#coffee maker above $50
weixuldo · 1 year
Pancakes and Pastries
Linecook/Roommate! Anakin x GN!Reader
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a/n: this is based on this lovely asks from @ddejavvu (link here). Just a preface, I didn't assign a gender becasue I wasn't sure what the ask implied (if u want me to change it I gladly will :) anyways, other notes will be at the end to clear up more abt the story.
You’re a terrible cook and only sell the baked goods at a small cafe downtown. Thankfully, your roommate, Anakin is an experienced linecook and is ready to make anything for you. Too bad he's a natural flirt, otherwise you might just find yourself falling for him.
Warnings: gn!reader, cursing, banter, no use of y/n
6:30 a.m 
The tiny brass bell above the cafe door dinged continuously as the working crowd came to grab a small bite before heading off to work. 
The cafe was filled with the warm aroma of coffee beans and fresh pastries. The display windows held rows of all types of treats; macrons, muffins, strudels, bagels, cookies, toast, and many more. A plethora of coffee makers and different flavorings to cater to each customer’s specific desires, lined the back counter.
Mornings were always pretty busy, you were in the heart of the city after all.
You had gotten up ungodly early to prepare for the day, so once you got everything ready and opened the shop you were pretty tired. But regardless of the exhaustion creeping in, you still had a full shift ahead of you so you needed to put on your best customer service face and seize the day. 
Latte, snickerdoodle cookie, iced chai tea with two pumps of vanilla, farmhouse roast with cold foam, 5 assorted macaroons, a slice of key lime pie, a frosted eclair, strawberry crepes. The orders came in waves and you prepared them all. 
You weren’t even scheduled today, but your boss called you at the last minute because the new guy got fired for stealing inventory (really what was he stealing? There was nothing but ingredients in the back), so you hauled ass down here.
Sadly today the staff joining you today were rookies, so you had to take orders and keep an eye on them too. 
It was bad enough that the bakers in the back were being lazy today, but to deal with new workers who didn’t know the system was even more frustrating. 
It was going to be a a long day.
3:50 p.m.
The cafe closed early on Sundays, so you flipped the “we’re open” sign over and got ready to close everything down when you heard a knock on the door.
Whoever that was would just have to stay disappointed because you were too tired to deal with another needy customer right now.
They knocked again and you had to collect a calming breath to make sure you wouldn’t go off on them when you turned around. Much to your surprise behind the glass door was your roommate….your handsome roommate.
Anakin Skywalker was an interesting guy. Deviously handsome looks, insane confidence, witty humor, and radiating charisma.
A few months ago you were apartment hunting but the rates in the city were way too high for you to pay alone, so you put out an ad for a roommate. A lot of the requests you got were from older people and you didn’t exactly feel the most comfortable as a young adult, just starting out, living with someone two or even three times your age. 
After a few days you stumbled upon Anakin’s application. Maybe his picture captured your attention… maybe you stalked his instagram to see if he was a serial killer (and to look at more of his pics).... Either way, the two of you obviously ended up living together. 
When he first moved in you were worried he would be bringing chicks back every night based on his stunning looks and flirtatious personality, but thankfully you were mistaken.
He was just a normal guy; go to work, come home, shower, eat, sleep, repeat. You didn’t mind that at all, because your routine was basically identical. 
A small blush rose to your cheeks as you headed for the door. His hair was held back by a folded black bandana and he had his own apron in hand. 
“The door was open, ya know” you said, motioning him into the establishment. 
“Oh, the sign was flipped, so I assumed…” he said, motioning to the door. 
“We are almost closed, but i’ll allow you one purchase, just cause i'm so nice” you teased. 
He walked up to the counter and surveyed the sweets, “oh, are you now? If you’re such a kind person, how about giving me a coffee cake on the house, sweetheart?”.
“Woah, woah, woah… you’re asking a bit too much there pretty boy” 
He leaned over the counter slightly with a smirk, “aww, you think i’m pretty”.
In response you playfully rolled your eyes, “yuck! It’s just an expression, Skywalker, don’t get an ego about it” .
He grabbed her beaten up wallet out of his back pocket and laughed, “You already know i’ve got an ego”. 
“That I do” you quipped back as you grabbed a coffee cake slice
“You love it though” he smiled as he handed you a ten.
Your eyes lingered on his forearm as he offered you the cash, he was a fit guy and the veins on his arms bulged just right; plus he was a line cook, so you knew that he had good dexterity in those pretty fingers too. 
“Whatever you say” 
You weren’t going to tell him, but you added your 50% off employee discount (since you were on the clock) just ‘cause. 
The cash drawer popped open with a ding and you went to hand him back his change.
“You heading back to the apartment?” he asked as he gathered his cake. 
“Yea, I’m gonna take a nap, I’m tired as shit. I’m guessing you’re about to go into work?” 
He drew his lips into a thin line, “yep, I’m livin’ the dream. Are you gonna get lunch?”
“You should, food is important…Have a good afternoon though”. 
You returned the gesture and went back to wiping down the coffee bar when you heard a few clinks and the door closed shortly after.
Your brows furrowed at the speed at which he left, but to be fair his shift was literally starting in two minutes. You walked up to the register to lock it when you saw he had tossed the rest of his ten in the tip jar; a small smile spread across your tired face.
11:02 p.m.
Your sleep schedule was so fucked up from all of these awkward shifts so you were just waking up from your nap (if you can even call it that).
Before you could register what to do next, your stomach let out a hungry growl and you groaned. You forgot to eat lunch and missed dinner so you were starving; sadly, it was grocery shopping weekend for you and you were out of instant meals.
A sandwich then. 
You put on a small tank top and some gray shorts and headed to the kitchen. You hated cooking and you weren’t good at it either, so usually you had a salad kit, turkey dinner meal, or a premade acai bowl in the fridge. But since you were out of your usual options, you had to stick with a good ol’ PB&J.
You heard the click of keys in the door and you knew Anakin was back from his shift. Some of you wanted to dash back to your room and just wait until he went to shower to make it; you were lowkey intimidated by him. Before you could leave he noticed you and greeted you. 
“Oh, Hey Anakin, how was work?”
“It was fine, the Sunday night rush is insane though, I’m so glad I go in later tomorrow” he groaned, sitting down at one of the barstools in front of the counter. 
“You makin’ a little snack?” he asked, leaning over to see the ingredients in front of you. 
“It’s more like dinner and lunch-”
His eyes widened, “lunch?! I thought you were getting something on the way back?”. 
You shrugged, “I guess I forgot”.
“So you’re going to use a PB&J to supplement two missed meals?” he asked, bewildered. 
“Uh huh” you nodded. 
“No, no, no…” he muttered as he hopped off the stool and came around the counter beside you. 
He took the knife from your hand and began to put the spreads away. 
“Hey!” you exclaimed with a frown.
“Listen, If you’re going to break a two meal fast, I’ll be damned if I let you break it with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich” he huffed out a laugh. 
