#clearly i'm a fake fan of sea creatures
strifetime · 10 months
TIL that cowrie shells come from cowrie sea snails
( /) ____(\);;;;
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bearmojis · 1 year
Personal page and linked to my RP blogs. In case you can’t see my description the basics are I’m Gwyndolin or Dov, white, gay man, she/her, fae/faer or he/him, (for those speaking other languages just alternate masc/fem) over 30, GMT timezone. You’re getting no more than that. DMs open just please don’t be creepy and tell me which specific thing you mean if there’s a problem, etc. If I don’t follow either your main or a specific page, it’s not hate, I just want to keep my dash focused as much as I can because Tumblr is held together with duct tape and prayer.
If you need a specific thing tagged ask and I will try. If you want an @ mention in something ask and I will try. You know how it is, the spirit is willing but the brain doesn’t work. Open to language practice in Yiddish and German if anyone's doing that, too!
NO MINORS. There is adult material on this blog plus, I’m a grown man with responsibilities and shit. Relatedly I am not in a position to be a caregiver, newly out people please seek support from someone in your area.
DDLG and any other type of CGL/NSFW age regression, tradwife, or preg fetish DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT EITHER. I don't want you here. I also do not want anything to do with transphobic shit like misgender kink, it's a level of self hate too far for me to deal with, thank you, go bother some other poor bastard.
Don't be a creep, meaning: don't be gross about any real people, don't be gross about any children or characters clearly intended to be children (libertarians with your 700 y.o. anime girls will be blocked too, FYI). Don't be a jerk, meaning: don't harass or dox people, don't be a bigot or defend bigots, don't gatekeep/call someone a fake fan, don't send people to shock sites. For long-form RP, along with any PVP, or anything spicy, just ask, it's absolutely fine, I'm pretty open. If you want to draw my OCs or write something on your own, again, I just wanna see before it's posted but you can! Only real major things: no child character interactions, no IRL bigotry in detail, if you're randomly hostile all the time I'm gonna just...not, because it's exhausting.
Associated with: dogmen, hagspawn, Solaire of Astora, notdeer, bigfin squid, onion knight, shadow creatures, plant monsters, sea serpents, rats, dandelions, nightshade, werewolves, weirdcore
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