#classes because he knew we wouldn't see each other until august
brimstoneandtreacle · 5 months
i'm constantly trying to convince myself that he doesn't feel anything towards me (even Friendship feelings) but then i remember things that make me go "there is No fucking way he doesn't feel Something." and then i start trying to convince myself he doesn't again
#while i was typing the tags of my last post i started thinking about how much effort he put into spending time with me on the last day of—#classes because he knew we wouldn't see each other until august#i mean he went out of his Way to spend time with me. he'd never done that before#we had never even Alluded to like 'let's talk later' unless we had some Official thing to talk about#but that day we didn't have anything official to talk about#and yet he was saying things like 'i'll be back in my office in like 20 minutes tops' (with a tone of 'come see me when i get back')#and literally 'i hope i get to see you again before i have to leave'#and him having to write emails while i was sitting with him in his office but when i protested out of worry that i was interrupting his—#work he said 'no no! i want you here. i want to keep talking' and would apologise for having to do little tasks at the same time#and when he had to leave (had to go pick up his son) i walked out to our cars (parked next to each other) with him#and when we got to our cars he turned to me and paused in the way you do when there's an Important goodbye to say#and Insisted that i keep in touch. with so much Emphasis. no one has ever said it like that to me#he didn't say it in a 'just being nice' tone#idk. idk!#he Really treated me differently that day. as in he treated me with so much more idk like.#Affection. Warmth. Closeness. idk ! maybe it was just bc it was the last day but i feel like it was also bc Since it was the last—#day of classes he felt like he could let some professionalism slide & treat me more in the fashion that he Wants to#or at least a sneak peak of it#but then again. maybe he was just Humouring me the entire time. bc he knew I would want to see him extra bc it was the last day#idk. we spent hours together. that's a long time to humour someone#but still idk..#db#epilogue
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chocolatedeerllama · 2 years
Sad times
Beware: talk of suicide
Sometimes there's no way without seeing the sadness. The sweet David Mallard knew that some days were bad but others were either good or worst. It didn't help that he was a medical examiner (ME) but he could talk to the bodies like they could talk back but the do a bit with how the bodies got on his autopsy table. 
It took a few months of all the autopsies to get use to seeing a lot of bodies. He used to be scared with seeing a dead body but now it's like seeing patients in a hospital. They show things that most people wouldn't see at first like if a body had scars, tattoos, piercings and other things.
The first body in his line of work was someone he kept close. David saw someone he thought he'd never see on his table.
His brother-in-law Jason committed suicide by hanging on his bed after being taunted for being the sweet young man he was.
The first thing Dr. Mallard was going to do were see the bruises around Jason's junk then cover it with a towel. David looked on Jason's chest and saw the small scars around his pecs like David where he had his transition to the man he is today. The second thing he saw were the scars were Jason cut on his wrists about seven months before he knew about his brother's harming. Jason had to get his anger out on something.
Seeing the names that Jason was called in the police reports from the last days in his life.
" Lt. Grant
-October 24 2014
Jason was called "a f*gget" by most of the kids in one Social Studies class.
-October 25 2014
Jason called 9-1-1 about the same kid who called him "a f*gget" wearing pink and staying near girls because they don't judge him for being who he is. Jason was so scared.
-October 26 2014"
The day before Jason's suicide.
Jason talked to one Social Worker Olivia Rollens and she took Jason out of his Social Studies class where he teached to disabled kids to talk about his feelings and the kids making fun about what he wore the last few days.
Lace arm wear, jeggings, a lot of pink and purple to show how happy he was being with who he is.
That night David didn't know that was going to be the last time he would see Jason alive and well. The last thing David told Jason was something he didn't know was the last thing that Jason would hear from anyone.
"Know that I love you and you're always welcome in this house anytime you need to talk. Good night Bro love ya."
The next day Henrietta; David's sister and Jason's wife came home after a hard night in the ER at seven and saw Jason's body on their bed with his belt around his neck too tight to think about; body cold, eyes closed like he was sleeping and she screamed while crying. "Jason committed suicide!!"
The note left wasn't sweet but gave closer.
"Sorry you have to see me like this but the kids at school now know that they're the reason for this. They took me to this stage of my life and they don't care. I've given you the last of my belongings to you and David (Ducky) will know that it's for you. If you need any help with anything you know who to call. (924) 555-7553 is the number you'll want to keep. And our three beautiful triplet kids (Aaron, Michelle and Thomas) will be happy to see their Uncle Dave a lot in their lives. If you could, would you be in the autopsy room to see what's there.