“Alright wise guy, what do you suggest instead? We both know I’m a horrible cook”.
He bent down and grabbed a pan from the cabinet and some ground beef.
“What are you doing?” you asked curiously. 
“I’m making you some food. Go ahead and sit down, I’ve got this” he said softly as he started up the stove.
“No, it’s really alright Anakin, you just got off of work. You really don’t have-”
“I want to,” he responded.
You stopped talking and took a seat as he maneuvered around the kitchen like he had been here his whole life. 
He chopped the beef and while it cooked he mixed spices to season the meat with. You watched him intensely; when he cooked his brows furrowed in concentration and the right one arched ever so slightly.
He lightly bit his bottom lip when he shook the pan to flip the tiny pieces of beef, and the tendons in his pretty hands flexed with every movement. 
You really shouldn't be thinking about your roommate this way, but sometimes it was almost impossible not to. Inside, you cursed yourself for even thinking you had a shot with him; he was just a generally flirty guy and acted the same way he did with you when you brought friends over (though he was honestly just being nice). Plus there was no way that you would be his first choice out of all of the people who wanted him. 
Anakin stood over the pan and shook out the seasoning he had just made to flavor the meat. Sure, he was tired from a seven hour shift, but this was for you; when it came to you, he would do almost anything. 
He wasn’t exactly sure when his little “crush” started, he just knew that it was definitely there. Maybe it was when he realized you worked in the cafe beside his restaurant, so he would pop in as often as he could to grab little sweets; ones he could easily make himself, but he chose to buy them just as an excuse to see you (much to the detriment of his wallet). 
Or maybe it was when he realized you discounted all of his purchases.
Or was it those late nights where the two of you would put on movies and share funny commentary whilst sharing a bowl of popcorn. 
Or was it simply because of the way you maneuvered through life? Your sunny disposition, wonderful personality, and genuine kindness… plus you were drop dead gorgeous.
Whatever it was, he was locked in… of course he still kinda flirted around, but he was a natural flirt. At this point he couldn’t imagine wanting someone as much as he wanted you, he was entrapped by the possibility of having you in the future. 
But of course, being the oblivious guy he is, he had no idea his feelings were reciprocated at all. So he chose not to act on his feelings out of fear of losing his spot in the apartment (if it went bad, you could kick him out and look for a different roommate to replace him). 
“It’s done,” he said, turning the oven off and putting the pan on a cool burner. 
“What is it?” you asked, walking around to his side. 
“It’s meat for a taco,” he said, grabbing some cheese, guac, and lettuce. 
“Oh, wow! That’s awesome, you made that so quick!” you exclaimed, looking at the pan. 
“Here, let me grab a spoon to get the meat out” he said passing behind you.
Your eyes widened when you felt his strong hands on your waist as he moved past; did you feel that right? Did his hand linger? And why were you feeling hot?
“Here” he handed you the spoon.
“Thanks Anakin, this is really sweet” you said, getting your taco ready. 
“No problem roomie” he said in a sing-songy voice.
“And with this you’ll have left overs so you can have lunch tomorrow. Don't forget again” he fake scolded. 
“Alright dad” you quipped back. 
He laughed and shook his head as he headed back to his room to take a shower. You observed his broad back as his shirt defined his shoulder blades and muscles while he walked. 
Fuck. You were getting way too attracted to him. 
You woke up to a sweet aroma of pancake batter and fresh fruit. It wasn’t often that you and Anakin ever got up around the same time but apparently today was your lucky day. 
He truly loved the culinary arts because he never faltered with his ambition to prepare a quality meal. He cooked breakfast a lot, but most times you were already at work and just saw the dishes in the sink or only got to have a quick bite. Though, every so often, on a rare day like this, both of you were able to share a delicious breakfast together (he always made sure to make breakfast for you when he knew you were off). 
You walked out of your room with a yawn and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Once you took a seat he handed you a freshly made plate and tossed some strawberries on top. 
“Look who finally decided to get up” he joked with a smirk. 
You yawned once more, “Listen master chef, if my boss didn’t call me in for every little inconvenience- maybe my sleep schedule might not be as fucked”. 
“Fair, fair” he nodded. 
“Thanks for breakfast, it looks yummy” 
“Of course” he smiled back
You looked at the plate with hungry eyes, it looked amazing, the only other thing you would add was-
“You want some of this, don't you?” Anakin smiled, flaunting a new bottle of whipped cream in front of you. 
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes.
“I know how you take your pancakes,” he laughed, “you’re very predictable”.
“Am I?” you said before trying to quickly grab the can from his hand. 
He laughed again and raised his arm higher, “that’s not gonna work and you know it.”.
“What can I do to get some whipped cream around here?” you cried comically. 
“Well this stuff isn't cheap and we’re going through the largest national whipped cream shortage in history” he said, trying to sound serious. 
“Oh, wow that’s tough” you returned with an unamused tone. 
“Isn’t it though?” he added. 
“I guess if you want some, you’ll just have to pay me” he looked away. 
“With what Mr.whipped cream enthusiast? We both make shit money” you exxagerated. 
“I may consider non monetary payment… possibly a kiss on the cheek?” he said.
“You want me to kiss you on the cheek?” you asked.
It probably came out more rude than you intended, it was only becasue you were flustered and your tones always got jumbled when you were nervous. 
“Well you know what they say, “kiss the chef”. But if you don’t want any whipped cream…” he stated; he was a little nervous that he put himself too out there (he was never the best at subtlety). 
“No, no! I want my whipped cream, so I will comply” you said proudly. 
“Alright” he smirked. 
… …
“Are you going to come collect your compensation or just stand there with the bottle in your hand?” you asked playfully. 
“Oh, right. How dare I make a customer wait” he smiled, walking towards you.
“You’re so full of shit, Skywalker '' you teased as he bent down so you could kiss his cheek. 
He felt butterflies when your soft, pillowy lips landed on his flushed cheek. How he had imagined that feeling. 
“Alright, here you are mam” he shot out a dollop.
“That’s it?!” you exclaimed, unsatisfied. 
“Each shot is one kiss” he shrugged, “national shortage…remember?”.
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes and continued to kiss his cheek until you were satisfied with the amount on your plate. 
“Alright, alright. Thank you for the great customer service, I'll be sure to leave a good review on yelp” you joked as you pushed him away so you could eat in peace. 
“Much appreciated, thank you mam” he smiled.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever” you responded, with a light blush tinting your cheeks. 
5:30 p.m.
Anakin groaned from his room before entering the living area with his scrunched up apron in hand. HE stopped in his doorway to stretch. 
“Man, I really don’t feel like going in today”.
You hummed in acknowledgement, “It shouldn’t be too busy, since its only a monday ''.
“Yeah, I hope so” he said, putting his work shoes on that he kept by the door. 
You glanced over your shoulder to look at his muscles rippling as he tied the laces; it was mesmerizing. 
He stood and you whipped your head around quicker than you thought was possible. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later. It’s my week for trash right?” he asked, grabbing his keys.
