slugwithdrugs · 2 months
Hey Uncle Slugger, you might not know me.. But that’s fine! I was adopted by your brother, who is now my Papa! I just wanted to say hi and hope your day is going well!!
-Foxy 🦊
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"Oh....my days been .........fine..i guess..."
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kmsatm · 5 months
On your first date with Billy Hargrove, he picks you up in his car at 7pm. He knocks on your door, flowers in hand, ciggerete between his lips. His nice shirt unbuttoned a bit at the top. He'd cleaned up his car, the back seat specifically just in case you guys decided to use it. He was used to having sex most dates and then it was a one and done but he actually was interested.
His car smells like his cologne with a very faint scent of ciggerete he tried to cover up. He takes you to a restaurant a town over, so no one he knew was there. He's a gentle men, he'd pull out your chair, compliment you, and pay for the whole meal. He didn't talk much during the date but he liked to listen to you talk, his eyes following your lips as you spoke about yourself.
After the Dinner part was over, he'd walk into the restaurants bathroom to 'clean up'. He was just spraying more cologne on his boxers so he'd smell good. But tonight was different too. He was very interested in you. When you got into his car you guys drove to a little spot in the woods. His arm wrapped around your shoulder. To his suprise you wanted to hear about him and talk.
Hours fly by of just the two of you talking, nothing more maybe some flirty remarks. He doesn't even notice how much time he's letting escape. By the time he stops talking it's already 11:30, and your curfew was 12. He wasn't super bummed about not having sex with you, although he wasn't used to it. This was his favorite date so far. He felt seen by you.
When you finally get back to your house, he walks you to your front porch. He feels more timid talking to you. He stumbles over his words when he asks you on another date, your porch lights flicker as your dad tries to get you inside. "I'd like that." You'd giggle giving him a peck on the lips before going inside.
He stood there for a second, a blush on his face before heading to his car and driving off. Excited for the next date.
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sagelovesbooks · 2 years
Sleepy Days. (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: A slow day with Eddie.
Tag: Fluff, no smut.
A/N: Nothing much to say but there are no trigger warnings.
Eddie currently had his head laid on the crook of your neck, his breath tickling your collarbone as he dozed off, holding you close to him as his body heated up yours.
His legs were tangled with yours and his arms were lazily placed around your waist as his scent filled your nostrils. Ciggerets and cologne.
He had previously stated that he was going to come over and hang out, with your parents not being home, but not even an hour later he was out cold with his hair strung out all over the place and his T-shirt slung across the room.
His skin was soft and freckles were placed all across his torso as he dug his head further into your neck, his lips unconsciously placing a kiss right where he lay on your shoulder. He was warm and everything thing felt just right with his arms being wrapped around you.
You try and remember everything and take it all in so you can keep it in your mind. The way his chest rises and falls, the quiet almost non-existent snore that finds its way out from between his lips, and the feeling of his skin against yours.
It was pure bliss.
As soon as you were about to fall into the sleepy haze Eddie began to stir and you sighed, letting it happen.
He brought his head back from its place on your shoulder as he loosened the grip on your waist, one of his hands coming up to rub his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of his system.
He grumbled, blinking as he adjusted to his surroundings.
"Mornin' sleepy-head." You say as he lays his head on your pillow. He places his arm back around your waist as he faces you, his eyes puffy and his forehead red with the aftermath of his sleep.
"Morning sweetheart. What time is it?" He asks.
You untangle yourself from his arms and look over at the alarm clock on your bedside table.
You look back over at him, "Five forty-eight," you reply.
He nods, inhaling as he stretches, his arms finding their way behind him as he sits up. Once he's done, you get up and lay your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Love you," He says.
"I love you too."
Sometimes the sleepy days were just better.
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nthspecialll · 3 months
Rockstar's realism slip
Red Dead Redemption is known for being extremely realistic and historically accurate in every aspect from characters, environment, speech and so on which is also why it is loved by so many, however there is one place where they have messed up quite massively and it is in one of the most well loved characters.
Sadie Adler.
Sadie Adler is loved for being a badass independent woman in a man's world doing her own thing after her life was ruined over and over, a trope loved by many and thus excused for being not so well executed and unrealistic.
While women could absolutely make a living as outlaws in the Wild West the Sadie kind was not seen often, instead, we often saw the badass woman leaning into femininity such as Karen or Black Belle.