You might need a bit of funny business so just go to David for any laughing in any time. Know that he'll always have your back unless you do something that's you're at fault.
Love you Henrietta you beautiful wife and first love since the first day I knew that I wanted to love you since August 1979 until we meet again look at the good. You should know I want to be cremated; no casket for me. A small urn with a bit of bling will do. The rest of the money is yours. Always know I've loved you since we first knew about each other. And keep my ring you beautiful mess of my most treasured love and know that I will always see you as well as be with you on your ring finger."
Jason signed it with his signature with the check of the 25 thousands of dollars from his checking account under the letter. If they needed his passwords; he wrote them all down.
This is why David does what he does. He gives closure for those who lose someone. Most of the bodies that come in are of officers on call or out on the call, none of them committed the worst thing. Jason was the first of the many bodies he would see.
The worst bodies now are burnt and or suffocated but they say a lot about what happened to them even if they can't talk. They got their time to talk and show things.
The last one at this point in his career was an officer on call when she was shot.
Lt. Sara Bain was shot by a sniper when she was talking to her boss. Her body was preserved very well the few days before she reached David. At least the day she was killed her team wrote next to her body when she was shot and they also knew who shot her. They had the sniper in custody and Bain was wearing a camera on her protective gear. Her last words were "Now I thought I would die before I heard you say that Odafin said something right-"
Seeing in his own view of what happens out on the streets David knows what happens out there.
Now it's all clear. The first dead body David saw was his kitty back in 1949 when his 13 year old cat died naturally. Seeing his kitty's body was sad but comforting to know she died peacefully in her final sleep. Now the dead bodies he sees on regular and he doesn't flinch getting to see those bodies anymore. It's like seeing anyone normal. Talking during autopsies was soothing and it got him into a good attitude when he sees the bodies.
Talking is good. Getting the talks he's had for days in his head is best to get it out onto a new slab.
The latest addition in his family was a small kitten from a crime scene; this little deaf Maine Coon kitten with its black toe beans (one pink), his paws being perfectly big for the big baby he is. And the white tuft of chest fur on the kitty gave David the inspiration with the best name because the kitten was sweet but also a bit of a big cloud of farts. There went the best name; Beans. David laughed when he smelled the kitty's doings. Seeing the kitten got him to talk to the kitty about anything as if the kitty was his therapist.
The next day David went to the cemetery to see his brother-in-law's headstone and he sat for a good fifteen minutes. Talked nicely, just talking like he was still with them. The flower holder was open for new flowers to be put in so David thought about putting some in but Beans thought he'd be able to sit in it. David started to laugh a little bit at the kitten but it was all good laughing. If Beans' fits; he sits.
"If you were still with us you would laugh as well about this silly baby and his name is Beans because he toots a lot. I believe that he knows you're here since he trotted to your headstone and love bumped you. He must love you since I love you. What you did back then in the '80s with Hen was so sweet. About her; she's looking for a girlfriend and she'd think that you would want her to live her life fully."
It's like Jason's soul came down and covered David with a warm hug like he said 'yes, tell her to live fully.' Feeling that Beans slumped on Jason's headstone while purring paws out on top of it while making air biscuits. The kitten made the most satisfying purring and head bumping.
"You would love this little kitten Jason. Beans is starting to love seeing your headstone as if your soul went into him." Beans purred so loud the force of the love he fell over on the headstone. Eyes shut and the best nirvana in his life, happiness. Air biscuits all around for Jason's spirit to see all the good. "If only you didn't go Jason... Hen still thinks about you and even talks well about the morning she found you unresponsive and dead in the eyes. You would love to see anything about Hen and I being how we are now. Hen when to the fire department to be a half-time paramedic since she wants to be a general surgeon so she's trying to get her doctorate and see what she'll see at her half-time job. She's so close to getting her doctorate and thing she'll be called Dr. Henrietta Wilson RN and taking your last name. The world has one Dr. Mallard; it doesn't need another one. Hen found a puppy at work and she decided to keep the beautiful dalmatian at the scene of an accident and named that puppy Marshall. The puppy was so clumsy with it's big paws that he could always fall over to anything. Seeing Marshall trotting around like he owns the place is so cute.
