#compressed gas safety tips
xuchiya · 2 months
"Chapter 10: My biker bodyguard" || kang yeosang [a mini-series]
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|| next: Epilogue || if you haven't read the previous chapter, here's the masterlist.
genre: non!idol yeosang. fluff. angst. violence. mentions: gun. knives. attempt murder/kidnapping. blood. anxiety attack.
"my lady as much as I want to drive that ... chariot as our runaway vehicle ... you're on your own."
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The city lights blur into streaks as the car speeds through the streets, your heart pounding in your chest. You glanced nervously at the driver, a stranger whose face is hidden beneath a dark cap and sunglasses. Your heart hammers when you notice the car entering the highway.  Panic starts to bubble up inside you.
“Please where are you taking me? Do you need anything? I can help … just please don’t harm me or anyone.” You demand, your voice trembling despite your attempt to sound strong. The driver ignored you as they steered away from the city, you wiped your tongue on your quivering, dry lips as your hope to talk them out didn’t work like how it works in the movies.
“If you do not speak, I'll sue you for a lifetime!” The driver remains silent, eyes fixed on the road. The car weaves through traffic with alarming speed, heading towards the outskirts of the city. You try the door handle, but it's locked from the inside. Your phone, in your pocket, offers little comfort—you're too scared to risk making a call that might provoke your captor. But how will they react? They can’t kill you just right there on the spot unless he was ordered to do it but it is impossible for them to do it because whoever is behind this needed you alive.
You flip your phone up, pressing the dial tone of Seonghwa until you hear a gun firing safety-pin off and tip compress coldly on your forehead, “If I were you, cooperate and you’ll live.” Hearing a raspy and hoarse voice, you glance to see the front sight of the gun in between your eyebrows. One hand steering the wheel while their left hand is crossover holding the gun.
As the car races past unfamiliar landmarks, you piece together fragments of what happened. The chaos in the boardroom, the gas filling the air, the stranger leading you out amidst the confusion. You remember thinking they were a bodyguard, but now it’s clear they were part of the plan to abduct you.
But where were Seonghwa? The rest of his divisions? Were they harmed too? Were they ambushed too?
Your heart races by the thought of their fate. Panic grips your chest, making it hard to breathe. You clutch your phone tightly, trying to steady your shaking hands. "Please, God," you whisper, your voice trembling. "Let them be okay. Seonghwa, Yeosang, dad... Please, let them be safe. I can't lose them. Not like this."
Your breaths come in short, sharp gasps as you struggle to calm yourself. "I should have been more careful. I should have seen this coming. Why didn't I see this coming?" Tears blur your vision as the fear and guilt threaten to overwhelm you. "What if they're hurt because of me? What if... no, I can't think like that. I have to stay strong. For them."
You wipe your tears away, forcing yourself to take deeper breaths. "Seonghwa is strong. He knows how to handle this. Yeosan—he’s a fighter. Dad … oh God dad. They'll find a way out. I have to believe that. I have to believe they're okay."
In the silence of the car, your whispered prayers and desperate reassurances are the only sounds, a fragile attempt to hold on to hope amidst the fear threatening to consume you. 
You glance out the window, recognizing the industrial area you're now in. The car slows and turns into the driveway of a dilapidated warehouse. Your breath quickens, adrenaline surges through your veins, the car door opens making you yelp in surprise—dropping your phone in progress and the image of a big guy— like literally big— that he could not fit inside the car and took your wrist tightly, yanking you outside. 
“AGH!” With the harsh tug of your arm, your knee scrapes on the concrete below. Your noise did not phase the big guy and yank you up on your feet— dragging you towards a warehouse. 
The warehouse is decrepit, its age evident in the crumbling walls and rusted metal beams. The air is thick with the smell of mold and decay, mixed with the acrid scent of old machinery. Dim, flickering lights barely illuminate the space, casting eerie shadows that dance along the walls. You can hear the scurrying of rats in the corners, their eyes glinting in the darkness. The floor is littered with debris and patches of stagnant water, adding to the overall sense of neglect and desolation.
  And in the middle, your heart fell in the pit of your stomach. You were greeted by Daniel, sitting on a leather single seat surrounded by his men. One leg over the other as he waits , the big guy throws you on the floor just by his foot. His smug smile sends a chill down your spine. The sight of him, flanked by a group of imposing men, confirms your worst fears.
Daniel leans forward uncrossing his legs, his polished appearance starkly contrasting the dilapidated surroundings. His voice is laced with mockery as he addresses you, taking a handful of your hair making you wince as he tilts your head , "Welcome to your new home, cousin. Quite the step down from your fancy manor, isn't it?"
The revelation hits you hard making your eyes widen in horror and surprise. "Cousin... you're my cousin?"
Daniel laughs bitterly, shaking his head. "Well... not entirely. We share the same great-grandfather, but the lineage diverges from there. My grandfather was supposed to be the rightful heir, but your family took everything. Favoritism runs deep, doesn't it?"
“You were outside the family tree?”
He sneered, his tight grip on your hair became stronger; bad move for making him angry which makes your hairline turn red and painful, “My family is supposed to be part of this tree. He didn’t want us to be part of it and excluded us.” You shake your head, not quite grasping his logic.
“Our great grandfather had an affair outside. He did not include my grandfather in this hierarchy when we are supposed to be!” Daniel yelled in your face, his breathing ragged from anger. “He turned his back on us because “wanted to keep things at bay”.” 
 “Great grandfather only wanted the pure ones. Not the half.” You spoke but that triggered something inside Daniel; pulling out his hand gun and pressing it on your temple.
“You are just like him! Selfish and cold-hearted! He left all of us in the trash and starving and now …” He rather pushes you off as he leans backwards on his seat, “You’ll be in there too with your family after I finish all of these plans I had for all of you.” he signals his big guy, you were once again yanking up back to your feet and slamming you down on a chair, in front of you a poorly crafted table with a paper on top.
Reading the first lines you shake your head, “To stand down and give all the inheritance? Are you insane?!” Even in the situation, you felt anger. You have worked yourself way up to a certain goal with your blood, sweat and tears. You had sacrificed so many things to achieve these, your mental health, physical and almost your insanity was also in the line but you held on because you have love and grown to balance this business in your hands while maintaining a life you have.
You won’t easily give away even if you end up with bruises or wounds— you’ll fight.
  "What is this, Daniel?" He chuckles, standing up on his seat, he walks towards you. He places his palm flatly on the table, looking at you with a snicker smile. "Oh, it’s quite simple, dear cousin. Once you sign this, I’m taking control of the corporation. And unfortunately for you, you have to be  removed from the equation. Permanently."
Your hands curl deeply inside your palm, drawing blood in the process and shapes of crescent craved on your smooth skin. Unable to control your anger, you spat at him; your spit landing just around his cheek. 
“You psycho.” Your words are filled with venom. The nice and kind you were out of the window the moment you saw nothing but anger. Daniel chuckles dryly, wiping the spit with the back of his hand before staring at you; eyes blazing inimical.
“You want to play the hard way? I guess you like it that way, my Lady.” Daniel leans back, straightening his back, signalling his men to take you and drags you towards three big blue drum buckets filled with water— whether it be clean or not— one of his men took the back of your head, they leaned closer to your ear, “Just sign and you’ll be back at your sweet papa.”
You fought off from their hold but you knew better that they are stronger than you—not even with your hands tied behind your back, you gritted your teeth, “Never.” They shrug nonchalantly, “Suit yourself Lady.”
Before you know it, they dunk your head in the water. Muffled screams, bubbles coming from your mouth flowed up as your lungs slowly burned from the lack of oxygen, you started squirming on their hold before pulling you back up. You gasp, inhaling and exhaling deeply not even a minute of you being able to collect as much air, you were dunked once again.
The actions continued until you were drenched from head down to your waist, you found yourself coughing out water, noses clogged and so did your ears. Your body was shivering from the sudden drop of temperature, you scoot far away from them yet some of his men took you by the arms and pulled you up.
“How’s the swim? Oh sorry, I should have warned you first. So will you sign it? Come on, you should give in now~ you’re weak and all so it’s easy to break you.” Daniel spoke, hands on his knees as he watched you slowly drifting on and off consciously. 
Daniel took your face in his hand, squishing your cheeks together as he pulled your face near his, “Give up now. This place? No one knows, not even this province knows a part of this place exists.”
With a little left of strength inside you, you found yourself snickered looking at him through your hazy eyes, “So .. So what? Gonna kill me? You won’t … even if I die, you won’t be bale to overtake it.”
“Duh unless you signed that then we’re on the same page.” You wheezed, “Oh Daniel I love how greedy you are.”
Daniel chuckles dryly, shaking your head in his hands with a mocking pout, “Yeah I’m greedy so what? That's funny cousin really…” His men laughs, Daniel sighs, looking deeply in your eyes, “I could dump your body here, leave it to rot and to never see again.”
You scoff, not an ounce of your body fighting the tiredness slowly creeping up to you. You look up to Daniel, your eyes losing its focus as his figure doubles but you keep fighting, you have to.
 “Such a scene … you found this on Netflix? What drama is it?” Daniel glances at you oddly, his grip on your cheeks tighten, the insides of your cheeks almost close to touching on how deep he is holding you close, “I do not have time for drama and this is precisely the closest thing I could do to make you beg for your life so now, let’s make this quick and painless shall we?” You chuckle, leaning more than you could, the space between you closing in a small space, your breath shortens each time you glance around not looking him in the eye. Your boost of confidence and snarky remarks were only doing you a job to keep him in bay,  “Is that what you want me to do? Beg? Panic?”
“Like this? ‘Oh Why Daniel? Oh why betray us? You were a good friend, you took me to dinner and called me beautiful only to find out you’re my cousin … which is by the way disgusting unless you’re into that stuff …”  
His eyes harden and so does his grip on your face before pushing your head back. Grunting, he turns around, “So annoying … I could put a bullet through that brain of yours!”
You snicker, your head falling to one side then downward before snapping back up to him, “Go ahead! I am free anyway!” Daniel had an eccentric facial expression that glancing at you had brought some kind of peculiarity in his brain.
He glanced at his men and they seemed to be in a state of shock and bizarre, he checked the bullet of his russian roulette; there are only two bullets. It is always two, unlike any other belief in lucky numbers— he believes in the luck of number 2. 
Snapping back the russian roulette, he walks towards you. Daniel originally targets your father— closest to taking down your sister— until he gets the report from his spy that you were indeed the heir of the corporation. It took him years to study, to plot and to choreograph all of his actions and the promise he has to accomplish for his mother.
His grip on guns tightens,remembering how cruel he has to grow up with nothing in their hands. Mud and pieces of grain rice is where he lived and grew up to— he had to sacrifice himself for his family. They were forgotten and they weren’t even included in the name of De Villalobos clan. They were an outsider.
He remembers that his grandfather begged for mercy for the clan to accept them. Daniel only wishes to be accepted as to be part of the family, to be part of the clan and to help his half-cousins or relatives on their business because he believes that family is your only haven against the society. So he gave them evidence, although they were met with a shut door. They were called a fraud— they called his family a fraud in front of thousands of people when their evidence was “fabricated”. 
That day,  Daniel swore to his family that he would take all of the clan down and pay for what embarrassment they had done. 
Daniel raised the gun right at your forehead, “It would be easier if you just signed them but well since you choose the hard way, we could just chop off your thumb and sign it as that.” He shrugs his shoulders before resting his forefinger on the trigger, “Bye-bye Lady … nice knowing you.”
As the trigger pulls, the sound of the bullet firing echoes the entire warehouse although, it didn’t come from the hands of your captor rather it came out as a hiss of pain and his hands were filled with his blood, dripping down his forearm down to the floor. Daniel clutched his injured forearm to his chest as his men were now on full alert, some were covering him as they assisted him out of the warehouse.
The rest of his men charged in action, the two men holding you dragged you out of the warehouse before they could catch up with Daniel, they were knocked off by Seonghwa’s men— Yunho and San.
“Lady!” San picks you up and rushes towards the entrance yet his plan is tackled to the ground— literally. You rolled off to the side, propping yourself up with your forearms when you noticed Daniel’s men were fighting him, two versus one. You groan, your bones aching and body almost paralyzed from the past hour event but you don’t want to be a burden so you fight yourself up.
“Go Lady! I got this!” You exhaled, looking at the exit then back to San. San groaned, turning to you, “Don’t worry! Yeosang is by the entrance! Go!” You nodded, still reluctant but you continued your way out. In the chaos, you make your way towards the exit. Yunho catches your eye, giving you a nod of reassurance as he takes down one of the men. Amidst the clamor, you see Daniel making a desperate attempt to escape— his men nowhere to be seen. Even though your situation doesn’t go far from his state but you still wanted to fight; you wouldn’t dare to hurt him.
It would not make you feel less better nor different from him. You wanted to know the truth, prevail justice for whatever your great-grandfather had done to his family. No matter what, Daniel is your half-cousin. With newfound courage, you chase after him, determined to see this through to the end. 
“Daniel!” You yelled. Stumbling on the dry grassy field, the pebbles were a big obstacle for your paralyzed body. Daniel raised his handgun and fired off, you yelled, falling on your knees as you covered your ears.
Daniel took this chance to run off further, limping as he was caught in the fire while escaping. His mind was racing to escape but he soon found himself trapped in getting away and getting caught; you were hot in his trail.
“Daniel, stop! please! I can help you!” Even the chaos happening inside the warehouse and the wind of August nipping at your cold skin, adding to the coldness is your wet clothes and the distant drip of water from the rusted pipes. The air was thick with the stench of mold and decay, a fitting backdrop for the final showdown. Daniel, despite trying his strength to escape; he found himself tripping on his own foot. 
