#cleaning service oxford
poppinsoxford · 2 years
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Oxford Cleaning Company
Looking for a reputable and affordable cleaning company? Look no further than Daily Poppins. We provide high-end cleaning services that are ideal for businesses of all sizes. We use the best techniques to clean your property thoroughly, using quality products that protect your belongings. Contact us today.
Visit Here: https://www.dailypoppins.co.uk/oxford
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alliancecleanoxford · 23 days
A Guide to Interacting with Cleaning Services in Oxford 
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When you hire the commercial cleaning services to clean your space in Oxford, it is important that you work well with them so that your space is clean and well maintained. Whether it is an office, a retail store or an industrial property, there are some factors that will help in the maximization of the cleaning service. The following are some of the ways in which one can interact with the cleaning team. 
1. First of all, one should define which sections of cleaning he will need for his commercial premises. 
The first step which should be taken if you intend to engage the services of commercial cleaning services in Oxford is to assess your cleaning needs. Each enterprise has its requirements, it may require daily cleaning, weekly or monthly cleaning, or some special services such as window washing or carpet cleaning. Be able to list tasks that call for attention and make sure that these are adequately communicated to the cleaning service provider. In any case, when a detailed scope of work is given, then there will be no confusion between the cleaning team and yourself. 
2. Establish a Cleaning Schedule 
In matters of cleanliness, the word ‘regularity’ can be said to be the order of the day. Consult with the cleaning company of your choice in Oxford and consult on the working hours that the cleaning services are to be delivered to fit your business. Cleaning can be done daily, weekly or monthly and as pointed out above, it is desirable to have a fixed cleaning schedule so that your working environment is always clean without having to close shop for cleaning. 
3. The other aspect is to provide access and clear instructions to the client. 
To make sure that cleaning team can easily do their job, ensure that all areas that require cleaning are easily accessible. This comprises of keys, security codes or badges if any is required. Further, provide specific guidelines on which parts should be focused more, or which parts should be avoided during cleaning. The more the team has information about your needs, the better they are placed to offer you the services you require.
4. Maintain Open Communication 
There is always need to be very specific when it comes to engaging commercial cleaning services in Oxford. Ensure you call the cleaning team or the service provider to convey your worry or any other additional services that you need. In case you notice some changes in the cleaning requirements or in case there are special events that require extra cleaning, please let us know beforehand. This is because availability of open communication implies that your space is cleaned to the extent that you desire. 
5. Monitor and Provide Feedback 
If you want to be sure that the commercial cleaning services in Oxford are satisfactory you should ensure that you spend some time to supervise the cleaning team. Check your premises frequently and share the results with the cleaning service company. Positive feedback is used as a means of rewarding the positive behaviors while constructive criticism is used where there is need to correct some behaviors. 
6. Build a Long-Term Partnership 
Finally, the last one is to cultivate the commercial cleaning services in Oxford as a long-term business partnership. It is rather beneficial in every way because the cleaning service provider will know your requirements even more as time passes. This is advantageous since they can offer your business a better cleaning service because they have the touch and your business environment will always be clean. 
Observing these best practices will help you get the best from the commercial cleaning services in Oxford. When you know your needs and maintain a good relationship with your cleaning service provider then you can be assured that your business environment is always clean. In need of professional cleaning services for your business premise? Alliance Clean Oxford is the best commercial cleaner in Oxford that you can entrust with the cleaning of your business premises. Call us today to know how we can help you keep your environment clean and germ-free.
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leatherreapirsoxford · 9 months
Make Leather Repairs Oxford your first choice for mobile leather care in your home, office or car. Our experienced leather craftsmen will visit you and perform on-site repairs on leather sofas, chairs and car seats. We use tested techniques and high-end tools and leather care products to restore your leather to its former glory. See why so many of our clients won’t trust anyone else with their precious leather – call Leather Repairs Oxford now. Would you like to book a mobile leather care visit or request a free quote? Just complete our online contact form or call Leather Repairs Oxford today.
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laylajeffany · 5 months
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Crying at the Texas Roadhouse | Wenclair One-Shot for @cruciokilljoy
Rating: G WC: 4,500 Summary: Enid’s feelings are hurt and Wednesday tries to resolve them, requiring her to find her soft spot (in public) when Enid starts sobbing in the middle of a chain restaurant in Jericho. Enid's POV, established relationship, unrelated to any of my multi-chapter work TW: Esther Sinclair being herself
@cruciokilljoy You were probably looking for more physical hurt/comfort but both my multi-chap fics have explored that pretty throughly and I am tired of writing the girls in physical pain so I put them through emotional pain instead. Certainly not based on actual, recent conversations with my own hateful mother not at all ☠️
“You were crying.”
“Like, an hour ago,” Enid clarified, looking at Wednesday as she stepped into their room with her jacket draped over her arm, sleeves rolled up, hands filthy. She could only imagine what her girlfriend had gotten into (literally, looking at the caked-on mud on her Oxfords that ran up to her stocking-covered knees). “I hardly think that’s the most pressing thing we need to talk about. Why are you covered in dirt?”
“Mud wrestling,” Wednesday replied dryly.
“Not enough on you for that.” Enid rolled her eyes and crossed her sweater-covered arms. She almost didn’t want to know but would certainly rather discuss Wednesday's potentially illegal antics than herself after the challenging evening that she’d already had.
She wasn’t in the mood for bickering, either way - so maybe quiet time would be best.
“Why were you upset?” Clearly, she wasn't going to drop it with her own deflection. Wednesday draped her jacket over the side of her desk chair and toed off her muddy shoes, forcing her to lose the small boost of lift they gave her, putting her squarely two inches beneath Enid. She stood directly in front of her, a kiss away – bearing into Enid with her eyes and forcing truth out of her.
Knowing her lower lip trembled a little, hating her tells and trying to frown the feelings away, Enid looked at her own feet. There was no use lying to Wednesday about an actually serious subject when the evidence was still in the bloodshot veins of her eyes. “My mother called. It was…it’s just always upsetting,” She glanced back up with a forced, sad smile. Wednesday’s eyes lost their intensity from curiosity, but gained something that was largely new for her – sympathy.
How Enid hated it. Deciding to dangle a tantalizing offer in front of her, she forced her pitch to remain neutral as she stated, “I don’t want to dwell on it. Can we skip the part where I rehash how my mom is a miserable person and…just go to dinner? You could edit my lycan paper after, I could use the help…”
Wednesday’s stare continued to be gentle and Enid was about ready to march out of the room if she didn’t quit. She couldn’t stand that. “Stop, please? Wednesday, honestly. I don’t want to talk about it. And I don’t want you to pacify me this evening. My mother always manages to upset me. And even if I stand up to her on the phone, I sometimes need to cry it out after. It’s like…” Deciding to use a weapon analogy, Enid expressed, “Like a fuse. She lit it, I detonated on her, and now there’s some debris to clean up, but I’m actually fine. I want to move on.”
Obviously a little put out by the way her jaw shifted just slightly, Wednesday disappeared wordlessly, returning from the community washroom down the hall with clean hands and sans her stockings, which Enid assumed she’d tossed rather than get any more flak from the on-site laundry service about soiling other people’s clothing.
She disappeared into her closet, coming out in a pair of wide-legged pants and an oversized black sweatshirt that fell nearly to her knees. If Enid could hide her emotions, she supposed she couldn’t comment on Wednesday hiding her body.
To her surprise, Wednesday actually let her not speak about her feelings and folded a hand into hers as she waved to Thing, nonverbally communicating that she wanted to be alone with Enid. Thing had been quite helpful to the whole affair – had heard her mother’s hurtful words, passed her tissues after she finished crying into her pillow, patted her back sweetly…
Wednesday led her to the foyer but didn’t turn to the right to take them to the cafeteria. Enid blinked a few times when Wednesday tugged her right out the front door and down the front steps. Confused, and really not in the mood to go investigating anything, particularly to discover whatever had Wednesday so dirty, Enid whined a little, “Can’t we just eat?”
“It’s Monday,” Her voice was just a touch darker than it had been in their room. “Nevermore’s infamous attempt at cowering to the vegetarians is tonight, and I don’t think their imitation beef is going to help you feel any better. We’re heading into town – I’m getting you a steak.” Well, that certainly perked her up just a little bit. “Withdrawing red meat once a week in an effort to be more environmentally friendly when ten percent of the student campus requires it as part of their metabolic diet is cruel, performative activism and we don’t need to be part of it. It makes as much sense as banning plastic straws. You don’t create systems change by following trends. Meatless Monday is going to meet my full-meat fist one of these days. But tonight, we’re going to crush peanut shells underfoot at a chain restaurant instead.”
More than okay with getting that salty coating in between the grooves of her furry, pink boots, Enid pulled Wednesday to her in a hug when they arrived to the edge of the forest trail that would take them into Jericho. Wednesday sucked in a breath of surprise at being forced into her hold but returned it after just a second of processing what was happening to her. “I don’t mean to take my bad mood out on you,” Enid apologized.
“I do it to you all the time,” Wednesday mumbled into her shoulder, sighing as she hooked her arms around her middle, hanging on just as tightly. “Usually for far-less valid reasons.” She pulled away to put her palms on Enid’s shoulders and met her eyes without that sympathy…instead…
Wednesday’s brown gaze in the setting sun was highly empathetic and made Enid drop half the tension in her shoulders. “I might also be a little hangry,” She confessed as her stomach roared suddenly between them.
There was a flirtation of a smirk on Wednesday’s lips at the noise and she said nothing, merely took her hand again, leading them boldly through the woods for a twenty-minute walk into town.
Enid swore she felt better just at the sight of the neon lights outlining the state of Texas with a cowboy hat perched on top of it when the restaurant was in view. Inside promised at least a feeling of satisfaction for the wolf within her, and that could often soften the meltdown of her personhood, too.