“Ok, I’ll take it out when I get back tonight. Don’t worry, I won’t forget” he smiled before waving a small goodbye and shutting the door. 
Something about him was just so homely, he was so sweet and thoughtful; you felt that living with him was just natural at this point. 
The restaurant was actually pretty busy when he first arrived, he saw a few party tables as he walked in. Great…
After clocking in, he got straight to work; manning the char grill, making sure all the orders were getting out in a timely manner, and goofing around with the other cooks. 
In passing one of the cooks asked how his crush was doing. 
“What do you mean?” Anakin innocently asked with a stupid smile on his face. 
“Oh, just the one you live with. Ya know, no biggie” he laughed. 
“Doing well, I made us breakfast this morning,” Anakin proudly stated.
All of the staff knew about Anakin’s not so little thing for you. He had been working at this restaurant for a while and was pretty acquainted with everyone. The cooks all knew abt you because everyone liked to talk in the kitchen, plus some of the other guys were curious about Anakin’s love life, seeing that he was so desirable (all of the waitstaff thought he was fine as hell). 
He showed them your instagram when the two of you first started living together and everyone in the kitchen cheered him on. 
The waitstaff on the other hand were not so thrilled that the handsome and mysterious line cook already had his sights set on someone else… someone who wasn’t them. Of course they were jealous, but when they got your insta from Anakin, they couldn’t even find anything bad to say about you;l you were stunning. 
Doesn’t mean they liked you though…
A new order buzzed onto the screen above that had all sorts of modifications; Anakin was about to groan, until he recognized something familiar…
Usually no one asked for a salad without tomatoes and cheese but instead with rice, cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries, and chicken- or cinnamon on their mashed potatoes; there was only one person he knew who ever ordered such a peculiar combination.
The waitress who rang in the order walked by and Anakin caught her attention. 
“Hey, the person who ordered thi-”
“Yeah, I know. They’re such a pain. Like, at this point, just make it at home if you want so many modifications” she rambled
He then described your appearance to her and asked if the customer fit the description.
“Yea, sounds like ‘em” she said before carrying on with her work. 
He smiled, you came into his place on your day off. Suddenly he felt a warm sensation in his chest. 
The waitress came barreling back in and shouted Anakin’s name, “they apparently forgot to say they didn’t want-”
“Butter on the mash” he finished, already knowing what was coming next. 
“Yea, how’d you know?” she asked, confused. 
“That’s my roommate, I make this for us all the time back at home”.
She gave him a look before walking away to whisper something into another server’s ear. He knew they were then going to go out and judge you because they were jealous. Typical. 
He continued to make your plate with care and since it wasn’t busy, even spent time drawing a little hearts with the cinnamon and salad dressing (not very subtle Anakin). 
The other cooks notice and start making fun of him and he playfully starts winding up a rag to snap at them. 
Once your food has been run he slipped out of the kitchen for a “bathroom” break; obviously everyone knows where he’s going.
He walks out into the front house and is immediately relieved by the cooler AC in there, next he scanned the tables and booths until he spotted your familiar face.
Soon enough he offers himself a seat in the booth opposite of you. 
”Anakin!” you exclaim, “You scared me”.
“My apologies Sunshine, Just thought I’d come out and see my favorite customer” he said before winking. 
“How’d you even know I was- “ you began before you looked down at your plate and realized. 
“Yea, not many people are out here ordering such a peculiar combo” he teased. 
“I should have known it was you who made the plate, well with the hearts and all. That must take a lot of time, they were really precise” you said, taking a sip of your water. 
He laughed before answering, “I reserve those for very special guests'' (he only did those when you came in). 
“Well, I wonder if you do this to persuade certain “people” to cut back on your rent for the month” you arched a playful brow. 
He clenched his chest and looked offended, “Of course not! I would never do such a thing”.
You laughed at his stupidity. 
He loved making you laugh, it was one of the sweetest sounds he had ever heard. 
You saw a few other cooks poking their heads around the wall that divided the kitchen from the seating in curiosity. 
“I think your co-workers want you to hurry up” you smiled, pointing towards the entrance to the kitchen. 
He let out a sigh, “I guess so”. 
As he stood you thanked him for stopping by; “My compliments to the chef” you teased. 
“I am always at your service” he dramatically bowed before jogging to the back. 
When he left you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Your heart was racing… you were in too deep (but so was he). 
Anakin spent the rest of the night happily making orders; he no longer cared he was at work, because you had just made his day. 
Everyone in the kitchen began to tease him because he had a certain glow to him and they all knew why. 
“When are you finally gonna go on a date?” someone asked him. 
“Yea, you seem pretty damn sure about this one” another butted in. 
He smiled to himself, “Soon guys. soon…”
a/n: The reader likes some weird ass combos lmfaooo. Basically these two are both missing the point that the other likes them. Now to clear up some things, I know cafe's are usually open all day but I needed it to close early for the plot. Also, I worked at a steakhouse and modeled Anakin's work as such just cause its what i'm most familiar with (Ironically I don't eat meat lol).
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monkeymeghan · 2 months
So yesterday at work if it could go wrong, it did. When I clocked in at noon, our ticket/sticker printers weren't working right. Tickets were going to the wrong printers, they were printing multiple times for the same drink, and it was just a mess. During this time, our ice machine was being replaced. We all thought it would be a simple out with the old in with the new. Nope! I don't know what they were doing installing the new one, but it took them literally all day. They were there from before I got there until after 7pm. In the meantime, during the sticker chaos, we almost ran out of ice. Our SSV went to the store to purchase more, but we had to be stingy with the ice. Every cold drink got light ice, and we didn't take orders for frappuccinos. Mobiles were turned off, shaken espressos were marked out. Basically anything done to help stretch the ice that we had. Speaking of the ice machine being replaced, we were unable to use our back room ALL DAY because the ice people were back there. No dishes got done. ALL DAY. The order couldn't be put away for hours. Etc. None of the pre-closing could get done. I started doing dishes at about 7:30, and it was a never-ending pile of dishes. Our dishwasher/sanitizer got turned off at some point during the day, and it takes a good 10 minutes to start up. So I filled up the three-part sink with my soapy water and sanitizer and started doing dishes the old fashioned way, which is much slower. I went as fast as I could, and once the sanitizer was warmed up, I started using that and continued to hand wash dishes, too. After an hour or more, I had had enough of dishes, so I switched with one of my coworkers. I continued cleaning and whatnot, then started mopping behind the bar. I then noticed that the Vertica (coffee maker) hadn't been broken down yet, something we do between 7:30-8. It's like 9+ at this point. So I stop mopping and start breaking down the Vertica. While I'm doing this, it shuts off. I turn it back on and have to start the opening procedure, which takes 10-15 minutes. I continue doing other things. Then I go back to the Vertica and start the closing procedures and taking it apart. I take some of the parts back to get washed, then go back to clean the machine. While I'm cleaning the machine, there's some commotion in the back. I look over and see water pouring from the ceiling. Not a drip, but a ton of water. It's raining out, thundering and lightning something fierce, and now its raining in the BOH. We can't continue dishes, because it's pouring out of the ceiling right above the sink. My SSV calls, then facetimes our SM. She tells us to basically wrap up what we were doing, put trash cans underneath the leak, and go home and text her to let her know when we all got home safely because the weather was so bad. While we were finishing up, the water became a freaking deluge, just coming down so heavily out of the ceiling.Thankfully once we had our things together and the bins were in place and we were getting ready to leave, the leak had eased up a bit. So anyway, we clocked out at 9:50 (instead of the usual 8:30) with the store in shambles. If the leak hadn't happened, we would have had at least another half hour's worth of work. I felt horrible leaving all of that for the openers, but there was nothing we could do. So yeah, that was my day yesterday! 🫠
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emeryhall · 1 year
prompts: hot, humid, water & sweat
CW: bordering on explicit
Remus Lupin had ceased to be shocked by words. Bodies comprised of crooks and holes and ridges wrapped in skin that stretched and breathed—that could overwhelm him. But words? At 36 and publisher of the gay poetry zine, Assonance, he thought he had read everything. He had printed poems about blond boys in bathhouses, public masturbation, the slick sound the handle of a heavily vaselined whip makes as you work it into your lover’s ass. What he hadn’t read—that is until this morning over breakfast—was a poem about himself. 