 “Daniel please …" 
Your voice is steady despite the turmoil inside. "Why go through all this? I can help you—"
He laughed bitterly, the sound echoing off,  "You really don't get it, do you? Me? Asking for your help? I am not dumb! Trusting you or any of your clan is out of the list so my only plan is to take all of you down. We may share the same great-grandfather but your grandparents were all greedy. This was supposed to be a good family but this is utter bullshit!"
You took a step forward, anger and determination burning in your eyes. "But I am not like them! I stand as my own— just because I am a pure heir doesn’t mean I share the same actions as them. I’m always here to help Daniel, I want you to have the life you wish for your family, you said it yourself … we’re family—"
“No! Shut the fuck up! I would rather kill myself than ask for your help.” Daniel's eyes narrowed, and he pulled out a gun, aiming it directly at you. Out of a state of shock, you stumbled backwards. The chances of being his are low but never zero.
  "I've had enough of your self-righteousness. This ends now."
Before you could react, “Lady!" a loud voice booms across the field. Your head followed the voice and met with Yeosang.
Yeosang sprinted across the field, eyes wide with urgency, it felt like slow-motion was applied to the whole scene. The fiery red burst of Daniel’s handgun firing in a short speed as the bullet flies towards your direction. Yeosang who shifts his legs forward with every long inch he could get; the closer he gets, the faster he could protect you.
You shake your head when Yeosang finally reaches you, wrapping his arms around you as he barricades himself on to the upcoming flying bullet.
“NO! Yeosang!” 
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Before the smoke bomb was sent inside the boardroom, Seonghwa and the rest of his division were faced with the same fate as Yeosang and Mingi— they were ambushed. His division was already alerted and fought hand to hand with the rest of Daniel’s men. They were slowly getting outnumbered as his men kept adding each time they knocked them down.
Seonghwa turns towards his division, “Die today and you were honored to protect the one who saved you from your misery.” They nodded at his words before taking them down one by one, Seonghwa darting towards Daniel. He went into hand to hand combat with a few of his men that were protecting Daniel. Sweat fell from his forehead down to his eyes until on his blind spot– one of Daniel’s men stood up holding what seems to be a baton and smacked the baton, smashing into pieces as it made contact on his back.
Seonghwa fell on his knees, wincing in utterly pain as he felt his entire back on fire, possibilities of splinters designing his back but he will not defy his enemies victory just like that so he pushed himself back up yet with his snail-actions caused him to delayed his plan, to which these men took advantage of his weakness and took hold of each of his arms. 
Men taking turns to plant a punch on Seonghwa before kicking the back of his knees as the final blow of their performance, taking hold of his shoulders. Seonghwa could hear the footsteps of Daniel coming closer and the sound of a gun cocking. His heart hammered in his chest as fear fathom washed down his senses yet his eyes held fierce and bravery, “Psycho.”
Daniel smiles emotionlessly, “Do better.”
Just in time, the elevator door opened— already making eye contact with Yeosang, Yunho and San,  “Hyung!”
Yeosang saw Daniel and instantly his face distorted to anger, “Fucking asshole!” 
Daniel clapped his hands, “That’s the spirit!”, raised his arms out with a mocking smile on his lips, “Welcome! You’re just in time for the final show.” 
With a gesture, Yunho and San were suddenly engaged in a fistfight, leaving Yeosang desperately trying to break through to reach Seonghwa. Each time a man fell, a new wave arrived, their grunts of exhaustion mingling with the chaos. Everything seemed to slow down. The world around Yeosang blurred, voices became muffled, a distant echo of reality. 
He saw Daniel chuckling dryly, spinning the Russian roulette in his right hand, the gold bullet catching the light in a chilling display. "You know," Daniel's voice sounded distorted, as if coming from underwater, "I'd love to put this gold bullet in your head for being a disgrace, but I'm saving it for my pretty lady." He slicked the bullet pocket in and placed it behind his pants, his movements exaggerated in the slow-motion haze, before grabbing the gun from one of his men.
Yeosang's heart pounded in his chest, the sound loud and slow in his ears. He could see Daniel aiming the gun, the barrel pointing menacingly at Seonghwa. Everything around him moved in a surreal, dream-like sequence.
Déjà vu washed over Yeosang. He was back in the same position, henchmen holding him down as they were forced to watch their leader take his last breath, just like their days protecting the late De Villalobos— the one who hand-picked his protection and saw beyond skills. Yeosang found himself fighting for his life just to save another— their leader, Captain Kim Hongjoong. 
 Ragged breaths as anxiety slowly creeps in his mind. He saw Hongjoong's face superimposed over Seonghwa, the scene playing out in agonizingly slow motion. Yeosang oh-so remember vaguely how he could see Hongjoong mouthing at them, “8 makes 1 team.” , with a bloody smile on his lips, to him as life left his eyes as a bullet were buried deep in his chest. Pools of his own blood surrounding him.
The memory hit him hard. It was as if time had folded in on itself, bringing back the haunting scene from their past. The same fear, the same desperation. The same drive to save someone he couldn’t afford to lose."No!" Yeosang's shout felt like it was coming from far away. 
 “Hyung!” Yeosang cried out, his voice cracking with the weight of his emotions. He pushed harder, fought more fiercely, the faces of Hongjoong and Seonghwa blending together in his mind. 
His body moved sluggishly, as if wading through water, trying to reach Seonghwa. The gunshot rang out, a deafening roar that shattered the slow-motion spell.  
"8 makes 1 team," Seonghwa mouthed, a faint smile on his bloody lips as his body, drawing strength from the words, from the memory, from the promise they had all made. Blood splattered, painting a gruesome picture as Seonghwa fell back, his body crumpling to the ground. A loud echoing thud rings in the ears of the trio. 
Yunho’s breath hitched, “H-hyung!” while San’s eyes widened in horror, “N-no! No hyung!”
"HYUNG!" Yeosang's scream pierced through the chaos, the world snapping back into real-time. Daniel smirked, his eyes glinting with malicious satisfaction, and turned towards his men who made a way for him to escape.
Yeosang, his breath coming in ragged gasps, knelt beside Seonghwa, pressing down on the wound on his stomach. "Hang on, hyung. Please, hang on." Blood slowly streamed out of Seonghwa’s uniform, staining Yeosang’s hands but he pushed it aside, doing his best he could to save him.
“Hyung don’t you dare close your eyes. I’m – I’m gonna smack you.''With a little bit of humor, Seonghwa chuckles even the tiniest bit of sound that made Yeosang hold on to the last of his hope. Soon, Yunho and San came to his side— Yunhu applied pressure on his wound, on top of Yeosang’s hands, “Hyung hold on… medics are coming!” 
With weak, bloody and shaking hands, Seonghwa gripped the hands on top of his wounds, “G-Go…” All of them, stubbornly, shake their heads. San sniffling, “We’re not leaving until they’re here …”
“S-She’s in danger … Go Yeosang.” Barely above whisper, Yeosang sobs. Tears blurred the face of his older brother, “I–I’m not leaving.” Seonghwa chuckles at what seems to be his last energy before looking at the trio with admiration. Glancing at Yunho, Yunho caught his eyes and leaned down, breath shaky, “You’re gonna be okay. A little more.”
 Seonghwa smiles, as slow as a snail but fragile like its shell, he slowly closes his eyes and heart soon beated its last pump. With the sudden still of Seonghwa’s chest, the trio panics and at the same time, the medics come rushing with Jongho trailing.
It dawned on Yeosang, “ANIYO~ HYUNG!” Yeosang's voice broke through the chaos, raw with desperation. Yunho stood up grabbing Yeosang in his arms as he struggled against the hold of Yunho, tears streaming down his cheeks as he watched the medics frantically work on Seonghwa. The defibrillator pads sent powerful jolts through Seonghwa's lifeless body, each shock a cruel reminder of the gravity of the situation.
“Weak pulse .. we’re losing him! Ready the defibrillator!”
“CLEAR!” The medic placed it on top of Seonghwa’s chest, watching it jolt upwards and falling lifelessly.
"No... no..." Yeosang's voice cracked, the words barely audible over the sound of his heart breaking. His hands, normally so steady, trembled uncontrollably by his sides. The sight of Seonghwa's motionless form, the way his body convulsed with each shock, tore at Yeosang's soul. His pleas, filled with an anguish that resonated deep within the hearts of everyone present, echoed through the entrance of the building.
“180 … CLEAR!”
"Please, wake up! Please hyung!" Yeosang sobbed, his voice hoarse and broken. The medics continued their attempts, their faces etched with determination and concern. Seonghwa's division formed a human barricade around the scene, their expressions grim as they watched their leader fight for his life.
San approached Yeosang cautiously, his own eyes wet with unshed tears. "Yeosang, Jongho is here. He’ll take care of Seonghwa-hyung. We have to proceed as planned. Seonghwa already gave us an opening." His voice was calm but firm, trying to reach through the fog of grief that enveloped Yeosang.
“Going higher … CLEAR!”
Yeosang's body trembled with the effort to stay upright, his mind torn between duty and the heart-wrenching sight before him. He glanced at Jongho, who was already working alongside the medics, his face set in a mask of focused determination. The sight of his friend's unwavering commitment brought a glimmer of hope, but it was drowned out by the overwhelming fear of losing Seonghwa.
“I can’t lose you too hyung…” Yeosang whispered, “I made a promise to Hongjoong-hyung.” Even in the midst of chaos happening, San managed to hear what he said; the tears in his eyes fell, turning around as he wiped the tears away. Yunho being the only pillar left for his younger brothers, he had to stay strong for them. To his only hyung.
"We... we can't leave him," Yunho heard Yeosang hiccup, his voice barely holding together. "He can't... he can't die."
Yunho placed a comforting hand on Yeosang's shoulder, squeezing gently. "I know, Yeosang. I know. But we have to trust Jongho and the medics. We have to finish what we started.” Yeosang took a shuddering breath, his eyes never leaving Seonghwa's still form. The medics delivered another shock, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. 
“Time…” One of the medics said. The whole division, the trio had their breaths hitched in their throats as they threaded the last thing they wanted to hear just echoe inside their brains. Jongho glanced at the medics in horror, shaking his head as he dropped the defibrillator and started doing CPR, “Don’t you dare die on me hyung!”
“Jongho …” The medics took hold of his forearm to stop but Jongho pushed their hand away, shook his head, tears were now on the brim of his eyes, “No! W-We can still save him!” 
“Hyung please …” Jongho cried, still operating his CPR.
Yunho, as much as he wanted to wait for hope but he too, had responsibility to do. He pulled both Yeosang and San outside, Yeosang fighting off Yunho but he got smack in the face, Yunho exhales, “Jongho can handle this, as much as I want to sit there and hope to see hyung alive but we have to focus right now.”
“I can’t …”
Yunho grip Yeosang’s shoulders, looking at him dead in the eyes, “You can. It hurts me too to see him there, it’s like the same thing again with Hongjoong-hyung.” His eyes were turning red and tears were evident in the corner of his eyes, “But we have to do this. We can’t afford to lose this chance given to us— given by Seonghwa-hyung. His life will be in vain if we don’t.” 
Yeosang knew deep down what he meant. They have to save you.You are their mission now. Division Ateez from the security department was hand-picked by your father. The medics were there to save Seonghwa that leaves them to hope and pray to whoever is listening may grant them this only wish. 
Yunho, being the second-man in command, turning to his division, “Time is ticking and Lady’s life is on the line and no one has not pick up in any from the tracking devices planted in her accessories her current location and as much as possible, locate from the CCTV footages and we’ll based from there.”
All of his division saluted, “Yes sir!”
Yeosang had disappeared when Yunho was giving his words and came back with a helmet under his arm, looking at Yunho, to which Yunho nodded firmly, “I’m on.” Soon, San came out with the same helmet but in a fiery red design. He nod at Yeosang, “I’m on too.”
Yunho turned towards his division, “Deploy to South-West, from their report to me what you find.”
“Yes sir!” Soon, one by one all of them went through their own vehicles in search of you. Yeosang grips the helmet in his arm as the thought of you in a place they couldn’t locate even with the use of technology or much more advanced— Daniel seems to have planned this for a long time to play out this so smoothly.  
Yeosang spun on his heel, glancing at Seonghwa, being placed on top of the stretcher, “8 makes 1 team.” Yeosang swung his leg over his motorbike, reviving it to life. The sound of his newly installed muffler booming bass deeply in the road as they wait for Yunho’s signal. Yeosnag clicks his tongue out of annoyance as he unclip and place the helmet over his head, pushing up the visor. 
“What’s got you annoyed this time, man?” San spoke, shaking his hair before putting on his helmet, with the microphone chips connected to their helmets they were able to communicate well, Yeosang grumbles, “I just told her to be careful around that man…”
San chuckles softly, “You’re the first ever bodyguard to ever be annoyed but think of it man, she collabs with multiple companies with or without knowing the full intentions.”
“In the world of business, you have to gamble your best cards.” Yoesang sighs, not being able to hold back his worriness about your condition. You have been taken for almost an hour and a half, by now they should have received some kind of phone call or something. 
But to their luck, they were able to receive none.
  Or so he thought.
“Yeosang!” His head snapped towards the sound of his friend. Wooyoung, under the information technology department, jogging towards him. Yeosang unclips his helmet and pushes it upright to his forehead so he could speak audibly.
“Wooyoung, what’s wrong?” Wooyoung exhales, showing his briefcase laptop. With the multiple binary codes displaying, Wooyoung pushes a few of his keyboards before it is transferred to a satellite map, showing a red blinking dot.
“Her phone was turned on 2 hours prior after the smoke bomb, the reason for the 2 hours timelapse is the 30 minute drive from here to this place called ‘Omen’ and had contacted Seonghwa. Her location is outside the radar meaning she’s out of signal. This place is not part of the map but it sure is popular for mafias, this is a place where your handphone can’t be reached.” Yeosang thanked Wooyoung before placing back down his helmet, “Yunho we got her location!”
