#clan contini
avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
16, 29, 37, &/or 38 - 40 questions meme
`16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Seg/Adam from Krypton.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
My Friendly Monster by Mia Vaan, a Lucifer fic written in 2016 where Trixie finds out the truth about Lucifer after he saves her from a criminal, and so does everyone else over the next few chapters. It was a nice complete story, but I'd like to write a sequel because it was such a good story.
37. Talk about your current wips.
Well, there's the next 2 parts of Cobalt Blue and The Flash. I haven't decided the order they'll be in yet, but one of them is going to explore Henry and Malcolm's relationship over the years as it develops from 'son's best friend' to 'I guess he's my son now' (to Malcolm's surprise, given that he's never really had any examples of a good parental figure before). The other will be the direct sequel to Part 1, set a week or so afterwards - originally it was going to be just from Eddie's POV, but now it'll be split between him and Malcolm, as the latter explores his powers and wonders how to tackle his brother's guilt, something Eddie's still struggling with because of the last few years, and because he feels he should've been there for Malcolm when he needed him (they talk things out eventually).
Then there's (possibly) Part 7 of my Mike Barnes series bad boy (no more), which is going to be Tory-centric because in this one...she's going to be his niece (and Brandon his nephew)!! This was inspired by seeing old posts of speculating that Tory was his daughter - something that probably won't happen in canon and definitely won't happen in my fics because Mike wouldn't cheat on his wife!!! But with my headcanon of him being estranged from most of his family, him no knowing he's an uncle (or at least not anything about them) is perfectly plausible.
He finds out a few weeks after 2x10 - this time Elaine wasn't there to break up the fight, and though she didn't see Miguel fall the whole experience still shook her up enough that Mike took her and Alex out of West Valley High, so his mind's been on other things. Then he sees footage of the fight featuring Tory and sees the resemblance not just in looks but also the ferocity with which she fights - it reminds him of himself, and when he and Leah go digging for information they find out that yes, she and Brandon are his younger brother's children, but his brother up and left and the family changed surnames, and Mike and Leah realise that Tory needs serious help that she probably won't get unless someone steps in.
I've only written some of it, but it's looking likely it'll focus more on the women - Tory doesn't trust anyone at first, but slowly opens up to Leah and Elaine, and eventually she'll open up to the rest of the Barnes clan (Alex and Brandon get along well too), and it'll end up being an S3 AU because a Tory with a support system is a Tory who really won't rejoin Cobra Kai, and Mike and Leah have words to say when Kreese tries to bring her back into the fold. There'd also be a genuine apology from Tory to Sam - not full reconcilation, but a start, and possibly even one between Mike and Daniel, but that part I'm not sure about yet.
I'm also working on a fic set in the world of The Protectors. For those not in the know, The Protectors was a 1972 action series from Gerry Anderson - creator of Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet, among numerous other shows - which was one of his live-action ones and the only one not to feature any kind of sci-fi or fantasy slant. Instead it focused on the titular internation crime-fighting group, led by Harry Rule (Robert Vaughn), Contessa Caroline di Contini (Nyree Dawn-Porter) and Paul Buchet (Tony Anholt).
My fic is set a few years after the end of the show, and features an OC, Layla Williams, an ex-thief turned security tester, who befriends Paul while on holiday in Paris, and who ends up getting kidnapped as leverage against him and Harry. This ends up backfiring on the kidnappers as she uses her skills to escape her bindings and kick several people's asses on the way out, reuniting with her friends - though various circumstances means she doesn't meet Paul again for six months. At the moment there isn't really much of a plot - it's more a self-indulgent fic as Layla eventually ends up with Paul (who is my favourite character), but she'll definitely be getting more chances to showcase her skillset, along with her other friends in her team.
I'd answer question 38, but the problem is nearly every comment I get makes my day, so it's impossible to choose just one to talk about.
40 questions for fic writers!
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iconoclast-infidels · 2 months
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Trayson Lear Contini | Snow Leopard Shifter | Bohemian Mobster | Michael Pitt
OG play:
Tray was tricked into signing a contract for his soul to the demon president Caim and now is under his control along with the rest of his family after Caim bartered for the vampire clan from Ba’al in a demon soul trade. The most important thing to the demon was the damnation of their immortal souls as they chose immortality as vampires in exchange for power. Tray has never, and could not ever, even if he wanted to, betray his family now. He is bound. He’s the only male in the coven who’s not a vampire. Tray signed his soul contract in return for his mother’s life long safety. The rest is history.
Tray is an adopted son of the Contini crime family. They are of the Camorra Clan of Naples that dates back to the 18th century, a Sicilian Mafia. Tray grew up in Naples as a child, but Tray never knew he was adopted until he was 12 years old when he overheard his family arguing over the damage “that boy” was going to cause the “real family” and he was never the same since. It was a heavy load to bear and not the most tactful way to hear something that could affect someone so deeply. As a hard-headed youth and a shifter he was often rebelling running around in animal form and getting caught. Eye witnesses of large cats in Europe isn’t exactly normal and could bring lots of attention. That was the last thing these crime bosses needed to bring to their operations.