His top floor apartment was silent and still. He could hear his bare footsteps on the kitchen’s hardwood floor. The flick of the button on the coffee maker, the drip of coffee hitting coffee, the pop of ready toast. 
He sat at the table and placed his mug on the most recent submission to Assonance, where it left a damp ring. A perfect circle around the poem’s title and dedication: 
Palm in Neon For R.L.
It was not the “R.L.” that caught his attention. R.L. could be any number of people’s initials. No, it was the title. His reaction to it was visceral. He could feel the press of a hand against his stomach. 
Summer in San Francisco is cool 50s, but thinking about that skin against his and it was the very tip of a New York summer, the slow end of August 1971. 
He took a sip of coffee and read: 
What are you thinking?
I am thinking of August on asphalt. I am thinking of fire hydrants split and spilling. The cigarette butt pulled from your lips, a tiny fire that sizzles in the crook of the curbed river streaming to the ready drain.
You could fry an egg on the sidewalk, you said. And I think of a delicate shell cracking against cast iron. Later a pool of viscid liquid. Your stomach hard asphalt, hot iron.
We clung to subway poles, touching sweat to metal, but not each other. Shuddering with the clatter and the seconds suspended in blackness released to the blank eyes of underground animals. Yours on me though, glassy with trust and alcohol. Remarkable that you would come home with me.
We ascend into New York’s silence. The mumble from stoops, glass shattering the air at 2 a.m. no different than the air at 2 p.m. in its murkiness.
The street lamps wear wet halos.
My palm leaves a damp print on the stairwell wall as I kiss you into graffiti under a dying bulb.
In my room, it is too hot to speak of touching so we drag the bare mattress. You backwards, me burdened. Still wordless. Wordless with laughter, laughter at our clumsiness our need our risk our hope. Our corner of the roof and sky.
Your skin a sunset, gold and glazed in pink and purple. I place my palm in neon against the flat of your abdomen. Hot asphalt, hard iron, sperm smeared and hazy in your sweat. It fits perfectly in pink boundaries. My wrist dispersing light.
We should not be here come morning, but we are. Folded into our corner the way you fold against my chest. Laundry flickers dull colors above us. A shirt sleeve lax in the still air. I feel you stir as I stir. The stiff fabric of starched jeans pinned on the line. I hold you motionless. It is too light for this. And yet if we are silent. Wordless. The slight shift of your leg. The sheet barely rustles. And I need nothing more.
What are you thinking?
You asked. Of our future. Is what I did not say.
— S.B. 
The mug slipped in Remus’s hand. He wiped his palms against his pajamas. He could feel the sheen of sweat on his stomach, at the roots of his hair, like his body wanted to relive the words. 
He’d met Sirius Black at a bar in Greenwich Village. Some kids must have unscrewed the outlet of a fire hydrant because water poured down the street. He’d accepted a cigarette and leaned against the brick wall feeling like it was too hot to have even this small blaze near his face. As they walked to the subway, he flicked the butt into the rush of water flowing between the street and sidewalk. 
Everything was there. The subway ride, the kiss in Sirius’s stairwell. The stifling heat of his Upper East Side apartment, so oppressive that they couldn’t bear to have their bodies next to each other, so they’d drunkenly dragged the mattress up a flight of stairs. When they emerged onto the roof, they weren’t alone. Several other mattresses dotted the tarpapered landscape, each with bodies sleeping restlessly. They’d hesitated, but found a far corner tucked behind an outcropping of chimneys. Someone had strung their drying laundry between one of the chimneys and an antenna pole and they lay beneath it. 
He’d come on his stomach from Sirius’s hand wrapped around him, and as he lay there naked and sticky, they’d realized that the building next-door had a neon sign in its window. A pink palm, purple script above it reading Psychic, Know Your Future. From that angle, the sign’s illumination left a glowing palm on Remus’s belly, and Sirius placed his hand within the outline, fitting it perfectly, the base of his palm resting in the pool of come. 
They were naked under a thin sheet on a shared rooftop when they woke the next morning, and they knew they should dress quickly, hurriedly drag the mattress back to Sirius’s bedroom, but instead they’d had sex. Spooning, barely moving, trying not to make a sound. The very stillness of it a pressure and a release. 
“What are you thinking?” Remus asked. 
Sirius said something about the heat. Neither of them mentioned the future. Remus boarded a flight back to San Francisco, never got a phone number, but he left his card behind: Publisher, Assonance. 
* * *
word count: 1000 (exactly!)
I wanted to write a fic about gay poetry zines post-Stonewall (real thing) and New York before AC was common. Then it turned into a poem.