Real life examples of women outlaws are Pearl Hart who robbed stagecoaches and stole worth 16.226,21 (modern) dollars from a single one and lefr each passenger with one (past) dollars so they could afford food. Belle Starr (inspiref Black Belle) who was known for helping outlaws by hiding them on her farm and later robbing horses, getting known for the quote "next to a fine gun, I love a fine horse." Etta Place who ran with Butch Cassidy, whom Dutch is based on, and is essentially the real life Bessie.
These women leaned into their feminity, even if it wasn't always, but the culture during that time did not allow for people like Sadie, even Arthur takes stabs at her while completely accepting Karen. Another major thing is the background, there is a massive difference between Sadie shooting warning shots at wolves on her farm with zero animals and jumping trains.
The idea of Sadie is great and implausible, even if possible, but the execution is poor, you don't suddenly gain those skills.
But now let's talk about 1907 where she could have had the time to gain these skills, we meet another problem, there were zero female bounty hunters, nish.
"But she could be the first!" Yeah, it isn't impossible, but it is implausible considering culture and a poor choice on Rockstars side considering that there were many badass women at the time living law abiding in ways Sadie could easily have been able to.
Stagecoach Mary was a stagecoach guard, an absolute badass killing or arresting anyone getting near the goods she protected.
Annie Oakley, a sharpshooter, known for shooting ciggerets out her husband's mouth and even the prince of France's mouth!
Calamity Jane, another sharpshooter and frontierwoman who ended up in show-biz because of her masculine attire, it simply wasn't seen that often. (That said she still sometimes wore dresses)
And the thing is, she does talk about working with transport, saying she is considering it, and that she would have been able to, just like Mary, so why Rockstar didn't do that in the beginning is weird to me.
And now to the big slip up that Rockstar made that cannot be defied. She talks about starting her own business, sorry love, you can't, because women couldn't make one before 1980 or so without a man's signature.
I love Sadie, she is great and the idea of her character is great too, but the execution is poor and that is generally why I prefer Karen over her and I wish she had been a bit different and drawn more off real life women.
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Belle Starr (Inspired Black Belle)
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Pearl Hart
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Annie Oatley
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Stagecoach Mary
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lucy-dulap · 5 months
Lucy's opinion on all the kings and vice versa
(Going back to my roots with this one)
Lucy: Satan is a very... interesting character. He is quick to anger so I don't like him that much. The crunch of his teeth is a trigger at this point. I could do with a little less Satan in my life.
Satan: I have no idea how Solomon made such a whimp. They're adorable, I wish they would stop flinching everytime I look at them.
Lucy: Mammon is my sugar daddy. I give him praise and kiss his ass and he gives me money, it is a very fair trade. Hm? Of course he knows that's our relationship dynamic, how could he not?
Mammon: And this is the plan I have for their wedding suit or dress, this will be our cake and this is the ring design I came up with. They can still date Gamigin, but I'm clearly their future husband.
Lucy: Leviathan... no comment. I value my throat more than my desire to call him what he is.
Leviathan: They're an ungrateful brat with absolutely no decency! All they ever do is whinge and cry, they are just the worst! And don't get me started on that Gamigin guy. How dare he kiss my child! He doesn't deserve them and I'll make sure he pays for touching someone else's property.
Lucy: I hate Beelzebub. Whenever he's around he smokes and I hate ciggeret smoke. He's also so sexual and he keeps groping me. At least Mammon pays me money to touch my ass, Beelzebub looks like he's after my V card and nothing else.
Beelzebub: Who? Oh yeah the kid. They're cool, I guess. Nothing against them. They're a bit boring though.
Lucy: mmmmmm Asmodeus... man is making me question my asexuality
Asmodeus: I'm holding my opinion until that heritage test comes back. For the record, I would not fuck my children. Anyone else though? Especially my ex's mistake? Absolutely. I have some unfinished business with Solomon anyways.
Lucy: I'm not sure Belphegor is alive. He snored once when I was close to him and I swear I almost had a heart attack on the spot.
*Belphegor could not be found to respond to this interview question*
Lucy: Lucifer is perfect, I love him with all my life, since I was 11 I started worshiping Lucifer and it seems like it has payed off. Even now I pray to him, I wish he would sit on me, use me as a chair, or a footrest, anything, Lucifer if you're watching this let me ri-
Lucifer: They're a good kid. I'm glad Gamigin is making friends outside of Paradise Lost.
