#cloudy bell sue
kurokrisps · 3 months
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I always think about what Cloudy Bell Sue's actress said the day she heard the gunshot.
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luckyclovernb · 7 months
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I'm about 1000% certain the sunny time crew had a whole buncha shenanigans.
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alizera62quartz · 1 year
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SDJ- it's The SunnyTime Crew Show~
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The Sunnytime Crew Show Kind Of Reminds Me Of A Live Action Show From The 00's Transported To The 80's
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Seriously, I have seen a lot of live action types of shows and it feels like it would be more 2000ish.
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If people still remembered the show it probably could have had a revival in the 00's with a new cast and crew. And Zaira would have been of the preschoolers tuning in. And again I think this another reason why she takes to Jack because again emphasis on it reminding her of the shows she loved as a child and makes her feel comfortable. And again lets her not feel she has to be this grown woman who can't enjoy anything kiddy.
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Today's J-fashion wearer is Cloudy-Belle Sue from Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack! She wears lolita with some yumekawaii elements!
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elfqueen006 · 2 months
Someone already said it, but a hypothetical meta in-universe movie based off the Sunnytime Crew series would be fun as hell.
You know, when a popular kids media did really well they'd almost always have a live action crossover of some kind in the 90s to early 2000s.
The same would be for the Sunny Day Jack character going to the "real world" and trying to get back to Cloudy Town. [REDACTED] would be playing himself and Jack, doing one of those double things.
Maybe a love interest subplot - most likely filled in by MC. Or I guess Cloudy Belle Sue's actress (honestly, if Hailey ever signed off on that, it'd be so funny to her). I personally keep imagining May in that role, but that chronologically doesn't make sense. Her role would likely be an ex who had a messy breakup with Joseph and Jack either pushing her towards him or having a little rivalry ensue.
Oh, and some kind of 2000s hits for the soundtrack. You can't have a fun corny adaptation without it.
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yukidragon · 2 years
Just wondering, in terms of the Sunny Time Crew Show, we know who’s Jack, but who are the other characters and what were their respective roles? Where can we find more information on what the TV show itself was about?
I’m afraid our clues so far are pretty limited. What we’ve been able to scrape together so far is some of the teaser tweets and the artwork Sauce made of the cast, one of which is used for official merchandise.
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As always whenever I include some of the official publicly posted artwork for the series, I want to give full credit to Sauce for drawing it. They put a lot of hard work into this and deserve to be credited.
Remember, don’t repost the privately posted images from the SnaccPop Patreon. Let’s give our full support to Sauce and the team where we can, okay?
We know the names of the rest of the cast members thanks to a map of Cloudy Town. There were big, big plans, according to this map.
Starting us off is the star of the show, Sunny Day Jack, the main man himself. Even on the map, his school house is right there at the top, drawing immediate attention. It’s in his signature primary colors, though the print shown is worn with washed out colors.
Luckily, Sauce was kind enough to post a version of the map on their twitter that didn’t go through the aging process. Since the twitter is gone, allow me to show it here.
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Directly from the school house is Knackadan Drizzle’s field. Quite the name, huh? It’s a pretty sporty place, fitting for a sports themed clown... or rather a coach themed clown?
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While nothing has been confirmed for certain, it looks like Knackadan Drizzle was responsible for the lessons on the show that related to sports, likely also teamwork and cooperation as well. Fittingly, he is colored in shades of green and yellow like his field. I imagine even his green mustache might be something of a nod to the green grass on the field.
The playground isn’t associated with any one person, but right next to it is Daisy Chain Jane’s Joke Shop. Like Jack’s school, the joke shop sports primary colors, similar to Jane’s design.
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Now Daisy Chain Jane is a pretty interesting character. Those who remember this post I made about the SunnyTime Town AU might recall that Daisy Chain Jane is a character exclusive to that AU rather than the fictional world of the show.
Then again, Buddy existed in the show as a belt puppet that apparently could talk, so it’s possible that Jane might exist in the show’s canon as well.
My guess is that there were plans to have her character introduced during the next season as Jack’s big sister. After all, the map itself was posted with the caption that there were big plans. Jack’s murder certainly scrapped any future for the SunnyTime Crew Show... at least 40 years ago.