 The Camorra Clans monopolize the fish and milk industries, control the coffee trade, and well over 2,500 bakeries. It is the second largest Italian Trade Organization. They also have alliances with the Algerian mafia and Nigerian drug lords. Cocaine trafficking is a trade for selling woman into sex slavery across all of Europe. The clan is by no means small or to be messed with. He wasn’t hard-headed for no reason. He was taught by some of the very best of the dangerous. It would seem a family like this would have no trouble grooming the son into the family and keeping his shifter identity protected or even make use of it. But, it wasn’t that simple. For it was the reason he was an adopted son that often came in the middle of his mother and father. The day he overheard he was adopted, he also heard something even more shocking. It was his father that “disposed” of his biological family. Tray’s real family fell victim to the political killings. The Camarra Clan started to gain politicians by controlling voters back in 1912 and still happens some to this day. Anyone who did not vote as instructed were kidnapped, slashed by knives, or beaten. Tray’s family was stabbed and beaten to death for going against threats and voting as they pleased. It seemed hard-headed rebellion ran thick in his blood to begin with. It was his adopted father’s mistake that he brought Tray home with him. 
After the beating Mr. Contini decided to steal their car while he was at it to sell for scrap and rid evidence. What he didn’t realize during his hasty get-a-way was Tray was still strapped in the car seat behind him fast asleep. Then worse, his wife showed up at the scrap yard for a surprise visit as he pulled in with this child. Needless to say Tray’s mother ended up shoved to the ground and put in her place for showing up there in the first place. The wives were rarely allowed near business. They were kept out of the loop to be sure of their innocence and protection if a man were ever caught. This is also something deeply ingrained in Tray. Protection of a spouse or family is number one priority for a man. On this Tray won’t waver to this day. But, it was Tray’s mother’s lesson learned showing up that day that saved his life. She wasn’t going to stand for the child to be cast aside or worse, killed. Poor Mr. Contini’s heart could do little but allow for his wife to keep him, drawing up fake adoption papers, and making the whole thing legally legit as only the mafia could. That is the true story of how Tray became part of such high profile Sicilian crime family. What Tray doesn’t know to this day is that his biological family were Kyrgyz Republican immigrants (where some snow leopards are from) to Italy from Central Asia, close to China’s borders. That’s a missing part of Tray. His parents worked the fishing trade the Contini’s were trying to control. He’s instinctively drawn to those influences but has never been there. After knowing what his father did to his original family Tray was conflicted from then on out. His current family was all he knew and loved, but this planted a bad seed, a chip on his shoulder he couldn’t let go of. As he got older his father tried in induct him into the family business and put him to work in a scrap yard where all the mechanics of the family worked restoring cars and junking them out for parts. The vehicles collected were often part of the system to rid evidence and Tray knew it. He knew this was also a part of his own story and that made it increasingly more difficult to be a part of that sect. Tray became a professional at pushing down feelings for survival. One did not want to be a traitor to this particular family. 
He started to gain some knowledge for vehicles and had a good eye for a well oiled machine, but it just was NOT his passion. He soon started to mess around with the spare parts and metal scrap. He put a few pieces together and welded them to make his family laugh at a small sculpture he’d made, making two stick figures. It was supposed to be the representation of his cousins doing something rather lewd poking fun at them getting caught making out at the last family affair. It was a sarcastic hit. But, once he made that, he started to make others only with a more artistic intent. This became his passion. He started to slack off the job using his time there finding parts and pieces to weld larger scale sculptures. The family thought it was a waste of time and were often on his case. It was around this time his father decided he wanted to use Tray as a weapon against the other crime families. The Contini’s tried to have Tray  was running off well so they wouldn’t have a chance. He started to get spotted again, as usual. He’d made the news on more than one occasion. There’s even a website devoted to spotting the big cats of Britain. But, it was in August of 2008 that his family cracked down on him. He was going to start making use of his shifter abilities for more low down and dirty dealings within the clan. Tray started to become the muscle behind many family threats. He hated it knowing he was a part of the system that took his own parents out. But he did it. He cooperated willingly but his father knew the chip on his shoulder was still there.
Eventually Tray made a decision for himself. He left Naples. He left the family. He moved to America. 
He had money coming from such a large family, but he was cut from further distributions. He set himself up with what he had though. He bought a small ranch and 180 acres of land (mostly forest) just outside the city. Also on this land is his giant garage-styled warehouse where he welds his sculptures which is right next to his scrap yard, simply called Tray’s. He even had a supernatural shifter racing track people gambled on.  Tray’s mother has since defied the family and found a way to contact her missed and beloved son. He tries to refuse to talk to her because he’s worried if the family finds out she’s doing this secretly that she’ll be reprimanded for it. She found him through his web sites advertising his work. Tray no longer advertises himself and tries his best to sell to independent collectors all to keep his mother safe. His refusal to speak to her hurts her to the core. But, what neither realized is Tray was never lost to the family. The Contini family has always kept watch over him. They really aren’t about to let someone who knows their secrets free. The only reason he’s been spared is by his father’s stayed hand for his mother’s sake. Tray soon found out though, as his artwork started to get more popular his father is going to show back up, wanting to use his soon to be American citizenship for their own purposes. His father showed back up to re-induct him into a system he doesn’t really want to be a part of.
