#clean something properly cause she just goes over stuff randomly with a dirty cloth at best leaving it even worse she tells me im 'making
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ilyzuko · 1 year ago
no cuz what's up with tumblr now showing me a random p*rn post like every 3 posts on my dash from random blogs nd tags i dont follow weren't they like all about dep*rnifying this site
#also my flatmate...im sorry but im going insane she honestly grosses me out at this point she cant clean for shit and when i ask her to#clean something properly cause she just goes over stuff randomly with a dirty cloth at best leaving it even worse she tells me im 'making#her paranoid by inspecting all the tiny specks' im gonna kill myself. i was away for a few months and i come back to a flat that was so#fucking gross everything sticky i really har to do shit like take all pieces of cutlery (that she claimed were clean) out of the drawer#cause they were all sticky and had food specs and wash them again#like im mean now sure idccc it's the tags of my blog that no one reads but shes literallydriving me crazyyy so tonight i said if she wants#to start looking for a flat for after the end of this tenancy i dont want to stall cause ill be doing something else she was like is it#because i didnt wipe the stove properly nd i was like i just think we dont work that well#house keeping level have different expectations and it stesses us both out. wanted to keep at that and she goes on in a full breakdown mode#starts yelling at me and stomps off saying i have 'an ego about being a clean person when im not' shdjdj like maam youre 27 years old youre#walking around with dirt under your nails and have never washed a hairbrush that youve had for years it's growing a whole microsystem. 28*#like im really trying to be normal about this but i just cant live with someone who lives like this and thows fits when asked to fix their#behaviour
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brownstonearmy · 6 years ago
2019-07-12: Contents Under Pressure (Part 2)
Saturday June 6th (dawn)
While the party is still poking around the house, Kevin begins to whine and there's a tapping at the window. It's Dash Wooten, the reporter. She was watching what went down in the house and is looking for a juicy scoop to propel her career away from the boring human interest pieces she's writing currently. The drug-fueled slaughter that just happened seems to make for the perfect story. A skill challenge happens where the party tries to convince Dash to not write a news article that implicates the party in a multiple murder in a drug house. After a tense debate, the party prevails with mixed results. Earlier fumbles in the debate made Dash less receptive, but she eventually agrees to write an article that doesn't name the party and describes them as vigilantes working for the greater good (though using questionable means). Of course, the only way that Dash agrees to do this is if the party helps her get access to more juicy stories.
As a gesture of goodwill, Dash informs the party that she saw the gnomish jester known as Jangles leaving the scene of Spike's death. Dash also flips through the gang membership roster and tells the party that the member called "Magic" should be investigated as a potential big player in the drug trade. Grieg questions Dash as to her allegiances and her ability to bypass guard dogs. Dash claims to just be a humble reporter who has a way with animals.
Lucky needs to put on actual clothes for once, so the party stops by her house. While waiting, Grieg looks around the neighborhood to see if he can find anyone who might know stuff about the raven-themed holy symbol. He is unsuccessful, but finds a gnome with a friendly puppy and pets it.
Once Lucky is properly attired, the party strikes out for the Jester's Box, the magical novelty shop Jangles operates. A female gnome opens the door, and the party asks to see Jeffrey Jangles regarding Spike's death. The gnome ushers the party inside and exclaims "This is a job for my man voice!" before rushing around a corner and quaffing a potion. The same gnome (now male) introduces himself as Jeffrey Jangles. Jangles is an accomplished potion crafter and runs a business selling magical novelties.
Jangles admits to being at the scene of the crime and leaving, but denies being at fault. Instead, Jangles tells the party that they were victims of a burglary, most likely by some BDB urchins. The main thing that was stolen was an experimental white powder Jangles had been working on to improve the duration and amplitude of their farts. The powder was originally meant to be a suppository and is relatively safe to use for that purpose. But if ingested orally or inhaled, it produces a violent gaseous reaction that can cause the user to explode. Jangles heard a pop in the night and went to investigate; believing it to have come from one of the people who stole from Jangles. The exploded body confirms Jangles's suspicious, and Jangles left believing that justice had been served. It's not Jangles's fault that someone stole something and used it incorrectly. Whoever stole from them won't steal again, and although unfortunate, it's certainly not Jangles's responsibility to make sure thieves stay safe.
Q asks Jangles about the potion used to change sex, and it's stronger than a polymorph potion in that it lasts forever and can't be dispelled. But it only changes the appearance to the equivalent version of the user. Jangles created it because the elves shouldn't be the only ones who can shift to always be in the correct body. Q buys a dose of the potion for 50GP to try it out.
Meanwhile, Lucky asks Jangles about the possibility of crafting something that could allow her lizardfolk friends to enter town without arousing too much suspicion. She also ask about creating a potion that makes a person's bones visible through their skin. Lucky also gives the bowl she got from the Lizardfolk to Jangles and requests that it be returned and also to say "soft skin Lucky sent me."
Before the party leaves, Jangles asks a favor of the party. Since the party is already looking to take down the BDB gang, Jangles requests that the party also try to stop the much more insidious Brownville City Runners (BCR) gang. The BCR is extorting "protection" payments from Jangles in the form of weak "polymorph potions" that turn the user into a randomly-determined person of the same sex for an hour. [NOTE: the potions were described in game as being polymorph potions, but the mechanical effects are equivalent to a casting of the spell "Alter Self" where the user's appearance is randomly selected)]. Jangles mentions two people who periodically come to the shop to extort potions: Merry, who is a short, square guy with bad breath and goes by "M"; and Alston The Storm, a wiry guy with tight pants and dirty fingernails.
Taking on the BCR will be a long and protracted struggle, and Jangles sweetens the deal by offering the party some items in exchange for their help. Specifically, Jangles offers the Pole of Haemurteem, a Pauldron of Steaming Armor, and the Traveler's Orb of Direction. Grieg takes the pauldron, Q accepts the orb, and Lucky takes the Pole of Haemurteem. The party agrees to help Jangles on the condition that Jangles provides an antidote to help relieve Pierson's gas. Jangles begrudgingly agrees to hand over a small vial of liquid that "tastes like the color green" which Pierson can drink to resolve his issue.
Bells toll to the north signifying the beginning of Fighters Guild Charity Bout. The party goes to check it out and is armed with an antidote, to visit Pierson's mother in Mom's medical tent. The party gives her the antidote to give to Pierson on the condition that Pierson makes some statements to Dash to help with her story. Pierson's mother readily agrees to twist that boy's ear to make sure he does it. Mom patches up Pierson and removes the tube in his stomach.
Meanwhile, Lucky watches a match between Hilaria and another fighter. Lucky bets on Hilaria and ends up winning 30GP after Hilaria emerges victorious. When Hilaria comes back to the tent after the match, Lucky asks her out and they make plans to meet up later that evening.
Lastly, the party journeys over to the Constabulary to talk to Silas. Grieg and Lucky march into the building and starts spilling the beans on what's happened, while Q sings annoying out-of-tune songs to Silas from under an outside window to get back at him for having to do community service work at SHART. Silas is given the address of the drug house so he can make a bust and look good for the mayor. Silas is also warned that there is a mess that will need to be cleaned up.
Stay tuned next time for more!
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