“Two, please,” Wednesday politely replied when the hostess, a too-cool Jericho High student with rapidly growing roots sticking out of her bleach blonde hair snapped her gum and looked irritated to have to ask how many were in their party.
Holding back her own growl of irritation, Enid would admit, she was relatively surprised by how well-behaved Wednesday could be in spaces like public restaurants. She often claimed that staff were simply victims of the State or something about labor rights, and generally tipped far more than Enid would’ve thought that they had earned.
Enid watched a basket of rolls be taken into a waitress’ hands and swallowed the saliva that threatened to slip out of her lips, thinking Wednesday was about to drop her hand as she often did in public – but not that day. She must’ve sensed some of her mother’s conversation had been about, willing to take on any bigot that might’ve had something to say about the two of them in a relationship. Vermont might’ve been one of the more progressive states in the country, but – certainly, so was California, and her mother had a whole lot to say from there that evening…
Once they were seated, Enid took a roll without waiting even a beat for the young woman who would be taking care of them to go through her required spiel, while Wednesday simply gave a curt nod at her before giving all of her attention to Enid as she went to return with water. (Enid could hardly wait for the day she could down one of those massive margaritas in the advertisements all over the establishment.)
She was halfway through with her first roll when Wednesday’s harsh stare asked the question before she needed to confirm, “You missed lunch with that extra dance practice today.”
“I’m sorry,” Enid said, just about ready to own up to anything – even things she hadn’t done, in an effort to just keep everyone from blowing up at her anymore that day. She really couldn’t handle Wednesday being frustrated with her, too -  
“Next time, tell me,” Wednesday ordered, her voice clipped; Enid stared hard at the rings on the wooden, lacquered tabletop, willing her next round of sadness to stay internal. “I’ll bring you something to class. Don’t apologize to me.”
About to say ‘sorry’ again, Enid just bit her lip, seeing the tears that were threatening to well up in her gaze. She tried to blink them away, and was grateful when the waitress asked if they needed more time with the menu when she brought their water over. Enid just shook her head, while Wednesday started, then said her name in a very gentle tone – and all the up and down of soft and hard was really –
“Um, the twelve-ounce New York strip, please – rare.”
“You know that means pink, possibly bloo-”
Wednesday was quick to defend her. “She knows what her body requires.”
Enid let out a shuddered breath, quietly asking for her sides before the waitress left. Wednesday reached across the table and took both of Enid’s hands, clearly needing to understand more about what was making her act so small and miserable. “Tell me what your mother said.”
“I don’t want to think about it,” Enid argued, feeling her tone rising as hysteria was pouring out of each vein, flooding her body.
“You obviously already are. It’s weighing on you. Release the burden, and you’ll feel relief.”
As the first tear fell, Wednesday’s face contorted from intensity and certainty to overwhelmed and near helplessness as she obviously hadn't thought through the fact that Enid was going to cry in public. She squeezed Enid’s hands, but the gesture only caused the second one to dribble, then the third, and the fourth, and Enid brought her sweater up over her face to keep from letting out an audible sob in the restaurant.
Thankfully, Wednesday had some sort of awareness about what to do – they’d been dating for months and friends for so long, she’d seen her fair share of Enid’s breakdowns and generally knew what did and didn’t help. When the preventative measures clearly weren’t working that Monday, she stood up and rounded to the space beside her, putting an arm around her and letting Enid fold herself into her chest. The unexpected display of affection was actually bringing out even more of her release. God – that hug to soothe her emotions into was exactly what Enid needed, and the fact that Wednesday had it in her to be soft enough around her to let her break down, in a half-full restaurant, into her arms? She loved her more than anything, and Enid knew that, she just wished, maybe – well, Wednesday was probably right. She did just need to talk about it to work through it.
When she met the black strings of her hoodie, Enid knew she let out a cry of a sniffly sound. It was embarrassing, devastating, really, to be having a full breakdown at the Texas Roadhouse. But Wednesday had been determined to try and make her feel better that evening and was going to have to finish what she started, even if that meant snuggling her in a vinyl-covered booth while the waitress awkwardly put their salads down on the same side of the table a few minutes after the crying began.
Wednesday unrolled one of the fabric napkins, shaking out a knife and the forks. For a brief, split-second, Enid thought she really might eat one-handed while she continued to snivel all over her chest, but Wednesday instead used the square to dab Enid’s cheeks, soaking up the tears that hadn’t been absorbed into her sweatshirt. She adjusted her hold on her girlfriend and looked at her with something new –
Almost blubbering again, Enid just nodded, knowing it would do well to admit what Esther had said to her on the phone. “My…mother – she was …on her weekly rampage, about…everything. Nevermore, administration refusing to split us up – you not receiving any consequences from last semester…the usual. Then…it shifted,” She sniffed. “She brought up my late blooming, how I’d been so privileged to have been even have parents who cared enough to offer to send me to lycanthropy conversion camp…”
Wednesday’s hand curled on her upper thigh at that.
“And when she wasn’t getting a rise out of me for that, she dug deeper – the normal line of inane ramblings of how she couldn’t believe after all that time, ‘that Addams girl’ was what got me to shift for the first time…and, when I reminded her, ‘that Addams girl’ is Wednesday, my girlfriend, she…she…just said, ‘we don’t talk about that,’ and started bitching about the value of a Nevermore education not matching up to the price tag, not that it mattered – since none of her pack were scoring above a 3.5 on the ‘mediocre’ grading system, moved on to my scar tissue and wanting me to come home to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon for a revision procedure, and I said that wasn’t going to happen and hung up on her. Then I cried.”
Watching Wednesday respond to the entirety of the call was like discovering something new hidden in a sensory tube every other second. While she was short for words, Wednesday’s eyes always spoke volumes about what she would say if she dared to put her thoughts out verbally. Mr. Addams had described her tongue as that of a viper to Enid more than once when telling stories about her, so she was pretty sure it was often for the best that Wednesday focused on taking in all the information before reacting. She knew that Wednesday tended to get into it with administrators and authority, but at least with Enid – she was far more even-tempered in how she responded to hearing words she didn’t like.
Enid let out a long breath and picked up one of the forks that Wednesday had shaken out of the napkin, needing to channel her energy into anything but crying again. She speared leafy greens onto the tines, trying not to visualize doing the same to any of her mother’s more vulnerable body parts, for that matter – wondering which Wednesday would fantasize about ripping out first in her defense.
“I’m sorry, Enid,” Wednesday spoke through a near whisper of a tone.
Hearing those words come out of Wednesday was like hearing foreign language that she needed to interpret. Her fork fell out of her hand. Not wanting to startle her anymore, Enid brought her longing, hopeful sort of gaze to Wednesday’s. “Why are you apologizing now?”
Wednesday drew her hands into her lap, staring straight ahead. It took her some time to form her response, likely, if Enid had to guess, because of the emotion that was pooling in her own eyes. She knew her damn well enough that she wouldn’t shed anything close to a tear in public, but Wednesday was very much on the edge. It didn’t make sense – she’d done nothing wrong, aside from maybe push her into talking about it when Enid knew what that would unleash, but even then – it’s not like she had been the one to say all those hurtful things…
“I suppose I am not apologizing with my sorry. But I am sorry that I contributed to enough of your mother’s ire that she took it out on you. I’m sorry that she continues to refuse to acknowledge that you are in a non-traditional relationship, let alone demonstrate any sort of positive feeling about it. I’m sorry that she continues to bring up painful events of the past, and attempt to shame you for them, or think you should have been grateful for her wanting to send you to an abusive situation. I’m sorry that she thinks your grades aren’t good enough – you’ve got a 3.87 right now, which is Magna cum laude and I’m really proud of you for working diligently at increasing your grade point average. I’m sorry that she thinks you need plastic surgery. If you wanted to, that would be your choice. But I love your scars, and I think they’re beautiful.”
Enid could barely breathe. She wasn’t sure if Wednesday had ever said so many words consecutively, let alone that indicated her true feelings on any subject matter…that she was harboring so many about her, in particular. Trying not to let herself curl up into the faux-wooden logs that made up the side wall of their booth, Enid finally found the ability to expand her lungs and release the last of the tension she’d been harboring. “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.”
“It’s not in pity,” Wednesday clarified. “It’s not. It’s…perhaps a feeling that I don’t have a schema for.” She gave a rare blink as she seemed to be trying to find the emotional vocabulary within her to better explain herself, staring at Enid, who was pretty sure she was going to need an inhaler by the end of dinner at the rate Wednesday was taking her breath away. Finally, she gave a nearly-invisible shrug as she further clarified, “I just know, that I love you. And I despise that anyone would attempt to make you feel small, or anything else negative, especially someone who is also supposed to love you unconditionally. And I am sorry, that you were forced to endure that. All your life. So…I’m sorry, and I hope to make it up to you.”
Tilting her head, sniffing just a little, finding the shiest hint of a smile, Enid promised in a watery whisper, “You are. Right now. You…knew that I needed to take care of myself, and that school wasn’t going to cut it, and you brought me to the Texas Roadhouse,” She let out a small bubble of a laugh. “Here, I’ll get what I need to sustain me, but while we’re waiting,” She paused, reaching over for one of Wednesday’s clasped hands, forcing them apart so they could squeeze one another’s. “You’re giving me the opportunity to release what doesn’t. Thank you, Wednesday.”
There was a new wave on Wednesday’s features – a distinct mark of relief in her gaze as she swept it, unblinking onto Enid again. “It is hardly my forte to make someone who was sad return to baseline, let alone anything akin to happiness…”
“You’ve done a pretty remarkable job for me,” Enid assured her when the waitress brought out their main courses, looking a little awkward as she put them near their still-full salad plates.
“Uh…anything else I can bring you girls?”
“A total end to the heteronormative, compulsory, traditional society we continue to find ourselves existing in,” Wednesday said without hesitating.
The waitress blinked.
Enid shook her head. “I think we’ve got anything we need, right here.”