That's how it all started anyway. Now, he's a demon's pet.
Usual NPC's used for Tray's family
The Contini Clan - Vampire Mobsters - SICILIAN VAMPIRE COVEN - Men = Vampires / Woman = Humans + One Snow Leopard Shifter 
Rosalie Contini - Tray’s Mother - Mob Wife - Human - Michelle Pfeiffer 
Santino Contini - Tray’s Father - Don Vampire - Al Pacino
Enzo Contini -  Tray’s Uncle - Under Boss Vampire - Robert De Niro
Carlo Contini - Tray’s Cousin - Capodecima Vampire / Contracted Power - Keanu Reeves
Salvatore Contini - Tray’s Cousin - Consigliere Vampire - Cillian Murphy
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Napoli, operazione contro il clan Contini: 4 arresti e sequestri di immobili
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Napoli, operazione contro il clan Contini: 4 arresti e sequestri di immobili Per delega del Procuratore della Repubblica di Napoli, si comunica che questa mattina la Squadra Mobile di Napoli, il Nucleo Investigativo dei Carabinieri di Napoli, il Nucleo di Polizia Economico-Finanziaria di Napoli e lo S.C.I.C.O. (Servizio Centrale di Investigazione sulla Criminalità Organizzata)della Guardia di Finanza hanno dato esecuzione ad un'ordinanza, emessa dal G.I.P.... Leggi articolo completo su La Milano Read the full article
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tifatait · 3 months
Camorra, l'intervento del clan Contini per recuperare un milione ad Avellino | www.irpinianews.it
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Camorra: arrestato in Spagna il boss del clan Contini
Arrestato dai carabinieri in Spagna, ad Alicante, il boss di camorra Nicola Rullo, di 53 anni, ritenuto elemento di spicco del clan Contini. Era in fuga da 3 mesi.     L’arresto è stato eseguito dai carabinieri del Nucleo investigativo del Comando provinciale di Napoli, con la collaborazione del Servizio per la Cooperazione Internazionale di Polizia e sotto il coordinamento della Dda di Napoli.…
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
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 The faces that represent the contact in Peru 
Chávez twins - Daniel Moncada & Luis Moncada
Upper Level - 
The Contini Clan - Vampire Mobsters - SICILIAN VAMPIRE COVEN - Men = Vampires / Woman = Humans + One Snow Leopard Shifter 
Core Muses: 
Main Contact for Flotsam: Tray Contini - Snow leopard shifter - Michael Pitt
Rosalie Contini - Tray’s Mother - Mob Wife - Human - Michelle Pfeiffer 
Santino Contini - Tray’s Father - Don Vampire - Al Pacino
Enzo Contini -  Tray’s Uncle - Under Boss Vampire - Robert De Niro
Carlo Contini - Tray’s Cousin - Capodecima Vampire / Contracted Power - Keanu Reeves
Salvatore Contini - Tray’s Cousin - Consigliere Vampire - Cillian Murphy
Vampire covens are often controlled by a demon. The Contini Clan’s demon is an Earl of Hell: President Caim. ((Criss Angel))
Caim’s “wartime consigliere” is a black Imugi dragon named Yong Tezoth. ((Minzy))
Close affiliates: 
Haagenti - demon president of covetous hunger - Yo Landi
Duke Barbatos - Spark that Ignites Magic - Tilda Swinton
Marquis Phenex - Infernal Gladiator Trainer - Joaquin Phoenix
Grand Marquis Shax - Demon of Chaos - Dani Filth (half breed son-AdamLambert)
Murmur - Grand Duke and Earl of Hell / Necro/Death Demon - Mads Mikkelsen
Augustus Pius - Dead Human Spirit /Chariot Racer - Russel Crowe
Archangel Samael - Angel of Death - Viggo Mortensen
Lower Level - 
Ghost Riders MC -  Caim’s Demonic Bike Club / Flotsam’s “My Boys” 
Rooster - Flotsam’s Main Guy - Also works as Security with Zeke - Mark Boone Junior ((So when Thomas meets “my boys” he’ll see he already met one. He just didn’t know it))
Jianna Adessi - Katy Segal
Dex Adessi - Charlie Hunnan 
SOA FC’s - Theo Rossi, David Labrava, Kim Coates, etc....  
Flotsam’s Nola Street Level - (main ones but there are many) 
Dealer - Aaron Paul 
Becket Bishop - Thug/Dealer/Lazarus-Werewolf - Zacky Vengeance
Flotsam’s Business Side 
Laundry Manager - Jason Bateman
Legal - Jonathan Banks
Side Note: Pulling in another random vamp muse & claimed FC’s for New Zealand
Cobra - Vampire - Evan Peters
Aubrey Christina Plaza
Kat Dennings
Eva Green 
Jennifer Coolidge 
Stephanie Beatriz
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luciamosca14 · 5 years
Questa mattina personale della Polizia di Stato e dell’Arma dei Carabinieri ha tratto in arresto Gaetano Attardo, nato a Napoli l’1.12.1963, pregiudicato, latitante, esponente di spicco del clan Contini. 