Next we have Rory Rainberry’s Bakery in shades of purple, pink, orange, and red. Some of you might know his actor Jean Laurent, but the character he plays seems to be a lot more wholesome than this candid shot.
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As suggested by this picture and the map, Rory is a baker. I’m sure he teaches kids about nutrition, staying healthy, eating sweets in moderation, and maybe a few simple cooking recipes they can do at home like putting peanut butter onto celery.
Finally we have Cloudy-Belle Sue and her white, pink, and pastel blue library. Sadly, we don’t have a picture of her alone, but I suspect that she was in charge of story time with the children, likely using fables to teach important lessons that are outside the scope of the more grounded parts of the show.
Overall, the show seems to have been aimed at young children, teaching life lessons in a way they can digest easily, with cheerful clowns in bright colors acting as both their teachers and friends. CloudyTown was meant to be a place of fun and learning. It’s hard to say for sure what the age range of its target demographic was exactly, but I’m sure we’ll find out in the game’s full release when we get a look into the backstory of the show.
I will point out though for those who might not have caught it - the colors of each character’s locations seem to correspond with the main colors in the characters’ clothes and hair. The main colors of the show, as shown by the logo and at the bottom of the map, seems to make it clear that Jack was always intended to be the main character, no matter what he says that there is no leader of the crew during the interview.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars
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he won't leave my brain
Fuck, hi, I never thought I would be posting this but I need these thoughts out of my brain or so heLP ME GOD-I'm fine. For those who have yet to look at the tags, this will be talking about the game, or rather the au I've made for, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack. The creators have said they don't want anyone under eighteen to be near this game or fandom. Adults only folks
Alright now that I've worn down the kiddo's attention spans let's hop in
So, like I said before this is an au, a royalty au to be exact, just not in the way you'd think. See royalty aus are usually used to end up with a royal spouse or partner of some kind, but that's not what this is, sorry to disappoint ^^; The royalty is just how this all starts out
So, most people in the fandom know about Joseph at this point, troubled teen turns into a troubled adult that's trying to be a better person, and then he dies a little bit but we're glossing over that for now. This au is very similar to that, in this au Joseph is the heir to the throne but doesn't want the crown. His parents don't respect him, treating him like a simple fallback, insurance that the kingdom will go on without them, and nothing more, leaving him in the care of the castle staff and leaving it at that
It's because of this neglect that Joseph ends up wandering around the castle at such a young age, meeting the sons of both the head guard and royal chef. A few months later he got even bolder, wandering out into the town and meeting the daughter of a librarian. These four became inseparable, and quite rambunctious in their teen years. It was at this time Joseph's parents decided enough was finally time to act like parents "You're the heir to the throne, the entire kingdom! It's time you started acting like it"
Their only mistake was allowing him one last night. He spoke to his friends about what happened, and how he'll never get to hang out with them again. He'd lost all hope but the librarian's daughter, who had always had her head up in the clouds, had an idea "Why not join the circus?" The circus, the one that came once a month every year, the one they had all gone to every night it was in town, the one the head guard's son broke his nose trying to imitate, it was perfect, to a bunch of sad teenagers anyway.
That night they all left without even a goodbye, they all had their own issues with their real homes, finding much more comfort in each other. Lucky for them a girl from the circus who was just a few years older than them took pity on them and took them in, having seen them at so many shows before. She became a sort of big sister to all of them, but most of all to Joseph. They just clicked, and bounced off of each other incredibly well during improv training, so much so that she even decided to match his colors to hers
As the years went by everyone found their role. The royal chef's son became Rory Rainberry, a member of the group for sure, but mostly known for the mouth-watering confections he whipped up for the stands outside of shows. The head guard's son became Knackadan Drizzle, a strong man, lifting over ten times what the average man could. The librarian's daughter became Cloudy-Belle Sue, known best for her incredible stories, that could make the audience laugh, cry, and cheer all in a few minutes. The girl who was already in the carnival was called Daisy Chain Jane, simply calling her the contortionist would be selling her short, having been raised by clowns she can do just about anything around the big top, the tight rope, juggling, animal taming, you name it
Then there was Joseph, the shining star of the show, now known as Sunny Day Jack he was seen as the best clown in the biz, second only to his "big sis" but he would always deny such a claim. This was a team effort, there were no leaders among them, just friends doing what they love
and I think that's all for now, sure I have ideas for how Jack could meet his sunshine, and how he dies, but do you see how fucking long this thing is already? Do you see now why I had to write this? I've been keeping all of this in my brain and I can't keep it in anymore. If you've made it this far, thank you, really you super didn't have to, but if you like what you see here and want more I'd certainly write scenarios or headcanons for it. It feels weird to say I'll write headcanons for my own au but I can't think of what else to call those bullet-point lists of what a character would do in a given situation. Alright, is that it? I think that's it, see ya!
