#class 9 chemistry tuition
perfecrttutor123 · 2 years
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shankhachil · 3 months
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 2/33
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I've done a lot this week! Hit almost all the topics I wanted to. You'll notice that there are some topics I've covered but not solved questions for — these are the ones I studied for the first time and/or made notes for.
Other than that, I have my school unit tests from next Wednesday, so there's that. Sadness.....
Test results:
Test at physics tuition center: 116/120, rank 1/67! Yay!
Aryabhatta National Mathematics Competition: score unknown, result expected on 10/07/2024.
Topics covered:
Physics: Potential and Capacitance; Electromagnetic Waves, Waves on a String; Modern Physics; Gravitation; Electromagnetic Induction (6/3)
Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Halogen Derivatives; Solid State (5/3)
Mathematics: Differential Equations; Area Under a Curve; Applications of Derivatives; Determinants; Complex Numbers; Ellipses; Hyperbola; Binomial Theorem; Functions (9/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - FIITJEE Electrostatics* module, Assignment section — 56 questions, 52 correct - Allen Potential and Capacitance module, O1 and O2 — 88 questions, 77 correct -FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Electromagnetic Waves — 12 questions, 10 correct - Allen Waves on a String module, O1 and O2 — 67 questions, 59 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Modern Physics — 40 questions, 34 correct - Allen Gravitation module, O1 and O2 — 61 questions, 55 correct Total: 383/60 questions, 287 correct *FIITJEE includes Potential and Capacitance under Electrostatics, while Allen does not.
Chemistry: - Allen Chemical Thermodynamics module, S1 and S2 — 40 questions, 37 correct - R. N. Sarin, Atomic Structure — 18 questions, 18 correct - R. N. Sarin, Chemical Equilibrium — 11 questions, 11 correct - Allen Halogen Derivatives module, JEE (Advanced) archives — 24 questions, 22 correct Total: 93/60 questions, 88 correct
Mathematics: - Allen Differential Equations module, O1 — 30 questions, 25 correct - Allen Area Under a Curve module, Do Yourself 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and O2 — 51 questions, 46 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Applications of Derivatives — 45 questions, 39 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Main) archives, Determinants — 22 questions, 17 correct - Yellow Book, Complex Numbers, single-choice questions — 20 questions, 17 correct - Pink Book, Ellipses, single-choice questions — 16 questions, 14 correct - Yellow Book, Binomial Theorem, single-choice questions — 15 questions, 12 correct - Pink Book, Hyperbolas, single-choice questions — 21 questions, 18 correct - Allen Functions module, O1 and JEE (Main) archives — 48 questions, 44 correct Total: 268/60 questions, 232 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 744/400 questions, 607 correct
Upcoming tests:
23/06/2024 (next Sunday) — Allen monthly test. Topics: Kinetic Theory of Gases; Physical Thermodynamics; Electrostatics; Potential and Capacitance; Current Electricity; Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current; Electromagnetic Waves; Waves on a String; Sound Waves; Ray Optics; Wave Optics; Circle; Functions; Differentiation; Applications of Derivatives; Indefinite Integrals; Definite Integrals; Area Under a Curve; Differential Equations; Matrices; Silicates; Molecules That Do Not Exist; Coordination Chemistry; Metallurgy; Electronic Displacement Effects; Halogen Derivatives; Atomic Structure; Chemical Equilibrium; Solid State; Solutions; Chemical Kinetics; Chemical Thermodynamics. Yeah. I've no idea how I'm going to finish the syllabus in time, since I haven't even started Coordination Chemistry, Metallurgy or Alternating Current — they finished the classes in Allen before I even joined the batch. Anyway, let's see.
That'll be all till next week — see you again!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
It's not what you lost, it's what you gained
Written for the Year of the OTP challenge prompt: No, I'm not dating your brother
Pairing: Julie/Luke/Reggie
On AO3!
Man, took long enough for me to get to my OT3 with this series huh?
Reggie has a brother when it's plot convenient, so I'm using my OC Alfie because no parents who name their first child Reginald are going with the name Steve for their second.
Hand waving any medical inaccuracies, and please enjoy!
Alfie is on his way to class when his phone rings and he almost ignores it. This final review is paramount to him passing this Chemistry class, and he’s running late as it is. But it’s an LA area code, so he reluctantly swipes to answer it.
“Mr. Peters? This LA County General. We have your brother Reginald here as a patient…”
The rest of the words are eaten up by the rush in Alfie’s ears as the fear rushes through him. The thought of Reggie, lying alone and broken in some hospital bed, he can’t even think about it. He thanks the nice nurse and books the first flight he can back home, rapidly throwing things in a duffel bag. Screw classes, screw his finals, his brother is more important than anything.
He’s sure Reggie would disagree, having slaved away at a million dead end jobs to afford Alfie’s tuition, but the man had practically raised him when their parents failed to be present, and then fought to be his legal guardian the second he turned eighteen. Alfie owed him the world. So it was off to LA, hoping and praying that he wasn’t going to be too late.
He doesn’t remember much of the flight or the cab ride from the airport, only that it seems to take forever. He hasn’t missed California traffic, nor the intense heat, part of him longing for his cool Portland spring, but at least he had the sense to pack a few lighter shirts in his bag, pulling one on as the taxi rounds the bend to the hospital. He’s sure he overtips as he all but shoves bills at the cabbie, but he doesn’t care, he barely remembers to take his bag as he rushes to the front desk.
“Hi, I got a call about my brother? Reggie Peters? Can you tell me where he is?” he asks at the front desk. The woman purses her lips but nods, typing into her computer, and with each clack of the keys he prays she isn’t about to tell him he’s too late or that he can’t see Reggie after all this.
“Fourth floor, room 450. Follow the yellow line to the elevators, then the blue line once you’re up there. Visiting hours are over at 9.”
Alfie nods in thanks and quickly locates where he’supposed to go, heart pounding as he finds the elevator, jamming repeatedly on the button, as if that had ever made them go faster. He’s tapping his feet and is just about to give up and find a stairwell when the doors open and he enters, pressing the 4 harshly in hopes it will hurry things along. The mindless music is grating, but Alfie’s brain is too full of thoughts to even register it.
He knows Reggie was in a car accident, had multiple fractures and a concussion. There had been some worry about a bruise to his kidney, and they had already done a surgery to clean up some internal bleeding. The prognosis was good, but Reggie had yet to wake up.
That’s what worried Alfie the most.
What if he didn’t wake up? What if he woke up and didn’t remember anything? Remember Alfie? What if he woke up and he was all alone and scared?
His thought spiral was interrupted by the doors opening, and Alfie frantically looked around for the blue line, finally locating it and counting off the numbers of the rooms as he went. 415, 423, 437… 450!
The door was partially open, and Alfie peered in, not wanting to interrupt if a doctor was seeing Reggie. But no, instead he saw people on either side of Reggie, a Latina woman with dark curly hair who is clutching his left hand, and a guy with shaggy chestnut hair on his right, hand on Reggie’s shoulder since that arm is in a sling.
Alfie has no clue who either of them are.
Look, between his classes and Reggie’s jobs, they haven’t had a chance to catch up lately okay? But still, these people seem to be very concerned for his brother, and neither of them are in scrubs, so that rules out medical professionals. “Hello?” he calls out and they both look up at him with wide, red rimmed eyes.
“Oh, you must be Alfie,” the woman says. “You look just like your pictures.”
“I am,” he says. “Who are you?”
“I’m Julie, this is Luke. Reggie is our best friend.”
“Jules-” Luke starts, but she waves him off. Alfie can question all that later, and how close the two of them could possibly be to Reggie when he can’t recall either of their names being mentioned. But they were here, and maybe they had answers that the doctors wouldn’t give.
“How is he-really?” Alfie asks as he looks over Reggie. Aside from the arm in the sling, he can see his left leg in a cast, bruises littering his exposed skin, a collar around his neck and a plethora of machines whirring and beeping away.