Nell’ambito di attività coordinata della Procura Distrettuale Antimafia di Napoli Attardo è stato rintracciato all’interno di una villetta di Castelvolturno (CE) durante un intervento…
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Gray being a saberface is intentional you LACKWIT. The clan of the village where Gray was born, aimed to create a being capable of handling the Holy Lance that had been passed down for generations. In other words, their purpose was to revive King Arthur, in flesh and spirit. However, their attempts had thus far been continious failures. Gray was to be the flesh of King Arthur. (part 1).
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Haish… Isn’t that why I posted that Viridian-kingof-kanto already made a summarized explanation here: https://viridian-kingof-kanto.tumblr.com/post/184481972134/tower-of-avalon-viridian-kingof-kanto
Anyway……………………………….. I just woke up………… Nearly to 8am and I’m receiving spam about Gray………………………….
……………. At the end, regardless whatever backstory the author came up with, I personally don’t want another Saberface. I like her personally for character wise, but everything is fucking wasted because we need another Artoria-face because her body needs to be host for that stupid bullshit
Also if you want her related in way, why not Gareth’s appearance instead? She looks similar but not even fully Saber-face as being her niece. But nope, we need another one just to add together with Mysterious Heroine X
But it seems DW is releasing neither of that, but more of those in need of money from that part of the fandom again.
Intentional or not, just another fucking excuse of the fucking day of the fucking month and the fucking year to throw another collab event to promote Gray, aka the fucking Artoria-face of the year
Now…. If you enjoy the event, her appearance and so forth, good for you. I’m going to need to grind my shit to collect another AOE Assassin for gameplay use
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shroudkeeper · 6 years
prompt #28: echoes of love
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The manor is quiet when she rises from sleep. All her origami is placed on her pillow, upright, perfectly lined. Her sheets are without wrinkle, her windows are opened to let in the light, and she does a quick sweep of her private room, where she grows her bonsai trees, trimmed neatly when needed. In her silence, before leaving her personal abode, she gives her prayers to the kami, to protect her mother and father.
Breakfast is made for the family, it is the same menu as yesterday. Rice. Fried fish. Eggs. Tea is always a temperature that won't cause scalding; the cups are clean and aligned next to their plates. In the common area she serves them, but she's never seen, the ghost of her presence lingers where their food awaits. Kikyo instead eats in her room alone, with minimal scraps of what was left from her cooking.
Her basket is full of the flowers from the garden, and to the market she goes, selling her wares, trying to have enough koban for lunch. The day is uneventful, she is mostly ignored and passed over for louder merchants with their bountiful bouquets and floral arrangements. What she has made is enough for a bowl of broth and a side of dumplings.
She soaks her tired feet in warm water while folding the laundry that was left to dry under sunlight. She washed their garments and what little she owned that was soiled from a day's work. Her hands are dry, her feet aching, but she delivers everyone their sundried clothes at the base of their sliding door. They never see her, only hear the Namazu bell at her tail to announce her presence.
2:00 PM
The common room is filled with criminals. Men and women that worked with the clan, men and women that work for the clan. She arrives with tea for them, never making eye contact. Kikyo serves politely, but her family watches her, they notice her hands as they tremble, the shuffle that appeared weary, slower.
6:33 PM
SHE OVERSLEPT! How could this have happened? And right before dinner was to be prepared! All she did was lie down over the scrolls A’mauro was working on, and for the brief moment, as her eyes grew heavy, she swore that she would give them a rest. Kikyo rushes out of her room with the ornaments for her hair between her teeth and fingers. She rushes to the kitchen, her bell rings frantically behind her hurried steps.
“Kikyo!” The voice of the elder sends an frigid chill down the length of her spine as she hears it resonate throughout the main hall. She had been so close to the kitchen. Oh so close. Fear struck her core and she slowly lowered her hands to her side after doing what she could to arrange her hair. It did not stop her fingers from twisting the garment she wore before the swell of her hips. Breathe in, breathe out. The flower-maiden tries to control the beating of her drumming heart.
The samurai, the brutes, the enforcers, they were all standing up at the length of the table. The elder himself was seated at the end and smiles as she shuffled in, her eyes cast down to the tatami mats. The bell doesn't chime; Kikyo tries desperately to keep silenced. She smells something delicious, her stomach complains.
“Dear child, set your gaze forward.” His voice was a soft command and she obeys immediately, only to find that the table was filled with food. A variety of both Doman and Hingan influenced dishes. Even a hot pot. Bowls of noodles. Meat. Vegetables. But..
“We wished to echo your love and hard work, never should you go a day without a proper meal. Each ripple of effort and concern, grows, and does not go unnoticed. Everything you have done for us, let us return it, thrice fold.” Everyone present bows to her quietly before the elder continies.
“This dinner is in your honor.”