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
SWWSDJ: Younger sibling gets to perform on Sunny Day Crew Time- Joesph x older sibling!reader
It was noisy to say the least.
Alot more nosier than you anticipated when on the set for "The Sunny Time Crew Show". Also alot more kids in attendance. Some seemed to already know the drill about getting ready for the show, sitting prim and proper, not a word falling from their mouths. Which made you wonder how the hell your brother was even able to star as the "guest show winner".
You sighed, staring at said younger sibling whom sat in the make-up chair, eyes all starry, his mouth moving a mile a minute as he exclaimed how excited he was to meet his hero. The artist attending to his face could only nod her head along, bags prominent under their eyes, as she begrudgingly listened to the "fun facts" of the show your brother rambled about. Another silent as they began to fuss with his hair, every so often speaking quietly into a walkie talkie to make sure everything was on schedule. This was just too much, but seeing as your parents had to work extra to feed the family, you let the nauseating feeling of boredom slip from your face.
"Alan, give them a break. You're mouth is wandering faster than your brain". Your voice carried a hint of sternness as Alan continued to gush about the show. His starry eyes now rolled at your request for quiet. "Sorry ugly, you didn't have to be here you know? Could've dropped me off".
Oh the throttle you wanted to ensue.
"Friggen brat", you continued to curse him in your mother tongue before leaning yourself back against the wall, arms crossed as you looked around the room.
Your eyes traveled the brightly colored walls, taking in all the colors, the hand stenciled drawings, and lingering posters that littered the walls. Until they stopped at the four giant faces that painted the back wall.
The SunnyTime Crew Show! You rolled your eyes, more reasons for your brother to gush. Starring Knackerdan Drizzle, Cloudy Belle Sue, Rory Raspberry, and Sunny Day Jack! There it was, the main reason for your sweet boredom in the TV world.
Sunny Day Jack.
Another sigh.
You didn't mind the show, hell the actors who played Jack and Rory were amazingly good looking plus the lessons they taught weren't half bad. Working at an after care center, all the younger kids spoke about was this funny clown on the television. Even snippets of the show seemed to somehow drift in your college courses. So, of course, you got curious. Soon as work was over, you tuned to this hit new tv show that everyone was talking about. Your brother front and center laying down infront of the small screen tv. 6:00 pm hits, its prime time hour. One click of the remote then lo and behold, The SunnyTime Crew Show pulls up. After that Alan grew obsessed with Sunny Day Jack.
"Almost finished", the make up artist chirped, a small smile gracing her lips. Your mind wandered back to reality, a brief glance to your brother refocused your thoughts. It seemed the hair stylist had finished, already working on the child in the next seat.
"Huh, not half bad." You walked towards the artist and Alan, eyes roaming his now bright sugared face. "Guess they won't have to censor your face on television".
A look of annoyance ripped through Alan's cherub face. Before he calmed back down, as the artist applied the last of the bronzer.
"You don't have to follow me, you know. The Procsd-"
"Producer", hell what type of phonics were they teaching in elementary school these days?
Alan rolled his eyes.
"The PRODUCER" he mocked in a high tone, "said you could wait on set like the other parents".
As much as you wanted to leave the spoiled terror that is your brother, you couldn't. You promised. He knew that as well, which is why the attitude hit you harder than need be. Taking a deep breath you calmly faced the make up artist. The sweetest smile, which seemed to almost dabble on maniacal, formed on your face.
"Hi sorry, but is there a bathroom I can use?"
Yea you promised, but your baby brother could eat it. You'll make it up to your parents later. As you always did.
The artist nodded, using her free hand to gesture where the bathroom was. Eyes not once leaving your brothers face, as she checked for any imperfections.
"Thanks, be good brat. I'll see you on set".