The woman left with wide, confused eyes and Enid sighed, cutting into her steak without thinking twice, watching the red ooze out onto her plate. The sight grossed her out, but she knew it would do her body good.
Sure enough – halfway into the steak, she was feeling remarkably better already. “Try to finish it,” Wednesday prompted her. “The full moon is on Thursday, you should be nearly doubling your caloric intake.”
Kissing her cheek, earning the slightest twinge of red to her cheeks, Enid thanked her and followed through, polishing off the meat, picking at her vegetables while Wednesday ate with a distinct sort of raised-higher-class slowness that she usually did.
After finishing and watching Wednesday tip the waitress almost double what the bill had been, Enid took her hand and made it her turn to lead them – the yellow glow of a Dollar General sign across the street tempting her. “I feel like properly finishing up my breakdown by making a frivolous, five-dollar purchase.”
Wednesday’s eyes rolled but she didn’t fight her. Mid 2000s soft-pop radio was playing as they stepped into the nearly desolate discount store, one that Enid liked because of the deadstock that featured some of her favorite comfort characters from her childhood. Knowing exactly what she wanted, she led Wednesday through precariously stacked makeshift aisles of cardboard boxes filled with inventory that would be put out by the one employee working there over the course of several weeks. She hummed along to the music, singing along softly with Colbie Caillat, feeling a little bubbly herself as Wednesday refrained from spewing out comments on late-stage capitalism or some such true, but nonsensical arguing that would accomplish nothing between them. “Here they are,” She said, gesturing to a host of children’s coloring books. Wondering if Wednesday's limited access to traditional children's media would kick in, Enid playfully wondered, “Anybody look familiar to you?”
“Even someone who spent a significant portion of her childhood exploring the caves below the house like myself can recognize the ultimate example of corporate greed, the mouse that is Mickey.”
“Yikes,” Enid commented, “I’ll steer clear of the Disney characters.” Mentally retracting her statement to herself about Wednesday being able to hold back full-punch societal comments, she smirked, spotting what she wanted pretty much right away, taking a pink, Strawberry Shortcake book into her hold. “Will you color with me?”
“I cannot promise that I won’t be giving the fruitcake a makeover. And a knife.”
Giggling, then singing along a little more as she took Wednesday’s hand and wove her through the maze of mess before checking out – spending a whopping two dollars and twelve cents to achieve the final release in neurotransmitters that would complete her night.
After a walk back to Ophelia Hall that included a great production of sneaking back into the campus as they’d left without permission, Enid and Wednesday both found themselves in their pajamas and ready for bed before Enid took her art supplies out from a basket, revealing about three hundred colored pencils in different shades.
Wednesday flipped through the coloring book with a touch of a nose wrinkle, staring at the smiley, fruit-themed girls. She was going out of her way, clearly setting every intention of getting through the moment to make her girlfriend happy as she'd claimed. Finally letting out a real, whole laugh, Enid earned her perplexed stare. “You did it,” She promised. Wednesday waited and Enid winked. “You didn’t just reset me to factory settings, but you made me happy. I promise. You totally do not have to color with me. You can read or edit papers or whatever else is going to make you happy, too. So long as you’re not out solving mysteries, but here with me.”
There was a beat of relief as Wednesday took out a book she’d been reading through, curling up beside Enid, who took some creative liberties as Wednesday would have, forcing a picture of Lemon Meringue, the pigtailed character, and Strawberry Shortcake to look as close to herself and Wednesday as possible, even adding a little knife into Lemon’s hand. Wednesday let Enid pick the music, but she went with one of her playlists of cello covers as a compromise for both of them.
When she finished and flashed the coloring sheet to her girlfriend, Wednesday almost smiled, amusement evident in her eyes as she took a knife out of her pajama pocket (naturally – everyone needed a bedtime knife), evenly slicing it out of the book. She tacked it up on Enid’s bulletin board before putting all the coloring supplies away while Enid watched. Finally, she turned off all the lights except the strand of twinkling ones she’d magically learned to tolerate once they started dating.
She brought Enid to the floor-bed they’d made with a roll-away mattress that was more comfortable than cramming into either of their twin beds, lying on her back as usual, and inviting Enid to curl up with her with silence, just vague gestures – a pat of her own chest, a small nod…
“Wednesday, I love you. Thank you, for making me feel one hundred percent better. I feel even better than before my mom called,” Enid said softly, nuzzling into her.
Wednesday’s fingers instinctively wove into her hair. “I’m tempted to block her number on your phone so she can’t get a hold of you. I can’t promise that if I’m in the room the next time she calls, I won’t make her feel something about herself that is more than true.”
“Good,” Enid encouraged with a contented huff. “She deserves that.”
“You didn’t deserve what she said or attempted to do to you in the past. And I hope that…her comments about…us, don’t make you second guess things. I am always here – to repair and comfort what she has hurt or damaged, as long as you want me to.”
Enid squeezed her affectionately. “You are excellent at comforting my hurts.”
There was a small breath of alleviation she felt from Wednesday. Wanting her to really understand that, she added, “You went out of your way for me tonight. You could’ve just given me a hug, taken me down to the dining hall, and come up to edit my paper. But you didn’t. You knew what very specific things would make me physically feel better, then opened yourself up emotionally for me, too. You’re the best. I love you.”
Wednesday clutched her tightly with one palm wrapped around her back, the other gently tracing the skin near Enid’s scars. Her words felt a little surprising when she added, “I would like to apologize for forcing you to talk about what happened before you were ready. I’m sure you would have liked to not cry in public at the Texas Roadhouse.”
“I think it’s a perfectly lovely public place to have a breakdown,” Enid said with a giggle at her own expense.
Wednesday said nothing other than a quiet, “I love you. Go to sleep.”
Closing her eyes so she could follow the direction, Enid sighed very contently, reflecting on the evening as she drifted off to have the chance to start over in a new day.
Layla is working through prompts and determined to write the Black Menagerie epilogue for the weekend - stay tuned for more ✌🏼
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Grooming and Fashion
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TradHusbands should be well groomed at all times, including biweekly haircuts and barbershop shaves. The barbershop can be a good place for bonding, especially meeting older TradHusbands who are on their 9th or 10th pregnancies and can share tips for a long and happy marriage.
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Barbershops are places of community, so feel free to bring your little ones. There is never a shortage of other customers willing to hold and play with your precious babies. But as you know, only you can provide nourishment, so the barber will fully understand your need to breastfeed during your service.
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When pregnant, keep your skin smooth and stretchmark free with regular moisturizing. While most grooming and exercise should be discreet and away from your husband's view, you and he may enjoy incorporating lotions and massage into your nightly routine.
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When it comes to fashion, a well trained TradHusband can cultivate a capsule wardrobe that is modest, elegant, and practical. Slacks, slip-on loafers, oxford shirts, and soft knits will serve you well. An apron will keep your outfit clean in the event of company. Choose flattering silhouettes and hand tailor your clothes as needed.
Do not give in to temptation to stock your closet with "athleisure" separates! Your Head of Household's love is conditional; appearing slovenly is the fast track to your husband finding another man up to his standards.
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octuscle · 11 months
Now open under new management
Edward Parker III let the car window down a crack. Peter, his driver, had switched off the air conditioning to save fuel. The fuel gauge was basically at 0.00. Here in the middle of nowhere, they had no mobile network. The last Google message was that a petrol station would appear at some point. And Peter claimed that it should open in five minutes. Open from 10:40 am. Strange opening times. Edward's stomach grumbled. Something had gone wrong at breakfast. The car urgently needed a petrol pump. And he needed a toilet just as badly. Then, like an oasis in the desert, a building appeared in the middle of endless cornfields and pastures full of stupidly staring cattle. It was 10:39:50 a.m. when Peter steered the car onto the dusty filling station with the last drop of gas. At 10:40 sharp, Edward yanked open the car door and jumped out. And the moment his spotlessly clean Oxfords touched the ground, the neon sign flashed. Open!
Edward ran towards the small store where the neon sign was shining. He was far too focused on not wetting his pants that he didn't notice the leather soles of his shoes turning into a sturdy rubber tread. As he pushed down on the door handle, he got something like an electric shock. He didn't care. The store was empty. His palm became calloused. His fingernails black. There was a door at the back, labeled "Private". Hopefully there was a toilet. Thank God the door was open. And thank God there was a toilet. In the middle of a room full of tools, car tires and packages. It stank miserably. But Edward didn't care at all. He had already undone his belt while running, he opened his trousers, pulled them down and dropped onto the dirty toilet seat at the very last moment. And he had to shit like never before in his life. The stench was overwhelming. But the relief was immense. Edward finally relaxed again. But only for a second. Then his eyes fell on the dirty rubber boots that went well above his knees. Inside, pulled down as far as they would go, were a pair of completely filthy jeans. And what was even more irritating: his right hand was the hand of a construction worker, the cuff of his shirt had disappeared. And the fabric of the right sleeve of his jacket was getting coarser and dirtier from bottom to top and the color was slowly changing from navy blue to a kind of beige. What the hell was going on here? Even greater than the panic was the disgust at the stench. His left hand, still freshly manicured, reached for the toilet flush. And he was hit again. He watched in panic as his fingernails became dirty and the calluses moved down from his fingertips. Edward's gaze fell between his legs. That wasn't his circumcised shaved penis. That was a cheesy, hairy cock. Much bigger than it normally was. Edward had to get out of here! He hastily wiped his ass. A tight, hairy ass, sitting there on a familiar toilet seat. A man needs a good place to shit. Hehehe, this was a good shitter. Stumbling, Edward stood up, his head spinning. He looked in the mirror. That was still his head. But the rest? His crisp white collar and tie knot vanished into thin air, revealing a hairy, muscular chest. The last remnants of the finest navy blue wool on his left upper arm disappeared and the transformation of his jacket into a dirty, much-worn, rough work jacket was complete. I look like a fucking redneck, were his last thoughts before he grew a badly trimmed goatie, his $100 haircut turned into a self-cut buzzcut that he hid under a bandana he hadn't washed in a long time.