Kikyo shook, but not because of fear this time. The overwhelming wave of emotion came upon her and pulled her under. Golden eyes were wet, glassy and she bows at her hips to avoid letting them see the tears that fall. A hand falls to her shoulder, one of the Roegadyn that was her armed guard, and she quietly wipes her flushed cheeks as he extends a free hand to an empty seat, one at the end of the table. 
A seat for their most honored of guests.
[ featuring @regalblossom ]
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sciscianonotizie · 2 years
Arresto latitante appartenente al clan camorrista dei “Mallardo”
Dopo 8 anni si è interrotta la latitanza, iniziata nel 2014, del 56enne cittadino italiano CUOZZO NASTI Antonio arrestato stamattina alle prime ore del giorno a Frejus  in Francia da parte del FAST Team francese (parte della rete europea per la ricerca latitanti pericolosi) attivato dall’ omologa Unità italiana attestata presso il Servizio per la Cooperazione Internazionale di Polizia della Direzione centrale della Polizia Criminale del Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza e coadiuvato, sul posto, dalla Polizia Nazionale francese e da personale della Compagnia Carabinieri di Giugliano in Campania, precedentemente accreditato tramite FAST Italia. L’arrestato, destinatario di 4 mandati di arresto europei, era ricercato dalla DDA di Napoli dal 2014 in quanto elemento attiguo al clan camorrista dei “Mallardo”, operante nel comune di Giugliano e facente parte della c.d. “Alleanza di Secondigliano” unitamente ai clan napoletani “Licciardi” e “Contini”, e condannato a 16 anni di reclusione per i reati di  rapina e porto illegale di armi.
La sua presenza sul territorio francese è emersa a seguito di complesse attività investigative svolte in Italia dai Carabinieri di Giugliano in Campania ma anche grazie alla sinergica attività posta in essere in Francia dal Servizio per la Cooperazione Internazionale di Polizia con i collaterali transalpini tramite i rispettivi FAST Team, attività che hanno consentito di individuare la zona ove il CUOZZO si nascondeva in Francia ove lavorava in un ristorante sotto falso nome.
Una volta individuato, le autorità francesi ed italiane tramite gli organismi di cooperazione internazionale hanno concordato la presenza di personale italiano per lo svolgimento dell’operazione che stamattina ha portato alla cattura del ricercato.
Sono attualmente in corso le procedure di consegna.
Fonte Ministero degli Interni
source https://www.ilmonito.it/arresto-latitante-appartenente-al-clan-camorrista-dei-mallardo/
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1241 - November 3358 King Chrono
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1241
Brought to you by ANN
Highlighting the November 3358 King Chrono
This time the Gaming Authorities decided to give us a long Unlimited Chrono.
It was not without a big bunch of butterflies in my stormach we went to the Mountains. After all, the regular crowd on K3 would all have higher Licences than me, some as much as 75 higher.
But if we could get some early points before the big guns arrived, perhaps some decent prizes could be won? The early crowd was not there yet, so the top spot was claimed. Perhaps we could hold on to it for a while? My crew managed to do so, at least for a short while. Then the serious contenders arrived, and we were pushed first to the slopes, then to the foothills.
Among the hardest opponents were KiloToneRecoil from the Broterhood of Arcane Dragons + Ken Fuchs and Darryl Proctor of the Northwind Dragons. Also formidable were Ales Hasala of the Black Star Lycan Rangers, Deborah Roache-Hudak from The Brotherhood BlackWatch, Darren Jackson from M&L Team Banzai and Bing Paculan from the Isle of Misfit Toys. But KiloTone and Ken seemed satisfied by occupying the two top slope positions. The rest of us kept hitting the top and holding it for a short while, until someone else claimed it.
My forces managed to grab the top from time to time, but as the time passed, it became more and more obvious that the highest scorer would probably be Ken Fuchs, despite the fact he never once had held the top. As we entered the endgame, I was assured of a Silver, and could not get the Gold.
The rest of the climb was spent getting footage from the other tops, so when the light flashed I knew the highest scorers had been:
Div 1 340+ (32 Commanders): Jaime Beltran, Magnificent-7 (+22520) 2: Fabio Favaro 3: Bernard Johnson 4: Ben Rail 5: Terry Cole 6: Jeff Haas 7: Shawn Wretham 8: Gary Muenzel 9: Don Davis 10: Sal Vezzosi Jr Div 2 -339 (13 Commanders): George Warren, Warlocks HQ (+19890) Div 3 -259 (21 Commanders): Ken Fuchs, Northwind Dragons (+12130) Div 4 -189 (24 Commanders): Jelloshots Suckeddown, T.B BlackWatch (+21310) Div 5 -146 (26 Commanders): Jason Pedracini, Northwind Dragons (+20550) Div 6 -102 (28 Commanders): Fj Bros, T.B. 1st K.H. (+43750) Div 7 -77 (30 Commanders): Kyle Mardon, Renegades (+21510) Div 8 -52 (25 Commanders): Kyle Mardon, JC`s Rowdy Bunch (+26960) Div 9 -33 (14 Commanders): Nick Fuller, E.G.K. (+15630) Div 10 -23 (22 Commanders): Restlessmech, I.N.A. (+22110) Div 11 -13 (19 Commanders): roskaa, RED AXE (+20510)
Total Contestants: 254 Total medals claimed: 162 (of 165 possible)
As usually is the case when we have a long Chrono, the number of contestants attending was high. In fact, this event attracted sixty-two more Commanders than the preceding Buccaneer event. Even so. The vagrancies of fate resulted in two unclaimed Bronzes from K2 and one from K9. These were returned for resmelting after the award ceremony.