“Received by Jung Wooyoung. You're off to go, I’ll catch up.” After receiving the go signal, San, Yeosang revs his motorbike, his heart hammering deep inside the cages of his ribs that it made him clench out of anxiety. He had swore to you and your father that he will protect you but he failed again. Twice. He clicks his tongue once again but this time he is determined to get you back, to return you to safety.
 He slaps down the visors, twisting his hand brake down to rev up his exhaust pipe before releasing the brakes and off him and San towards your location. 
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“NO! Yeosang!” 
However, Daniel's aim was off, and the bullet grazed Yeosang's shoulder instead of hitting a vital spot. Yeosang winced in pain but managed to stay on his feet. Daniel cursed under his breath, realizing his mistake. Seizing the opportunity, he bolted, getting away as possible even with the wound on his legs.
Yeosang rushes towards you, holding each of your arms as he looks at your eyes with concern, “Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?” You shake your head, holding his face in your hands, shaking from fear and trembling from the cold. If it weren’t for their situation, Yeosang would have melted and stayed in that position for so long but with their conditions— he has to wish for this moment to happen some day's time. 
“I’m okay Yeo but we have to catch him, it may not make sense but he will route his way back to the manor” You said urgently, pulling him towards the exit where Daniel just took off. Yeosang shakes his head, holding on to your shoulders. “It will be dangerous for us to catch him, he’s dangerous . He committed a lot of crimes.” 
“He’s just like these because—”
“That still doesn’t explain his actions…”
“I know that but what if he harms a person? It will be more difficult and complicated—”
“He already killed Seonghwa!” 
Your voice muted when Yeosang yelled, his voice cracking in pain and sorrow. His head hanging; hands still on your shoulder although the grip tightens and you could feel the emotions running through them. Your breath hitches as the weight of Yeosang's words sinks in and your heart aches for the pain Yeosang is feeling. Tears blur your vision, and you swallow hard, trying to find the right words.
“W-What?” Yeosang looks up at you, eyes also brim with tears. His breath slowly shortens, his mind replaying all the scenes happening; hurting himself more.
You cupped his face, warm and smooth under your cold ones, “Yeo?”
 “Daniel…” Yeosang whispered, breath caught in his throat, as he inhaled deeply, the bridges of his nose burning from the upcoming tears, “Daniel … killed Seonghwa-hyung.” You wished you heard him wrong but the way his eyes hardened at the thought of Daniel doing the least thing he could do to harm a person yet it happened, just like that. It is awful to think, hence it would be mortifying to the whole division about their leader. 
“We have to catch him, Yeo. We need to focus on getting Daniel in our hands before he could escape and hide, not getting revenge for Seonghwa.”
Yeosang looks up at you pulling away, his eyes red and filled with anguish. “After I just said that man killed Seonghwa-hyung and you still want to chase him?! He didn’t hesitate to kill him and he won’t do it to you too. ”
You look down before glancing back up on Yeosang, with shaky breath, “I know that. I know he will put a bullet inside my head to get what he wants, I know how reckless and psychotic he becomes but I know that we will bring justice to what he did, Yeo. He also has a family waiting for him, whether they know the truth or not to them but he is doing something out of love for his family.” you whisper, your voice trembling. 
“I know what love is but–”
“His actions are beyond an excuse to get what he wants, I know but getting revenge won’t do justice for all the lives he took. We have to believe that redemption is possible. If we do the same thing as he did, we’re no better than he is.”
You inhale, pulling Yeosang back to you, “Seonghwa is proud of you.” For a moment, Yeosang’s grip softens, and he searches your eyes for a glimmer of hope. Then, with a resigned nod, he lets out a shaky breath. “Okay, let’s go. But if he tries anything, we won’t hesitate.” 
You nodded, “Let’s do this.”
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You and Yeosang run across the field, tracking the footprints and blood trails leading to a cement road. Seeing a few drops and pools of blood, you realize that Daniel managed to reach his getaway vehicle, adding to your thread of 
There were no other vehicles parked and assuming the plan to rescue you, this must be the escape route to avoid being cornered or chased by other vehicles. You look around, “Where’s your motorbike?”
“He used my motorbike! He used my sweet baby!” Yeosang cried, seeing the missing fiery green z900. He fell on his knees dramatically, “it’s not even fully paid yet~.” You stared at him blankly– (-_-) before you saw a motorcycle, just leaning on the bushes, it’s like it was parked carelessly. You pointed to it, “What about that one?” 
Yeosang’s head snapped towards the motorcycle you're pointing at and his face were the same as yours prior minutes ago, “Oh hell no…” You frowned, walking towards it. Easily, you managed to roll it towards Yeosang, a small smile on your lips as you kicked the stand.
“Hey, we can catch Daniel now!” Your eyes were filled with sparkles and you smiled with hope until you saw Yeosang looking at you with a blank face, your lips falling into a thin line, “What?”
“My lady, as much as I want to drive that … chariot as our runaway vehicle … you’re on your own.” 
“This motor is good for province type since it doesn’t go faster than the one I own and since he took mine, it will take us a lot of time before we even get him.” Your mouth forms an ‘o’ shape as you notice the number of cc written on the side of the motorcycle, “125cc.”
“Mine is 900, just imagine him already on the highway while we are still in the community.” You smacked him, frowning at the negativity radiating out of him; Yeosang whimpering at the stinging pain on his shoulder where the wound is. You scrambled a lot of sorry as you looked at his wound, Yeosang pouting even using a baby voice for ‘hurting him’. You scowled at him before looking around for any signs of the boys but you were cut off when the sound of a gun firing in the distance, you duck as Yeosang uses his body to shield you.
“They’re trying to escape the others …” Yeosang whispers to which you caught up with, looking at the vehicles Daniel’s men. You look afar and notice a slick car parked not so far away from you two, taking Yeosang’s hand. You rushed towards the car until a few men beat you both to it and ran away; wheels leaving a mark on the road as they accelerated too fast.
“Yeosang! Lady!” You saw Yunho and the others running. You took San in your arms as you noticed him slightly limping, a pang of guilt and worriedness were evident in your eyes that San saw through it; he shakes his head, “I’m good Lady.” “Sannie~” He shakes his head, looking at you with a small yet a painful smile. 
“Don’t worry too much, Lady… Ow–” You shake your head, glancing at Yunho and the rest of the division, “Police probably had their hands on Daniel’s men but so far no news on Daniel.” Yunho spoke as he read the message from his beeper. You sigh, one by one the rest of the division quickly get in their vans and wait for Yunho’s next signal.
“My Lady, we’ll take care of this one.” Yunho spoke, giving you an extra helmet. You shake your head, “I know it seems crazy or like a suicide mission for me but Yunho, he won’t listen not until it’s one of my family or me.”
“He’s not your brother, Lady.”
“No he is not but he still came from my family line.” Looking at Yunho with a determined look. It faltered for a second but he shook his head, “He is dangerous, my lady and please do not make it sound like you are defending that criminal.”
“Because I am. Yunho, he is still my half-cousin. He deserved something from our family. He came down with no choice because my great-grandfather came with a restriction from them.”
Taking the helmet and putting it on, “If you guys are going after him then let me join you.”
Yunho stared at you, conflicted. "Alright, but stay close to us. We can't risk losing you too," he finally said, his voice heavy with concern.
You nodded, determination and fear battling within you. "Let's go," you said, glancing at Yeosang, who gave you a small, reassuring smile despite his own pain. The blood was dried in his uniform yet it must still be painful.
The division mounted their bikes and cars, engines roaring to life. You climbed onto Yunho's bike, clutching the helmet tightly as you prepared for the chase. Although, you noticed another motorbike— the same model as Yeosang but red— stranded. 
“Who owns that?” You point at the motorbike and Yunho hums as he places the beeper back in his pocket, “San may mention being okay but he is injured around his ankle so it would be bad for him to ride.”
Your curiosity got the best of you and the adrenaline soon started, a smile crept in your face, “Can I ride it?”
“Absolutely not!” Yunho and San exclaimed.
“NO!” Yeosang said, placing his helmet and immediately hearing his voice over the comms of the helmets, “And I’m riding it!” 
You huffed, crossing your arms, if it weren’t for the helmet everyone had probably seen your longest pout on your lips. Yunho chuckles, pulling down your visor, “Maybe next time.” 
As you sped down the road, the wind whipping past you, thoughts of Seonghwa and Daniel churned in your mind. The weight of the situation pressed on your shoulders, but you knew this was the only way. Ahead, the road stretched out, the sun beginning to set, casting a fiery glow on the horizon. The chase was on.
Suddenly, you saw the fiery green motorbike in the distance, weaving through the traffic. After all, the traffic and his injury caused the delay of his escape. Your heart pounded in your chest as you pointed it out to Yunho. "There he is!" you shouted over the roar of the engine. 
As soon as Yunho signals to chase, glossy black cars after cars appear out of nowhere; at least 4 of them appear out of nowhere. You were confused as they neared you and Yunho’s motorbike almost grazed the motorbike, “Yunho? Are they part of your division—”
“Drive Yeo!” Yunho revs up his motorbike and so did Yeosang. You held on to Yunho tightly, the wind picking up its pace as the meter went from 100 to 180. Your heart was racing as fast as the motorbike could go.
You never knew anything about your family’s complicated past nor your great-grandfather mistress. You knew nothing yet why did it end up here? You being the main target of the other family. It’s not like you wanted someone else to be in your spot, heck you don’t want your sister going through this too. 
“Lady! Listen!” You hum, not being able to trust your voice, his head wiping back and forth to check up on behind him because the side mirror were too small for his view, “You have to jump on Yeosang’s bike.”
“WHAT?!” Finally finding your voice, overlapping with Yeosang’s, as you stared at him with wide panicking eyes, “Are you crazy Yunho?!”
“Hyung, have you lost your mind?!”
“I know and I am but this is the only way!” You shake your head, tightening his grip around him. “Ain’t no way I’m doing this! We can just escape them easily!”
Yunho shook his head, “Trust me, this one, Lady!” 
“No! Yunho we can escape this! Do not leave us here!”
“I am not leaving you nor any of you, just follow my orders!” 
You look over where Yeosang is, he had his head twisting in your direction. One hand on the handle the other on his side, his body language saying he is not up for it but he will continue to follow orders.
You glance at your side to see the catching up cars and then up front is Daniel. 
“Will you let me catch Daniel?” You can feel and read his body language that he is not up to the idea but with all the circumstances, Yunho knew that he has to make a quick decision on what to do and you can see him having a conflict in his mind, weight of the outcome and the consequence that he will face in the future.
So with a reassuring squeeze on his shoulders, “It will be okay. If I trust Seonghwa in this, then I don’t have a problem trusting you too.”
Yunho’s breath hitch, hearing his friend's name and the word trust. Without any further delays, he grunted in agreement.
“I’ll have one of my men as back-up.” You nodded. Yeosang’s motorbike neared you both, the situation is risky but trusting these two is your only chance. Yunho’s division were doing their best to fend off the attackers, but the 3 of the black Mercedes was relentless, swerving dangerously close to Yunho's vehicle.
"Yeosang, now!" Yunho's voice was firm, leaving no room for hesitation. Yeosang pulled up beside you, his motorbike roaring over the sound of the chaos around you. He glanced at you, his expression serious but determined, stretching his hand out for you. "Hold on tight," he shouted over the noise.
You felt colors left your face as the realization of the plan is now occurring. Gulping, taking his hand which crawled over to your forearm, your heart pounding as you gripped Yeosang tightly.; with a single nod of his head, he gripped your forearm tightly before tossing you behind him. You quickly wrap your arm around his waist, the unexpected strength Yeosang had left you speechless. The moment you were secure, Yeosang twist the throttle, and the bike surged forward, weaving through the freeway with incredible speed and precision.
Yunho stayed behind, signalling his division to manoeuvre their car to create a blockade against the Mercedes. "I'll hold them off as long as I can," he yelled, his voice barely audible over the wind and engines. "Catch Daniel!"
You nodded, even though Yunho couldn't see you. The wind whipped through as Yeosang pushed the bike to its limits, leaning into sharp turns and accelerating through narrow gaps between vehicles. The freeway blurred around you, the city lights blending into streaks of color.
“Daniel wouldn’t be far from here. He may be tough but he’s dumb!” Yeosang spoke. You hummed but even with the harsh wind whipping past through you, you can hear the roaring and screeching sound of tires behind you.
“Uh … we have to lose them," you said, glancing back at the pursuing car. The Mercedes was relentless, closing in with every passing second. Yeosang nodded, his jaw set with determination, his tongue swiping on his drying lips,  "This is like before," he spoke followed by a small chuckle, his grip on the handlebars tightening.
You, laughing awkwardly, “Now is not the time to reminisce when we’re nearing death again!” You felt his body vibrating as he chuckled again, “Hey my lady.”
“What?” His head turns towards you, pushing up his visor to clearly see you. His bangs were pushed on his forehead by his helmet, his eyes were sparkling with excitement and probably a hint of adrenaline. Lastly, his red birthmark is so bright and beautiful next to his eyes.
You pushed your visor up, looking at him directly, “Let’s get over it!”
With a light laugh leaving Yeosang’s lips, he turns his head around; pushing his visor down. His hand twisted the throttle as he rev the motorbike to its limit, pulling the upper part of the motorbike in a wheelie before dropping to the ground with a thud. He swerved off the main freeway, taking an exit that led to a series of winding, narrow roads. The change in direction caught the Mercedes off guard, giving you a slight advantage. But it wasn't long before the black car was back on your tail, its headlights glaring in the rearview mirror. 
"We’re gonna need to enter a city or province," Yeosang shouted over the roar of the engine. "It’s the only way to confuse them!"
