#clones in real life is already a giant concept that's hard to handle mentally
weaverworks · 3 years
Danny and Danielle
The scary thing about Danny Phantom is Danielle Phantom. She is the genetic clone of Danny, and I, and everyone else, assume she's a genetic sibling or a girl version of him.
Because Hollywood and the World throws the clone-sibling in almost all media since the beginning of time.
But that is a misconception. A big ass misconception!
I think some of us forget that Hollywood and fiction writers, creators, cartoonist, mangaka...we create clones in our fiction because we love them and it's fun and sometimes when they do research on Cloning, they really twist the information to make it work for their creation sometimes.
I was doing research on clones because I'm still a little confused about them and want to know more about them. I have no idea how wrong of my assumption about them really was.
Okay, it's hard for me to explain and you guys could definitely research it and understand as well.
Basically, a clone is created by a person's DNA, a genetic marking, and they make clones of them, and regardless of the gender of the clone, boy or girl, they are a clone of that person.
Now in the fiction of every media, the clones always will look exactly like their genetic original, doesn't matter if they are boy or girl. We all assume it's an opposite-gender clone or a sibling genetic clone.
In truth, Opposite gender clone and sibling genetic clone is a work of fiction and it's not what cloning is and are.
Cloning is replicating the original source, copying the cells to create a similar identity, so kinda a twin. They cloned a sheep, it was similar to the sheep from the DNA but there were differences, it's not even an exact duplication, but still retains similarity with sheep but it's not a perfect. The Sheep's clone is their child; their genetic child.
It's the same for humans, cloning a human is giving that human their baby asexually. Yes, they'll look the same but not a perfect copy; their difference in hair coloring, different shapes of nose and mouths and eyes, even their height, personality.
Vlad cloned Danny. All those clones of "Danny" are Danny's own children. All his sons died.
Dani Phantom is Danny Fenton's daughter.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes though, even if I do love the Dani character a lot, sometimes though knowing that she is technically Danny's daughter really...disturbs me.
I'm surprised no one in the fandom tried to make a horror art or fiction of this because this has disturbed me ever since researching about Clones.
That why in my Danny Phantom Reboot+Revisiosn, Dani is Vlad's biological daughter and they have a close relationship and she's of Romani descent.
(I was getting tired of the clone stories anyway)
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