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tumblhurgoyf · 2 years
jalapeno cream cheese ice cream
this recipe is kind of cobbled together from a couple other recipes, notable these two
I just mixed a second batch of the base and made some changes so I won’t know how it compares to the first time until at least tomorrow, but this is mostly for me to reference later
1 cup heavy cream 1 cup whole milk 1/4 cup white sugar (the first time I did it this was 1/2 cup white sugar and no brown sugar or molasses) 1/8 cup brown sugar 1/8 cup molasses 2 room temperature eggs 1 or 2 jalapenos, diced (first time I used two I think, second time just one) seeds of jalapenos, wrapped in a coffee filter tied shut with butcher’s twine (the first time I just discarded the seeds and didn’t try to get any heat from them into the mixture) 8 oz cream cheese, cubed and close to room temperature 1 tsp lemon juice (I don’t think I used this the first time around) 2 tsp vanilla extract optional green food coloring (with the molasses and brown sugar this didn’t make things look green really, kind of just made the brown color uglier. I’d omit this if using the brown sugar and molasses in the future)
also have an ice bath handy for the mixture after it comes off the heat
put the cream and milk in a large sauce pan and bring up to a very low heat. I set my stove to 2 (out of 10) and that works well; the recipes linked above mention a high temp of I think 175 at most. mix in the sugars and molasses and stir until they dissolve
whisk the two eggs (yolk and all) into a bowl and then whisk in a small amount of the heated mixture, like 1/4 cup tops. we need to incorporate the eggs without cooking them and this helps start to bring their temp up. then whisk that all back into the sauce pan
you really can’t go wrong by keeping the heat really low and stirring/whisking this stuff constantly. not whisking to like beat it into a foam or something, just keeping it moving constantly
now you toss in the jalapenos, packet of seeds, and cream cheese. keep stirring and mash up that cream cheese. I was trying to get the cream cheese to dissolve completely but the best I got was tiny chunks about the size of the diced jalapeno
remove from the heat, pour into your bowl for storage and put it in the ice bath, stirring to help cool it faster, before removing it from the ice bath. at this point you add the lemon juice, vanilla extract, and food coloring if desired. cover it with aluminum foil or wax paper, making sure the cover just touches the top of the mixture, then stick it in the fridge at least over night, probably more like 24 hours. then mix it up in your preferred ice cream maker. I’ve got the KitchenAide stand mixer bowl for ice cream and that works pretty damn well despite this not really being the sort of ice cream recipe that’s recommended for that attachment
the flavor is slightly sweet with a nice fresh quality from the peppers that contrasts well with the cream cheese. I’ve tried a pepper bacon jam as topping but that’s too smokey for me, it was better without it. this time around I hope to try a plain hot pepper jam along with it. this is an off the beaten path sort of ice cream but it’s honestly quite better than I expected, hence I’m making it a second time
I’ll try to remember to reblog this or edit it with an update on if I prefer version 1 or 2 more, but the parentheticals on the ingredients list should allow you to figure out the first iteration of it as well. in short, don’t include the pepper seeds, use all white sugar instead of the brown sugar and molasses, and don’t include lemon juice, but otherwise follow the recipe as written
oh yeah and because it’s kind of relevant to the recipes I’ve been looking into lately, the sodium content for the entire roughly 3 cups of mixture (which usually fluffs up to about 2 pints of ice cream) is about 205 mg. So that’s about 50 mg of sodium per cup of ice cream, anywhere from half to a fifth of what a lot of typical ice creams I eat have
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 30 December 1833
9 ½
12 35
fine morning F43° at 9 40 am - breakfast at 11 – CN- went to Malton almost immediately after - very kind letter 3 pages and the 2nd page crossed from Comtesse de Blucher (Copenhagen) dated the 17th inst. the ends written and crossed ditto ditto under, the seal by Miss Ferrall - really jealous of my having [written]  to her sister instead of herself   owns she Miss F- is fonder of me than anyone  how much I am regretted at Copenhagen - must return - Letter also 2 pages and 2 lines from Miss Walker- will count each day and hour to my arrival   cannot be too grateful to me came to my room at 2 or before and wrote 3 pages to my aunt at Shibden to say I should accept Miss Walkers’ offer for myself and leave Thomas and Eugenie at Shibden -  be there by 6 or 7 on Saturday evening - see my aunt and then walk if fine, or take the carriage if not at Lidgate - should see my aunt every day till I could get all ready for me at home which I hoped to do in 3 weeks - said if Charles H- had not taken the oak boards and began preparing them for the hall-under drawing, he was to wait till my return - if he had begun them it was all well - then wrote  2 pages and 2 or 3 lines to ‘Miss Walker, Lidgate, Halifax’ to keep Miss Elizabeth Atkinson with her till Saturday morning then take her home saying she expected me in the evening - on 2nd thoughts should leave my servants at Shibden, and then, after seeing my aunt, be at Lidgate about 8 in the evening of that day - she had better  not say anything about going to York till the plan was fixed - my letter altogether a kind one -she should cheer up now she had so much reason to hope all she could desire - will do all I can for her – never to think of repaying me – once well again, her health and happiness would be enough and all that I desired – ‘affectionately and faithfully yours AL.’ Norcliffe and his son (aetatis 8 ½) arrived about 2 - downstairs ¼ hour and sent off my letters by Thomas at 4 - to my aunt Shibden and Miss Walker vide above - out in the garden at 4 10 and walked there ½ hour - dressed - dinner at 5 - coffee tea - Norcliffe agreeable enough - went to his room at 10 - ½ hour afterwards went Mrs. N- and IN- Charlotte and I came upstairs at 11 ¼ -wrote the above of today - all the morning talking to IN- or Mrs. N- in her room - she recommends Willoughby of New street York to give me an elevation of a bridge for  Trough of Bolland wood, and Sharpe (as an architect) of the same street and place about the hall - Norcliffe says Wolstenholm of the Manor house, York, is excellent for oak-carving – Taprall and Holland cabinet makers 19 Marylebone Piccadilly London made the screen of 6 leaves 7ft. high at 50/. a lead and would be 4/. a leaf 6ft. high – carriage from London here by waggon 26/. – there is Bulman cabinet maker Albion street Leeds – and Taylor ditto ditto, Ousegate, York – fine day – F44° now at 12 tonight
Engine turned flat silver lever watch (best £12) of Hornby 41 Poole Lane, Liverpool. recommended by Norcliffe
Waller Dawson Livery stable keeper near the English Quay St. Petersburg
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cricutmachinemaker · 11 months
How to Use Cricut Joy? [A Detailed Guide]
Cricut Joy is the smallest, cutest machine in the Cricut lineup. Being a smaller one, it can also cut a wide range of materials, including leather, paper, Iron-on, plastic, Vinyl, and art board. It was designed to make it a portable machine that can be carried anywhere. Plus, it doesn’t occupy as much space as other Cricut machines.
However, new users who have just bought a Cricut Joy need to know what they can expect from this mini tool. Also, you will find various Cricut Joy accessories. Lastly, can you learn how to use Cricut Joy?
What Can You Do With Cricut Joy?
There are endless possibilities with Cricut Joy. However, you can cut 50+ popular materials that include cardstock, iron-on, Vinyl, and more. Plus, it can cut the construction paper you can find easily at home.
Above all, you can make decals, cupcake toppers, school projects, sports team shirts, gift tags, and more. The best thing about this mini device is that it can also cut Smart Materials. Using the Smart Materials has its own advantages, such as you don’t need to rely on a cutting mat for cutting any designs.
What Are the Must-Have Cricut Joy Accessories?
Before we learn how to use Cricut Joy? Let us have a look at the Cricut Joy items and supplies. Buying a Cricut Joy alone will not help you complete your projects. Cricut Joy accessories are a bunch of essential tools used for making several projects.
Let’s explore the various must-have Cricut Joy tools.