Loud honking from outside. "Damn, I've been shitting! Can't you wait?" yelled Edward. He wiped his hands on the dirty cloth stuck in his pants. Hand washing was for city wimps. He stepped into the yard of his gas station.
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Hehehe, he knew the filthy and dented truck standing there at the pump. "Pete's services of all kinds" was written on the door. And Pete was hanging in the cab with a visible bulge. "Eddy, don't you always promise the best service at your station," Pete said with a grin. Ed spit out the chewing tobacco and licked his lips. "Go ahead, gas station attendant. The belt buckle won't open by itself!"
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Full service and guaranteed customer satisfaction. That's what Ed's gas station was famous for.
Inspirations found @pitstainsandpas and @fanofshoes44
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
For the past two years, world leaders, economists and activists have called for sweeping overhauls to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund that would make the two lending institutions more adept at combating climate change.
Discussions about how to reform lumbering multilateral bureaucracies can get tedious quickly. But ultimately the debates are all about money. How to make more money available for developing nations that are being battered by extreme weather? And how to make sure poor countries don’t spend too much money servicing their debt?
Experts estimate that at least $1 trillion a year is needed to help developing countries adapt to hotter temperatures and rising seas, build out clean energy projects and cope with climate disasters.
“For many countries, they will only be able to implement strong new climate plans if we see a quantum leap in climate finance this year,” Simon Stiell, the United Nations climate chief, said in a speech last week.
Starting in 2022, a burst of activity had made the prospect of such a quantum leap seem within reach.
Policymakers and economists gathered in Barbados and hashed out an ambitious reform agenda. The president of the World Bank stepped down after coming under fire for not doing enough to address climate change, and was replaced by an executive who promised to embrace climate work. Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, hosted a summit aimed at building momentum for the work.
But at the annual spring meetings of the World Bank and the I.M.F., which are taking place in Washington this week, reality is setting in.
While more money has become available to address climate issues over the last year or so, the sweeping reforms many had envisioned are proving to be out of reach.
Some of that is a process problem. Overhauling 80-year-old international institutions with complicated governance structures and tens of thousands of employees is no small task.
But much of the challenge comes back to money. So far, the countries that control the World Bank — including the United States, Germany, China and Japan — have not allocated huge new sums for climate issues in the developing world, and the private sector has not stepped in to fill the gap.
“The numbers do not show the kind of progress that we really need,” said Rachel Kyte, a visiting professor at Oxford and former World Bank executive. “We’ve got to get a little bit more radical.”
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brookstonalmanac · 10 days
Holidays 9.11
Battle of Tendra Day (Russia)
Benghazi Remembrance Day
Bitter Orange Day (French Republic)
Cerrado Day (Brazil)
Day of Remembrance
Day of Sobriety (Russia)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 1: Unity
Emergency Number Day
Evening of Destiny (Tunisia)
Fiesta Nacional de Cataluña (Catalonia, Spain)
Gun Cleaning Day
Harley Quinn Day
Hoover Dam Day
I Want to Start My Own Business Day
Jinnah Day (Founder’s Day; Pakistan)
Kababens Day
Liberation Day (Dijon, France)
Liberatrix Asteroid Day
Libraries Remember Day
Make Your Bed Day
Marcos Day (Ilocos Norte, Philippines)
National Day (Belize)
National Day of Catalonia (Spain)
National Day of Service and Remembrance
National Emergency Responders Day
National Forest Martyrs Day (India)
National Hug Your Boss Day [also 4th Friday]
National 911 Emergency Day
National Radio Day (Indonesia)
National Tricky Handshake Day
9/11 Remembrance Day
No News Is Good News Day
Odd Day
Paryushana Parva (Jainism)
Patriot Day
Pohnpei Liberation Day (Micronesia)
Porsche 911 Day
Queen Paola’s Birthday (Belgium)
Remember Freedom Day
Sustainable House Day
Teachers’ Day (Argentina, Latin America)
Texas First Responders Day (Texas)
Whiskey Rebellion Day
Women’s Baseball Day
World Wildlife Fund Day
Wrench in the Works Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dairy Day (UK)
Hot Cross Buns Day
Kababens Day (Sweden)
Independence & Related Days
Tajikistan (from USSR, 1991) [observed]
New Year’s Days
Coptic New Year
Enkutatash (Ethiopia, Rastafari) [Day of Mäskäräm]
Geez New Year (Keddus Johannes)
New Year’s Day and Anniversary of the Reunion of Eritrea with Ethiopia (Ethiopia)
New Year's Day (a.k.a. Nayrouz; Coptic Ethiopia)
Pohnpei Liberation Day (Micronesia)
2nd Wednesday in September
Hump Day [Every Wednesday]
International Quiet Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Quiet Day (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
Wacky Wednesday [Every Wednesday]
Watermelon Wednesday [2nd Wednesday of Each Month]
Website Wednesday [Every Wednesday]
Workout Wednesday [2nd Wednesday of Each Month]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 11 (2nd Full Week of September)
Eleven Days of Global Unity begins [thru 21st]
Festivals Beginning September 11, 2024
Bienal de Flamenco (Seville, Spain) [thru 10.5]
CityFolk Festival (Ottawa, Canada) [thru 9.15]
Hancock County Fair (Kiln, Mississippi) [thru 9.14]
Morton Pumpkin Festival (Morton, Illinois) [thru 9.14]
MTV Video Music Awards
Murphysboro Apple Festival (Murphysboro, Illinois) [thru 9.14]
Ocean City Bikefest (Ocean City, Maryland) [thru 9.15]
Oldenburg International Film Festival (Oldenburg, Germany) [thru 9.15]
Oxford County Fair (Oxford, Maine) [thru 9.14]
Feast Days
Andre Dubus III (Writerism)
Casey (Muppetism)
Daphne Odjig (Artology)
Day of Queens (Ancient Egypt Festival celebrating Hatshepsut, Nefertiti & Cleopatra; Everyday Wicca)
Day of Thoth (Ancient Egypt)
Deiniol (Christian; Saint)
D.H. Lawrence (Writerism)
Discontinued Thoughts Exhibition (Shamanism)
Felix, Regula, and Exuperantius (Christian; Saint)
Francesco Bonifacio (Christian; Blessed)
Halegmonath (Anglo Saxon Holy Month; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Harry Burleigh (Episcopal Church)
Jean-Claude Forest (Artology)
John Gabriel Perboyre (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Leudinus (Bobo; Christian; Saint)
Meditrinalia (Pagan)
Monkey King Festival (Hong Kong) [16th Day of 8th Lunar Month]
Moreto (Positivist; Saint)
O. Henry (Writerism)
Our Lady of Coromoto (Christian; Saint)
Paphnutius of Thebes (Roman Catholic Church)
Patiens of Lyons (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Chavanon (Christian; Saint)
Protus and Hyacinth (Christian; Martyrs)
Sacrifice to Zeus Epoptes (Ancient Greece)
Sperandia (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Etnier (Artology)
Theodora of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Hill (Artology)
Tinfoil Hat Day (Pastafarian)
Vincent of Leon (Christian; Saint)
Virgin of Coromoto Day (Colombia)
Werewolf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Historically Bad Day (Massacre of Drogheda, Twin Towers & Pentagon terrorist attack & 10 other tragedies) [9 of 11]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because of something to do with crazy people and planes.)
The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican (Animated TV Series; 1950)
Air-Sea Battle (Atari Video Game; 1977)
The American Way of Death, by Jessica Mitford (Science Book; 1963)
Better Bait Than Never (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Big Bomb at Frostbite Falls or the Exploding Metropolis (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 54; 1960)
Big Sur, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1962)
Blade Runner: The Final Cut (Film; 1992)
Brave New World Revisited, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1958)
Busy Prepositions (Grammar Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1993)
The Carol Burnett Show (TV Series; 1967)
Combat (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Contagion (Film; 2011)
Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, by Theodor W. Adorno (Philosophy Book; 1944)
The Farthest Shore, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1972) [Earthsea #3]
Gogo Bordello Non-Stop (Music Documentary Film; 2009)
Guards! Guards!, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1989) [Discworld #8]
Huey’s Ducky Daddy (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Indy 500 (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Is This It?, by The Strokes (Album; 2001)
The Jackson 5ive (Animated TV Series; 1971)
Just Desserts or Operator, We’ve Been Cut Off (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 160; 1962)
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (Novel; 1928)
Life of Pi, by Yann Martel (Novel; 2001)
Little House on the Prairie (TV Series; 1974)
Love Me Do, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1962)
Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life, by Theodor W. Adorno (Critical Theory; 1951)
Oh! Susanna, by Stephen Foster (Song; 1848)
Porky’s Garden (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Queens Messenger (TV Series; 1928) [1st TV Drama]
The Rake’s Progress, by Igor Stravinsky (Opera; 1951)
The Saint and the Fiction Makers, by Fleming Lee (Novel; 1968) [Saint #41]
Saint Louis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1914)
Scooby-Doo! And the Gourmet Ghost (WB Animated Film; 2018)
The Seapreme Court (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, by Ann Brashares (Novel; 2001)
Slums of Beverly Hills (Film; 1998)
Sneakers (Film; 1992)
Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison (Novel; 1977)
Squeeze Play or Glad We Could Get Together (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 159; 1962)
Stagger Lee, recorded by Lloyd Price (Original Uncensored Song; 1958)
Star Ship (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Street Racer (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Surf Bored (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Surround (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Swiss Tease (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Swooning in the Swooners, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
The Tale or Mr. Morton (Grammar Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1993)
Upsidaisium, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 53; 1960)
Video Olympics (Atari Video Game; 1977)
A Wanted Man, 17th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2012)
Wendell & Wild (Animated Film; 2022)
The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Felix, Helga, Maternus, Regula (Austria)
Bonaventura, Feliks, Hijacint (Croatia)
Denisa (Czech Republic)
Hillebert (Denmark)
Aalo, Aleks, Aleksander, Sander, Sanno, Sass (Estonia)
Ale, Aleksandra, Aleksanteri, Ali, Sandra, Santeri, Santtu (Finland)
Adelphe, Glenn, Vinciane (France)
Felix, Helga, Louis (Germany)
Efrosynos, Evanthia, Evanthis, Theodora, Theodora (Greece)
Teodóra (Hungary)
Diomede, Fausto, Felice (Italy)
Ģirts, Nansija, Signe, Signija (Latvia)
Augantas, Gytautė, Gytė, Helga (Lithuania)
Dag, Dagny (Norway)
Feliks, Jacek, Jan, Naczesław, Prot (Poland)
Bystrik (Slovakia)
Teodora (Spain)
Dagny, Helny (Sweden)
Fialka, Theodora, Violet (Ukraine)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 255 of 2024; 111 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 37 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 9 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Elul 5784
Islamic: 7 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 15 Gold; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 29 August 2024
Moon: 54%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Guevara]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 84 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 21 of 32)
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druidx · 1 year
Director's commentary on Talis and the Terrifying Errand Boy or Bilberries?