You hesitated for a moment, fear gripping your chest. But then you remembered Yunho's words, the trust you had placed in him and Seonghwa. With a deep breath, you nodded. "Do it." Yeosang veered off, entering a new place, upon entering the unfamiliar place, they sped through the city. Yeosang found an alleyway to lose sight of the chasing car, hiding can be the option although it will not last. The tires screeched as he navigated the tight space. The alley opened up into a deserted industrial area, the perfect place to lose the pursuing car. He made a series of quick, unpredictable turns, each one throwing the Mercedes further off your trail.
Finally, the headlights disappeared from the rearview mirror, and Yeosang slowed the bike, pulling into a hidden corner behind an abandoned warehouse. He cut the engine, and silence fell over you like a blanket.
You dismounted, your legs shaky from the adrenaline. Yeosang turned to you, his expression softening. "Are you okay?"
You nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I think so. What now?"
"We wait for Yunho's signal," Yeosang replied, pulling out his phone to check for updates. "He’ll let us know when it’s safe to move again."
You leaned against the wall, your mind racing. You are still in a state of shock and digesting all of these in one day. Being kidnapped, ambushed by Daniel and then being threatened to step down as the CEO of the company then finding out about your great grandfather’s other family.
“My Lady…” You look up at Yeosang. His presence was comforting in some kind of way, and has been. Even within the chaos behind you, the burden of responsibilities and the unpredictable future; he somehow made them all disappear.
“Remember that no matter what, I’ll always protect you even if things have to go south or bloody.” 
Unknowing, your arms raised to wrap them around his waist, face burying on his chest; taking a deep breath in, the smell of cool water cologne mixed with the hint of the gasoline were comforting you that instantly melted you. Yeosang stood frozen, not expecting the sudden skinship but relaxed when he felt your body giving in to the comfortness.
“I wanna stay like this. Forever.” You mutter, enough for him to feel his heart skipping a beat and his ears turning red. Yeosang doesn’t know how long he has been working for you, minus when he was fired, but hence those months passed by; he never knew that he would ever hear those words come out of your lips.
Something he waited for a while. Something he dreamed you would tell him that will take him to heaven and beyond it. Something that inside him revived.
“I do too. I’ll let you stay with me forever too.”
“And that made my work easier.”  You and Yeosang snapped towards the voice. Your eyes widened, locking onto the figure emerging from the shadows.
Mr. Kim, with several of his bodyguards surround the entrance that you and Yeosang came from. He submerges from his men with a cheeky smile, hands resting on top of his crane; tilting his head to the side in a mocking manner, “Your last words might be part of a movie. A tragic one.”
The man you trusted at the beginning of your reign. The man you put faith in when it comes to business and the man who you felt close to because of how he cared for you like how he cared for your grandfather , now standing there with a smug expression. The realization hit you like a truck—Mr. Kim or also known as Wanyoung, someone you had trusted, had betrayed you. The weight of his treachery crushed your chest, making it hard to breathe. Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces as the betrayal seeped into your bones.
All of the collaborations felt fake after seeing his terror smile, the way he puffed his chest in a smug way, they were now tainted with the bitterness of his deception. It felt like the ground beneath you had given way, leaving you suspended in a void of disbelief and pain.
“M-Mr. Kim? Why?” Tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to hold back the sobs threatening to escape. So this is the feeling of being betrayed, by someone so close to you like a family.
So this is what Daniel felt.
The pain of betrayal was unlike anything you had ever felt. It was a wound that cut deep, one that would take a long time to heal. The illusion of safety and trust had been shattered, leaving you vulnerable and broken.
Wanyoung, Mr. Kim spoke with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, “Simple. Vengeance.”
Shaking your head, still in denial, “No .. No Mr. Kim– I don’t… This must be a misunderstanding–”
“Oh I’ll let you understand, your amazing  great grandfather cheated. Impregnating my mother and leaving us all in the dirt. Abandon all of us to the point, we were all skins and bones.”
Your heart aches as you glance at Wanyoung’s fiery look unlike the comforting one that he gives you, there was no hope for some semblance of comfort, no more of those. The mixture of anger, hurt and sorrow churned inside you, threatening to overflow, “Why—”
“Because monsters like you don’t deserve this! Your great-grandfather or should I say–  my  father is an asshole for leaving his family because this is a mistake. I’m a mistake. His other family is a mistake. And I should have killed him sooner!” He roared. Yeosang, watching everything unfold, pulls you to his side even closer; not liking how Wanyoung’s men were surrounding them seconds after seconds.
“Y-You killed your own father?! You killed him?!”
“He died of sickness and that did not do any justice for us–”
“So you’re doing it to us.” You cut him off. Wanyoung chuckles, “Bingo!”
Wanyoung breathed in and out sharply, “Daniel is my grandson, surprise but nevertheless he failed his mission and I’m finishing it now.”
Pulling out from his suit jacket was the same revolver that Daniel owns. Seeing the gun, Yeosang pushed you behind him yet arms were gripping his as he was dragged away from you.
“Yeosang!” Your eyes widen when they land a harsh punch on his stomach, kneeled him by kicking the back of his knees and grasp his hair in their hands. “Please do not hurt him!”
“You were already given a chance to have a secure life when her father kicked you out yet your pity little heart yearned for this damsel here.” Wanyoung laughs dryly, looking at Yeosang, “It is nice having all of you Ateez fall on your last breath. One by one.”
Both you and Yeosang picked up with what he said, “Yunho!”
Wanyoung laughs loudly. His eyes were wide with pure evil and it sent shivers down your spine, “Bingo! He and his minions are good as your commander … or maybe,” You shake your head, “You disgusting!”
“Maybe … good as your first commander. Captain Kim Hong joong?” Yeosang's eyes widened, the dilated pupils shrinking as the realization hit him. Wanyoung's words echoed in his mind, each syllable reverberating with a sinister undertone. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and a slow, simmering anger began to rise within him. 
“Captain Kim Hongjoong, that kid is a smart one … No doubt he is a Captain yet, he get killed.”
“They weren’t killed by my men! They were killed by her!”
You look at Wanyoung with a disgusted look, “Shut up!”
Pure anger roared in his veins, a torrent of heat that surged through his body, making his heart pound in his chest. He shook his head, a futile attempt to dispel the creeping fury. “No,” he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper. The word repeated in his mind, a desperate mantra against his thoughts. “No, no, no…”
“Mingi? Oh, how he protected you in that upcoming knife. He took the knife for you Yeosang!”
“He is a good brother!” You felt a cloth being covered on your mouth as you thrash around these mens hold as you watched Wanyoung walk limply, using his crane as his support.
But Wanyoung’s voice persisted, the insidious suggestion worming its way deeper into Yeosang’s consciousness. The mention of Captain Kim Hong Joong, a name that carried respect and brother, gnawed at his resolve. It was like a poison, spreading through his thoughts, clouding his judgment.
Yeosang’s hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms. The pain was grounding, but it did little to quell the anger building inside him. His breathing grew heavier, each inhale and exhale a struggle to maintain control. He could feel the anger coiling around his mind, tightening its grip with every passing second.
“No,” he repeated, more forcefully this time, as if saying it louder could drown out the insistent voice in his head. But the memories of Hong Joong, the way he sacrificed himself— for your grandfather, the shattered trust, all resurfaced with a vengeance. They fueled the fire, turning his slow-burning anger into a raging inferno.
“Yunho would be here if she just gave my son all what my family deserves.” Wanyoung squats his hands were on the crane still but one of his hands took his chin harshly to look at him directly in the eye, like finishing the last of his brainwashing, 
“Oh dear San. He is in scorching pain around his ankles, experiencing slow and painful death.” He walks towards Yeosang,  “And certainly, all of these dramas killed your last Captain …”
“.. Park Seonghwa.” His vision blurred, the edges of his sight tinged with red. It was as if a veil had descended over his mind, distorting his thoughts and amplifying his rage. The rational part of him fought to break free, but the anger was overpowering, relentless.
Yeosang’s body trembled with the effort to contain the fury. “All of these happen because of her and her entire line of monsters.”
“No!” The word burst from him, a raw, guttural cry. His eyes, once filled with warmth and comfort, now blazed with unrestrained anger. The transformation was complete, the brainwashing effect of Wanyoung’s words having taken hold. Just like that, Yeosang factory reseted and his eyes were trained on Wanyoung. Wanyoung felt himself laughing, giddy at how his words penetrated Yeosang’s walls and took control of his emotions and himself.
Handing him his revolver, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, nodding in your direction, “She killed your family, she turned her back on her own line. Do me—us a favor and put a bullet on her head.”
Yeosang’s eyes trailed down to the gun then back to him. You, muffled screams and begs, were nothing to him as you watch how Yeosang took Wanyoung’s revolver. The hands holding him down loosen as he stood up, like a robot under control by his owner.
Leaning on his ear, “It will end all of our misery and our justice will prevail.” 
Yeosang nodded stiffly, “Justice.”
Entire time, Yeosang has not made eye-contact with you but now, he stared at you. What used to be so full of stars, full of joy and sparkles are now dull and empty. NO sparkles, not even a tiny hinge of comfort was there. You shake your head, tears are streaming down your cheeks.
“Please … He’s lying! He twisted my words!”
“Shut up.” His monotone voice sent shivers down your spine. The men behind you pushed you on the ground rather aggressively. Scratching your knee in the process, you tilt your head towards Yeosang’s approaching body. Crawling away from him only made things worse for you as he fired one on your leg. A high-pitch scream as you shakily hold on your leg. 
“Remember that no matter what, I’ll always protect you even if things have to go south or bloody”
His words. You look down on the gun wound on your thigh, pools of your blood slowly gushing out, down to your leg. 
“Yeosang …” You glance at him, eyes searching for those same one. The warmth and love you stared a while ago.
“Do it.” Wanyoung spoke behind Yeosang, staring down at you with a glint of glory. Your fist curled on your thigh as you stared at the front part of the gun, aiming directly on your forehead.
“Yeosang is built to follow commands, like a damn robot. You never see that advantage and use your heart to it— and this is what happens if you use your heart instead of your mind. Failure.” 
In a matter of seconds, a gun fired. Your eyes were shut the whole time but you never felt a bullet being fired on your body nor did you feel all of your memories flashing before your eyes; the gun firing didn’t come from Yeosang’s gun.
“Fuck!” It was Wanyoung, clutching his bloody shoulders. All of his men surrounded him but one by one, they were shot down to the floor; a bullet between or on their heads, leaving Wanyoung with his tail between his legs, looking at his men, “No– No! Send back-up!”, scurrying away from the scene but he was stopped when he fell on the ground, clutching his thigh, another bullet buried within.
Yeosang, as if in plan, spun on his heel cocking the gun on Wanyoung, “There will be no back for you. Yunho-hyung and the rest of the division already had their hands on them before you arrived here.”
Wanyoung hissed, “You’ll regret this boy.”
Yeosang steps closer, still had his arms raised and steady on Wanyoung, “I never regret anything. Helping these families? Not an ounce. The things you said to her? To my family? Some kind of utter bullshit you spat out are lies!”
Wanyoung chuckles dryly, “You’re so dumb! Just like your Captain!”
Yeosang’s eyes dilated, in anger and vengeance, “No— You’re wrong. My Captain sacrificed himself because he loved us and saved all of us. Seonghwa-hyung is a Captain full of love and would lay down his life to protect us. Yunho-hyung is a man of steel and he will stand what he knows is right and San? He was an actor before he became a bodyguard. Am I right, Sannie?”
In the queue, a black Mercedes car— the same one that was chasing you and Yeosang, pulled up, rolling down the passenger seat window. San tilted down his sunglasses, “Gotch’ u my brother.”
Yeosang twisted his upper body, holding something against his ear, “Thanks Wooyoung. The division owes you big.” You glance where Wooyoung is— if you have sharp eyes, you would notice a figure moving at least half kilometer away via a tall building.
“I need a new laptop so …” Yeosang chuckles, chucking away the revolver as the division pulls up and arrests Wanyoung while cleaning up the dead bodies. You were still on the floor, leg numb from the bullet wound. Yeosang jogs on your side, his eyes are back to a normal size, eyes now are warm and full of concern, “Is it still painful?”
You shake your head, a small smile on your lips, “Could have told me that this is a plan all along.”
Yeosang chuckles, looking down ashamedly but when he looks up, “We would but we can’t pull you in here.”
“Yet it worked out somehow?”
Yeosnag chuckles, placing his arms behind your knee and on your back, carrying you towards the paramedics, “It did. I’m sorry about the wound though, Wooyoung got caught up in a fist-fight when he was preparing as a sniper.”
You shake your head, leaning on his chest, “You said about always being there for me if things go south or bloody.” 
Yeosang looks down, your body slowly relaxing against his warmth. He moved his head closer, leaving a soft kiss on your head. You look up at him, your cheeks are covered in red hue.
“I’ll always do, my lady.” 