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Did you actully eat a lit ciggerete???
I didn’t eat a lit cigarette… I ate the butt… which was still lit
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cherubispunk · 11 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (PROLOGUE) -Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: the begining of it all tasted like whiskey and ciggeretes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
a note from Lucy: Helllooooo my lovely Joel Miller enthusiasts! i'm here again, and so are you, with yet another joel au series. this time with a historical twist. wiil it be completely historically accurate? probably not? are we here anyway because its joel fucking miller? yes. yes we are. fair warning, some dark contant will be in later chapters, so if that isnt your cup of rosey lea, feel free to scroll away. if it is, then sit back, relax, enjoy a dry martini and some blues or jazz music on vinyl, and lets have a wild time. Also, a huge thank you is due to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for convicting me to post this. Love you cherub! xxx
wc: 912 Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Joel is in his 40s), allusions to Smut, smoking, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, being arrested, interrogation scene, references to violence, ww2 references, probably an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged.
series m.list | m.list
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“Okay,” Detective Granger sighs opposite you, “Let’s try this again.”
Your knee bounces rapidly under the chrome metal table. If it weren't screwed to the floor it would surely rattle with your antsy movement. Your eyes fall to your lap, the dress you wore tattered with a mix of blood, dust and the smell of Joel’s aftershave. A smell you wish you had with his physicality.
“Please state your name for the record.” He asks. Again. From the moment they put you in cuffs, shoved you in the back of a cop car, and brought you up to the station, you had not uttered a word. Maybe you were scared, or maybe it was the principle of the fact. But the idea that Joel was a few rooms over – not at arm's length – it made you yearn for his touch. To be under the rough pads of his fingertips once more. Weather it be in a grimy motel room, or even the fucking Canary Club back in the cesspool of Boston. 
But you sighed, knowing you aren't going home anytime soon without giving them something. Joel told you to spin it. Tell them the truth with the twist he promised would work. Leave you unscathed. 
So you tell them your name. And then your occupation once they ask for that too; “Singer.” 
The detective looks at his co-worker, raising his brow. He nods back at him, believing you. If only you could unleash the insults that curl and cinder at the tip of your tongue. 
“Okay,” Granger tips his head to the side in acknowledgement of the fact your answers are the truth. What leverage would you have to lie if the very thing you are about to spill is an ever so slight twisting of the truth?
You watch with unblinking eyes as he places a black and white picture upon the table, between you and his now folded hands, “Care to tell us who this is?” 
It’s Joel. You knew they knew that. They just need to confirm their suspicion for the record. For the jury. The court. Your impending trial. So you take a second to study it, hold back a smile at the very sight of his broad shoulders, his tarnishes, creased dress shirt that clings to him like a second skin you wish to ravish him off. Even in the stale air of an interrogation room, through the captured image of a blurred mugshot, he makes the fire in your loins kickstart. Memories of joyrides, money, sex, motel sheets and speakeasy rendezvous. 
You give them a nod, sitting back in your seat.
“Who is he?”
“It’s Joel Miller. ‘Says it right there.” You tap the mugshot with your index finger to prove a point, kissing your teeth with a smug smile. “Or can you pig’s not read?” Venom spills from your words like maroon wine from a shattered glass. 
Detective Granger bites his tongue, leaning forward over the table, hands grasping the lip of it as he stands up, knuckles bleached white under his own grip. 
“Don’t think I ain’t above sending you to a cell with a shiner to your pretty lil’ nose, Doll.” He glared. It didn't seep any deeper than skin though. Didn’t rattle your bones that way Joel’s voice would when he called you a pretty ditzy thing that one time. If he were here the detective's teeth would be splattered across the tile of the floor for saying that. Daring to call you what he did, turning it into something that made your lip curl in disgust. 
“Oh, I'm sorry, Mr, Detective.” You pouted, tilting your head at him, doe eyed, sarcastic innocence wrapped around your tongue’s words.
His fist descended down upon the table with a slam, making you flinch. Much to your own dismay. “Just answer the damn question!” 
“Was he your boyfriend?” 
Joel was no mere boyfriend. 