The highest score achieved in this event was 146 250. Both George Warren from the Warlocs Headquarters on K2 and Jason Pendracini from the Northwind Dragons on K5 managed to stay on their tops for the 117 continious scorerounds needed to get such a score. The biggest gap to the runner-up was on K5 where Fj Bros of The Brotherhood 1st Kearney Highlanders ended 43 750 in front. Lowest score needed for a medal this time was on Mount Olympus where 19 460 was needed for the last Bronze
Nine of the Golds were secured by margins well in excess of 16 000, and none by less than 12 000. That gave us undisputed winners on all the tops. But was it so clear-cut when it came to the lesser prizes as well? To find out we need to look at the differences between the medal tiers in this event:
..Silver to Bronze....Bronze to nothing
Div 1 ......5700......………..1340 Div 2 ...…..100...….........…..N/A Div 3 ....25740...…............6600 Div 4 ......3510...…............2060 Div 5 ......9900...…............2400 Div 6 ......2860...…............3025 Div 7 ....13820...…............3880 Div 8 ......1000...….........…..280 Div 9 ....12540...….........…..N/A Div 10 ….7400...…............1060 Div 11 ….9960...….........…..560
Mostly big walls this time, as well as some impressive ones. But two of the Silvers and two of the nine contested Bronzes were decided by margins of 1000 or less, -just 100 for one of the Silvers. When the scores are that close, it might well be because of who signed up first, something to keep in mind when another Chrono is announced.
The Northwind Dragons was the only clan to win a Double Gold this time. They succeeded on both K3 and K5. None of the unaligned Commanders managed to get a win this time, neither did any of the Buccaneer winners manage to get a follow up win.
Upcoming event: Triple Rainbow
Here we get a straight up Sudden Death Triple Rainbow. As in all Rainbows, the limit is not in what Mechs you are allowed to use, but rather how many of each model will be allowed to fight in the formation. Here that number is THREE, and any additional Mechs of the same model will be treated as empty spaces for the purpose of fighting on the Mountains.
Event ends May 4 between 0100 and 0130 New York Time
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Napoli, operazione antimafia: arrestati 30 indagati per associazione a delinquere
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Napoli, operazione antimafia: arrestati 30 indagati per associazione a delinquere. La Polizia di Stato di Napoli su delega del Procuratore della Repubblica di Napoli ha eseguito un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare emessa dal GIP presso il Tribunale di Napoli, su richiesta della Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia, nei confronti di n.30 indagati ritenuti gravemente indiziati, a vario titolo, di associazione a delinquere finalizzata al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti, porto e detenzione di armi comuni da sparo, lesioni personali aggravate, estorsione, singoli episodi di detenzione e spaccio di stupefacenti e accesso indebito a dispositivi idonei alla comunicazione da parte di detenuti. La misura è stata emessa all'esito delle indagini condotte dai poliziotti della squadra mobile, grazie anche al supporto dei Commissariati Secondigliano e Poggioreale, della Squadra Mobile di Avellino e del Commissariato di Anzio, a seguito del ferimento a colpi d'arma da fuoco di un uomo avvenuto il 20 settembre 2021. Nel corso dell'indagine è emerso che l'evento delittuoso era da individuarsi in una risposta ad un altro agguato, ovvero il ferimento di altro individuo , avvenuto il 2 settembre 2021, per il quale sono gravemente indiziati due uomini. Dall'attività investigativa è stato possibile evidenziare che tali eventi delittuosi trovano origine nel clima di forte tensione registrato all'interno del "gruppo della Stadera", costola del Clan Contini, in seno al quale è maturata una scissione. Dagli approfondimenti investigativi è emersa infatti la volontà di uno degli indagati di creare un gruppo criminale autonomo che si è l' approvvigionato di sostanza stupefacente, a seconda della convenienza economica del momento, sia da canali riferibili a contesti criminali della zona di Scampia sia in quelli della zona del "Cunnolo" quartiere Poggioreale. Allo stesso tempo la compagine riferibile allo stesso oltre alla vendita al dettaglio dello stupefacente, effettuata nell'area della "cittadella" tra il comune di Casoria (Napoli) e Napoli, ha anche fornito sostanza stupefacente a "piazze di spaccio" stanziali nei quartieri Ponticelli e Secondigliano, nella città di Avellino ed anche quella gestita dall'indagato da altro indagato all'interno della Casa Circondariale di Salerno ove era all'epoca recluso. Nelle occasioni in cui i gestori delle attività di spaccio non onoravano i debiti accumulati, venivano poste in essere condotte estorsive. E' emerso, inoltre, che il gruppo ha disponibilità di armi ed ha dimostrato la volontà di acquisirne sempre di più al fine di essere pronti ad eventuali scontri armati con altre fazioni criminali. Durante l'attività investigativa, infine, sono stati acquisiti elementi indiziari a carico di altri due soggetti per il ferimento a colpi d'arma da fuoco avvenuto il 17 dicembre 2019 e da inquadrare nell'ambito dello scontro, in atto all'epoca, tra i gruppi di spacciatori della "stadera" e quelli del "rione bronx". Per 13 degli indagati è stata disposta la custodia cautelare in carcere, per i restanti 17 il divieto di dimora nella regione Campania.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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tifatait · 2 years