“He’s tough,” Luke says, “But he got pretty beat up. The other driver was drunk, plowed through a red light, he’s equally messed up, but his family is covering Reggie’s care, since he was at fault.”
“Well that’s a relief,” Alfie said as he took Julie’s spot, grasping Reggie’s hand tight. “I’m here bro, I’m here.”
Reggie’s pulse is there below his fingers, and Alfie finally felt the tension flood from his body. Yes, Reggie is bruised and broken, and there is a hard road ahead of him in terms of rehabilitation, but he’s still there. Alfie just needs him to wake up now, smile that crooked grin of his and lambast him for taking time off from school when he’s perfectly fine.
He looks up, seeing Luke and Julie still there, Julie standing beside Luke’s chair, pushing Reggie’s hair from his face.
“Thank you both for being here for him,” Alfie says quietly. “I would hate to think he was here alone.”
“Of course,” Luke replies. “He’d do it for either of us.”
“It was the least we could do for him,” Julie finishes, sending Reggie a fond look. A look that Alfie had only seen in movies, in fairy tales really. It’s the look of someone who genuinely loves the person they’re looking at, in the deepest way you could love someone. He hadn’t had much experience with it in his own life, but he still knows it when he sees it.
“Are you dating my brother?” Alfie asks. Julie and Luke exchange a worried look, and Alfie doesn’t know what to make of that. “It’s just… he never talks about himself. He tells me this and that, but he’s never mentioned either of you, and if it’s new that’s fine, but I need to know.”
“No, I’m not dating your brother,” Julie finally answers. “We… we both wanted to. Took forever to convince him we loved him like that.”
Alfie got that. After their parents it had taken years and lots of therapy for him to believe that he could be lovable to anyone, so it stands to reason that Reggie would also have a harder time believing anyone could want him. Or that romantic love could be anything but toxic. So no wonder he had a harder time convincing himself that two people could want him like that.
Luke reaches up and squeezes Julie’s hand on his shoulder. “But we finally did. He was driving to our first date when he got in the accident.”
“It’s not your fault,” Alfie says, as if that will assuage the guilt they’re surely feeling. “He might have been out getting groceries or going to work, the fault is with the guy who decided to get behind the wheel drunk.”
“I just wish it had never happened,” Julie says with a sniffle.
Luke gathers her into his arms at that, soothing her. “Sssh, it’s okay boss. We’ll be here for him the whole time right? Take him to every appointment, help him with whatever he needs help with. He’ll be sick of us by the end of it right?”
“Right,” Julie says wetly, giving Luke a weak smile.
“You two don’t have to do that,” Alfie says.
“Of course we do,” Luke says. “We love Reggie. He’s our whole world. And he’d kill us for letting you take more time off of school just to take care of him.”
“He’s so proud of you,” Julie adds. “Always going on about his genius baby brother and how he’s going to change the world.”
Alfie looks down at Reggie’s sleeping face. “He really talks about me?”
“All the time,” Luke promises. “I think he was waiting until after our date to tell you about us though.”
“Don’t hold it against him for keeping it secret, not everyone understands polyamory,” Julie says.
“I could never-Reggie is the greatest guy there is,” Alfie says, wiping away a tear. “I don’t care who he loves, or how many people. His heart is big enough to hold the whole world, I’m just happy he found people who realize it.”
Julie and Luke smile at him, and then they all look at Reggie, willing him to wake up. But he stays stationary, the machines still beeping and whirring around them. They sit there, getting to know one another as time goes on. A nurse reminds them about the end of visiting hours, but none of them move.
None of them want Reggie to be alone.
Finally it ticks over to 9, and another nurse gives them a stern glare, the three of them exiting the room, each promising to be back the next day. Alfie looks away as Luke and Julie press kisses to Reggie’s face. Then they invite him to stay at their place, or a ride to Reggie’s, if he wants. He decides to stay at his brother’s, and is shocked by the tiny studio apartment. There’s a cherry red bass in the corner, plants on every surface, and a dog dish in the corner. “Dolly is with my dad until Reggie can come home,” Julie says.
Alfie can see the walls covered in photos; shots of Reggie and the pit bull mix he’d adopted after finding her hurt on the beach during a lifeguarding gig, pictures of him playing his bass alongside Luke and a blonde guy playing drums while Julie is singing behind a piano.
“We’re in a band together,” Luke explains. “Julie and the Phantoms.”
“Tell your friends,” Julie says, though the phrase makes her a little melancholy.
There’s a bunch of shots of Alfie, and he almost cries when he sees the one of him and Reggie at his graduation, beaming faces smiling wide as MeeMaw took the shot. Plus another with her hugging them both tight that he touches reverently. God, he needs to call her in the morning, she’s in a home now after breaking her hip one too many times, but she’s still in full capacity of her senses.
“We already called Chavala,” Julie says. “She made us promise to take good care of you both.”
“Thank you,” Alfie says. Wonders how much more of Reggie’s life he’s missed out on, if even their grandmother knows about Luke and Julie when he’s been in the dark.
But the evidence is there, staring him in the face, because the bulk of the photos are of Luke and Julie themselves. Some alone, some together, a great deal more with Reggie. They look so happy together, all smiles and lovelorn expressions. Without going on a single date, if he looked at these photos, he would have assumed they had been together for years.
“The fridge is stocked, but if you need anything, you can call us,” Luke says, writing down their numbers on a piece of paper. “We’ll pop by in the morning, we can all go in and see him tomorrow.”
Alfie nods, and sees them out, but when he crawls into bed that night, he breaks down in tears, relieved that Reggie’s alive, but mourning the lost time between them. He sleeps restlessly, and barely manages a bowl of cereal before Luke and Julie show up. They chatter mindlessly as they drive towards the hospital, but all conversation ends once there, all of them silently waiting for Reggie to make some sign of consciousness.
But he’s just as still as he was the day prior. Alfie takes the time to email all his teachers, letting them know where he is, and most of them get back to him giving him extensions. Not the terrible Professor Martinez for Chem of course, but one email to the dean has him excused until he gets back. The doctor comes in to do a few more tests, so the three of them go to get something to eat.
“I hope you guys aren’t missing too much work for this,” Alfie says as he picks at his salad.
Luke and Julie exchange a look. “Um, the band is our job,” Luke finally says. “Our demo is doing really well, and we just got picked up by a label. The night we got signed is the night we told Reggie how we felt.”
“But Reggie…”
“Reggie works at the animal shelter because he likes it,” Julie says with a giggle. “Our friend Willie is covering for him. He quit all the other part time gigs once the band started taking off and our merch sales more than made up for it.”
Once again, Alfie aches inside, thinking back to every conversation that he’s had with Reggie over the past little while. He goes on and on about his classes, his friends, the cute guy who’d asked him out. That had led to Alfie finally coming out to Reggie who laughed and told him he didn’t care, and hell, he was bi, so he couldn’t say shit. That had been months ago though.
Reggie never told him squat about his own life though, sticking to his job walking dogs or serving coffee. He never mentions his friends, or his band, or the people he loves. He always demurred, like he thought Alfie wouldn’t be interested, and Alfie realizes he stopped pressing ages ago, not wanting to fight if Reggie didn’t want to be known. He silently curses their parents for screwing them up so royally, and vows then and there to be a better brother, to push more.
He just prays he gets the chance.
When they get back to the room, the doctor pulls Alfie aside. “His brain is active, the swelling is gone, and we’re going to remove the breathing tube. I’m hopeful that he’ll wake soon.”
Reggie does look a little better when they enter the room, the tubes and wires greatly reduced, and the bruises are starting to fade, just a little. But he still doesn’t wake up. Alfie squeezes his hand tight. “Come on Reginald, wake up. I’ll be so mad if you don’t.”
“Come back to us cariño,” Julie whispers, pressing a kiss to Reggie’s face.
“We have a date to get to, you can’t sleep through that bud,” Luke jokes. “And you know Willie can’t play bass for shit.”