Hey Han 🧡️
Terrifying Errand Boy is based on one of the marvelous Nostalgic Breton Girl's headcanons that the Mages guild likes to send dremora as their messengers for every tiny task. It's a very fun piece, I think, and I enjoyed playing on the Oxford idea of townies vs scholars.
I toyed with the idea of Talis knowing what a dremora was, but figured it would be much more fun if he had no clue what he was looking at, which leads to what I feel is a very crisp denouement.
He's a simple, gentle soul, my baker boi, who doesn't like dealing with customers on an average day. I enjoyed the idea that once he figured out that the dremora was there to make a purchase, he'd roll out his 'customer service' façade (and if you've ever worked a customer-facing job, you'll know exactly what I mean 😅️).
Like many others, the dremora's derisive line about "little cakes" is my absolute fave, and I can assure you I was cackling as I wrote it. I'm also quite proud of the description of the jam-filled pastries splattered on the floor.
Bilberries was from a server prompt, and originally I wasn't going to do anything with it, despite the inkling of a story it had already stirred (the usual excuses - too tired, no time). But Moth prodded me with it, and ofc I cannot back down from the mere hint of a challenge.
The end of this story is what gave me the most problem. I powered through the first draft, up to the last paragraph, in one afternoon. Then I hit the last line and there just... was no ending. Gods knows how many time I tried to rewrite it, with no avail. So I went through and cleaned up what I had (falling down a rabbit hole of language on UESP, and figuring out the percentages of race in the Imperial City and a few others for kicks in the process). Still couldn't finish it. It took a full 2 months before the very last line was added and I considered it finished.
I very much enjoyed getting to explore Cygwen's character a bit more. Heathlands are one of my favourite sub-biomes, so to be able to bring them to life in the story was a joy for me.
I'm not sure I can tell you why I wrote what I did for this; sometime it's the nature of the story to write you rather than the other way around. I'm still extremely worried someone will come at me for trying to speak for immigrants when it's not my lived experience. But I do know about accidently dropping traditions and how it sort of leaves an unfinished hole in your life if you skip your tradition or ritual, kind of a 'did I lock the door' feeling. I can only assume that's what I was channeling 😅️
Thank you so much for letting me ramble about my baker boi 🧡️ I hope you enjoyed these insights.
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alliancecleanoxford · 29 days
How to Select the Right Facilities Management Company for Your Business
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Selecting the right Facilities Management Company in Oxford is very important in the running and profitability of your business. This is especially true when there are numerous choices to make, it becomes quite difficult to make a wise decision. This guide will assist you in making the right choice and selecting the right company for your needs. 
Understand Your Needs 
First, determine the services you want to find to avoid looking for general providers and getting overwhelmed by the numerous results. Would you like to have maintenance services, security services, cleaning services or all three? Identifying your needs will assist you in eliminating the companies that do not meet your requirements in the provision of the services. 
Research Potential Companies 
The first step is to identify possible facilities management companies that can be found in Oxford. Ensure that the companies you are dealing with have a good reputation and good reviews. Visit their websites and social media pages to understand how professional they are and what services they provide. 
Evaluate Experience and Expertise 
The Facilities Management Company in Oxford should also have experience and expertise in their work. Choose companies that have been in the business for several years and have a good reputation. Mature organizations are in a better position to respond and resolve emerging issues in the most efficient and effective manner. 
Check Certifications and Accreditations 
Certifications and accreditations are signals of a company’s devotion to quality and compliance with industry standards. Check that the Facilities Management Company in Oxford that you hire has the right accreditation and follows the right standards. 
Assess Their Technological Capabilities 
In the modern world, technology is an essential component in the management of facilities. Select an organization that implements innovative technology to enhance operational mechanics, productivity, and reporting. This can encompass such systems as energy management, maintenance tracking, and security systems. 
Consider Their Customer Service 
This is an essential service delivery area in facilities management. Ideally, you want a company that is easy to get a hold of, dependable, and easy to communicate with. Assess their customer service by calling them with questions and observing how fast and polite they are. 
Review Their Contract Terms 
When entering into a contract, ensure that you go through the terms and conditions of the contract. Make sure that there are no additional charges that are not mentioned in the contract and the contract covers all services needed. It is also necessary to know about the termination clause in case the contract needs to be terminated before the agreed time. 
Ask for References 
Request for references from current or previous clients from the potential companies. Call these references to get a feel of how the company has been performing, how reliable they are and how professional they are. Any good Facilities Management Company in Oxford should not have a problem offering references. 
Choosing the right facilities management company is a strategic process that determines the success and effectiveness of the business. Thus, by knowing your needs, studying potential companies, assessing their experience and skills, checking their certificates, estimating their technological readiness, taking into consideration customer care, studying contract conditions and asking for references, you will be able to make the right choice. 
We are proud to be one of the best Facilities Management Companies in Oxford at Alliance Star Oxford. Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with years of experience and professional qualifications in facilities management and customer satisfaction to deliver the best services to your business. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help your business.
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dansnotavampire · 1 year
Airplane, trident emblem for Connor, Laurence, and Ella! (Also a bit of backstory about them would be nice, as I don't think I've read any posts about your OCs before!)
First - some backstory!
Connor Owen, Laurence Moncrieff, and Ella Brittain worked for some vague approximation of the SIS (Military intelligence) they met in service, and worked very closely for a number of years. This story is about them (By story I mean three-man play)
Connor Owen is a translator; he speaks four languages fluently, and a handful of others passably, and all of his years of service for queen and country have given him three things: PTSD, an alcohol problem, and a dead best friend. Oops. Currently he is a teacher in a secondary school, and we meet him nearly ten years after his honorable discharge, at an AA meeting, along with....
Laurence Moncrieff. Their stalwart IO, he was a tactical genius, able to keep calm in any situation. Now he's *also* battling a drinking problem, and repressed homosexual feelings. He cooks, he cleans, he only goes to AA because he was court ordered to after he drunkenly wrapped his car around a lamppost, injuring zero people in the process only by a stroke of luck. (Are you getting why my tag for this is untitled alcoholism project now). In youth he was a rich wanker with a first in PPE from Oxford, and the only thing that's really changed since then is that he's less of a wanker now. He's just re-learnt how to wake up before midday.
Ella Brittain? She's dead. It's not Laurence's fault. Maybe one day he'll even believe that.
In life, she was 5'2 of lean muscle, with a resting HR of 54, and the steadiest aim you've ever seen. She could kick anyone's arse six ways from Sunday, and never used this skill unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, that was often the case in her line of work.
Now she haunts the stage, doling out imagined advice and insults to the two men still trying to learn how to live without her.
Plane - do they like travelling, or are they more of a homebody?
Laurence has travelled so much it bores him now; unfortunately, being at home bores him just as much. One day he'll go on a non-covert vacation again. Maybe he'll even take someone with him.
Connor *liked* travelling. But the last time he stepped foot on a train was two days after the worst experience of his life, and he's not sure he can stomach it anymore. Maybe with good enough company he could bear it.
Ella never held down an address for more than six months, even when she wasn't an internationally jetsetting superspy. Or government murderer for hire. Depends who you ask.
Trident - Can they swim?
All three of them can swim; they have to, for the job. Connor can't touch water that's too warm, though. He showers ice cold.
