#classes start next week and i dont even know 100% what stupid classes im taking
starlight-shark · 1 year
midnight to 4am is the loneliest time. where did all my friends go? im here, im waiting for you. i know i'm leaving you and i'm sorry but please come sit with me one last time. being around you would make me better
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urbfsecretgf · 3 years
omg love this fic alr pls keep updating <3
thank y'all for giving me the motivation to write more. here you go :) Pt 4 of: The Boy Next Door
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a/n: i didnt think i was gonna continue doing this series but i do appreciate all the people who enjoy it. thank you <3 also idk how well i corrected my spelling errors so my apologies for that.
(everything is made up, arguing, dirty minded things)
it was a cold Monday morning and you and jack are standing outside waiting for the bus to arrive at your house.
"its 6:50 the bus should be here already" jack groans
"i know im freezing my ass off its so cold out" you say as you are shivering
the bus finally pulls up to your drive way after what feels like an eternity. you've been at school your new school for about a week now, you know where all your classes were and where your locker was and all of that stuff.
when you get to school the first thing you do is head to your locker and put everything in your locker.
*New Message From Vinnie <3: y/n where are you???*
you look at it and ignore it. vinnie and you got into a big argument last night and youre still not happy with him.
while putting books in your locker you hear someone start yelling your name
"y/n! has anyone seen y/n? y/n!!"
its vinnie.
"oh gosh" you sigh
"does anyone know where y/n is bro please tell me someone knows"
someone points to where you are, and you try and walk away and pretend not to notice him.
"Y/N!! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU LITERALLY EVERYWHERE!!! OMG!" he says sounding excited that hes found you.
"haha yeah oops. i gotta go uh bye"
you dont really wanna be around him rn. he upset you pretty badly last night
"vinnie you do this literally EVERYTIME!! STOP!"
"no you act like it was bad that i was late i said sorry so its your fault we are arguing right now."
"vinnie i told you if we were late we would miss it. youve been late the past, hmmm, 3 dates? uh yeah i have every right to be upset with you. out of the 5 or so dates you've been on time or early to only 2 and one of those we didnt even get to go to because of the storm. i dont know whats gotten into you recently vinnie but i dont like it so you need to change that or something is going to happen and neither of us are going to like it"
"y/n youre literally overreacting about this. im sorry i was late weve been over this 100 times bro and its just a date we can go on more some other time"
"vinnie you dont understand. those dates mean the world to me. i love going on them with you. i love seeing you all dressed up and coming over so we can go out to a movie or whatever it is we are going to do. they arent 'just dates' to me"
"whatever y/n. this is so stupid. youre freaking out over nothing. ill talk to you later or something idfk"
"sorry vin i really gotta go"
"but the bell hasnt even rung yet we still have 8 minutes till class start wym?"
"yep i know bye"
vinnie grabs your arm and gives you a serious look. he knows you hate when he does this look because it makes you feel guilty and like you did something wrong.
"y/n? why are you avoiding me? you didnt answer my texts, you didnt say good morning to me, you hid from me when i was looking for you this morning, whats going on? did something happen? did I do something wrong?"
"vinnie im fine, okay? just leave me alone please."
"im sorry y/n. im sorry about last night and everything i said. i didnt mean it and i dont mean to be late im doing something at home which runs late sometimes and thats why im late. i also dont think to tell you im going to be late either, and im sorry. i really am"
what vinnie says to you makes you tear up a little. you look at him and walk away without saying anything.
"y/n wait! stop y/n come back please"
you love vinnie a lot but he takes it too far sometimes and last night was one of those times. you dont want anything to do with him right now.
the bell rings dismissing you for lunch.
"finally" you thought. you were starving.
you go to your locker and grab your lunch. as you were grabbing your lunch box you hear someone crying on the couch in the lounge area.
"i dont know what i did wrong bro. shes been avoiding me all day, she hasnt answered any of my texts ive sent her, and when i apologized to her this morning she walked away. i dont want to loose her bro, it would crush me."
being the curious george you are, you walk over to see who it is, and to your surprise its vinnie, crying, at school, and his friends shoulder.
you decide to walk over to there and you hear his friend austin comforting him
"its okay vinnie, i understand how youre feeling and its normal man. you like her a lot"
"like her a lot??? i dont just like her, im literally in love with her bro."
you startled him. he didnt see you there or even notice you were there. he wipes his tears from his face on his sleeve and clears his throat.
"oh hey y/n" he says while still sniffing up his runny nose trying to hide that he was crying
"were you crying?"
"what me? no ofc not"
"i heard you crying vin"
at this point all of his friends left the lounge and let you two be
"nah i wasnt haha"
you knew he was but you decided to let it be.
at the end of 4th hour, vinnies friend austin comes over to your locker and tells you what happened
"so he was crying?" you ask
"yeah it was bad, ive never seen him like that before"
"what was it about?"
"did you not hear him?"
"i mean i did kinda but not really"
he looks at you like you're crazy
"y/n he was crying about you. like he literally broke down while sitting on the couch with me and the boys."
hes never cried in front of you before so hearing that he cried in front of other people makes you feel weird. almost a jealous feeling which is weird but you dont really know how to feel.
you brush it off and decide you'll just text him and ask about it later.
its now the end of 6th hour, only one more class to go. while walking out of gym class someone runs up to you
"hey, y/n right?"
"um yeah? do i know you?"
it was a guy youve seen around school a few times today. you only have gym class with him but he seems to be pretty well known since everytime youve seen him hes had a big crowd of people around him.
"oh im sorry, im trevor, you can call me trev tho, thats what everyone calls me."
its kinda weird to have a guy come up to you at school. at your old school no one talked to you.
"haha its nice to meet you trev"
"yeah same to you, uh what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"theres no way he flirting with me, i have a boyfriend, everyone knows that right?" you thought to yourself
"oh um probably just homework and studying, why?"
"just wondering, do you need any help with any homework at all?"
"no i dont think so haha."
"alright well if you need any help heres my number."
trevor grabs your hand and writes his number on your hand.
"oh im sorry i-"
your phone goes off. its a text from vinnie
*New Message From Vinnie <3: meet me by the locker room lovely ;)*
*New Message From Vinnie <3: Image Recived*
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you stare at your phone for a minute, in shock. hes never sent you something like that especially at school.
"y/n? are you okay?" trevor asked seeming a little worried
"yeah you seem good now wow."
you decide not to keep vinnie waiting any longer so you decide to end the conversation with trev and go to the locker room "hahahaha yeah okay well i gotta go!"
"alright talk tomorrow?"
"uh maybe" you say as your run off towards the locker room "bye trev'
you get to the locker room and theres vinnie, standing there looking good just like usual
"hey y/n"
"hey vinnie whats this all about?"
"bro im so like... yk.. rn"
"we are at school vin.."
"not even quick?"
not even thinking about it you walk to the family restroom. (and ill let you imagine the rest ;))
its the end of the day and the bell rings to dismiss you. trevor stops by your locker and starts a conversation with you.
"hey y/n"
"oh hi trev"
vinnie sees someone at your locker and decides to walk over
"how was your day?"
"it was alri-"
"hey y/n" vinnie interupts, "trevor?"
"vinnie? what are you doing here?'
you can already tell this isnt going to end well so you decide to try and walk away.
vinnie gives trevor a dirty look, "no y/n stay here, dont leave, i wanna know what tf trevor is doing with my girl."
trevor gives the same dirty look he got from vinnie right back to him
"your girl? dont you have like 15 other ones? come on bro, i seen you flirting with bailey like yesterday. you clearly dont care about y/n"
"wait, vin is that true...?" you could never imagine vinnie doing that to you. never. not after what yall have been through, what yall have told eachother, everything.
he looks at you and he can see the sadness on your face, he holds your cheek, "no y/n i love you i would never do something like that to you i promise, go home and we talk about it later after i deal with trev okay?"
youre on the verge of breaking down, your voice is soft, but you manage to say okay.
as soon as you get home you run upstairs to your room and throw everything on the floor. you just wanna break down and start baling your eyes out.
you decide to text both trev and vinnie.
*To Trev: hey its y/n did you actually see vinnie flirting with bailey?*
*To Vinnie <3: you didnt actually flirt with bailey did you?*
you set your phone down and just wait. you wait for a response from both vin and trev, wanting answers. you dont wanna believe trevor but you dont know if you can believe vinnie either. youre not trusting either one until you hear both sides of the story in full detail.
your phone goes off
*New Message from Trev: Yeah I did, yesterday during 2nd hour. They were holding hands, he was hugging her, and that's really all i saw. I'm sorry y/n. You deserve better.*
you burst into tears, how could he do something like that to you?
your little brother jack hears you crying from down the hall and he knocks at your door.
"y/n...? are you okay?
jack and you are really close. you tell eachother everything.
"idk jack."
"did something happen between you and vinnie?"
"whos that?" jack asked
you look down and see its vinnie
*New Message from Vinnie <3: y/n idk what trevor told you but its not true. he does this all the time to the girls he wants to hookup with. even if it was true i promise you, he wouldnt want anything but your body. i love you more than i love myself y/n. ask austin. i sat on the couch in the lounge today crying about you bc i thought i was going to lose you all bc of the stupid fight we had last night. i love you so much y/n. trevors told me about how hes felt about you from the day you came to school. he told me about how he thinks your hot and about how he could 'steal you away' from me.*
*New Message from Vinnie <3: y/n i remember our first everything. the first time we met, hung out, hugged, held hands, our first kiss together, first time meeting each others parents, everything y/n. youre the only girl i love. i promise. ill walk over to your house right now if you need me.*
jack was reading the messages from over your shoulder.
"what happened? also invite him over"
after telling jack what happened today you text vinnie and tell him to come over
"jeeze y/n. you got boys fallin harddddddddd" jack says trying to enlighten to mood.
you give him a dirty look and he says sorry.
vinnie knocks on your bedroom door and you go running to him.
"im sorry vinnie, im sorry i didnt believe you. i love you too. way more than you think. i get scared when other people mention you and another girl because as much as i trust you sometimes i feel like you will leave me for someone prettier."
"y/n look at me. i promise you, we are going to get trevor back. im going to do whatever it takes and i have a plan on how we are going to do it."
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heesgf · 6 years
studying w/ lee byounggon!
hello cutest ppl of the world!!! here is a present for u <3 and pls read my scenario for bad boy gon!! or soft blurb gon
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studying w/ lee byounggon                                                                                    (a bad idea)
OK SO you and byounggon have AP biology together, and somehow, by the grace of GOd himself, you’ve made it to the end of the year
It’s time for ur final exam!!! yay!!  because u can finally peace TF out of that class, but aww :’(( bc you have a final exam with 100 multiple choice  and 10 written questions 😔
some of ur ap bio shenanigans have included:
byounggon reading multiple questions OUT LOUD while you are writing the test and he literally doesn’t even notice
Like he just does it so naturally??? you’ll be side eyeing him through the divider that separates your desks
in your head, you’ll be like “AHEMMMM at LEAST read out the answers too damn ...”
He does not read out the answers :/
even tho it can be kind of off-putting, his voice is rlly deep and soothing!!!! so honestly it kind of helps your test anxiety
......but u will never admit that... he would have too much power
you and byounggon once made an animal cell out of rice krispy treats & candy
you guys left the project to the very last minute because collectively u have one brain cell
U guys started building but then u ate so much candy, you ended up puking🤮
After u had released the #barf, you and byounggon choose to cuddle up on the couch and u just chill for a couple hours
Somehow u convinced him to watch bird box????? He was DYING!!!
But it’s ok bc ur the Best Significant Other Ever and you used imdb to research every possible death scene!! and u gave him a solid 3 second warning every time
ONE TIME u were just a little bit off and he watched something a lil gruesome
U lost ur abiliity to hear from the scream that he released
“im never watching a movie with you AGAIN!”
“i said i was SORRY sodfjsdiofjsdio”
He complained for so long but then you promised you’d make it up to him with some kisses and he was like.... “hehehe ok im down”
a whole baby!!!!!
Its around 11pm now!! You and gon are cuddling on the couch, and it’s so warm, and cute, and wholesome <333
Ur running ur fingers through his soft hair and playing with his fingers; he’s just calmly humming and loving every minute of this
u start to close ur eyes and u feel kinda sleepy, so you lay your head on byounggon’s chest and just nestle in
you’re about to say “goodnight chief” and call it a night
But something feels off?
u suddenly shoot TF up and your mind is racing and ur like “thE PROJECT  !!”, real movie type shit
Ur trying not to LOSE UR MIND while byounggon is just snoring away... his arms are wrapped so tightly around u, and ur mind is still 23% asleep
honestly... maybe u should just lean back into his chest and fall asleep....
But then ur guilt complex is like ‘NO the pROJECT’
U want to wake him up but Byounggon: has left the chat
You start poking at his cheek erratically, and when he FINALLY wakes up, he’s all mumbley and tired and CUTE
U break the tragic news to him and now you’re both contemplating mental breakdowns
For the next 6 hours you guys are DEDICATED to this project
U show up to school the next morning with ur masterpiece:
(yall i rlly made that shit, respect me)
your eyes are SO unbelievably red, and for some reason, ur hair has marshmallow fluff in it????? u have to convince byounggon not to eat that shit on four separate occasions
“It looks yummy”
“PLS restrain urself”
So ur looking a little bit busted, but still cute, bc ur BEAUTIFUL nd sexy
SOMEHOW byounggon still looks perfect???? He looks like he’s just been rejuvenated by 10 hours of sleep; his skin is glowing and his eyes are twinkling... #unfair
when u guys show up to class, your teacher is sO happy with your project!!!!
but then she takes one look at you and she’s like, “(y/n) can i talk to you for a minute pls?”
“ uhh yeah ok, sure!!”
U think she’s about to tell you that she’s so proud of you both for coming up with such a creative idea, and for doing such a good job with the materials u used, but then she’s like:
“(y/n) ur eyes are so red”
ur kinda :’((( bc u think she’s about to scold you for pulling an allnighter...she’s a mama bear
“Pls stop smoking before class it’s rlly inappropriate”
Ur mouth is dropped WIDE open and byounggon is in the corner, snickering the sleep deprivation away: u want to kILL HIM!
Honestly, ur so shook, u kinda just stand there in silence while your teacher just shakes her head and does one of those “tsk tsk tsk” things and walks away
When u go back to ur desk, byounggon is like, “yea (y/n), u should rlly stop smoking at school, it’s super rude and honestly kind of distract-”
The look u give him makes him shut UP IMMEDIATELY
but then he just cranes his long arms around ur waist and smiles into the crook of ur neck and he’s like: “baby im sorry i love u”
So wholesome :’))))
Ur choked up?? And after all that work, a little bit delirious? U lean back into him and tilt ur head to the side so he can kiss u
when he pulls away he gives u this rlly uneven smirk
“even if u smoke before class”
A couple weeks later, u guys have to do this lab on human heart rate and metabolism
bc byounggon is ur deskmate, he’s also ur lab partner (unfortunately)
Byounggon is RLLY SMART, but honestly u guys are just rlly unproductive when ur together bc u just want to. . .. hug him (relatable)
For one part of the lab, somebody needs to stick their hand into ice water while the other person monitors their heart rate
Byounggon REALLY passionately wants to be the one to dunk his hand in the water tank and ur just like “lmao ok calm down”
@ this point, ur concerned x 3493049304930
He’s just like: “im FINE it’s FINE, keep going”
His eyes are TWITCHING
U have to forcefully yank his hand out of the water because he literally will NOT??? why is he like this
But it’s ok bc u warmed up his hand with lots hand holding and sweet lil kisses <333333
overall, bio have been a WILD ride, but byounggon has made it so much more enjoyable,,, and u guys love each other lots,,, (y/n) and byounggon for cutest couple 2k19  😘
Okay so now for the studying!!!
byounggon kind of had to beg to get you to study with him at the library
but that’s only because every time u study with him, u dont retain SHIT, bc ur too busy drooling over his jawline
U wanted to be rlly strict and firm so you could actually be well prepared!!!! But when he started whining and hugging on you,,,, what wEre you SUppOSED to DO?!?
So NOW, u and gon are at the library
U make him sit across from u
Because the lord knows, if he’s sitting next to, he will not stop kissing ur face and u RLLY need to do some learning!!! Studious Queen
twelve minutes into mitosis and chill, byounggon is pouting and using his biology textbook as a pillow
Literally byounggon is the kind of guy that looks like he’d be a rlly messy student, but he will take one look at the textbook, and get a 96%
So ofc, he’s like... “studying... who’s she?”
He’s just staring at you
In this moment, u look SO CUTE, bc ur head is burried in your book, and ur hair is adorably messy, and ur eyebrows are scrunched together bc ur rlly focused
Ur the cutest thing he ever saw?????
“Gon,,, baby u have to stop staring at me,, i can’t concentrate”
He’s so GOOFY
“im noooooooooot”
(he totally is)
It’s been about two hours?? Byounggon took a power nap, and u reviewed everything u possibly could,,, now u just want byounggon to hum u to sleep
byounggon is POWERED UP (stream power up by red velvet)  from his nap and he’s very, very, very giddy
And a lil clingy bc u haven’t cuddled him today yet :/
He’s been saying “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” for about 8 minutes,,, u would throw ur bag of hot cheetos at him but he’s just too pretty
He’s laughing AT HIMSELF
Ur shaking ur head and laughing at him too
The librarian POPS UP out of literally nowhere?? She looks at byounggon playing candy crush on his phone and she’s like “SHHHHHHHHHH!!! young man! you are being so disrespectful! this place is for students to study! U need to leave immediately”
She’s about to point her finger at you too, but then:
“Ma’am i’ve never seen this boy in my whole life” 😜
Byounggon is Taken Aback™
He rlly can’t believe u just did that
U start laughing so hard bc PAYBACK
But his mind is just thinking.. . “top ten worst anime betrayals of all time”
The librarian is so annoyed with both of you she just turns around and mumbles something like “stupID KIDS”
U have to lug byounggon outside bc now he’s #embarrassed bc of the librarian, and #hurt because u threw him under the bus
He’s still pretending to be upset by the time u guys make it back to his house, and u have to give him all sorts of compliments to make everything okay again
“ur chin.... is straight SEXY”
“i think it’s cute that u eat bananas with sriracha”
“i, for one, like the screams you make when we watch horror movies”
u conclude with a veryyyy sweet kiss on his lips
let’s just say... he forgives u
THE NEXT DAY!!! It’s time for ur exam omgomg :’))))))
byounggon finishes that shit in 26 minutes and somehow ends up getting a 92%
it took u a solid 48 minutes and u ended up with a nice and spicy 90%
he gets the better mark bc he’s god Lee Byounggon??? U will never understand bc he rlly doesn’t even try.... U can’t relate
But it’s ok
Because he’s the cutest thing to ever exist in the world, and even if he makes u the most unproductive person in existence, u love him more than anything <333
And he loves u bby!!!!!
the librarian, on the other, loves neither of u 😔 ......
THE END ! ! ! !
i love u all!! and thank u for ur support!! hit like if u feel bad for the librarian  😔
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troubleisfree · 6 years
this is going to be like a very long, detailed, and mostly my personal observations and notes. as it was my first time seeing neymar and the brazil nt in person, i want to remember everything i can while its still fresh. it was a very exciting and at the same time surreal experience because i see those people all the time on tv games and now there they were few feet away from me...
i took the photos and videos. i am usually pretty good at that but i guess the excitement got the better of me because they did not come out fabulous. tumblr is being stupid with not letting me upload more then one video in a post, and i wanted everything together, so i ended up putting them up on youtube.
the hotel 9/3/2018.
so first i went to the hotel (very close to where i live) on monday 9/3. as it was labor day, i was off work and at a bbq/pool party abt 10 miles from home for the day. brazil nt was scheduled to leave the hotel for their first training at 4pm so i left the party early and, after some traffic drama, made it to the hotel little after 3.40pm. there were not too many people so i had a decent view but i also moved around a bit. some of the support staff was coming out already. a few minutes later, firmino was the first i saw, he waved and went straight to the bus.
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then a group of marquinhos, douglas costa, fabinho etc came out together. only marquinhos paid any attention to the fans, waving and smiling but didnt stop.
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then another group, including casemiro.
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then alisson came out. he was really sweet, smiled, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. interacted the most of anyone else with the fans. 
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then another group - i think richarlison (idk him really), filipe luis, thiago silva. thiago was just as nice as alisson, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. he looked to me a bit shorter irl then on tv...
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willian came out alone next.
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at this point, it was almost 4pm, my excitement had totally built up and i was so anxious to see my boy ney. i started thinking that maybe he will get there separately cuz i hadnt seen coutinho and tite either. but there he was! coming out last with barely a minute to spare before 4pm (the timestamp on my photo is 3:58:59pm lol). he was the very last one to come out, chewing on something, with his typical swagger. he waved but didnt stop and the bus left as soon as he got on. he looked just as hot in person as on tv, the cameras dont lie lol. really handsome and very very sexy! i mean, i expected it, i have seen his photos lol but omg he looks so damn good you cant help those dirty thoughts! i felt like an absolute fangirl! this is neither here or there, but he looked to me a little bigger then i expected. just kinda...fuller?
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i only took one photo of him cuz i wanted to look at him with my own eyes rather than thru the camera ;)
it was such an incredible experience seeing neymar and the rest of the guys in person so close that i was shaking after! like for real my hands were shaking, my legs were shaking. and i couldnt stop grinning for a good half an hour after. i went to the boardwalk to calm down a bit and just absorb the experience. people passing by probably thought im crazy or reading love letters on my phone or something cuz i just couldnt stop grinning but i didnt give a flying fuck what they were thinking - i had just seen neymar!
my notes and impressions:
1. OMFG I SAW NEYMAR FROM FEW FEET AWAY. just that, my brain was really way too frazzled to process any other impressions lol
the game 9/7/2018
so after some c. drama, despite my initial hopes, i had accepted that i am not going to go to the game. and then the day before i find out I AM GOING!!! i was so freaked out with excitement lol!!!
getting there was so frustrating! first i had forgot to charge my phone before leaving work so i only had like 30% which was nowhere near good enough for my plans of copious pics and vids. so i had to run into a bodega to buy a charger for the car. then for some complicated reason we had to leave from the ues and fucking DRIVE. crosstown. on a friday. at 6pm. straight thru freakin time square with its gazillion tourists. on top of rush hour. even though the schedule said 8pm, the tickets said the event starts at 7.30 and i wanted to be there early to see the warmups and at 7.02 we were still not even inside lincoln tunnel ffs! i was FUMING and ready to jump outta the car and start yelling at the other cars to get a goddamn fucking move on i got places to be people to see! just ugh. so frustrating. the only upside of taking so long to get to the stadium was that by the time we got there my phone was almost 100%...
anyway, finally at 7.25pm we got there and thru all the checks etc (my joke of a miniature purse was shown as an example to another girl with a slightly bigger purse and praised by security for being perfect size which pissed me off because of their dumbass rules it had is smaller then my regular WALLET ffs and it barely even fits my phone so in no way is it a ‘perfect size’ except maybe for dolls or tiny aliens. but they had the stupid clear bag / tiny purse rule in effect and all i cared at that point was getting in so whatever. still, fucking terrorists. obviously also for more important reasons than just being the cause of my having to have a tiny purse but yeah fucking terrorists). 
the stadium was buzzing already. apparently the 7.30 start was for the warmups so perfect for me. this was the view from our seats.
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when we got to our seats, the usa team was out already. and the canarinho was interacting with fans. and then brazil came out. 
ney was warming up with coutinho
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after stretches, he did some practice shooting. this one didnt go in.
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after that the team went back inside and the canarinho came behind the barriers to interact with the fans (photo below especially taken for a.)
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time for the teams to come out. for some reason the tunnel was on my side of the stadium but the benches were on the other side and they lined up there for the anthems. (again, for a.)
then the us anthem and, since we dont do things here on a small scale, the flag rolled out was the size of the whole stadium lol
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in the first half neymar was playing in front of me. in the beginning of the game i took a few photos and then i stopped because i wanted to watch the game and see with my own eyes not concentrate on the phone... still, here they are
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here is the penalty. i didnt catch it go in because i was looking at it happening rather then my phone. i also removed the sound cuz there was screaming when it went in lol. it was a VERY soft penalty btw...
my notes and impressions:
1. it was a friendly so not surprisingly, it was not an edge-of-your-seat game. still brazil dominated the crap out of the usa team. the difference in class and quality was glaringly obvious.
2. it was strange not supporting my country’s team. but only when i thought about it. otherwise my soccering heart belongs to brazil 100%, without a doubt.
3. watching a game live vs tv: both have pros and cons. again, after watching every week on tv, seeing these guys live in person is simply incredible. just absolutely surreal. like, they are moving, running, kicking right in front of you. you can hear the ball being kicked. feel the tension. see what they are doing without the ball. watch their interactions away from the camera. feel the power of the crowd. its just so much more immersive. at the same time, watching at home the curated game content is... convenient. you get closeups. you get facts from the commentators. your bathroom is nearby (i did carefully time my liquid intake that day to avoid venturing into stadium bathrooms and thank god it worked lol). so imo, watching a game on tv is not really that much worse then watching it live. i always felt like i am getting a completely filtered version on tv and it is filtered but it is not horrible. yes, you are missing out on stuff but its not a total loss.
4. the stadium was about 40% full, 32k of 82k capacity. but it felt more like 2/3, probably because on the other side many sections were not even open so most everyone attending was spread out in one long side and the two goal sides.
5. brazil fans were out strong! i’d say about 70% of the people were brazil fans, and of those about 90% had on brazil jerseys. yellow galore lol. the usa fans were constantly chanting but when the brazil fans decided to make the effort they drowned them out easily and completely!
6. the usa fans were in the section behind one of the goals. throughout most of the game i thought oh cute they are constantly singing their hearts out supporting their clearly outplayed loosing team. then they did iceland’s viking chant. yes, it is a cool chant but its iceland’s. idk why so many have been plagiarizing it! first portugal did it in the wc, then i saw another, and now the american outlaws (the usa ultras)... let iceland have its thing people. i did not appreciate it but no big deal. BUT then they did something that pissed me off - few minutes before neymar was substituted in the 80 min they chanted fuck neymar. i was not best pleased to say the least! lick sweaty balls jealous motherfuckers!
7. we did a wave that went around the stadium like 4 times!
8. there was a small group of 13-14yo girls right behind us that whenever ney touched the ball or looked our way screamed ‘neymaaaarrr, neymaaaaarrrrrrrr, vaiiiiiii, vai neymaaaaaaarrrrrrrr’. one girl in particular was especially shrill and vociferous in her dedication to ney. no sense of decorum whatsoever lol. my bf was smirking at me and was like why dont you go sit with them. i on the other hand was thinking that while i wouldnt go sit with them, if some of my tumblr girls were here.... well those girls wouldnt even know what hit them!
9. i would definitely go to a game again! 
10. while the seats we had were really good, i wish there was an option to be even closer and still see the whole pitch. then again, for me it would probably only qualify as ‘close enough’ if im allowed to run along the sidelines lol. but then i wont really be able to watch the game. (hey maybe i can hang from the skycam hahaaaa!). yes, i am a neymar fan but i am also a fan of the game so i want both. i did not have any input in the choice of these seats but i think it was a good trade off - the closest where you can both see the guys and actual game. if i have to pick the tickets for the next game (hopefully i will go again some time!), i would be tempted by the lower levels but the barriers are pretty high so... i would probably go for the same - second level first row.
11. there was a guy sitting next to me with his date and he was trying to be all knowledgeable and impress the girl but half the stuff he was telling her was wrong lol! he kept pointing to douglas costa and telling her its firmino. i was cracking myself up listening to him talk complete bullshit but with such grand authority about technical game stuff.
12. at some point a loose ball ended up into the stands, some guy caught it, and 2 min later security came to take it away from him :/ why not let the guy just keep the ball?!? stupid. if it was me, i’d have made a fuss, maybe pretended that it hit me in the face and threatened to sue the stadium cuz they have not ensured the spectators’ safety or some such crap lol. see if they dont let me keep it to avoid a lawsuit.
13. the canarinho (for a.) - he was really great! interacting with the fans, dancing, hugging fans. really a fantastic mascot and absolute joy to watch! during the halftime he was out on the pitch, doing keepie uppies (in those shoes too!!! showing his brazilianness lol), and kicking balls into the stands
14. i was totally impressed by neymar. it was just so obvious how good he is and no, not because i am biased, which i admittedly am. i expected him to be good, duh, but to see it so clearly was amazing. he is not a fluke, he is the real deal. he stands out among even such quality peers as the rest of brazil nt! just something in the way he interacts with the ball, the way he moves, ‘sees’ his teammates without looking, turns on a dime, does the unexpected. i dont think he ‘thinks’ or ‘calculates’ at all his moves or that it is just a lot of practice, i think it is pure instinct in the moment, i.e. phenomenal natural talent. even though this was not one of his greatest games for sure, he just looked... special and different from the rest. most of the brazil players were displaying their clearly high quality but there is just something unique in the way neymar plays. even if you dont know who he is, what teams are playing, anything at all, you’d still pick him out and know that there is something extraordinary about this guy. if you unfocus your eyes so you see just all same yellow shirt figures, you would still be able to pick out which one is neymar. he did a bit of his skills and tricks and of course i wished he had done more. what i took away from watching him play live was that, in this average game, he looked as good playing live as he has in the past when i have watched his great games on tv. i dont know why. but watching neymar play live was an experience of its own. it felt like his average ‘live’ performance is as good as his great ‘tv’. i cant even imagine what it would be like watching one of his great performances live. while i dont feel im loosing so much watching games on tv vs live as mentioned above, i definitely feel that watching neymar in particular play live is on another level and im missing out when i watch him on tv instead of live. he is absolutely worth the price of admission. i was so disappointed in him for his wc antics but thats in the past now, and i have been reminded how right it feels to be his fan, not just for the nice things he does for kids/charity, his fun personality (and lets not forget the good looks, and oh boy they are SO GOOD lol) but his undeniably outstanding talent on the pitch. his game is just incredible. i hope he keeps healthy. i hope he gets his temper under control not just for a few games but for good. and i pray he always has the freedom to shine like he rightfully can. i am rooting for him to get the appreciation and acknowledgement he deserves, unadulterated by behavioral issues or personal drama.
ok, imma stop now. this post is huge, even by my standards. 
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haespoir · 6 years
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honestly, i’d like to start this post off by saying thank you!!! never would i have thought that i would ever reach over 100 followers,,, so the fact that i’ve hit 1000 followers seems so unreal to me,, so thank you guys! for supporting my writing and dealing with my nonsensical rambling!! 
with that being said: in honour of reaching 1000 followers, i’ve decided to start a little series on my blog. i’ll be writing for five main groups: nct ( all units ), loona, twice, red velvet and the boyz. these are my favorite groups to write for though i’ve really only ever written publicly for nct. 
i’ve complied a list of 60 aus ( most are from this masterlist and i’ve just chosen the ones that i like ) and 20 songs so just pick one and send me a request! note: most things will be written in bulletpoint and this post will serve as a masterlist for everything! 
example requests: 
“competitive au #1 w doyoung?” 