David could see how Beans was acting around Marshall and one day after coming back from work; seeing them sleeping together with their tails tucked with each other and Beans' back to Marshall's chest. They were so happy to be with each other. Always so happy to be with each other.
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Don't Leave Me This Way
Warnings- angst, marital spats, language, a hint of spice
A/N- After a decade together, Honey and Leon have come undone. But on the anniversary of the day their lives changed, Leon decides to mend that. For @forenschik
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Part One:
Honey was, in a word, incensed. That Leon would even think about the two of them going out on a weekday bothered her. Then again, at this point in their busy lives going out on ANY day bothered her. But that, Leon told her, was the problem. It was eat, sleep, work, kids, eat, sleep, work, OCCASIONALLY have sex. Throw in Sunny’s growing powers and the odd alternate universe traveller for good measure. That was the rhythm of married life she responded rather dismissively.
Leon took the club scheduling book out of Honey’s hand and held it high above his head where he knew Honey couldn’t fathom reaching it. “How about fuck off with this rhythm of life.”
“LEON!” Honey both whined and raised her voice at her husband as she scrambled to her feet and attempted to climb him. When that didn’t work, and he simply laughed at her and held the book higher, she stood on the desk chair. “How about you go fuck yourself?”
Leon threw the date book. Honey jumped to go after it, but he blocked her move. He held her tight in his arms so she was made to stand still. “Fuck’s sake, I was asking for a date. Now I’m telling you. You’re gonna go upstairs and get ready and put on that sexy purple dress. I’ve packed up The Littles. We’re taking them to your parents, and then we are going to that Italian restaurant you love on Mulberry Street. Then we’re coming home, and you’re getting a right good seeing to.” Before she could protest Leon clamped his hand over her mouth, “Now.”
Honey shockingly obeyed her husband. Her face crimson with anger as she held her chin in the air, arms crossed in front of her chest before throwing up the double finger. In the shower she realized something. It had been so long, and their lives were so busy, that Honey couldn’t discern being mad from being turned on. A lump formed in her throat because she was ashamed. Or disappointed? When was she ever NOT enamored by Leon? Maybe this date was exactly what they needed.
“I don't know, I think we should maybe homeschool Sunny. He's not going to have a handle on anything until he's come to the end of what he can do. Maybe we can communally teach him? Selina is fine, she always will be. She could use other normal kids. I think she and Sun are too dependent on each other. They're only six and seven. Usually that level of codependency comes later in life. Like you and Jonathan. I don't know, what do you think?”
Leon watched as his wife took her first breath since their dinners arrived. She swallowed most of her wine before chasing a tortellini around her plate. Her head in one hand like an insolent child instead of a woman in her thirties. Honey looked at Leon expectedly. He took a breath of his own, but she interjected just as he was about to speak.
“They might resent us if we separate though. Sunny needs to feel as normal as possible. They're in Montessori school, so all those kids are bound to be a little strange too. I guess if they were homeschooled you would have to cut back on your classes, and we would have to scale back on bookings.”
Leon clenched his jaw between sips of his bourbon. He stabbed at his dinner, chewed and swallowed while simmering. He sat back with the expectancy that Honey would continue, uninterrupted the same way she had for the last decade. He could feel the simmer start to boil just below the surface while, sure enough, she kept on.
“Punk is just taking off. I know CBGB is where it's at, but Hilly’s been a mensch sending us Patti, Debbie and The Ramones. I know we're still stuck in folk, but I REALLY think it can turn around into rock. There's this outrageous glam or metal or whatever band from LA. Oh! Did you get to hear that demo from the Irish band? Klaus said they're like, one of the biggest bands in the world. I don't know if that would be in our timeline too, but he's onto something. Get in while we can. But who wears sunglass-”
“αρκετά!!” Leon yelled. ENOUGH!
He banged a fist on the table which drew attention from nearby diners. His nostrils flared with anger and embarrassment. While the outburst mortified Leon, he also wouldn't take it back. It was his only means of getting Honey’s attention. And it did.
She sat back with her arms crossed. One eyebrow arched in challenge. Honey was no shrinking violet. She did tend to her grudges like a little garden. If she had to add Leon to it for a little while, so mote it be.
Leon’s face softened, his shoulders sank while he bit into his lip. Then he sat up straight, an air of defiance about him. Before she knew what was happening, Leon slid Honey around the booth with ease so that they sat side by side. He made a bold move when his wife turned away from him.