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brookston · 10 days
Holidays 9.11
Battle of Tendra Day (Russia)
Benghazi Remembrance Day
Bitter Orange Day (French Republic)
Cerrado Day (Brazil)
Day of Remembrance
Day of Sobriety (Russia)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 1: Unity
Emergency Number Day
Evening of Destiny (Tunisia)
Fiesta Nacional de Cataluña (Catalonia, Spain)
Gun Cleaning Day
Harley Quinn Day
Hoover Dam Day
I Want to Start My Own Business Day
Jinnah Day (Founder’s Day; Pakistan)
Kababens Day
Liberation Day (Dijon, France)
Liberatrix Asteroid Day
Libraries Remember Day
Make Your Bed Day
Marcos Day (Ilocos Norte, Philippines)
National Day (Belize)
National Day of Catalonia (Spain)
National Day of Service and Remembrance
National Emergency Responders Day
National Forest Martyrs Day (India)
National Hug Your Boss Day [also 4th Friday]
National 911 Emergency Day
National Radio Day (Indonesia)
National Tricky Handshake Day
9/11 Remembrance Day
No News Is Good News Day
Odd Day
Paryushana Parva (Jainism)
Patriot Day
Pohnpei Liberation Day (Micronesia)
Porsche 911 Day
Queen Paola’s Birthday (Belgium)
Remember Freedom Day
Sustainable House Day
Teachers’ Day (Argentina, Latin America)
Texas First Responders Day (Texas)
Whiskey Rebellion Day
Women’s Baseball Day
World Wildlife Fund Day
Wrench in the Works Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dairy Day (UK)
Hot Cross Buns Day
Kababens Day (Sweden)
Independence & Related Days
Tajikistan (from USSR, 1991) [observed]
New Year’s Days
Coptic New Year
Enkutatash (Ethiopia, Rastafari) [Day of Mäskäräm]
Geez New Year (Keddus Johannes)
New Year’s Day and Anniversary of the Reunion of Eritrea with Ethiopia (Ethiopia)
New Year's Day (a.k.a. Nayrouz; Coptic Ethiopia)
Pohnpei Liberation Day (Micronesia)
2nd Wednesday in September
Hump Day [Every Wednesday]
International Quiet Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Quiet Day (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
Wacky Wednesday [Every Wednesday]
Watermelon Wednesday [2nd Wednesday of Each Month]
Website Wednesday [Every Wednesday]
Workout Wednesday [2nd Wednesday of Each Month]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 11 (2nd Full Week of September)
Eleven Days of Global Unity begins [thru 21st]
Festivals Beginning September 11, 2024
Bienal de Flamenco (Seville, Spain) [thru 10.5]
CityFolk Festival (Ottawa, Canada) [thru 9.15]
Hancock County Fair (Kiln, Mississippi) [thru 9.14]
Morton Pumpkin Festival (Morton, Illinois) [thru 9.14]
MTV Video Music Awards
Murphysboro Apple Festival (Murphysboro, Illinois) [thru 9.14]
Ocean City Bikefest (Ocean City, Maryland) [thru 9.15]
Oldenburg International Film Festival (Oldenburg, Germany) [thru 9.15]
Oxford County Fair (Oxford, Maine) [thru 9.14]
Feast Days
Andre Dubus III (Writerism)
Casey (Muppetism)
Daphne Odjig (Artology)
Day of Queens (Ancient Egypt Festival celebrating Hatshepsut, Nefertiti & Cleopatra; Everyday Wicca)
Day of Thoth (Ancient Egypt)
Deiniol (Christian; Saint)
D.H. Lawrence (Writerism)
Discontinued Thoughts Exhibition (Shamanism)
Felix, Regula, and Exuperantius (Christian; Saint)
Francesco Bonifacio (Christian; Blessed)
Halegmonath (Anglo Saxon Holy Month; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Harry Burleigh (Episcopal Church)
Jean-Claude Forest (Artology)
John Gabriel Perboyre (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Leudinus (Bobo; Christian; Saint)
Meditrinalia (Pagan)
Monkey King Festival (Hong Kong) [16th Day of 8th Lunar Month]
Moreto (Positivist; Saint)
O. Henry (Writerism)
Our Lady of Coromoto (Christian; Saint)
Paphnutius of Thebes (Roman Catholic Church)
Patiens of Lyons (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Chavanon (Christian; Saint)
Protus and Hyacinth (Christian; Martyrs)
Sacrifice to Zeus Epoptes (Ancient Greece)
Sperandia (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Etnier (Artology)
Theodora of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Hill (Artology)
Tinfoil Hat Day (Pastafarian)
Vincent of Leon (Christian; Saint)
Virgin of Coromoto Day (Colombia)
Werewolf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Historically Bad Day (Massacre of Drogheda, Twin Towers & Pentagon terrorist attack & 10 other tragedies) [9 of 11]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because of something to do with crazy people and planes.)
The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican (Animated TV Series; 1950)
Air-Sea Battle (Atari Video Game; 1977)
The American Way of Death, by Jessica Mitford (Science Book; 1963)
Better Bait Than Never (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Big Bomb at Frostbite Falls or the Exploding Metropolis (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 54; 1960)
Big Sur, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1962)
Blade Runner: The Final Cut (Film; 1992)
Brave New World Revisited, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1958)
Busy Prepositions (Grammar Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1993)
The Carol Burnett Show (TV Series; 1967)
Combat (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Contagion (Film; 2011)
Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, by Theodor W. Adorno (Philosophy Book; 1944)
The Farthest Shore, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1972) [Earthsea #3]
Gogo Bordello Non-Stop (Music Documentary Film; 2009)
Guards! Guards!, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1989) [Discworld #8]
Huey’s Ducky Daddy (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Indy 500 (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Is This It?, by The Strokes (Album; 2001)
The Jackson 5ive (Animated TV Series; 1971)
Just Desserts or Operator, We’ve Been Cut Off (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 160; 1962)
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (Novel; 1928)
Life of Pi, by Yann Martel (Novel; 2001)
Little House on the Prairie (TV Series; 1974)
Love Me Do, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1962)
Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life, by Theodor W. Adorno (Critical Theory; 1951)
Oh! Susanna, by Stephen Foster (Song; 1848)
Porky’s Garden (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Queens Messenger (TV Series; 1928) [1st TV Drama]
The Rake’s Progress, by Igor Stravinsky (Opera; 1951)
The Saint and the Fiction Makers, by Fleming Lee (Novel; 1968) [Saint #41]
Saint Louis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1914)
Scooby-Doo! And the Gourmet Ghost (WB Animated Film; 2018)
The Seapreme Court (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, by Ann Brashares (Novel; 2001)
Slums of Beverly Hills (Film; 1998)
Sneakers (Film; 1992)
Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison (Novel; 1977)
Squeeze Play or Glad We Could Get Together (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 159; 1962)
Stagger Lee, recorded by Lloyd Price (Original Uncensored Song; 1958)
Star Ship (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Street Racer (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Surf Bored (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
Surround (Atari Video Game; 1977)
Swiss Tease (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Swooning in the Swooners, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
The Tale or Mr. Morton (Grammar Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1993)
Upsidaisium, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 53; 1960)
Video Olympics (Atari Video Game; 1977)
A Wanted Man, 17th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2012)
Wendell & Wild (Animated Film; 2022)
The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Felix, Helga, Maternus, Regula (Austria)
Bonaventura, Feliks, Hijacint (Croatia)
Denisa (Czech Republic)
Hillebert (Denmark)
Aalo, Aleks, Aleksander, Sander, Sanno, Sass (Estonia)
Ale, Aleksandra, Aleksanteri, Ali, Sandra, Santeri, Santtu (Finland)
Adelphe, Glenn, Vinciane (France)
Felix, Helga, Louis (Germany)
Efrosynos, Evanthia, Evanthis, Theodora, Theodora (Greece)
Teodóra (Hungary)
Diomede, Fausto, Felice (Italy)
Ģirts, Nansija, Signe, Signija (Latvia)
Augantas, Gytautė, Gytė, Helga (Lithuania)
Dag, Dagny (Norway)
Feliks, Jacek, Jan, Naczesław, Prot (Poland)
Bystrik (Slovakia)
Teodora (Spain)
Dagny, Helny (Sweden)
Fialka, Theodora, Violet (Ukraine)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 255 of 2024; 111 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 37 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 9 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Elul 5784
Islamic: 7 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 15 Gold; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 29 August 2024
Moon: 54%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Guevara]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 84 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 21 of 32)
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severingt · 14 days
Eddie and Lina
So, this is about my Great Uncle and Aunt, in America, 2810, 36th street Astoria, New York.  My great Uncle, was my grandmother's brother. I'm not sure whether he was half-brother or brother, and he went to New York. I don’t know why he went to New York, make his fortune, I suppose. But he didn't do that. He ended up being ripped off. He jumped ship, that's right, he must been in a navy, so he jumped ship, and he was hiding out with other, so he must’ve jumped ship in America, and he was hiding out with other Maltese. There was a Maltese enclave in Astoria, I found out and he jumped ship and he was living with them and they were ripping him off wholesale, apparently.
Not quite sure how he got together with Aunt Lina, but he was an office cleaner or a window cleaner, one of the other.
My aunt had adopted a boy called Howard. Apparently, when he grew up, he joined the Army and when he came back from his tours of duty, he didn’t want to know Eddie or Lina is video Lina and never heard of him again. We never know him anyway; I think we got a photo in somewhere.
Somewhere along the line, and I don’t know how they managed this on that kind of money; because he can't have been on great money doing window cleaning, but they had a summer place which a lot of New Yorkers did. In the summer, they leave a city and go out to Staten Island and so they had this place I could remember it well in Staten Island. They owned other parts of Staten Island and they must’ve bought it up really cheap at some stage, and other people had places on there and they used to collect rent off of that.
Eddie enjoyed fishing and there were many photos of him and his pals in a small boat out on the water. He gave me a split cane boat rod and reel, although ownership is questioned. Both stayed in M&Ds bedroom collecting dust for decades. Much later, I took it to work where a guy restored the reel. Dad asked for it back and promptly gave it away. Why do that?
Eddie and Lina came to the UK early to mid-60’s with Nancy. I remember dad renting a Ford Zephyr 6 to go get them from the airport which I can’t see was much bigger than the Morris Oxford he then owned but we learned long ago that logic evaded him.
When we went over, in 1968, just after my grandad died, dad wasn't supposed to come with us and they were supposed to look after each other or something. I can't remember exactly what it was. So, in the end he decided to come with us, we went over and stayed at 2810, 36th street for a week, and 2 weeks out of the city in Staten Island. Interestingly, we were in NYC early June 1968 as Bobby Kennedy was laying in state in St. Patricks Cathedral 6-8 June 1968. [PT]
Anyway, coming into JFK but we didn’t really do much in the city. We hung around the apartment in Astoria a lot, we didn’t seem to go anywhere. However, we did go for one evening to my aunts’ Irish friends, the Collins. I can remember them asking if I wanted a drink and I said yes and that was an end to it. I waited for them to get me something and they expected me to do self-service.