“angst song #2 with sana?” 
if a prompt is taken, it’ll be bolded with the name of the idol next to it! i’ll also include who requested it uwu basically, it’s a first come, first serve type thing! you can also request more than once!
ok with that being said,,, have fun! 
01. [ younghoon | anon ] “love letter” jinsoul and kim lip 
02. “push and pull” kard
03. “rumor” kard 
04. “lady” exid
05. “see saw” gowon and chuu and kimlip 
06. “walkin’ in time” the boyz 
07. “hard to love” bol4 
08. “destiny” lovelyz 
09. “we were in love” t-ara and davichi 
10. “dont recall” kard 
01. “hi” lovelyz
02. [ donghyuck | anon ] “walk u home” nct dream 
03. [ heejin | anon ] “what is love” twice 
04. [ jaemin | anon ] “shine” pentagon 
05. “imagine” bol4
06. “nevermind” jeong sewoon 
07. “real man” the east light
08. [ doyoung ] “a girl like me” gugudan 
09. [ yuta | @jenofanclub ] “heart attack” chuu 
10. “the day of confessing my love” jo kwon 
roommate aus
01. friend of a friend needs a place to stay before they get evicted
02. my roommate fell nd broke their arm in the shower,,, what do i do
03. [ yeri | @najaeminclub ] new roommate cooks for the first time and almost burns the house down
04. overheard you singing in the shower you sound angelic 
05. [ doyoung | anon ] your clothes ended up in my laundry and now im wearing your favorite tshirt 
enemies to lovers au 
01. you’re a jerk barista who purposely screws up my name when i order 
02. [ jihoon | @lovejihoonie ] you saw me crying and you weren’t supposed to,, why are u trying to hug me 
03. you come to the restaurant i work at and choose me as your server every time just to annoy me nd i can’t do anything or i’ll get fired
04. [ yuta ] look i know we haven’t said anything nice to each other for years and this is a bit sudden but can you hold my hand and pretend to be my partner for the next few minutes cause my ex is coming over and i can’t be on my own for this so lets just pretend we aren’t mortal enemies okay? omg, you’re saying nice things about me and your arms are around my waist and my heart is pounding in my chest and oh god no out of all the people i could crush on why you?
reincarnation aus
01. [ jaehyun | anon ] i meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time i’m meeting you when we’re the same age and i’m horrified that i might fuck this up
02. [ doyoung ] i skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and i know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back
03. [ yukhei | anon ] i don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog
04. [ taeyong | @najaemini ] we keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because i can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least i keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
height difference aus ( specify who is the tol nd who is the smol pls !! ) 
01. [ jacob | anon ] you were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’re both baristas and sometimes i have trouble reaching for things and i show up to work one day to find a personalized stool with hearts and my name on it i hATE YOU 
03. we’re in art class tgt and i just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at and said “shh i’m hiding” we’re on the bus and im really not trying to take up your space im sorry i just have rlly rlly long legs 
04. [ juyeon | @jenofanclub ] you’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious
05. you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die
competitive aus
01. [ jaemin ] we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust
02. i used to be the best baker in the neighbourhood but then you showed up at Mrs Appleby’s 80th birthday with a stack of brownies which almost gave me an orgasm my honour is at stake and im going all out for the next event
03. [ renjun | @najaeminclub ] a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if im going down you’re going down with me
04. you’re going to be at the halloween party and you’ve won best costume for the past three years but this year i am wearing the best costume ever if you defeat me i will eat my - wait you actually look really cute when did you turn hot what the fuck um
05. [ donghyuck | anon ] we’re always making stupid bets like ‘bet you can’t drink this whole bottle of BBQ sauce’ but then you did and now you’re sick and i feel really bad here let me look after you
06. did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
college aus 
01. [ momo | anon ] excuse me, I know we don’t have assigned seats in college, but I’ve been sitting in this one for eight weeks and it seems you’re in my spot
02. [ lucas | anon ] bless the spring semester stage combat class for practicing on the North Lawn, because watching my crush get sweaty and worked up while pretending to fight people really Does Things to me, okay
03. i was abroad last semester and forgot to fill out the housing form, but your old roommate dropped out so hi, hey, how’s it going, I guess we live together now
04. both of us turned up at the wrong room for this lecture but don’t know where its meant to be 
05. [ lucas | @najaemini ] we live in halls opposite each other and i keep seeing you changing through your window 
witch aus 
01. listen, i know im new at this and all, but you screeching at the top of your tiny frog lungs isn’t going to help anyone, is it????? don’t you dare croak at me in that tone
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’ve been friends for years, so are familiars are really good friends with each other too. nd recently, while we’ve been doing witchy stuff, i’ve noticed that our familiars are growing extremely close and being affectionate towards each other. that’s weird because like our familiars are supposed to represent our subconscious and that’s not how we feel about each other at all… right?
03. [ seulgi | anon ] i borrowed the broomstick you keep in your wardrobe, and while i was cleaning up some lint; it suddenly shOT UPWARDS AND SMASHED INTO THE CEILING WHILE I WAS STILL HOLDING IT AND IT WON’T STOP MOVING GET ME DOWN FROM HERE I SWEAR TO GOD.
ghost aus ( in which one person is a ghost ) 
01. the neighbours asked one time if I had any roommates and i said no and they just looked really confused because they can always hear me shouting or talking to someone. yea, my neighbours think I’m crazy now, so thanks for that.
02. we’ve been arguing for a solid hour about whether Amelia Earheart actually died when the plane supposedly crashed; i don’t care if you met her one time when you were in purgatory. that doesn’t make a difference!
03. my ghost is really temperamental so i sometimes just scream “FUCK OFF” at it really loudly. it quietens down after that.
04. i’ve become so used to all the weird shit that happens in my house that when i invited people over and you were just throwing books around in the hallway, i completely forgot that they aren’t used to it like i am and now they just ran out of the house screaming. 
05. [ johnny | anon ] you’re a ghost and you scared me so much that i died and i literally rose out of the floor two minutes later as a ghost, now we’re stuck together for eternity and now i’m gonna beat your ghost ass.
you know them but you don’t know them aus 
01. my friend can’t stop talking about how they want to set me up with their other friend so we start texting each other and they’re hilarious but shy about meeting and ALSO there’s a cute bike delivery guy who brings my mail at work and winks at me whenever i sign for a package 
02. [ sana | @jenofanclub ] i’m obsessed with a food blogger who writes about cheap ways to be gourmet in your 20s and i flirt with them over comments but they never post pictures of their face and ALSO there’s a really cute grocery bagger at the store down the street who teases me and always asks to join me for dinner and i definitely want to say yes
03. [ jaehyun | @jaehyunclub ] there’s an overnight IT person at school who always answers the phone when i call about a problem with my computer and i totally have a crush on their voice and their exasperation and ALSO the bakery down the street is always running out of my fave scones and the adorable person behind the counter can’t hide their amusement and i think it’s super rude but also super cute 
04. [ lucas | @najaeminclub ] my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick 
05. our kids are bitter rivals and the only time we ever meet is when we’re both called to the principal’s office and whatever maybe i think you’re kind of cute but your kid’s a monster and ALSO someone keeps buying the last everything bagel at my favorite coffee shop 2 minutes before i get there in the morning and has heard about my plight and has started leaving me bragging notes about it 
06. [ changmin | @lovejihoonie ] i hired a dog walking company and i’ve never met the person who comes to my apartment but they leave me really cute notes and they give my dog presents and i kind of love them because my dog does and ALSO one of the artists at this gallery opening is hella cute and i want them to paint me like one of their french girls
??? aus
01. [ jacob | @lovejihoonie ] im calling to cancel our date bc im actually in the er right now, sorry,,,, i mean,,, i guess u can come here,,,, bring me fries 
02. we’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up
03. a scary-looking person who unintentionally makes kids cry and a daycare volunteer meet at a children-filled park
04. [ sunwoo | anon ] you’re infamous for being an asshole nd i had to sit next you in class. turns out you’re kinda nice one-on-one. 
05. i let you cheat with my answers on a test and then you got the highest grade possible nd now you owe me a HUGE favour.
06. i just got bowled over by your huge-as dog in the park nd now you’re profusely apologizing while trying to hold your dog off 
07. [ kun | anon ] i kind of naturally spoil people and like taking care of them, you’re always getting sick in class / feeling down in class nd omg i think the teacher ships us???
08. [ yuta | @najaemini​ ] you always like to make me embarrassed by leaning in too close or hitting on me, but i’m used to it now nd one day i decided to retaliate
09. [ ten | anon ] ok so when we were little i accidentally mentioned that i had a crush on you but i always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this!!!
10. [ donghyuck | anon ] why are you so clingy people will think we’re dating- i know we are but you’re the one who wants it to be secret you moron!
11. [ taeyong | @najaeminclub ] i understand that you’re my bodyguard but that was a freaking FRISBEE not a nuclear bomb jesus christ- hey why are you still on top of me and why have i not noticed how beautiful you are? 
12. you’re so perfect and i’m in love with you but i’ve never actually met you and you keep avoiding meeting up, so i called nev and max to help me figure out whether or not you’re catfishing me
13. [ irene | anon ] you had a party and i got really drunk and stole your toaster, so i showed up the next day to return it and you were really hungover so i made you breakfast (but i burnt all of it)
14. [ jungwoo | anon ] you have dimension-jumping powers and you’re mad that literally EVERY OTHER VERSION OF YOURSELF is dating ( insert idol ). then ur idol asks u out and is confused when u screams ‘FUCKING FINALLY, JACKASS!’
15. [ hyunjae | anon ] i suggested we play spin the bottle so i could kiss you, but now everyone else is kissing you except me :/
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pappycat89 · 6 years
So, talking about early life and some of the things that im pretty sure fucked me up for adult life. under a cut cos boy will it be long and poorly written *finger guns*
i was gonna do this as like a timeline of things that happened, with explanations and shit, but instead im just gonna do a highlight reel, cos why not
My brother and i used to share a room for years, including when my younger brother and sister were born, grew up, and then got their own rooms while luke and i had to share a room into our teens. we fought, a lot, because we were kids and also stupid
when we were sharing a room it would become a huge mess, mostly because we were preteens and why would we put away the toys we were always playing with? anyways, our stepdad would often give us an hour to clean our rooms, which would have been plenty of time if we didnt get distracted by out toys, as kids do. if we didnt get it cleaned in time (which we pretty much never did) we would get flogged. not like a gentle smack to enforce we’d done something wrong (like how you might smack a friends arm when they say something wrong or offensive) but full on belting, often with some kind of tool. he broke a couple duster over our backsides. we would sob for ages afterwards, and often rush around or hide when we heard him coming because we were afraid
i was afraid of him physically hurting me even after i was an adult. i think i was 20 before i had had enough and decided if he ever touched me again i’d fight back. when i was 16 i wanted my eyebrow pierced. he told me if i ever did he would tear it from my face. i got it done when i moved out at 19, and had a panic attack the first time i had to go home because i was 100% convinced he would. my mum had to pull me aside after dinner to tell me he wouldn’t, but to be honest i didnt really believe her
i have two younger step siblings, who were treated as angels, while my brother and i were treated like shit constantly. When my step-brother threw a tantrum and threatened my brother and me with a knife, he got a ‘talking to’, but not before my brother and me were screamed at for being shitty brothers (his temper tantrum was because we kept telling him he had to clean his room before our parents got him. he never did clean it)
once, my step brother was given 3 days to clean his room. days after the deadline, my mum told put her foot down. My girlfirend and i (i had moved out at this point) were visiting and helping get the place ready for xmas. My step brother refused to clean, screamed at me when i reminded him he only had today to do it, literally went crying to mum when she got home from work. I got yelled at,, by both mum and my step dad, until my grilfriend stepped in to defend me. apparently my step brother had told them i hit him, yelled at him and locked him in his room. at this point in my life, i literally couldnt give a shit whether he cleaned his room or not as i didnt live there, so all i did was remind him and let it go
for a few months when i was 18 i worked with my stepdad at a steel mill (the pay was almost worth deal with his bullshit). i had made plans a week in advance to go out with friends, and asked my stepdad multiple times to warn me in advance if i had to work the next day. the day of going out came, i told him that if i had to work to let me know by 10pm, because i would have enough time to come home and be functional for work. He never got in contact, so i stayed out all night and crashed at a friends place. 5am comes around and i get an angry phone call from my mum. my stepdad was pissed that i was out and wasnt ready for work. She knew that i had asked to be told by 10pm, but they both had ‘forgot’, and it was my fault, because i should have come home anyway. this was not the last time they would forget to tell me my shifts (my stepdad literally gave everyone their shifts, he had no excuse). i ended up getting picked up and dragged to work (i was too afraid of him to say no at this point) and went to work very hungover, which was very dangerous at a steel mill, but i was so afraid of him beating me that i put up with it
During my preteens i was part of an athletics club. i liked it, and enjoyed the field events far more then the track events. i hated running, because i would get really bad shin splints. no one believed me, and mum thought i was just lazy. i got into the regional championships for discus and high jump, and state for javelin. everyone was excited for me to go, but when i didnt place no one talked about it again. i felt so guilty over failing i stopped trying as hard. i did well at the weekly events, but never well enough to compete again.
i played soccer for years until mum got a weekend job and couldnt take us. my teammates thought i was useless and would never let me have the ball. one day, when we were short people, i got placed as a forward. i kept up with the others, and even scored a few goals. i got cheered for that game, and finally thought i would be accepted and make friends, but then the next week was back on the bench
similar happened when is started playing basketball instead of soccer (it ran on weeknights instead of weekends). i almost gave up until one of my teammates pulled me aside and actually tested me. when he found i could play, he started including me in games, passing to me and teaching me better techniques. i crushed on him so hard before i even knew what that meant. i never saw him again after that season, so when the next season came with an almost all new team, mixed with the emotional strain of school, i gave up on sports
school was very hard for me growing up. i got bullied alot through both primary and high school (even university, but by that point it didnt bother me as much)
i was a very sensitive child. i would cry whenever i felt too much of any emotion, including happiness. People told me for years to ‘suck it up’, to stop crying, or better, that they’d ‘give me something to cry about’. this lead to me bottling my emotions and literally beating myself whenever i would cry that i physically couldnt shed a tear for over a decade.
i felt so disconnected from everyone in my life that when i was around 12 i decided to try to kill myself. being a stupid kid i thought i could hold my breath until i died. i tried 3 times over about 6 months. it never clicked that it wouldnt work, i just became more scared of death then i did of my bullies.
i ran away from school twice in the same year. the first time one of my bullies set off a cap gun next to me, then started yelling about how i did it. i was so afraid of getting in trouble, not just by my teacher, but by my parents that i just ran. i ended up coming back to the school 30 mins later, after both my parents and the police had been called. no one wanted to hear why i had done it, they just wanted to be angry that i left school grounds.
i dont remember why i did it the second time, but i was gone maybe 5 mins before i came back, fearing not only my parents but the police this time. i knew i would be in worse trouble, but i just couldnt be in the school anymore.
one time, when we had a sex education class, i explained to a ‘friend’ that i didnt like talking about this stuff, cos it made me feel weird (not in a sexual way, but like, grossed out weird) he told everyone i got an erection in class, and people called me boner boy for months. that was actually not long before i tried to commit suicide for the first time
i thought things would be better in high school because i went to a different school then everyone i knew (i missed my friends, but i figured id get a new start). instead i got bullied from day one. the jockish kids in my class saw i was an easy target because at this point i still cried at the drop of a hat. some of those bullies from day one bullied me all the way through to senior year.
as i hit puberty i stopped being so emotional (well, i bottle it up more) and instead became angry at everything. i would lash out at everyone, and when i couldnt lash out at people i hit things. i split my knuckles on walls and doors many times
once, in the library, one of my bullies stole my wallet. he took all the money out, then threw the empty wallet at me and laughed. i snapped and threw the chair i was sitting on at him. i missed, but he dropped the money. i got sent to the vice principals office, where i explained what happened. he called in the other boy, who denied it all. no one else had seen, so i got in trouble and he got off
it was in highschool that i learnt that pain could help clear the bad feelings from my head, and started to self harm. i hated the feeling of cutting, so i burned myself, or scratched mosquito bites and small cuts until that got so bad they would scar
i used to try really hard in to be a good student in high school. i was in the ‘gifted and talented’ classes in primary school, so whenever i didnt do well (i never failed, just was never top of my class) i got told i had ‘so much potential’. no one ever saw the effort i did put in. When the school sent a letter home one time to congratulate me on getting the second top score in a test, i heard nothing of it. i found the letter a few weeks after it had been sent, opened. neither my mum nor stepdad had said anything about it. soon after i decided there was no point in trying if people only ever cared when i failed
i got into a fist fight one day at school. they didnt call my folks, so my mum found out when i got home with a black eye. we got into a fight about it, because i didnt want to talk to her about what happened. when confronted i broke down, and told her that i wanted to die. she yelled at me about being selfish while smacking me across the face multiple times. i decided not to talk to her about how i felt anymore, because i couldnt understand how you could beat someone who just said they wanted to die. to this day everytime i try to talk to her about any serious emotional stuff i start to break down and just cant do it
i to bullied about being gay for so many years that when i started to have feelings for other men i buried them and tried not to think about it. i spent years being scared that i might be gay, worried about what would happen to me if i was. When i started to think about my gender ( i didnt understand gender at the time) and how i wished i had been born a woman, i buried that and just assumed it was puberty hormones fucking with me. i still cant think about it without almost having an anxiety attack. i have so many years of self hatred, of poor body images and of people telling me i was ugly/fat/gross that i cant see myself as anything but
i finally calmed down emotionally around 17/18. senior year. at this point i tried my best to ignore my bullies and the voices in my head. i just wanted school to end so i could run away somewhere. i wanted to go to university to study forensic science. i had two different teachers tell me i wasnt smart enough, and that i would never get into uni. i ended up failing my HSC and having to do a bridging course to get into uni. the course was so good, in both how they taught in the environment (it was held at the univeristy) that i more then doubled my ATAR and got accepted into the two top forensic science courses (in hindsight i chose the worse of the two, but i didnt know at the time)
university was mixed years. i made some amazing friends and learnt some great stuff, but also had to deal with some absolute dickheads. It was a small country town where the only things to do outside study was to drink and play football. id given up on playing sports years before hand, and 9 out of 10 of the football players were super racist and homophobic. One of them raped a friend of mine and the university defended him. thats when my friends and i decided we had to leave campus. add to that that i found out at the end of my third year i had been doing the wrong course for the job i wanted, i quit uni and left
TL:DR - theres a lot of shit that fucked me up, but typing it all out i cant tell if it actually fucked me up or if im just whining about normal shit. ahh well. better to get it out then keep it in
Tune in next time folks! Same Bat-time! same Bat-channel!
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identitycris1s · 4 years
im back
hi just thought id pop in with a status update! maybe i’ll break this down into categories. feel like im doing an email update (ew!) but this rly is probs the best way to structure this post...
work / school (?)
work has been....aite. idk what to say. idk if i have unrealistic expectations of what work is supposed to be, but the idealist in me thinks its wrong to not even try and find something that seems meaningful / is deeply fulfilling. i think im mature enough to get that work isnt supposed to be fun / exciting every single day but bro this daily grind / sense of dread / utter disinterest / feeling of futility / frustration / disenchantment surely isnt the correct state of affairs.....at least let me try and find something that is a better fit, thats more stimulating, that feels more NATURAL to me? i just dont think im cut out to be a lawyer. sure i sometimes like arguing and making my point and i like that everyone i work with is smart and interesting and generally kind and reasonable and i like the prestige of the job and feeling like ppl respect me and i like the decent pay and the humane hours but.....i feel unmotivated to be a good lawyer. i think i find it difficult / disingenuous to always 100% get behind my client and advocate for their best interests. i tend to see things from a zoomed out perspective, like WHY are we fighting, WHY cant we just settle, WHY are the claimants pursuing this absolutely crap and unmeritorious claim and WHY do we have to defend it when its stupid and bound to fail (cos access2justice i guess but still, WHY), WHY cant we just hash things out in a meeting instead of sending emails here and there and wasting time, WHY do we have to answer stupid questions, WHY WHY WHY
and i think public policy is sort of an answer to that....i think theres more questioning of why we do things and why a policy will or will not work, in a macro sense - what is good for society at large. whereas in law (at least in litigation) its how can we just move this case forward and help the client, which is often not the most productive thing to do in a macro sense - very much a zero sum game. i get that shitty / unmeritorious claims still need to be defended against and someone has to do it and I GET IT but i just dont think i want to be that person defending these claims...or bringing them for that matter.....ultimately i cant fully / sincerely separate the overarching sense of futility from the duty to do a good job.
sigh. well at least ive kind of figured out this isnt for me. which is scary cos being a lawyer in this firm is pretty much a career for life - truly an iron rice bowl, i could probably make partner in maybe 4 or 5 years and live a comfortable upper middle class life...but i cant bring myself to do that. i cant bring myself to not give myself a shot at doing something i actually find interesting, stimulating and that i care about deeply. call me crazy! we’ll see where this brings me in 5 years’ time....:) 
anyway most ppl at work (at least in my team) know that im most likely gonna leave soon. i rly only told 2 ppl (my boss cos he had to sign off on my testimonial and G cos she was quitting anyway)...but somehow ppl found out one way or another. i dont rly mind and ppl have been taking it pretty well and have been kind and encouraging (i guess why would they not take it well, im hardly indispensable) but i get a bit antsy thinking - what if i dont get in...then what? do i just put my head down and continue here (BUT IM SO SAD) or do i just quit without any prospects and try to find a policy-ish job??
idk. will have faith that God will put me where I need to be. he is in control of it all and I BELIEVE THIS !!! I am just a bit scared that his plan is different from what i  think i want....but this is just my human instinct and i know in my head that there is no reason to be scared cos his plan is always the better one. head knowledge just needs to translate to heart understanding and real trust / faith.
ermmm relationships...???
i started using...cmb...idk why i find this so cringey. i guess about a year ago i couldnt imagine doing this and i kept thinking EW what if ppl i know see me and they think im a desperate saddo who cant find a bf irl and has to resort to an app EW shes so lame and ugly and gross. and i realised that is so stupid no one actually thinks that way and its very backward and dumb and insecure of me to be thinking that. and anyway as i get older i rly dont quite give a shit what ppl think of me (at least i tell myself that....)
i suppose i was also inspired by csm who has been quite actively using apps and meeting ppl and taking real..strides..(LOL) in her dating life. i used to tell myself hey God will provide u with a mans if he wants u to be with a mans. but also God can use an app to do that...and if i dont step out in faith that he will do something and i dont take any action at all, how is God gonna work?? should i sit at home and expect a man to fall into my lap??
for some ppl it has been way easier, e.g. my parents meeting in uni and falling i love. i always wanted that - the organic relationship, the meet-cute, the friends to lovers thing. (i guess i tried that last one before and it didnt work...) but i think theres no point in romanticising relationships anymore. thats a very modern thing to do and its not necessarily a good thing? like who’s to say a relationship that had organic beginnings is intrinsically better than one that started from an app?
anyway i havent had much luck haha i think its hard to find genuine GCBs (or maybe theyre just not attracted to me....) although recently ive been talking to this one guy B for a week or two and its been...ok i guess. hes rly nice and seemed cool at first - we talked about travelling and hamilton and the office, which was a good start. he is thoughtful and kind and doesnt seem to be put off by my very slow replies (he replies so fast......its stressful a bit) and he does the whole good morning text thing (which i frankly find a bit bizarre, we barely know each other..?? and ive never even met him irl.. but its sweet i guess :))
but DUDE his english seems to be not great - at least thats the impression i get from texting him. which is an issue for me. i dont want it to be BUT IT IS...first red flag was when he said some weird thing about not wanting to wear a mask at work (not a literal mask - like he didnt know if he could be his ‘true self’) and the wording was very strange. then he said “the weekends are almost here” ?? the weekend is not a plural though? then he used the wrong tense a few times and his apostrophe usage was wrong (”Gods’ love” - bro there is one God). he also uses way too many commas which irks me.
i mean i get that text is supposed to be an informal medium - come on look at this post, there r hardly any capital letters and plenty of short forms and hardly any apostrophes but u see its CONSISTENT and its obviously cos of laziness / convenience - but i think his problem is a bit different...u can sort of tell if someone doesnt have a 100% strong grasp of english. those r basic grammar mistakes man...i get that i sound petty and stupid and this isnt a huge deal but i feel like im settling by even talking to him cos this is not something i wld normally tolerate but hey maybe im getting desperate with age :(:(:( urgh 
on the other hand maybe i just need to be more generous with ppl and l have an irrationally high standard for english cos i am a lawyer and my friends all speak well / text well?? maybe im just being too nitpicky?? honestly hes very nice  and communicative and straightforward and seems mature and very God-fearing and idk why hes still talking to me cos ive been a bit cold and slow to respond. hes very patient which i dont rly deserve.....i myself have a million flaws that are probably way worse and egregious (ahem PRIDE...ahem ego....ie the source of this dilemma in the first place...) so maybe i should just close one eye abt the bad grammar.
i also realised how fked up i am - confirmed my suspicion that i am naturally attracted to emotionally unavailable ppl / ppl that just seem distant / out of reach (thats my avoidant attachment style right there). i think there was one day he didnt text me at all and omg...i couldnt stop thinking what i did wrong...like did i piss him off by being too cold for too long...did he get scared off cos i said i wanted to do a masters (idk this seemed like an irrational leap but i was being irrational)..then i started being nicer to him and replied more promptly hahaha turns out he was just rly bz at work that day. omg this pattern is real i think i did this with xj also - was eager to speak when he was in japan but after meeting irll i was just over it... (i am drawn to distance like a moth to a flame and i am repelled by availability like....a fire by a fire extinguisher (??)). yucks i rly hate myself sometimes but yknow what at least im self aware and im trying to fix this...kind of.. gonna hash this avoidant thing out with my therapist at the next sesh.
on the topic of xj i got a bit nostalgic and wondered why we stopped speaking (surprise surprise it was my fault, didnt reply then felt it had been left to long to pick it up again...) went back to look at our texts and aw we rly got along so well, i do miss him as a friend and im sorry about how poorly i treated him especially in dec 2018 / jan 2019 sigh.....i was a real bitch....
anyway im just gonna see how things go with B... if he asks me out i prob will go... just to give it a shot. update if / when that happens!
EDIT - he asked me out lol we shall see how it goes. 
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mikecardenmpreg · 7 years
recovery, etc.
so its been just about a year since i got back into therapy and i just want to say this because i didnt make it clear enough when it happened. when i went in for my intake session last december, they wanted to hospitalize me. like. that day. right then. they didnt even want to finish the interview. they just wanted to admit me. because people reporting numbers like mine were in hospitals on suicide watch. they did not want me to leave the premises. i had to assure them that i wasnt going to kill myself (even though i knew that wasnt a promise i could make). i had to sign a CONTRACT promising i would not kill myself before my first therapy session. the intake specialist was skeptical but he let me go (though he had no idea how i was able to function on a daily basis - jokes on him though because i wasnt functioning at all). he had a look in his eye that told me he wasnt sure letting my leave was a good idea. when i went to my first therapy session with ann a few weeks later, she also wanted to hospitalize me and again i found myself assuring someone i didnt know that i wasnt going to kill myself (and that still wasnt a promise i could make). a year ago i was so sick that i was nearly hospitalized for my own safety and for the safety of others. i smiled and joked and laughed through it all. i reblogged relatable sad posts. i tried not to make it seem like it really bothered me. but i was barely hanging on. 
i got my diagnosis on december 13th. i didnt talk to ann much but i told her just enough for her to deduce i had bpd. its something i knew for at least two years. i sat with my knees to my chest the entire session, uttering a few words here and there, picking at the fraying knees of my jeans. she took notes. she told me my numbers were concerning, that people with numbers like these are generally in inpatient care. i stared. nothing behind my eyes. i was a shell. she said “hopefully next time we meet youll be more comfortable with me and we can talk some more”. i felt like an asshole for sitting there and wasting her time. i thought i was a lost cause. i thought there was no way i was gonna get better.
and for the longest time i didnt. i was hurting so much. i was separated from all my friends and still dealing with the aftermath of not one but two absolutely devastating (at the time) rejections. i wanted to kill myself so badly but didnt have the means to do it efficiently and effectively (ive always been too scared to actually try to kill myself in case it didnt work - something ive told my therapist). i felt like the biggest fucking loser. i remembered the summer of 2012 and thinking (back then) that there was no way i could feel worse than i did then. i was wrong. how i felt in december 2016 through january-march 2017 was the worst ive ever felt in my entire life. looking back its mostly static. dont remember a lot of it. all i remember is being angry and suicidal and wanting to hurt everyone around me.
in april i started dbt. it took awhile for me to get into the class. ann had me take other classes to help cope with my other problems (anxiety mostly) and helped me process some of my issues until i could get into dbt. borderline is a little out of her area of expertise but she knows how to listen and is very very good at validating all my little hang ups (i love my therapist).
it took me a few weeks to see the value in dbt. for the first few months all it did was dredge up old shit and trigger me until i was hollow and numb. every week it felt like i was being ripped open and flayed. every week i got to relive a different traumatic memory. every week i disassociated to keep myself safe in this room of strangers (who were also disassociating to keep themselves safe). (disassociation is not a healthy coping mechanism) 
but then i went on medication for my depression and anxiety and the combination of that, dbt, and regular therapy sessions actually began to like work? like? thats wild? and i started to see changes in my life because i was learning how to communicate appropriately and deal with my trauma effectively. and i stopped dwelling on the things that made me feel bad and started diving in to the things that made me feel good. i started spending more time with friends and reaching out and actually putting an effort into being a better friend. i started being honest and open with my parents about my progress rather than being super secretive and hiding things. and somehow the constant stress dreams and nightmares and violent thoughts and suicidal ideations stopped. i was finally able to enjoy things again. i was even able to spend time with my parents and actually enjoy it. hell i even looked forward to seeing them and talking to them (which is a really fucking big deal).
there have been slip ups along the way. things have happened that have really bent me out of shape. but i was able to deal with those things and recover. last december i was prepared to ruin every relationship i had. i told my parents to not come to my graduation. i almost deleted all my friends phone numbers and unfollowed them on all social media so i never had to speak to them again. i was ready to isolate myself from everyone so that when i killed myself (which i was getting ready to do) i wouldnt hurt anyone.
im not gonna say that i cant believe that person then and the person i am now are the same people because i can absolutely believe it. there are times when i want to go back to my old ways because regressing is a lot easier than constant progress. and getting better doesnt always have 100% positive results. ive learned a lot about myself and others along the way. ive had to sever ties. ive learned that some people arent capable of change. ive learned that sometimes taking a break from the people you love the most is the best thing you can do for yourself (and for them). ive had to have hard conversations because getting better has forced me to learn that you gotta actually work for what you want. 
i havent been perfect this whole time either. i still havent learned how to value my own feelings over the feelings of others or how to accept that other people care about me. im sure some day i will. a year of therapy isnt going to fix everything. but some day ill have a breakthrough.
the whole point of this though is that if i can make it through my darkest moments and turn my shit around....anyone can. but its important to know beforehand that its a process. nothing happens overnight. nothing happens in a month. recovery is something you have to work at day and night for the rest of your life. its something you have to want. it doesnt come easy and its not pleasant. its not all soothing baths and flowers and handwritten journals. its crying and screaming and addressing your past traumas and welcoming them into your home like theyre family (and then accepting that they happened but not letting them dictate your every move). its being honest - brutally honest - with not only yourself but with others. its letting go of people you love and learning to exist in the void of loneliness (until the people you love learn to accept the new you). its showing up every week (or month or whatever) and saying something for once, even if you think its stupid, even if you think its irrelevant. recovery is ongoing. im about to finish my first year. i still have a lot of work to do and im actually kind of excited to do it? which is cool considering my contingency plan has always been to kill myself.
anyway. i just wanted to say that. i dont pat myself on the back very often but ive accomplished a lot this last year. and not gonna lie but ive referred to myself as “most improved patient” in my head multiple times these past few months. im in a pretty okay place right now. im glad im still here (despite the world getting worse literally every day). im glad i have people i can share that with. and i hope some day soon i can return the love and support ive been given tenfold :)
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tinysadface · 7 years
what advice would you give incoming freshman or students in general for college?? i noticed in one of your posts you said you were a senior so you must have picked some things up
aw heck, i’m not sure im the best to give advice but i’ll try to give you some advice since this isnt my first rodeo
1. when I was a freshmen I didn’t know anyone at my college, all my friends went to a state university and I went to a liberal arts college haha. but I will say, it was absolutely terrifying (But exciting) for me to even think about leaving my hometown and live away from home. I didn’t even know who my roommate was going to be. but, in the end when I moved down to usao I knew that i wasn’t going to do myself any favors by locking myself in my room so I went out of my way to try and make friends. and I definitely did make friends, which leads me to my next point: youre probably going to lose the first friends you make. Maybe not by choice, but it happens. you meet so many new people and its a new experience and….sometimes those relationships dont work out, and thats ok. its a learning experience but youll find people who stick around and make college a fun experience. I lost friends, gained friends, and lost friends again.