“Maybe we should sing to him,” Julie jokes back.
“My acoustic is in the trunk,” Luke perks up at the suggestion and when Julie sends him a look, he shrugs. “You know I don’t go anywhere without a guitar!”
“Go get it,” Alfie says. “I’m willing to try anything.”
Luke dashes out and returns a few moments later with his guitar, beaming as he sits back down, nodding at Julie who starts tapping out a beat on her thighs, which Alfie clumsily copies. Reggie’s the one who got all the musical talent between them, he’s practically tone deaf, but he can follow this a little.
“Can you, can you hear me?” Julie sings softly.
“Loud and clear!” Luke sings back.
“Gotta get, we gotta get ready.”
“Cause it’s been years!”
“That's my song,” comes a creaking voice from the bed and three pairs of eyes fly to where Reggie is blinking up at them. “Hey darlin’, babe. Was going on?”
“Reggie!” Julie cries, hugging him as much as she’s able. “Dios mio, never scare us like that again!”
“I’ll try not to sweetheart,” Reggie replies, though his voice is more of a croak than anything. “As soon as you tell me what I did.”
“You got in a bad car accident hun,” Luke says, bringing his free hand up to press a kiss to the knuckles. “Had us worried sick.”
“Sorry,” Reggie replies, licking over his dry lips. Then he turns his head and sees his brother. “Alf, what the heck are you doing here? You have finals!”
“You’re more important dummy,” Alfie says, swiping the tears from his eyes as he chuckles. “And we need to have a long talk about you not telling me stuff.”
Reggie flushes, looking at the couple beside him who nod and vacate the room. “I meant to tell you, I just… you know how it is, I never think my stuff is all that important. You’re in college, going to change the world one day. I’m just…”
“A future rock star with two pretty damn good partners?” Alfie finishes for him. “Reggie I wouldn’t care if you were just sitting in your sweats playing MarioKart all day, I still wanna know about your life. It’s important to me, because you are important to me.”
Reggie sniffles, and lets out a little okay. “We’re not dating, you know. Not yet.”
“Bud they’ve been by your side since you got here, safe to say that you are,” Alfie replies.
“I love them.”
“Good, because they love you too. And I approve, so we’re golden.”
“So… how’s life?” Reggie asks.
Alfie barks out a laugh and the two of them spend the next hour catching up, only interrupted by doctors doing some tests and Luke bringing them food while Julie gets Reggie’s care instructions from the nurses.
Reggie finally convinces Alfie to go home the next day, he’s in good hands, but promises to call him every night. “If not, I will,” Julie vows.
So Alfie goes home, aces that Chem final-take that Professor Martinez! And he’s back in LA for when Reggie can play his bass again, smiling and bouncing all over the stage at Julie and the Phantoms first gig since he got his casts off.
And Alfie shouts louder than anyone when Luke and Julie kiss his cheeks during their bow, all three of them smiling wide, looking happier than he has ever seen his brother.
And a year later, he’s happily standing at Reggie’s side as his best man as the three of them have a commitment ceremony that beats any wedding Alfie’s ever been to. But Alfie’s favourite moment is when Regige picks him to dance with during the family dances, and they boogey away on the floor. Sure, he wishes that Reggie never had the accident that led to this, but a part of him will forever be grateful that he and his brother are closer than ever. He soon returns Reggie to Luke and Julie’s arms, and smiles at the three of them swaying together.
He doesn't even care that Reggie is leaving the Peters name behind, because Luke and Julie's families have adopted them both as their own, and Alfie is half convinced that if he was a few years younger, Victoria Alvarez would be fighting to be his mom for real. So surrounded by his new family, and his brother looking ecstatic with his spouses by his side, Alfie has no complaints about the road that led them here. Yeah, this was alright by him.
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digishivamm1204 · 4 days
What is Online Learning?
1. What is Online Learning?
Online learning is a method of education that allows students to access courses and materials through the internet. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online learning provides flexibility, enabling learners to study at their own pace, from any location, and often with more diverse content offerings. This form of learning is accessible via a range of devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, making education more available to a global audience.
2. History of Online Learning
The history of online learning traces back to the development of distance learning programs, which initially involved correspondence courses. With the rise of the internet in the late 20th century, educational institutions began offering digital courses. Today, online learning has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar industry, encompassing platforms that offer everything from individual courses to full degree programs.
3. Benefits of Online Learning
Online learning offers several significant benefits, including:
Flexibility: Students can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.
Accessibility: Geographic barriers are eliminated, allowing people from all over the world to participate.
Cost-Effectiveness: Online courses often cost less than traditional programs, and students save on commuting and accommodation expenses.
Variety: A wide range of courses and programs are available, from academic degrees to professional certificates.
Self-Paced Learning: Many online platforms offer asynchronous courses, allowing students to progress according to their personal schedules.
5. Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning
When comparing online learning with traditional classroom education, several key differences arise:
Flexibility: Online learning allows for a more adaptable schedule, while traditional learning requires adherence to a set timetable.
Interaction: In-person classes offer immediate face-to-face interaction, while online learning often relies on forums and video calls.
Cost: Traditional learning tends to be more expensive due to tuition, transportation, and accommodation costs.
Access to Resources: Online learners can access a wealth of digital resources, often in real-time, whereas traditional learners may be limited to physical libraries and textbooks.
6. Popular Fields of Study in Online Learning
Various fields are particularly suited to online learning, including:
Information Technology (IT): Programs in coding, cybersecurity, and data science are highly popular.
Business: Online MBA programs, entrepreneurship courses, and marketing certifications are in high demand.
Humanities: Philosophy, history, and language courses are readily available on many platforms.
Science: Fields like biology, physics, and chemistry offer online theoretical modules alongside lab simulations.
7. Online Learning for Professionals
For working professionals, online learning presents a flexible way to advance their careers without sacrificing their jobs. Many platforms offer programs designed to upskill or reskill professionals in fields like technology, management, and health sciences. Online learning allows professionals to stay competitive in a rapidly changing job market.
8. Online Degrees and Certifications
Accredited online degrees and certifications are increasingly recognized by employers. Universities offer online bachelor's and master's programs, while platforms like Coursera and edX provide professional certifications that can significantly boost one's career prospects.
9. How to Choose the Right Online Course
When selecting an online course, consider the following factors:
Accreditation: Ensure the course or institution is recognized by relevant accrediting bodies.
Curriculum: Review the syllabus to ensure it aligns with your career goals.
Cost: Compare costs across platforms and consider available financial aid or payment plans.
Reviews: Check testimonials from past students to gauge the course's effectiveness.
Flexibility: Ensure the course fits your schedule and offers a suitable pace for your lifestyle.
10. The Future of Online Learning
The future of online learning is promising, with trends like virtual reality (VR) classrooms, artificial intelligence (AI) tutors, and personalized learning paths becoming more prevalent. As technology advances, the line between online and traditional learning will continue to blur.
13. Online Learning Tools and Resources
Successful online learning requires a combination of essential tools:
Learning Management Systems (LMS): Platforms like Canvas and Blackboard help manage course materials and assignments.
Communication Tools: Zoom, Google Meet, and Slack enable real-time discussions and collaborations.
Study Aids: Apps like Quizlet and Grammarly assist with studying and writing assignments.
14. How to Stay Motivated in Online Learning
To stay motivated, students should:
Set Clear Goals: Define what you aim to achieve with your online learning experience.
Create a Schedule: Stick to a routine that allocates specific times for study.
Take Breaks: Avoid burnout by taking regular short breaks.
Join a Study Group: Engage with peers through online forums or study groups.
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Online Tuition Hub: Encouraging Learning Anytime, Anywhere
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In today's fast-paced world, learning quality education shouldn't be restricted by geographical boundaries or time limit. Welcome to Online Tuition Hub, your door to a diverse range of online courses designed to enrich your learning experience seamlessly.