They also had a color TV and I remember watching Tarzan [the Ron Ely version] and the color was so bad that Tarzan was running in B&W and behind him running was the color, never actually catching up.
We went into the city for at least a day because we have photos of the UN building, we went up the Empire State building and we visited the big stores. I can remember being in a café or diner when a cop walked in and sat close by. I was transfixed with the gun on his hip. We also went to Radio City Music Hall and watched the Odd Couple with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau which was brand new at that time. There were dancing girls akin to the UK TV show, Sunday Night at the London Palladium. I remember my aunt having a fit as there were a bunch of nuns in the audience. Different times
I do remember buying Captain Action previously in New York City from either JCPenney or one of the other big boys. You know, Macy's somewhere like that. I’ve still got him. Because I was already a fan of the DC comics and Batman and Superman. It was in these comics that I discovered Captain Action as he was advertised in there, that's what I wanted. You couldn’t buy him in England. So I bought him and a Superman costume because he was being able to change between superman, Batman Green Hornet Spider-Man. God knows how it worked with copyright for all the different companies involved.
I remember the rubber band inside that held him together, pinged off so dad had to mend that. It was actually one of the things that he got right because it's been alright ever since it's still upstairs, this is rambling, isn't it?
So, my aunt was a great cook, so mum said, but then anyone who could make a slice of toast without burning it was a great cook to my mum.
At some stage, we went up to Sonny’s farm. Now Sonny’s farm was upstate New York. It was a chicken farm or egg farm whichever, and there is movie of that as well. And he was a big big fellow with a big cigar, he came down to pick us up in, I think, it was a Ford Fairlane, got us all in anyway and drove us back up to the farm. On the way he managed to get in the wrong lane when something was happening ahead and the policeman that was directing traffic told him to turn one way and Sonny said ‘but I don’t wanna go that way, I wanna go over there’. The cop wasn’t having any of it and Sonny had to comply.
Some say his wife was a drunk, I don't know, but anyway he was a big boy. I remember her cooking in this frying pan that which was almost flat with the amount of charred whatever in it. Food tasted ok though to a 10-year-old.
One of the days we were there, Sonny fired up the BBQ and cooked steak. Dad took a [out of focus] photo of the raw meat with a pack of Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes to show the size of the meat. Once again there is film of this BBQ
The ranch had a snow sledge in the middle of the green and there is film of us riding one of their horses.
We had fun because his kids had bicycles and they were at school, so me and my brother had to hang out together and we use their bicycles. Of course, we had never come across banana seat bicycles before with cow horn handlebars, classic American bicycle, the Schwinn. The back brake was pedal backwards which locked the rear wheel. We had great fun riding down from the chicken shed, down the slope and getting to the bottom and it was all gravel and we were able to pedal backwards and skid which is also captured on film. It was fun for us at 10 and 8 years old.
Sonny had a trotting track which was curiously American invention where you have buggies and the rider sits on the back and the horses aren't allowed to gallop, they have to trot, so it's a specific thing. So, he's getting the track ready for the new season. He had this ex-military Willy's Jeep that he [I think] attached an old bed spring to the back of the Jeep and dragged it round the track. This was to soften the track and to even it out after the winter, I guess. Also, on film. We weren’t there for any of the races
I can't even remember coming back from there, but we did and someone, maybe Mrs Collins, those were the Irish friends from Astoria.
Astoria was a combination just like our family, really, between Irish and Maltese. Anyway, I am fairly sure they gave us a lift to Staten Island as I remember going by car.
Whilst in Staten Island, my aunt's friend came over, Sally and her kids and 2nd husband. Doug, Sally’s first husband, died just after having a medical examination that showed he was in good health. Her 2nd husband was a typical American, long thin. He shot himself at some stage. I think he was an alcoholic and he shot himself and so as his wife.
They came over with Nancy and the other kids and of course I had a crush on Nancy from previous when they’d come to England. And that was the first we’d seen of Polaroids and instant photos and tape recorders. We’ve got some Polaroids which [mum said] were meant not to last but 55+ years later they’re still around; how long do you want a photo to last? So here we had a fun with them.
My Uncle had a stroke and he wasn't very mobile at all. So, most things were being done around him.
So, I could remember going round with my aunt to these different places. I think as Mrs Messenger or someone, maybe that was in New York can’t remember. I remember going to the garage at this guy’s place. It was a massive garage and it was like the size of downstairs of Jenkins Grove with all the walls knocked down and probably bigger than that. Tools all methodically stored and spotlessly clean anyway, it's beside the point.
Now, as I remember Staten Island it was a wooden building, like a static. Bigger than one of our statics mind you.  It had an outside toilet and there was no drainage. So, you had the outside toilet, a little wooden shack that you could barely turn around in a board across the back end of it with a seat with a hole. I kind of remember blue but god knows; perhaps that would be in one of the films the old man took anyway.
It was a good thing to go take a crap in the morning because the bucket was empty. Basically, a big tin bucket and you go round the back of the outside toilet open this hatch and pull this bucket out which is which by the end of the day, is you know, basically like most Tories full of shit. That's why it's advisable to go to the toilet in the morning. Because the higher it got, and the lower you dangled and the later you leave it, the more chance of the 2 meeting. Lina got dad to dig a pit to throw the contents of the bucket in. Great holiday pastime.
I could remember going over there to open the place up. It had shutters on the windows and we had to take all the shutters down. We had to go over by the Staten Island ferry, there’s photos of me and my brother going over past the Statue of Liberty. We had little knowledge of any of this stuff back in ‘68, you know.
I can remember opening up and the part that was actually Eddie and Linas had a long strip of grass all the way down to the ocean, their own private beach on the ocean and a little pier I remember. It was a little sandy beach and so in the water was these, I don’t know what they’re really called, but we call them horseshoe crabs and they had a big shell on the back and a big spiky tail that if you trod on the shell, the tail went up in the air and your next step that went straight through your foot. Not sure how that would happen, actually, because if you tread on the thing, then you're quite safe as a thing, comes up. Your next step isn't going to be, you know an inch, is it? Anyway, we used to get the drift wood on the beach. One of our jobs when we first got there was to get all the drift wood off of the beach and pile it up and we made a bonfire.
Anyway, me and Pete used to go down to the pier with some of this driftwood and used to kill these bloody crabs through the water, just smash them on the back. We were really environmentalists at the time, you know real nature conservationists and all that crap. It's what kids do isn’t it?
That’s where my hatred of melons came from. My aunt bought some melon, it probably wasn't the melon, but I remember eating melon over there and being sick, you know bad and I didn't eat melon again. Never, even the smell used to make me wretch. So, I didn't eat melon again until I met Althia in 2017 and I don't know what made me then, she just bought it, you know, so I just ate it, and it was fine, took a bit of nerve, but I did it anyway I digress.
I don't remember much about the inside of the place on Staten Island; obviously, there were bedrooms not sure there were enough bedrooms for all of us. There would be a bedroom for me and Pete, Granny, a bedroom for my aunt and Uncle bedroom for mum and dad.
Then we heard that Uncle Eddie had died and Lina went into about a million years’ worth of grief. So, I remember mum getting letters from Lina which were rambling on about how much she missed her Eddie and all that crap.
Lina and our maternal grandmother went on a tour which involved a stay in Malta at some stage, they were both widows by then.
Then we don't know what I'm not sure what happened. Don't know when she died, don’t know what happened after she died. I don't know how we knew that she died, not sure that mum didn't write to Mrs Collins or someone and find out that's as much as I know about them.
with help from Pete
Sept 2024
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hemasnhu69 · 25 days
The Impact of Quality Audit Services on Business Reputation
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In today’s increasingly competitive and transparent business environment, the reputation of a company is one of its most valuable assets. It takes years to build, but just moments to tarnish. One of the most effective ways to safeguard and enhance this reputation is through quality audit services. These services, when conducted thoroughly and with integrity, not only ensure that a company’s financial statements are accurate and compliant with relevant regulations but also foster trust among stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulators.
Building Trust and Credibility
At the core of any business relationship lies trust. Investors, creditors, and customers need assurance that a company is being managed responsibly and that its financial reports are accurate. Quality audit services provide this assurance by validating the accuracy of financial statements. When an independent auditor gives a company a clean bill of health, it signals to the market that the company is well-governed, financially stable, and transparent in its operations. This builds credibility, making it easier for the company to attract investment, secure financing, and retain customers.
Enhancing Regulatory Compliance
In an era of stringent regulations and compliance requirements, businesses must adhere to various laws and standards. Failure to comply can result in severe penalties, legal action, and, importantly, damage to a company’s reputation. Quality audit services help ensure that a business complies with these regulations by identifying any areas of non-compliance before they become significant issues. This proactive approach not only helps in avoiding fines and sanctions but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to ethical practices and legal adherence, further strengthening its reputation.
Uncovering and Mitigating Risks
Every business faces risks, whether financial, operational, or strategic. Quality audit services play a crucial role in identifying these risks before they escalate into crises. By conducting thorough audits, auditors can uncover potential issues such as financial discrepancies, fraud, or inefficiencies in internal controls. Addressing these risks promptly can prevent financial losses and operational disruptions, safeguarding the company’s reputation. Moreover, a company that actively manages its risks through regular audits is perceived as being more resilient and better prepared for future challenges.
Promoting Transparency
Transparency is a key factor in maintaining a positive business reputation. Stakeholders expect businesses to be open and honest about their financial health and operational performance. Quality audit services promote transparency by ensuring that all financial information disclosed by the company is accurate and reliable. This level of transparency fosters trust among stakeholders and helps in building long-term relationships. A reputation for transparency can also differentiate a company from its competitors, providing a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Long-term Reputation Management
Reputation is not just about how a company is perceived today but also about its long-term sustainability. Consistent quality in audit services contributes to the long-term management of a company’s reputation. Companies that invest in regular, high-quality audits demonstrate a commitment to ongoing improvement and accountability. This not only helps in maintaining a positive reputation over time but also prepares the company for future growth and expansion by laying a solid foundation of trust and reliability.
