#coela's lmk au
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Stayed up all night listening to Vylet Pony and looking at LMK posts two nights in a row(i've gotten 4 hours of sleep), here's some ideas/notes for my au.
It's... a LOT, and a good chunk is spider Tang.
And I go on Nezha centered rants like thrice
Btw, feel free to steal some of this :)
Chimera but Red son is the braincell holder, Mei and MK are dumbasses, Red son is dating both of them, and Mei and MK are in a QPR
Freenoodles married old men >>>
Mac adopts Bai He and she's a MENACE, like, pulling a knife on Mac for forgetting to make lunch. She COULD be out actually hunting something with her cat, but Mac won't let her out for that long. So threatening to eat him for not feeding her is a good pick.(This is partially because not all of LBD's powers and insanity left her after being unpossessed)
MK calls Pigsy Da/dad, Tang Pa/papa, SWK Ba/baba, and Mac Ma/mama (Don't ask why he gets four dads)
Spider Tang. Stole it from somewhere but he's the Spider queen's eldest kid and Huntsman is so attached to him, but he only stays with them for a week out of the year, and before he goes, he has to wash off, change clothes, make himself not smell like pig demon, and take his glamor off and rough himself up a bit and remember where they live. He hates pretending he doesn't like them, especially with his little brother, but, it's what has to be done.
Huntsman clings onto his lanky brother and yowls like a cat, yelling at him about how worried they were, and SpQ squeezes him till his eyes are bulging out like those toys, you know the ones.
He actually cries and stays a little longer when Spindrax gets home. He's the oldest and loves his siblings, what're you gonna do?
Also yeah, Spindrax exists, but she's been traveling to 1. find herself and 2. hopefully find a new place to nest, either make her own clan or for her family to move, then LBD happened, and she wondered around the city with her bike till she met Lin (I named the demon manager, she's the copper to Jin and Yin's gold and silver and is the oldest and has to babysit them) Lin took her in and makes her help with some stuff(mostly wrangling her brothers) till she sees Tang unglamored and follows :) Tang is a couple minutes older than Spindrax and they both have 6 arms and look pretty similar--- untill Tang gets his cicada bits.
Also he gets really nervous when Scorpion Queen gets brought over as SpQ's gf. Only thing ScQ says are that his glasses are familiar and he responds with "Yeah, well, these are cheap, so lots of people would have it..."
Nearly gets busted when he's calling MK and Pigsy to tell them that he's staying longer, and SpQ tries to meet her grandbaby and son in law. Tang kinda goes off on her, then apologies like "They don't know I'm a demon, mom, that's how I survived in the city so long... I'll tell them... sometime, I just... need time... sorry for snapping at you..." SpQ says it's fine, but he needs to tell them by next year and leaves it at that.
He picks up whittling as a hobby and Pigsy has SO many carvings
Tang courtnapped Pigsy and Pigsy was confused cus he thought Tang was human and therefore didn't know courtnapping. Tang waved it away with "I researched it cus I didn't know if you knew how humans court and all that and I wanted to court in a why you were familiar with"
MK grows up not knowing how to date but how to courtnap as a result
Red son doesn't know this and tries to research human courting to court MK (doesn't work)
Mei only knows dragon courting which is: Find nice spot in big water. Make nest. Make pretty. Find partner. Bring partner to nest. Partner like nest and stays. Dance. Snuggle. Prove worthy for partner by hunt many big thing to eat. Make nest peritter. Make partner happy. Bonded forever. Mayhaps bebehs.
Mei's mum didn't get enough calcium before having girlie's egg so Mei's egg was disconcertingly soft, like it was turtle egg texture instead of a thicker chicken egg.
Mei's Mum was also really sick for a while before a doctor came to check on her and did what lizard owners do: Calcium powder and egg shells
Rumble and Savage exist, they're just kinda,,, husks, shells of beings. They have very subtle personalities(Rumble being more flight than fight and Savage the opposite) and the rough intelligence of a dog/3 year old human, and, once Wukong gives a bit of his magic to them to fully form them proper so they can be like, people, then they're gonna be two menaces and Wukong will regret that.
Rumble becomes very noisy, Savage.... ends up weirdly quiet, rarely talking and only hissing most days. Rumble understands Savage perfectly, tho
Ask Mac how he got them and he'll say he ate a double banana
Wukong and Mei are fat I don't take shit.
Mac and MK are on the fuller, slightly toned side
Red son is ripped and you can see his muscles ripple under his fur. Like this:
MK has 5 parents: two bio dads, the goddess that used a bit of his bio dad's magic as a starting point for his, and his two adoptive dads.
MK has 3 siblings that need muzzles and leashes: Bai He, Rumble, and Savage
Silktea. Huntsman goes to Sandy's place for tea and snuggles if he's feeling like crap and might strangle Syntax. There's this calico-siamese pair of cats that absolutely ADORE him, and NEVER leave him alone till he leaves.
PIF and DBK are actually great parents once they're together again, PIF wasn't as attentive as she should or wanted to be with Redson cus she literally was crying for days at a time in her room, DBK's mom came over to take care of Red son while his mother greived.