Camorra a Napoli, abbattuto l'altarino del clan Contini | www.ilmattino.it
Camorra a Napoli, abbattuto l’altarino del clan Contini | www.ilmattino.it
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Arrestato in Spagna il boss Nicola Rullo, del clan Contini
   Si stava preparando a festeggiare il Capodanno in un resort di lusso ma vedrà il nuovo anno da una cella Nicola Rullo, ritenuto il reggente del clan Contini, componente di rango della cosiddetta Alleanza di Secondigliano.    I Carabinieri del Nucleo Investigativo del Comando Provinciale di Napoli, coordinati dalla DDA (pm Varone e Converso) lo hanno bloccato mentre stava conversando, a bordo…
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Back-dated Head Canon w/ possible interaction Pre-Zombie-Release Party - Because Thomas should have known the bikers and metal head randoms in the background at least once or twice. 
Thomas had acted excited to be part of the business that Flo keeps pretty zipped lips about. What he’d find was the Flo drove them up a dive off the beaten path of tourists and not within Nola’s city limits at all. They’d drive out. 
He’d explain simply and more openly than he ever had before. “This isn’t a family business. That’s how family dies. I’ve regretted the few times I let Dale in on some special projects. He had the right connections.” 
Babyface going to juvie wasn’t what went wrong to Flotsam. Dale having a soft enough spot for Ellie and Babyface was. Nobody was supposed to care what juvenile it was. Dale actually didn’t. But, Dale didn’t expect the Beagles to frame their own kid brother either. Dale still never cared it was a kid going down for the plan. Babyface was random and  Flotsam’s mistakes with Cinderella were already too ingrained in those kids. Flotsam had visions of the future, nightmares, the camp being infiltrated, ambushed, and attacked was a recurring one, and one they felt that had no control over now. Brigitte was trying her best to play damage control too, but the butterfly effect was in motion, the wings had already flapped so many times. All Val/Flo wanted to do was get away from the biggest mistake of their life, away from Laveau House where everything went wrong, and live out what peace they could with only good they had left. He tried to trust in his sister, but he feared his mistakes set things in motion that could never be undone. But, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep trying to do the right thing. 
That’s what keeping this business away from family was about. He didn’t employ voodooists. He didn’t have one camper on the payroll. If the whole business went under and the FBI rained down special forces no one of relevance to Flotsam would be touched. This was always planned and plotted. He’d explain this all to Thomas on the way there. He’d also explain to him this particular group they were approaching wasn’t human. 
“They’re infernal beings, my boys. Like you. Only demonic. They live as humans as part of what they do to corrupt souls. There’s humans in the mix that serve under dark contracts for power. Whether they’re the demons or the Hellbound, they’re all in it together. They aren’t particularly fond of witches. Dark witches have a tendency to try and control demons, summon them, force them to do their bidding. I think that’s why they latched onto me at the beginning. You know that’s not how we do magic.” 
The voodooists let the gods control them not the other way around. “They have goals in this world that have nothing to do with me. I don’t give a shit about the chaos they spread trying to damn human souls. I don’t care about all that because the nature of dark and light, good and evil, all that yada yada ying yang is forever ongoing, and will never cease, with or without me, because that’s nature. That’s bigger than us. It has to stay balanced. What I care about is they handle my product to do it. These guys come through me. These guys make sure shit is running smooth and handle what needs handled for me. You and me will sit pretty for most of it in New Zealand. Even with all the VPN’s and blahblahblah there’s just some business you don’t discuss electronically. So here we are.” 
As they got out of the car he’d say, “Oh, and if you see anyone in suits most likely they’re part of the vampire mafia. Italian. International. Contini Clan. Hives all over the globe. Thus why I said they weren’t the types I could reach to help River back when we were trying to think of vampires to help. Besides Hades and crew they’re who I know.” 
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When they’d finally walk in he’d notice the big, burly, furry one also worked with Zeke in Security. His name would be Rooster. The others would just be randoms that never truly got introduced. But, who Thomas would recognize was the group of younger ones that had left Flotsam alone that day in the abandoned house when he needed Thomas to get home. The little, bald, younger one that looked like a bit of a tweaker himself was the one who restocked Flo’s personal stash that had more than their own product in it, among several others, and Tootsie Pops.