The Cricut Joy comes with a single blade, i.e., Fine Point Blade. However, you are free to buy replacement blades, including replacement housing. The housing should be only replaced when you are not getting the right cut. Besides, you can’t use Joy’s blade in other machines such as Cricut Explore or Maker.
Cutting Mats
Just like Cricut Blades, you can’t use the mat with another Cricut cutting device except Joy. However, many types of cutting serve different purposes.
For example, you can use a green StandardGrip mat (4.5” x 6.5”). If you want to cut delicate materials such as thinner paper or blue, then it is advisable to use a Blue LightGrip mat (4.5” x 6.5” or 4.5 “x 12”).
Cricut Tools
The most important Cricut tools are weeding, a spatula, and a scraper. Fortunately, all these three tools come together as one Cricut Joy Toolset. Besides, you can also buy a brayer to stick the materials onto the mat properly. However, it is not only made for Joy, but you can use it for better results.
Cricut Joy Pens
If you want to write something, then these pens will be helpful for you. The Joy device comes with a standard 0.4 black pen. Make sure you use the pen designed for Cricut Joy only. You can’t use other Cricut’s machine pens for your Cricut Joy.
How to Use Cricut Joy?
For making a project on Cricut Joy, you will need a Cricut Joy, Black Smart Vinyl, transfer tape, a weeding tool, and a mug.
Below are the steps to make a funny coffee mug using the device called Cricut Joy. We will create a design using an Android device because the design is so simple to create on a mobile device.
To begin, follow the steps carefully:
The blog covers things such as what you can do with Cricut Joy. Along with this machine, you also need various Joy accessories such as Cricut tools, cutting mats, Joy pens, Mats, and Blade. We will also need the Cricut Joy app, Smart Vinyl, and Design Space app. You have to create the design using the Design Space app. Lastly, we have explained how to use Cricut Joy. This guide allows you to create your Cricut project on Cricut Joy easily.
Question 1: What can I use Cricut Joy for?
Answer: With this Cricut Joy, you can cut more than 50 materials. These materials include iron-on, Vinyl, paper, cardstock, and construction paper. The machine is perfect for those who often travel and want a portable machine to make several projects. Now, making decals, cards, gift tags, cupcake toppers, and school projects is not difficult.
Question 2: Is Cricut Joy easy for beginners?
Answer: The Cricut Joy is just like a mini robot pal. However, it won’t hold your hand to make any crafts, but it will make the crafting princess easy and simple. You should also know that you can only cut and draw with a Joy device. Therefore, it is the perfect fit for those crafters who want to make crafts occasionally.
Question 3: Can I use Cricut Joy without connecting to Wi-Fi?
Answer: Yes, you can use the Joy cutting device without connecting to your Wi-Fi. However, You only need the internet to install the Cricut software and set up your Cricut machine. In case you use the Design Space for Desktop or iOS, then you can easily work offline, too. While offline, you can create anything uninterruptedly.
Visit: cricut.com/setup
Source: https://medium.com/@setupcricutdesignspace/how-to-use-cricut-joy-a-detailed-guide-ebd116fe9f6f
0 notes
chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (May 30, 2023)
23:56 Jones Meadow - Entrance 23:52 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 23:49 Otr Feat. Shallou - Heart 23:45 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 23:41 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 23:37 Bob Moses - Enough To Believe 23:37 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 23:34 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 23:30 Cannons - Fire For You 23:26 Tomb - Unbound 23:22 Mansionair & Vandelux - Empty Promise 23:22 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 23:18 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 23:14 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 23:10 Running Touch - Why Do I 23:05 Evelynka - Letting Go 23:01 Floa & Ra5im - Give Me A Second 23:01 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 22:57 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 22:53 Attom - Distant Memories 22:48 Il:lo - Cynnes 22:44 Kelela - Enough For Love 22:41 Rhye - Summer Days (Roosevelt Remix) 22:41 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 22:36 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 22:32 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 22:27 Roisin Murphy - Assimilation 22:22 Two Lanes - Movement 22:22 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 22:18 Satin Jackets Feat. Ivy Falls - Different Directions 22:15 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 22:10 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 22:07 Diplo & Black Coffee Feat. Elderbrook - Never Gonna Forget 22:07 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 22:02 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 21:59 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 21:55 Lane 8 Feat. Channy Leaneagh - I'll Wait 21:52 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 21:48 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Always 21:48 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 21:43 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 21:39 Leisure - Be With You 21:34 Royksopp - The Ladder 21:30 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 21:25 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 21:25 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 21:22 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 21:17 Christian Burns - Everywhere 21:12 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 21:07 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 21:02 Beacon - Until Next Time 21:02 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 20:57 Missfeat - The World Before (Niko Garcia Remix) 20:53 Melosense - Nous 20:50 Blonde Maze - Daydream (Otherwise Fine Remix) 20:47 Cannons - Loving You 20:43 Four Tet - Lush 20:43 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 20:38 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 20:33 Hausman & Lumynesynth - Faded 20:29 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 20:25 53 Thieves - Lyd 20:22 Jones Meadow - Expect 20:22 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 20:18 Claes Rosen - Vivid Lights 20:14 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 20:10 Avira & Nicholas Gunn - Sensing You 20:05 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 20:00 Dom Dolla & Mansionair - Strangers (Flight Facilities Remix) 19:55 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 19:55 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 19:52 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 19:48 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 19:43 Darius Feat. Wayne Snow - Apology 19:39 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 19:36 Dreem - Miles Away 19:30 Nolan Feat. Amber Jolene - Go Slow 19:30 C H I L L T R A X - Summertime Cool 19:26 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 19:22 Fkj Feat. Little Dragon - Can't Stop 19:19 Odsen - Retrospective 19:14 Eli & Fur - You And I 19:14 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 19:09 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 19:06 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 19:03 Vandelux - Tulum 18:58 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 18:57 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 18:53 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 18:50 Sault - Wildfires 18:45 Blank & Jones - Floatation 18:41 Satin Jackets & Panama - The Future 18:37 Childish Gambino - Feels Like Summer 18:37 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 18:33 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 18:29 Everything But The Girl - Forever 18:25 Kayobe & Zoe Sky Jordan - No Sympathy 18:22 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 18:22 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 18:18 Royksopp - Me&youphoria 18:15 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 18:11 Approaching Black - Sensitive 18:08 Forester - Symphony 18:07 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 18:04 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 18:01 Emmit Fenn - What Falling In Love Is For 17:58 Bronson Feat. Gallant - Know Me 17:54 Rocket Empire - Astoria 17:49 Classic Unknwn & Lipless - Be With You 17:49 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 17:44 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 17:41 Lapsley - 32 Floors 17:37 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 17:32 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 17:32 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 17:29 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 17:24 Alampa - Lush Dance 17:20 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 17:17 Heard Right & Fløa - Enough 17:12 Sons Of Maria - Don't Tell Me I Can't Have It 17:12 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 17:08 Attom & Blonde Maze - I Think About 17:05 Flexible Fire - Amatista 17:00 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 16:55 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 16:52 Passenger 10 - All I Have 16:52 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 16:48 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 16:45 Henry Green Feat. Andreya Triana - Tide 16:41 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 16:37 Flight Facilities Feat. Your Smith - Heavy 16:34 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 16:34 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 16:29 Eric Hilton - Forming Star 16:25 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 16:21 Ross Quinn - Away With Me 16:16 Palladian - Zagara 16:11 Attlas Feat. Mango - Over The Water 16:06 Northern Form - Mend 16:06 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 16:02 West & Zander - Silfra 15:59 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 15:54 Kraak And Smaak Feat. Izo Fitzroy - Twilight 15:50 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 15:46 Two Lanes - Movement 15:42 Tosca - Swimswimswim 