Alan waved his hand, eyes soon glittering back to stars as he thought about meeting his hero. Your presence an after thought.
Once closing the doors to the make up room, a heavy burden seemed to lift from your shoulders. "Alright, so the artist said make a right", you glanced down the hallway that was now packed with folks speed walking to and fro, the giggles and screams of children bouncing off the walls. Costumes and background props being wheeled down the hallway, a single man yelling about everything being in place and to not screw this up.
Yea screw that chaos.
"So~ left I go!".
It was easy enough, as long as you quickly got out the way of any incoming business, no one seemed to bother you. Perfect. Almost too perfect in how no one stopped you. Alrighty, speed walking it is. Door after door passed by, not one destination placed in mind. You wondered if you even looked to be a part of production, you were around the ages of some of the SunnyTime Crew, so maybe? You didn't want to dwindle on the thought, right now you needed to find a closed room to think.
This was suppose to be a big moment for your brother, your parents were adamant that you set the VCR to record his breaking moment. Something to send back home to your parent's home country. They already felt like they missed the moment once your brother was announced by Sunny Day Jack to be the winner. Stating something about how his letter being one that truly touched the clown's heart. You didn't understand it, as you were sure most kids pretty much stated the same details in their own letter.
I'm your biggest fan.
You're my hero.
My mom says you could be my new dad.
Blah blah blah. You tuned out of the family celebration as soon as the bragging surfaced. There was only so much a first born could shoulder.
Ah, a blank door, promising. Slowing your speed, you glanced around to be sure that no one was around or at least paying attention before opening the door.
Silence, ooh and free snacks! This seemed to be some sort of break room? You couldn't tell, but the plush couch, free food, and table seemed enough to make it so. With almost a skip to your stride, you walked towards the closet seat and plopped down on the couch.
With a deep inhale, your head fell against the back of the couch. This was just...a lot. You evened your breathes, thinking back to how your parents fussed about being sure to keep an eye on Alan. You scoffed, "Alan", generic American name but your parents knew that having a more "tame" name meant that both of your lives would be a bit easier. Which even doing so, did diddily squat about that. You shook that thought from your head, the slightly forgotten donut in your hand gravitating to your lips. You took two giant bites, reducing the sugary bread to only glaze on your fingers.
Holy shit these were good. Another.
You didn't mind Alan being the spoiled child, you knew your parents loved you just as much. Just sometimes you wished you could just hang out with others your age, instead of baby sitting your brother and his friends. Which no time soon was that going to change, at least until Alan was in middle school. Both mom and dad worked back breaking hours to support the family, especially with you now going to college. You promised your father that whatever you were going to college for would be essential to the work force, but you knew just as well that he didn't care as long as you were happy. A smile filtered on your face as you took a bite of your third donut. Your family had their moment of absolute insanity, but they were all you had, and you wouldn't change it.
A few moments of silence passed as you stared at the ceiling, munching on your sixth donut before you decided it was time to go see where Alan was squandered off to.
You stood up giving a bit of a stretch, you've been gone a little bit longer then you should've. Alan must've thought you destroyed their bathroom, embarrassing him and ruining his chance of meeting Jack. Little shit. You made your way to the door, whilst grabbing another donut, if production was going to make you stand around then might as well take any free treats laying around.
Two steps from the couch, you heard voices. A mix no more than maybe four? You quelled your steps, hoping that they'd walk right past the closed door, which almost seemed like a possibility until the door handle turned.
Oh your god, you weren't suppose to be here. Production even warned you about not straying from set or the makeup room. Crap. You didn't want Alan to get kicked out of guest spot, but where the hell else were you going to go? The room besides the couch and table was completely bare. Glancing around you tried to look for something to help you out this situation, until you couldn't do anything else but stare at the door as it swung open.
"Oh! Hello?"
"Uhm are you lost?", a brunette eyebrow raised in question almost disappearing into the blue waves of hair. The hand that was holding onto the door knob, reale Jack fully stepped into the room, concern steeped in his eyes as he looked at you. He didn't seem mad, but you couldn't that the chance. You were way out of the way of ....
Got sort of drunk towards the end...not sure if I should continue this as I am a perfectionist and cause my own grief, also haven't written in yeaaaaars. Ugh. Meh...