The impact of quality audit services oxford on business reputation cannot be overstated. These services are essential not just for compliance and risk management but also for building and maintaining trust with all stakeholders. In a world where business reputations can make or break success, investing in quality audits is a strategic move that pays dividends in credibility, trust, and long-term business sustainability.
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Oxford Power Washing: 6 Common Mistakes Homeowners Make
Power washing is among the most efficient methods of keeping the exterior of your home clean and properly maintained. However, where it may sound easy, most homeowners make various mistakes when power washing their homes. These mistakes may result to damages, inefficiency, and sometimes a compromise on safety. Therefore, it is possible to avoid common dangers and guarantee that your house will be cleaned professionally. Welcome back to the blog. This blog post is designed to address six errors that homeowners tend to make when power washing, along with their respective solutions.
1. Using Too Much Pressure
One of the common mistakes that people make is applying too much pressure. It might seem logical that applying more pressure will help clean the surface better, but it will not and, in fact, will harm the surface greatly. Pressure builds up and removes paint, damages sidings and even shatters windows. The cleaning pressure that is used should also be the right one since when cleaning delicate surfaces; one should be very careful. This is a task that is best left in the hands of the homeowners in Oxford since some know how to vary the pressure depending on the surface. With Power Washing Services Oxford, you can be certain your home will be cleaned to the highest standards with no destruction.
2. Ignoring Safety Precautions
One thing that should not be done is the failure to wear protective gear like goggles and gloves. Water pressure is powerful enough to cause intense harm, and the solutions used to wash items may be destructive when coming into contact with the skin or face. Moreover, power washing while on a ladder is a calamity waiting to happen, especially when the force of the water spray may push you off the ladder. Thus, if you want to have the work done safely and avoid any danger to yourself or your property, you should contact Power Washing Services Talbot County.
3. Not Prepping the Surface
The correct preparation should be done before the power washing is commenced on the surface that is to be treated. Failure to do so is a mistake that most people make, leading to poor cleaning results. Floors and walls should be cleaned of dirt and dust, and where there is paint chalking, it should be cleaned off. This enables the power washer to work better and do the cleaning in a faster way and with fewer passes. Power Washing Services Oxford, provided by professionals, understands that the preparation of their surfaces for washing is critical.
4. Using the Wrong Detergent
Another common error that one can make is using the wrong detergent or even having no detergent at all when power washing. Every surface should be cleaned with a different cleaning agent while using an improper cleaning agent will damage the surface or cause it not to be cleaned at all. For instance, the kind of wash recommended for wooden houses is different from that used in houses made of concrete or those with vinyl sidings. As you choose Power Washing Services St. Michaels, the professionals will analyze the appropriate cleaners to use which are relevant to the cleaning of your home.
5. Power Washing in the Wrong Weather
In power washing, the weather factor is very crucial, and surprisingly, many homeowners pay no attention to it. The utilization of power washing when the sun is scorching hot will make the water dry up and leave streaks and spots. On the other hand, if the intention is to clean the compound, then cold weather will make water to freeze on the compound, that will make the cleaning process to be cumbersome and a risky affair. It is recommended that it is done on a mild overcast day, preferably in the morning. Scheduling with Power Washing Services Oxford, ensures that you do not power wash at the wrong time when the weather is unfriendly.
6. Overlooking Certain Areas
Last but not least, a number of homeowners are selective with the areas of their home that are easy to clean and ignore those areas that are concealed. This can be under the fascia of roofs, under the eave, below the gutters, or behind the downspouts. Such areas are likely to develop molds and mildew which if not washed, can cause long-term effects on the surfaces. Qualified workers from Power Washing Services Trappe can wash every part of your home, not just the usual cleaned areas.
Power washing your home is a wonderful way to keep your home looking perfect and adding value, so long as it is done properly. The following are common mistakes that should be averted in order not to incur a lot of expenses in repairing the house: For homeowners in Oxford and surrounding regions, hiring professional Power Washing Services Oxford can help bring out the best in your home by using competent services that will make your home come to life.
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iPhone Repair Oxford: Repair My Phone Today
Welcome to Repair My Phone Today, your trusted and reliable partner for iPhone repairs in Oxford. Whether you've cracked your iPhone screen, dropped it in water, or are experiencing battery issues, our team of experts is here to help. We understand how essential your iPhone is to your daily life, and we're committed to getting it back to optimal performance quickly and affordably.
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Why Choose Repair My Phone Today?
At Repair My Phone Today, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality repair services for all iPhone models. Here’s why Oxford residents trust us with their iPhone repairs:
Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained technicians with years of experience in repairing iPhones. They are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to fix your iPhone efficiently.
Fast Turnaround Time: We know how important your iPhone is to you. That’s why we strive to offer the quickest repair services without compromising on quality. Many repairs are completed within the same day.
Quality Parts: We use only the highest quality replacement parts for all our repairs, ensuring your iPhone functions like new after the repair.
Affordable Pricing: Quality doesn’t have to come at a high price. We offer competitive pricing for all our repair services, with no hidden fees.
Warranty: We stand by our work. That’s why we offer a warranty on all our repair services, giving you peace of mind.
Our Services
1. iPhone Screen Repair Oxford
A cracked or shattered screen is one of the most common issues iPhone users face. At Repair My Phone Today, we specialize in iPhone screen repairs. Whether it's a minor crack or a completely shattered display, we can fix it.
What We Offer:
Screen Replacement: We replace damaged screens with high-quality replacements that are durable and responsive.
LCD and Touch Repair: If your iPhone's LCD is damaged or the touch functionality isn't working, we can repair or replace the necessary components.
Same-Day Service: In most cases, we can replace your iPhone screen within an hour, so you can get back to your daily routine without delay.
Why Choose Us for Screen Repair?
We use premium-grade parts for screen replacements.
Our technicians are skilled in repairing screens without damaging other components.
Competitive pricing for all screen repairs.
2. iPhone Water Damage Repair Oxford
Water damage can be catastrophic for your iPhone. Whether you've dropped your phone in the sink, pool, or rain, immediate action is crucial. Repair My Phone Today offers specialized water damage repair services.
What We Offer:
Diagnostic Service: We conduct a thorough diagnostic to assess the extent of the water damage.
Internal Cleaning: We clean the internal components of your iPhone to remove any moisture and prevent corrosion.
Component Repair/Replacement: If any internal components are damaged due to water exposure, we can repair or replace them to restore your iPhone to full functionality.
Data Recovery: If your iPhone is beyond repair, we can help recover important data, such as photos, contacts, and messages.
Why Choose Us for Water Damage Repair?
We have a high success rate in repairing water-damaged iPhones.
Our technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to clean and dry internal components.
Quick turnaround time, with most repairs completed within 24-48 hours.
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3. iPhone Battery Replacement Oxford
Is your iPhone's battery draining quickly? Or perhaps it’s not holding a charge at all? At Repair My Phone Today, we offer professional battery replacement services to give your iPhone a new lease on life.
What We Offer:
Battery Diagnostic: We’ll run diagnostics to determine if the battery is indeed the issue or if there’s another underlying problem.
High-Quality Battery Replacement: We replace old or faulty batteries with new, high-quality ones that offer optimal performance.
Same-Day Service: In many cases, we can replace your iPhone's battery within an hour.
Why Choose Us for Battery Replacement?
We use batteries that meet or exceed the original manufacturer's specifications.
Our technicians are trained to handle battery replacements safely and efficiently.
Competitive pricing with no hidden fees.
Understanding Common iPhone Issues
1. Screen Issues: Cracks, Unresponsiveness, and Dead Pixels
iPhone screens are durable, but they aren’t indestructible. From accidental drops to minor impacts, a cracked screen is one of the most common issues we see. Beyond cracks, unresponsiveness or dead pixels can also affect your iPhone’s usability.
Symptoms of Screen Damage:
Cracked or shattered glass
Unresponsive touch screen
Dead pixels or discoloration
Flickering screen
Our Solution:
At Repair My Phone Today, we handle all types of screen damage, from minor cracks to complete replacements. We ensure that your new screen is just as responsive and clear as the original.
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2. Water Damage: How It Affects Your iPhone
Water damage can cause a range of issues, from short-circuiting internal components to corroding metal parts. The longer your iPhone is exposed to moisture, the more damage it can incur.
Common Water Damage Issues:
iPhone won’t turn on
Random shutdowns or reboots
Poor sound quality from speakers
Unresponsive screen or buttons
Our Solution:
Our water damage repair process includes a thorough cleaning of all internal components and replacement of any damaged parts. We aim to restore your iPhone to full functionality, saving you the cost of a new device.
3. Battery Issues: Draining Fast, Overheating, and Swollen Batteries
iPhone batteries degrade over time. If your battery is draining too quickly, overheating, or has become swollen, it’s time to get it replaced.
Signs of Battery Problems:
Rapid battery drain
iPhone shutting down unexpectedly
Device overheating
Swollen or bulging battery
Our Solution:
We offer professional battery replacement services that ensure your iPhone operates at peak efficiency. Our replacement batteries are high-quality and come with a warranty.
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How We Operate
1. Easy Booking Process
Booking a repair with Repair My Phone Today is simple and hassle-free. You can book your repair through our website or by giving us a call. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy life.
2. Diagnostic and Repair
Once your iPhone is with us, our technicians will run a full diagnostic to identify all issues. We’ll then provide you with a detailed repair plan and an accurate cost estimate before proceeding.
3. Quality Assurance
After the repair, we conduct thorough testing to ensure your iPhone is functioning perfectly. We aim for 100% customer satisfaction, and our quality assurance process is a testament to our commitment to excellence.
4. Warranty and Aftercare
All repairs come with a warranty, giving you peace of mind. We also provide aftercare services, where our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns after the repair.
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