Leon snuck a hand inside of Honey’s bare thighs. He knew her. Knew she wouldn't be wearing any panties. It wasn't even meant as a tease. She just couldn't with this particular dress. He took advantage of that.
Letting two of his fingers delve inside of his wife, Leon slid them as painfully slow as possible. Her body reacted. It became instantaneously wet allowing him to slip in with ease. He continued in Italian.
“Tesoro mio, non stai zitto da dieci anni. Hai chiesto la mia opinione e io ne ho una.” His fingers pumped faster. One found her clit for a brief moment before abandoning it “Ora sii una brava moglie e lasciami dire la mia.”
My sweet, you haven't shut the fuck up in ten years. You asked for my opinion, and I have one. Now be a good wife and let me have my say.
Honey swallowed oxygen and choked on it. Her heart pounded in places she forgot carried a beat for the man beside her. Her hips shifted forward while she spread her legs to accommodate Leon.
“I'm.. sorry..” her breath came out choppy. “What.. what do you think?”
Leon removed his fingers and draped his arm along Honey’s shoulders. It curled around her neck but with a gentleness. All of the anger dissipated seeing his wife submit to him so easily. That sexual reminder he had as much agency in this marriage as she did.
“I think,” Leon lifted Honey’s chin so her face drew closer. Instead of her lips he kissed her forehead and caught her gaze, “It's time to send the Littles away without us.”
Honey inhaled ready to release a protest. Leon clamped a hand over her mouth. “For longer than a few days at the lake. Or a weekend down at the shore with your sister's kids. Or overnight at your parents place. It's time Yía Yía takes them to Greece.”
Leon felt his wife’s body start to tense. He knew she was processing what he had to say but was prepared to fight him every step of the way. He kept on, “We can take the kids to London, stay a day or two. Then the two of us are going away together for the first time. Not a weekend here. Or a day there. PROPER vacationing just us.”
He cut Honey off with a kiss this time. “We can afford to close the club for a while. I love you, and I bloody love our kids. The three of you are my whole fucking world. Don’t you think we’ve gotten a bit lost? It hasn’t been just us since the 60s. You don’t even know what day it is, do you?”
Honey blanked. Her eyebrows knit together as her brain searched back through time to what she may have missed. Why a random day at the end of August was so important. Leon stared at his wife, willing her to remember. He knew she maybe just took it for granted that this instance had always been there. Neither could remember a time when it wasn’t.
Honey’s body deflated. “Oh, Leon.” Hot tears sprang to her eyes which she angrily wiped away. “When HAVEN’T I loved you? I don’t think I was ever able to boil it down to our last time away together. Has it really been ten years? I always thought the moment I saw you was the moment I fell in love. I held you at bay didn’t I?”
Leon used his thumbs to brush the tears away from her cheeks. One traced along her bottom lip before he pushed her hair off her shoulder to kiss it.
"Gracie, look at me." He lifted her chin again so their eyes met. She sniffled. "I think you know that little bits of me and you could scatter across the cosmos, and we would always find one another. It's why we need to get away, the two of us. C'mon, wanna go for a walk?
He stood, laid more money down than necessary, and reached for Honey's hand. She took it but rebuffed the rest, "Leon, it's midnight. It's the hottest summer on record. And someone is murdering women with dark hair and their lovers."
"So?!" She frowned. "Oh bugger off!" he teased. "Klaus said his name's David Berkowitz, and he never goes outside of Queens. I just want to hold my missus's hand and walk beside her a little while. That's all."
How could Honey resist?
Part 2 coming next week 💋
@elliethesuperfruitlover @magic-multicolored-miracle @maerenee930 @nightmonsters @neuroticpuppy @firstpersonnarrator @frogs--are--bitches @rob-private @bisexualnathanyoung @super-unpredictable98 @messengeronthemoon @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren @duck-noises @feed-davis-and-steve @ghouls-buddy
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smaptain-smerica · 2 years
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: {Y/n} Was at the top of her class at the Red Room Academy. Sought after for her expertise in the field by Dr. Zola, who purchased the widow for his Hydra Program. {y/n} Excelled quickly, and began teaching the new recruits using her previously taught skills. All was well until a James Barnes entered the program. His presence turned the entirety of the Hydra program on its head. Rules, hearts and trust broken time and time again.