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2. How flexible are the class timings? Our classes are designed to accommodate various schedules, offering sessions throughout the day to suit different time zones and personal commitments.
3. Are the instructors qualified and experienced? Yes, our instructors are highly qualified experts in their respective fields with years of teaching experience both offline and online.
4. Can I interact with other students? Absolutely! You can engage with fellow learners through forums, group projects, and interactive sessions to enhance your learning experience.
5. What makes Online Tuition Hub unique? We differentiate ourselves with personalized attention, interactive learning tools, affordable pricing, and a supportive global community.
Explore the possibilities with Online Tuition Hub and discover a new way of learning that adapts to your lifestyle. Join us today and take your first step towards a brighter future!
For More Details, Contact us-    9310545140 Or visit- https://onlinetuitionhubs.com/
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
July 28-August 3, 2013
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Sunday, July 28
Due to the harassment incident, I wrote up a resignation letter. The owner called me about what happened, and I was about to send my letter, but she said she would reprimand the man, so I didn't need to quit. My parents were worried about me coming home very late. We had a serious talk about it. I told them I really wanted to work there and promised to find new employment if something else happened. They reluctantly agreed.
Monday, July 29
We have exams this week, so I paid my tuition fees. We had a long quiz and marathon lectures. As promised, Mansoor and I stayed in a classroom and watched Amelie. It was just the two of us in a corner classroom. We avoided touching each other to not attract attention. There was a bed scene, and we just reacted and watched. I tried to be mature about it, but he looked my way. Mansoor is already 20, and we've talked about these things, including Fifty Shades of Grey and other sexual topics when he was courting me.
I went home at 7 PM and joined the dinner. We talked about work again, and I said my boss said it was okay.
At night, Roxanne borrowed my laptop, and I lent it to her since it's exam season. I reviewed but wasn't in the mood.
I then looked for toys online and found a local one from China for ₱500. I bought it immediately.
I started touching myself and imagined Mansoor in intimate ways. I wondered if it would be easier and better if we really did it, but I decided we weren't ready yet.
Tuesday, July 30
I attended class and had lectures. I went home early to study and told Mansoor I'd be busy studying.
He understood. Also, the shirts are ready to be claimed.
I reviewed all night.
Wednesday, July 31
I took the PE4 exams, then stayed in the library to study for Chemistry. I passed by Sir Apollo, and we exchanged glances. It's been a long time since I saw him. I quickly passed and went to the higher floor where Justine was. We were both shocked she wasn't with some friends.
Hollmae followed too. I just focused on studying. Then Chemistry came in.
Thursday, August 1
Exams in Developmental Psych. Mansoor had the exam with me. Then, I had to study hard for Bio Psych because it's really difficult.
I went to work and continued studying. My boss asked if I was okay, and I said yes.
Friday, August 2
Exams for Personality Psychology. Mansoor did not take the exam. I finished for the whole day and spent lunch with him. He said he badly wanted to hold my hand. I told him we could do it, but maybe at night. I went home and then back to work. We don't have work on Saturday and Sunday.
I received my remuneration, which was ₱3,785.
Saturday, August 3
Finally had exams for Bio Psych.
I was free the whole day. I told Mansoor that we could go out tonight, maybe watch a movie like The Conjuring. He agreed.
I went home and did some sketches, vlog editing, and blogging. Then he and I met at 6 PM at the mall, and he had already bought tickets. I tried to pay, but he insisted, so I offered to buy snacks, which he agreed to. We held hands for a while, knowing no one would probably see us. We watched The Conjuring together, still holding hands. My heart was jumping, not because of the scare jumps but because of this. My hands were sweaty, and I kept squeezing his hand. The movie finished in two hours, and we went out around 8, close to 9. It was just in time before they close down so I bought a bow hair clip for my hair.
Walking down, I wanted to get some chai latte, so we went down, grabbed them individually, and paid individually. I went home at 11 PM.
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trusteducator · 4 months
Exploring the Scope of Home Tuition in Kolkata- Subjects and Grade Levels
In recent years, the demand for personalized education has seen a significant uptick. Parents and students in Kolkata are increasingly turning towards home tuition to supplement school learning, aiming for a tailored educational experience that caters to the individual's pace and understanding. This surge in interest has broadened the spectrum of subjects and grade levels covered by home tutors. Whether you're looking for the best physics teacher in Kolkata or support in humanities, home tuition offers a comprehensive solution.
The Wide Range of Subjects Offered
Home tuition in Kolkata is not limited to traditional core subjects; it encompasses a wide array of disciplines, catering to the diverse academic needs of students. From primary levels to higher secondary and beyond, tutors are available across the following major subject areas:
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Science is a vast field, and home tutors in Kolkata cover all its branches - Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Particularly, those in search of a physics teacherwill find that many tutors specialize in physics for higher grade levels, focusing on conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills essential for board exams and competitive tests.
Maths is another core subject where many students seek extra help. Home tutors provide support from basic arithmetic in lower grades to more complex topics like algebra, calculus, and geometry in higher classes.
Language learning is crucial at every educational stage, and home tuition in kolkata teaches a variety of languages, including English, Bengali, Hindi, and Sanskrit. They focus on improving reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, which are pivotal for academic success and overall communication capabilities.
Subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, and Sociology are also popular among home tuition offerings. Tutors help students understand complex concepts, theories, and historical events, encouraging analytical thinking and perspective building.
For students inclined towards commerce, home tuition covers subjects like Accountancy, Business Studies, and Economics. The accounts teacher in kolkata helps understand financial statements, economic principles, and business laws, preparing students for higher education in the commerce stream.
Grade Levels Covered
Home tuition in Kolkata caters to a wide age range and educational stages, including:
Primary School (Grades 1-5):
At this foundational stage, tutors focus on building basic skills in subjects like Math, Science, and English. The emphasis is on making learning enjoyable and instilling a love for education in young learners.
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Middle School (Grades 6-8):
This intermediate level sees a broadening of the subject matter. Tutors begin to introduce more complex concepts, especially in science and math, preparing students for the challenges of high school.
High School (Grades 9-10):
High school tuition is essential as students prepare for their board exams. Home tutors help strengthen core concepts, especially in subjects like Physics and Mathematics.
Higher Secondary (Grades 11-12):
At this stage, students specialize in streams like Science, Commerce, or Humanities. Home tutors provide in-depth knowledge and exam preparation strategies, particularly for those aiming for competitive exams post-high school.
Competitive Exam Preparation:
Beyond school subjects, many home tutors in Kolkata also offer coaching for competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and CA foundation courses. They provide specialized training to help students excel in these highly competitive environments.
The Benefits of Home Tuition
Home tuition offers several advantages, making it a preferred choice for many families in Kolkata:
●     Personalized Attention: Tutors tailor their teaching methods to suit the individual learner's needs, allowing for a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
●     Flexibility: Home tuition schedules can be adjusted according to the student's and family's convenience, providing a balance between academic and extracurricular activities.
●     Focused Learning: With one-on-one sessions, students can focus better and clarify doubts immediately, leading to more efficient learning.
Finding the Right Tutor
The key to maximizing the benefits of home tuition lies in finding the right tutor. When searching for any subject specialist, consider their qualifications, experience, and teaching style. Personal recommendations, online platforms, and tutoring agencies can be valuable resources in your search.
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Navigating JEE: Coaching Excellence in Pratap Nagar at Adarshila Academy
Adarshila Academy stands tall as one of the leading coaching institutes in East Delhi, particularly in the vicinity of Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar, and Vinod Vihar. With a rich legacy spanning over two decades, we have been dedicatedly preparing students for the challenges of Engineering and Medical exams, including IIT JEE, NEET-UG, and Delhi University admission. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our meticulously crafted course structures, designed to cater to the diverse needs of students, in alignment with the NEP 2020.
