#comprehension skills are chasing them but they're faster than an f1 car
wejustvibing · 3 months
right after AD21 they blamed teamlh of bullying masi instead of giving much needed attention to the actual theft. the reason i'm bringing it back is because they've shifted the narrative again to "lunatic" fans while also leaving Lewis to fend for himself (as always). while getting the police involved in investigation makes perfect sense, how's he sure no mercedes employee did it? he said himself they're still looking for IP and email addresses? so, how did he make that claim?
and how are we ignoring other and more important facts and questions? how is apparently this email list the same as the one used during the horner case? why has no one addressed the issue of tyre blankets which is basically the main thing most of us are still confused about? how have we moved on from legit inquisitions about lewis' treatment by the team to this? and most importantly, how are they going to explain faceless "lunatics" having access to personal contact numbers of the same accredited journalists (they also received these messages on whatsapp right?)
i've said several times that eye hate teamlh (the people who put him on a pedestal and judge him through their own moral standards) but i'm also well aware that #teamlh are also the most hated people just because they stan lewis. it's extremely easy to turn the attention entirely on them and enjoy the chaos and i see it's what's happening 🤷🏾‍♀️
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