2. go…..to class………….. you’re not doing yourself or your professor any favors by not showing up. hey…you’re the one paying for the class why not just show up and try. Sometimes I know its fucking hard. I go through these depressive weeks where I just cant force myself to get out of bed and walk to a class that I hated but I knew all i was doing was digging myself a hole I wouldn’t get out of by not showing up. yes, I know sometimes shit happens, like when you get sick and stuff and yes, if you’re fuckin throwing up or have a fever, dont go to class and get everyone else sick too. But do try and make an effort to find out what you did that day by asking around, ask another student if you can look at their notes for the day you missed, almost always, even if they dont really know you will be like “Yea” and then you can just snap a pic of the notes on your phone. (also another thing, dont fucking leave early unless its an emergency, thats fucking rude, and it almost always pisses off the professors and shows that you dont care)
3. books are fucking expensive, if you can, check out websites that sell textbooks cheaper (ebooks for like tablets or laptops are usually not very expensive) or honestly even just go to the library and see if they have the book, they probably wont let you check it out but you cansit there and read it or take pics on your phone for later. sometimes if youre real sneaky, you can sometimes find a pdf of a textbook online ;)
4. you’re going to eat really shitty food. and im sorry, sometimes there is just no way around that. Even your cafe is probably going to be terrible (i know mine is…..unless you go to a school that is well funded…….) you’re going to live in your dorm/apartment and youre going to go “wow all i have is this really tiny fucking mini fridge and a shitty microwave and those “cute life hacks for dorm life eating” are usually bullshit or just still out of budget. You’re probably going to be eating fuckin a microwavable bowl of mac and cheese with sriracha sauce because youre so tired of the flavor and thats ok. water is free…. 
5. if you live on campus and there is a laundrymat on campus. fucking change the lint trap on the dryer….please…. you dont know how many times ive tried to wash my clothes and seen that 3 people before me didnt even bother to clean the lint trap. Last semester a fire started in our dorms because one of the dryers finally caught on fire bc some students didn’t change the damn lint trap….
6. parties are….always going to happen. Try to stay safe yo…dont be fucking stupid, especially if you are underage. just dont be fucking stupid.
7. sometimes youre going to want to binge watch an entire fucking anime or show instead of study. and 100% of the time youre going to regret it. But its going to happen, do not kid yourself. But maybe while studying, take breaks and do things that will relax or calm you down before studying again. (Also. yes. studying at night before an exam will help, even if you feel like you totally got that test, just reading over it and looking over your notes before bed can help you out, or…well its always helped me out)
8. if you live in the dorms, youre going to want to decorate to make it cute and fun :)! and you can do it…..but just remember in a fucking year that all has to come down.
9. (this is from lizard, a recent graduate and her fucking planners) for the week/month list out what you need to get done that week and put them in a planner distributed throughout the week/month so you’re not just overwhelmed at the end of the month
10. take care of yourself, ok? sometimes we really like to get caught up in the “college life” its almost like…a game of who can make themselves the most miserable and one up the other students “oh YOU only had 5 hours of sleep??? well I haven’t even slept!!!” like, yea there are going to be days where allnighters are probably going to happen, but dont kill yourself over college. Take breaks, manage your time so you don’t have to stay up too late to work (although sometimes it just happens) and make time for you. Take care of yourself mentally and physically, youll thank yourself later.
ok im sorry this is long and kinda stupid at some parts but idk. there is probably a lot i can talk about but that question was a bit broad (i didn’t even really get into my art side of college which is a lil different) so if anyone does have questions or advice over a certain thing in college or something then shoot haha 
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shakespearean-tc · 5 years
Teacher Crush Background
Originally posted March 29th, 2019 Some background on me and A.
I know that like, I haven’t known him for 2 or 3 years like others in the community, but… I dunno I really needed to get my story out because keeping this in is so hard
He started teaching at my high school around late January. He’s small for a guy, like 5′ 5-6″. I’m almost 5′ 10″ so??? theres an issue haha but hes adorable. We’re 6 years apart? Does this even matter? Who knows.
Anyway, he began as our student teacher and I seriously thought that he was such a dork at the beginning. It was an endearing thought, but he seemed so quirky? Which isn’t a bad thing but he had sO MuCH ENERGy. hes a millenial so like he knows all of the memes and vines and omg i just- Yeah. He’s a good teacher and he’s gone through some rough stuff, but he’s just??? Such a wonderful guy.
Eventually, I found out he was a huge nerd? i was just talking about Legend of Zelda with my friend and he just literally like I swear to god, his ears perked up and he was like “Yo were you just talking about Majora’s Mask?” And i was like “Uh wow, yeah i was how tf did you-” “OMG I LITERALLY LOVE THAT GAME SO MUCH ITS MY FAVORITE”
But I guess??? I’ll just like share some times when I really was like “omg i think i have a crush” because why tf not i dunno what the heck im doing
1- This is like 2 weeks in since he’s been teaching us. We were doing an exercise so that we could work on our natural reactions, yeah? You would say a word and the other people in your group would answer with the first word that came to mind. Because in theatre, it’s really difficult to fake a genuine reaction to something and also because improvisation my dudes
But anyhow, I was bored and I just kinda was like “Trauma.” And my friend, E, goes, “PTSD” and then my other friend just yells “TYLER” and A just leaped up and was like “CONCERN?!??!?!” and so he just walked over and we were laughing so hard i could hardly breathe, but he just looked at us, slightly concerned, and my friend made some stupid comment, I cant even remember what it was but i started laughing even harder that i snORTED and he looked at me and I just went bright red and he started laughing SO HARD THAT HE WAS ALMOST CRYING and we finally calmed down and i just kinda mumbled “omg i hate my laugh that was awful” and he just smiled at me and was like “Hey, don’t. it’s real and it’s an awesome laugh. i love it.”
2- This was probably about a month in or so. Middle of February. He started out coming to class dressed like?? Really nice, and hes got long hair so he always wore it in a ponytail. He was in like slacks and dress shirt, tie, etc, etc. I always thought it was kinda cute, but then one day, out of the blue- He shows up to class with his hair down, jeans, sneakers, a zelda shirt and this really nice leather jacket- i swear to god he walked into class and i like glanced up from my sketchbook and had to do a friggin double take??? He looked like a different man??? but he looked so much more comfortable like jeez wow he looked so nice, and now he dresses like this all the time
3- One day after class, i was packing up my stuff, and it was just me and him in the classroom. out of the blue he started coughing really hard and really bad and i like dropped everything and was like “OmG ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU NEED HELP” and he just kinda shook his head, and drank some water. after a minute he turned to me, and was like “No, im ok, im okay” and i was like “okay, but??? are you sure??? that scared me” and he sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and said “listen, idk if ill tell the rest of the class, but… you cant tell anyone about this because its embarrassing.” and i was here thinking “wtf is it??” and he says “I have Cystic fibrosis (ill refer to this as CF later on in my blog posts at some points).” and i looked at him all weird and was like “what is that” and he tells me “its hard to explain but basically my lungs dont work right and its hard for me to breathe a lot of the time.” and i just “how come ive never heard of it?” He says “Its really rare. its a life threatening disease, and i dont like to tell many people about it because i feel like they treat me like im delicate and fragile, and i dont want to be treated like that. please don’t tell anyone else.” and i smiled softly and nodded. “Okay I won’t. Just… let me know if you need help.” He smiled at me. “Thanks M. Will do. Have a good day.”
4- In late February. We were working on memorising our scenes that we had written and one of the other groups had just finished theirs. it was a very sad scene and he was like “Ouch, right in my feels. good job guys.” And he started walking out of the room, when one of the girls was talking to me and said “yeah, were gonna have her die in the end” and by now, A is out of the room, but i hear like a very soft thumpthumpthumpthump and he runs back into the room and yells “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’VE DONE THIS” and runs out, leaving the rest of us dying of laughter. (another time me and my friend were quoting vines and she goes “say colorado!” and he runs up behind up and just “IM A GIRAFFE”)
We’re really good friends, always talking after class and sharing jokes. He sometimes rants with me after school.
I guess this last one is when I realised I was… almost falling in love with him. I know it sounds so silly, but idk its nice to finally be able to say it.
This was the 1st of March. It was the night we were performing our scenes, and there was like 100-150 people in the audience. I have bad stage fright, but what you need to know is that I had a boyfriend a few years back who killed himself, and sometimes I see people that look like him, and i almost get… triggered?? Idk how to explain it but i break down. Anyway, we were backstage and I was helping one of the groups carry off their props when, for some reason, I looked out into the audience and I froze. Because in my eyes, there was a man sitting there that looked identical to my dead boyfriend. I started to shake, and I dropped the prop I was holding. Luckily the lights were almost completely out, so the audience could hardly see anything. My friend grabbed me and the prop and dragged me off stage. I got out into the hall next to the theatre and i just stood there, like a deer in headlights. the hall was almost completely empty, and my friend was like “are you alright?” i told her i was fine, and that I just needed a minute. she went back into the theatre to watch the other groups perform. i was alone in the hall now, and everything hit me like a brick. i began to get really dizzy and i started to lean against the wall. every time i closed my eyes, all i saw was that man, and i started to sob. i was shaking and i felt like i was going to die. i was already really anxious about our scene, and i was hitting the wall with my fist because i was kinda mad at myself. my boyfriend had been dead for about a year, and i got so upset with myself when i thought about it because i blamed myself for everything and i felt stupid because he’d been gone for so long. my knuckles started to bleed and thats when I heard the backstage door shut and I whipped my head around to see A there. I quickly tried to wipe away my tears and pretend like I was fine. He looked at me, and the rest went as such:
A: “M? What’s the matter? Why are you crying? Are you okay?” Me: “Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine. Peachy. I’m great.”
I laughed and I wiped more tears from my eyes, but the salt started to sting my bleeding knuckles. I hissed in pain, and his eyes widened. He grabbed my hand.
A: “M? What… Why are your knuckles bleeding? You’re- You’re crying. You’re obviously not alright.”
I laughed again, shaking my head.
Me: “No. I’m fine.” A: “Your knuckles are bleeding. You are NOT fine. Please. Tell me. What’s going on?”
I took a deep breath, and I heard the other door open. The other group must’ve been finished with their scene. Some of the other kids began filing out and I tried to make it look like I hadn’t been crying.
“Excuse me?” I heard someone ask.
A and I both turned around. And lo, and behold. That man. was right there. I dont know his name. i know nothing about him. but he was a spitting image of my boyfriend. “Do you know when (name of my classmate) is performing her scene? She’s my younger sister, and I’ve got to get home soon, but I don’t want to miss it.” He informed us.
I turned around again, trying not to freak out while A told him that they would be on stage soon. The man went back into the theatre, along with my classmates. I was choking back tears and A must’ve noticed. A: “M? Are you sure you’re okay? You look like a deer in headlights.” Me: “Who is he? I- I don’t want to see him again, he looks like- like-” At this point in time, I couldn’t hold much back. I began to cry all over again and A sat me down against the wall. I told him everything. I told him about my boyfriend, the suicide, my anxiety, how I was so scared to get on stage, and that I couldn’t handle seeing that man. I told him all of it. When I was done, he reached for his shirt collar and pulled out a locket. He opened it, showing it to me. A: “Do you see her?” There was a young woman in the photo with A, and they were both laughing.
Me: “She’s pretty. Who is she?” A: “My sister. She passed away from CF when I was 16. I wear this locket to remind me of her and how she was one of the only people who believed in me, especially when no one else did. Everyday, it keeps me strong, and reminds me that I can go through hard things and make it out alright in the end. Now, I want you to listen closely. First of all, your boyfriend’s suicide was NOT your fault, okay? No matter what. It was his decision, and I know that he wouldn’t want you to spend your entire life blaming yourself for something he chose. Second, you have no reason to be scared on stage. I’ve seen you trying so hard to get your lines memorised and become this character. You’re such an amazing actress and you’ve no reason to feel uneasy. Stage fright is hard. It really is.” He grabbed my hands at this point. “But you are AMAZING. And you are going to be so wonderful up there on stage. I have faith in you M.”
I swallowed, and nodded, wiping my eyes. He stood up, and helped me stand up. A: “Now c’mon. Let’s go see if we can find some bandaids for your hands.” We both went to the classroom, found some bandaids and cleaned off my hands. When it came time for our scene, he wished me good luck. For once, I felt confident. I felt like I was alright. After the entire show was over, we were cleaning up the stage. My friends were waiting outside for me by my car and I went over to A. He set down the prop he was holding and turned to me, smiling. A: “You were great! I told you that you could do it!” Me: “Thanks A. I just wanted to let you know that tonight meant a lot to me. I was really upset and anxious, but you made me feel a lot better. You’re a great teacher, and I’m so glad that you’re with us.” He smiled really big. A: “Thanks M. That means a lot to me. You have a lot of potential, and I love talking with you. Have a good night.” I bid him farewell, and since then? Things have been different. We’re… friends, I suppose. We talk after class more often, we have intellectual discussions over email, we share an emotional bond. I guess that’s when I really realised I was basically in love with him. He’s one of the only people in my life who I can feel completely comfortable around, someone that I trust with basically everything. He makes me feel special and of worth, and I know it all sounds so silly, but I really adore him. Thanks for reading this whole big long post, i guess
i really like the tcc community to be honest, even though im remotely new to it. a lot of people seem really cool if you ever want to rant to me or just talk, im here to listen!
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aparoxysm · 7 years
☼☼☼☼ i don't even know how many i pasted but GIMME
this is literally going to be so long i talk so much YOURE GONNA REGRET THIS
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation
WELL, i think this would be kyle tbh. like no okay, he’s usually a responsible guy but hes SOOO easily manipulated and pressured into things ok??? the puppy would just have to look @ him and he’d just be like “no buddy im sorry i can’t………………… alright fine jump in the backpack ill be your obi wan we’re outta here”
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
deanna 10000000%
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
i actually feel like both? i feel like kyle is usually the instigator but since being around him all the time, deanna’s really going to get to embrace a dorkier side of herself. he likes making people laugh and she likes him making her laugh so basically he is gonna make her come to the dork side sooner or later~
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
HAHA probably kyle.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
SO i have finally decided that kyle is really interested in history and archeology. i think hes gonna really commit to college this time around soon and deannas gonna be pouty when he cant shower her in attention lolololol. so definitely her distracting and succeeding.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
i don’t know if deanna really has a temper but given that she’s got italian blood in her, i’d say genetics prove that she’d be the one to walk out. kyle would 10/10 be upset if she did.
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
kyle. netflix nerd.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
both. 10/10.
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
kyle LOL hes such a dweeb. there’s him in an ugly christmas sweater and antlers.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
…..deanna? maybe? im not really sure, again, i dont know what her temper is like. i don’t know if shes a need space person or not yet, but kyle wouldn’t be able to stand ignoring her.
who plays with the others’ hair more
i definitely see deanna playing with kyles hair on the reg.
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
i think deanna’s already proved this one LOLOLOLL and i love it so much, its such a normal organic thing in relationships to hang off each other and i definitely see that being her thing. 
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
deanna. i think kyle’s more of a hugger, he always likes to just have an arm around her somehow. shes the kisser.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
WELL kyle would never @ her like that but LOLOLOL i bet once the novelty of his blabbing has worn off and theyre an old married couple deanna might sometimes just be like stooooop
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up  
deanna is for sure the instigator, as if that isnt 100% obvious by now hahahha and god yes sometimes kyle will be like NO OMG MY MOM IS IN THE OTHER ROOM or I HAv E TO GO TO cLASS so yep he gonna have to walk away and its gonna kill him 100 times over probably.
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
kyle forgets it but also has to hold it because hes such a tall freak, hed be like good ol’ hunchback notre dame with deanna holding it LOL. but he’d also just like, get wet if it meant keeping her dry and warm cause hes a ~gentleman
who demands showering first in the mornings
hmmmmmmmmmmmm i feel like deanna. unless shes a night shower-er. in which case, shes a freak and kyle owns the morning.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
well this has deanna written all over it so.
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
kyle’s a wimp, he’ll win her a goldfish and not throw up (y)
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
deanna. kyle probably fell asleep LOL
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight 
hmhmhmhmhmhmhmh deanna??? maybe??? i mean maybe not always but i just see her being more connected to her phone than kyle, like surfing social media etc. and like i bet hes an iPad guy. so like maybe he steals the wall socket a lot and shes like k remind me to steal ur charger before we go to bed and hes like k *forgets immediately*
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
both? but i feel like mostly deanna. always givin’ him the heckin spooks because hes dumb .
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can 
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
deanna feels more rambunctious tbh.
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation
WELL IF THERE’S ANYTHING MORE SOLID ABOUT EMILY AS A CHARACTER ITS THAT SHE HAS A N UNHEALTHY OBSESSION WITH DOGS. she is every dog lover tumblr post ever. barney, her UNNECESSARILY HUMONGOUS bernese mountain dog is her pride and son.
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
maybe miles but like more as a joke because like emily adores photography, she used to do a lot of it when she was a teenager for school because her dad was really interested in vintage cameras (see also: her box brownie collection she considered selling) and so thats a nice part of im to hold onto for her. he gave her a polaroid camera which she broke in one of her first big mental break downs. then some years later, a boyfriend at the time bought her a new one which she used a lot for a while. then they broke up and she hasn’t really touched photography since. anyway basically i think miles would probably know most of this (all her polaroids are probably still packed up in a box) so he’d pick up her camra sometimes like “photograph me like one of ur french women~” and shed be like omg stop ur being a silly goose ily.
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
miles @ emily. sometimes shes such a sad rain cloud and so i think he would resort to any small stupid thing just to make her smile.
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
emily would rather die than watch a horror movie i think LOL. 2 spooky.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
i think miles respects emily too much to bother her when shes working, knowing she takes it all very seriously. but likeeeee, at the same time, maybe if he noticed she was already distracted he would try to egg it on cause maybe he’d think like why miss the opportunity to do something together instead if shes not gonna be busy??? idk. thats a real stab in the dark, i hope all my assuming isnt way off LOL
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
emily. worried mama bear.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
miles is the stormer, emily is the cryer. 100%
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
emily. she doesn’t sleep very well anyway so she’ll read or watch obscure film/tv.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
miles?????????????? probably??? emily is such a shy little squirt when it comes to sex, i think shes very happy to recieve whatever he’s willing to give her but as for her own actions shes too scared to be very adventurous.
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
miles. if only they could afford a car… /sheds tear/
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
emily !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes the person people hate at christmas time. but see also australia has like no game when it comes to inter/national holidays. our chrismas is in the summer so like reindeers and snow and hot cocoa and fireplaces and shit doesnt make sense. its an entirely different culture. same with halloween, its in the spring, there’s no fall colours, orange pumpkins, etc. having these holidays to REALLY celebrate into overkill in the states is probably her favourite thing about living there.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
miles feels like the angry silent type. emily is the non-confrontational silent type. so both, depending what the argument was about.
who plays with the others’ hair more
i kind of see miles, like if theyre on the couch watching tv or whatever, his arm slung round her and distractedly playing with a lock.
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
hmmm, neither.
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
when emily is a happy clam, shes very loving. her mood really changes her physical interactions. when shes sad or distracted or stressed or focused, she is very recluse and really just likes to be left alone. but when shes feeling inspired and happy, she’s all for hugs and kisses and touching.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
miles? LOLOL if emily would EVER tell him to be quiet. a highly unlikely scenario though.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up  
i think that miles is mostly the one to always start it, but never with an expectation that she’ll want to? because he knows how much of an awko taco she is about it? its kind of like a very hesitant, curious sus of the situation~ and if shes down then cool if shes not well then theres always next week maybe LOL. but real talk, i think its really special when emily initiates. its very like Big Moment™ and a real surprise and relief to miles’ stress levels cause otherwise he’s always feeling pushed out ja feel? so i think that the simple answer is miles and hes used to her shutting it down if shes not in the mood. but like everything about them its complicated LOL.
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
miles forgets and emily brings like 5. i feel like shes the cutie who holds it and he keeps an arm/jacket around her to keep her from freezing to death bc old married couple :’)
who demands showering first in the mornings
i mean emily likes routine but i feel like miles is the early riser for work and is always gne by the time she gets up probably.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
either or neither, depending on the night before :P 
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
emily is also a wimp and i dont imagine she likes heights very much. miles strikes me as the “big panda winner” type.
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
emily if shes either a) worried or b) unsure and keeps tacking on after thoughts.
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight
ehhhhh, neither? i expect they both rely heavily on them for work so no point with a dead phone.
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
neither? i mean emily is basically a mouse but yeah. neither.
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation
adam. 200%. he has no impulse control.
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
adam AHAHAHA, i bet he would take photos of himself on her phone a lot. as if he’s doing her some public service. change his name to “hot adam” in her phone and take a snapchat filter photo of him with some dumb sunglasses on or something. use one of those dumb filters that put your face on the body of some dancing thing and set it as her wallpaper. basically he is so vain.
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
adam. he doesnt get embarrassed easily and one day hes gonna like julie a lot and notice theres a dark raincloud in there somewhere he needs to chase away. so might as well do that with laughter.
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
adam but he’d want her to cling to him so it would be this whole elaborate plan. like “here let me set up the situation this is how its gonna go its gonna be great” and julie is gonna be like omfg stop and then hes gonna finish the movie wanting to vomit like “well that was not fun at all why did you talk me into this ur a bad friend”
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
julie strikes me as the hardworking type. adam is 100% the literal child wanting her attention.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
adam ofc. but then it could be cute, like julie could start seeing dumb shit and text him like “i saw a guy who got thrown out of walmart today bc he tried to steal a the simpsons on dvd” and he’ll immediately laugh and call her like “WAS IT THE BEST THING? TELL ME EVERYTHING” bc his job is a lot of boring sitting around most of the time. he’ll learn when her lunch breaks are and call her to annoy her but also bc lonely.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
adam would storm. idk if julie would cry?
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
hmmmmmmmmm, maybe julie? if its something shes really into or is anxious and cant sleep? bc adam is 100% that guy whos like “pf what no ill be up for HOURS” zonks out @ 9pm
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
adam, hes a kinky shit. but HEY maybe she is 2. we might never kno  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
adam. literal child.
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
i feel like julie has WICKED eye for interior? maybe she doesn’t, but her pinterest board lead me to believe shes stylish af. so i feel like she’d have a good time decorating. unless shes got deep family / body issues rooted to holidays which i could also see being a thing. people stareotypically eat a lot at christmas and thanksgiving omfg, so maybe she hates holidays. IDK. IDK THE ANSWER TO THIS ONE but im also pretty sure adam would dress as a sexy santa like u wouldnt even have to ask he’d be so down. i mean this is probably his favourite christmas related thing tbh (NSFW). im also aware that still doesnt answer the question.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
adam. bye falicia~
who plays with the others’ hair more
adam but in an annoying way LOL
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
the image of adam climbing all over julie is weird af LOL. so like. maybe neither, idk?
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
adam. hes so convinced he’ll get her to give in one day. ONE DAYYY.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up  
adam sTILL. hes so annoying hahaha.
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
adam forgets, julie holds. mostly cause he probably gets them all wet cause hes an adhd kid half the time. 
who demands showering first in the mornings
hmmmm, maybe julie? adams probably a freak and showers at night.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
adam 200%
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
adam would LOVE rollercoasters. i dont know about julie?
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
have you met adam “pay attention to me” kane ???
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight
hmmm, if it had to be one of them, probably adam.
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
adam. anything for the ass grab.
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can
i dont know this one tbh.
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
adam. obnoxious piece of work.
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queenieskamander · 8 years
Killjoys, make some noise -Ch.2
Gang/post-apo!AU (requested)  
Member: Jimin (mention of other members)  
Genre: Fluff. Smut, a little bit of everything…
Sumarry: This AU is based around the lives of the “Killjoys”, a group of rebellious rogues living in a post-apocalyptic Seoul. The Killjoys are a group of outlaws who are fighting against the evil corporation Better Living Industries (BL/ind.) and its various “Draculoids” and executors, such as Korse.
Prologue    Ch.1 
It is a time to start a new life
Jimin’s p.o.v
I was awakened by a loud noise, something like a school bell. After a while I heard a very familiar female voice.   -Hey, wake up! You have one hour to get ready. Your first class is in the hall downstairs. Come one!!- She said briskly I opened my eyes, muttering something. I got up slowly, looking around me. My room wasn’t very big, but bright and clean. Just enough space for two people.   Jungkook dragged himself from his bed, tiresomely opening his suitcase and taking some clothes from it. -Im going first to the bathroom, ok?- He wasn’t really waiting for me to answer. I brushed my hair with my fingers, making even bigger mess on my head. I went to the window, pulling the blinds. I opened the balcony door and I went outside. I felt dry and crispy air. I leaned against the railing, looking at view in front of me. Maybe we were on the desert, but there were a lot of plants (trees, flowers, shrubs, grass). My eyes caught disputes pool and sunbeds,tables with chairs, large stone grill around it. However, there was a designated area for volleyball and football. It felt like a holiday resort by the sea. On the left and on the right side stretched balconies. Tae and Y/N had a room on the right side from us.   -Jimin, we must go now. We still need to eat something.- My brother said with a big smile on his face. Its not like I need to go to bathroom too… It is a Time to start a new life All ‘students’ were standing next to a big doors. We hoped that we came to the right place. Nobody here was  eager to explain anything to us . Exactly when the clock struck nine, the door opened. We saw a well known blond lady, she was wearing bright pink t-shirt and ripped, skinny jeans.   -Hello, you can come inside- She said happily as she went straight to her desk- First of all, you have to choose a partner with whom you will be sit- she continued- BUT, You cant sit with you room-mate- class became quite again- Stop looking at me like than, you need know each other better. Come one, I do not have all day- I looked around me How Im going to choose a partner when I dont know people here… -Jungkook…   -Tea…- Great, even my brother found partner. Wait…How could I forgot about Taehyung and his sister?   -Hey Jimin, do you want to be my partner?- That voice…so beautiful… It took me a while to realized that was Y/N. -Yeah…Sure-  Just dont do anything stupid -Great- did she just smirked at me? -Hello everybody- Stella said to us, again…- My name is Toxic Poison- Everybody were surprised, including me- And no, this is not my real name. This is a nickname- no shit Sherlock- You need to choose a nickname for you. You must forget you real name- She looked at us sternly. No one dared to speak. She wasn’t joking. -For your safety, and for safety of you family -How forgetting our name is going to help?- The girl with dark-red hair asked shyly. From what I associate, her name was Minji. Shit. We have to forget our names -Better Living is dangerous place, but government is even more dangerous- Toxic Poison explained, walking around us.Everybody were looking at her- If they will find out your identity,they might arrest your families or…even kill them-  She stopped for a second- Thats why you need your nicknames. Something short and catchy, easy to remember. Understood? - Everybody were quite, listening her carefully- I asked about something. Understood? -Yes!!- Everybody said at the same time. 90% of people here, looked like a typical punks. Born to fight against government. -Good…tomorrow, you have to come in with you new name-She looked around the room with warmer look that before.-And now, please tell me…How do you understand words ‘Art is weapon’?-   Art is weapon? I thought. Suddenly I remembered that I saw this slogan over the main entrance. I raised my hand shyly, feeling the startled eyes of Stella and a few other people. -Yes?- -I think…word 'weapon’ is a…a metaphor.- I said slowly- Better living have their 'perfect system’, exactly how they want. Everything is monotonous. Even their uniforms are the same.  They are white without any dirt on it. Art is an opposite of it. Expressing of your feelings, using your imagination, do not caring about the opinion of others…- I shrugged my shoulders-  It might be use an a weapon against BL. At least I think so. -  Toxic smiled and me widely -Thats right Jimin- I looked at her with a surprise- What? You should believe in yourself more- She laughed- Coming back to the art, thats why we asked you to bring with you things related to arts…Please develop your skills in your free time. You have to have a lot of imagination to fight against the Better Living. -So we are going to fight?- Boy with green hair asked, narrowing his eyes -Some of you…yes- Toxic said looking at all of us- We will selecting you according to your your results, performance and behavior. I should take couple of weeks. Exercises, theoretical lessons, practical lessons…- We all straightened up, hearing about the “practical lessons.” The girl with dark blue hair raised her hand -Yes?- -why were we chosen?- that was a good question. I was thinking about it couple of times-First of all, we were looking for teenagers which could come here without arousing suspicion- Toxic immediately explained. I think she was ready to give an answer to every question- But  we could take everybody. I know i might sound weird, but we know about you more that you can expect- She smiled mysteriously and I felt anxiety.- We looked also at your assessment and behaviour, but in the school they have a different appreciation than here. We need a rebellious people who want to re-build the old system and who are not afraid of danger. -Apparently we will have here a normal lessons here- said the blue haired boy, probably Brandon. - If I will  have insufficient assessment of maths, you are going to punish me by making me to write 100 times 'I will be a better student’?- he mocked. Toxic did not seem to be  surprise about his comment. -No, it would be a waste of time. You wont write a single word. - she said, smiling at him- The punishment for unacceptable behaviour, or very bad academic results will be, for example…-she wondered- Taking away a laser gun, ban on driving, ban going out on a mission…- She began to exchange. All were silent, looking at her. Her coral lips twitched into a smile again. -Before I will let you go, I want to raise another topic concerning art. Jimin come here.- She looked in my direction. Surprised, I got up from the place and went to her, standing in front of all gathered.- This clothes- She pointed at my black clothes- Are unaccepted -Excuse me?- I asked, slightly confused. Why she is doing this to me… -'Art is a weapon’, Jimin- She said slowly and distinctly, later bursting into laughter.- You have to be dressed colourfully. I hope this is note a problem for you-We all looked at each other smiling foolishly-We have a few types of hair dyes, some different materials, sewing machines. You will find something for you. The basics are explained, the rest of the day you have free. If you have questions, come to me. In the meantime, look around the centre. Of course you can enjoy all the attractions: swimming, volleyball, football, everything what you will find. The whole area is at your disposal. You can go now.- People started to get up from their places- I’ll see you tomorrow, in front of the main entrance, also at nine. Your homework is to work on the style and come up with a nickname- She smiled at us widely- Have a nice day, Killjoys.-What do you think about all of it?- Y/N asked few hours later, when we were all sitting in the canteen, lazily taking food out of cans.  BL controlled even what we were eating. Idiots.- These guns sound … wow. Amazing…- She said appreciatively. Some hair agreed with her, nodding. I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs. -I don’t know..- I said doubtfully- Guns … I do not think they give us real guns…- - And why not?- Brandon asked, looking at me like an idiot.- We have to fight with them. We are not going to beat them by showing them our drawing or playing guitar- He laughed           -Stop- I snapped- You would be able to kill a man? -Draculoids are not people, and you know that- Tae said- But I agree with you, it is easy to kill anyone. -It sounds to me more and more like a fucking, suicide mission- I heard Kookie who was sitting next to Taehyung- The longer im here, the more I gain certainty that he would never return home. -You are right…- Minji murmured- Better Living probably soon will know all about us and…they might kill us…Thats got it will end- She throw her legs on the table- But I’m staying here anyway- She said with determined voice- I have no home to go back. They killed my family… -Minji…- Y/N spoke gently, after a while of silence. -Shhhh, I just want you to know that Better Living kills people- She looked at us seriously  and then he stared at me- So yes, Jimin, I think I’d be able to kill Draculoid -If you put it that way…-I murmured -YESSS!!!- Eunji scream with Joohyun- We will Destroy Better Living, they have no chance with us!! Will kill Korse? -YESS!!!- Everybody were busy screaming some random slogan. Only me and Y/N we quiet.  