Red son loves his grandma and whenever she comes over (which is rare cus she's a traveler at heart and rarely in the same place for as long as she was with Red son) he actually cries and she picks him up like "look at how much you've grown!"
Her and PIF have an... ok relationship, tho(this is becoming an oc who I will name later) like an uneasy understanding and a silent agreement to not fight or make a scene for DBK
Nezha has tremors in his hands and arms, and sometimes he feels like he can't really hold anything without possibly dropping it or spilling a drink. He found those big 12oz sippy cups and screamed cus holy shit two handles, really big, NOT GONNA SPILL MUCH EVEN IF HE DROPS IT!!!
Nezha would watch Bluey :3
Also he'd love MLP, favorite is Twilight and would ramble about her endlessly and his own hcs and would learn to draw her really well and redesign her endlessly(comfort character)
Also g3 Applejack.
He doesn't like Sunset Shimmer, absolutely hates her, someone got him a Sunset toy and he threw it at them and has not spoken to them since. It has been three years.
Mei, MK, and Red son are all littles in diffrent ways, Mk's usually a teen but occasionally slips lower around Mei, Mei's usually 5 and Red Son always is a calf and is usually in his full demon form, either having the zoomies or falling asleep standing up.
MK's a big brother CG, Mei's a big sister CG and Red son's a mama caregiver(I take no shit) and he's nice and warm to cling to when the other two regress. :)
Pigsy doesn't mind when MK's regressed, just treats the kid the same as he did with a bit of extra help if he slips younger. MK LOVES stories at any age and Tang rereads JTTW to him, sometimes before bed if MK can't sleep.
Mei hasn't told her parents she regresses, but MK, Red son, and the main group know! Sandy tends to babysit and MK helps cus MK's better at playing and Sandy keeps the dragonet from doing something dangerous.
Red son's told his parents, MK, and Mei. DBK doesn't fully get it but he sees it as a way to spend the time with his son he didn't get to spend with him cus of stuff. PIF sees it a similar way, and loves carrying Red son when he's little or playing chase with him when he's got the zoomies. Kinda like this:
Also Nezha can be a little too, my boy deserves to not have to act all adulty sometimes. He's usually about 12, and LOVES board games like guess who where his tremors don't effect how well he plays(Like with games where you gotta move tiny pieces like in monopoly, that gets difficult for him, especially on the other side of the board)
Uno is only for better days when his tremors are more mild, even then Red son was tired of his moping ass in the corner of his vision so welded together a stand Nezha can place the cards in, it's just two slabs of metal connectied at a roughly 110 degree angle, with a few more, smaller and thinner sheets of metal on the angled one to make a little holder for the things.
Uno becomes Nezha's favorite game :3
Nezha would love playing uno at a furcon tbh, with those big cards
gonna draw him in a place like this later(if I remember)
tbh he'd love furcons, get him one of those "ask to hug" "Awkward but friendly" badges and he's having the time of his life, especially if he's little and not being all serious and quiet. He'd also need a "i'm little, please be patient!" badge. He'd carry around a big ita bag for pin, sticker and keychain trading
making a list of the badges he'd have cus I'm ill:
Ask to hug
Awkward but friendly
Trade with me!
I'm Little, please be patient!
Ask to pick up
Ask to give headpats
Nezha is the living embodiment of "Why do you get so many weapons?" "Disability"
Mei listens to Vylet Pony and knows all the lyrics to all of the songs in CUTIMARKS(And the Things That Bind Us) and Queen of Misfits by heart, she can karaoke all of it with no lyrics in sight (She puts on a blindfold and sings all 2 hours 30 something minutes with only breaks between songs to get a drink.)
Mei has like 7 ita bags, and a whole wall of pins at her place
Mk has two ita bags and they're all Monkey King merch. all of it. One is official stuff one is fan stuff
Rumble and Savage grow to be taller than Mac and Mac will bite if you call him short.
Wukong is actually close to Pigsy's height, he just glamors it so people take him more seriously
Mei's the shortest out of the TLT in her "human" form, but the largest in her dragon form. she has a horse form she rarely uses and a "Midway" form she much prefers, which is like her dragon form, just a whole lot smaller and hooves on her back legs
also she grows a beard and mustache in her other forms and she's debating if she should or shouldn't glamor the beard and whiskers back on her human form cus it makes her look more "Regal" apparently, but also she doesn't want people staring at her cus it gets annoying.
Mk is taller than SWK when he's unglamored, but there is a VERY noticeable height diffrece between monke MK and unglamored SWK
relative height order with Bai He and the twin's relative heights as kids and adults, plus Red son cus why not:
Rumble + Savage(kids), Bai He(child), Pigsy, Wukong + Macaque (unglamoured), Mei ("Human"), MK (Human), Tang (glamoured and unglamoured) Wukong +Macaque (glamoured), Mei (Midway) MK (Monkie), Bai He (Adult) Red Son (glamoured) Rumble + Savage (adults), Mei (Horse), Red son (unglamoured), Sandy, Mei (dragon)
Mei commissioned MK to make her streamer bg and all that, the donation animation(her parents will cut her from the nepo baby money sometime) is a monkey running to a dragon and dropping off fruit !!