1. Premier PCM Coaching in Samachar Apartments, Mayur Vihar:
At Adarshila Academy, we offer premier PCM coaching services in the heart of Mayur Vihar, including the renowned Samachar Apartments. Our comprehensive coaching ensures that students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects.
2. Customized PCM Coaching in Vinod Vihar:
Recognizing the unique requirements of every student, we provide customized PCM coaching services in Vinod Vihar. Our tailored approach ensures that each student receives personalized attention and support to maximize their potential and achieve their academic goals.
3. Best Coaching Institute for IIT in Mayur Vihar:
Adarshila Academy is widely regarded as the best coaching institute for IIT JEE preparation in Mayur Vihar. Our distinguished faculty and comprehensive curriculum empower students to tackle the rigorous challenges of the IIT JEE examination with confidence and competence.
4. JEE Coaching Excellence in Pratap Nagar:
In the bustling neighborhood of Pratap Nagar, Adarshila Academy shines as a beacon of JEE coaching excellence. Our holistic approach encompasses rigorous test preparation, conceptual clarity, and problem-solving strategies, ensuring that students are well-prepared to ace the JEE examination.
5. Online Coaching Classes in Vinod Nagar:
In response to the evolving educational landscape, Adarshila Academy offers online coaching classes in Vinod Nagar. Our virtual classrooms provide students with the flexibility and convenience to access quality education from the comfort of their homes.
6. Comprehensive Online Tuitions for Math in Mayur Vihar Phase 2:
Students in Mayur Vihar Phase 2 can benefit from our comprehensive online tuitions for Mathematics. Our experienced tutors employ interactive teaching methods to elucidate complex concepts and enhance students' problem-solving abilities.
7. Interactive Online Tuitions for Physics in Mayur Vihar Phase 2:
At Adarshila Academy, we offer interactive online tuitions for Physics in Mayur Vihar Phase 2. Through engaging virtual sessions, our expert faculty instill a deep understanding of fundamental principles and foster a passion for the subject among students.
8. Legacy of Excellence:
With a legacy rooted in excellence, Adarshila Academy has earned a reputation for nurturing academic achievers and future leaders. Our alumni stand testament to the efficacy of our coaching programs and the transformative impact of our holistic approach to education.
9. Student-Centric Approach:
At Adarshila Academy, we prioritize the needs and aspirations of our students. Our student-centric approach ensures that each individual receives personalized guidance and support, enabling them to overcome challenges and realize their full potential.
10. Conclusion:
In conclusion, Adarshila Academy emerges as a beacon of coaching excellence in East Delhi, offering comprehensive PCM coaching, online tuition, and test preparation services tailored to the unique needs of students. With a legacy of over 20 years and a commitment to academic excellence, we are dedicated to empowering the next generation of leaders and achievers.
In summary, Adarshila Academy stands as a testament to the power of quality education and personalized support in shaping the future success of students. Whether it's mastering PCM subjects, excelling in competitive exams like JEE and NEET, or securing admission to prestigious institutions, Adarshila Academy equips students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to achieve their academic aspirations.
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rheinkonsultant · 11 months
Top Courses and Universities for Study in Germany After 12th
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Germany has emerged as one of the top destinations for international students seeking high-quality education and a vibrant cultural experience. With its rich history, strong economy, and world-class educational institutions, Germany offers a wide range of opportunities for students looking to pursue higher education after completing their 12th-grade exams. In this blog, we will explore the top courses and universities in Germany for students after completing their secondary education.
Why Study in Germany?
Before delving into specific courses and universities, it’s important to understand why Germany is an attractive destination for international students:
1. World-Class Education: Germany is renowned for its high-quality education system, which emphasizes research and innovation. Many of its universities consistently rank among the top in the world.
2. Affordability: Public universities in Germany offer tuition-free or low-cost education for international students. This significantly reduces the financial burden on students and their families.
3. Diverse Range of Programs: Germany offers a vast array of courses and programs, catering to a wide variety of interests and career goals.
4. Rich Culture and History: Germany is a hub of culture and history, with vibrant cities, museums, and a diverse cultural scene, making it an attractive place to live and study.
5. Strong Job Market: Germany’s strong economy and job market offer great opportunities for international students to gain valuable work experience and find employment after graduation.
Top Courses to Consider
Now, let’s explore some of the top courses that international students can pursue in Germany after completing their 12th-grade exams:
1. Engineering: Germany is renowned for its engineering programs, and students can choose from various fields such as mechanical, electrical, civil, and automotive engineering. Universities like the Technical University of Munich and RWTH Aachen University are highly regarded for engineering programs.
2. Computer Science and IT: With the growing demand for technology professionals, computer science and IT programs are popular choices. The University of Stuttgart and the University of Freiburg offer excellent computer science programs.
3. Medicine: Germany is known for its world-class medical education. Programs like Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy are offered at universities like Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Heidelberg University.
4. Business and Management: Business programs are also popular among international students. Universities such as the University of Mannheim and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management offer well-regarded business and management courses.
5. Natural Sciences: If you have a passion for natural sciences, you can consider programs in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology. The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the University of Heidelberg are known for their natural science programs.
6. Language and Literature: For students interested in languages and literature, German universities offer programs in Linguistics, Literature, and Language Studies. The University of Göttingen and the Humboldt University of Berlin are known for their humanities programs.
7. Environmental Sciences: With a growing focus on sustainability and the environment, Germany offers excellent programs in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability. The University of Freiburg and the Technical University of Munich have strong offerings in this field.
8. Architecture: Germany’s innovative architectural designs and heritage make it an excellent place to study Architecture. The Technical University of Berlin and the University of Stuttgart are renowned for their architecture programs.
9. Mathematics: If you have a knack for numbers and mathematics, consider enrolling in a Mathematics program at institutions like the University of Bonn or the University of Goettingen.
Top Universities in Germany
Now, let’s take a look at some of the top universities in Germany known for their academic excellence and the courses they offer:
1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: This university consistently ranks among the top in Germany and offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines.
2. Heidelberg University: Known for its strong focus on research, Heidelberg University is one of the oldest universities in Germany and is particularly renowned for its natural sciences and medical programs.
3. Technical University of Munich: Highly regarded for engineering and technology programs, it has a strong emphasis on research and innovation.
4. University of Freiburg: This university is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental sciences. It offers a diverse range of programs in various fields.
5. University of Stuttgart: With a strong reputation in engineering and technology, it’s an excellent choice for students interested in these areas.
6. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin: A prestigious medical school, it offers programs in Medicine, Dentistry, and other medical disciplines.
7. University of Mannheim: Renowned for its business and management programs, it provides a world-class education in these fields.
8. University of Bonn: Known for its strong mathematics and natural sciences programs, it’s an excellent choice for students interested in these subjects.
9. University of Göttingen: This university has a rich history and is particularly strong in humanities and social sciences.
Admission Requirements
To study in Germany, international students generally need to meet the following admission requirements:
1. High School Certificate: You will need to have completed your 12th-grade exams or their equivalent.
2. Language Proficiency: Depending on the language of instruction at your chosen university, you may need to demonstrate proficiency in German or English by taking tests such as the TestDaF, IELTS, or TOEFL.
3. Visa: You will need to apply for a student visa to study in Germany. Be sure to check the specific visa requirements for your home country.
4. Finances: You will need to prove that you have sufficient financial means to support yourself during your studies. This typically involves a blocked bank account or proof of a scholarship.
5. Academic Requirements: Each university and program may have specific academic requirements, so be sure to check the admission criteria for your chosen course.
Studying in Germany after completing your 12th-grade exams can be a life-changing experience. The country’s top-notch education system, a diverse range of courses, and a strong job market make it an attractive destination for international students. With renowned universities and a commitment to research and innovation, Germany offers an excellent opportunity to pursue higher education and build a promising career. Whether you’re interested in engineering, medicine, business, or any other field, Germany has something to offer. So, start your journey by exploring the options and preparing for your exciting academic adventure in Germany.