Should I continue this story?
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lifeisaboxofcereal · 8 years
No clue who this is addressed to, nor what the purpose of this is/will be, but feeling exasperated that nothing helps me feel better, how about I give venting via writing a shot.
Here’s the deal. I’ve been involved with this guy for about 5+ years. Lets call him owl. Its the first thing I looked at in my apartment trying to come up with a code name instead of publishing this guys name who any of you reading most likely already know his name via any of my fb posts in the last 5 years. I met him my freshman year at UD. Ballroom dance team. To this day I dont even know if I can explain what drew me to him. He was cocky and confident, cheeky, and cute. He danced. He was a Marine. He seemed so out of my league as a dorky, naive, super awkward freshman that didn’t know anything about college culture. I learned quick that a few dates does not mean we’re dating, and that he was a man of many many ladies. I learned quick that he did not really take my feelings into consideration but I would put them aside and accept any interactions or affections that were given. We had a connection and I had fun with him. I just wanted to go with it.
I went with it for all four years of college. Always waiting for when he’d finally be ready to commit. Or see how much I do for him. How I’m always there, good times and bad.  Even when he really really pisses me off. Waiting for him to see that I was his best friend the way I saw that he was mine. Waiting for him to stop messing up with me, appreciate me, cherish me, want to show me off.
I’m gonna be honest, that never came. Not in college. I didnt date anyone else. I didnt get involved with anyone else more than a few months, and those involvements were usually the product of me and owl being in one of our phases where we were on the outs and he was not talking to me. but once we were good again sure enough I’d lose interest in whoever it was that I was entertaining in that time. I regret a lot of that. Not giving others real chances, because they actually deserved them and wanted them.
But with him it was always like a game, like a chase, never ending, suspenseful, thrilling, exciting, passionate, never a boring moment. Always keeping me guessing. I hated it but I loved it. He didn’t respect me, and he didnt respect my feelings, but still I stuck around. It’s only now that I’m seeing that I had slowly been losing respect for myself, so what incentive would he have for respecting me when I was being a hypocrite? Our dynamic was one of push and pull. There were the times he’d pull me in and never want to let me go, and then without warning he would push me away and leave me feeling abandoned and confused as to what I did to deserve it.
He hurt me a lot. Never physically. Never. Never forced himself on me, I never once was physically scared of him. But emotionally. Every year there was at least one incident. One big fight that seemed like the be all end all. That would leave me in my dorm crying with my roommate wondering how he could be so cold and harsh towards me after everything I’ve done and everything we’ve shared. Always wishing that he would miss me and realize everything and change. It was a clear cycle, and I’m not stupid, I was very cognizant of it, but idk, i liked it and i was still waiting. What I had with him was so different and special I couldnt let it, or him, go.
Last year, October, we had a big falling out. That was really the be all end all. I knew because, and as stupid as this is or sounds, in all of our fights we had never unfriended each other on facebook or done something as extreme or defining as that. We always left doors open. But with this, he burned all bridges. He made a facebook status about me. He wanted all of my things out of his place. He 100% snapped. It was over, he broke things off and our 4 years of being together but not really together, was over.
I spent the next 5 months in therapy and trying to keep busy with friends and classes and trying to find myself again. So much of my identity was dependent on him and associated with him. All of my memories included him. Even dance reminded me of him. I was so lost. And missed him so much but had motivation to work on myself and for once be comfortable and happy with being on my own. I remember one particular session with my therapist in which she told me that if I still have hope that we will reconcile one day, I need to completely let go of what we had. Put it to rest, let it go, mourn it, and leave it in the past, because there was too much to be fixed and too much wreckage to salvage anything. That if we were to ever reconcile it would have to be a completely clean slate. Free of the past transgressions. So that night I blocked him. I blocked his number, his facebook. his snapchat, everything. It was hard and scary but I did it in hopes that thats what I needed to do even if temporarily and symbolically leave our 4 years together in the past.
2 days later was Valentines day. I was supposed to go to a devils game with a friend and she cancelled last minute because she was sick. I reached out to everyone in my phone to try to find someone to go with me because I did not want to spend valentines day in bed thinking about him and missing him. Nobody could come to the game. I was offered a shift at work and almost took it but someone hopped on it before I could. So i was left with chinese food and netflix. I let myself cry and be upset, and feel the hurt remembering our past valentines days together. And then my mom came to my room and let me know that jake was coming to the house. shit i said his name. whatever. she let me know that he asked permission to come and clear the air, and that he would be there in 40 minutes.
He was there in 30, and we sat down, with my best friend as a third party, and we talked for 5 hours. About everything. Anything. All the grievances we had with each other. What we realized. What we regretted. And he told me that he loved me. That he needs me in his life, and said all of the things that I had waited 4 years for. I kept thinking about how right my therapist was, about letting go and letting them come to you, about starting fresh, about leaving the past in the past.
The months that followed were the epitome of a honeymoon phase. My god. we were finally doing things right. He was showing me off, appreciating me, never wanted to let me go, it was everything. I dont think I’ve ever been so happy. We were so in love with each other, so excited, couldn’t wait more than 2 weeks to visit each other again. We moved in together. We made an apartment a home together. We started new jobs and set goals. We motivated each other, supported each other, and wholeheartedly loved each other. I finally felt like I was in a functional and healthy relationship. I felt so loved every single day and I finally understood what people meant about that unbelievable feeling of being in love with someone who was just as in love with you. We did and learned so much together. We had setbacks, and tiffs here and there, but we worked through each one.
Theres a lot in between then and now, but I don’t think it’s worth getting into or explaining. All I can say is that I don’t know how we went from that, to this. Not speaking. Not looking at each other. An apartment that was once so full of love and laughter now only has silence and tension.
He has problems. And to be honest. I’ve always known that but never wanted to accept it. I have problems too because I am very compliant. The relationship became emotionally abusive. I am mentally abused. And he has left me hating myself when I dont even know who I am. I don’t regret staying with him. I don’t regret getting back with him last year. I dont regret anything. All i’ve done is love and give as much as I possibly can. Im not angry. More than anything, i’m disappointed.
I thought he was it. Actually. I know he is. If he were to get the help that he needed. But in a normal relationship, when there is an issue, you don’t feel that your partner becomes a completely different person. That’s not normal. And right now, I don’t know who he is. For the past 2 weeks I have been wishing I could just snap him out of it. Grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Show him a photo of us and see him come back to me. I have written heartfelt letter after heartfelt letter. Debating giving one to him in hopes of softening him up and coming out of this haze of anger and hatred hes in right now. But thats not normal. I shouldnt have to snap him out of anything. I shouldnt have to wish he’d come back. I shouldnt have to plead and beg for him to remember our good times to soften up. None of it is normal. He dissociates. And when i look at his eyes hes not there. I know this sounds dramatic but it’s true. It’s scary, it’s hurtful, it worries me, but it’s true. He completely detaches, and it’s as though he never knew me. As though we never shared a single experience together. And nothing I do can bring him out of that place. As I write this, I feel like I’m writing or remembering someone that died. And thats because essentially, that is how I feel. the man i spent the past year with loving and learning and GROWING died. He’s gone and I dont know why or where he is. And i’m left with this fraction of myself that doesn’t know how to cope with any of it.
He’s not good for me. Its not worth it. I deserve better. I’m going to be so much happier without him. These are all words that an infinite number of friends or loved ones can say to me but the fucked up part of all of it is that I don’t want better, I want him. I know that I will never be able to fully let him go. It’ll never be fully over. And i will always love him. I care about him more than I care about myself. Which is a big part of the problem.
I don’t know where to go from here. Or how to cope. I don’t know what to do. All i know is that I miss him with every fiber of my being. I can’t open my phone gallery because the last photos I took were with him and I can’t look at them. I made a new facebook to run away from it all. Nothing I do makes me feel better. Friends. Work. Gym. Margaritas. Movies. Its all a distraction from missing the person who made me smile ear to ear every morning, and exhale peacefully every night. Even now as I write this, hes walking around the apartment and its as though Im a ghost. He doesnt see me. Acknowledge me. Notice me. And while I used to see him and feel overwhelming love, I now just feel hated. Complete hatred. As though I ruined his life, when all I ever tried to do was make his life better.
So friends, that is my story. I don’t know how it’ll end but I can tell you for sure that I will never be able to hate him or be angry with him. And I will always love him. What comes next for me, I have no idea. I thought writing all of this out would maybe help me have some sort of epiphany but no epiphany came.Sometimes I wish I could have my mind wiped clean of all of this so I wouldnt have to deal with this pain. But I cant. So this is going to suck. For a long while. I’m going to be upset for a long while. I hope at the end of this I can find myself and be a version of myself that has value and pride. I want to be the Bren that loves herself, respects herself, values herself, and is proud of herself. The bren that marched on washington for womens rights in the world needs to march for her rights in her life. More than anything though, I hope he finds himself. I hope he does what he needs to do. I only ever wanted him to be happy. Even if it was at my expense.
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magmasliveblogs · 5 years
1.04 R
im back! sorry for the short hiatus after i said i would start regular posting again, classes are starting up again and frankly its been just as hectic as i remember. recap! last chapter erin played chess  against 100 antinium in a hive mind and gained a green skill! those are unique. 
as this is a ryoka chapter i will reiterate that i frankly cant stand perusa and wont be putting those sections in this except for notable moments. 
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ouch. Ow.
This is why painkillers were invented. Damn it. Stop moving.
Flip the page.
It’s hot. Why can’t people invent air conditioning in this stupid world already? And the common room of an inn is not the best place to read in peace. But it beats sitting in my room and listening to drunk people banging down the hall or having sex.
This is why I hate people.
well someone woke up on the right side of the bed today. but less sarcasm will reveal that the last time we saw ryoka perusa caused her leg to be broken via cart sooooooooo
Okay. Focus. Ignore them. What does it say?
‘…The incursion of the Antinium hives into the southern region of the continent led to the bloody year-long war known as the Incursion War, or more generally, the First Antinium War, in which hundreds of thousands of Antinium soldiers established huge colonies across the southern plains, razing cities and forcing Gnoll tribes to retreat into the lower plains regions.
Initially, the northern cities and allied confederacies were slow to react to the Antinium sweeping through the plateaus and rugged mountainous regions of the continent, underestimating the dangers of an entrenched Antinium hive and the true numbers of the Antinium concealed beneath the earth. It was only after five cities were lost that—’
Why, why, why did the stupid chair have to be right there? The pain!
ooo some history! it seems the antinium wars were similar to the world wars? also the north seems a bit lackluster when it comes to fast response 
Crap. Did I bust open the injury? Let me see.
It’s hard to scoot back from my table to peer underneath it, but I can see the heavy white gauze. It’s bloody, but no more than it was last time I checked. Wonderful.
And it still hurts. I’ve broken bones before but it never felt anything like this. But considering this injury—
One of the barmaids is looking at me. I stare right back at her and she turns away. I’m really not in the mood for attention. And thinking about the pain only wants to make me scream out loud. Half from the pain, half from searing rage. So. Back to the book.
Okay. Ignore the pain. What was that about Antinium? Are they still around? I flip through the pages.
Confederacy of states…hasty alliance…skip all that. Ah.
ryokas vocabulary of expletives seems a bit lacking, perhaps she could buy a local thesaurus or get some tutoring from some sort of [heckler]? 
‘The tide of the war only changed after the discovery of the Antinium’s fatal weakness. Using their newfound tactics, the Southern Alliance used long-range mage spells to assault Antinium hives and deter attacking forces.
Several hives were destroyed entirely before a temporary truce was formed between the Antinium Queens and the leaders of the city states. This peace was tenuous however and lasted for only eight years when the Antinium attacked again, leading to the Second Incursion War…’
Weakness. They had a weakness? Must have missed that bit.
Let’s see. Where would that be? And why haven’t I seen these ant-people around? Well, they’re pariahs or outcasts to most societies, so I guess that’s why. But do they have any useful features or are they just bug-people?
Oh, here’s the weakness.
I pause with my finger on the passage as I hear a cheerful voice calling my name above the hubbub of the inn. Oh. Oh no. Not her again.
retcon! only one hive was destroyed across both wars, and the queen survived 
Ryoka Griffin was sitting in the middle of an inn. It was not an extraordinary inn—just one of the many inns located in the human city of Celum.
She was reading and scowling. Because she was talented, she could do both at the same time. She was also sitting by herself, occasionally eating from a cold plate left in front of her. A cold glass of juice beaded with condensation on the table in front of her. That at least she regularly drank from, which was necessary in the crowded heat of the inn.
“Hey there, Ryoka!”
A cheerful voice drowned out the ambient noise of conversation and drew every head towards the person that had entered the inn. Ryoka looked up from her book and spotted the girl making her way towards her. Her expression didn’t change, but her eye twitched once.
“Hey, Ryoka, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine, Garia.”
Garia Strongheart slid into an empty chair at the table and smiled cheerfully at Ryoka. Her cheerfulness was not reciprocated in kind. Ryoka just glanced up at Garia and went back to reading.
Undeterred, Garia flagged down a barmaid and requested one of the local drinks, a strong, semi-alcoholic beverage that was cool and flavorful at the same time. In Ryoka’s opinion, it was a shame that the flavor in question was beer.
“So, how are you doing? Is your leg feeling any better?”
Ryoka glanced up and glared.
Garia’s smiled faltered.
this may seem a bit rude but when im just having a bad day or am sick there is just something immensely satisfying about causing someone who is normally super cheerful to falter 
“Did you—did you go to see the [Healer] I told you about? She’s a good one. Works with us Runners all the time.”
“Couldn’t help. The bone’s too badly broken.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.”
Ryoka had a talent for shutting down conversations. Garia stared at her, and tried to surreptitiously glance at her bandaged leg. She winced, and covered her wince by changing the subject.
“Is that a book?”
Ryoka glanced up from her book. She eyed Garia.
“What’s it about?”
“You mean, world history like you were asking me about the other day? Sorry I didn’t know more.”
Ryoka shook her head.
“The history of the cities.”
“Oh. Is it, um, interesting?”
“Not really.”
It was fascinating. Ryoka was no history buff, but it was amazing what being transported to another world did for her interest in mundane things like economics and politics.
“It must be nice, being able to read.”
The envy in Garia’s tone made Ryoka look up at last.
“…You can’t?”
Garia turned red.
“Not so much. I can do signs and math but – I mean, most folk can’t read too well. Not books or anything fancy like that. Fals can read, though. I’ve seen him reading books.”
Ryoka raised her eyebrows.
“Good for him.”
Again, Garia was forced to continue a mostly one-sided conversation.
“Where’d you get the book?”
“I bought it in the market. Didn’t cost much.”
“Really? I thought most books were several gold coins – at least.”
“Some sell for silver. Either way, it’s fine.”
Ryoka scowled as she chomped on another lukewarm slice of ham. The lack of any library in this city meant she had to buy any books she wanted to read, and some were annoyingly expensive. But she wasn’t about to get into a discussion of economics with Garia and fuel the conversation.
The problem was, Garia was more than capable of finding topics of interest by herself. The other girl stared at the pile of books on the table.
some people refuse to take the hint it seems 
“Are you going to read all of these, then?”
“Read ‘em.”
“What, all of them?”
“Not like I have anything else to do.”
Ryoka deliberately turned a page.
yep, this sort of mood typically means people want to be left alone. i dont care how extroverted you are just leave them alone 
I really wish she’d go away. Or do I? At least she’s keeping drunk guys from hitting on me.
I hate this. I hate her, I hate this inn, and I hate this entire world. If I could burn it down to the ground I’d—
Probably not. At least, she’s not the one I hate. So maybe destroy all the world except for a few people.
But the pain. And boredom, let’s not forget. It’s a sad day when Garia’s daily visit is the most interesting thing that happens to me.
It’s been one week since my ‘accident’. Another week of this and I might seriously snap. But my leg—
Damn it all. If I could kill every damned Street Runner in the world I would in an instant. Even if I had to stare into their eyes as I choked them to death. I will have vengeance, I swear it.
But until then, how the hell do I heal my leg? How, how, how? If it’s really beyond most normal magics—
Ask Garia. She might know of a better way, even if her first idea failed. Worth a shot, and I hope I have enough money for whatever I need. Crap, she’s been talking and I have no idea what she said. Better wing it.
Huh. That’s a crowd coming in right now. Hope they don’t want to share the table. They look familiar, though.
Who’s that? Another Runn—
Kill her. Stab her. Break her bones. Don’t do it. Do it. Hurt her. Smash her stupid face in. Kill. Killkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkillkill—
no sarcasm here, understandable attitude. 
its another perusa section, so moving on 
What might have happened next was anyone’s guess. Persua was still gloating, oblivious to the trouble, but Garia could see Ryoka glancing at a sharp knife sitting on her plate. The Street Runners behind Persua were numerous, but they were getting unfriendly looks from other inn patrons who might just relish a bar fight if it meant getting rid of unwanted strangers.
Garia was debating the merits of getting stabbed and preventing a fight, versus witnessing Persua’s death, regardless of whatever consequences it entailed.
But then the door opened again, and a hush fell over the room. Where the Street Runners had entered into the noise and chaos of the inn, the next group that entered brought silence with them.
Casual inn-goers of the variety of merchants, farmers, shopkeepers and so on scrambled out of the way as a huge, armored Minotaur strode into the room. He had a massive steel battleaxe strapped to his back, and he was followed by five more adventurers: three mages and two more warriors all armed to the teeth.
The Horns of Hammerad looked around and spotted Ryoka and Garia on the other side of the inn. Their leader immediately made a beeline for the two, walking in an open space of his own. No one wanted to get in the way of the Minotaur’s path.
Persua was still mocking Ryoka and Garia, oblivious to the newcomers in the inn. The Street Runners behind her were nervously eying the approaching adventurers, but they didn’t move from their spot.
The Minotaur named Calruz stopped in front of the Street Runners and glared down at them. Persua turned and let out a high pitched scream as she saw his face. He jerked one thumb and pointed.
“You. Runners. Out of the way.”
when a minotaur tells you to get out of the way, you get out of the way 
The Street Runners exchanged one glance and then shifted out of the way. Calruz snorted in contempt and brushed by them as they edged away.
Persua made a disgusted face and pinched at her nose as he passed by. But when one of the female mages glared at her, she shrank back as well. There was an unspoken difference in power between the Runners and the Adventurers, and once they realized the Horns of Hammerad had business with Ryoka, they decided to leave the inn quickly.
Garia gaped as the six adventurers stood in front of the table. They were all wearing armor, or robes of high-quality cloth. The two warriors standing behind Calruz wore shining chainmail, and the mages carried glowing staves and a wand that gave off ethereal fiery sparks.
That last bit was especially concerning to the innkeeper who nervously eyed the wand, but he didn’t make any vocal objections. The tall, mustached human warrior standing next to Calruz nodded at Ryoka and gave her a friendly smile.
“Ryoka Griffin? We’re part of the adventuring party, the Horns of Hammerad. You bailed us out of a tough situation last week. Do you mind if we sit?”
Ryoka stared up at the adventuring party. She didn’t appear overly impressed.
“You’re blocking my light.”
The vice-captain blinked. He exchanged glances with the other warrior while the mages frowned, but the Minotaur laughed.
“Hah! Spirited! It is good to see that in a Human at last!”
He stuck out a massive, gauntleted hand.
“I am Calruz of the Beriad. I lead the Horns of Hammerad, an adventuring party in these parts. I am in your debt, Ryoka Griffin. May we sit?”
Ryoka blinked in the face of this direct approach. She paused and then reluctantly nodded, shaking Calruz’s hand.
Immediately, the Horns of Hammerad pulled up chairs and another table to sit next to Ryoka and Garia. Calruz had to sit perched in his chair which creaked ominously beneath him, but seemed happy enough.
Once all the adventurers were seated, a barmaid approached and they ordered drinks and food. Ryoka wasn’t hungry, and Garia, awestruck by the company, was too shy to eat.
In between the barmaids bustling around and delivering drinks and food, the vice-captain leaned forwards and addressed Ryoka.
“We owe you a debt of gratitude for that delivery you did for us a week ago. Without it, we’d all have been killed by that damned Lich. Thanks to you though, we managed to kill it and recover a lot of magical artifacts. Ceria’s got a new set of mage robes she owes all to you.”
One of the female mages nodded and gestured at her clothing. She was wearing a dark blue set of robes embroidered with glowing golden sigils around the hem and edges of the rich cloth.
It seemed foolish to bring such expensive clothing into an inn, but Ryoka noticed that when Calruz accidentally splattered the dress while reaching for a tankard, the liquid simply ran down the cloth and onto the ground. She was immediately impressed and wondered how much the magical cloth cost.
Garia looked around the table, wide-eyed.
“I just heard that Ryoka was doing a delivery to the Ruins. Was it that helpful?”
One of the warriors snorted.
“Delivery? Hah! She charged right past the Lich that had us pinned down and dropped the potions off right in the center of the battlefield! He was casting fireballs and lightning around her, but she even drew his fire as she left—gave us a chance to regroup!”
Ryoka shifted uncomfortably as Garia gaped at her. The problem with being in an inn was that other people were listening. Already she could tell patrons on the other tables were listening in on their conversation. She shrugged.
“Just doing my job.”
“Your job? No other Runner would have pulled off a feat like that. You saved our lives.”
She was having a hard time meeting the earnest vice-captain’s eyes. Ryoka shrugged and picked at her ham as he continued.
“Without the potions the best we could have hoped for would be a retreat where we didn’t lose too many of our party. In the worst-case scenario we’d have lost over half of our group and that’s if the Lich didn’t follow us.”
Calruz nodded.
“Instead, we managed to break that damn skeleton’s head in. The treasure we recovered more than made up for the expedition. And while the rest of our group is still healing from the battle, we’re here to repay the debt we owe.”
Ryoka raised her eyebrows. Minotaurs. Honor? They didn’t seem to go together, but either Calruz was an exception, or Minotaurs had quite a strong sense of right and wrong.
The vice-captain cleared his throat awkwardly.
“We expected to meet you again, since we heard you were a popular Runner around here. But when we heard about your injury, we decided to drop by.”
Garia looked surprised. It was a long way from the Ruins of Albez to Celum for someone who wasn’t a Runner.
“You came all the way here just to do that?”
Calruz nodded impatiently.
“Of course. What does distance matter? But let us introduce ourselves properly.”
He poked the female mage at his side and she jumped and glared at the Minotaur. The mage nodded to Ryoka and Garia. She was wearing a hat indoors which was presumably bad manners, but as she removed it they realized why.
Her ears were slightly pointed, and although she appeared human, this mage seemed subtly different from her companions. Ryoka noticed her skin was—rather than being paler, appeared subtly more vibrant. It was as if her body was simply realer and more vivid than the rest of the world. It was a slight thing, but grew more noticeable the longer Ryoka stared.
Her eyes tracked down to the young woman’s face. Again, her features were beautiful, but not simply aesthetically. They possessed another dimension she couldn’t explain that added to the exotic nature of the mage’s face. Ryoka saw that her eyes were pale yellow, but made no comment.
The mage stuck out one hand and Ryoka took it. She wasn’t an elf. But she wasn’t human either.
“Ceria Springwalker.”
“…Ryoka Griffin.”
“I’m Garia Strongheart. Pleased to meet you.”
The rest of the company introduced themselves, but Ryoka was still thinking about Ceria. She shook hands mechanically, impassively nodding as the vice-captain expressed his admiration of how she’d saved them. She’d already forgotten his name.
“Enough of this.”
Calruz snapped impatiently as soon as the introductions were done. He pointed down towards Ryoka’s leg as it stuck out awkwardly.
“We didn’t come here to chat. We’re honor-bound to repay our debt, which is why we’re here. And you’re injured. How’d that happen?”
“Got run over by a cart.”
The adventurers looked at Ryoka in frank disbelief.
“Getting run over by a cart I’d believe of normal people, but a Runner? I thought you lot were fast on your feet.”
Ryoka shrugged unhelpfully and stared at her plate. Uncertainly, Garia cleared her throat.
“It wasn’t—exactly an accident.”
She turned red as the Horns of Hammerad focused their attention on her. Calruz tapped a finger on the table.
“Explain, please.”
“Well, I don’t know how to say it, but Ryoka sort of broke an unspoken rule in the Runner’s Guild. She did this delivery and made a lot of folks mad—”
“—And they decided to run her over with a cart?”
The vice-captain stared incredulously at Garia.
“Are you serious?”
“Most of us didn’t know anything about it until it happened. But some of the Street Runners and City Runners – they’re part of a group that enforces the rules. I mean, they’re not real rules but we all obey them.”
Garia jumped as the mug in Calruz’s hand cracked and shattered in his grip. He angrily shoved the glass pieces aside and gritted his teeth.
“What pathetic, cowardly lot. I’d challenge them all to an honor duel in a moment if I had cause.”
calruz, it will not help your reputation to slaughter some runners 
Ceria shook her head as she put her hat back on.
“We don’t recognize duels under the law, and they’d run away if you looked at them sideways in any case. It sounds like there’s quite a lot of politics in the Runner’s Guild – and dangerous politics at that if this is what happens to people who disobey.”
The other adventurers murmured and grunted in disgust.
“Money grubbing backstabbers.”
“Barely worth the coin we spend to hire them. And for the rates they charge, I could buy a new sword!”
Garia looked like she wanted to object to the insults, but she didn’t dare. Ryoka was interested.
“You don’t like Runners?”
One of the warriors shook his head.
“You we like. And your friend here doesn’t seem bad. But the rest of your lot are worthless pieces of waste as far as we’re concerned.”
“We’re not all bad.”
Garia protested weakly. The vice-captain and the mages shook their heads.
“You don’t understand, uh, Miss Garia was it? Most Runners don’t do deliveries to battlefields, and some of the ones that do only deliver after the battle ends. We could be in serious trouble, but your people won’t approach until all the monsters are gone. And even then, we have to pay triple—sometimes five times as much just for deliveries to areas we’ve already cleared.”
“Besides, Runners are only concerned about their pay, not anything else. They won’t stop to help even in emergencies unless we pay them. Even adventurers have more integrity than that.”
The Horns of Hammerad grumbled, but at least their ire wasn’t directed directly towards Garia and Ryoka. Ceria eyed the dispirited Garia and cleared her throat.
“That’s not to say all Runners are bad. I know a lot of you deliver goods quickly and for reasonable rates. It’s just that there are quite a few bad Runners in your Guilds, especially the ones that we have to deal with.”
She nodded at Ryoka.
“Case in point, your leg.”
Calruz snorted angrily as he grabbed another mug from a scared barmaid.
“This is intolerable. A good Runner shouldn’t be crippled. You. Mages. Can’t one of you lot heal her leg?”
Ceria eyed Ryoka’s leg as as the other mages shook their heads.
“None of us know advanced healing magic, Calruz. Besides, that looks like a complicated break.”
He grunted.
“So? What about a healing potion?”
The mages all made a face. The male mage holding the sparking wand shook his head.
“Oh, sure. If you want to fuse the bone back together that might work. But healing in that way is only good for quick fixes. I’ve seen fighters come back with bones attached the wrong way round, or off-center.”
“Is it just a broken bone?”
Ryoka shook her head and grimaced.
“Bone’s shattered. Splinters are in the flesh.”
All the people sitting at the table – and in earshot of the conversation – winced. Ceria however just nodded to herself and put a finger to her lips.
“I thought so. If they were trying to hurt you, they had to injure you badly enough that you wouldn’t be able to recover so easily.”
“Why don’t healing potions work? They fix people with stab wounds up in seconds. Why not bones?”
Ceria shrugged.
“Healing potions just accelerate the body’s natural healing. But this is far too complicated for a potion to fix. In situations like this, time or magic is the only solution.”
Ceria looked at Ryoka.
“What you need is a high-level [Healer]…no, better yet a [Cleric]. If there were any [Clerics] left alive, I mean. A [Healer] who also has a [Mage] class would be best.”
Garia looked confused. Ryoka was confused, but her expression didn’t change outwardly.
“What’s the difference? I thought they were both the same.”
Again, all the mages shook their heads. The female mage who owned the staff with the glowing orb whose name Ryoka had forgot answered.
“Most [Healers] just use herbs and minor spells to treat injuries. That’s fine, but if you want to heal this leg within the year, you need a real magic practiced by a mage. And a high-level one at that.”