15:42 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 15:38 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 15:35 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 15:31 Woven - Brushes 15:27 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 15:27 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 15:24 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 15:18 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 15:14 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 15:10 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 15:07 Giants' Nest - Purple Beach 15:07 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 15:02 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 14:58 Elderbrook - All My Love 14:55 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 14:51 Armin Van Buuren & Matoma Feat Teddy Swims - Easy To Love 14:48 Morcheeba - It's Summertime 14:48 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 14:45 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 14:39 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 14:35 Parra For Cuva Feat. Kyson & Beau Diako - Ordel 14:30 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 14:30 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 14:27 Lapsley - Levitate 14:22 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 14:18 Holen - Not Too Late 14:13 Meeting Molly - Gerda 14:13 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 14:09 Alampa - Playoff 14:05 Jos & Eli & Eli & Fur - Riffs Of The Night 14:02 Kleerup Feat. Yuna - Break Down The Wall 13:56 Il:lo - Cynnes 13:52 Moon Boots Feat. Nic Hanson - Keep The Faith 13:52 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 13:49 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 13:45 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 13:41 Vincenzo - Chroma Rush 13:37 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 13:33 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 13:33 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 13:30 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 13:27 Shallou - Heartaches 13:23 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 13:19 Jones Meadow - Fences 13:15 Blonde Maze - When You Move 13:15 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 13:11 Mahalo - Nothing Matters (Lipless Remix) 13:07 Dreem - Miles Away 13:04 Tep No - Say What You Wanted 13:00 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 12:55 Groove Armada - Chicago 12:55 C H I L L T R A X - Fresh And Fascinating 12:50 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 12:46 Fhin Feat. Sahara - Fallin' Fallin' 12:41 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 12:37 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 12:32 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 12:32 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 12:28 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 12:23 Two Lanes Feat. Kwesi - Another Time 12:20 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 12:15 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Derek Luttrell - Lose Control 12:11 Elderbrook - The End 12:11 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 12:07 Duckmaw - Nox 12:03 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 11:59 Drama - Hold On (Rezident Remix) 11:55 Lp Giobbi Feat. Dj Tennis & Joseph Ashworth - All In A Dream 11:52 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 11:47 Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy (Oakenfold Remix) 11:47 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 11:42 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 11:39 Kelela - Contact 11:35 Sum Wave - Milkyway 11:31 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm (Ben Macklin Remix) 11:31 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 11:28 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 11:24 Melosense - Nous 11:19 Deep Sound Effect Feat. Svetlana Voice - Dreaming About You (Dj Aristocrat Remix) 11:15 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 11:11 Edapollo Feat. Kendl - Afterglow 11:11 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 11:07 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 11:01 Morcheeba - Oh Oh Yeah 10:56 Billion Watchers - Rainman 10:51 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Julia Church - 9 Days 10:48 Rhye - Summer Days (Roosevelt Remix) 10:47 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 10:43 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 10:39 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 10:35 A.m.r - Sailor's Cry 10:30 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 10:30 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 10:26 Embliss & Lumynesynth - Phases Of The Moon 10:22 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 10:19 Rocket Empire - Lima 10:15 Cri - Stranger 10:14 C H I L L T R A X - Parents Magazine Seal 10:11 Cannons - Loving You 10:08 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 10:04 Darius & Amaria - Faded 10:01 Pableno - Heights 09:57 Shallou Feat.wales - Begin 09:57 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 09:53 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 09:49 Mansionair & Kim Tee - Next High 09:44 Alan Cerra - Radiant 09:41 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 09:37 Evelynka - Letting Go 09:37 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 09:33 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 09:29 Tagavaka - Oxygen 09:25 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 09:22 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 09:18 Blonde Maze - Night Light (Hessian Remix) 09:17 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 09:12 Mazoulew Feat. Bonnie Wylde - Circles 09:08 Two Lanes - Movement 09:03 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 08:59 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 08:55 Heard Right, Oai - Hope 08:55 C H I L L T R A X - Summertime Cool 08:50 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 08:45 Cubicolor - Wake Me Up 08:40 Blank & Jones - Floatation 08:35 Mass Digital - Thoughts Of U 08:31 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 08:31 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 08:26 Above & Beyond - Believer (Marsh's Guatape Remix) 08:23 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 08:19 Eric Hilton Feat. Elin Melgarejo - La Nuit 08:15 Arto - Now You're Gone 08:12 Edapollo - Standing There 08:07 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 08:07 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 08:03 Logic1000 Feat. Big Ever - Natural 07:59 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 07:54 Bonobo Feat. Jordan Rakei - Shadows 07:51 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 07:47 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 07:43 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 07:43 C H I L L T R A X - Trans Europe Vocoder 07:38 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 07:34 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Another Life 07:31 Tomb - Unbound 07:27 Otr Feat. Au/ra - Broken (Rac Mix) 07:27 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 07:22 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 07:17 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 07:14 Forester - Saint (Shallou Remix) 07:10 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 07:07 Ran The Man - Yucatan 07:07 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 07:03 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 07:00 Drama - Dark Rain 06:56 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 06:52 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 06:47 Groove Armada - At The River 06:47 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 06:41 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 06:38 Everything But The Girl - Forever 06:35 Ben Macklin Feat. Emma Brammer - Stay With Me (Fvhm Remix) 06:32 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 06:32 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 06:27 Blonde Maze - A Break In Continuity (Forty Cats Remix) 06:23 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 06:18 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 06:15 Cannons - Hurricane 06:15 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 06:12 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 06:08 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 06:04 Session Victim - The Pain 05:59 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 05:53 Marsh Feat. Katherine Amy - Find Me 05:53 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 05:50 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 05:45 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 05:40 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 05:37 Alampa - Playoff 05:32 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 05:32 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 05:28 Flexible Fire - Amatista 05:23 Ultraista - Mariella (Zero 7 Remix) 05:18 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 05:14 Odsen - Retrospective 05:11 Leisure - Take You Higher (Serebii & Arjuna Oakes Remix) 05:10 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 05:06 Faodail & Plya - Strangers Gone Missing 05:03 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 04:59 Attom & Kwesi - Rogue 04:55 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 04:52 Two Lanes - Lights 04:52 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 04:46 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 04:41 Monolink - Take Me Away 04:37 Palladian - Zagara 04:34 53 Thieves - Waves 04:29 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 04:28 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 04:24 Dim Kelly - Nocturna Animal 04:20 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 04:17 Tycho Feat. Rum.gold - Run Away 04:11 Il:lo - Cynnes 04:08 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 04:04 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 04:04 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 04:01 Duckmaw - Habits 03:56 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 03:52 The Knocks Feat. Foster The People - All About You (Equal Remix) 03:48 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 