Nezha would get obsessed with streamers, especially the chill cosy ones, with the dark pastels and chill games, his name in chat is "Little_Lotus_Prince" (He asked the last person who had the name and broke into their house to forcibly change their name to get his cus they wouldn't)
Mei showed him streamers trying to get him to watch hers.
He pops in once a week reminding them to NOT try and destroy the celestial realm during this adventure and chat loves him they actually just spam lotus emojis when he's in there. Chat goes WILD when he finally makes an appearance. He tells "Fire Dragon Girl" and "Monkey of Chaos" to please stop trying to find him, but he secretly likes having friends to talk to.
Nezha would have a squishmallow collection so big to the point that there's a whole corner of his room that's just for his sqishmallows. His favorites stay in his bed so he doesn't lose em in the mess.
You'd expect a bland modern monochrome room but he's got a Pinterest aesthetic room, full of pink and green and white !!
Giving him a couple ribbon tails cus I'm very ill.
I'm posting this now cus it's been two days, I'll have a part two later maybe
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Ight, let's get simple things out of the way
Call me Fish, Coelacanth, Coela(said like "Sea-la"), or anything else, I'll take more names! I go by any pronouns. Littles can call me whatever they see fit, I don't mind being called mumma, baba, dad, etc! You're all my pups.
I'll be writing requests for fics and hcs, drawing/doodle requests, stim/moodboards and outfit boards! (Rules below cut)
My main blog is @/entropys-universe, I follow from there, it's mostly reblogs, though! There are suggestive stuff and occasional museum-nude bodies, so, be warned!
Insta-block list: pedos, proship, anti-kin/therian/alterhuman, anti-agere/petere, bigots, any 18+ interactions and other rude people.
I have a Spotify full of fandom playlists! Might make a post to share them all later in a proper list, but for now, take the account. [LINK]
Friends I forced (/j) to be my beta readers/editors :
Now, for the request stuff
Things will be tagged "tw [thing]" for consistency.
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, and all of that will be tagged accordingly.
Main characters will be focused on!
Little or CG or aus will be tagged like [thing]![charater]. For example: CG!Red Velvet
Writing requests requirements:
Main Charater(s)
If it's an au, from cannon, or leave it blank for me to choose. (Note that I will default to mostly cannon compliant or my au Most likely the latter as I do love my self indulgent au) Make sure to tell roles (IE: who's the customer and who's the barista in a coffee shop au) or big changes! Your HCs are counted for this!
And what kind! if it's a writing request, should it be a crackfic, oneshot, or something else! same for art, doodle, sketch, etc! And for HCs, what kind, family, dating, little/petspace etc!
"Modern day au chatfic with Brave and Co"
"Doodle of little Lloyd! With a stuffed bear! hc that he has horns and tusks like in his oni form"
"Marrage hcs for Pearl and Marina pls"
"Coffee shop au with Maddie and Espresso!!! trans Espresso as barista!"
Stimboard, Moodboard, Outfit board requirements:
Character and/or theme and/or colors (optional addition for outfit boards: what kind of outfit, formal, casual, etc!)
Any other specifications! Fem, masc, pacis in Litte/Petspace requests, etc!
"Masc leaning little stimboard based off of Lilac Cookie with paci and moth themes"
"Petre goat mood board with brown and white with a bottle"
I'm up to making any kind of board as long as it's not 18+
Fandom Whitelist
Cookie Run(OB, K, KCN, WC, all of them!)
Lego Monkie Kid
My Little Pony
Writing Whitelist:
Heavy gore
Hurt/No Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/no hurt, etc
Mentions of things like sa, but nothing more
Nude bodies, in the sense of scarring and weight and that kind of thing, but I will NEVER do it in a sexual manner
Most ships
One off chatfics
Littlespace/agere/petspace/petre (if any of you think any of this is sexual, I'll take all the pillows in your house)
Just about anything else, depending on how confident I am at writing it!
Writing blacklist:
Adult/minor, adult/unknown age or sibling/sibling
Any sex scenes, I'm good with writing making out, but nothing further, and I won't write minors doing that.
Real People Fiction
Ship blacklist:
(added to as I get requests :/)
Anyone/any children. I will write teens dating, with fluff ONLY. Any suggestive things are for adults, and anyone below about 14-15 will NOT be dating. If it is a future au, I will write anything BUT making out for them. It makes me uncomfortable.
Licorice/Almond (I don't know how to write these two unfortunately.)
I have autism and ADHD, and sometimes It's difficult for me to stay on track and get stuff done in a timely manner, but I will try!
If you want to make art or a fic for my work, please tag me!! I love seeing it!!
#hc request#writing requests#art requests#Board request#coela talks#sleep deprived coela#coela's lmk au#coela's poems#coela's art
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At what point does a shitpost become a serious thing?
(This is for a crossover au with a friend, Kai is that child.)
#not a request#coela talks#coela's art#modern mergeverse au#ninjago au#lmk au#lmk and Ninjago crossover#or whatever#spicynoodleshipping#lego monkie kid
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