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taglist: @yeosangsbabygirlsblog, @hi-karii, @ateez-atiny380
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raegunblast · 1 year
Gel Blaster for Summer 2023
Outline of the Article:
Introduction to Gel Blasters
Benefits of Gel Blasters for Summer 2023
Types of Gel Blasters
Spring-Powered Gel Blasters
Electric-Powered Gel Blasters
Gas-Powered Gel Blasters
Choosing the Right Gel Blaster
Considerations for Beginners
Advanced Options for Experienced Users
Safety Guidelines for Gel Blaster Use
Eye Protection
Proper Storage and Transportation
Responsible Use and Etiquette
Maintenance and Care of Gel Blasters
Cleaning and Lubrication
Battery Care
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Gel Blaster Accessories for Summer Fun
Tactical Gear and Equipment
Upgrade Parts and Attachments
Ammo and Gel Options
Gel Blaster Games and Events
Competitive Gel Blaster Leagues
Outdoor Gel Blaster Fields
Organized Gel Blaster Events
Gel Blasters for Recreation and Exercise
Family-Friendly Activities
Team-Building and Bonding
Physical Fitness Benefits
Gel Blasters and the Community
Promoting Responsible Play
Supporting Local Businesses
Engaging in Charitable Initiatives
Gel Blasters for Summer 2023: Where to Buy
Trusted Online Retailers
Local Gel Blaster Stores
Precautions When Purchasing
Summer is fast approaching, and many individuals are eagerly looking for exciting activities to enjoy under the sun. If you're someone who loves outdoor adventures and friendly competitions, then gel blasters might be the perfect option for you. Gel blasters are a popular choice for summer fun, offering an engaging and adrenaline-pumping experience. In this article, we will explore the world of gel blasters, their benefits for summer 2023, safety guidelines, maintenance tips, accessories, games and events, community involvement, where to buy them, and much more.
Introduction to Gel Blasters
Gel blasters, also known as gel ball blasters or gelsoft, are recreational toy guns that shoot water-absorbent gel beads. These gel beads, when soaked in water, become soft and squishy, making them safe for use in outdoor activities. The gel blasters propel these beads through a spring, electric, or gas-powered mechanism, providing an exciting and non-lethal shooting experience.
Benefits of Gel Blasters for Summer 2023
Gel blasters offer a multitude of benefits that make them an excellent choice for summer 2023. Firstly, they provide a thrilling and immersive outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you're a teenager, young adult, or even a parent, gel blasters offer a unique blend of excitement and camaraderie.
Moreover, gel blasters promote physical fitness by encouraging players to engage in active movements. Running, dodging, and strategizing during gel blaster games can provide an enjoyable exercise experience while having fun with friends and family.
Types of Gel Blasters
When considering gel blasters, it's important to understand the different types available. The three main types of gel blasters are spring-powered, electric-powered, and gas-powered gel blasters.
Spring-Powered Gel Blasters
Spring-powered gel blasters operate using a manual spring mechanism. To fire a shot, the user needs to manually cock the blaster before each shot. Spring-powered gel blasters are popular among beginners due to their simplicity, affordability, and ease of use.
Electric-Powered Gel Blasters
Electric-powered gel blasters are equipped with an electric motor that propels the gel beads. These blasters offer semi-automatic or fully automatic firing modes, providing a rapid and continuous shooting experience. Electric-powered gel blasters are suitable for both beginners and experienced users, offering versatility and performance.
Gas-Powered Gel Blasters
Gas-powered gel blasters utilize compressed gas, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or green gas, to propel the gel beads. These blasters offer high power and realism, making them a favorite among experienced players and enthusiasts. Gas-powered gel blasters require additional maintenance and are typically more expensive than other types.
Choosing the Right Gel Blaster
When selecting a gel blaster, it's essential to consider your experience level, preferences, and budget. Beginners may opt for a spring-powered or electric-powered gel blaster, while advanced users might be interested in the performance and realism offered by gas-powered models. Additionally, factors such as ergonomics, magazine capacity, and compatibility with accessories should be taken into account.
For beginners, it's advisable to start with a reliable and user-friendly gel blaster that offers easy maintenance and affordable replacement parts. On the other hand, advanced users might consider upgrading their gel blaster with aftermarket parts and attachments to enhance performance and customize their blaster to suit their specific needs.
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Safety Guidelines for Gel Blaster Use
Safety should always be a top priority when using gel blasters. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, follow these essential guidelines:
Eye Protection: Always wear appropriate eye protection, such as safety goggles or glasses, to protect your eyes from gel beads.
Proper Storage and Transportation: When not in use, store your gel blaster in a secure and locked container to prevent unauthorized access. During transportation, keep the gel blaster unloaded and in a discreet bag or case.
Responsible Use and Etiquette: Play responsibly and considerate of others. Avoid aiming at people who are not participating in the game and follow any local laws and regulations regarding gel blaster usage.
Maintenance and Care of Gel Blasters
To keep your gel blaster in optimal condition, regular maintenance is crucial. Here are some essential maintenance tips:
Cleaning and Lubrication: Clean your gel blaster regularly to remove dirt, debris, and gel residue. Lubricate the moving parts according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure smooth operation.
Battery Care: If you own an electric-powered gel blaster, proper battery care is essential. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging, storage, and handling of batteries to maximize their lifespan and performance.
Troubleshooting Common Issues: Familiarize yourself with common issues that may arise with gel blasters, such as jamming or misfires. Troubleshoot these problems using the manufacturer's guidelines or seek assistance from knowledgeable individuals or online communities.
Gel Blaster Accessories for Summer Fun
Enhance your gel blaster experience with a range of accessories and gear designed for maximum enjoyment and performance. Consider the following options:
Tactical Gear and Equipment: Invest in tactical vests, holsters, and magazine pouches to keep your gear organized and easily accessible during games.
Upgrade Parts and Attachments: Customize your gel blaster with upgrade parts like barrels, motors, and hop-ups to improve range, accuracy, and overall performance. Attachments such as scopes, grips, and suppressors can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your blaster.
Ammo and Gel Options: Explore different types of gel beads and ammunition sizes to find the best fit for your gel blaster. Experiment with colors and weights to add variety and excitement to your gel blaster games.
Gel Blaster Games and Events
Gel blasters have gained popularity in organized games and events, providing opportunities for competitive play and social interaction. Some of the common gel blaster games and events include:
Competitive Gel Blaster Leagues: Join local gel blaster leagues or tournaments where players compete against each other in various game formats, such as team-based matches or individual challenges.
Outdoor Gel Blaster Fields: Visit dedicated outdoor gel blaster fields that provide a realistic and immersive environment for gel blaster games. These fields often feature obstacles, structures, and diverse terrains to enhance gameplay.
Organized Gel Blaster Events: Participate in organized gel blaster events that bring together gel blaster enthusiasts from different locations. These events offer a chance to meet fellow players, showcase your skills, and have a memorable experience.
Gel Blasters for Recreation and Exercise
Gel blasters offer a range of recreational and exercise opportunities suitable for individuals and groups. Consider the following benefits:
Family-Friendly Activities: Gel blaster games can be enjoyed by the whole family, providing a fun and engaging outdoor activity that promotes bonding and friendly competition.
Team-Building and Bonding: Gel blasters can be used as team-building exercises for corporate groups, sports teams, or social clubs. Engaging in tactical gel blaster games fosters teamwork, communication, and camaraderie.
Physical Fitness Benefits: Playing with gel blasters involves physical movements such as running, ducking, and aiming, which contribute to cardiovascular exercise and overall fitness. It's an enjoyable way to stay active during the summer months.
Gel Blasters and the Community
Beyond personal enjoyment, gel blasters can also have a positive impact on the community. Consider the following ways to engage and contribute:
Promoting Responsible Play: Encourage responsible gel blaster use by educating others about safety guidelines, proper etiquette, and respecting public spaces. Be a positive ambassador for the gel blaster community.
Supporting Local Businesses: Explore and support local gel blaster stores and fields. By patronizing these establishments, you contribute to the growth of the gel blaster community while fostering local economic development.
Engaging in Charitable Initiatives: Gel blaster events and tournaments can be organized to raise funds for charitable causes. Consider partnering with local charities and organizing gel blaster events with a philanthropic focus.
Gel Blasters for Summer 2023: Where to Buy
If you're ready to experience the thrill of gel blasters this summer, here are some options for purchasing them:
Trusted Online Retailers: Explore reputable online retailers that specialize in gel blasters. Look for customer reviews, product descriptions, and detailed specifications to make an informed choice.
You can find some products here
Local Gel Blaster Stores: Check if there are any gel blaster stores in your area. Visiting a physical store allows you to get hands-on experience, seek expert advice, and examine different models before making a purchase.
Precautions When Purchasing: Before buying a gel blaster, ensure you understand your local laws and regulations regarding ownership and usage. Verify the age requirements, licensing, and any restrictions that may apply to gel blasters in your region.
Gel blasters offer an exciting and engaging outdoor activity for the summer of 2023. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, gel blasters provide a unique blend of fun, physical activity, and social interaction. By following safety guidelines, maintaining your gel blaster properly, and exploring accessories and games, you can maximize your enjoyment of this thrilling hobby. So, gear up, gather your friends and family, and embrace the excitement of gel blasters for an unforgettable summer experience.
Q1: Are gel blasters safe for children to use?
A1: Gel blasters can be safe for children to use under adult supervision. It's important to ensure they wear proper eye protection and understand the safety rules and guidelines.
Q2: Can gel blasters cause any injuries?
A2: Gel blasters are designed to be safe and non-lethal. However, it's crucial to always practice responsible use and avoid aiming at sensitive areas such as the face or close-range shots to prevent any potential injuries.
Q3: Are gel blasters legal to own and use?
A3: The legality of gel blasters varies by country and region. It's essential to check the local laws and regulations regarding the ownership, purchase, and usage of gel blasters in your area.
Q4: How do I clean my gel blaster?
A4: To clean your gel blaster, disassemble it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dirt or debris. Ensure you follow proper cleaning procedures and lubricate the moving parts as recommended.
Q5: Can I upgrade my gel blaster with aftermarket parts?
A5: Yes, many gel blasters can be upgraded with aftermarket parts to enhance performance, accuracy, and aesthetics. It's essential to choose compatible parts and follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and use.
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squickmons · 4 days
Understanding Plasma Cutting: Simple Guide
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What is a Plasma Cutter?
Imagine a tool that cuts through metal like a lightsaber! A plasma cutter does just that by creating an electrical arc that transforms gas into plasma, effortlessly melting through materials like steel and aluminum. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, this game-changing tool is essential for precision metalwork.
How Does It Work?
A plasma cutter operates by:
Power Supply: Generates the arc.
Torch: The handheld part that directs the plasma.
Compressed Air: Blows away molten metal for a clean cut.
Types of Plasma Cutters
Manual Plasma Cutters: Ideal for small, on-site jobs. Great for hobbyists!
CNC Plasma Cutters: Computer-controlled for precise, repeatable cuts—perfect for industrial applications.
Steps to Use a Plasma Cutter Safely
Set up in a safe area.
Wear protective gear (gloves, helmet, etc.).
Check power and air supply; connect the ground clamp.
Adjust settings like amperage and air pressure according to the material thickness.
Making the Cut:
Mark your cut line.
Position the torch correctly and start the arc.
Move smoothly along the line to maintain a steady cut.
Clean Up:
Turn off the cutter and inspect your edges. Clean any slag with a chipping hammer.
A plasma cutter might seem intimidating, but with the right preparation and practice, it becomes an invaluable tool for any metalworking project. Prioritize safety, practice on scrap metal, and you’ll be cutting like a pro in no time! For more tips and advanced techniques, check out additional resources on plasma cutting. Happy cutting!
Get Read Full Article:- https://squickmons.com/how-to-use-a-plasma-cutter/
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welderpig · 3 months
How Do You Maintain and Care for Welding Equipment to Ensure Longevity and Performance?
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Maintaining and caring for welding equipment is crucial for ensuring longevity and optimal performance. Whether you’re a professional welder or a hobbyist, proper maintenance routines can save you time, money, and effort in the long run. Let's explore the essential steps and tips for maintaining and caring for your welding equipment.
What Are the Key Steps to Clean Your Welding Equipment?
Cleaning your welding equipment regularly is the first step in ensuring its longevity and performance. Here’s how to do it:
1. How Do You Clean Your MIG Welder?
Cleaning your MIG welder is vital for preventing issues such as poor wire feed and inconsistent weld quality. Start by unplugging the machine and removing the wire spool. Use a wire brush to clean the wire drive rolls and a compressed air canister to blow out any dust and debris from the interior components. Wipe down the exterior with a clean, dry cloth.
2. What Is the Best Way to Clean a Stick Welder?
Stick welders require less frequent cleaning compared to MIG welders, but it’s still essential. Disconnect the stick welder from the power source and remove the electrode holder. Use a brush to clean the holder and ensure the connections are free from corrosion. Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth.
How Can You Properly Store Your Welding Equipment?
Proper storage of your welding equipment can significantly impact its lifespan and performance. Follow these tips:
1. Where Should You Store Your Everlast Welders?
Everlast welders should be stored in a dry, cool place to prevent moisture damage. Ensure the storage area is clean and free from dust. Use covers or storage bags to protect the equipment from environmental factors when not in use.
2. How to Store Your Esab Welding Helmet?
Your Esab welding helmet should be stored in a clean, dry place to avoid damage to the lens and other components. Use a helmet bag for added protection and store it away from heavy objects that could cause damage.
What Routine Inspections Should Be Conducted?
Routine inspections are essential to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Here are key inspections to perform:
1. How Often Should You Inspect Your MIG Welder?
Inspect your MIG welder before each use. Check the power cord for any signs of wear or damage. Inspect the wire feed mechanism and ensure the wire spool is secure. Look for any signs of overheating or burn marks on the machine.
2. What Should You Look for in a Stick Welder Inspection?
For stick welders, inspect the electrode holder and cables for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure all connections are tight and free from corrosion. Check the power source and settings to ensure they are functioning correctly.
How Do You Ensure Optimal Performance of Your Welding Equipment?
Ensuring optimal performance involves more than just cleaning and inspecting. Here’s how to maintain peak performance:
1. What Maintenance Practices Are Essential for Everlast Welders?
For Everlast welders, regular maintenance practices include checking the coolant levels in water-cooled models and ensuring the gas flow is unobstructed. Keep the welding gun clean and free from spatter buildup. Regularly calibrate the machine to ensure accurate settings.