03:43 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 03:38 Maya Jane Coles - Weak 03:38 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 03:33 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 03:30 Tep No Feat. Starzun - Hold Me 03:25 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 03:22 Shallou & Daya - Older 03:22 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 03:18 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 03:14 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 03:11 Chicane Feat. Moya Brennan - Saltwater (Chicane Slow Tide Remix) 03:07 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 03:03 Nightcap - The Two Of Us (We Only Need) 02:59 Chris Malinchak - Control 02:55 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 02:51 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 02:51 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 02:46 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 02:42 Pines Feat. Water Park - Tell Me 02:38 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 02:34 Approaching Black - Sensitive 02:30 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 02:30 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 02:26 Kaskade - Find Love 02:23 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 02:18 Darius Feat. Benny Sings - Rise (Darius Remix) 02:13 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 02:09 Tycho - Weather (Nitemoves Remix) 02:09 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 02:04 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 02:01 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Make It Happen 01:57 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 01:53 Liz Cass - Blue 01:50 Jones Meadow - Expect 01:50 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 01:47 Feathervane & Oreonic - Overcast 01:44 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 01:39 Alampa - Caravan 01:34 Rocket Empire - Astoria 01:30 Above & Beyond & Marty Longstaff - Gratitude (Aname Pm Mix) 01:25 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 01:19 Jean Caillou - Signs 01:16 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 01:11 Eli & Fur - Carbon 01:06 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 01:03 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 00:59 Childish Gambino - Feels Like Summer 00:59 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 00:55 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 00:50 Pilots Of Peace - Fallin 00:46 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 00:43 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 00:43 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 00:38 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 00:33 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 00:29 Cannons - Tunnel Of You 00:25 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 00:21 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 00:21 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 00:17 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 00:12 Boerd - 2far 00:09 Pableno - Heights 00:03 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 00:00 Zero 7 Feat. Danny Pratt - 400 Blows 00:00 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes
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craig144 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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robert98 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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cress857 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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marion485 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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partida752 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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wayland23 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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conley748 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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ibrian1476 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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wilson120 · 2 years
Cleaning your Keurig 2.0 is a breeze and takes just a few minutes! You only need a few simple supplies, which we'll list below. First, unplug your coffee maker and remove the water tank. Discard any old coffee or water residue. Next, use a damp cloth to wipe down the inside and outside of the coffee maker. Finally, reattach the water tank and plug in your machine. Brew a cup of water to rinse through, and voila, your Keurig is good as new! How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 What You Will Need to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 You will need a few things to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0: vinegar, water, dish soap, and a brush. The first step is to fill the water reservoir with vinegar. Don't worry; the vinegar won't make your coffee taste like vinegar. Instead, it will help to dissolve any built-up coffee oils and grime. Next, add some dish soap to the brew head and run a cleaning cycle. This will help to remove any coffee residue that might be clogging up the works. Finally, use a brush to clean around the water reservoir's edges and inside the brew head. Rinse everything off afterward and let your Keurig Coffee Maker dry completely before using it again. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Keurig coffee maker 2.0: Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. Remove the K-Cup pod holder and place it in the sink. Fill the reservoir with a mixture of white vinegar and water (50/50). Plug in the coffee maker and turn it on. Brew one cup of vinegar. Let the vinegar solution sit in the coffee maker for 30 minutes. Remove the reservoir and dump out the vinegar solution. Rinse off all of the removable parts with hot water. Reassemble the coffee maker and refill the reservoir with fresh water. Brew a fresh cup of water to clean out any remaining vinegar residue. Let the coffee maker cool completely before storing it away. Time-Saving Tips for Cleaning Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 When it comes time to clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, there are a few time-saving tips you can follow: Remove the water reservoir and unscrew the lid. Place the reservoir in the sink and use a dishwasher-safe brush to clean it. Unplug the machine and remove the pod drawer. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, and use a toothpick or other small implement to clean out any gunk from the crevices. Remove the drip tray and wash it in the sink with hot, soapy water. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of your machine. Reassemble your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0, replace the water reservoir, plug it in, and wait for it to heat up. Add water to the pool and run a cleansing brew cycle before brewing your morning coffee. How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0? Cleaning your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 regularly ensures that your coffee tastes great and functions optimally. It is recommended to descale and perform another maintenance cleaning once a month, although if you use your brewer daily, you may want to clean it more often. If you notice any signs of build-up, no matter how small, it is important to immediately take the steps outlined above and clean your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0. You should also pay attention to any changes in the taste of your coffee and clean the machine again if necessary. It is also a good idea to check the water reservoir for any mineral deposits since this will affect the taste of your coffee as well as the functioning of your machine. If you keep these tips in mind, keep your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 running smoothly for years to come! Potential Causes of Poor Performance in Your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 If you're noticing that the performance of your Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 isn't what it used to be, there may be some possible causes for this. One is a clogged needle. The Keurig 2.0 uses a tiny hand to puncture the K-cups to get them to release their flavor and aroma.
If this needle clogs up with coffee grounds, it can make it harder for the machine to do its job. Another potential cause of poor performance is stale coffee grounds, often left behind in the reservoir if not cleaned out properly. Close grounds can lead to weaker coffee flavor and less intense aromas, so you must empty the pool regularly or use only freshly ground coffee beans when making your brews. Finally, if you're using too much or too little water in your brew cycle, this could also lead to weaker brews, so be sure to check that you have exactly the right amount of water in the reservoir when brewing each cup! FAQs on How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker 2.0 Do you have some common questions about cleaning your Keurig 2.0 coffee maker? We have got the answers! Q: Can I use vinegar to clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Yes! It's a great choice. Fill up the water tank with equal parts white vinegar and water, and then run one full cycle of the machine. Make sure to dispose of the vinegar mixture afterward and rinse the water tank several times before using it again. Q: How often should I clean my Keurig 2.0? A: Every month or so, depending on how often you use it and any issues that pop up. You can also do a deep cleaning every three to six months for the best results. Q: Can I descale my Keurig 2.0 using commercial cleaners? A: It effectively removes calcium buildup and limescale, affecting taste and flavor profiles and prolonging your machine's life. Commercial cleaners specifically designed for single-serve coffee makers are your best bet here! Conclusion All in all, cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is an easy process, and it's one you should do regularly to keep your machine working like new. These simple steps can keep your Keurig running smoothly for months or even years.
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