All of them would stand up when Flotsam walked in with Thomas. Flotsam would put his hand up to tell them all to relax. Eyes would fall on Thomas. He was a new face in the club even if they knew who he was. Besides when Thomas stayed away from the door for that Tootsie Pop drop he’d not have interacted with Flo’s boys. But, now he’d see exactly who Flo was hanging out with every time they left the house (which was rare recently) but if they did these were the people that populated his life outside the band. 
Flo would say, “Tray here?” 
“He’s in the back.” One would say as Flo would give an initial intro the first set of boys. 
“Flo would give Thomas names to this pack like Chasm, Repo, Bender, Dex. The little bald guy was Tito. They’d give Flo the buddy-buddy backslap hug as they came up and everyone would start to move instinctively to the back room. There would be a table in the middle where everyone would sit and some new faces were already gathered. They’d walk in on some Star Trek conversation which would bring a smile to Flo’s face. 
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“I know you guys are not back here wasting your brain power on Star Trek when there are epic adventures like Lord of the Rings to get lost in right now? You’re all losers. This is why I’m getting the fuck out of here and going to New Zealand. Your all’s fanbase is way off. I’m ashamed of you all.” 
Everyone was laughing. Then there was Tray Contini sitting in the far back corner away from the group, not at the table, and reading a book, a glance of amusement as he looked up. He would stand out like he didn’t belong, didn’t blend, maybe even from another time, like he thought he was Al Capone. Thomas would be able smell something distinctly feline about him. He’d be the first to speak on business. 
“Speaking of. I’ll be in Wellington.” 
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That took Flotsam by surprise. “Are you following us? Does he not trust me?” 
Tray would say, “On the contrary, he’s too busy for you. He wanted to make sure you have close access to someone. We have no one in New Zealand. I volunteered for my own reasons. Private land owners keep proposing snow leopard sanctuaries there. The Wellington Zoo has gotten involved since then. Like I said, I have my own reasons to be there. If you need someone, that’s where I’ll be. I’m your contact now.” 
Flotsam decided he’d buy that for now. It seemed legit enough as far as they were concerned. He knew Tray enough to know this was one of his things and snow leopards hardly belonged in New Zealand. It made sense he’d want to mess with these people. “Better you than someone I don’t know. But, the least you can do is fly in Tito every now and again to party. You always make me feel so underdressed. I gotta up my game.” 
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Tito and everyone got a good kick out of that one. But, business carried on. 
Thomas would hear the remnants of what happened with Babyface be put on the table. 
“Any news on the bags moving inside the dirty feds yet?” 
“I heard the Beagles pinned their own brother for it. Little hard ass took the fall. He’ll grow up to be somebody or grow up to be dead.” People were laughing as if it didn’t matter. It didn’t, not to them. 
“The intel we have is it’s on the move from the evidence room and being redistributed slowly.” 
Flotsam smirked. “Good. At least it worked. How’s the other clan taking it?” 
“The mole says they’re still confused how we jacked their whole shipment. They aren’t plotting a rebound yet.” 
Flotsam would say, “Good, still a step ahead. Keep it that way. When they realize this isn’t the product they were looking for I want to be feeling Ben Kenobi all over that. That’s what they get for trying to mess with my shipment. Sounds like that ones a wrap. Any day now they’re going to realize how deep of mud they jumped in. Okay what about loose ends?” 
Then Flo name of last names and people would say, “Tied. Tied. Tied.”
Loose ends were tied. He was speaking of players that caused problems and had to be taken out. 
 “Okay. Right on track. That’s what I like to hear.  No one’s to go near Laveau House after our departure. Keep ahead of my children when they’re in town. You see them cross unknowingly through business lines, steer them elsewhere directly as usual. Any questions on the move?”
That’s when Flotsam would push forward a piece of paper and tell everyone.  
No one really did except one, “What if your kids or their families don’t listen to us with you not here?” 
Flotsam tilted his head. He used to always think of his children as good listeners and always doing what they were told up until they were of age to like girls. Flotsam thought of Summer mostly. Ellie now too. Hopefully, they wouldn’t cross paths for such a thing to happen. 
“If they want to play with outsiders they’ll get what outsiders get. One warning. Use your best judgement in a crisis situation and hope I don’t come after you for making the wrong one.” 
Well, then. Talk about sending mixed messages, but that’s all they’d get. Flo would hope all this shit never crossed them all. He had to trust his kids could be smarter than that. Though it was a scenario Flo never wanted to think about again. 
“Any other questions?” 
Nope. Nope. They were good. 
And that would be the first run in with men of Flo’s business Thomas would have. If he wanted to speak to any of them personally after the meeting or say something at the table he was more than welcome. 
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sinapsinews · 5 years
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Arrestato il narcos e broker della camorra Ciro Capasso, percettore di reddito di cittadinanza.  Borrelli:” I camorristi sono dei parassiti che vivono alle spalle dello Stato.” La Guardia di Finanza di Napoli è riuscita a sgominare una banda di narcotrafficanti operanti tra Lazio e Campania, eseguendo 24 arresti, tra questi quello di Ciro Capasso, legato al clan camorristico degli Scissionisti e broker dei Contini.
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