveway looking its best:
Sweep the driveway regularly to remove loose dirt, leaves, and debris.
Use a power washer or hose to rinse off dirt and grime.
For oil and grease stains, apply a degreaser or a mixture of baking soda and water, then scrub with a stiff brush. Rinse thoroughly afterward.
Routine cleaning not only keeps your driveway looking fresh but also helps you spot any early signs of damage, such as cracks or stains, that require attention.
Sealing the Driveway: A Key Preventative Measure
Applying a sealant is one of the best ways to protect your concrete driveway from the elements. Sealants form a protective barrier that shields the surface from water, chemicals, UV rays, and other harmful substances. Sealing your driveway can help prevent cracks, surface wear, and color fading.
When sealing a concrete driveway, keep these tips in mind:
Timing: It’s best to apply sealant after the concrete has cured (usually about 30 days after installation) and then reseal every 2-3 years, depending on exposure to the elements.
Weather: Choose a dry, mild day for sealing, as rain or extreme temperatures can affect the sealant’s effectiveness.
Application: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Apply the sealant evenly with a roller or sprayer and ensure the driveway is clean and dry before application.
Sealing is a relatively inexpensive maintenance task that can greatly extend the life of your driveway.
Addressing Cracks Promptly
Cracks are one of the most common issues with concrete driveways, and they can worsen if left unaddressed. Cracks allow water to penetrate the surface, leading to erosion and further damage, especially during freezing temperatures when water expands.
Here’s how to deal with cracks effectively:
Clean the area: Remove any dirt or debris from the crack using a wire brush or air compressor.
Use a filler: Choose a high-quality concrete filler or patching compound. For small cracks, a caulk gun works well; for larger cracks, use a trowel to apply the filler.
Smooth the surface: After filling the crack, smooth the area with a trowel or putty knife.
Seal the area: Once the filler has dried, apply a sealant to protect the repaired area from future damage.
Addressing cracks early on will prevent them from expanding and becoming more significant problems that require costly repairs.
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Avoid De-Icing Chemicals
While it may be tempting to use de-icing chemicals on your driveway during winter, these substances can cause significant damage to concrete surfaces. Chemicals like ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate can break down the structure of the concrete, leading to pitting, cracking, and deterioration.
Instead of chemical de-icers, try these safer alternatives:
Sand: Use sand or kitty litter to provide traction on icy surfaces.
Shovel regularly: Shoveling snow off your driveway promptly can prevent ice buildup and the need for de-icing products.
Calcium chloride: If you must use a de-icer, opt for calcium chloride, which is less damaging to concrete.
Protecting your driveway from harsh chemicals during the winter months is crucial for maintaining its longevity.
Preventing Heavy Vehicle Damage
Concrete driveways are strong, but they aren’t indestructible. Parking heavy vehicles, such as trucks, RVs, or trailers, on your driveway for extended periods can cause stress on the concrete, leading to cracks or subsidence.
To prevent this damage:
Limit heavy loads: Avoid parking heavy vehicles on your driveway for long periods. If possible, park them on the street or in a designated area designed to support heavier loads.
Spread the weight: If parking heavy vehicles is unavoidable, consider placing plywood or rubber mats under the tires to help distribute the weight more evenly and reduce stress on the concrete.
Protecting your driveway from unnecessary weight can prevent costly repairs in the future.
Stain Prevention and Removal
Concrete is porous, meaning it can absorb liquids like oil, grease, and chemicals, which can lead to stains. Preventing stains is easier than trying to remove them later.
Here are a few tips for preventing and removing stains:
Use mats: Place mats or cardboard under vehicles to catch any leaks or spills.
Clean spills immediately: If oil or grease spills on the driveway, clean it up as soon as possible to prevent staining. Use a degreaser or a mixture of dish soap and water to scrub the area.
Pressure wash: Regular pressure washing can help keep your driveway looking clean and free from stubborn stains.
Being proactive with stain prevention can help maintain the appearance of your concrete driveway.
Annual Inspection and Professional Help
Lastly, it’s a good idea to inspect your driveway at least once a year for any signs of damage. Look for cracks, surface wear, or other issues that might require attention. If you notice extensive damage or if you’re unsure how to address certain problems, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.
Concrete professionals can assess the condition of your driveway, recommend repairs, and even handle tasks like sealing and resurfacing if needed. Investing in professional maintenance can save you from expensive repairs down the road.