Maturity: This book is rated mature for graphic descriptions of violence, foul language, and sexual content that may be sensitive to readers under the age of 18.
a/n: This story was originally posted on wattpad and will be updated there first. Follow there for quicker updates! https://www.wattpad.com/user/smaptin-smerica
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Chapter 13
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August, 1957
"Have you always been this cold?"
"You think I'm cold?"
"Well I want to get to know you but it's like talking to a brick wall. I'd have better conversations with a book." I rolled my eyes at Bucky's comment, annoyed that he was asking once again.
"I've told you, I don't want to know you and I don't care to." I replied bluntly, looking at him with as cold of a face as I could possibly give.
"You're just a real sweetheart aren't you." He halfway growled at me, rolling his eyes back. I shut the French book closed rather loudly. This caused him to jump, widening his eyes at my actions.
I could see the excitement in his eyes brighten at this opportunity. For months now, Bucky has been trying to get in on my good side. Trying to win me over with his charm and flirtatious comments. Every night he would ask me if we could eat dinner together and talk, every night I told him no. It broke my heart knowing how I felt about him and doing the exact opposite of what I wanted to do. I remember the ache in my chest of what it felt like to have thought I lost him, I can't go through that again.
"Okay, um... what's your favorite color?" Bucky asked me, stroking his chin in thought while he thought of the deep question. A smirk was brought across my face, reminiscing on the memories from the past. "What do you think my favorite color is?"
A smirk spread across his face, tilting his head in the process while thinking. "Red?" He finally asked.
I couldn't help myself, a wide smile spread across my face. I thought about the note that he gave me, he thought so highly of me before. It seems as though he might still think of me the same way, at least I hope so.
"It is red." Whether or not that was true, I wouldn't dare tell him otherwise. His reaction alone made my heart feel light. He looked like a kid on Christmas with the excitement he had plastered on his mug. He may as well have been a child.
"Seriously?" I nodded. His face lit up in accomplishment, pumping his fist in a small victory. A smile was brought across my face, a real genuine smile that I had finally allowed myself to slip out. Bucky seemed to notice this, tilting his head at me.
"So she does smile." He teased me, using his foot to nudge my leg under the table. My face instantly dropped to fake seriousness as I returned his nudge with a swift kick to the calf. He hissed in pain, giving me the 'seriously?' look. I smiled even more, a mischievous smile that indicated I did it on purpose.
"I think that's one of the first times I've ever seen you smile." Bucky hummed, folding his arms over each other on top of the table. His long hair bounced to the side, providing him with a curtain. "Why? Why are you always so cold?" He pressured on.
I was tempted to snap at him, get him to shut up and not talk about it any more. Something inside of me was tired of fighting, who knew when our next mission was going to be and we would be forced to work together once again. "My um," I began, trying to think of the best way to approach this situation. How was I going to describe it?
"My previous partner, he died. He died because of me." I looked down at the table underneath us, tapping my fingers nervously on the table and avoiding eye contact with him at all cost. I noticed his hand come into my field of vision, slow and steady as he gently laid it on my forearm comfortingly.
"I thought he died in a car accident, I'm sure it wasn't your fault." I looked up at him, his face soft and the inside of his eyebrows turned up ever so slightly. I shook my head back and forth before returning my gaze to his eyes.
"It was my idea. We... I- planned to escape on our first mission the moment we had met. It was my fault we stole the car in the first place." I explained, looking into his eyes as though he were a complete stranger. "We even learned sign language to communicate without people knowing."
This caught his attention, furrowing his eyebrows together in what I would assume was thought, maybe realization. A part of me hoped that he would remember, that maybe me talking about it would trigger his brain into remembering. "Sounds like you two were close." He sympathized with me, giving me a sad smile.
I looked at him, hesitating for a moment. I moved my hands to the front of me, preparing them to sign. My name, Diamond. I spelled out my nick-name for him. For a moment, he seemed confused, like he didn't understand. Do you understand? I asked him another question, the confusion still plastered on his face. He slowly looked at my eyes and then nodded. "I understand, how is that possible I don't remember learning it."
I hesitated for a moment, I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to cave in and confess everything has had happened. I fought with my internal thoughts and conflicts of interest on what to say, how to feel. I bit the inside of my lip as I watched him think. His brow knitted together and fingers tapping on his chin. "I don't remember anything actually, my life before Hydra. I can't remember any of it..." he continued on. I signed and pushed my chair back, finally giving up on my thoughts.