Also read: – Why studying abroad is better than studying in India
Also read: – Germany Is Now World’s 3rd Most Popular Study Destination
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tutoroot · 1 year
What is the Importance of NEET Online Tuitions for Class 9?
NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) is a highly competitive examination conducted in India for students aspiring to pursue medical and dental courses. To crack this examination, it is crucial to start building a strong foundation from an early stage. NEET online tuition provides a structured and effective learning platform specifically designed for students in classes 9, ensuring they have a solid understanding of fundamental concepts and are well-prepared for future challenges. 
Class 9 marks the beginning of a student’s preparation journey for NEET. At this stage, it is essential to lay a strong foundation in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. NEET online tuition for class 9 offers specialized courses that focus on building conceptual clarity and nurturing a love for learning. These tuitions provide a structured curriculum aligned with the NEET syllabus, enabling students to grasp core concepts from an early age. 
As students progress to class 9, the complexity of the NEET syllabus increases. NEET online tuition for class 9 offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers advanced topics in depth. The interactive learning tools and resources provided by these tuitions facilitate a deeper understanding of complex subjects. Moreover, the personalized guidance and doubt resolution sessions help students clarify their queries and strengthen their knowledge base. 
Advantages of Interactive Online Learning
Online tuition offers interactive learning experiences that replicate a traditional classroom environment. Students can actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and collaborate with their peers. This interactive approach promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills, which are essential for excelling in the NEET examination. 
Customized Study Plans for NEET Preparation 
Qualified and Experienced Teachers 
Flexible Learning Schedule 
Engaging Study Materials and Resources 
Progress Tracking and Performance Evaluation 
Virtual Classroom Environment 
Affordable and Cost-Effective 
Study Tips for NEET
In addition to the above-mentioned tips, here are some specific study tips for NEET 2024: 
Focus on Conceptual Understanding
NEET is more than just memorizing facts. Focus on understanding the underlying concepts in subjects like Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. This will help you apply your knowledge to solve complex problems. 
Make Use of Technology
Online coaching platforms leverage technology to provide interactive learning experiences. Take full advantage of features like virtual labs, animated videos, and online quizzes to enhance your understanding of the subjects. 
Revise Regularly
Revision is crucial to retain information. Set aside dedicated time for regular revisions to reinforce what you have learned and ensure long-term retention. 
Stay Updated with Current Affairs
NEET includes questions that are related to current affairs in the field of science and medicine. So, it’s important to stay updated with the latest developments by reading newspapers, magazines, or online articles. 
Take Care of Your Well-being
While it’s important to devote ample time to your studies, don’t neglect your physical and mental well-being. Maintain a balanced lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise, proper sleep, and relaxation techniques into your routine. 
Tutoroot also offers personalized mentoring to students, providing them with one-on-one guidance and support. This individual attention helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student, allowing for customized study plans and targeted improvement strategies. The mentors at Tutoroot provide valuable insights, study tips, and time management techniques that further enhance the student’s preparation. 
Furthermore, Tutoroot’s online platform is user-friendly and accessible from anywhere at any time. This flexibility allows students to study at their own pace and convenience, fitting their preparation into their busy schedules. The platform also tracks the student’s progress, providing performance analysis and feedback to help them gauge their strengths and areas that need improvement. Through this NEET online coaching is made easy!
In conclusion, NEET online coaching for Class 9 students is a highly beneficial and convenient option. It provides access to quality education, experienced faculty, comprehensive study materials, and personalized mentoring. By choosing the right online coaching platform, such as Tutoroot, students can gain a competitive edge and significantly improve their chances of success in the NEET 2024 exam. So, embrace the power of online coaching and embark on your NEET preparation journey with confidence. Start early, stay focused, and strive for excellence. 
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neet-preparation · 1 year
Study MBBS from Malaysia; NEET UG score mandatory
MBBS in Malaysia is a six year programme which includes a one year internship at renowned hospitals. Five years of the total academic term focuses on students with theoretical and practical knowledge.
Malaysia, the 45th most populous country, is slowly becoming a medical hub for Indian medical students. With almost a similar culture and an increasing Indian diaspora, the country last year registered nearly 3,331 Indian students.
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Out of these, six students appeared for the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) and four candidates cleared the screening test in 2021.
Official government website: https://www.mohe.gov.my/en
Eligibility: — Interested candidates should have passed class 12 examinations in Physics, Chemistry and Biology with at least 50 per cent.
— Should have cleared NEET.
— Physics, Chemistry and Biology should be principal subjects in class 12.
— Student must know English.
Course structure: MBBS in Malaysia is a six year programme which includes a one year compulsory internship. Five years of the total academic term focuses on students with theoretical and practical knowledge. The students are advised to check course structure from college to college as the programme length can vary.
However, due to the Covid epidemic, the National Medical Commission (NMC) in India mandated in 2022 that foreign medical graduates (FMGs) who had finished their fourth and fifth years online be required to complete a two-year internship instead of one following their MBBS. The Supreme Court, in March, had requested the Central Government to assist the FMGs in bringing their conflict to an end.
Admission process: Step 1: Choose your college and fill its application form.
Step 2: Upload the required documents.
Step 3: Save the offer letter for future use.
Step 4: Pay the required fees once you receive the offer letter.
Step 5: Apply for the visa to study in Malaysia.
Documents required: — A copy of the Passport.
—Copies of Mark sheets and passing certificates of class 10 and class 12.
— Migration certificate,
— Copy of the offer letter.
All other documents listed by the foreign ministry of the Government of Malaysia.
Tuition fees: The tuition fees range between Rs 9 lakh to Rs 25 lakh per year (approx). The cost of living in Malaysia is somewhat at par with India. The cost of living in the country comes between Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000 every month. The amount also varies if the student is staying at dormitories of the university/college and is also based on the sharing of the room.
Medium of teaching: Even though the official language of Malaysia is Malay, the medium of teaching MBBS in Malaysia is English, which makes it advantageous for Indian students.
Recognised colleges: Some of the most recognized medical institutes in Malaysia are the Asian Institute of Medicine Science and Technology (AIMST), Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, MAHSA University Faculty of Medicine, Segi University, International Medical University, Asian Institute of Medicine Science and Technology, Perdana University, Perdana University and more.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
Launch Your Career with a BSc or MSc in Nutrition from a UK University
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Nutrition is a branch of medicine dealing with the study of food and its impact on health and fitness, along with the adaptation of diets to unique individuals. With the growing importance of the healthcare industry around the world, there has been an increase in the need for nutritionists. 
Whether you want to work in public health, clinical practice, or research, a BSc or MSc in nutrition from a university in the UK will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this dynamic field. Through lectures, laboratories, and internships, you will gain knowledge of nutrition studies, best practices, rigorous assessment, and problem-solving.
A bachelor's or master's degree in nutrition is discussed, along with some of the benefits that come with it. Universities, courses, and employability for graduates will be discussed in this article. If you're just getting started in higher education or looking to move up in your profession, a degree in nutrition from a UK university may have a massive impact on people's lives.
Why study a BSc or MSc in Nutrition at a UK university?
People all over the world need nutritionists to improve their happiness and well-being. Nutritionists make sure their communities are healthy by encouraging people to eat well and be productive. If you want to make a big difference in the world and genuinely want to help people, a career in nutrition could be the right choice for you.
Food technologists, healthcare sales representatives, wildlife nutrition experts, and health education officers are all jobs that require a degree in nutrition. In the end, the things you learned and did in university will help you in any field you choose.
Students who already have a bachelor's degree in nutrition and want to learn more and get more specialized skills may choose to go for a postgraduate degree instead.
