#columbinas role in this... dw abt it. the harbingers seem pretty disconnected for the most part
ac-liveblogs · 2 months
Lyney really does embody the archetype of the Harlequin better than Arlecchino does (trickster, mischievous, light-hearted, literally wearing clown makeup, performs magic)
It seems a shame not to use the Harlequin and Clown duo re; Lyney and Lynette. Also, a boss duo sounds sick. Lyney as a Harbinger with Lynette as his shadow; they could hijack Arle's one wing gimmick to form two halves of a whole. (Alt; Freminet as the clown, which might be a better fit if he's Lyney's Achilles Heel.)
Why I'm contemplating Fontaine boss fights when I'm meant to be scripting Inazuma is beyond me.
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