"Well, that's how it is here. Get used to it Soldier." I turned on my heel, heading for the door. I heard the chair shuffle and footsteps behind me.
"Hey wait come back."  Bucky called, jogging to catch up with me. I quickened my pace to a brisk walk to try and get away but my shoulder was caught by a hand, forcing me to turn back around.
"I feel like there's something you're not telling me." He demanded at me. I had hardly spoken to him for months and the one time I finally do I give everything away. I wish the memory wipe had worked on me now.
"I've hardly told you anything, I've hardly talked to you so Why do you think I'm hiding things from you already?" I replied to him sassily, shifting my weight to my left foot and crossing my arms across my chest. "Is it just a coincidence that me and your partner know the same things, or is there something you know and I don't?" He pressed on, taking a step closer to me.
I stepped back, rolling my eyes at him in response. "How am I supposed to know where you learned it?" My head swarmed with worry and my heart pulsed anxiety through the veins in my body. I was getting nervous, desperately hoping I could cover up whatever mess I started.
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a large exhale. He put his hands on his hips, looking up and down the hallway before taking a step towards me and lowering his voice. "I know there's something wrong here, nothing about this place feels right. There are memories that don't make sense and events that definitely did not happen. Please, just tell me what you know."
"I can't tell you anything because I don't know anything!" I finally snapped at him, hoping yelling in frustration would end the conversation.
He narrowed his eyes at me taking a step forward towards me. "You're lying." He said sternly to me.
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are you're lying!" And now, we have two frustrated super humans yelling at each other. Bucky got in my face, his anger and frustration clearly written on his expression.
Our faces were inches apart, I squared out my shoulders and lifted my head up high, glaring into his eyes. "I can't tell you anything." I growled at him, feeling the tension between us rise dramatically.
"Can't, or won't?" He challenged back in the same growling tone that I had given him. I simply rolled my eyes out of frustration, turning on my heel and walking away from him. I muttered a few cuss words under my breath as I did so. I had only made it a few steps before I was stopped one again. "Don't walk away from me! Just tell me the truth!" Bucky yelled in a pleading voice. I had given up, overcome by my own frustration the words flew out of my mouth with little control.
"Holy shit Bucky just drop it!" I finally yelled as I looked at him in the face. His eyes widened and his body froze. As did mine, I covered my mouth with my and and my eyes widened in the realization of what I had just done.
"Who's Bucky." Though his voice was lowered, it was still a demanding statement. I groaned, covering my face with my hands and shook my head in frustration at myself.
"Who is Bucky." He demanded again, raising his voice slightly at me, causing me to snap.
"It's you, okay? It's you. You're James "Bucky" Barnes and you were my other partner." My heart ached as I took my frustration out on him, my breathing becoming heavier as I desperately tried to explain.
"We tried to escape on our first mission together but it failed so Hydra brought us back here and brainwashed us into forgetting. It didn't work on me, but it was supposed to. They told me you had died in order to fit their story. I thought that... I thought you were gone." My voice started to break as emotions piled up inside my chest.
"I told myself I wouldn't get close to you again because I couldn't handle the heartache, but it's so hard because you're the exact same person you were when I first met you."
There it was, my heart laid out on the table for a man I share memories with that he doesn't even remember. I watched his face turn from frustration to simply emotionless as I went on my tangent. He walked towards me slowly, reaching his arms out and bringing them to my shoulders. I looked up into his eyes where he smiled at me gently and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
Bucky pulled me into his chest and gave me a hug. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat, closing my eyes in comfort. He brought a hand behind my head and stroked my hair. "I'm sorry I can't remember any of that." He whispered to me.
"It's okay. It's not your fault." I whispered back while pushing off his chest to stand directly in front of him. We looked at each other, his face coated in sympathy. Mine I'm sure was sad and pitiful.
"Subject X and Winter Soldier, report to the training center."
An intercom system announced overhead the instructions for us. We looked at the ceiling and then back at each other. Fear bubbled inside of me as I now worried that our little squabble had been heard. They were now going to brainwash us and once again forget everything. I could only hope that it didn't work on me a second time.
"We should go. Come on." Bucky drew me from my thoughts, putting a hand on my shoulder to gently encourage me to walk as we made our way towards the training center.
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