He was your lover. Your life. Your glue that mended cracks seen by no other. The man that undressed you and wrapped you up in his warmth. His Texan drawl. Unravelled you between your thighs. Made you lust for anything he did. He was air in your lungs, the smell of cedarwood and musk. Metallic blood on your collarbone and gravel under a cars worn in tires. He was the leather of your car seat. The Egyptian cotton of your sheets. 
But this was where the lie began…
“He was my jailor.” 
Detective Granger’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, your eyes finding him behind the wisp of your lashes. The glassy shine of a tear slipping from your waterline. He furrowed his brow, his thin lips pressing into a thin line below his bushy moustache that curled at the ends. The nostrils of his bulbous nose flared and his jaw ticked under the clenching of his teeth. Once more, you looked into your lap at your folded hands.
He sighed once more, adjusting his grey suit trousers to sit down, holding his tie to his beer belly as he did so. “Can you tell us what happened? Leading up to the crime?” His voice was softer and he winced at the sound of your sniff. How you were so timid all of a sudden like a deer in headlights. 
You nodded, swallowing your own saliva, the walls of your oesophagus grating together like coarse sandpaper. And then you spoke. “I met him when I was living in Boston.”
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thehoundwrites · 1 year
hey, are you still open for orders? If so, could you write about Sevika being a mother? How would she act in situations such as homework, the first day of school and child problems? I know it sounds stupid, but I love seeing brutal characters like mothers. I love your post's, thanky you for exist ❤
Yessss of course!! Thank you so much for asking 💕
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Contrary to popular belief this woman is a great mom, her kid gets absolutely spoiled. Whatever they want, they get. As long as they behave.
She's more protective than anything, no one's messing with sevikas kid. The side glares, the threats, her kid playing at the playground and gets pushed? She's all over that mom like a hawk on roadkill.
"Do you know who I am? I'm the scary lady of zaun, you better teach that kid some manners"
Cuz honestly the only idiot to mess with here's Finn.
I feel like Sevikas really good at math or science too so she'll get into kid brain and start teaching her kid about stuff like reall explain it, in a way that makes the kid listen.
"You can't go outside right now doll, it's raining and if you get too cold you'll start coughing and get boogers"
She's also the type of mom to have special words for her ciggeretes, or blunts like mommy's happy sticks, mommy's stress receivers.
I have a headcanon that Sevika is the eldest to like 5 other kids, so of course she can cook the basics Mac n cheese, ramen, chicken nuggets, and hot dogs. But she's more of an order out I'm tired
She probably has her friends babysit, ones like ran. So that she knows for sure Her kid is okay.
Bring ur kid to work day? Oh that kid is going on one of those blimps.
That kid can defend itself too, she'd teach them how to use a knife, by like 12 and make sure that kid is good to fuckin go.
She's probably a do as I say not as I do mom too.
Her kid might also be a pacifist by the time they grow up just because they can see the stress on their moms face everyday after work.
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askthesawyers · 16 days
I asked for gas on pump 7 ya dense asshole.
*takes a ciggerete out my pocket and lights it,*
*Drayton growled a bit, fiddling with something underneath the desk before whacking her real hard over the head with a metal pipe- in hopes of just knocking her out*
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hrtsdollie · 3 months
I'm okay apart from the pcd still not fucking off even nearly 4 months after
I think it also might be the fact it was my first concert too I'll always wanna go back
Taylor in 39 days ari in 47 melanie in 71 isabel in 103 ciggeretes after sex in 125 and charli xcx in 141 so we got loads lined up
Bloody fuming tho taylor played closure last night lowk wanted to die when I found out closure is my song nobody fw closure like I do and taylor played it without me AND I lost everything has changed for a 2nd time the other night I might just collapse and die at this rate
girlllll, you have so many lined up 😭 i haven’t been to a non country concert in years.
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kmsatm · 16 days
Sorry for the lack of posting! Here's another Billy X Reader date night idea that popped into my head
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It was late at night, and Billy had shown up to your house rather unexpectedly. He had another fight with Neil over Max. He wanted to clear his head, and he wanted you to be there with him. You sit in his car, the scent of ciggerete and Billy signature cologne hit your nose. Your nose scrunches at the scent, but Billy knows you hate the smell of cigarettes, so he roles down the window.