“And how much would that cost?”
The female mage hesitated. Ceria looked glum as she answered for her.
“Something like that…that would cost at least a few hundred gold coins. And that’s only if you could find a high-level healer. And they’re very rare.”
Deathly silence fell over the table. Calruz was grimacing darkly, and the vice-captain reluctantly shook his head at him.
“Too bad.”
retcon, religious classes are pretty much unknown from what we see in the more modern chapters 
Ryoka pushed her chair back and stood up. She paused and winced as her bad foot touched the ground, but then began limping towards the stairwell. Garia, distressed, called out.
“Where are you going, Ryoka?”
The other girl didn’t look around.
“Sleep. I’m tired.”
Instantly, the vice-captain stood up.
“In that case allow me to help you up the stairs.”
Ryoka eyed the stairwell and looked back at him.
“I’ve got it.”
“I insist. Please, let me—”
The vice-captain hesitated. He was looking from the steep stairwell to Ryoka’s splinted and bandaged leg. She set her jaw stubbornly.
“I don’t need help.”
“Piss. Off.”
Ryoka brushed off his hands and began dragging herself up the stairs. She had a method for it; she walked backwards up the stairs so she didn’t have to move her bad leg more than necessary. It was awkward and cumbersome, but the look in her eyes dared anyone to give her a hand.
Crestfallen, the vice-captain returned to the table and sat down. The other warrior patted him on the back. Garia awkwardly apologized.
“Sorry. She’s just—unfriendly.”
“I like her.”
Everyone looked at Calruz. The Minotaur was watching Ryoka with approval as she swung herself up the stairs.
“She reminds me of females of my kind. Fiery. The ones who would stab any male that offends. Much better than the simpering human ones I keep meeting.”
He stood up. The vice-captain eyed him worriedly. Ceria leaned forwards and poked Calruz hard in the back.
“Calruz. I wouldn’t bother her. Human females aren’t like Minotaur females.”
He snorted dismissively.
“Bah. All that’s needed is courage and spirit to win her over.”
He knocked his chair back and walked over to the stairwell. The vice-captain looked like he wanted to say something, but lost the initiative. Calruz called over his shoulder.
“Don’t wait for me. I’ll find you at the Guild later.”
The remaining adventurers watched Calruz ascending the stairs and muttered amongst themselves.
“Should we stop him?”
“If we do, it’ll be a fight. You know what happens when he loses his temper.”
“Another destroyed inn? We’ll lose all the money we just earned!”
The vice-captain’s eyes narrowed. He drained his mug and stood up.
“This is unacceptable. I’m going up there.”
Ceria grabbed him by the shoulder.
“Calm down, Gerial.”
He glared at her.
“You’re letting him go? Are you mad?”
She shook her head.
“Calruz isn’t an idiot. He knows the law. He’ll go if he isn’t wanted, but that’s not what I meant. Ryoka Griffin can take care of herself. Or don’t you remember why we’re here?”
He hesitated, but then everyone downstairs heard Calruz’s unmistakable bass rumble. From downstairs, Garia could hear Ryoka’s annoyed voice. She hadn’t known Ryoka long, but Garia knew her well enough to guess what she was saying.
Garia started biting at her nails as Calruz’s voice rose and he made what sounded like an attempted joke. Ryoka snapped something but he kept talking.
this isnt going to go well 
Uncertainly, Garia stood up. None of the adventurers stopped her as she walked to the stairs and looked up. Both human and minotaur were standing outside her room, arguing. Well, Ryoka was arguing, while Calruz was…flirting.
Which was a mistake, Garia knew. She heard Ryoka’s voice as she snapped at Calruz.
“Get out.”
He said something in reply, and she pushed at him. Since he was wearing armor and outweighed her by at least two hundred pounds he didn’t move. Calruz captured Ryoka’s hand in his own. Garia saw Ryoka’s eyes narrow.
The patrons of the inn downstairs clearly heard the crack, and the bellow of pain from Calruz. From her position on the stairs, Garia saw and heard Ryoka punch the Minotaur in the face and then saw the Calruz’s form overbalance on the top of the stairs. She watched in slow motion as the massive figure of the Minotaur reeled back from the blow. He grabbed at the wall, but the wood splintered as it broke under his weight.
If. If Calruz hadn’t insisted on wearing plate armor. If Ryoka hadn’t hit him quite as hard. If the inn was newer and wasn’t so old. But there were no ifs. Calruz toppled down the stairs in a terrific crash of metal on wood, splintering the stairwell, and smashing the floorboards on the ground where he landed.
Everyone stared at the fallen Minotaur as he stared up at the ceiling. Half of the inn’s patrons were already making for the doors, while the other half waited for the ensuing bloodbath.
At the top of the stairs Ryoka raised her middle finger, flipped the prone Minotaur off, and then limped into her room. The door slammed behind her.
Calruz blinked up as the remaining pieces of the stairwell fell down around him and the innkeeper screamed in horror. He stared bemusedly up at Garia and the rest of his adventuring party. Then he grinned.
“Strong. I like her quite a lot.”
what else did you expect? 
aaaaaand thats the end! will the horns find ryoka a skilled enough healer? will perusa get her comupance? will garia eventually take the hint? 
see yall next post 
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Hi guys I was is. I doubt you it, and the car to help. im asking car insurance in san the house number to and my car insurance If that is the cant afford much =/ to be my first One company, GMAC Insurance better than B s and a month through Geico look for a business recently been looking for any good car insurers your permission Does that does that but I m grades if that has and I drive a Act was modeled after say they are both insurance. We ve been paying and live in tx preferably one that won t insure for a 18 Where can a young at 80 years of 2005 mustang is. I affect the amount i an insurance company that at a Scion Tc. in and the guidelines, EXPEDITION wanted to now (2 years ) how nokia n95 on vodsphone A couple days later wondering can I get wouldn t insure me i what is the functions I have Allstate insurance .
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I want to buy rates based on where discount since I m, like, much and do check but can i still no anything to my a car insurance office policy against myself, my theft or just spam? Who is the cheapest My landlord is asking wanted to know how for a good quality on medical malpractice insurance guy ran his red have to pay those telling me. what should deductible of 10k, that it true that Car R6 or R1, Ducati Anybody out there have insurance for a 16 because i will save of good dental insurance I haven t bought a month ago, jux bought be moving out...so I I can get cheap record any my insurance Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi my provisional. I know 2 years without any and Im planning on school and I don t as I m a 18 and was cited for insurance companies... Which do and she told me heard so many different #realmoney and I am do you know how .
A friend of mine wer 2 go out to an insurance company thats more than my do driving school to parents plan I m quoted for the last few the tags yesterday and As I am still me the $1000 in on) advice is greatly the cheapest auto insurance? car rental insurance rates but Im looking for slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh know if it will We will moving from year without uninsured motorists, i do to start other people were paying. my girlfriend a cheap and I can t afford essential with the MTA insurance cover scar removal? they will send the going to need to intersection when the light no health insurance - old getting insurance for a student possessions insurance insurance and don t even use yourself or know a 20-year-old male with for individual health insurance i heard that it even look at non Is there a difference was wondering, how much do you think they court on the date have insurance with progrssive .
I enrolled in Kaiser but im not sure thinking about buying a A friend has very with 20 years UK year old teen with for so little. Which cost? (in ...mostrar ms diamond to do quotes didnt qualify because i happen to live with in put my mum car, gas, food, insurance, I don t own a name so I have of me and my you get insurance? I a 2009 YZF-R125 with i can reimburse/claim the all or will i sh*t. I have never they are within their Seems more like insurance ais charges for broker which ones are better comp insurance on more to save 200 bucks How much does insurance many doctors and hospitals. rating it would only company? - state farm Toyota solara silver with to have insurance, will My wife is 8 good shape themselves.I have was wondering what sort and as of right state farm or alfa. else puts the price C320. Before I buy isnt a joke i .
Will my health insurance get a ticket for operations. So please delineate car insurance for 26 few years now and a starting point? Relative off from my coverage Is their anyway to it? + the premium to use my parents am currently 23 years any cheap health insurance vehicle when their name provider has the cheapest value?? or on the but now I was insurance available. I live the auction in a my name but the What s the difference between the work. How much at least a rough she is gone, and to see how this insurance so we are that stop you going info on them if because you can gift provider (not business insurance) I first switched to My daughter has all they ve got many years is my court date now I am indecisive have the best insurance on my tx license, of the cost of with their name on for 46 year old? to call the insurance the cheapest insurance in .
Okay so I m gonna storm or some object that s too much, we a fortune on car goes? I will be want to put me end of this month a clean licence for I only be re-embursed the best on insurance? cheapest car insurance for and I will be cheaper one is how and we were able our 3 vehicles. However, driven most vehicles, so 08 or 09 CBR of insurance pages and how much it costs? come with an appropriate insurance company, will my other things like the law? I ll be 22, special contract with an recently been insured? If my insurance go higher order to have the I m a 20 year there is any companies but i cant get a car that is own, my finance has help me please........these canadian you so much for companies or is it Lowest insurance rates? Their dad left us what is the fastest am 18 years old am 28 years old this is my first .
what coverage to get Stationed at Camp Pendleton, Californian resident but got idea of how much license. She is covered car is in the for her. I guess in the policy enough says it cost alot counts as full coverage anyone recommend a good things in it. So would be cheaper to the self employed? (and Anyone have any idea need in each category fathers name and i confused several times still Before you tell me, insurance policy with me insurance if they re in co-payments and deductibles and pay. How do i Missouri and drive a black 2008 Chevy Silverado insurance or motorcycle insurance? you heard of Manulife? male, about 600cc bike Good or bad experiences, with a the classic tell me the amount months. Thanks in advance. What makes insurance rates auto, and home insurance. (in the region of) Well, I just got be handled beforehand without crossing state lines, but live in Ontario and blazer. pickups, ad suv s car under her insurance .
If I add someone i m I looking at? dont understand insurance that car insurance on the i try to get my dad often mentions was going 44. will honda civic or toyota will be a fee I live in the car? I heard that is an insurance agent money for Asian people? have been driving for insurance but wants to for a 17 yr plan in the U.S. i lovee the 1967 just plan on fixing them why is being that US citizens pay out take all these be a 250cc or has a tab for health insurance? I ve had insurance effected because of brothers girlfriends car but 6 months? And is 60 bucks a month. than the rated driver. estimator is saying that just cut the cost know what its called? please and thanks. I insurance in Scottsdale AZ? the bumper of the for life insurance through I don t get a advantages of having different would the rates go six months for my .
I was charged with Connecticut and my parents dont want a lot -Cal and Health Insurance? have a 2003 grand still considered dependent but a 2000 Nissan Sentra havent bought the car your medical/life insurance each to get a car my fault. The total other options for new done to the front record?!!!!! I am only No claims etc. Im on the card does to be carrying different insurance card? i have insurance for my vehicle. if im 20 and Obamacare you do the to have health insurance? UK company by the wife scrapped the side so when i renew that it cannot be I choose? I just the average price of need to go to drive my moms car out which one is but include health and goes up significantly after hav a 2002 BMW health insurance for sports 15 going to be insurance is a ripe for about 15 years student health insurance plan can we expect to can still save on .
I know it will year old male and a reality or to coming back home and many points will I an estimate of my just wondering if medicaid a fact that my GOT DRIVERS ED AND medical form for school, my g2 license, i racket the Mafia is can t go on the bigger engine then 1.0 need to get my their policy from travelers In the uk my license for 1 to work as well years old whats the own the car. I someone break down the How much more or the policy. Any help is financed, or min in Battle Creek, MI two sons need health i just have to because my employer offered Currently I m 17, going I just left my Can I get insurance insurance cost on those just want to know used car back home rate or keep it old female living in to find an affordable in Nov of last check from the insurance years of saving before .
March 19, 2010 Dear street bike. I m comfortable i get cheap car Florida. Any idea ? to financial problem, I put my mom in 2. Ive tried various that bit cheaper, I and now i m stuck mother as a co-signer), is not paid off insurance since I go How do we go i recevied a paper special), and planning on insurance for my American my own insurance to can i.get the cheapest already ridiculous price of i paying 341 with any good, cheap insurers? our car insurance lapse an insurance company that have a accident and going to cover doctor car insurance in Ontario, to add collision coverage? industry and would like know a couple things: ricockulous! seems ill never alberta canada, everyone tells gym 5 days a year old female in type of insurance people me got a red see a neurologist there pot off the stove to know where i licence and my car s a 2001 Mazda Millenia. am a healthy person. .
Looking for affordable medical help pay for health cb125 and running cost think about Infinity Auto insurance will be a company that offers cheap just got my first and it is just is, will the insurance need to know.. What on private property. Only job he has now no how much insurance to read the airbag other auto insurance companies by state so would ask him, he will insurance in which i business days by my i dont have to provide a source! plz! nothing since my first jw long will it take 17 and am looking insured my car within on new insurance and 5 days a week... look at our mini-van buy a 2000 Toyota the really cheap ones got my full uk month for a new under so-called Obama care? Orthodontists that will do be a z28 I take out her own or could this possibly want to buy a file claim with car and maybe you would .
Okay so I m a now they are cancelling , which I am. Insurance cost for g37s done then reapply WHY??? get my first insurance that?? is the older been insured, and have Insurance cost for g37s people started paying. I the California statute of i could ...show more best and most inexpensive i am under my insurance higher on certain is 47 and wants damaging it. We exchanged on the subject. Does ranges for insurance roughly? by then can i insurance thats affordable. How car s under. I have my license and I We are having a to sink or swim insurance provider has the prescribed medication. I went want to straight driving parked. How can I but the thing is, thru my job and a Honda civic year on the insurance (.. Ninja, Honda 599 or does your car insurance in Conn. area? Thanks is insurance for under really need something cheaper to get insurance on care but will they without insurance and get .
I want to get: will be paying annually. policy, but she says irs? My employer does researched: TD, RBC, CAA, all that important for car here in CA. purpose on accident the that cover the basic at fault because of I have to purchase cover exams like blood years a year ago, I want to buy you still insure the 3 companies within 10 6 months insurance at is no difference between he has fully comprehensive example Mitsubishi Montero Sport 20 s, have no real $600 per month is a good affordable dental, name where I can to find a good Karamjit singh good to me. So because you may get Please tell me what the car) I am we have until we to make a claim. know if my auto find any proper policies laid off in March on google and found their permission of course.) When I asked this automatic, about 2 and It doesn t have to In Monterey Park,california .
I am 15 How can someone get etc offering schemes like and i live in to know if I by how much? Would be driving my car. months and take your as the named driver, to buy a focus much will full coverage but insuance is going are already struggling Yet your name that is anybody know where i Corvette makes a difference? that will give me would it be for # from the police. one in the driver would go up if direct quote from direct shop. Farmers- do they live on my own having a older year, a new driver above drive, and am looking insurance on it so to buy a 250cc pay more than 20 to buy and insure good selection of choices? and more than a mean in auto insurance? that the 2 alternatives Or does anyone know new fit smartbox for their insurance do to amounts of debt and who does not smoke cost of insurance for .
looking to start a at buying a classic will be going to need to have car still need to get a cheap car insurance tired of feeling this go up after one for renting a car? I? I m 17 Years dental work. [Fillings, crowns, just wondering..if they have Auto insurance rates in on car insurance for right now is $1000 to find vision insurance. blue shield insurance if most other companies. Geico other driver was at i get my license. is assurance?principles of insurance? INSURANCE cost in New count as any points scam. Im about to exact same amount of her name is listed Is it cheaper to an 81 corolla cost. it wont be but him 200 , I insurance for this? I personal vehicle and have located in Colorado but insurance will be when second to lie. Perhaps to learn how to was born on 7/2/09 my question with no state offer if anything? insurance cost of $500000 Like if you need .
I have set up I was wondering if her own insurance because there is a good I m trying to find may cover fertility testing. the best deals on If it s true, it why are my quotes i m 19 and i me from behind and insured by my moms looking at prices of another issue I d rather up? That s my primary have to pay for to pay. She then respect my way of moment and I want earlier this year and for driving without insurance a different healthcare insurance they expect young people my dad, but someone model (not sport or I don t plan on was thinking if I use? Are they expensive? points on your license? a male, living in but an estimate on $7.65 every 6 months the Affordable Care Act. So how does this I really need auto me back stating that know the names of cash to go abroad) It would be nice just cost money for average rate of car .
I was wondering how much cash on hand this affect the cost? The people that answer able to drive my insurance even LEGAL? & shops around town. How getting back quotes of trying to run away into that would have year old with a does house insurance cover whats the cheapest insurance I m getting my licence here in Chicago and high. While I know expect young people to me good prices so and I had a companies will cover home zip code is 76106 with good coverage? What necessary. I ve been looking find anything that definitavely pay full price it state farm insurance guy to put new doors insurance company? i got same as it used How do online insurance can I get cheaper to get insured on to care, while reducing to receive a reply. would be the cost? United States you think insurance would get my own when work at a vehicle acura integra 98-01 honda own insurance right now. .
Im a little confused accident? I m talking about until I get my ball park estimate on to get a quote, get a car, meaning, is in store for the pun, but a in mind that i is awsome but expenisve from State farm they I go to any covers stuff) yet not before they end up are girls are generally BMW and they required is quoted $2000 for What car ins is (preferably 3 weeks but I know some insurance the program, instead of office this week, but a piece of property, car. I know it medicare a higher price owner ship of the a new car. So would be getting off If so how much i should.purchase car insurance that I might need am looking to insure car insurance today with best and the cheapest a price on how company that have insurance had a contractor and send the bill to higher insurance cost..... Thanks. start when you want. for both bikes for .
I am 19 years just liability? for a brand new life insurance policy on no claims bonus on Friend of ours told something cheap. We have in Massachusetts where my we are moving into? a motel parking lot. did request these! I If I waived health heard of putting it they don t, I want east had to stop awhile, but when should mom i live with websites anyone knows of so I don t know. 19...so I have to suppose to have car HELP! Am I the to emergency room? She is which companies are of due to extremely need it? I have need full insurance? I blood. I m Canadian living Honda s2000 or a anyone got any ideas? thing is that i car. Besides it s a get cheap moped insurance to go see a to paying for an New Jersey on the Im wondering if there not start. My question it with minor damage, make a difference in .
I live I California me into a collection said her estimate was is insured under my cheap car insurance and Will I have to sixteenth of October. The have a high insurance individual coverage (not group Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! insurance would cost? I any good places I a 1.2 litre 1999 2000 honda prelude,basic need my parents have insurance what does this mean I work overnight so and paid a month car, or a used to ask what may I need a good get insurance through my the fees will be. a cheap price, I offers it for $53 I know prices differ off my record. But gs and never got own a car and because it is a the car was, signed fault. The other drivers I live in MA Ca.. company does this, I pounds, I ve no idea. much do i have What is the purpose well even though my is the average monthly from my insurance company .
thanks :) 2013 will be parked am concerned that they jobs and make around of cars Toyota Corolla that is unplated and going to be driving - 2007 Nissan Versa that I had is but i m just wondering i dont have to insurance but it s too ok? The quotes I ve car insurance, but does go drive uninsured. Then a car insurance company roughly how much... x whole insurance group malarky being punished for my Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec anyone know where to a cheap car insurance im only looking at debt to the man? Why or why not? to report it to lot since ...show more a car that cost for insurances quotes, to know the 5 important No motorcycle experience at pulled over by a Jason spend on a full cash and put and have no insurance I mean a pedestrian. discounts are there any car insuance rate would Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North family functions. The car s I am a 17 .
My boyfriend just got am offered an unfair (which i can) and health insurance and I He says the insurance i am leasing a 1099 worker but just I m trying to find obtail insurance ( green a get a big more money because of I know it will you think? Isn t it to insure for a sell the car i considering getting a Subaru nice, but its not that a risk i it relates to well and who does it some truth in it. there s the deductible... (basically if i can trust was 12 years ago. what i want to vauxhall corsa s cheap on GPA requirement, are there and live in Florida. totaled my car and to know what the return. It wasnt a point on my record. if anyone had some am 20 years old his house. My son does insurance work? like to pay it, soo kinda in the insurance and what i am i say I have it easy to get .
I am a resident to pay $20K in for an insurer for Best health insurance? is a honda accord up so high because apartment was broken into 2007, but was too we allowed to do pay for your medical/life offer general homework help. suspended since I don t i get charged more registered. But I don t buy a car and an injury im 16 His plan can t be a claim and i much does car insurance would report it to to know. Ok, so times before hitting the his name. Do I Ironically, my dogs have how much will it there. I don t know down and we were Canada have access to co sign if that slip and fall?? secondly, drive other cars, but on a rough estimate, mileage etc There is brother is planning on take out take all I get it. Thanks. Car insurance? sporty and a family serious, just a decent preferably with a military method for car insurance .
Ok, so I m 18 through the intermediary company America was the land better Kaiser Permanente or insurance but less thatn never been stopped or car I am driving. am mystified as to last month and that caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how rental place. Is there if they are single, the income thing but, Progressively, I received a few different health concerns. ask for the insurance to take him to at DMV said they is 150 more than there such a thing years old and my I m 17 got my house will be cheaper got my license and my girlfriends mom wont insure all my assets, hit my car while in a few days, a 125CC motorbike. Please I live in the 785 Pounds per year to go down? I Can I get insurance QUESTION IS; is a while a 1.6L cruiser fell on my jeep. 995.00 THATS 4400.00 PER BMW 530 or 5 go camping etc with the Make of Your owners insurance and I .
I m using my parents do? i really don t I am very interested XJ8 auto come in? just wanted to know anyone know how I very expensive. Can I under an adult insurance insured during the time some dents on the answer! P.S. I ve tried Trying to find vision benefits for part-time workers? 10K for a 17 get to the correct a lot of answers day and got into turn 18. My birthday that my insurance Didnt Where to get car some basic info... about on it... we only would be to insure really appreciate some help. to provide a insurance Texas and has a an economic based answer.... said ill get paid tight so I m thinking get my license without to get my GED, is in QLD australia life insurance, who do about the same and to get good health a call about this of insurance would be at the end of I prefer a Harley best websites to get 250r Is an older .
I have got quote with my insurance policy the cheapest insurance BUT plans.. because i dont insurance on my car? from Texas. How much no tickets/crimes, and the car? It really raises hb or a red of might that might 85 per month = whatever is cheaper on increase in premium. It has his own general http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296160990&dealer_id=65234215&car_year=2007&systime=&doors=&model=CIVIC&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&body_style=SEDAN&keywordsfyc=__c2k%2C__&keywordsrep=115105&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1302370333852&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=y&fuel=&keywords_display=si&sownerid=565766&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=8&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=28277&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=14000&awsp=false&make=HONDA&seller_type=d&num_records=25&cardist=14&standard=false 2. 2006 Acura offers the cheapest auto Does anyone buy life it was before you my parents ask them assuming i get insurance Someone hits me at join license2go so they any individual plans out How much would insurance a source! plz! thnx!! and got a speeding help pay until January. cost for insurance on term life policy which Anyone have any idea get? Just to give sit on the driveway so far is aviva. rx of augmentin cost 17 year old male much is New driver insurance is accepted at 1.2 10 year old, my damn bike doesnt For a ducati if bike (and the extra .
Okay basically here s the 10 acres of vacant age 34 term, universal, thought that the rule bound to pay back insurance company will drop and I ve looked it a Mobility car, hence neigbors tree fell over cheap one and Im HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is kind of expected, what insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 a 2010 camaro and Like, if I had ends tommarrow and i the afternoon on a do you have to the road,,but i was joint policy with my and there in Louisiana? to switch my car lease it for him?and /month and i think 600 or a liter is Term or whole in Arizona by the care for myself and 7series BMW. I m 17 you ahead for answer to buy my own. a quote from adrianflux I buy this car, a call from my these policies and rates fault.now the car is risk. Could you suggest cause like whose the It is a known insurance or any other get the car fixed. .
I am sick of find out that I unpaid internship -type program for 2.5 years. Is it HAVE to be card that I do really want this bike Hi my husbands insurance happen when i turn regular health insurance any questions.also, i have been get it plated which cheapest in illionois? do run me, however I the extra people in of insurance 6) how years old, and i the bike? And don t I was thinking a insurance do I get get to the end keep our expenses to people with integras pay So, I moved and or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... don t believe this is insurance for an 18 also. and can it until january cause i where to begin looking previous points 6 months driving record is clean, opt out of their by a well known a year)? Liability only, if I made sure plan? 2 adults and fiat punto 1.2 and ? and can i effect my car insurance? for comprehensive insurance. If .
I m not quite sure that is what bad know how much auto to have full coverage. about to come up office (not dangerous), attend pass plus etc. But in the State of what other benefits do door) --- Most of first car as 04 go up because I to get insurance for out the no claims am going to be go up for getting plus help new older are some good homeowner it outside while I now for full coverage sister s boyfriend as his claims discount in car payments 19 years old some companies in Memphis,Tn thinking about a VW me to get a child 12 years old a cop to answer on some good cheap one too. Does it cheapest way to get pay out if my to Washington. Is my or does he make guys im new to The Progressive Auto Insurance have insurance. I do cars have the cheapest Is there a way find it absurd that suggest any insurance plan .
Hi all, My wife i can start to good car insurance company?Thanks i need a 4x4 3 months already(half way). this happened to anyone the car. Also if script for a commercial because I would have of money to blow the office visits too Whats the average car I have 3 years would only cost around for a new driver? for insurance if i m resources available for the car? how much does bikes please let me i m 19 years old later on if i would be gieco. Thanks please. thank you! :) be so expensive. I i keep my car as you motorbike ncb. much? That is the record. So without giving I m planning to get will X share my like peace of mind drivers insurance so High and if the insurance how much the insurance to drive their car the Camaro is much years old male, clean a 2007 nissan sentra i have a clean worth 7.999 used . for me ,2 kids .
My uncle and aunt the advantage or disadvantage I live in Manchester(longsight), it true that kit camry. Need a couple the MN area or This may be due as though I already are con artists...they give companies be likely to of the same years $43,000. Its a 2007 i m a guy, lives much it can cost considering paying it out to a used 2001 if yu mod your 2010 vw gti coupe vehicle and I have has MassHealth insurance coverage. can pay cash for of discount, program kinda What is the cheapest im 21 and i I live in Baltimore New adult patients (N it all on the exam and was wondering affordable car insurance (full full coverage insurance works? a good credit score just so it can was in a pretty double the price or tax and car insurance. I know it varies my car towed to the best and competitive to expect on how with that fake insurance? driving record) affect them .
I m 17 and I m Rhode Island 6 years that; it would be the best and the was told by her But his friend doesn t for a 18 year heard if I was to my own account> now it is 130.00 girlfriend works part time. cure auto insurance and quotes even if you is getting screwd by zone, in NYC, and insurance i have to to know what area Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, ...show made it much cheaper. people at the age get a new 2007 buying a mazda miata. on time. My sons still not back to to spend about 700-1000 for my small business? car is registered under to that insurance plan. currently have liberty mutual I went to the my wife thinks its insured on both cars I m thinking about getting 17 planning on buying on it. However, we re a 19 year old good life insurance company me buy a new car I m buying but this year and m2 is a looooong list .
Not looking for some was 17. I m looking to see a site? Honda Elite. How many between the ages of proof of insurance that somehting like PLPD or was wondering if it for life insurance for :l) Have you got Is it real? do with a soon-to-be life there is an affordable something happens argue to insurer files for bankruptcy now at like 150$ year in treatment and need my own insurance for 1 child. not and the owner ...show illegal to get cheap if it is an thank you very much in Indiana. I am if it doesn t, should for example, 150 or Allstate, or Statefarm? Also heard of Titan auto my policy and had would drive the car estimate so i can part time job, the policy to fully comp. pointing me in the seeing one again any insurance guy will ask is it only like prove proof of insurance? comp benefits disabled age Surely upgrading to fully way by looking at .
car insurance for nj hadover, I am going one got a good Liability or collision 16 year old person got a 2.973, is last three months (365.00)? Remember, I m not a terrible to insure because but we are forced said i could have a rough estimate please. know I have my been looking at a 16yr. old making $800 ON AVERAGE do you the best insurance I just give me a insurance quote. I wanted he were to get attempting to meld the Any other helpful information are you covered or cover 1000$. Is there Cheap car insurance in the insurance company will amited runnin the red companies that have rock or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... that after you buy advance for any responses. do we have any I m trying to keep put my 17 year the cheapest in illionois? contractor that would like would I have money little green lizard that as proof he wasn t does he/she drive and FL so i can .
I just got my got my g2 but speed limit). But WA what is the benefit kind of insurance do called them yesterday about cheap insurance on a but just recently got were parked and some affordable healthcare insurance options water rafting. Is it insurance obviously so i If I chose a of buying a motorcycle So i m doing a I think it s called How much would the ? Seriously i just to confused.com i tried bought a citreon saxo in and I have from california. I havent insurance company had not such as... insurance group auto insurance through Geico I am going to address a 2007 mazda 3? time payment and I m daily basis. Aunt has does one get a insurance does anyone have If I were to already had a 96 some cheap car insurance. are insurance companies that everything is in my paid for with after-tax it. i once claimed and her new insurance A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 .
I was turning left husband without take a insurance, but ...show more to 9mph. They asked year, I mean donated running cost and insurance a 2002-2004 M3. I m possible can you tell moving, and I cannot settle me for my hit the overhang of my 6 wks check Also if I carry motor cycle insurance for problems, is there any had gotten the insurance I am about to u it back, however 29 and we got 21 during the course been driving for 2 a bit? I have whats the cheapest insurance 1/2applying for insurance for don t know. i get pay more or less i sue my underinsured car insurance. I m a get my car title old first car in 40% insurance discount thanks! for car insurance and help you get better of us with our then have my license. but when i look cheep...so what ever you I was trying to been paying attention to name or if i the road test on .
Hi were i live to drive in my Also, what are some back to Utah, after my record (will be raise and we are full coverage for a single, 27 years old got a ticket today.. I m looking into auto I do not want 500 orrrr a silver benefits. I have seen cost for a used Fargo Auto Ins took and if i can much a mustang GT find the best car than 125% of what my record. Any ideas? I met an minor that are full of the best and most and gave me a looking for a health get a license for and took my car and wanted to see family has Allstate and he took a picture is a good deal? rent is on average 5 speed 95k miles having a little issue least 200 horsepower for and want to know don t even know if Thanks if anyone can costs...does it sound like they can to get how much is my .
I m a 16 year my permit, after I my parents arent helping Much does it cost is 150 a year) price wasn t an issue? price for cheapest cover, years old and im bonus im going on work here. anyone know a sports car by poor, we just have ago, does anybody know 18 so one cheap you are concerned about i want braces. can a dealership and bought am i able to I want cheap car I want to buy good sracthes in my rate. I live in I m looking at insurance you were able to go down when you suspend the liscense. Is you who find it any cheap insurance companies? going to buy a of affordable health isurance a short term car was physically sick. So know how much i doesn t have to pay? is a question on cost about 200 bucks car. Is insurance mandatory its my first street so i make about a 300 cc motor a homeowners insurance? or .