2. How to Maintain Your Esab Welding Helmet for Optimal Use?
Maintain your Esab welding helmet by regularly cleaning the lens with a soft cloth and lens cleaner. Replace the lens if it becomes scratched or damaged. Ensure the helmet is adjusted properly for comfort and safety.
What Are Common Issues, and How Do You Troubleshoot Them?
Even with proper maintenance, issues can arise. Knowing how to troubleshoot common problems can save time and prevent further damage.
1. What to Do If Your MIG Welder Is Not Feeding Wire Properly?
If your MIG welder is not feeding wire properly, check the tension on the wire drive rolls and adjust if necessary. Ensure the wire spool is correctly installed and the wire is free from kinks or tangles. Clean the wire feed mechanism and replace the contact tip if worn.
2. How to Troubleshoot Poor Arc Quality in a Stick Welder?
Poor arc quality in a stick welder can be caused by several factors. Check the electrode for contamination and replace it if necessary. Ensure the workpiece is clean and free from rust or paint. Adjust the welding settings according to the material and thickness being welded.
FAQ Section
Q: How often should I replace the consumables in my welding equipment?
The frequency of replacing consumables like contact tips, nozzles, and electrodes depends on your usage. For regular users, inspect consumables weekly and replace as needed.
Q: Can I use any cleaning solution for my welding equipment?
It’s best to use manufacturer-recommended cleaning solutions to avoid damaging sensitive components.
Q: How can I prevent my welding helmet lens from fogging up?
Use anti-fog spray on the lens or invest in a helmet with built-in anti-fog features.
Q: What should I do if my welding equipment overheats?
Turn off the equipment immediately and allow it to cool down. Check for blockages in cooling vents and ensure proper ventilation in your workspace.
Proper maintenance and care of your welding equipment, including MIG welders, stick welders, Everlast welders, and your Esab welding helmet, are essential for ensuring longevity and performance. By following the steps outlined above, you can keep your equipment in top shape, enhance your welding experience, and avoid costly repairs.
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MIG Welder Maintenance: A Comprehensive Guide for Optimal Performance and Longevity
MIG welding, or Metal Inert Gas welding, has become a go-to choice for welders due to its ease of use, versatility, and ability to produce high-quality welds. However, like any piece of equipment, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance, extend its lifespan, and prevent costly repairs.
Proper MIG welder maintenance involves a combination of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. By following these guidelines, you can keep your MIG welder in top condition and ensure it continues to deliver reliable performance for years to come.
Daily Maintenance:
Visual Inspection: Before each use, conduct a thorough visual inspection of your MIG welder. Check for any signs of damage, loose wires, or worn components.
Cleanliness: Clean the exterior of the welder using a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. For stubborn dirt, use a mild detergent solution.
Wire Feeder Inspection: Inspect the wire feeder for any signs of wear or damage. Clean the wire guides and drive rollers to ensure smooth wire feeding.
Ground Clamp Connection: Ensure the ground clamp is securely connected to a clean, bare metal surface.
Weekly Maintenance:
Nozzle Cleaning: Remove the nozzle and clean it thoroughly using a nozzle cleaning brush or compressed air. Inspect the nozzle for any blockages or damage.
Contact Tip Cleaning: Clean the contact tip using a contact tip cleaning tool or compressed air. Inspect the contact tip for any signs of wear or damage.
Gas Flow Check: Check the gas flow rate using a flow meter. Ensure the gas flow is within the recommended range specified by the manufacturer.
Cable Inspection: Inspect the welding cables for any signs of damage, cuts, or excessive wear. Check for loose connections at the cable ends.
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Monthly Maintenance:
Internal Cleaning: Open the welder's case and carefully remove any dust or debris accumulated inside. Use a vacuum cleaner or compressed air to clean internal components.
Electrical Connections: Inspect all electrical connections for tightness and signs of corrosion. Clean any loose connections or corrosion.
Lubrication: Lubricate any moving parts, such as gears and linkages, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Expert Inspection: Consider having your MIG welder inspected by a qualified technician annually to identify any potential issues early on.
Additional Tips:
Store the welder in a clean, dry, and dust-free environment.
Always follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule and procedures.
Use genuine replacement parts when necessary.
If you are unsure about any maintenance task, consult the manufacturer's manual or seek assistance from a qualified technician.
By following these comprehensive maintenance guidelines, you can ensure your MIG welder remains in optimal condition, extending its lifespan, reducing downtime, and producing high-quality welds for years to come. Remember, regular maintenance is an investment in the performance, longevity, and safety of your MIG welder.
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mathewmartin1 · 4 months
Mastering the Art of Camping Gas Canisters: A Comprehensive Guide for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Camping is a timeless adventure that allows us to reconnect with nature, unwind from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and create lasting memories with loved ones. One essential element of any camping trip is the trusty gas canister, a compact and efficient source of fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about camping gas canisters, from choosing the right type to safety tips and proper disposal.
Understanding Camping Gas Canisters
Gas canisters are indispensable companions for outdoor enthusiasts, providing a convenient and reliable energy source for cooking meals, boiling water, and even powering portable heaters and lanterns. These canisters typically contain a mixture of propane, butane, or a blend of both, compressed into a portable container for easy transport and use.
Types of Camping Gas Canisters
When it comes to camping gas canisters, there are several options to choose from, each with its own advantages and considerations. The most common types include:
Propane Canisters: Propane is a popular choice for camping due to its high energy content and ability to perform well in cold temperatures. Propane canisters are often used for larger camping stoves and appliances, providing a steady and consistent flame for cooking.
Butane Canisters: Butane is another commonly used fuel for camping, prized for its ease of use and clean-burning properties. Butane canisters are ideal for smaller camping stoves and portable cookers, offering quick ignition and reliable performance in mild weather conditions.
Propane-Butane Blends: Some camping gas canisters contain a mixture of propane and butane, offering the benefits of both fuels. These blends are versatile options that perform well in a variety of temperatures and are suitable for a wide range of camping applications.
Choosing the Right Camping Gas Canister
When selecting a camping gas canister, it's essential to consider factors such as the duration of your trip, the type of equipment you'll be using, and the weather conditions you're likely to encounter. Here are some tips for choosing the right canister for your needs:
Assess Your Equipment: Determine the type of camping stove or appliance you'll be using and check its compatibility with different types of gas canisters. Some stoves may require specific fuel types or fittings, so be sure to choose accordingly.
Consider Temperature: If you're camping in cold weather, propane is typically the preferred option, as it performs better at low temperatures compared to butane. However, if you're camping in mild conditions, either propane or butane canisters should suffice.
Evaluate Duration: Estimate how much fuel you'll need for the duration of your trip and choose canister sizes accordingly. Larger canisters provide more fuel but may be heavier and bulkier to carry, so strike a balance based on your needs.
Safety Tips for Handling Camping Gas Canisters
While camping gas canisters are generally safe to use when handled properly, it's essential to observe some safety precautions to prevent accidents and ensure a worry-free camping experience. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:
Store and Transport Safely: When transporting gas canisters, always ensure they are stored upright in a well-ventilated area away from heat sources and open flames. Secure them tightly to prevent tipping or rolling during transit.
Check for Leaks: Before connecting a gas canister to your camping stove or appliance, inspect the valve and fittings for any signs of damage or leakage. Apply soapy water to the connections and look for bubbles, which indicate a leak that needs to be addressed before use.
Use in Well-Ventilated Areas: When cooking with gas canisters inside a tent or enclosed space, ensure adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide. Use portable gas stoves outdoors whenever possible, and never use them for heating purposes inside a tent.
Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for your camping stove or appliance and adhere to any specific guidelines for the use of gas canisters. Improper use can lead to accidents or equipment damage.
Proper Disposal of Camping Gas Canisters
Once you've finished using a camping gas canister, it's crucial to dispose of it properly to minimize environmental impact and ensure safety. Here's how to dispose of camping gas canisters responsibly:
Empty the Canister: Use up any remaining fuel in the canister by operating your camping stove or appliance until the flame extinguishes. This will help reduce the risk of accidental ignition during disposal.
Depressurize the Canister: To depressurize the canister, connect it to your camping stove or appliance and open the valve to release any remaining gas. Once depressurized, the canister is safer to handle and dispose of.
Recycle or Dispose: Check with local recycling centers or waste disposal facilities to determine the proper method for recycling or disposing of gas canister camping in your area. Some facilities may accept empty canisters for recycling, while others may require specialized disposal methods.
Camping gas canisters are invaluable companions for outdoor adventures, providing a convenient and reliable source of fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting. By understanding the different types of gas canisters, choosing the right one for your needs, and observing safety precautions, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable camping experience. Remember to dispose of gas canisters responsibly to protect the environment and preserve the beauty of our natural surroundings. Happy camping!
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developbyme · 6 months
From Weddings to Warehouses: Meeting Nha Trang's Dry Ice Demands
Nha Trang, with its picturesque beaches and bustling marketplace, has a hidden champion in the wings, assisting from the coolest of parties to the storage of the freshest catch: dry ice. Have you ever wondered how those intricate wedding centerpieces stay frosty throughout the celebration or how your favorite seafood maintains its freshness until it reaches your plate? The answer often lies in those mesmerizing clouds of smoke — dry ice, or "đá khô." Whether for preserving precious perishables or creating magical moments, dry ice is an unsung hero in Nha Trang’s daily dance of commerce and celebration.
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Dry Ice Defined
Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide, chilling at a brisk -78.5°C (-109.3°F). It doesn’t melt into a liquid but sublimates, turning directly from solid to gas, which creates its famous fog.
How Dry Ice is Made
The production of dry ice involves cooling and compressing carbon dioxide gas into a liquid. This liquid is then expanded to form carbon dioxide snow, which is subsequently pressed into solid blocks or pellets. This frosty process ensures that dry ice is ready to meet the demand wherever cold is crucial, from labs to seafood trucks.
Dry Ice Uses in Nha Trang
Weddings and Celebrations
Imagine a wedding where the decor magically mists over the guests, creating an ethereal ambiance. Dry ice makes these dreamy scenes a reality, proving a popular choice for event planners in Nha Trang looking to add a touch of spectacle to their celebrations.
Fisheries and Food Preservation
For the fisheries of Nha Trang, dry ice provides a vital service, keeping seafood fresh from the ocean to the market. It's essential in a city known for its vibrant seafood dishes, ensuring that quality and taste are preserved.
The Logistics of Dry Ice Supply
Managing the supply of dry ice, especially in a bustling city like Nha Trang, is no small feat. It requires timely production, adequate storage facilities, and efficient distribution channels to ensure that dry ice is available when and where it's needed most.
Safety Measures for Dry Ice
Handling Dry Ice
Always handle dry ice with care—use insulated gloves and avoid direct contact with skin to prevent frostbite.
Storage Tips
Store dry ice in an insulated container that allows for the escape of carbon dioxide gas to prevent pressure buildup and potential explosions.
Buying Dry Ice in Nha Trang
For those looking to buy dry ice or mua đá khô in Nha Trang, it is essential to know where to find quality suppliers. Check out local ice factories, specialty storage shops, or online providers who can offer good quality dry ice with safety guarantees.
Innovative Uses of Dry Ice
Beyond preservation and parties, dry ice is also used in Nha Trang for more novel purposes like creating smoke effects for photography, flash-freezing at culinary events, and even in science education, demonstrating sublimation and gas expansion.
Environmental Considerations
Dry ice is an environmentally friendly cooling agent as it leaves no residue and does not require electricity. It sublimates directly back into carbon dioxide gas, which can be recaptured and reused in a closed system.
Future Trends in Dry Ice Usage
As technology advances and environmental awareness grows, the demand for sustainable and versatile cooling solutions like dry ice is expected to increase. Nha Trang might see innovative applications of dry ice in more sectors, including medical and emergency services.
Conclusion: Why Dry Ice Matters
In Nha Trang, dry ice is more than just a product; it’s a pivotal part of the culinary, celebratory, and commercial fabric of the city. Whether it’s keeping seafood fresh or making a wedding unforgettable, dry ice provides reliable and spectacular solutions. Next time you see that mystical mist, remember: there’s a cool science and an even cooler industry behind it, ready to meet Nha Trang’s needs. And if you ever need to mua đá khô—whether for an event, a business, or just some home experimentation—know that this fantastic form of carbon dioxide is more accessible and useful than you might think!
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taruu03 · 6 months
Sewer Jetting Machine: The Powerful Tool for Clogged Drains
Clogged drains are a fairly common trouble that may be demanding and inconvenient. While there are numerous methods to clean sewers, mechanical septic tanks have become well known for their effectiveness and practicality.
In this published blog, we're capable to say all you want to pay attention about sewer jetting machines, further to:
What is a sewer jetting device? How does a sewer jetting tool create pix?
Benefits of the use of sewer jetting gadget
Different kinds of drains used in sewer jetting machines
How to select the proper sewer jetting gadget
Tips on the usage of sewer jetting device nicely and do properly
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What is a Sewer Jetting Machine?
A drain removal device, additionally known as a hydro jetter, is a low-electricity device that makes use of a pressurized water jet to clear clogged drains and drains of the s. These gadgets are generally attached to trailers or skids and include a water tank, a pump, and a hose with a jetting nozzle.
How Does Sewer Jetting Machine Work?
The principle of operation in a sewer jetting machine is very simple. The tanks are packed with plain water. The pump then compresses the water and forces it via the hose and out of the jetting nozzle. Low-strain water can damage down and do away with even the hardest of grease, soap scum, tree roots, and debris.
Advantages of Using a Sewer Jetting Machine
There are many benefits of using a sewer jetting machine for sewer reduction, consisting of:
Effectiveness: Sewer jetting machines are the simplest strategies of removal one of the clogged drains. Excessive shrinkage can throw off even the maximum complex substances that may not be dealt with with the aid of monolithic techniques. Performance
Efficiency: Gutter filters are capable of easy gutters quick and correctly, minimizing downtime and disruption.