The car ride was silent for the most part, other than the quiet radio playing against the sound of the wind, there wasn't much noise. The rodes were empty. No one else wanted to drive this late. As the cold wind blows through the window. You let your hair blow in the breeze, loving the feeling of the wind combing through your hair. You occasionally catch Billy sneaking short glances at you while he drives. A smirk on his face every time you did.
You weren't too sure where you were headed. You just liked the ride, it was practically your safe space with billy, the one place you two got to be... just you, and also the one place you could hang out. You pay little attention to what Billy does while driving, you two don't even have to talk to enjoy the fleeting time together. You guys always knew what the other was thinking, feeling, that's how close you were.
He pulls off the road onto a dirt path. You scrunch your nose, surprised he'd subject his car to such harsh conditions. Billy pulls up to a sign,'No Cars.' he stops the car and gets out, walking around the car to open it for you. Something he always did. "Where we headed?" You ask as he takes your hand, bringing you down another dirt path.
You don't recognize the place, it might be because of how dark it is. You cling onto Billy's arm. The slightest noise making you jump, which seems to amuse Billy. You follow Billy blindly, walking through the winding dirt path unable to see what's infront of you really. But finally you arrive, you see the lake, the stars reflecting off of it.
Billy brings you to the picnic table, a bag filled with food already there. You smile, all though you aren't to sure if Billy can see it in the dark. He lays out the food then drops two cans of beer on the table as drinks. You spend the rest of the night with Billy looking at the stars. It was a beautiful romantic moment that seemed to be so hard to find between you two.
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natalieisntreal · 3 months
ciggeretes>vapes 🤢
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mangoposts · 4 months
Mina help me I have to pick wether I wanna see gracie abrams or sabrina carpenter
Like fym gracie or sabrina I'd rather kill myself
I also have to pick if I wanna see conan gray ciggeretes after sex or billie eilish 😔 im struggling bro how do I physically pick
Billie eilish and sabrina
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murray---adam · 1 year
Im out of ciggerets im going to bawl my eyes out
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cherubispunk · 11 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (series masterlist) - Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: Joel Miller is a deadbeat. He admits that. Coming back from the military after suffering a gunshot to the head- he's unemployable. He has no family, his wife having left him before he was drafted and his daughter dying of scarlet fever. Only his brother is left. And, the reckless idiot Tommy is, he gets caught up in the gang culture of Boston, bootlegging alcohol and the like. 
It's only a matter of time before Joel finds himself in The Canary Club, an underground speakeasy. Where he meets you, the headline act. 
a note from lucy: another joel!ay series. someone stop me i beg of yoy. make sure to read the warnings before the fic. dont forget to follow @cherub-notifs and turn on 'get notifications' to be notified when i post. xxx
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w/c: 912 | angst
summary: the begining of it all tasted like whiskey and ciggeretes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Joel is in his 40s), allusions to Smut,smoking, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, being arrested, interrogation scene, references to violence, ww2 references, probably an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged.
wc: 6969 | smut, angst
summary: The Canary Club. Illicit. Underground. Dangerous too. But nowhere near as dangerous the affair you and Joel start there.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20’s and Joel is in his 40s), smut. p in v sex, oral - f receiving, oral through panties, choking, groping, sexism, mentions of racism, touch starved joel, me being back on my bullshit, drinking, ,smoking, throwing fists because men are stoopid and cant talk things out, cheating on the readers part, but joel knows this and still fucks her like the horny bastad he is. *sigh*, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, ww2 references, an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged. 6969 words of unedited bullshit because im piss drunk and cant for the life of me edit.
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alxnetxgether-moved · 2 years
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@creelsclocks said: "I hate this constant divide." He doesn't smoke, but he thinks this must be what it feels like to need a cigarette. They're all supposed to be friends, but there's this weird tension every time they get together. "I know it sounds childish, but I just want us all to get along like normal. To be friends. Is that too much to ask?"
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Trevor presses his lips into a hard line for a moment before answering. "It shouldn't be," he says with a long sigh. "I have no idea why the same weird discussions, arguments, and hypotheticals keep coming up every fucking time we're in a group. But I'm going insane too." Trevor pinches the bridge of his nose as he pulls out a ciggerete. This situation is going to make him chain smoke. "Eddie is one of my closest friends, but I feel like he... I don't know. He likes doing this? Wants to drive all of us...Chrissy... away?" He shakes his head. "I don't know what to do at this point..." pretty soon, he's just going to stop caring about the outcome.
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