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
[I'm sorry but this is purging my mind and i had to tell you]
Cloudy belle sue's actress:yeah that's just what i love about coming into work each day we just have a lot of laughs!
*Jean and Joseph are trying to straight up kill one another in the background Joseph is on top of him punching him repeatedly as jean smashed a light over his face before tackling him*
Cloudy belle sue's actress:....we're just a big...happy family-
Why can I see babe mc either cheering on Joseph or worrying over the whole thing??
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littleharpethcrossfit · 6 months
Saturday, 23 March, 2024.
The overnight rain is forecasted to stop before dawn. CrossFitters should "enjoy" a cloudy morning with a temp of about 50 degrees.
The early morning 0730 session was twice the size as the 0930.
Armando led the mobility warmup, and then demo-ed and supervised the second Tabata warmup.
4 Rounds Tabata's
Scap Pushups
Scap Pullups
Bench Press: 10 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3
2 to 3 Inch "Board" (AB-Mat)
2 Seconds Pause Each Rep
Last 2 Sets Same Weight
Chase/Armando=255 Coach/Ed=175 Dana=160 Tom=155 Rodney/Smoothie=145 Warren A=130 Joe/Cheri=105 Kayla=95 Linda=85 Sue/Shannon/Sandy=75 Alicia/WG/Lew/Bill P/Tim/Average Dave/Robert and others=did it but didn't post
"OLD JOE OUR BIRD-MAN" It's Almost His Birthday Month
Equipment: Box / Ab-Mat / GHD / Dumb-Bell / ERG (?)
25 x 20 X 15 X 10 X 10 (This Totals 80 Each)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
Back Raises
Alternating Dumb Bell Snatch's (50/35/20)
X = Run 400 / Row-Ski 500 / Bike 1000m
Kayla=18:34 Sue=20:18 Chase=22:44** Tim=23:10* Linda=23:15 Lew=23:20 Dana=23:58** Warren A=24:08 WG=25:49* Ed=26:51** Armando=27:23** Rodney=27:30 Joe=28:01 Shannon=28:30 Sandy=28:13 Tom=29:50 Smoothie=31:52* Bill P=33
Average Dave/Robert/Cheri/Coach/Alicia and others=did it. No Posting.
Alternating Dumb-Bell Curls 10/10 X 5
We had a 15 minute seminar on Board Presses (which we did with Ab-Mats instead of boards). Board Presses were popularized by Louie Simmons at West Side Barbell in Columbus, Ohio. Louie has long since proved this method to be one of the very best ways to break thru a stagnation of progress on your Bench Press. As Ed pointed out, doing Board Presses this one time will not forever increase your Bench Press. Rather, it is a method suggested for your use in a multi-month progressive program. Board Presses are also a safe way to Bench Press heavily while still protecting your aging shoulders. I do them ALWAYS. We can easily do these in future Benching workouts if you are interested.
Yes, the WOD was done to honor our favorite "Bird Man Joe". No, it isn't Joe's birthday. It's not even his Birthday Month yet; that is next month. But Joe has so much already scheduled on his dance card, I panicked and programmed his personal Hero WOD early. I heard several say that they wished he was 60 yo and not 80.
Sunday it will be a chilly 35 degrees at 0730, warming all the way up to 60 degrees in time for the 1 PM session. It will be sunny all day.
Sunday workouts at 0730 and at 1 PM.
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kurokrisps · 1 year
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Some Davis family lore
(Ik Cloudy Belle Sue's actress will have a different name in game but for now in my AU she's Hailey Daye)
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proxylynn · 2 years
also why the heck Sunny Day Jack doesn’t have a women character at all? 🥺
Lynn: What do you mean there's no ladies? We have a gendbent Jack called FunShine Jill and we have Jack's sister Daisy Chain Jane. Oh! And there’s Cloudy-Belle Sue from the SunnyTime Crew. We got clown girls up in here too.
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alizera62quartz · 1 year
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SDJ- Cloudy Belle Sue greets You~
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yuelaotzu · 5 years
The cast of BFB as things I’ve heard at my school.
8-Ball: Sorry, I don’t speak Minecraft enchantment table.
Balloony: I’d rather burn alive than have this scent linger in my nose.
Barf Bag: Despite popular belief, Heaven is a real Hell.