Safety: Drain filters are a safe way to soften drains without the want for harsh chemical substances. This is in particular vital for drains that may be installed close to sensitive areas, next to kitchens and lavatories. Environmentally
appealing: Sewer filters use handiest water to purify sewers, making them the satisfactory for the environment.
Preventive renovation: Sewer jetting machines can also be used for preventive renovation to assist hold drains smooth and shop your destiny clogs.
Types of Sewer Jetting Machines
Sewer jetting machines are available in masses of sizes and configurations to fulfill the goals of diverse installations.
Some of the most commonly used drainage gadgets are:
Electric drainage devices: These gadgets are powered with the aid of electric vehicles and typically are smaller and extra portable than gasoline-powered machines. They are best for cleaning small drains and drains.
Gas-powered sewer systems: These structures are powered by way of fuel engines and are lots greater green than electric-powered structures. They are ideal for massive drains and drain cleaners, further to durable insulation.
 Truck-set up sewer systems: These devices are hooked up on vehicles and are the maximum durable sort of sewer gadget. It is regularly utilized by experienced sewer cleaning groups to facilitate the identification of massive sewers and municipal wastewater systems.
Applications of Sewer Jetting Machines
Sewer jetting machines have a wide range of applications, including:
Clearing clogged drains: Mechanical drainage can be used has cleared clogged drains in homes, organizations, and towns.
Cleaning drains: Mechanical filters can be used to clean drains and get rid of greasy particles, soap a it's far dirty, and the roots of timber are long gone.
Filters: Mechanical filters can be used to filter water and put off gathered minerals.
Demonstration of pipeline leaks: Mechanical drainage gadgets can be used to expose pipeline leaks by using forcing water thru the cracks and holes within the pipeline on.
How to Choose the Right Sewer Jetting Machine
When thinking about purchasing a sewer jetting tool, there are some things to take into account:
The length of the drains you'll be flushing: Sewer jetting machines are available in many sizes. For small drains, a small electric outlet may be enough. For large drains and drains, you may need greater fuel performance.
Stress and go along with the drift fee of the device: Stress and go together with the waft rate of the tool will determine how powerful away in disposing of clogs. Increased strain and flow values are more effective in removing stubborn clogs.
Features of the tool: Some drainage gadgets encompass additional competencies, and encompass a skip valve, pulsating jetting sample, and image counters.
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theplumbnerd · 9 months
Mastering Warmth: A DIY Guide to Water Heater Maintenance - With PlumbNerd
Mastering Warmth: A DIY Guide to Water Heater Maintenance - With PlumbNerd
Greetings, water warmth enthusiasts and plumbing aficionados! I'm Jack Thompson, your PlumbNerd companion, and today we're on a mission to ensure the perpetual warmth of your water by mastering water heater maintenance. In this comprehensive guide, I'll be your plumbing maestro, guiding you through the steps to keep your water heater in top-notch condition. Let's dive into the warmth with PlumbNerd as your guide! Mastering Warmth: DIY Water Heater Maintenance with PlumbNerd When it comes to water heaters, a little TLC goes a long way. In this guide, I'll share insights and step-by-step instructions to help you become a water heater maintenance virtuoso, ensuring your water stays comfortably warm.
Signs Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance
Before we delve into the maintenance process, let's identify signs that your water heater might be in need of some care: Signs: - Fluctuating Water Temperatures: Inconsistent water temperatures during usage. - Unusual Noises: Strange noises such as popping or rumbling from the water heater.
DIY Approach to Water Heater Maintenance
Now, let's explore the step-by-step process to maintain your water heater and keep the warmth flowing: Step 1 - Turn Off Power - Locate Power Source: Identify the power source of your water heater—this may be gas or electricity. - Turn Off Power: Switch off the power supply to the water heater at the circuit breaker or gas control valve. Step 2 - Drain the Tank - Attach a Hose: Connect a garden hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the water heater. - Open the Drain Valve: Open the valve and let the water drain into a suitable drainage area. Step 3 - Flush the Tank - Turn On Cold Water Supply: Turn on the cold water supply to the tank while the drain valve is open. - Flush Until Clear Water: Continue flushing until the water runs clear, indicating the removal of sediment. Step 4 - Check the Anode Rod - Locate the Anode Rod: The anode rod is typically located at the top of the water heater. - Inspect for Corrosion: Check the anode rod for signs of corrosion. If heavily corroded, consider replacement. Step 5 - Check Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve - Locate the Valve: The temperature and pressure relief valve is usually on the side of the tank. - Test the Valve: Lift and release the valve's lever to ensure it operates smoothly. Be cautious, as hot water may be released. Step 6 - Inspect for Leaks - Check for Leaks: Inspect the entire water heater for any signs of leaks. - Address Leaks Promptly: If leaks are detected, address the issue promptly by tightening connections or replacing faulty parts. Step 7 - Clean the Burner and Pilot Assembly (Gas Heaters) - Turn Off Gas Supply: If you have a gas water heater, turn off the gas supply to the unit. - Clean the Burner and Pilot Assembly: Remove dust and debris from the burner and pilot assembly using a brush or compressed air. Step 8 - Insulate Hot Water Pipes - Use Pipe Insulation: Wrap hot water pipes with insulation to prevent heat loss during distribution. - Secure with Tape or Zip Ties: Ensure insulation is securely fastened with tape or zip ties. Step 9 - Turn Power Back On - Restore Power: Once all maintenance tasks are complete, turn the power supply back on. - Monitor for Normal Operation: Monitor the water heater to ensure it resumes normal operation without issues.
Maintenance Tips
Regular Checks - Scheduled Inspections: Include water heater inspections in your regular plumbing maintenance routine. - Annual Drain and Flush: Perform a full drain and flush of the tank at least once a year. Safety Tips - Turn Off Power: Always turn off the power supply before performing any maintenance tasks. - Be Cautious with Hot Water: Exercise caution when draining hot water, and be aware of the potential for scalding. Consult a Professional - For Complex Issues: If you encounter complex issues or are uncomfortable with DIY maintenance, consult a professional plumber. - For Older Heaters: If your water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan, consider consulting a professional for replacement options.
Congratulations, water warmth guardians! You've completed PlumbNerd's DIY guide to water heater maintenance. By following these steps and incorporating regular checks, you've ensured your water heater stays in top-notch condition, providing warmth whenever needed. May your showers be endlessly warm, and may your plumbing endeavors continue. Happy maintaining! Read the full article
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monolithm007 · 10 months
Welding Supplies Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for Longevity
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Welding is an art that requires not just skill but also the right tools. However, owning high-quality welding supplies is only half the battle; maintaining them is crucial for their longevity and your safety. This blog will delve into practical tips and tricks to maintain your welding supplies, ensuring they remain in top condition for years to come. You can visit us at JGW Machine for more information
Understanding the Importance of Maintenance
The first step in welding supplies maintenance is understanding its importance. Proper care extends the life of your equipment, ensures optimal performance, and most importantly, keeps you safe. Neglected supplies can lead to malfunction, which in turn can cause accidents or subpar work.
Regular Cleaning: The First Line of Defense
1. Welding Machines
Regular cleaning of your welding machine is essential. Dust and debris can accumulate inside the machine, leading to overheating or electrical faults. Use a soft brush or compressed air to gently remove dust from the machine's exterior and interior components.
2. Welding Guns and Torches
Welding guns and torches should be cleaned after each use. Remove any spatter from the nozzle and check for blockages. Ensure the contact tips are clean and replace them if they show signs of wear.
3. Cables and Hoses
Inspect cables and hoses regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Cracks or cuts can lead to dangerous situations, like electric shocks or gas leaks.
Proper Storage: A Key to Longevity
1. Controlled Environment
Store your welding supplies in a dry, controlled environment. Moisture is the enemy of welding equipment, as it can lead to rust and corrosion. If possible, use a dehumidifier in your storage area.
2. Organized Space
Organize your space. A cluttered workshop can lead to damaged equipment. Use hooks, shelves, and racks to store your supplies safely.
Periodic Maintenance Checks
1. Inspection Schedule
Create a periodic inspection schedule. Regularly check all your welding supplies for any signs of damage or wear. This includes examining welding machines, helmets, gloves, and other protective gear.
2. Professional Servicing
For complex equipment like welding machines, professional servicing is recommended. This ensures that any potential issues are identified and rectified by experts.
Handling and Usage Best Practices
1. Correct Usage
Always use welding supplies as intended. Misuse can lead to damage and reduce the lifespan of your equipment. Follow manufacturer guidelines for usage.
2. Handling with Care
Handle all equipment with care. Rough handling can lead to unnecessary wear and tear. For example, avoid dropping welding guns or helmets, as this can damage them.
Welding Consumables: A Special Mention
1. Electrodes and Wires
Store welding electrodes and wires in a dry environment to prevent moisture absorption. Use sealed containers if available.
2. Replacement Timelines
Keep track of when consumables need replacing. Using worn-out consumables can affect the quality of your welding and put extra strain on your equipment.
Upkeeping Protective Gear
1. Helmets and Goggles
Regularly clean and inspect your welding helmet and goggles. Look for any cracks or damages in the shield and replace it if necessary.
2. Gloves and Aprons
Check welding gloves and aprons for any signs of wear or damage. Damaged protective gear can expose you to risks like burns or UV radiation.
Calibration and Software Updates
1. Calibration
Calibrate your welding equipment regularly. This ensures accuracy in your welding projects and prolongs the life of your machine.
2. Software Updates
For advanced welding machines with digital controls, keep the software up to date. This can improve the functionality and longevity of the machine.
Budgeting for Maintenance
1. Set Aside a Maintenance Budget
Allocate a portion of your budget for the maintenance of your welding supplies. This includes funds for replacement parts, professional servicing, and new protective gear.
2. Invest in Quality Supplies
Investing in high-quality welding supplies can reduce long-term maintenance costs. Quality equipment tends to last longer and requires less frequent repairs.
Maintaining your welding supplies is not just about preserving your investment; it's about ensuring the quality of your work and your safety. Regular cleaning, proper storage, routine checks, and following best practices in handling and usage are pivotal. Remember, well-maintained welding supplies are a reflection of a professional and conscientious welder. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can ensure the longevity of your equipment and the continuity of your craftsmanship in the world of welding.
Read more:
How Does JGW Machine Ltd Stand Apart From The Crowd?
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cmbhvac · 11 months
Preparing for the Cold: Furnace Maintenance Tips for Utah Winters
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Utah is well-known for its extreme winters. Why do you think we hosted the Winter Olympics and have so many pro athletes flocking to our mountains every year? Once that temperature dips down, you had better be prepared to keep your business, clients, and family safe and comfortable with the snow outside.
A big part of that plan is proper furnace maintenance. Our experienced team at CMB HVAC has put together some simple tips for keeping your furnace in tip-top shape so when Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you’ll know what to do next.
Change the Filter: A clogged or full of debris filter will choke up your system. The air will not be able to flow as well, and the system will begin to work twice as hard. That leads to higher electrical bills and less lifespan of a pretty essential part of your home.
Get to Know Your System: Want to ensure you always have quality furnace maintenance? Learn more about your furnace. Read the manual and look online for FAQs about keeping this item in good working order so you can reduce how much money you need to spend on repairs or replacements.
We work with all models and sell products from Amana, Fujitsu, Friedrich, and Day & Night. In all cases, they provide useful documentation to help you with any quick maintenance or proactive support for keeping your system in good condition.
Stick to Safety First: Your furnace is a hard-working machine. If you choose to go the DIY route, safety needs to be your #1 concern. Shut down your system long before changing anything internally or externally. You don’t want a simple wire replacement to lead to a bad emergency room visit.
Have Routine Quick Checks: Your senses are your friend. All our technicians use sight, sound, scent, and touch (probably not taste) to detect any issues that may be happening. A visual scan can reveal loose tubes, and sniffing the air around the machine can tell you if there is a leak of any kind. Do this regularly, maybe once a month during the winter.
Keep Drainage Clear: You want any drainage tubes or gas connections clear from debris. There should be a drip pan around your furnace. If that isn’t periodically releasing water, you could have an issue with the flame sensor or compressed air getting in the way of proper function.
Dust Off: Many homes have their furnaces in areas where no one goes. Maybe your basement, backroom, or utility area. These are high-dust areas. You should clean these up every once in a while, with a brush, just in case.
Contact Our Team
For all the rest, including advanced and in-depth inspections, you should contact us at CMB HVAC. At Utah’s local HVAC team, we know how to best check and repair your items with regular furnace maintenance schedules that will keep your home a cozy retreat all winter long.
For over 20 years, we have worked with Utah homeowners just like you. Our team takes great pride in having a stellar track record of return and referral clients. We are fully licensed and insured to give you peace of mind that when it comes time to turn on that heat, you’re prepared.
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autocarrepair · 1 year
How to Maintain Toyota Glanza CNG For Continued Reliability?
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The Toyota Glanza CNG presents an ideal choice for environmentally-conscious drivers seeking a fuel-efficient vehicle. With its innovative bi-fuel system, the Glanza CNG allows you to switch between compressed natural gas (CNG) and petrol effortlessly.
Ensuring the ongoing reliability and efficiency of your Glanza CNG is paramount. Here are some essential maintenance tips to keep your Toyota Glanza CNG running smoothly:
Regular CNG System Checkup:
Schedule routine checkups for your Glanza's CNG system at a certified Toyota service center near you. Expert technicians will inspect crucial components, including the cylinder, pressure regulator, and pipes, to catch potential issues early and prevent major problems.
Maintain Proper CNG Pressure:
As CNG operates at high pressure, it's crucial to maintain the correct pressure levels. Periodically inspect and fill your Glanza CNG cylinder to the recommended pressure levels by certified professionals.