Maintaining your concrete driveway is essential for preserving its strength, durability, and appearance. By following these best practices—regular cleaning, sealing, addressing cracks, avoiding de-icers, and preventing heavy vehicle damage—you can extend the life of your driveway and keep it looking great for years. Remember to perform regular inspections and seek professional help when necessary. With a little care and attention, your garden maintenance in Christchurch will continue to enhance your home’s curb appeal for the long term.
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dirtyboysconcrete · 9 days
Questions to Ask a Concrete Contractor in 2024
No matter if it's your first experience or second, the estimate process can be challenging and require several appointments before gathering all of the relevant data needed for decision making.
As there are so many concrete replacement contractors available today, finding one suitable can often seem an impossible feat.
Rest assured, though: asking the appropriate questions during an estimate can help ensure a suitable solution for your project.
As such, we have compiled this list of 13 questions you should pose to concrete replacement concrete contractorduring estimates to get an idea of whether they are suitable to your specific needs.
Are You Licensed and Insured? 
Establishing that any contractor hired for an estimate has the necessary licenses and insurance is absolutely key, making this the number one question you must pose when seeking estimates.
A licensed decorative concrete contractor is defined as anyone legally approved to perform the work you need done, while insurance covers them (and you) against expensive accidents that could occur if things go awry.
What is Included in the Total Cost? 
Concrete replacement involves multiple moving parts, not all of which will always be included in the estimate's final total cost figure.
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Extra costs incurred due to extra material being hauled away, grading the land before installation, demolition work such as tree or rock removal, proper curing time and sealing are often unexpected costs that surface later.
Make sure to ask what exactly is included in your total costs, as well as potential extra expenses that might surface throughout the replacement process.
How Should I Pay You? 
Deciding when and how you owe payment can be challenging, depending on which contractor is involved in your job. It varies based on what payment terms they specify for their services.
By asking these and related questions, it can help you select a contractor who suits your financial situation best.
How long will the process take? 
Each project entails unique factors, and your concrete contractor should provide an estimate as to when yours can be finished.
They should also give an estimate as to when they can begin the project; this depends on their schedule and availability.
How experienced are you in doing this type of project?
Finding an experienced contractor with your specific replacement application is ideal, since that will provide more benefits in terms of both time and costs savings.
Questions such as, "What experience and examples have they worked on similar past projects do they have?" and "Can they provide any examples that are similar to my project?" can help provide insight into how yours may turn out.
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What kind of property damage should I expect during the demolition phase?
Concrete replacement often results in lawns, landscaping and other areas around a property being left devastated or damaged as part of its destruction process.
As part of your replacement project, it is important to ask what damage may occur and if the contractor will fix any damages when their work is complete.
Do You Offer Warranties on Concrete Installations? 
Most reputable concrete contractors will offer warranties to provide peace of mind to customers when selecting them as contractors for their installation projects.
Before committing to any contractor for that specific reason, however, it's essential that you carefully read over their warranty details. Many warranties contain terms which make qualifying them extremely difficult, effectively rendering them non-applicable and therefore rendered null and void.
From where should I obtain concrete?
Different concrete manufacturers produce different quality products, making it possible to end up with an inferior batch that could crumble or disintegrate more readily than desired.
An experienced concrete contractor should have extensive knowledge of the products they typically utilize and can vouch for the quality of their source.
Will You Add Rebar To My Concrete? 
Rebar is an integral component of concrete construction and should be included as needed during different replacement situations.
Experienced contractors should know when rebar is needed and asking about it during an estimate will give you an indication of their expertise.
What is the permitting process like in this area? 
Certain replacement projects will need permits, which could add both time and costs.
Experienced driveway contractor should be well aware of how the permitting process works and can guide you through any additional steps needed for completion of work in your region.
Who Will Manage the Project? 
Trusting someone new with your concrete construction project can be daunting, which is why having one dedicated manager makes all the difference.
Ask about their protocol for managing replacement projects, and make sure that the same person handles everything from start to finish or if this project changes hands frequently along the way.
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ymcconcreting · 10 days
Concrete Paths: A Versatile and Durable Solution.
Concrete paths are a popular choice for both residential and commercial properties due to their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're looking to create a pathway through your garden, a driveway for your home, or a walkway for your business, concrete paths offer a practical and stylish solution.
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Benefits of Concrete Paths
Durability: Concrete is a strong and durable material that can withstand heavy foot traffic and harsh weather conditions.
Versatility: Concrete paths can be customized to suit various styles and designs, from traditional to modern.
Low Maintenance: Concrete paths require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective choice.
Durability: Concrete is resistant to stains, fading, and cracking.
Accessibility: Concrete paths can be designed to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility aids.