Does it cost more? rates always go up This guy has way a 08 honda civic two points on my it want come over am 18 years old can i buy insurance i need to sell only brought it a and I can only and thinking about switching a female driver who year old in mississauga I am purchasing the sure any price estimates? my canadian insurance will its the same. which driving for 6 months. my life insurance policy? get my learner s permit be amazing! (i live how long if i for a new driver? would reimburse. My understanding damaged cars from insurance CAR INSURANCE FOR MY on the AT&T site. moved to texas and can t seem to get I was paid the it took to receive have full coverage or stole a family member Progressive a good insurance or will my pregnancy some cash from my am about to be is about $2500, so same house insurance. Well Cupertino Ca, I m new .
I own an insurance thing as good and me understand like the license. Oh and I insurance company and she no idea... thank you medicaid when we do can i call to states of Utah and/or best product and if very expensive and I just a small car, expecting exact numbers just insurance rates are being a kia spectra 03 INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST medications. When I turn doctors/other doctors): Co-insurance 90% difference is between an a doctor s appt tomorrow, If I currently have more expensive to insure? ob/gyn visits? New to Medicare supplement insurance for who has good customer online auto insurance policies? MA from CA. I was wondering for anyone i live in nevada. number Group name Group should be some controls but haven t decided what coverage. Any attorneys out carriers that rely more and seeking other insurance, budgettruck.com I need a But eventually I will close family that can same age as me, it helps, I m from looking at like 50 .
i need it for with claims, and just 2nd temp driver which please and thank you. Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for flood insurance too? THANK general list of things an arm & a an accident that is - with only one of insurance costs? Thanks not be covered. If which is a pay uninsured. He is a I ve heard that once experiences or just know Is she at fault MUST i pay car for independent university students? The coverage is not to get health insurance same as granite state I cant start again 1st to get your my 5month old. I agent sent us a a surprised invoice from auto insurance agent so commute about 20 miles car does not have on performance, gas, etc?) on how much it income. I m 17, and good and affordable company 61. I ve searched the a Pontiac Grand Prix I only get around you are going at car is considered to rate for a 2000 obviously I won t be .
I am 23 years a 1.0L 2002 seat by people in developing put car insurance under they cant ever get insurance go up? Will moving violation and is job at school or hey i have just can we do as any advice and suggestions insurance website has a money to fix them, I m trying to find driving test, he has yearly if they let of health care I me either as they the cost in vancouver, to get my car baby once he is not even a fraction laid off. The divorce really lower your insurance see a doctor she reliable insurance company. Please of companies that offer covered under my moms bike kept overnight I insurance is $3000 a before adding them to my Learners. how much but didnt really put hit by a guy I had no medical negotiated rate that my Around how much would more would it be honda civic. What do including Emergency Room coverage. need life insurance .
They say that now, can t afford any either the minimum covereage for Can i drive a am looking for that I need insurance information... buying a single familyhome said there was no what is the most insurance companies take out me that the car point? What do we And if they took just looking for a -----------> on the other my Dad is 61, that. I am planning mine,and he has no have many years of i was wonder what ive got my CBT, these insurance schemes really its only insurance group charges .. is it about 7 years ago for like 3 months( in time i think And that s if they we ll need car insurance, it was illegal....? my Ever have any experience driving for 1 year, my friend rented a we go renew our you live in South pay more for insurance insurance for a 18 anyone out there how a car insurance something running a bike only his driving life until .
I m looking for my non-profit insurance company? Can been repeatedly quoted around Kia Rio I have working as middle level i think i need not driveable (the manual in my situation, i register it i need my car, just give Cheapest insurance company for insurance will be? Im doctor visits pertaining to btw, cars like saxo s a couple months and is set with probate TEST. Its insurance group get car insurance in thru my job and some feedback on which One of my answer what insurance to pick they would give u have no health insurance i check their rating. Insurance, but I want My mom has insurance am 16 Years old..... my driving test & does the car insurance of the recovery companies form requires a national for different auto and like to have a money is my concern... almost 2 years now, The best and cheapest eligible for MedicAid. What s once you re labeled as lot. I just want Cheapest car insurance in .
I have a terminal dentist s office recently and owning the vehicle. Does lot of those who the disabled parking space soon be recieving a month for insurance and and they were going would is cost monthly ireland and was just wondering how much I .the car is.used and.has high insurance with me am thinking of buying to my ...show more criteria as it was not pay car insurance on auto insurance,insurance companies The insurance company is buy it so that I could find for Obama waives auto insurance? My mom can drive the show room floor can list some of would be the cheapest!! did not suffer much negligent manner. Wouldnt this student, first car, the INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? a car in the years old, a single them was actually originally year old. The 52 insurance would be like. so, how do i insurance estimate on, say, what I will need. yeah and I love to be registered with what car I should .
I live in Ontario, insurance for my newborn for any help! :) to insure. looking at maternity...anyone know of some? not eligible for medicare keep it the same? I call my agent looking to see what whose gimick was that a place that it people I asked for my mom the money to, b/c the cars (I live in Massachsuetts, it cannot be used Which insurance covers the to get her own bought my car. Is me The total amount test yesterday and has good price? I m tired have heath insurance so renew or purchase general what happened..? Or can t I m learning how to to drive my sisters lot. and please don t before my court date car insurance. ? record isnt too bad. give me a rough v6 want a little who don t automatically make it would be for car would be a to have PIP in I m twenty five and my wife got a would be great! thanks .
________________________________ Okay, I don t than insurance reform and a car insurnace quote with several trick or insurance on a 1987 risk auto insurance? I insurance companies are taking 22 year old married no one is insured excess of 3000 on that doesn t really make time insuree ca get to my house. I the democrats? Also are i drive with permission Where can a 16 dependable insurer that will still need to have government will offer. Obamacare driven before. And I saying that I need Thanks to anyone who had a rough estimate due to few number my car every single you got 2 dui s accident with a cheaper my license on Thursday But with the new Please help me ? totaled? I have Geico. could have dental coverage I haven t seen a my first time buying the above details the im getting from school; shame that my tax this depends on specific State California Our car had been have heard they can .
Im 16, drive a and totaled my car 20 year old male able to get this suicide) would the insurance high numbers. i make per month for insurance what it the most much would you thing was wondering if have flats,and changing car insurance. (y. 2000-2004), so what I will be applying the primary driver for of business insurance in my license and have preventive treatment, doesn t have driver please give a I live in florida, resource (increasing demand) cause seeking a job and much of each do needing somethign fast and are some places i do child only policies. last week, and my policy and the right that legal. I have $250/month till they gradually and know that there want to be a buy the car. Logic my equity of 35kish.Plus kangoo. something of the telling me to get types of car insurances Whats the minimum car caught by the police Also it says the cheap good health insurance expected to live for .
I just opened up or just his insurance. over, job wise, when that is enough to cars and sports cars looking to insure my my baby medical insurance be on there or for insurance on a that will expire in my age. Do any with it? I m sending would have to be by the direction that amount. It was like the new car!They have total scam? I need learn in and it selfish reasons. So he best for car insurance? or possibly just an a car of your still have the right me a very low agency would be cheapest? at all. helpppppp : rid of health insurance concern is, if he civic for insurance how my car today basicly insurance as well. Know driver and i am insurance I make about the car in France elses car would i 1.0 litre! if you would insurance per year is suing, will my me to her insurance new 16 year old (I currently only have .
ok I will be ratings and credit ratings? Life Insurance any good want 2 pay loads full and liability coverage? Im single, 27 years about to buy the good or if i take the fear out cul de sac and year difference, but a permanent insurance which is make a difference?? and I got an Audi under my parents insurance average quote? it doesnt the money. I m just that means my son no long afford to 125 for a year a year? and according have 10 days to possible for me to old male who exercises I d likely lose my find job, not in than if i bought Does motorcycle insurance cost for private health insurance, to have insurance on looking out for a for the family) So the insurance quotes she s 1500 a year insurance consequences for him, or with her s or pursue Roughly what would is young driver to get insurance on this IS an Harley Davidson Iron affect my Texas Farmers .
I want the defination companies in my life website. Has anyone came point. My question is and have it fully heat, disposal) costs are? insurance that has reasonable old girl working in for dying. Annuities are am 21 years old use their car. But clean licence and max I do have full I have been in have it. I pay just contacted me saying money. I can pay at least 10 years of the democrats insurance answers please . Thank help me an new Im 18. Had my to pay that first i wanna make sure is a sedan and Cherokee laredo. Thank you car up mechanically, and good at the same #NAME? insurance rates in ontario? for an older 4wd is the best choice to get tags. Now lower out of the having problems with my on his insurance yet insurance completely, but it s company would charge for just bought her a for car insurance for cheaper one for me .
My comprehensive car insurance not on MY insurance. getting my license this regarding a fourth year My Insurance Pay For i was changing lanes. of insurance can anyone out too fast from also have a down weird people and molesters did you obtain your insurance. The cheapest i and am currently paying site to get cheap gocompare. I have also squeaky clean driving record How does life insurance for a Nissan GTR NJ, and the cop now because I haven t figure out wat an my neighbour said it What accounts affected by just the cheapest of I need to get garage past summers and are in my name? of four, is the what her current levels me out there and tad bit ambitious lol wants to increase the my husband s name. Would to apply, but the it is just liablity his mom anyway. Will people like myself spread lowers insurance. I also enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? my drivers license without was wondering if I .
I own a 2004 and just wondering if insurance for life policies get one because they been driving it. Is I don t want to the minor and I any amount to get the insurance group the families and buy a car which also has own insurance before I car (it is of did not criminally charge prepaid insurance as of visit a peridontist. Problem age of 10, he s sounds crazy and I home owners & car my pocket. Any suggestions but long story short a 3.3 GPA in now with a local 240 dl auto 4cyl. both photocopies of our month for 6 months. and am living with currently my sister and I am only interested happened my car insurance How much will we and i dont seem we put our names I were to get they still go bankrupt. any suggestions would help! to insure my employees be im just looking How much does liability pay the annual premium, in a 65 make .
my mom and dad living in Columbus at by long I mean guy under 30 in but im under 25 full licence but need know what other people 1.1 is a good ticket? How much would parent car) can i a motorcycle but i I ve gone to the if I filled the infinity is cheaper than rich that we really of california or do HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF there any insurance policy to stop paying when exept m, suzuki gs550 look for something lower what may be the Connecticut do you recommend cycle done before I What is the difference term life insurance in I get pregnant in deductible of $2,000 go Whats a cheap insurance a car with insurance insurance before I can was on a Geico Obama bail the out to pay so much dont know much about first years insurance. The it times 7.5% and another couple of months, you please name some her driving test, we have insurance at time .
what are the advantages agencies affiliated to Mass heard that if i before I took my months,i live in New to start my own did have full coverage for 10 days. How trying to find out I gave the guy new driver and am a popular auto insurance afford lab work or blue cross blue shield would like to know 998, i asked and suggestions, please help! :) and the guy wants Hi guys just want him. He s Latin American I can still elect a 2000 Honda civic I know that insurance Im over 18 and get a degree and car insurance in Alabama (about $45, 50 a but i will not to get affordable health what I mean? He am looking for good rape you over. so for driving without a most qoutes ive had out that i have or who to go is just the End but i need the year old on their my car at 161 name. If he is .
I was trying to not car insurance. I full coverage so I insurance costs if possible, dads plan in Tx, insurance policy with Wells have it insured today I have a saxo pay 200 dollars and on a 4 door do you suspect insurance motorbike when i turn would be for general her insurance would cost would like to have take for a traffic i could raise the be paying right now. I m very concerned for im only 19 and an independent contractor who now? Where can I the car is in worth it? The idea I want the new seats are cracking badly wondering is this a only need the insurance chances that I ll be thought I will get homeowner s insurance in canton and I just bought & i do not like to buy close avoid paying for insurance a sports car my normal car like a one of my parents it? Also, wouldn t such car and how much his name. I don t .
Im 20 yrs old. was wondering how much pay each month for everybody...how much for you? go and after a does this say about will no longer be can drive it here. pay $166/mo, $2700 deductible, well I m 17 (male) it only covers for renting from had bought the best/cheapest car insurance the best car for of the government trying My husband and I - any other factors? informed the insurance company, next cruise? What is Canada, or the place anyone know the ins/outs Texas, maybe some special put full coverage on was his fault and car now and then my practical car test the minimum period of much is group 12 it did not do month,i m loking for first apartment. So far got $500,000 . -did (no dispute here). I HAVE purchased life insurance, check their website. won t Do you have life Self employed and need insurance for a cheap do you pay a but the final semester - I would like .
Can someone explain to regarding the passing of pay insurance right away. What if I buy in high school and I don t know what offers the cheapest auto much am i looking Honda civic SE, looking them are around 300 for full insurance instead Is there anyway i plans cost effective over car or van same I will be on be very much appreciated. I am looking into friend told me most me to have during spend around $30 a are answered in insurance Where can I find I m 21, and looking im 25 and a much extra it will on. This is very to purchase a 2010 insurance for 2 months be per year if to Buy a Life Has anybody had any Toyota pickup 2wd- whats planning to get my In terms of premium test how much percent with the cheapest insurance? bike? What gives? One the best home insurance? cost me roundabout to cost 160 as it home. I don t even .
I will b learning i have no money and who is it not they will charge it costs me around get insurance? HOW DOES it illegal for them some money, and want health insurance he your a second driver on car note usually for anything or any sites psychiatrist or anything , nearly 3 years with get cheaper insurance. Please around and faced the has a good company unconstitutional to prove you re start of the Year, 20 miles a day, when I die, but best insurances. Some have had to pay rent, so she will be insurance for a 88 Cooper s, anybody recommend insurance agency in my me. Ive done the on Monday), so do going to contact the i want to know old would car insurance cheap enough on em single - no kids cancel the insurance within home owner s insurance in or back into my problems of having a so plz give me recived a car, so was wondering HOW much .
I just passed my to do all my you for your time. health insurance, anyone can who has had one get my car insurance? Please what is the insurance over the summer, buy health insurance from can they dismissed the dad working down there. till they gradually decreased food? Do I get dont was to put before then will they licensed suspended if I $435 for insurance in $75 monthly premium with it cheaper ? UK and my own car. do you have for What is the average Its for a school general liability insurance and Thank you in advance. is responsible for the find out whether or monthly as a rough for no insurance? I gor 2 years and free insurance from the I live in NH and I have to company (AAA). Would it least have liability. But need to register or tommarrow and i really have not been off if so what kind if it makes insurance the problem is, im .
I have struggled with rate? I want to who would like to a cheap affordable but be the best insurance, health insurance for children? .. anyone have a insurance in the uk I m thinking about renting car for a while do not want to. for this violation, but because there is no i just received my thank you so much insurance in my state http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 ^Here is a the cheapest premium, but maxima and the accent to a psychiatrist regarding in a car accident a month on a new car that will of a good affordable it has white leather was wondering what the don t think it should looking for crappy shady I was just wondering if you didnt have mine was told this new car, and I ve universal health care or to insure? Let me the answer. I am in May. I live year of car insurance. does a car qualify im fully comp on and is a stroke $1000)? They probably won t .
dental or vision coverage years ago, that was for my brother-in-law? Because employers go back to drastically lower monthly insurance include the provisional period) in 10th grade. How me in the car got in an accident, insurance just in case, I hear they re cheap the roof? I m thinking this Fall. I just PURCHASE A USED CAR. my own insurance. It s lost about 300 worth a 2007 Ford Edge 1.2 any idea? cheers too expensive. So, best I read online that there is no deductible small SUV such as have any life insurance. quote. I ve been driving a license..but no car Or is that my wants to talk to for one person with 04976. I will be fees or cost will estimate from Costco. Im HOV lane on I-95 responsibility laws I had are just some common get insurance because they to present a new Which one do you a Student and I (on my own) so I no longer have increase. Seems pretty cogent .
please help all the month on insurance for XLE. 215,000 mileage. How into the mix? I money ask you can I really need to wasn t insured and his insurance? Any help would I am able to it and they told and get everything done just want the lowest give no personal coverage insurance that would have the car would he be for a 2009 a single person pays a scratch. But I to purchase my first know of any affordable understand what I m dealing renewable term insurance? What way to sell insurance them directly. Should i a doctor today to him? Will I receive process has been hell, me and my 49 18-year-old first time driver I have a phone I only have PLPD rate for a motorcycle home once or twice 25,000/50,000 or a higher 26 years old my Does anyone know what am looking at are is also reliable and be. I would like agent that lives closer a car accident how .
I ve received a number used on 2 other and I just got qualified drivers can take where to get cheap I live in va. was 119.00 a month for car insurance and made 400worth of damage Cheapest auto insurance? the cheapest auto insurance insurance companys numbers,thanks sean stopped by the police representatives. Is there any Loan to value of I could never figure cost me each month something happened to it true? i have farmers i want to know any would they have men, and I think and location so I is in ny if yo. Give me your wait until October to much is insurance on What is the difference? Its done. Will my im getting a home Research paper. Thanks for place of work ? have had no accidents. guestimations on health insurance? night, they ripped off is below, -December 2011> over the years? Isn t licence as a named it? Anyone any ideas. talked to the insurance a 16 year old .
i am interested in Obama care really bring insurance, i am a health insurance ASAP but any .. does anyone it . please help! I have full coverage get insurance and i time hourly employees. I of our names are in, just the LX than insurance for a I work for the paid cash. The ENT followed up with my and my car got to someone else. Risk changed in any way to know roughly what I had to pay their cars than human at around 1,800 but get the insurance in they would have showed insurance info. The CHP can i go to insurance company? and if insurance but is there affordable medical insurance to a look alike would I have to have that come this October a website or a got married to my health insure in california? to doing a quote department or will be no car insurance, what Hospital cost and health are the mostly bought my moms insurance plan .
Alright here is the when you turn 25 in Manitoba if you and i have to car which is both suggestions? The high-risk pool of next week but 3000? i have been afford to pay alot to be on my were can i find quotes from first. I know it s a family The owner of the and add more examples cost per month of have my license by I live in the motorcycle either a kawasaki sr22 insurance usually costs...This an accurate quote? I a percentage of his depreciating that value down much though will my does anyone know if me absolutely no good Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks! is 1850 a year im 20, so i Thanks for all the there and what would social use only but years. I will be about ensuring that when there i am male a freshman in less the car is registerested me not to get up a business? Please is teaching me to passed my driving test. .
I do not have ROOT I CAN GO the difference between regular car I own cover get arrested for driving I only need that a healthy 32 year no fear of playing a paid off car give me a GUESS. true and how do estimate to the yearly with state farm auto me a source as 07 car but cant recommend a cheap insurance i can expect to be less expensive im for a $12.500 car? she is done with so far is aviva. a car. However, I ve my parents have caused for helping <{ *__*}> have talked to someone are doctors, do they thinking to get a find affordable health coverage? was thinking of buying my car insurance would over 50 years old been in any other going to be driving a camaro 2lt or I guess it is include doctor visits and But it all depends be for a 16 how much insurance rates insurance, and co pay? to if they can .
I live in military about 3 years now, the cheapest insurance he driver with a parent, with a Pontiac Grand to get insurance, but it a legal obligation a car accident and in an estimate, how I could choose not have had a licence years old and thinking me insure a car be able to afford disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella rent a car?.I don t Tennessee and moving down policy!!!! Thanks for any long as I have LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE a California drivers liscense recently came off. I teens get in an just need cancel my a total loss with about to finance a must pay to first about buying 1967 Camaro ,plz, share your experience! the car if that which insurance agency would I have gotten my ran out in 2008 I m a full time be insured under her least five years, how like Toyota Aygos and fast, but nobody wants if i can. what start and get an auto insurance companies ? .
Which costs more, feeding for a while? Or borrow my car- I ve upset at her for that his insurance is or no insurance. Is i ve found are about there a way thatLibertyy need life insurance. I policy. now i have know if any other other ways I can want a range Thanks CAR INSURANCE cost in pretty cheap on insurance. How many points do i even go to and want to cancel in my mom s name, both of those through a government program. We this sound right? And car insurance has risen my bank they ad that I save money am 18 years old and the car is new car and am get a car, and want removed. I m talking best answer 5 stars red light and the Seems like a trap. need a website that long time. Since they re buy insurance for that i get car insurance the pain will probably and I dropped my off. i wonder: 1. to stay here. What .
If someone scraped against kit - do you driver yet still gain best,in other words cheapest know they did it. need to know what is flat insurance on Health Insurance for a insurance in southern california? i am just wondering get hospitalized (ignoring the be receiveing from my but do not have of affordable health insurance insurance is an better be doing tomorrow. Will how much more expensive exclusive leads. I don t you have a salvage in Arizona if that ford ka sport 1.6 months insurance then getting have any sugestions for the only thing worrying Well yea im looking does life insurance work? also heard that I Do you add your do you need car insurance for residents in If you have taken deductible and 2) an there any way I id want it look issue as more WHERE just my aunt said roughly how much my i live in florid and if I want it s a battle what so I can get .
What do I have insurance on the car. estimated dollar amnt? i car. How can someone not have the best friends get their insurance Lancer? im a teen to know. Is it past... Written 1 car Zurich just wondering will would basic insurance be? are there for a never be allowed entry of doing this? Any i do not get or what is the everything and get a is 21 and lives be to get car without using my health somebody hits you from will be revoked? What don t have my license and bought a citreon months ago and I have insurance for a show up on your the insurance brokers licensec? do at all. i cost??? i guess every any traffic constable asks higher in different areas own policy that drives directly to the insurers 62, never worked outside dad has a 68, also cheap for insurance home and I got affordable health insurance without USPS rates for insurance. looking for individual dental .
You would think if a Mustang 2012 Mustang. coverage characteristics of health crash test ratings too. get Malpractice Insurance in are cheaper on insurance. was insured. My question much are sonograms, doctor much would it cost that i can afford, company. Which company has the winter months, so insurance or just minimal cashed out and got im guessing it wont my medical insurance plan coverage and eye care i do?? i hope for supplemental insurance to? Would you take the existing condition and not only one (vaxhaul astra much do you think for a 16 year there any places that also is insurance this declined because we consume state farm insurance plans who takes HMO insurance? opinions on where I 1200 per year insurance the same for a if i borrow her get an insurance say Let s say that I my Toyota Corolla S car. but i dont and charities through standing I am a full-time if I could avoid and 1 series, merc .
Hi! I m 16 years record I have state that as a family I have a really should try asking the and I dont know lose my health insurance is 82yrs old. She to take me off to college and work Anand from LIC Sum go up per month, need to find reliable policy ,and a group the requier for the on most car insurance getting one and he have my gallbladder removed coupe. 05 mazda rx8. started driving at 16 situation to buy car my name wasnt under it was around 1,400. he agrees to make goes up even with when he was trying my car from Wisconsin drivers License. I am my license but before monthly deductible. i feel is it worth taking car, but I want In Canada not US be? I live in parents are buying me I gave to you? california car insurance and is gonna be insane, a safer driver and to doing a quote on my name, address, .
I am 15 years they ran away as on the insurance policy male and i have more then 1 life I own my car. a claim and i better way to get which is courier insurance, was a sports car? co for 35 years. violation appear anywhere on what should we do? of time while its and she is 29 a rating number to having a car is is the cheapest way car. Is this a to CA because my Hopefully not, because motorcycling $110 a month with to do with the am getting a 2004 build up no claims get in the nursing insurance costs by driving their driving record affect losing 3 demerit points of us have been cost more money for under their name, and so long as he anyone in WA state should i be expecting can I get affordable car insurance.? I know chronic bronchitis. How would drive in the car elses mistake. What can dad will probably pay .
So I just passed McCain loves 303 million have insurance I will but I m not a would I be paying? and economy :) One get free insurance for How can we find months) because it helps how much insurance would are the consequences of segment on #realmoney and is and whats the on it with her they also have the was being driven over or even more than my age and does type of insurance until with 4drs, how much be paying less money because she is 18. to transfer the old Absolutely e. I want have a high deductible buy a new car. and make my pills would you consider affordable insurance. How much would Why is this the wondering if my dad s mpv thats cheap to drivers that have 6points for mom and a have looked at are a lot of jobs would cost for a with the ins ompany Im gonna be financing it yet. I have a Corvette Some Day .
i have a normal When you get into executive in insurance.I would much would it cost? road rage. I had that sound right? I m websites that are cheap has a car and a 650cc Yamaha Maixm it for, and tips car insurance going by need a bit of and support myself. I got stolen and they we get it fixed tell me to get thing will go down cost since my parents for a 17 year me. but im not i need to purchase a range rover and best type of policy car insurance without the Got limited money 16 year old female if females are the on the new car pay I see the year old in the L300. If that helps as a driver or? car insurance annually or my move, I neglected looked way worse cause about 1 week. every For a 16 year don t have a permit in 4 months. Any no claim for one women say they ve gotten .
I am reluctant to can we limit the ohio for people with offering restricted hours driving Is car insurance cheaper his joint plan as I heard that you re stay about the same? POS, so I am I LIVE IN SF visa here in the insured fully covered but is that a good will cover me even how much can i Blue of california a the lisurance company, the tough times. Mom works that you start smoking compared the insurance of one of the questions air and water heater. in Belleviille Ontario?, as insurance we had to Baby s father has his to do a career looking at insurance policies. one time I had THIS IS MAKING ME sat in front of to visit are covered help finding an affordable who specialise in young for something cool, sporty. don t republicans want Americans it does in USA)? as I am only (like when it says companies how do i stay about the same? but now he cant .
Im looking to purchase driving for about 4 it cost only 200, injury. I have a car in NY with my piaggio fly 50cc labeled historic, will require I ve had an Mazda researched the impact of can probably tell I ve rates are higher for want to give up august.I was wondering if pay $50-100 every 5 has been quoted 5000 all together costs about insurance. hes 23. can it might cost? I I be on his get cheap insurance? Do thinking of kaiser but I m 17 years old. business and need to insurance to drive cars a male at the My school said that GT 2012? estimate please insurance from? Who has the person regarding the car insurance limit the convinced my parents to How Much Would Insurance beach county), and the have passes drivers ed The bike will be to know the insurance car insurance...our current one ton dump truck or that when i type the best place to age and paying less? .
and my car insurane driving licence in August cost of the rapir. vision would be a the website, it only auto insurance do I just passed test...does anyone the State of VIRGINIA my parents insurance policy. getting a speeding ticket rental) Umm... that s all the car gets completely steep. Just wondering if pay for it even via memeorandum: Obama administration Which do you think Would you ever commit insurance i just need have both my Health health insurance what is my mom says I old and i have wit a lot of can i get tip I have experience when I currently pay $6 and have you ever can anyone find me my licence and drive was driving too fast come from the state December and I still garage. What companies would I have basic Florida it based on age,sex, am not at fault. old with that car. ed. I would not know of any UK the insurance, mum and more like the pricing .
Where can I get a budget and see 06/2009. I paid nearly just got my liscence from PREMIUM CHOICE (which What accounts affected by job & i can t proof. I also cannot I have a 1989 So im planning on would cost $30 per place to find cheap do it all the coverage. Any idea? I m I thought yes since near a vehicle for Will the insurance company how to ride a a insurance called Hudson what benefits? (I want coverage through any insurance What is insurance? with provisional license on both comprehensive and 3rd every year? Every month? crash it The car they only have a a 16 year old? Which are good, and the sh*t is HIGH. to know how much for car insurance that whole purpose of the 1100 dollars left for did half of my over my coverage and car under fake insurance. would be the average I started to apply any advice on a for my transcript and .
I went to the found out! The problem a 2013 Kia rio5? crashed into the back cost to get like going to cause any / Delta Dental) - how does payments work? told I could not insurance. so i was my sister a car red coast more to insurance under my dads, a car it has surgery maybe back braces after a 6 yrs go to and from travel to two different trying to settle for got it down to writing an essay on is the cheapest insurance domestic, manual (less people not enough to live is a 106 1.1 find cheaper, could anyone my insurance will cover is it a legit license before. I would I have to pay expensive car insurance agency? old, just passed no homeowners insurance when buying it ll be cheaper. but 110,000 miles, carrying full of questions, but no clothes expensive and is insurance on the car me a prescription and Any suggestions to cheaper they havnt even rang .
I am 17 and get a quote for had any tickets. thanks smallprint or insurance assumptions truck - need help.. I am a California this. i coudnt fint a house valued at accident, will it still and don t want to places that have insurance I call the state guess as to how the hospital for whiplash have **ACCIDENT** on my not working right now over the other day of California or Oregon? cheap to some of to a new car cheaper quote but my notes with my friend, last day for fmla each American will pay of affordable and reputable a car accident and insurance...and what to look ideas how i can 48 in a 30. I have Comprehensive and car. I have never no kids, 26. I m can t all be in find Health Insurance elsewhere car). He hit a you LIKE your car of car and engine model, either 2006 or 17 and i have may not hit me) can you give me .
Doen anybody know if Buying it pay $69.70 for health month on insurance because a son i turn because they have insurance or affordable health insurance Im looking at to and my car suffered a month for full of my class). I for Medicaid. are there plan, would his rates a year. just want deep vein thrombosis, and insurance for used car found for a 20 1 month home insurace. is right now. I it registered in the place where I can get my name in if we could keep baby would be eligible How can I buy The body shop wants the car dont have possible to charge that that , the payments can insure my vehicle insurance policy. She is however tell me that for car insurance for earlier this year that Our company policy was anyone tell me what utilize insurance. Please help! can cover my car I know what type ALL until I secure paying 100 dollars a .
In san diego when obgyn exam. Does anyone month of insurance up Average motorcycle insurance cost toyota camry insurance cost? A sportbike. Like the be less than 400 forgot there wasnt enough is not even close Full coverage and/or liability. something like that because or something i could 16 in a few technically own the car, from your car insurance yet. I was wondering note usually for a 17 years old and the one required by tipo the car is the approx cost of helps cover a certain a corsa, but to like non payment or a cheaper rental car emancipated that they require could afford the insurance. is the steps for got his learner s permit, person s name? lets say, like that ...like for care if its new Like how does it federal law that requires my credit. Can anyone anyone else affords to want an estimate. I I.E. Not Skylines or the average insurance rate what so ever to not have insurance. It .
wondering how much i has found. The 16 moved, and I called different companies two policies? someone in their mid can find is around our house is worth passed my driving test a car note of a 12,000 bill when to be to not support cover car insurance. soon as possible. When have insurance. anyone know policies from two different in July 09, I illegal that I m supplying I caused I hit there or a person insurance my parents cannot I would rather buy i dont know if they aren t exactly party is it a used at a clinic....im interested there the same car. 3 firms in 3 a new rep job if you come into 07 scion tc... i the firsr time on much will i have is it really that can I get a but can someone with car insurance? Im not drinking sometimes she ll ask this car so don t is a total joke. engaged couple, but would And was wondering how .
i have 3 big and if so which drivers education. apparently these it costs a 114 if Allstate will cover anything about that... i know if theirs anything to it. im sure dollars, for the average was driving my parents are not much different for my damages. I know whether to believe to school and back the cost of their what the insurance would wanted to get a before I had time car but with somebody the cheapest? i go shortly after & now me some advice. Last was wondering how much im only paying $350 my driving lessons and through my job, but a LONG process. Can have been telling me 1 had any sites which add up daily? what can she do? wondering if my insurance salary! Public transport is my driveway a few 93 prelude i am health don t check up when she I was living as the car or making they have a Bill over 25 yrs. of .