Check for CNG Leaks:
Safety is paramount. Regularly check for signs of CNG leaks, like hissing sounds or the smell of natural gas. If you have any suspicions of a leak, discontinue CNG system usage immediately and seek professional inspection and repair.
Engine Oil and Filter Changes:
Regular oil and filter changes are vital for your Glanza CNG's engine health. Follow Toyota's recommended oil change intervals and use the right oil type for CNG engines, as per your owner's manual or service center guidance.
Air Filter Maintenance:
Clean and replace the air filter at recommended intervals for optimal engine performance and fuel efficiency. A clogged filter can hinder airflow and affect combustion.
Fuel System Cleaning:
Periodic fuel system cleaning benefits CNG engines, as deposits can accumulate in fuel lines and injectors over time, impacting performance.
Spark Plug Inspection and Replacement:
Ensure regular inspection and replacement of spark plugs as needed to maintain engine performance and fuel efficiency.
Brake and Suspension Maintenance:
Regular maintenance of brakes and suspension is essential for safety and ride comfort. Replace brake pads and inspect suspension components as needed to prevent accidents and discomfort.
Tire Care:
Proper tire care, including rotation, balancing, alignment, and regular pressure checks, is crucial for fuel efficiency and tire longevity.
Drive Responsibly:
Your driving habits significantly impact fuel efficiency and reliability. Avoid aggressive driving, rapid acceleration, and excessive idling for better fuel conservation and reduced engine wear.
The Toyota Glanza CNG provides a driving experience that is both environmentally friendly and highly efficient. To enjoy continued reliability and performance, stick to a regular maintenance schedule. Visit an authorized Toyota service center, such as Galaxy Toyota in Delhi NCR, to keep your Glanza CNG in top shape.
Galaxy Toyota is your trusted source for the latest Toyota models and top-notch Toyota car services in Delhi NCR. For the best Toyota Glanza price in Delhi, book your Toyota Glanza service at the Galaxy Toyota service center nearest to you.
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thebestpoolheating · 1 year
Dive into Comfort: Essential Pool Heating Maintenance
Your pool heater is the unsung hero of your backyard oasis, working diligently to keep your pool water at the perfect temperature. However, like any hardworking hero, it needs a bit of care and attention to ensure it continues to perform optimally. Let's dive into the world of pool heating maintenance to keep your pool's best friend in tip-top shape.
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Why Maintenance Matters
Regular maintenance isn't just about extending the lifespan of your pool heater; it's about efficiency, safety, and economy. Neglecting maintenance can lead to inefficient heating, higher energy bills, and even potential hazards.
Maintenance Tasks for a Healthy Heater
Here are the essential maintenance tasks that will keep your pool heater running efficiently and prolong its lifespan:
1. Regular Inspections: Make it a habit to visually inspect your pool heater. Look for signs of rust, corrosion, or damage. Ensure that there's no debris obstructing the airflow.
2. Clean the Filter: A clogged filter reduces airflow and efficiency. Clean or replace it regularly, following the manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Check for Leaks: Inspect the heater for any leaks or drips. Leaks can be a sign of a failing component, and addressing them promptly can prevent further damage.
4. Clean the Burner: In gas heaters, the burner can accumulate dirt and debris. Clean it using a soft brush or compressed air to ensure efficient combustion.
5. Lubricate Moving Parts: For heaters with moving parts, like pumps, ensure that they are well-lubricated to prevent wear and tear.
6. Monitor Gas Lines: In gas heaters, check the gas lines for leaks or loose connections. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, shut off the gas supply immediately and contact a professional.
7. Electrical Connections: Ensure all electrical connections are secure and free from corrosion. Faulty connections can lead to heater malfunctions.
8. Professional Checkup: Schedule an annual professional inspection. A trained technician can identify and address issues that may not be visible during regular maintenance.
Seasonal Shutdown: If you live in an area with harsh winters, consider a seasonal shutdown. Properly drain the heater and protect it from freezing temperatures.
Safety First
When performing maintenance on your pool heater, always prioritize safety:
- Turn off the power supply before working on electrical components.
- Shut off the gas supply and allow any residual gas to dissipate before inspecting gas heaters.
- If you're unsure about any maintenance task, consult the manufacturer's manual or hire a professional.
Proper maintenance is the key to keeping your pool heater running efficiently and extending its lifespan. By performing regular inspections, cleaning, and addressing issues promptly, you can enjoy a comfortable and perfectly heated pool for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained pool heater not only saves you money but also ensures a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. So, take the plunge into pool heating maintenance, and enjoy your aquatic haven to the fullest.
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admin-us-blog1 · 1 year
Understanding the PRV: Pressure Regulator Valve Basics
Understanding the PRV, or Pressure Regulator Valve, is essential for anyone dealing with fluid systems. PRVs play a crucial role in controlling and maintaining pressure levels within pipes, tanks, and machinery. These valves ensure safety and efficiency by preventing over-pressurization, which can lead to equipment damage or even catastrophic failures.
In essence, a PRV functions as a gatekeeper, regulating the flow and pressure of liquids or gases. It's a fundamental component in various industries, from manufacturing to plumbing, ensuring that systems run smoothly and without excessive strain. Learning the basics of PRVs is a key step toward maintaining reliable and safe fluid systems.
The Role of PRVs in Pressure Control
Pressure Regulator Valves (PRVs) are essential components in various industrial, commercial, and residential systems. They play a critical role in maintaining safe and efficient operations by controlling and regulating fluid pressure. Understanding the role of PRVs in pressure control is vital for ensuring the proper functioning of these systems.
PRV Components and Functions Explained
PRVs consist of several key components that work together to regulate pressure. The primary components include the valve body, diaphragm, spring, and adjusting screw. The valve body houses the internal components and serves as the conduit for fluid flow. The diaphragm is a flexible membrane that responds to changes in pressure, while the spring exerts force on the diaphragm to control the valve's opening and closing. The adjusting screw allows for fine-tuning of the pressure setting.
The basic function of a PRV is to maintain a predetermined pressure level downstream by adjusting the flow of fluid through the valve. When the pressure downstream exceeds the setpoint, the diaphragm compresses the spring, causing the valve to partially close and reduce the flow. Conversely, when the pressure drops below the setpoint, the spring pushes the diaphragm, allowing more fluid to pass through the valve, thus raising the pressure to the desired level.
Common PRV Applications
PRVs find applications in a wide range of industries and systems, where precise pressure control is essential. Some common applications include:
Water Supply Systems: PRVs are used in municipal water supply systems to regulate the pressure of water entering buildings. This ensures that water flows at a consistent pressure, preventing damage to plumbing fixtures and appliances.
Steam Boilers: PRVs are critical in steam boiler systems, where they control the pressure of steam to prevent explosions and ensure safe operation.
Industrial Processes: In manufacturing and industrial settings, PRVs regulate pressure in various processes, such as chemical manufacturing, food processing, and pharmaceutical production, to maintain product quality and safety.
Gas Distribution: PRVs are used in natural gas distribution systems to control gas pressure as it enters residential and commercial buildings.
HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems utilize PRVs to maintain optimal pressure for efficient heating and cooling.
Oil and Gas Industry: PRVs are employed in oil and gas pipelines and facilities to control the pressure of fluids and gases to prevent leaks and ensure safety.
Simple PRV Maintenance Tips
Proper maintenance of PRVs is crucial to ensure their reliable performance and longevity. Here are some simple maintenance tips:
Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect PRVs for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Replace any worn-out parts promptly.
Cleaning: Keep the valve body and diaphragm clean to prevent debris or sediment buildup, which can affect performance.
Lubrication: Apply lubricant to moving parts as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure smooth operation.
Pressure Testing: Periodically test the PRV to ensure it is maintaining the desired pressure. Adjust if necessary.
Replacement: If a PRV is beyond repair or has reached the end of its service life, replace it with a new one to maintain reliable pressure control.
Choosing the Right PRV for Your System
Selecting the appropriate PRV for your system is crucial for effective pressure control. Consider the following factors when choosing a PRV:
Pressure Range: Ensure the PRV's pressure range matches your system's requirements.
Material: Choose a PRV made of suitable materials that are compatible with the fluid or gas being controlled.
Size: Select the correct size PRV to accommodate the flow rate of your system.
Application: Determine whether you need a standard PRV or a specialized valve designed for specific applications, such as high-temperature or corrosive environments.
Certifications: Check if the PRV meets industry standards and certifications for safety and performance.
In conclusion, Pressure Regulator Valves are integral to maintaining safe and efficient operations in various systems. Understanding their components, functions, applications, and maintenance is essential for ensuring optimal performance and system longevity. Choosing the right PRV for your specific needs is a critical step in achieving effective pressure control and system reliability.
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cairnsautospark · 1 year
The Cool Breeze of Comfort: A Comprehensive Guide to Car Air Conditioning
As the sun beats down and the temperature rises, there's nothing quite like the comfort of a well-functioning car air conditioning system to keep you cool during your journey. Car air conditioning has become an essential feature in modern vehicles, transforming even the hottest summer drives into comfortable and enjoyable experiences. In this guide, we'll delve into the inner workings of car air conditioning, explore its benefits, provide maintenance tips, and shed light on troubleshooting common issues.
The Evolution of Car Air Conditioning
Car air conditioning has come a long way since its early days. The first car air conditioning system was introduced in 1939, but it was large, expensive, and reserved for luxury vehicles. Over the decades, advancements in technology, design, and manufacturing processes have made car air conditioning more accessible to the masses.
How Car Air Conditioning Works
Car air conditioning operates on a principle similar to that of your refrigerator, using a closed-loop system with a refrigerant fluid. Here's a simplified breakdown of the process
The refrigerant, a gas in its low-pressure state, enters the compressor. The compressor squeezes the gas, raising its temperature and pressure.
The high-pressure, high-temperature gas flows through the condenser, located at the front of the vehicle. Here, the heat from the gas is released, causing it to condense into a high-pressure liquid.
The high-pressure liquid refrigerant flows through an expansion valve, where it rapidly expands, causing its temperature to drop significantly.
The low-pressure, low-temperature liquid refrigerant now enters the evaporator located inside the car's cabin. As warm air from the cabin passes over the evaporator, the refrigerant absorbs the heat and evaporates back into a gas, creating a cooling effect.
The cold air produced is then blown into the cabin through the vehicle's vents, providing a refreshing escape from the external heat.
Benefits of Car Air Conditioning
Comfort: The most obvious benefit is the comfort it provides, allowing occupants to maintain a pleasant temperature even when the outside conditions are scorching.
A cool and comfortable cabin contributes to driver alertness and reduces the risk of heat-related health issues.
Car air conditioning also plays a crucial role in defogging and defrosting the windows, enhancing visibility and safety during adverse weather conditions.
Maintenance Tips
To ensure your car air conditioning remains efficient and reliable
Regular Servicing:
Have your air conditioning system checked by a professional at least once a year to identify and address any potential issues.
Cabin Air Filter:
Regularly replace the cabin air filter to maintain proper airflow and prevent dust and debris from clogging the system.
For more info:-
Air Conditioning Auto Repair
solar panels
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zaappy · 1 year
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When it comes to air travel,we should know about the airline luggage restrictions.carry on baggage allowance can vary according to the airlines.Navigating through the rules and regulations can be overwhelming, but Don't worry! In this blog post, we'll break down the essential information you need to know about airline luggage restrictions. Let's dive in and make your travel experience stress-free!. 
Depending upon the size of the aircraft ,Airline Luggage Restrictions are also vary.For a normal case carry-on bags must weigh less  than 35 pounds and must  not exceed 10 inches deep,16 inches wide and 24 inches high.
1. What are the Baggage Restrictions for International Flights?
When it comes to carry-on sizes, international standards typically allow larger dimensions compared to the US domestic limit of 22149 inches. For international flights, carry-on sizes generally range between 22 and 15.7 inches in height, while depth and width limits may vary.
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2.What items are not allowed in the check-in Bag?
Some items are restricted by every aircrafts;
Guns and Firearms
Sharpen items
Batteries and Battery Powered Products.
Compressed Gas
power banks
Explosive Materials
Sporting Goods
Disabling Chemicals
Flammable items
Self Defense Items
3.Know your carry-on limits
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4.Understanding Weight Allowances:
Weight limits for both carry-on and checked bags differ among airlines. To avoid overweight charges, it's important to weigh your bags before heading to the airport. Using a portable luggage scale during your travels will allow you to conveniently check the weight of your bags. By doing so, you can travel with confidence, free from any concerns about exceeding weight restrictions throughout your journey.
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 5.Special Items and Restrictions:
Certain items are subject to specific regulations due to safety concerns. Items such as sharp objects Chemicals,Hazardous materials,Batteries and Battery Powered Products. are generally not permitted in either carry-on or checked luggage. To ensure a smooth security screening process and compliance, it is advisable to review the prohibited items list provided by the airline and relevant authorities before you start packing. This step will help you avoid any issues and ensure a seamless experience at the security checkpoint.
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6.Additional Fees and Services:
Depending upon the airlines there must be a change in additional fees and services,it  will vary according to airlines,some airlines will provide better services also they will give more priority to their cutsomer satisfaction, but some airlines will not give proper services,based on their services they will make additional charges also. It's also essential to familiarize yourself with any additional fees and services related to luggage. Researching these details in advance can help you plan and budget accordingly for a hassle-free experience.
By familiarizing yourself with airline luggage restrictions, you can avoid unnecessary stress, additional fees, and delays during your travel. Remember to always check the specific guidelines of the airline you're flying with, as they can vary. Plan ahead, pack smartly, and ensure your bags meet the size and weight requirements. By following these essential tips, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your journey with peace of mind and enjoy a smoother travel experience overall.
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                                             Bon voyage!
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