Nutrition Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in the UK
Here are the fields of nutrition:
For Bachelors -
BSc Nutrition and Dietetics
BSc Food Science and Nutrition
BSc Clinical Nutrition
Renal Nutrition
Applied Nutrition
BSc Home Science
For Masters -
MSc Nutritional Sciences
Sports and Exercise Nutrition
Dietetics and Nutrition
Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Public Health
MSc Clinical Nutrition
Nutrition and Food Science 
MSc Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders
Human Nutrition and Lifestyle Interventions
Some well-regarded universities in the UK study Nutrition
The UK's higher education system is renowned for providing students with world-class resources. Students from other countries can choose a university that best fits their needs and interests. The following are some nutrition-focused universities in the United Kingdom:
London Metropolitan University
University College Birmingham
De Montfort University
University of Surrey
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Suffolk
Abertay University
Tuition fees for a BSc or MSc Course in Nutrition at UK Universities
The average annual cost of a BSc or MSc in nutrition from a university in the UK is between £13,000 and £30,000, with postgraduate programs ranging from £23,590 to £36,715 (yearly).
Eligibility Requirements for Students
Graduate of 12th grade with a minimum of 80% in Chemistry and Biology.
The overall score on the PTE is needed, which is 69 out of a possible 90. Minimum Skill Level to Proceed: 62
An IELTS score of 7 out of 9 is considered acceptable. A minimum of 6.5 is needed overall, with each of the four skills also needing a 6.5 to meet the requirements.
For bachelor's degrees, a 2:1 is required with strong chemistry and biological studies.
Career opportunities in the UK as Nutritionist 
Below are the career fields for the graduates of Nutrition -
Sports Nutritionist/Dietician
Clinical Dietician/Nutritionist
Community Dietician/Nutritionist
Management Dietician/Nutritionist
R&D Dietician/Nutritionist
Consultant Dietician/Nutritionist
Final Thoughts 
In conclusion, if you're considering a BSc or MSc in Nutrition, the United Kingdom is a great place to do so. The United Kingdom is home to several prestigious educational institutions that provide a variety of nutrition-related degree options, from bachelor's to doctoral levels of study. This course provides students with the unique opportunity to learn from and interact with some of the world's most prominent experts in the field of nutrition's effects on health.
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sgchemistry · 2 years
Understanding pH Scale in O-Level Chemistry
A pH scale is very helpful in our daily life. Everything has its pH level, from drinking water to your favorite lemonade or baking soda. That's why pH scale and acid and bases are important chemistry topics for O-level and IP students. But don't worry, just as challenging as it may sound at first; it is super easy to understand with the help of a reliable O-level chemistry tuition. An expert sec chemistry tutor will help you get the fundamentals right in small bits and easy examples.
What is the pH scale in chemistry?
pH stands for "potential of hydrogen" and is the logarithm of the concentration of the H+ ion in a solution. A solution's pH value is primarily measured to determine whether it is of an acidic, neutral, or alkaline nature.
Soren Peter, a biochemist, coined the word pH for the first time in 1909. A universal indicator is used to measure the pH of a solution that changes colour depending on the number of hydrogen ions in it. Depending on the pH value, the strength of the acid and base is also determined.
Acid: Substances with a pH under 7.0 (on a 14-point scale). They are commonly referred to as "proton donors" because their hydrogen atoms tend to give up their lone protons.
Alkali: Substances with a pH over 7.0 that can donate a pair of electrons or accept a proton from another molecule. They are also known as bases.
Neutral: Substances with a pH of 7. It means that the hydroxide and hydrogen ions are at the same concentration.
What is a universal indicator?
A pH indicator with a set range of 4-14 is known as a universal pH indicator. It is used to check the pH of different liquids and materials instantly. A universal indicator is chemically a blend of dyes (Thymol blue, Methyl red, Bromothymol blue, and Phenolphthalein).The universal pH indicator solution or paper gradually changes colour throughout a pH range of 4 to 14. The colour chart for references is used to match and determine the pH of the substance.
Significance of pH scale in everyday life
In the human body, most physiological responses occur at pH 7 - 7. 8, i.e., neutral or slightly basic.
The hydrochloric acid in our stomach has a pH of 1 to 3, which is strong enough to dissolve and digest food.
The majority of plants thrive when the soil pH is near 7. If the soil if it is too acidic (low pH), we use quicklime (Calcium Oxide) or slaked lime (calcium oxide) to neutralize it.
If the soil is too alkaline, we can lower it by incorporating manure or compost (decaying organic matter) since it is acidic.
Here are pH scales for various items we see in our daily life.
Water – 7 (Neutral)
Apples – 3 (Acidic)
Bananas – 4 (Acidic)
Milk – 6 (Acidic)
Butter – 6 (Acidic)
Baking soda – 9 (Basic)
Vinegar – 2 (Acidic)
Eggs – 8 (Basic)
Black Coffee – 5 (Acidic)
Chocolate – 5 (Acidic)
Honey – 4 – 6 (Acidic)
Mango – 6 (Acidic)
Rice – 6 (Acidic)
Tomato Juice – 4 (Acidic)
Sugar – 7 (Neutral)
Potatoes – 5 – 6 (Acidic)
Carrot – 6 (Acidic)
Bottom Line
The pH is not just a chemistry chapter but also crucial in our daily lives. Understanding these simple chemistry concepts helps you with the syllabus and gain knowledge about your surroundings. All it takes is the right direction and practice offered by the best chemistry tuition. That's why SG Chemistry is your trusted JC chemistry tutor, offering dedicated O-level, IP, and A-level chemistry classes. If you are also looking to polish your chemistry skills for improved scores? Enroll with the best IP chemistry tutor today!
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shah-tutor-academy · 2 years
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Tuitions update interested one call now or WhatsApp For more details and information Wa.ma/03192075375 1) Class 3 and 8 Female teacher Required Clifton block 8 20-25k 2) 9 Olevel Maths Physic and chemistry Experience teacher required Clifton 15-20k 3) 1st year bio and chemistry Karachi board Student of Bahrain college Experience teacher required Liaquatabad furniture market 12-15k 4) Class 7 Cambridge system Maria homes, Shadman sector 14b Near Government children hospital Female tutor required 12-15k 5) Olevel Maths Experience teacher required Garden 8-10k 6) Grade 4,7,8 Bahria town 5 days Female required Timing 4pm 20-25k 7) 10 Olevel Pakistan Studies Islamiyat Urdu Fb area block 6 7-10k 8) Class 2 and 4 Convent Experience female teacher required 2 hours Clifton bathIsland 20-25k 9) English Language Johar block 5 4-5k 10) Class 5 Liquatabad no 4 11) Need for English A leval 3 class an hour in a week Budget 10 to 12k Dha phase 5 ext 12) Class 8 F.c area Fee decided in demo 13) Matric Aga Khan broad Urdu , Islamiat and pak studies Dha phase 7 Senior experience teacher required 5-6 days in a week Timing 1.5-2 hours 20-25k 14) Class 8 Korangi crossing 1:30 hours required 10k 15) Class 9 Computer science group Cannt station 7k 16) 10 Olevel Maths and chemistry Experience teacher required 4 days in a week Clifton block 4 20k 17) 11 Olevel Maths , accounts , economic and business 5 days in a week 2 hours Experience teacher required DHA Phase 7 25-30k 18) 10 Olevel Commerce Female teacher required Gulshan block 17 18-20k 19) Garde 6 Maths Cambridge North nazimabad block d Aslam market Cambridge background Tutor required 7k 20) Need English language Tutor Requirements: Who can speak Bengali , Urdu both Country : Bangladesh Online 21) Matric Female teacher required Fb area block 20 22) Grade 7 Army public school Grade 6 Sharfabad Science group female tutor required 13-15k 23) Class 8 Female teacher required DHA Phase 8 25k 24) Group tuition Class 3,4 and 6 6 students Near numaish 12k 25) Class 5 Korangi www.shahtutoracademy.com (at Karachi, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBNkvHjqKs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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getadmn · 2 years
Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical College SRMS Bareilly 2022
The Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, which was founded as a renowned centre for medical care, instruction, and research, strives to benefit society as a whole by providing the best professionals in the medical field and those who can contribute to it. Based on Shri Dev Murti Ji's beliefs, the medical institute, one of the greatest medical colleges in UP, was established with the goal of being a leader in medical education and healthcare. The institute offers a comfortable setting for instruction, learning, and patient care. The college is a multi-super specialty teaching hospital with the most up-to-date instructional technologies and separate dormitories for boys and girls.