Types of Concrete Paths
Stamped Concrete: Creates a textured surface that mimics the appearance of natural stone, brick, or slate.
Colored Concrete: Available in a wide range of colors to match your desired aesthetic.
Exposed Aggregate Concrete: Shows off the natural beauty of the concrete's aggregate, creating a unique and textured surface.
Patterned Concrete: Features intricate patterns and designs that can add visual interest to your space.
Design Considerations for Concrete Paths
Width: The width of the path should be appropriate for its intended use. Consider the amount of foot traffic and whether it will be used for vehicles.
Length: The length of the path will depend on the layout of your property and your desired design.
Curvature: Curved paths can add visual interest and create a more natural flow.
Slopes: If your property has slopes, ensure the path is designed to prevent water runoff and erosion.
Drainage: Consider drainage solutions to prevent water pooling and damage to the path.
Installation and Maintenance
Preparation: The base for your concrete path should be properly prepared to ensure a stable and durable foundation.
Pouring Concrete: The concrete should be poured evenly and compacted to prevent air pockets.
Finishing: The surface of the concrete can be finished in various ways, such as stamped, colored, or exposed aggregate.
Curing: Allow the concrete to cure properly to achieve its full strength and durability.
Maintenance: Regular cleaning and sealing can help maintain the appearance and longevity of your concrete path.
Concrete paths offer a versatile and durable solution for various outdoor spaces. By carefully considering the design, installation, and maintenance, you can create a beautiful and functional pathway that enhances the value and appeal of your property.
Visit US - https://www.ymcconcreting.com.au/concrete-footpath-services/
Contact US - Phone - 0432335363
Timings - 9:00 AM - 7:00PM
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cintholblogs · 12 days
Multitasking Epoxy: Best for all Applications on Everyday Repairs
A versatile and powerful bonding agent, epoxy adhesive has become a staple in households, workshops, and industrial settings alike, offering a reliable solution for a wide range of repair and construction needs. 
Epoxy adhesive, also known as epoxy glue or epoxy resin, is a two-part system that combines a resin and a hardener. When these components are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in a strong, durable, and long-lasting bond. This unique formulation allows epoxy adhesive to adhere to a variety of materials, including metal, wood, glass, ceramic, and even concrete. 
Let us understand its numerous advantages and applications. 
Understanding the Advantages of Using Epoxy Adhesive
Epoxy adhesive stands out from traditional glues and adhesives due to its exceptional strength, versatility, and durability. Here are some key advantages that make it a go-to choice for many repair and construction projects:
Unparalleled Bonding Strength: Epoxy adhesive forms an incredibly strong bond that can withstand immense stress, pressure, and environmental conditions. Its superior adhesion properties ensure a long-lasting and reliable repair, making it ideal for high-stress applications.
Versatility: One of the most remarkable features of epoxy adhesive is its ability to bond with a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, and even concrete. This versatility allows you to tackle a variety of repair projects with a single product.
Resistance to Environmental Factors: Epoxy adhesive is highly resistant to moisture, chemicals, and temperature extremes, ensuring that your repairs remain intact even in harsh environments. This durability makes it an excellent choice for outdoor projects or applications where the repaired item will be exposed to various elements.
Gap-Filling Capabilities: Unlike many traditional glues, epoxy adhesive can fill gaps and cracks, making it an ideal solution for repairing damaged or cracked surfaces. This gap-filling property allows you to achieve a seamless and professional-looking finish.
Long-Lasting Durability: Once cured, epoxy adhesive forms a solid, rigid bond that can withstand the test of time. Its exceptional durability ensures that your repairs remain intact for years to come, saving you time and money in the long run. It can be your ceramic glue, metal glue or even wood glue. 
Common applications of Epoxy Adhesive
The versatility of epoxy adhesive makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of repair and construction projects. Here are some common applications where epoxy adhesive shines:
The versatility of epoxy adhesive makes it an indispensable tool for a wide range of repair and construction projects. 
In household repairs, it can fix broken ceramics, pottery, glassware, cracked tiles, countertops, and even mend broken furniture or woodwork. It also helps secure loose handles or knobs. You can use it like metal glue, ceramic glue, wood glue and more.
For automotive repairs, epoxy adhesive is perfect for bonding metal components, fixing cracked windshields, and securing loose trim pieces or plastic parts. Use it like a metal gue and you would not be disappointed to see the results. 
In plumbing and electrical repairs, it is used for sealing leaks in pipes, bonding electrical components, and securing mounting hardware. 