Basketball: Hello, and welcome to thank you. How you would you like today?
Bell: Yes! Thank you! I am so pumped for this! I can already hear the stock market exploding!
Black Hole: Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. Just kidding, it’s totally rocket science, we’re building a spaceship.
Blocky: I’m telling you, if we just imploded the volcano, we’d be able to move on with our lives.
Bomby: This is horizontally delicious.
Book: We’re demons; we can worry about kindness later.
Bottle: Is salad a verb? Can you aggressively salad?
Bracelety: I just- emotions? Why? Must I feel thee???
Bubble: There’s nobody in here! This voice is a prerecorded message!
Cake: Rice Krispie? You’ll live your whole life.
Clock: Congratulations, you figured out the puzzle. Would you like a cookie and a star perhaps?
Cloudy: You put a stranger you found in a field inside of your bed?
Coiny: A watermelon does not make that much noise.
David: Do you wish to perish?
Donut: Please don’t change the file name to something that would cause me physical pain to pronounce.
Dora: Welcome to the tall people with pointy hair club.
Eggy: This building is clearly telling us to die.
Eraser: Die, you orange peel!
Fanny: Oh look, a Walgreens. I hate this place.
Firey: Direct me to the room that is the most heat resistant.
Firey Jr.: Why do you want people to get in bed with my mom.
Flower: Oh, you’re sad? Bitch, me too, you ain’t special.
Foldy: Don’t touch him, he has the nose and hand disease: Mitochondria.
Fries: Does that mean I can sue someone now?
Gaty: Don’t you just love it when you take a nap and when you wake up whoops, you’re in Russia now.
Gelatin: Whatever floats your Titanic. Revenons à nos moutons.
Golf Ball: I may have stolen it from my home country, but that’s hardly the point.
Grassy: I love everyone! Except you, you can burn.
Ice Cube: I’m coming for you. Coming for those knees.
Leafy: Drop the guitar and we can solve this like adults!
Lightning: Don’t worry, the kids aren’t mine. Neither is the Lamborghini.
Liy: If either of you make it back alive, I’m charging you with attempted assasination.
Lollypop: By the way, you look ridiculous. Ciao.
Loser: What Earth am I on?
Marker: You’re in luck; I’m a professional distraction!
Match: To be honest, I’d act the same way if I had your search history.
Naily: Why won’t you just shut up and let me get sniped?
Needle: Good news, it appears that you have one less hate crime to worry about!
Nickel: Do people normally fall through your windows?
Pen: So I cut up this old hanger and now the pumpkin is trying to kill me.
Pencil: I’m not legally allowed in this building but whatever.
Pie: May the heavens forbid your carbs.
Pillow: You can’t just throw people you don’t like into the dumpster every time!
Pin: Elevators don’t have hearts, dummy.
Puffball: Humor is broken. Existential Pain Butter.
Remote: How are you speaking in different fonts; this is a live conversation.
Robot Flower: I regret ever trying to reason with you.
Roboty: The least you could do is discard of the body in the proper receptacle.
Rocky: This gremlin is filthy; I’m taking him to the incinerator.
Ruby: Like a seven legged spider with a rose growing out of it’s ass.
Saw: I can sense that my grandma is spying on us, we need to shut up.
Snowball: Fuck off, I need to start practicing my guava ocarina.
Spongy: Did this bitch just say that Venus is a country-
Stapy: Why yes, I do have the proper noodle.
Taco: Look deep into the emotionally-wrought depths of my eyes and tell me if I look like I have the capacity to give a damn about that.
Teardrop: Sorry, I don’t speak mortal.
Tennis Ball: No, you fucking pranoid libraraian. Go back to reading 50 Shades of Grey.
Tree: He was behaving very badly, so I put him in the time-out bubble.
TV: Let’s make a porn of the meaning of life.
Woody: I am afraid of being afraid of fear.
Yellow Face: What’s the square root of lemon?
Four: And I’m going to keep doing it until I start pissing in the quadratic formula.
X: So basically, the baby is me.
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Here’s a better quality cropped image of Cloudy-Belle Sue (from Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack) who wears a mix of fairy Kei & Lolita. Art is by the games creator, @/JambeeBot. Hope this helps!
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Thank you so much, I'll add her to the queue!
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