#comparison LOL it was so derivative. I've grown
multicarinata · 3 years
finished ofmd here's the usual me tearing it apart with my teeth <3
it was boring 🙄 fun set of characters but when the PREMISE is "idk they're all hanging around until something happens to them" what little plot is there starts to feel contrived. most of the character development was stretched out over so much time it became diluted. they didn't even have gore this is SUCH a demographic complaint but i was promised killing and violence
- mainly i think it had serious genre indecision and ended up in a flat space between marital drama and romcom, where it just reenacted domestic couple life for four hours in a pirate-themed room. this locked all the non-captain characters into the same style where very little was allowed to happen- see the vast amt of setup for jim's revenge quest until they just stop and leave and go back. the show averaged about 1.5 good jokes per 30 min episode and the rest was quips and moments that were giffable rather than substantial ykwim
- a LOT of what you'd think would be major plot and emotional beats were conducted off-screen (latter half of spanish jackie again. deciding 2 leave post-chauncey. etc) and they don't keep track of ship navigation which made any time that a person ended up in a place really confusing. are they near a shore or not? are they amidst islands? the ship and sea look the same so viewers cannot tell until they say sth. these both contributed to a sense of confusion as to what was happening at any given time, which made it more abrupt whenever plot re: the english appeared
- main reason I like izzy is that he's the Only character who legitimately knows what he wants. & he's consistent to it, he makes things happen to the point that the show had to use him to get an explicable plot for its second half... literally keeps resorting to aggressive measures and i do love that his response to stede evolves throughout the show. there were very few lasting consequences for anything in this season (e10 excepted) and throwing him off the ship was the closest we got to anyone important dying so what he did afterwards is sooo defensible in terms of "getting sth done" i <3 men who are not great
- i can't criticize the swordfighting because there fucking WASN'T ANY actually no I do want to complain abt the duel. it opens with stede getting hit in the face (really good. awesome. accurate) and the show references non-traditional fighting constantly (the teeth from ep1) and then it just stops having that be part of the fight? mans pinned to a wall and his not getting beaten to a pulp immediately raises some questions about izzy that run against the paragraph above. it wouldve been really easy to say his other hand got hit in the meantime or w/e or have his sword break immediately but they Had to fit in that exposition and just have izzy stand around doing nothing
- I'm giving every member of the crew a little kiss on the lips
- could not really be assed about stede :( he ends the season the same way he started out except he's in gay love and his crew like him. he IS a pathetic rich boy and the show seems to want viewers to deny that while making it a really concise descriptor of his character
- THAT SAID it was fun I had a pretty okay time watching. would not recommend it as a pirate show or anything interesting but if you want to see a lot of gay people they sure are in it
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