When it comes to outdoor and construction projects, epoxy adhesive proves its strength by bonding concrete or masonry, repairing driveways or patios, and securing fence posts. 
It is also a great choice for bonding landscaping features. In crafting and DIY projects, epoxy excels in creating custom jewellery, assembling models or sculptures, and repairing tools. 
Its strength and versatility make epoxy adhesive a true multitasker, capable of handling diverse challenges across various domains.
Experience the Effective Results of Using Epoxy Adhesive 
Epoxy adhesive has truly transformed a lot for repairs and construction, offering a versatile and powerful solution for a wide range of projects. Its exceptional bonding strength, durability, and resistance to environmental factors make it an invaluable tool for tackling everyday repair challenges.
From mending broken ceramics and fixing cracked tiles to bonding metal components and sealing leaks, epoxy adhesive has proven its worth time and time again. Its gap-filling capabilities and ability to adhere to various materials make it a true multitasker, capable of handling even the most demanding repair tasks.
Discover the full potential of your repairs and take on any project with confidence. 
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closedcell-uk · 13 days
Closed Cell Spray Foam
Closed cell spray foam is a high-performance insulation material renowned for its exceptional thermal resistance and moisture protection. This type of foam is composed of tightly packed, closed cells filled with gas, creating a rigid, dense structure that provides superior insulation compared to other materials. The foam expands upon application, filling gaps and creating a seamless barrier that significantly reduces heat transfer, thereby enhancing energy efficiency in both residential and commercial buildings. Its high R-value per inch of thickness means that even a relatively thin layer of closed cell spray foam can offer robust insulation. Additionally, the closed cells prevent moisture penetration, which helps to mitigate the risk of mold growth and water damage, making it particularly suitable for areas prone to dampness or high humidity. This moisture resistance also contributes to the material’s durability, as it is less susceptible to deterioration over time. Closed cell spray foam also acts as an effective air barrier, sealing drafts and reducing the load on heating and cooling systems, further improving energy efficiency. The application process involves spraying the foam onto surfaces, where it expands and cures to form a solid, continuous layer that adheres well to various substrates like wood, metal, and concrete. While it is generally more expensive than open cell foam, its benefits—such as superior insulation, moisture resistance, and air sealing—often justify the cost. Overall, closed cell spray foam is a valuable insulation solution for enhancing comfort, energy efficiency, and structural integrity.
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cera-chem · 17 days
Cracked Concrete Floors? Restore Them with Cera Chem's Proven Repair Solutions
How to Repair Cracked Concrete Floors
Cracked concrete floors are a common issue for industrial facilities, warehouses, garages and production areas. Over time, shrinkage, settlement, movement, applied loads and more can cause unsightly cracks that need repair. Cracks not only affect aesthetics but can also become structural safety hazards or pathways for contamination.
Why Concrete Cracks & Types of Cracks?
Shrinkage Cracks
Shrinkage cracks occur when the concrete shrinks while curing. These hairline cracks typically are no more than 3 mm in width. Our Cera Grout EPLV 100 epoxy injection can be used to effectively seal shrinkage cracks.
Settlement Cracks
In this case, sections of concrete settle due to uneven support or reduction of underlying soil volume over time. This causes cracks as slabs tilt or bend. Our carbon fiber CERA CFR W 100 LA structural strengthening system is able to repair cracks up to 10 mm for settlement issues.
Stress Cracks
These form when the surface of the concrete is subjected to extreme pressures and forces exceeding its load capacity. Flaking and disintegration may occur in larger cracks. Here you can install our Cera Screed EP or Cera Patchcrete patches reinforced with Cera CFR Staple fibers for a durable repair.
How to Repair Cracked Concrete Floors
Injection Epoxy Sealing
For hairline cracks, a low viscosity epoxy like our Cera Ultra EPLV Grout is injected under pressure to penetration and seal the crack. Injecting ports are installed centering over the crack at intervals and sealed with putty. The epoxy grout is injected through these ports to fill the crack completely.
Gravity Feed
Used for wider dormant cracks up to 15mm, products such as our Cera Grout EPLV 100 can repair static cracks by simply pouring or trialblazing the compound into the crack to fill by gravity with no special equipment required.
Routing & Sealing
Cracks larger than 5 mm are routed out using a concrete saw or angle grinder to make a reservoir about 38–76 mm wide and 13–25 mm deep running centered over the crack and extending 152 mm beyond both crack ends. Our Cera Grout EPLV 100 is then poured or injecting under pressure to fill the space for a flush finish repair.
For More Details:
Call us at: 98404 80307
Visit Website: https://cerachemindia.com/
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