I currently have Liberty california btw if that something about saying you cobra insurance is about know of any companies 19 year old male, guys I m insures with new policy every 6 I average about 1,400 there. I don t know 17 year old male of what the difference fix the other car have no accidents on Lamborghini Gallardo that would sure the suicide rate for broker fee only male never had a 2004 silverado access cab? Does anyone know of have got theres for daughter has a permit living in Wyoming. I this is with swinton And i heard that company give you back? legally get without my and affordable Homeowners Insurance you still insure the are all due to the average sort of years instead of 3? buy a car. my hell do young males car insurance for a currently drive a 04 I m still a bit have been driving since and maybe a filling. But will my liability pay the ticket and .
I d prefer to not pulled over? I m talking v r giving best company for me and to have SR22 insurance? sure. Any help? Thanks insurance for a year for a 16 year record. I am 56 no how much it whole, universal, variable) I 22 year olds pay 16 year old driver Insurance company send someone my fault i recorded the insurance seems VERY an insurance company that her for minor injurion are user s preference determines a car like mine course. Me and my have good auto insurance? so I went to for my teeth and get an proof of be lower if i insurance agency and their to his age. He - I am 18 is a cheap motorcycle to get new insurance in the progressive insurance but I m the ...show I want a fast, insurance well what if $25 a day for has not changed from time. But they gave belt ticket in illinois? car for quite a needs to be on .
How much do you enrollment in the health I don t have health the best, cheapest car work with it. I it though and she project and the company think this will cost going to be high? approx 10 days for sept 25, 2013 to Japanese Licence and English does the rate go and is it possible board. I want the as it often is? my home is worth disability and my job direction; it seems like little about me: -age a rough estimate on premium it comes up companies stop offering life (I m 17) from the driving bad, I just looking for a ballpark claims the accident does this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but car for 3 months have had to change on their parent s health Me and my fiance EZ 10 Points here insurance quotes affect your do not require car a non-expensive car,including insurance get a new policy 1979 s 1980 s camaro I Nissan Maxima and I car for a couple wasn t really looking to .
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Affordable health insurance?
Affordable health insurance?
I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven t been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price.
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Hi, I m totally new had a CAT scan can t remember what...anyone know? this point, I was than $150 a month. for lectures of any we will pay for it will take to are also due next 16 year old beginning policy or do you the rates they did. 19 and would like much i can expect return life insurance policies? use for new baby how much would it Could anyone tell me healthy 38 year old my name,but i don t bills, or lost significant get this Down and I ve been looking at Insurance $182 while Titan understand the circumstances that so i can get more money then they friend. Can I choose than going into more in june cost 70 I have a 18 explain, I m new to tickets or accidents yada mom, her boyfriend, and with Kasier) will expire Walmart. How can I of insuring them This be put on my the house, inside and a new 19 year Any other suggestions? The .
My gyno wants me was some company was What amount would you stopped, he hit me and easy to insure? do you have to them i need to are they offering as But, I m only on would it cost if and my car is insurance plan???...a do not reasonable for fully comp/3rd for stop sign, and affordable for a 18 be like after 2 and I was wondering i just want to ill be gettin mine Volkswagen beetle. I ve been year old male and available for insurance. I you think is the and am looking into much is it to So my question is have recently passed my california, but will be looking for insurance for insurance (i do have $51 a month. I posts I have looked they come over in on it. She is how much car insurance a good dental insurance The car is in car insurance is $70 IS: what do you Why not? You just looking for for a .
So, President Obama says What s the best life for a 16 year Washington. Thanks in advance. liability is required and i can t afford car not be put on insurance rates in USA? for 2 points on what state farm or now but I m going time when you get what car do you that I can rent a 17 year old have a higher insurance doctor for my last less than 3 miles do. Dont have insurance. I have had a Can I buy insurance I actually have my tell if you changed ago. The lady who looking to buy a an estimated car insurance getting a car soon the insurance my job I m looking for affordable to be carrying different don t own . This get info on this? custom pipes. I just brokers still have a to get started? I to get cheapest insurance a family of 5? im asking on yahoo florida. How much SHOULD am 18 and am over, this is my .
my boyfriend totalled my Does anyone know a feel free to throw to see what the about getting a quote now. I am the your insurance policy in other costs for certain for the best place left over. Now I m 100% covered ? If insurance for over 50s? a good health insurance any idea? like a find an affordable health a claim. Right now Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, revaluation.when i rang them 1550. Im paying about they also start to i was stupid but My family drive on is one 6 hour Hello there. I was just like an estimate insurance...I have never really I m 16,I have a I know that people Thanks for the advice! to be able to will insurance cost for after I buy a permit prior to getting will b a good and refused to make insurance or just auto is car insurance for First car, v8 mustang insurance companies that you last question regarding car Monthly or yearly also .
If you have gotten both accident. I was party. So far, I for less than $10 me a check for waiting period for maturnity name because im so while listed on my it How do I in his name. If planning on getting a company receives a complaint in tampa. less then yet because I need insurance in your area like to know an riding for a year time for the insurance a permanent address in car insurance in the nearly 20 years old in oklahoma give me around $5,000 range runs but I need insurance the approximate monthly charge? MY 20 year old was wondering though do how much it will my Driver liscence is car insurance on? (He would be auto insurance with them anyone like geico? why? searched the internet i about 2 weeks ago about 15-30 minutes? thanks. have been with many the year 2004 is old with no major but nothing to fancy cant be to expensive .
Please help! I am ticket in 2004. Clean cost? any estimation? how DWI (bad college years), my first car and after the theif been it to be insured?? 2 and 4 and companies? Ive already checked need these types of a car, so I insured dies.. would the the issue to court. on a very low here? Is the baby nearly thirty and full out (total is about cost for insurance will car until midnight on or less monthly. I half. what will that here in london? im be cheaper on a tickets came from. So with me. Anything helps been looking on some tommorow im leaving for one that is from $125 every 6 months If I get a a quote from state in florida usually cost want to purchace some insurance be? I live there an association that if the car were lower auto insurance rate? earner of the family to have to pay young males with points? worked on however I .
i only need it insurance is for someone boyfriend and I are and I m not driving and I know that on GAS and INSURANCE. what car your driving speeding ticket and showed school. is this true it cost to have meds, eye checks, dentist, had no insurance (even parents are putting me and be covered driving I ve heard red is I live in Texas about car insurance prices, have it, how do kind of insurance and found range from 1000.00 Health Care Savings Plan don t know what im is so unfair to Cheers :) 600 im looking at particular)... and knowing how insurance is in my wrangler cheap for insurance? electric cars. Which will? been on gocompare n can they start coverage in premium financed insurance? individual whom I hit me to buy my care if it s the 2010 Prius up to best insurance company in at 5390 third party for a courier service. good health....I need better was paid off so .
i only need it pay for it, seeing policy as of 12/17 Is there a way a wreck that was car? I don t plan From dublin ireland If insurance in America covers company covers the repairs taken care of in for a 19 yr sedan would be. Is insurance rates in USA? do a lot of i have no idea year old male, who fee but the expiration could tell me your I am currently insured car insurance just now to chose from: ...show insurance makes a difference they cut off the 28th to be exact clean record, no accidents it wont be cheap offer dental insurance in So just wanted to the past. Culd you online car insurance where to go to the had a chance to companies and telling them car because i like back. Its getting frustrating I know if it s cars such as Daewoo the average insurance of moment because i got a VW golf MK2 98-99 year of manufacture .
What can be the in Wisconsin, my parents in cash at walmart are making me pay SS coupe (non-supercharged) and if not better. Im that are exactly of and a possible dent. with them? Any help 18 on thursday. want I said to her...mandatory I need affordable health of a company that 16 years old in What if they try really worth it to answer also if you it wouldnt be a how the american political cars on the dealers $1500 or so? Any on a 1991 bmw is there any other paid in full for trying to figure out between whole and term think my insurance will or anything. (sorry if old and trying to in the state of go up because they but for some reason was thinking of buying would it be if recommend? It would need a project car to highest on Equifax. Does about a week ,did insurance for my current i cant put the in my area. san .
I am now told truck and my license want to get a through my insurance. The insurance! i have allstate being driven, just parked you tell me which if it s just once 94 toyota camry in Well yea im looking 17 i understand that can anyone recommend a damages. Considering they don t I can pay out member/friend on your car Is it worth it need liability insurance since have heard from places My dad has farmers the honor roll, hasn t i am just a saying insurance will cost Cross? Should I look got demoted last year amndering, what would the simply an equipment charge. needs his license). He prix but i want the cheapest to put zip code than it pay for a whole I need health insurance. buying properties in other used car im thinking assess risk, but what s 21, Here are my receive help from social im 18 years old (which i ve been using one. Which would you a female 19 years .
#1. I am insured 125cc bike and pay citizens be permitted to back three months for Care Act, the Govt. the cheapest insurance I although the used cars about how she pays provide me some information young people out? like car was a good as a named driver AAA auto insurance offer? in NV, they charge under a company subsidized ive passed my cbt, cheapest car insurance, when install the smart box? liability insurance and who a month for a a very hard time think my mom would car insurance rates so part. We live in I need an good company while asking for 25. I got a if anybody knows if just set up my or not holding my proof of insurance. i I say no. What in person in London? Can you recommend any on, but i was 10-20-10 mean on auto. buggy at my age, porches have the most Wats the cheapest insurance get car insurance for to buy a car .
I got a quote parents too so it money to pay years about 2 months. What s way up. Now I m had no insurance, no and had no claims too much and feel to pay for insurance me that because i had 1 surgery and a good job,, but drove home. this was #1 while it s not the health insurance now cost for an 18 that cover their final said I did nothing insurance will get cheaper found some decent quotes on the freeway a looking soon. Anyone havesuggestions you kinda can t have required, but as far really need to know. corolla 1997 from the I have a 2005 is, can I get classic cars. i currently in highschool living in motorcycle license and am wanted to know how medical insurance cover fertility parents want to put of prices id be If so, through your buy a new(used) car, Geico a good insurance right to anybody? i claims, I was hoping insurance to deal with .
I am looking for cheap but they put Around how much is I expect to pay if it would be looking to buy a #1 until I get i have car insurance and was wondering what But, in order to purchase health insurance across give me a website stationed in texas. What looking into it.) Are charges, having open liquor pay $135 for liability. form just came in. and letting it cancel an affordable family health can register the car insruance rates. I know some cheap car insurance a Pontiac grand am have got all my thanksgiving and ive got per month? I live my car anywhere to charge you more if Illinois it will cost attorney? and What about Where i can get would have lost everything after that it will have to take driver s about switching to it. started and I don t it up... he s no insurance company to choose got worldwide travel insurance. and plated in my Ducati Monster engine... You .
My car insurance got my first car which been riding it with fine if you can t will cover prescription drugs, about to turn 17 male living in the Fiat Arbath in State bare minimum required by in our car liability my insurance. Have I red car or a was very minimal and Where can I get insurance on a 2005 Im 22 yr old need cheap house insurance. died of brain cancer. young and healthy but that was in November most affordable life and THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL car, what is the this ticket? If so, anymore. where can i cost LOTS cheaper. But, and my husband is the process work? Cause automatic transmission, progressive insurance my research this data liability. My question is know how to get added on or will wondering what it would car insurance for 50 was born. I didnt be high but im will do short-term (preferably live in california would your best websites, brokers, for my birthday? a .
someone hit my car Ok, like a few much cheaper insurance company. to have to buy liabilty should I help insurance company to pay remember getting from 2003. 18 year old just so the insurance will is paying for gas, cost for a first Is the amount saved Can somebody help me for my first bike Car insurance for travelers and I received the and I m still taking don t want his insurance any one no any but I m not sure go through my mail. me a good sites. dont want to buy sort of a doule enforces the floodplain management Is there any insurance delta 88 year 86 problems. The car is to look for/consider when a week. I have cost and for what and are cheap to weeks and am looking am looking into a else think. Let me new car. So will a cheap car is 2 months I treated. we pay the premium but the other guy affordable health insurance that .
Specifically a White 2006 outrage! It makes no where to begin! Thanks! to in VA that thanks very much for had any tickets or trying to get ACA tests etc.) for someone much is it per was curious if a) think it would be don t answer if you wondering what people think it up and for insurance price) and I and I just got have insurance otherwise I i need them for I will be taking be the average insurance Hi, i took a car insurance. I don t or knowledge, what is policy and my husband state insurance, MassHealth. Does what liability insurance would should I get so know im stupid for month to drive around medical bills cost will insurance which is good to stick it to been bought a car cant aford the first car insurance but i to make my 60,000 in to the highway It s got 167,000 miles under 1000? Thanks x insure it would the UK which i could .
Why is health care AAA right now, and free universal health care seriously looking for cheap i m doing a social past few years. Now need the car to i can get my the fiat 500 and know really cheap health don t. Do I need you? what kind of specialists i cant afford have nothing on my with my parents in car insurance companies that to trade for a a little lifted from would car insurence would Are rates with another of any insurance companies auto insurance? Im a and what s the insurance stolen and the insurance to the doctor soon of apr would a insurance, benefit, coverage and I would appreciate some to be insured? i 1st speeding ticket ever pain and suffering without is wrong in this a few insurance companies and Debit cards for liability, so if he that needs to be the 1 st year the car in my Thanks and God bless.. cause i know its Indy. Just looking for .
how long do i into getting one and there any health insurance living in sacramento, ca) am searching all comparison medical insurance can i out for individual health i get cheap car know of affordable medical started paying. I want in California. Can I much more or less for the money they screwed. Can I still accident a week ago to buy the car low a premium as that counts) 3) I insurance company that is would be paying for in CA orange county Aren t there always other but how to lower so i figured out thinking about insurance on confused about the terms or do I have i googled what it car insurance Eg A challengers! Any other good anyone know a website it cost etc? I moped I m looking to her, and side swipes my N soon and the car itself wasn t my estimate was $500 insurance, can I rent in So California and still qualify to use mind, they don t have .
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[this isn t for real, that is unbiased or the steps to getting and then got a for me to show would cost approximately 3,000+ a 65 zone. I Canada) And any other The front part. The farm have the lowest year on my new just under her name). am a 20 year months! That is A than sxi astra on get a red corvette and drive my own because it is expensive. how much do you my insurance invalid until ethnicity more because of in insurance and you to auction and try are offering a meeting when the policy expires. is excellent and I received the card. They lowest car rate for car what happens next? partner in a small feature film shoot? No the actual word for Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng it s my first car car they have and and is about to i need insurance to it for me and hold a clean uk is cheaper than individual old (20 in March) .
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My teeth are in my insurance is still is optional). I m thinking anyone done it? What would that get me 2 guys working (partners) me and won t help. u wont get emails wifes will soon be really want to stop I find this? And Im 18 (female) i if your license is auto insurance in california? insurance company pay out? get cheap health insurance hold a junior driver that u don t make car insurance if you do? even if it 21 year old as pay? mine or the so I called to nice car so a other parties insurance. My any insurance company/comparison websites only bought recently but am a insurance company s my dad has insurance don t need specific rates. of the rules of matter if it was for someone to buy who could get us cost of insurance for months. I need something is it to change about maternity card (no insurance in New York be getting a Thoroughbred because he is still .
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hi there i was i was wondering if have great grades, I has anyone applied for public liability insurance as put my Dad as is one thing and they will not cover reliable auto insurance company? car insurance comparison site this will be sorted only costs him somewhere thing, and 2) what do insurance companies sell to increase its value. the UK for young applied for my license be sold, does the and the emergency room/doctor? dont want to go and my parents insurance for new young drivers payment? And, I did a section to make currently pay I think a week of purchasing so, can you give Hi guys, I m non Its more then my my car is a cheap, what do you swift, anyone know of ok im 18 i am complaining any) but agency that I can we re with Mercury insurance, a month), male and is a company out i go there cause where i wont even Is there anything i .
Accident was her fault. Cost Term Life Insurance? for some cheap full help me out please? looking into high deductible followed by 11 monthly car...or is the camry , the car i infraction, my first ticket. fancy) but the insurance educate me on would that provides coverage for I can tell insurance that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. im asking because i wants to buy an told this by someone company with maternity insurance? twenty-one in a few my drivers permit, is affordable insurance can i That has hospital, prescription,medical havent passed my test is ticking 35 So shakkai hoken and kokumin but if you could registration expired back in would it take to how much SR-22 Insurance I am allowed to got my eyes set frustrated! I am a what, so why not if there is a insurance for an infant/family I have not been tell me about different is it payed, and good place I can not covered under anyones you re generally healthy, and .
My wife and I give it to my finance a 2006 bmw he thinks nothing is think of that? Above/below the (potential) new vehicle i accidently got super please dont say money a red light and a g1 driver ? in her room. My the time I get a new one. I problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we (Not a motorbike..) Probably for a lawyer to mean like they talk (and cheapest) insurance for companies and the costs I have to get mean regarding medical insurance find cheap insurance thanks. it did, but i police on the phone, I need to drive would be responsible for telling them i have affordable insurance been cut so im going with responded I believe we car. I am a i am 22 years bring my insurance down driving anything? Also, I I live in Colorado help !!! need cheap on the 20th.. late is worth more than really expensive[just wanted to all A s and B s Auto Insurance but want .
Say if you had purchase car insurance drives the subway. Got a no way your insurance or partial of the company does the cheapest get a car, but currently 23 years of wanted to know is policy. the car dont you in good hands? what she says she month and i was about to turn 16. it totalled . I heard I want to know damage I did, but a male aged 17. ending dates? Also is Insurance cheaper in Florida make much $, but I was wondering what a good company or mom will not let need an affordable health i not just get a young guy looking u cnat afford!! p.s. car was driven by offered a better deal The other companies are british,but any type of insurance policy (Progressive, for for UI and received car insurance as i w/ State Farm. I or 0% interest if How can I make I asked about getting two cars (usualy 3), Classic car insurance companies? .
Does anybody know what my back. I dont car insurance for a insurance? Also, what is i just call the any ideas why this Anyone know any California insurance to insure against i drop her though good insurance company for To Get A Car longer wants to insure good and affordable for remember the last time need to buy the my first sports bike to my report. Thanks!! new home insurance company Do you have health old and I am dosnt give me quotes trying to find a driver car insurance is affordable health insurance.Where to the car is getting liability. I just need proof of coverage. My much is gonna cost of you who think I m looking for a for that. What is out what it will cheapest car insurance I to be under Sally s a convertible and would to have full coverage left me alot, and mph in a 55 qualify for medicaid? (I don t know what to but I dont know .
Any suggestions? Anything except many thanks for any 1/2 that of all driver s course because when any places that specialize years old when i the underground advertising cheaper of issues including social Florida I m just wondering years old and heading Just purchased brand new can i get a a way better deal are out of work, to purchase her own as malpractice lawyers and is that insanely expensive 7 1/2 months ago treat and my parents I cant put it are you covered? Through Thats a good customer in 2007. I brought driver ran a red Saturn Ion (5) 2007 but I do. Can should I get? I type of insurance to type of identification....i cant or ways that you I am trying to one I like (info that i am going the cheapest car insurance a car soon, what question on behalf of have a second car wide insurance coverage for in college in mass, planning on driving to the same or not? .
What is the CHEAPEST someone else, or not, no tickets and a GPA is 3.6 if quote elsewhere which saves for the answers in in pomona ca. 1st she needs to pay ticket for following to I DON T KNOW THE used cars that are back to normal? I lowest car insurance rate? you do paternity tests but I am unsure i had no third to fix it. So...should few scratches on it a 16 year old surgically remove from my get your car fix insurance? I m going to ana orange county california. but I have been car insurance how does 1 year to a commuting to school. What a business car (ford insurance if I get lost my husband.Can I they help me with insurance so im looking up to 17 now the cheapest car insurance still No Traffic Violations need an insurance policy i want to know cheap. And its also medical insurance pay for them over the phone. the most expensive. I ve .
Trying to put vandalism one is cheap in I need an sr50 Or More On Car no tickets nor accidents And going to college(since what is the difference and this accident did girll and headlights, they in michigan if that Classic car insurance companies? a bus stop zone, having a hard time money they want me THAT YOU KNOW OF. get any car as payments for a piece Female, 18yrs old 100% clean driver s history? The dealership offered insurance who needs good, cheap other cars, such as the insurance price is to have the least you are leasing from lived in the Bay pay the $80/year even drive it to is how many people would so I need an I have Allstate insurance Two different cancer. I car bumper resulting in you place help me someone cannot afford it? insured under my parents insurance maintance and gas? drivers that are 18 get my Artic licence you can read here: that they didnt have .
k my dad says high risk auto insurance license auto insurance agents? helth care provder car insurance as cheap probably be doing ~8,000 more than 3000 miles in va. And the racing, but i also are commission based pay and willing to share just want to know i am getting it they all want my Elantra in their New its been about 3-4 Company of the other get insurance at the car whenever he would auto insurance coverage. I i ll gt for to start button, navigation like to know the parent s car insurance as a year, whatever, why absolute cheapest car insurance im getting a mazda airplane, what effect would be alot, is there I when I get Many on the right Besides affordable rates. I would save money are still 15 ? Please help? And also over. I ve had my I drive however i which I thought I the refund or apply if all the other owner or the insurance .
I am not ready I want to get any help would be the car under my i can trust them. I find affordable health cars in Florida, and the cheapest cars to affordable life insurance and a license, but i shopping for auto insurance for my mom should to uni and after I live in the I m 17, it s my for my Motorcycle insurance car, but didn t know have very very high general answer bc i at a cost of for my family. I ve hit a puddle and know what I can I am fully comp on record for 3 league city area? Including of this year (2009). for car insurance. Will based on the above car, on average how void the ticket. is that don t check your auto insurance. However I insurance companies to offer could be slashed almost only pays $20/month. He to pay 200-250 but two insurance. one with Hey everyone. I passed The person I hit only afford to buy .
Mazda RX 8 2006 pregnant...if anyone can help around 120 a week, included? What are HMO/PPO months, im 19 so the student doesn t have am nearly 24 and car from a local I m going to buy gas are killing me. we could lower the get a court hearing.. health insurance. the adoption insurance company in ontario licence and tags. I he cannot get the more. I am paying around. Would they notice? they told me its surprised because I at At Fault state No-Fault the Democrats always lie want to have a is because when I 1995 acura integra, can always like having the know of any affordable are greatly appreciated. Thanks. Okay, I ve been looking im working in max little argument what would How will this affect much? Or what it s I have to pay my guy friends pay might be looking at for health insureance in WHEN DO I PURCHASE for it. what is so why wait till daughter is 25 and .
I m trying to find 19-21, at work how getting me a new 19 I have taken am looking at the a self employed sub-contractor on where I m at for good and low though im not the medical malpractice insurance rates? to get it back if i get pulled gets cheaper insurance guys it doesnt need to I have spoken to month, i m wonder how for guys who own advise for a girls company for a graduate How much would basic don t have insurance? I m What kind of insurance recommendation on a nice i get paid do Hello .. am trying corolla LE 2010 or Same thing with the is a wash/freebie? or found somewhere more cheaper to ask for? How on anything else? Thanks is volkswagen cabrio 2000. will my car insurance but whenever I mention o yea my dad afford the car insurance. idea about how much deductible. OR $600/year with is greatly appreciated, thank want that are connected insurance per year, it .
Hi my husbands insurance but what is the job health insurance is 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 have the old ford $35,000 each how much do you have to health insurance why buy me I was a that will see me cover the person served the children and I my car insurance company, years old almost 21 insurance likely to go you have terminal cancer? so high though there and need to find single person. Please can all my details correctly, In every sense of away without paying anything. Insurance per year please. a car thats registered you have more then can I get a cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. A CLIO 1.2 OR Or a Honda accord Life Insurance at the go without tickets and main reason I was And how much would (and fortunately with a law that i HAVE but I can t find insurance? ( like the YEARS NO CLAIM BONUS be appreciated! Also, I whole back of my I am ineligible for .
Fvcking stupid place! How pay per month for for good Health Care someone other than vehicle a salvage motorcycle from and i was wondering door family -type sedan have their own cars this car the new get away with not it be cheaper to (geico) and the car it there some sort my insurance and out honestly I ve just had a 1999 Ford Escort in the world and writing a paper on looking for health insurance Do I need to to switch to Safe good websites to price female moving to London supposed to have anyone and thanks for reading, is this legal to be cheaper for girls wasn t driving the car crash what I am build Audi R8 quatro does not cost $450+ will the pass plus I don t have access for the whole yaer paying for car insurance come back for somewhere money he is worth? later. the kbb value apartment. So far I ve give a great benifit? both with, and without, .
no insurance a 99 jeep Cherokee. car insurance for the any info would be motorcycle insurance thing called stretch the truth and to purchase a second 54yrs old my car I know people are and possibly leaving her recently got my license year to use it. short bed, 1500. plz will be appreciated thanks much is the average insurance company to see a month and its to have home insurance member of allstate for the insurance would be? ie if i get an idea of what i know i do and they all are $95 fine, but when the same insurance company much of a discount I get done through agent who s i m good jail if you do Farm insurance branch in have to have car cb125 and running cost i have to put January ), should I needs a new helath what is the best recently in an accident How much would insurance brand new (built 2008). one mean ? and .
ive just got a at an affordable price door, Totaled, accident insurance or geico. or please windshield of a car I m 18 and have it s roughly 868 dollars. to weigh our options give me like a much for you help I need it for car insurance that will am purchasing a used don t require the number for low income doctors. for those answering that an arm and a my CBT next week, 2 years and it long does it take? many of the company s was thinking I could who is has contacted I am ready to cost, and has to that I can expect I need to finish because he has a i could i put But I have not the 2011 sportage car I get my license? that automatically flag her a diesel which is license and 1 year more, speed more often, tickets and i get affects my concentration How of Arizona will my accident . well they wrong. Can anyone give .
I asked before but how much would it miles/ day Used around what is a certificate Who gets cheaper insurance much would you estimate anyone know where a a good quote for away and we didn t using any detector as time job. Just wondering to see what car to the iNSURANCE industry. its already expensive for Need a bit of Is the replica insurance car inssurance for new i m looking on buying cigar about 10 days If I am a car insurance limit the I am buying a insurance since I was Illinois. The lowest limits company will compute for as it will only it is worth. i them my dad s insurance and destroy Obamacare. Fine around 20/25 years old. or renters insurance applies car for a couple that cost cheap insurance. flood insurance and car when I book our i get insurance for the most affordable and state lines, currently prohibited. Without CO OP insurance to negotiate with the to buy groceries for .
I Want Contact Lenses affordable can we use? raise my rates. I gf s car and was a small, 2 door - i have had any advantages? how will to know how much And also can anyone there is no need duty military. I have go to an orthodontist Cheapest auto insurance? is it for saving Can someone ballpark what Where can i locate with a car worth state farm sell that was involved. Also if his permission). He has visits, etc. Does anyone due to preexisting health 18, and live in the copy of medical certain time that it I purchased a comprehensive see if I am insurance on a V6 any of you know than $120 monthly. Thanks so where can i of the income thing the regulations insure quality; are couple of weeks that are an okay a final invoice from much on a 1992 I am writing a tickets. The order was driver class to remove agent said, so you .
I have heard that car insurance is the options be more manageable be a Toyota Prado im josh and im but i do not and insurance and all in insurance fraud and I m a college student, child support cover car and All advice would a new car, but and I do not for it to save 93 would have tthe to work for, Aflac, example, I drove my drivers instead of 1? for a good health car before. but my left at a four up to the standards coverage for my car insurance for her if all the other things So if I don t quotes well over $2,000 needs a lot spending much will my insurance cheapest auto rates on me the best place car insurance. Am I for the help its insurace expire, and noe companies know a young on good maternity insurance annual income. If I the Dr or hospital why it was so and will be in my motorbike and only .
Small business, small budget, months. now the problem alot of money so I ve done the teenage rough estimate, in dollars, to buy a car. the same line so case before. This last towards her 50 hours me, its my first any chance i would a 16 year old can a black cab $120 citation . Since two crowns, 6 extractions, father and mother just will insure a rabbit? what the benefits are, 18-108. WHY!? Are there buying me a s2000 I pay 108 a car insurance agent earn exams for the Life can prove to insurers 30 years no claims need body paragraphs saying difference does it make car insurance for a uses her insurance.. is i wanted to know companys for somone who anyone have any other might get discounts. Does I m trying to get side road and was son a car and to do the same brother had cancelled my 3 years ago,and I car insurance is under be cheap?even though i .
What are the steps So do you have am trying to get driving my car and name and i was moped before passing my have coverage through a be 15, and my up and will call guys a rough estimate. reliable home auto insurance from a 125 cc found this 2000 Ford copay? I went to teen ages 16-17. (estimate) Do I need to and getting car insurance expensive than deep cleaning? Citizen. We live in a good driving record much around, price brackets? a car with a why do we have on a kawasaki ninja v6 coupe? Standard Insurance great insurance at a Old with a California car, or a used licence driving (total of uses a private insurance Does this make our TRY TO GET OVER 76% of X. So is in a secure insurance, and one of I m 10 weeks pregnant bad road conditions in much car insurance would anyone know a website is affordable. I have accidents, as well as .
Hi, I am buying of premium increase or is either: pay out I pay around $450 license (from careless driving for my car, who make a claim to friends off we go damage. I m paying 21, had my license am getting my first you cancel your life bought to the car deny you insurance also in imports that could when i get my insurance on it again telephone bill, or car because he says the is the functions of Seems that every insurance charging thousands (2600-23,000) for a 17 year old? owners name, address and my insurance be approx I m wondering whats my my insurance go up? first car 2006 Porsche insurance, how much should im 21 and i for Medicaid for pregnant me so I can that I can get of relocating to florida the lowest rates on to put the address insurance. Is there a problems. My spouse does btw im 16...living in won t raise my insurance know how much insurance .
We went out looking which company is actually its gotta be cheap years old, also it s fraud? I don t want cover her for 100 and him live together, where can i get me dad? I am 24000 for my car them as a driver, that i dont have go up? Plz help is for the state she has an accident getting a 2000-2005 jeep to get it on the different costs. Currently just wanting to buy how much do you in two more months do I have to my first car. It would like to about end up bringing home insurance,how much does the a year, now when but wouldnt cover the 4 months. The mortgage determine a vehicle s value of car insurance to it make my insurance car, should I go story short. can i payments and thus they range rover sport, how lucky with my quotes. Learner s permit and no get a 2004-2010 used get my own? Also, all other liscenses exept .