Highlights of the Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences
Established in the Year
Type of University
endorsed by
Indian Medical Council
hostel for both boys and girls
Rohilkhand University of M.J.P.
University Rating
College of Medicine in Uttar Pradesh
The UG in MBBS at SRMS IMS, one of the top private medical schools in Uttar Pradesh, is a 4.5 year curriculum split into 9 semesters. 100 students are admitted each year to the MBBS programme. The college is committed to helping students develop their morals and values and learn how to handle the pressures of working in the business world. NRIs and citizens of India are both accepted by the college. The medical institution offers projects in the field of medicine under the direction of experts and leading-edge foundation.
The postgraduate programme that is available to students is a three-year programme with specialisations that aims to enhance theoretical knowledge, practical and clinical skills, and thesis-writing abilities. The goal has been to provide the world with the greatest PG specialists and medical educators who are aware of patients' medical needs.
100 seats
4.5 years plus a 12-month internship
100 seats
3 years
Students must pay the SRMS IMS MBBS Fees before to the admissions procedure.
Annual Tuition Charge
initial security deposit
Annual Hostel Fee
Various Fees
The cost breakdown for the courses provided in clinical and non-clinical programmes is shown below.
Dr. and Mrs.
a non-clinical
Pathology MD
MD in a Different Field (Biochemistry and Physiology, Anatomy, Biology and Pharmology)
Each seat is assigned based on merit. both UG and PG
Based on their NEET test results, Indian nationals, NRIs, OCI, PIOs, and foreign nationals can enrol for the UG programme.
Age requirements
To be accepted into the first year of M.B.B.S. at one of the prestigious medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh, the prospective applicant must be 17 years old.
educational background
The required passing percentage for the 10+2 exams in physics, chemistry, biology, and English is 50%. The scheduled caste, tribes, or classes should have received a 40% passing grade in these disciplines. With 45% of the possible points, students with specific disabilities need to have passed their tests. Prior to later meeting the requirements, those who are doing their 12th STD examinations can also take the admission exam.
Based on the NEET admission exam, seats are assigned for both undergraduate and graduate programmes. For admission, students must have received at least a 50% on their final exam grade. On the official UP NEET website, applicants for the MBBS programme must register. Candidates must submit the online application format and follow the instructions while applying for the MD/MS programme at one of Uttar Pradesh's top medical schools.
Documents Necessary
The criteria established by the medical institute have set their benchmark in accordance with international norms. College campuses that are quiet, wonderful offices, and emergency clinics open around-the-clock all contribute to a comfortable environment and patient care.
UG students only
The following documentation must be brought to the college in order for students to complete the admissions process.
I.D. card
letter of rank
10th and 12th grade transcript
ID required for entry, such as a passport, licence, or pan card
8 images in passport size
Letter of allotment
Files for Postgraduate candidates
original records for
Certificate in MBBS
Third MBBS Part II grade sheet
Certified Medical Registration
Certificate of Completion of Internship
copies of passports, aadhar cards, or birth certificates with photos.
NEET Grade Report
Certificate of Registration for Online Counseling
State-issued sponsorship certificate
8 Photos the size of a passport
The cut off establishes the benchmark for selecting students for admission. Students will therefore need to pass the cutoff for certain courses.
To be eligible for admission to reputable medical schools like Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly, prospective students must achieve a minimal percentile. For admission, prospective students from the SC/ST/OBC categories must receive 40% of the total possible points. Candidates from the unreserved class must receive 50% of the possible points.
Ranking and Reputation of Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences
Sri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences is one of India's top medical schools, according to India Today and Outlook India. The academics, research, and infrastructure of the college all played a role in ranking it.
today's India
top medical school
A Look Ahead
among India's top 25 medical schools.
Placements at Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences
The Institute of Medical Sciences provides placement for every student. Students are assigned to some of the greatest medical facilities in the world. Internships are additionally offered by the Institute of Medical Sciences.
Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences has campuses.
The institute, which is spread out across 30 acres of land, offers a wholesome environment for instruction, learning, patient care, and living. The college campus is equipped with the best teaching and learning tools, mixed-gender dormitories, and a 24-hour water and energy supply. Security is one of the key features that students look for in a college, and the institution provides it.
Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences Campus Life
One of the top private medical colleges in UP, this medical centre is located in Bareilly. Campus life is convenient because students can choose from:
Health Service
Internet cafés
Lesson Rooms
LAN Campus
Games and Sports
Shri Ram Murti Smarak founded the medical facility. The school wants to improve students' health and produce the greatest doctors possible for the public good.
The crucial dates for the NEET entrance exam should be known to students. Important dates are provided below.
Admission Dates
Dates for Registration
Entry Forms
Approach to Examination
Paper and a Pen
Date of the Exam
Date of Results Announcement
once the examinations are completed, be announced
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uboat53 · 2 years
I'm reading a few takes on academia that seem to me to be… a bit out of step with the times so I wanted to share some anecdotes from my own life that will hopefully illustrate how different college is today from even when I was in school.
In my second year at CalPoly I took Dynamics, a required class for all Aerospace and Mechanical Engineers (and a few others, I think) and I ended up taking the hardest professor on campus, Dr. Locascio. He taught four sections that term with a total of about 160 students and, of that group, there were only 2 A's, 6 B's, about a dozen C's, and everyone else got a D or an F.
He was a hard teacher, but he was also one of the best on campus. Nearly everyone who took his class seriously, failed it, and retook it with another professor came out with an A the second time around and those of us who didn't fail it wore even a C with a badge of honor. This is the kind of "rigorous education" that a lot of articles I read celebrate and bemoan that this kind of thing is less common. And it is less common for one big reason.
You see, if I had failed that class it would have set me back in my progress toward graduation. If it was a class that was only offered once per year as many of my classes were, that would have been an additional year.
At the time I was at CalPoly, tuition was lower than it is now. My first quarterly tuition check in 2003 was about $750. The increase while I was there was insane, though, my last tuition check in 2008 was $1680. I just looked it up and quarterly tuition now is $1914 which isn't as bad as I expected, but it still means that an extra year of classes is close to $6000. At most universities it would be much, much higher. In other words, failing a class is not something you can do largely consequence free, it's a major financial hit.
And that, to my mind, is the key issue that so many of these "hot takes" on academia aren't considering. The decrease in public funding of higher education means that tuition is covering more and more of the bills. If the student's tuition payments are the primary source of funding for the university then the student becomes more of a customer than just a student.
Public universities are charging over 11 times more in tuition than they did in 1980 and private universities are charging about 9 times as much. There is no world in which this drastic change in funding formulae would not force a change in their approach to education.
So for all of the people lamenting how higher education is evolving to be more responsive to the wishes and desires of their students instead of prioritizing what they consider to be "rigorous education", are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
We live in a capitalist economy and universities have to pay the bills just like everyone else and whoever pays the bills is the customer. If you want your vision of education to carry the day then you need to be the one paying for it. Unfortunately, most of those bemoaning the "degraded" state of higher education are the same people who fight the most vigorously against any attempt to restore the public funding that was cut over the last several decades. If the customer is society at large, if that's who a university is supposed to respond to, then that's who should be paying the bills.
So the next time you read an opinion piece talking about the decline in higher education and how too much attention is being paid to the opinions of the students, look and see what solutions they offer. If they're not talking about changing the funding structure then you can feel free to ignore them, they just want to complain about "the kids these days" instead of fixing things.
There's been a ton of articles like this over the last few years, but this is the most recent one that sparked me to write this up if you're interested: https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/04/opinions/nyu-chemistry-professor-student-complaint-filipovic/index.html
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