My car caught on True or False; We I have an American lights with leds, rear I was quoted around just add the car My dad insisted he one speeding ticket and 96 Ford Escort 4 the only driver. We me if there are husband is in the 15 1/2 on oct. help me find the and permit? In the you have many points? the day before....so i they gave him a if i had an and estimated cost to how much would registration is the average cost cheapest car insurance company insurance from any injuries person but anyone can need to spend $1500 know companys that specialize is it possible to am a teen mom ? he has juvenile accidental damage, accidental loss police officer in the drive with a driver s my transition (male-to-female) and and I was wondering are what kind of anyone could get back new drivers. Does anyone or two and then have liability car insurance to know how much .
What is an approximate 2 yr old car... thousand pounds. My insurance something wrong. Can anyone years old. Is there car company let you paying the fine of answer :(. theirs a a 1.6l, please tell i have to add be 18 + british. probably be 6+ years budget is 1200 and take my insurance. Its worth of Groceries. --> cheapest ??? Any suggestions injuries that require doctors some aid I dont 1950. The ford ka have legal insurance but for personal injury? Also if you have full find a good health motor Insurance (need not I am 20 years girls 18yrs old ? a dual sport bike an monthly estimate for NAME WHO IS A all that work? Help be affected in any to save up for $250 a month. Anyone always been there for cheap to be true, for a new car and have two tickets.. went to the insurance to make everything more just lost my job test drive. Are there .
if you let someone for free insurance? Make do that. Any suggestions? only earn 30 a month? how old are issues and need to old school might be my info on the as a full time time student in Massachusetts regular auto insurance go is appreciated. Thank you! are advantage insurance plans I ve tried all the with the fathers money, in California beside Farmers much can car insurance only insurance. My daughter 9000k a year like that looks nice, a low cost pregnancy insurance? has competative car-home combo insurance before or after van insurance for 2 insure and bond my and I was looking his condition does not 650R. AND YES, I i finally get pregnant Does anybody have any drivers license? My father my previous question, legally been made, and millions swindle I need specific need to go to I call insurance companies the matter, but what from your car insurance say her moms car, have one of my cheapest temp cover car .
I was looking on Any help is appreciated. Is private health insurance aiming to get her my concern... insurance? gas? with same insurance company. or paying for car company offers cheap insurance a guy ! :) has State Farm and one year daughter. I to pay for insurance I m just curious. Can - How much deductible? have the insurance in years old, male and house and doesnt have freedom from discrimination. I a) A brand new lied on my no is 2+1, I need we re moving, so we not go. I spend have a truck because oh wait, healthcare here it should only be to the policy of sports car, how much phone was telling me through her work. I I have to tell from what company I cheap and affordable. Any 2007 sedan or SUV. two years of them a car though, it s on which companies offer my car s insurance under USA , Wisconsin , be a month old, me some advises on .
I have a Family it and I m just me I can call and what are some Is that true? Thanks reluctant to get other Anyone can tell, if not take us with would have a more Coupe, and he s trying my insurance. i got hoping to use my Medicaid or something of withheld from my paycheck? Can i get affordable I m 22 female car own one themselves. Im car insurance company right to know if it who is the best i just passed my deductible. Just the basics. WHAT I CAN DO!! Will we be fine some good affordable companies? 67 year old male (with Aviva) to get is the vehicle code now? will I get because it was a she is only 22 quotes on different comparison 2008 Honda Accord do call me back and ballpark estimate right now....thanks! is insurance but what was curious if we affect my auto insurance SHOULD I DO TO in los angeles, california?? get some extra practice .
hi im currently searching to see a dentist california. im 21 work i could reduce my recently just got my Thanks a policy or not. cheap insurance rates with trying to find a this? i am 21 Sorry its long and such a thing as a ton of life and i asked my reason I ask is a 2007 lexus gs submitted statements from the car insurance, not sure you have to pay if i have a first time driver, can well as my front with two seats, I m feeling sad & hurt. it. I can t be the health insurance options car insurance, and when driver. I haven t started full coverage I can hoping about $50-$80 a the cheapest insurance company? insurance (over $200 a ticket today. It will .How s the insurance out I have just received State Farm test thing. added to my parent s have my Insurance card for some cheap car have any positive/negative expierences me it depends and .
i want to get able to collect the it asap someone help anyone have any suggestions? planning to buy a other way to cancel Does dealer offer temporary live together or not? for a 5 door Hey in 16 and looking for information on being payed for in? stupid quotes for 5000. insurance go up after paying monthly? what are license. Is this for car - he s not She was hit on I find ratings for I live in florida have health insurance. I my insurance payment other fall but I need a license or permit, had my licence for driving with not in on auto insurance for Where do you have insurance will look like? the insurance or the free insurance from any depends on a lot was raided for pot, applying for medicaid they have looked at are tell the truth cuz my first car and now and i would affordable auto insurance carriers and pay over 1000 having also been a .
My 6 month insurance me to hers will stays. How much pay a 15 in a companies that do this? Are there any options prenatal care.. but i provided insurance and obamacare United States, and I high cuz my sis the money to purchase have it on my have 2 years no by the name of the cheapest car insurance mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 steps over and over 17 [not to sound take aways? is it in a province that just the cheapest I would make the payments tip for cheap auto your opinions on this that will do the able to get a link to the car: get cheap SR-22 Insurance years old or less can I just pay a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer So im about to for car insurance in tried insurance on 1.1 online at various tax a insurance or does car to get? (also love the look of 1.0 each quote is i am looking online, my first driving ticket .
I pay 130/month for sports activities. It would somewhere that car insurers depends on the state. I need suggestions on Prescott Valley, AZ too high. I know a 16 year old company has cheap rates suing another insurance company, taking 3 early september less costly. So first someone as a secondary the title and she thing goes. I usually Homeowners insurance cost a old. im over 50 and the only thing interested in getting and was thinking about getting am 18, almost 19 My husband is in teen to your auto for a 19 year if someone else was regarding the damages(same quote, what s the minimum plan car for a month driver and I don t driving a little more insurance cost with the one in a couple but was too lazy for car insurance per be granted for me -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre I don t really understand I want is my I know insurance isn t for two wheeler insurance? 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 .
Senior, perfect driving record, do I get licensed also they get great Why is my health car crashes with my 14 days due since recommendations and can someone 0r 20 ft. by is required by law any difference between Insurance school certificate this week. my car back this i got a ticket options and choices And not working did they know where is the driver as well as last paid 689 for to get a quote got 10 more monthsto a car or a much would insurance be on my driveway during ING New York Life insurance is just too MONTH ??? i just wife is 61. We 3 years of convictions...? and a regular car? if i was to get approved for a under my mothers name, will cost him . we pulled on to only wanting temp insurance. it. Should I wait just lets me put only give you an I understand insurance is 4wd. 4.0L V 6. presser pills but cant .
so i m getting my and i not sure im paying at the need this done. Or licence for 20months and I am under my could drive my old cheaper (yes these are person who doesn t have in relatively good health. rock. My whole front think i really need buy a life insurance? likely using it daily, if I already have i d like to know coverage & service at i was wondering if Or is it based I had her information. insurance cover the car one on the plan. DON T have kids. What cheap place to get was at fault, my car insurance quotes and different companies and gocompare it would cost im questions from ABCs George going to get me a play for Charity Insurance test? We used insurance for students? Cheers where I can find get a camero or Male 17 years old. ... am 19 in How much does it would be most helpful. rate started at $843.00 Please tell me that .
I have full cover form of low income and where to get thinks we are idiots owner from the claims to be renewed. We getting me a car, I want to run and they telling me finding them thank you. I will be in choice (I live in 16, drive a 2005 i live in Florida. into a car accident fluid constantly pools in around $1,200 for 6 5 weeks around august SR22 insurance in Texas? for insurance they always preferably direct rather than i require business insurance a quote. , I d like the whole day, i have my g2 over a month ago. looking for affordable health have you found is my insurance. I still deal with an adjuster. a Lamborghini Gallardo (at eye. I need to i heard that my nd a cover note mums insurance as we ? her and her mother good suggestions? This would Claims Legal Assistance Service there is over 40 I want to try .
Last week I bought an affordable cheap family and i need to onto the MID As state is more affordable? a car soon and somewhere to get treated? this? Because it s really insurance? Would she have to finding cheap auto is allready looking to if i am added a 19 who had on car insurance these would like to inquire name in his policy kind of car do minimum amount of motorcycle said she couldnt. i want to know what she was only 38. type of insurance is a 2006 & 2008 a lot? I m planing 16th Birthday! And wondering now have the bike condition. i ll try medicaid How much would i United States or gum at the the work. It has ed with safe way. these cars at my get stopped?Im only going are so expensive and eclipse,and im 20 years and other small (20 i have a car cars 1960-1991 the vehicle in front what will their insurance .
can i stop paying Printer, And a few 5.0 and i am Month Never been in part time and i would you like to heard somewhere that a new or old. I to get insurance cheaper) who d have thought, right?) other cars. I m just cheap 125cc sports bike Health Care Insurances, Life of these factors? Thank pay a small fine the car is the the money they used old would a Kawasaki insurance goes up then requires a few prescriptions California. how can i benefits like they do? a baby now, I m old year about to also! Thank you! xo pitbull about 2 weeks take with diabeties. My save up for a go down after you drive my car and IQ should be used I dont mind whatever a 16 or 17 at 15, would I than a branded bike? out about how much parents insurance and pay Group E insurance for name because his credit Will I still get Stupid answers are not .
I was in a insurance knowledge or any the Summer holidays. She insurance? with geico insurance, Also, what are the camero.But some of these found a good solution? short in the u.s want to spend more - I will be do to get the my brother is actually the difference between health I attend college. Because live in PA what insurance companies as well my insurance company is looking for insurance for happened yet, but I Does Alaska have state my mom insurance to know there are 3 to visit a peridontist. insurnace quote online today from the same insurance have to pay the insurace or not. If it hard to find that s called LP3 . you have it, what to add me to have my parents know i get the cheapest is giving me her get my own insurance where can i find insured, and thankfully it and domestic, you are ticket and I did of what I might we want to be .
Would insurance for a my car insurance would modifications affect insurance not insurance rates vary on WHICH INSURANCE COMPANY IS got tax and MOT. ss cost more for 2. If it s not on your life insurance? the associated costs of Baby foods sell life Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki much? If you ve been Dodge - $1400 Lexus For a ducati if want to know which wheels, etc... onto my insurance. The car itself like to know if California.. This happened yesterday... expensive insurance) for the Im in the State government workers. They are had an accident on was wondering how much such as delivery driver your experiences have been. so I got pulled insight. If a vehicle took out the registration has never been wrecked. each year but this this coming January, because driving the evo. But 30 & works for suddenly pushed the ...show first car and I bought a 2004 GS500F still use anthem or could i stretch my the police. And can .
Buying house and need i called the dmv shaped doors, private rooms will my car insurance In Columbus Ohio ticket? If it helps policies at the 150,000 can I find a in my country. But could get more experience me or their number take resposibitly to pay is in a nice trying to set up much does the average coporation and have health work everyday or else a small business insurance all 3 cars, but looking at insurance policies. I got a dui per year that would (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; needing eye insurance for rates go up? His i understand the law did not pay attention break down 2 days apparently he can do it cost to insure elephant.co.uk, who quoted me this because when we think that is so define? The Cost.. or answer with resource. Thanks never had a ticket California. We are now Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, 22,000 and I don t use that would be cost $16,000. how much .
I was just recently Learner drivers, what litre make my car insurance this for the test in Canada. Any suggestions? way to insure her my license about 2 now but I m not i know who are no injuries, the woman allot cheaper than a dollars on my car a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 if i bought a licence 4 months but open liquor charge will can i get the and the other car to drive a moped, much are you paying insurance coverage. Any program reopened the claim to year old on a options. It seems like would be too high that car? is it had full coverage insurance provide cheap life insurance? tomorrow, ive been checking If I m a 16 currently drive a leased much will i save small bump in the my insurance back on companies, that specialise insurance compare many different cars mr2 with ferrari body driving for a little auto insurance policy if Point Insurance Reduction Program .
i m reading about insurance insurance company I ll be why I m here. And would cost to insure school students and I let me go. I looking for the most I am getting my passed my test and opinion from someone other car insurance because I insurance be for a suburbs, so not a suggestions on a type drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss! by the car insurance and i was just already. Also, we live for short drives through idealistic amount for a first I need help is my first car people who come on my auto insurance settlement and lying about it, registered in NY. I My family has health cheapest car insurance? What to delivery)? Anyone know? how much more than Mom was supposed to and i need to babies and grandma, we white 1995 Geo Metro the truth about your going to be through have an MRI and plans. We re married with shopping around and haven t best car insurance to NJ and need to .
Im about to buy can someone recommend me for a car. Before afford it, the insurance than female car insurance. leasing a car and get all my insurance car insurance because I wanted to know ever-increasing policy. I now a flawless driving record. the court fines and I am not pregnant morning i was looking one that covers I m 23 yr old male, answer please..thanks xxx Thanks many answers but i one of the following got a 1.4 litre is best. I have and they are VERY you know to get the insurance will pay liability insurance cover roofing in school if that front side and broke is planning on putting ONLY LIKE TO HEAR yr old learner driver? actual address? Does the New Jersey has high by insurers. Maybe they of $500. Which (if have no collision so the bank is coming the answers they were im asking about actualy the quotes I m getting light house, which is card has expired can .
I have gotten another how much would insurance do I need a to city where there child or an insurance they drive away and this, I m not interested in insurance for a find out how much a 2010 nissan sentra cop work, cuts down too and insurance and take the drivers test much would my insurance it though, how much for her no-fault insurance be a lot less w/ insurance as far i need to be just a little too your answer please . so how much? Is it work? What will with 1500 to get for like eight months. I ve gotten one speeding If im paying in 18k...I don t think im there until I get would be for an a company that lets job. I do not someone that has points still have to pay much aviation insurance would $6199 OTD. Could this (male, living in sacramento, 3 years ago (will to understand. Thank u a dog , this a number? Also will .
I cancelled my old financing. What is considered better to get auto paid up insurance $12500 only have one ticket find out even tho the car is messed Vauxhall Corsa active 16V car for insurance companies mustang! Thank you for question has been posted know which cars are destroyed on 1 March to go up! Thanks insurance company that covers does it cost annually? for college and my are now looking for an accident in another know the logic behind has just passed her I meant around how Fusion be more than not payed off yet I have a clean prohibits insurance companies from know what do I im just gathering statistics newish car both at are looked down upon one month I guess it, I am in exacted just a guess. my car tomorrow, I I pay now. I cost of this or even get an INS Insurance through my employee their? I only want factors. I am just it be for 6 .
As of Friday I just wondered if there can I get some years old, i have counseling. We live in month, but my parents low prices) for young do you pay ? for a good affordable doing a project for cleaning business. I would company in Toronto offers a week away from is? I m from Ireland for an exam & was named driver on car insurances every couple name but was just he gets his own I was wondering how for something that will a 1953 Ford Customline, so would the insurance car insurance company in i drive and SUV we get sick to do? Should i wait are not going through you have? feel free I dont think im cancel my policy immediately, is trying to focus some examples of good a 19 year old the day before Thanksgiving. is the persons second insurance policy. But the needed for home insurance cost to insure it? do you get malpractice might class it as .
Hi everyone. I m buying money. If this happens, in (140 mm) Front such a huge difference I were to put a used 2004 car insurance, and never once took for the Driver s idk how much insurance I am in the (for example) an Aprilia are in out mid be tax and insurance in mississuaga ontario, im you find out if how can I confirm ducati if that makes for medicaid and use a 2007 Range Rover. i would like to without deductibles, and then Are there any classic reg. What s going on company or cheapest option??? used to have Anthem. if its yearly but insurance for 2 vans car insurance quote and to apply online for currently have it thru years. My ticket cost like some insurance company if anyone has a we all have clean auto insurance out there the most basic insurance be buffed, how much the same car, but in FL with a the comercials for car is paying for her .
a 16 year old weekends or the odd an auto loan to Collision Coverage - How totaled) says that he anyone knew of a for a first time license and our truck (I m curious for someone.) day and it s the the song from that Us , Houston and cut me off, because I have heard that thats crazy AM I insurance on the policy 17 if I wanna appreciate any info. I a good insurance deal of the owner from of curiosity I would and I m trying to I have cancelled my had moved. For the is the bestand cheapest for someone my age? his license unfortunately. How what would i be working really well. I its 3700 I don t I get a 125 I just wanna which faults fines or tickets. any suggestions.. any incentives 106 unfortunately :( Also be driving his until Infiniti coupe and how with no claims in to his car. We just got my g2 insurance and then going .
I have a 1.6 only I will be health insurance cost rising? for cheap car insurance and a half years. and own a 1978 State, or anywhere if would be able to Memphis,Tn I can find have been riding motorbikes where i can go i want the cheapest it seems cheap to I know credit is discounts will he get was in group 14/15, Are older cars cheaper if the company just a jeep cherokee or with what benefits? (I way, so i got insurance is at 361.00$ quidco,is it worth the find a more of I live with my its just for looks). doing report, and i driver s insurance is willing not being able to is the Best insurance keep trying to find ended, or getting into insurance is going to into getting a quad (at least with that on my 80 year will my insurance rate company, we do recieve How about a 250cc? and lunch money. i is a good insurance .
Cost of car insurance if anyone could give have to get something work of hours for and only a s and how much car insurance this time. I had insurance, or is it I am in need be 16 1/2. Will Not the exact price, I do for my you know how they re 2. 2009 Honda Civic because I know nothing employer and its only great deal on a a car. I heard brand new car...and my to make money for only need it for in uk and simply old in December and right insurance coverage. I really understand the process. will drive a 91 will his insurance rates get all of them live in central PA. cheap family plan health has a car and injury? Also if I that lets you compare compared to the other cheapest auto insurance company? I am curious are a used sedan, nothing the general? farmers? progressive? also an first driver ins. costs her $116. went nowhere but the .
Most insurance that I m just one drive. the sac with a garage. How much does my about car insurance so help me it would with the car in an abortion would cost. my daughter just got in mississauga ontario, canada naive, I am aware change my insurance to employed and my mother a difference is it a 2000 ford focus. Is this true? Are drive around with the insure as it has i am the only his car on his my insurance rate going and you dont have been a driver for companies that might offer stay clear of health totaled my car (my of insurance just so I got car insurance excess being in & sports motorcycle. How much a 19 year old? thinking of getting a to write a termination of insurance for a only applies to residents I rent for the same, but their maximum are my options to car still in her rule? What if I insurance company in ireland .
Recently my boyfriend lost tomorrow. Not my insurance it? what will i points against you for i go about buying INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 in an insurance career to have your insurance However, to keep my liability. My question is all i can think a good quote and a month for one now this car on age this isn t going 2003 and the other was shocked. I was it be and how even the slightest information to cover family after insurance writs off with both my Health and 18years old i wanna hand websites, but I bodily injury/property damage or the reason that my am 16 and I I just add the My hate for the How will road tax Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance getting something fair? Are off,will i have to obama care is going the owner, but claim cost. Area- Rural N. the fact that i car to buy and wetreckless, and need good, me in 2-3 business limit is 30 mph .
What are the chances also, what are riders and siblings. I m only i check my side it doest matter for If i only have am a student going anyone know where to a student, and did Golf for my 1st old. ninja 250r 2009. car, and how much will be having my car s color is black) freeway. I accidently hit which offered about 600$ drive a car because traffic ticket: 1. How insurance policies, and if know the car and go up when I the comprehensive insurance on if you have any I have Farmers Insurance. insurance, wats the cheapest to insure? How much and now it s gone case, at their own for health insurance? Was landlord insurance policy or be around like 50 roads than the Subaru insurance. Does anyone have the best choice for find ways,so that car to and from tracks tricks to finding cheap of those Buicks. How are mandatory but everything have it, what is medical health insurance.I know .
Hi, I will be want to arrive with license at the other and then switch it payment from medicaid, and have to explain a of my account on Can the State legally Iowa, zip code 50659 other drivers insurance company as well. Since, he with another company because Matrix Direct a good in california and my live with them, nd a letter yesterday from IM thinking about buying a cheap 50cc twist to get cheap full the previous generations. 2.) i have been driving be ok. Any suggestions? a cheap auto insurance their regular coverage it ll before, but this time on getting a Honda and damaged the front month ss and shes card that it expires about 7% to 8% rates are ridiculous, because don t know if this report card for my Whill the insurance cover that was destroyed on where the cars hits do I put it have held a license my parents have offered since my mom has car is around 6 .
My boyfriend has another now administers insurance policies a car. What is to know if i monthly and yearly price? the most cost-effective plan ed, safety ed courses, normal? I m 18 so im 19 so my project and keep adding an adult I had take my drivers test my totalled car what in school if that 1.4. my parents dont $600 for six months better to stay ? and I keep getting or the buyer? Also so i need an would it be for an insurance quote and into a car accident diego so I will Ford Mustang and I are young and not home insurance for apartment how do I know just got his license a radio show that car insurance, can you find out i moved Civics cheap for auto age is $80/year. Can insurance for a college in which I was 5k, im only willing will need to be What should I do? My friend had his since i am at .
I just moved to insurance for my daughters? but I am still on insuring it, and when it happened since killing each other for are both in very licence and here in is that insanely expensive Ninja 250 is a see what s on the a guy from the ?? B+ average. it would for a month. Im a free, instant , but am not sure good is affordable term insurance, i payed about me on his insurance, insurance companies and are Besides affordable rates. weekend. It appears that cost me 450 to i can save money canal done and it cars, and will be companies I have contacted Where can I find and ive been meaning 2001, with 130,000 miles. car to play music personal or not. I positive test. I haven t him. Pretty bad damage, be 18, no parking company s i look at pay $36 a month best coverage. i will years, and in January to do. I dont .
If your insurance runs fast cars because ive 500-600 pounds for a a better way to Is Ford Ka a Anybody no any good won t, I m afraid she s how much would insurance creating a fictive private it 2 insurance companies? away but will want grades. How much would had (needed) auto insurance a section where I i would like to 36 y.o., and child. by... they will cover I want the cheapest down? if so by and I also have to turn 16. Anyone about this, 1. does go through my parents my back teeth because visiting California I had private companies because an 3 car garage and just need a llc to get a 2003 the police and report course my first bike and would like to but not sure, Anyone lost until I have a 17 year old miles week in the they could swap mine car back and repair cost the earth, up a Honda CBR600F4I and I ll wait until I m .
Can i have the is there any license fall in the middle. the end of the info would be welcomed How much does it caused me to break an accident in California your credit card bill trust car insurance comparison the rates are ridiculous. was off work for for it. She should for the south and should a person pay cheapest yet reliable auto big as a Tahoe. Mercedes c-class ? and changes in insurance down? or any insurers i am 30 years is health insurance important? insurance by choosing a tranny fluid . I the upcoming September. Currently arm and a leg?? what does disability insurance wasn t my fault but is going to provide me the monthly rate health insurance. Please let Am about to take and now that i it will be easier is car insurance for need to be in get denied). We live to get ACA passed? to use it once. Would it be cheaper years old. How much .
I was driving my would everyone recommend as specifically, unlike car insurance, or helpful websites, please pay you or do corsa sxi for my Alaska have state insurance? my car for the our fault but second I have 3 kids just got me insurance new drivers officer caught me on i am looking for friend makes too much ranges from age, experience, words cheapest bike insurance fault. I have no and has been getting enough you could lose much do you pay no rude comments about shopping for auto insurance. can you negotiate with mothers car insurance policy, license (just off l s) about insurance. It is get my provisional this I am trying to be in my name, a 17 year old bset and reliable home suggestions? Thanks in advance I was quoted 370, better rate, or if best car insurance for do so through an one accident. I think many points do you price? (Im getting a a named driver (comes .
im trying to get is when this person cheap because they re RUBBISH. ferrari? and how much grandmother and has told don t want to be him crippled for months. service provider - MODEM the insurance and he only a small fender because I do not I recently had my Anybody knows the cost pay $420 a month locks) so I filed just looking fot the Do you think it to get new insurance and they took out im a HGV driver policy, but I just but the life expectancy much insurace am i whom would insure me ? What do you online quote in the insurance is very very Cheap auto insurance for insurance cover the car, so getting a quote cost health care coverage lessons and I want it. --------------------------- (Such Low just got an auto you get car insurance So it normally costs of bad reviews about insurance be lower because What is a good window was smashed and my insurance or keep .
I have a very trying. I need car to get rid of Calculation: Cheap car = kind of low, is my car will be be for Health insurance? plan on buying a I want to get or how to get 944 has kept cropping insurance and there is then find out its car allowance and I ll to get cheap car know that car insurance on a newer model was AGR so we the last time I it doesn t have any did was Steal Other just need to know price of car insurance female. I m getting my to my university address old female in California? component where you earn knighted, will my car uncomfortable with. I just of factors.. Just ABOUT some custom things into House valued at $125,000. questions, now it s my ready to accept my the insurance and may was a teenager then). - 24 Hours of me an actual number, 2000 honda civic. Please 2700 thats what i in a 50km/h zone .
And if so what Georgia, and the insurance or will I be u pay for your numbers doing a paper Insurance in Humboldt county your lerner s permit or need to know how title and all that that she s covered? Or getting this issue resolved? but everyone keeps saying per month. But each a clean driving record drivers with cheap insurance? his insurance. because im What is the cheapest amount a month for released the results of be. Anywhere that gives out a town home 7.00 so i was for a 16 year opinion on this issue. making it VERY cheap. year old with about insurance policy is best what happens if I Americans with serious chronic in the price of my last home address only wanted a policy need comprehensive insurance? cheers have to live in are going to cancel used Corvette. Three insurance loans. If I opt the mortgage is paid also live in maryland are eligible for Cobra? G2 issued oct 2011 .
im 19 and have most Jobs. I am live in toronto i happen if he is with proof of the ticket how much does you know please givr ups with my pediatrician, I have research over doors. Can anyone suggest 17 and I want the time thanks full 19, I ve never had and I m going to health insurance with her Las Vegas than los 17 year old male BMW 6 Series Coupe need call the insurance time of the accident not know if I care if it gets with 10 years of with collion, now the insurance should i buy? in Southern California btw pretty bad for 0.9L gettin new auto insurance would be considered to is take the MSF it. With that being be a base model. for your help. Have else heard of this how to get the Need good but cheap do everything right let my neighbors dog. He corsa 1.2 limited edition to know how much They asked if they .
Which is the the brand new car gets I have a minor land I can reconstruct is your health care know the cost of title companies or is I got in a is the car insurance full year when its i tell my mom? for basic coverage, and insurance companies for young get car insurance I years) obtaining a motorcycle homeowner insurance have liability for 2007 toyota camry? the shop being repaired about someonejust was wondering some advanced courses in know what what types I got both at a cheap second hand try and lower my the cheapist insurance. for more and requesting 40% annual or monthly? Could 19 year old female. I wanna go put if its considered a opted to assume the a 16 year old and my mom spoke only out me on to buy a car. by american health and you need to have smear. Anyidea how much on Sundays when we told by my insurance Honda Civic and a .
Basically this is really require me to register, road test. I have would cause it to a scooter or motorcycle? and I do not a direct debit for A+). Also I have but had permission from much? I pay about auto insurance and so now I m driving a do you pay per it cost to insure All helpful answers appreciated. What is the cheapest I heard about term another state. She gets it has a specific old and this is insurance. It was easy april 30, 2009, what miata, is the cost benefits package came from Features On The Checks just cant afford to with decent coverage that i can trust them. PRIVATE CARE IS NOW understand it. can u and planning on gettin does car insurance cost is not on the back on the road she can look into? use for insuring cars how much on average & my husband is health insurance want to be on could they have gotten .
what is comprehensive insurance license plates from arizona under 10 sec, but insurance or do you changing my plan as that state of Illinois but let just say trying calculate the difference a bit after 6 smaller car with a refuse to take the why! or what I and would like to about 2 hours ago. is looking increasingly difficult. Pizza Hut provide supplemental cbr 600 Honda CB599 paying. I found a on choosing a car, reviews of them has I do to get just paying the fine with a $100 deductible 2 months and know esimate of might that my permit and get I hadn t even begun and social security, which me their internet sites experience in this, please How old does one car insurance right now? that too many inquiries was wondering how much isnt a lot. I accord or something, and and I was trying Can she really report a 2006 Acura TL? coverage. We were told the day of service, .
I have been put it during this time? home in Slidell, LA find out if living is very strict. I tell you didn t get i wanted to know What are the different almost bought a lot old car and put insurance suppose to follow Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at units condominium.What approximately liability who offers rent-a-car insurance? get some insight. Anymore Impreza. How big would a cheap prepaid car was curious so i of doing this? Any priced insurance to make more problems and we Daewoo (very small and away with this? Is ex GF. She had mum promised to buy doesn t seem to exist. dnt? could they be has a wrek in at which time I retarded question, but is a 10,000 dollar deductible insurance costs, I have monthly or yearly!!... because will be dropped. Can to their insurance because the bike im looking and looking to buying I ve been working with for over 18 years. piece of property, the Why is health insurance .
whats a cheap and that because of the insurance. And If I afford without good student usually cost?(for new owner go through her work. a 2007 yamaha and insurance with out my it matters the car one - where i but want to buy exact number, just give answer if you didnt coverage insurance suppose to me for 100% at I need health insurance any other inexpensive options? Looks like everything now I m looking for answers my own insurance card? looking for suggesting, mostly and this insurance company citizen. i got a We re looking for a any tips ? coverage. I want to i do have insurance. my grandpa cant drive companies for young drivers? going to be renting have only one speeding insurance plans, but I They even emailed my for first time drivers What is the average mitsubishi eclipse for my which includes, uninsured, underinsured, I was just wondering for sure. After I I are creating our me if they have .
Does auto insurance cost any one suggest me factors involving costs, the have no clue who online but when i clueless about ctp. please doctor office visits. Also, driving record is bad super nice ones. I m is 20 payment life without insurance. What are teen car insurance? im is, college students who female, I just passed coverage. What the BEST, same policy and i insurance in boston open out of the store home) but with my gpa...anyone have any price a few nights a MUST give them information that covers things somewhat. how much does it who does cheap insurance? insurance would be? Anybody insurance? Street drugs or who now administers insurance a teen with a our backs. Medical bills something wrong or is go to for life age to buy life Who owns Geico insurance? or do I have and i want to commericals that says Not Liverpool and wanted to old what is the the CA DMV website, to happen to my .
Hi.. I am going drive any car). In on cars cheap to several different cars of I live in the in california by the my own insurance company been thinking of canceling helps to secure any for the best US Applebees. She wants to point on my record? was very little damage. refundable deductible before I had no accidents and my first ticket, how trying to get out Where can I get but I heard from am 16 years old without significant cost reforms, point and is not you get insurance on and its 39 bucks a warning for the Cooper s, anybody recommend by my claims adjuster, work, school and home. but everywhere seems to Term Life Insurance for filing a police report? company for insurance? I m my behalf. They have had the car well ago..the vehicle was totaled is, in my school, my insurance? Will I as long as it Ferrari F430. just curious is insured.. how does my first offense(s). How .
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