#ciayaq contact
ciayaq · 4 months
Contact & Socials
If you need help, got feedback or questions, then feel free to contact me at any time. The quickest way to reach me is through a DM on Discord.
Discord: spacyizzy
Tumblr: @sleepymaul
My CAI: sleepymaul
Reddit: u/thisismydivision
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ciayaq · 6 months
ciayaq: Index
Hello! Welcome to the ciayaq index.
I. Introduction
About This Guide
Contact & Socials
II. Character AI Basics
Navigation: The Character AI Website
Understanding Character AI
Conversation Content
II.i. Site Features
Pinned Messages
Character Voice / Calls
Group Chats
Star Ratings
The Search
Interactions Counter
III. Character Creation
Navigation: Character Creation Page
How To: Write a Character [Beginner] [Advanced]
III.i. Character Creation Essentials
III.ii. Character Definition
Pseudocode, Tags
Templates & Why We Shouldn't Use Them
Plain Text
III.iii. Advanced Creation & Tools
Formatting & Markdown
Image Generation
IV. Dialogue Examples
What are Dialogue Examples & How Do They Work?
How To Write Dialogue Examples
Optimising Dialogue Examples
Content vs Shadow Bans
V. How-To Guides
V.i. Specific Bot Types
Creating: Helper Bots
Creating: RPGs
Creating: Multi-Character Bots
VI. Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting
Search-bans & Shadow-bans
VI.i. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
How To Avoid CIAYAQ: Hands-on examples.
VII. Additional Resources
Resources & Help
Spizzy's Helper Bots
VIII. Other / Miscelleanous
Last updated: August 1st, 2024
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ciayaq · 2 months
Welcome to the resources section! 
Below, you will find a comprehensive collection of tools, guides, and templates to aid in character creation and writing. This includes dialogue examples, character development templates, writing software recommendations, grammar and style checkers, and various online resources
Here is an overview:
Where to get help for Character AI
Character AI Specific Resources
Writing Software / Word Processors
Word Choice, Spelling & Grammar
Learning to Write
Image Editing
Personally, I use Google Docs or LibreOffice to write, and Canva (with Canva Pro) and Procreate for image editing. You'll find all the links to these below.
Where to get help for Character AI
Character AI Discord Server - Probably the place to go for the fastest way to get help. Most active.
The Official Character AI Discord Server
r/CharacterAI_Guides - Due to the forum-like style of Reddit, posting in this subreddit allows for more people to see your request for help. It also allows for a more in-depth discussion.
Contacting sleepymaul / CIAYAQ directly - Anyone needing help is always welcome to directly contact me. Don’t hesitate, no dumb questions. Either send me an ask here on Tumblr, or send me DM over Discord. Email is fine too.
Contact & Socials
Character.AI Specific Resources
This is a comprehensive guide written by the lovely Vishanka. It is a fantastic source and contains all you’ll need to know to dive into Character Creation. It is what taught me in the beginning.
Another Character AI guide but written by me, sleepymaul. This one focuses more on how to use the service, giving you examples on various ways to achieve certain things.
sleepymaul’s Dialogue Examples
An extensive collection of dialogue examples that I have personally written for my characters on Character AI. The dialogue examples you’ll find there are a mix of everything, from appearance to actions, emotions, and even some fandom-specific ones.
Feel free to use them as inspiration, templates, or the foundations for your own creations. You can copy and tweak them however you like. This document is a resource for anyone looking to create characters on Character AI - or whatever project you have going on.
Character Creation Template 2.0
This is a template designed to organise the character creation process. It offers sections for the finished character, the creation process itself, and backups of different versions. You’ll find designated areas for brainstorming notes, writing dumps, etc. At the bottom, you’ll also find links to my stuff, should you need it.
Sentence Starters
To avoid having the AI constantly start the sentences/paragraphs with a pronoun or a name, I recommend introducing variety into the way you begin the sentences and paragraphs. This document is full of starters, featuring transition words, adverbs, adverbial phrases, etc.
Writing Software / Word Processors
Something we keep seeing is users losing all the work they put into a definition because the site crashed and they didn’t get to save. It is imperative that you write off-site. Not just in the case of site-crashes, but also because this is your writing. Lose access to Character.AI, and you lose your writing. Write off-site, folks.
LibreOffice - This is a free open-source word processor that works much like Microsoft Word.
Google Docs - also free and functions much like Word but just in your browser. Upside here is that it works across devices. Downside is Google.
Google Docs
Scrivener - A powerful content-generation tool for long documents, including novels and research papers. Paid software.
Evernote - An app designed for note-taking, organising, and archiving, which is excellent for brainstorming and writing. Has a free version, which is quite limited but it could do the job. Has an app too.
Your Notes app. Seriously, use the notes app on your phone.
Word Choice, Spelling & Grammar
Grammarly - A spell and grammar checker, but advanced. Not only does it catch spelling mistakes, it can look at sentence variety, or tell you when a sentence sounds awkward and could be phrased better. Comes with a built-in thesaurus. Free version is enough.
Ginger - An alternative to Grammarly, Ginger offers advanced grammar and spell checking, along with a text-to-speech feature and a personal trainer for improving your writing skills.
Ginger Software
ProWritingAid - A comprehensive writing assistant that not only checks grammar but also offers style suggestions, readability improvements, and more. It’s an alternative to Grammarly.
Hemingway Editor - This tool helps make your writing bold and clear. It highlights complex sentences, passive voice, and other issues to improve readability.
Hemingway Editor
Thesaurus - Your one stop for synonyms and similar concepts. If you’re looking for words to create variety in your writing, this is the place to go.
Dictionary - Does what it says on the tin. It’s a dictionary. Biggest plus is that it comes connected with Thesaurus that I mentioned above.
Merriam-Webster - A trusted dictionary and thesaurus with extensive definitions and synonyms, perfect for finding the precise word.
Sentence Starters - To avoid having the AI constantly start the sentences/paragraphs with a pronoun or a name, I recommend introducing variety into the way you begin the sentences and paragraphs. This document is full of starters, featuring transition words, adverbs, adverbial phrases, etc.
Sentence Starters
Literary Devices - A comprehensive guide to literary devices, techniques, and terms that can enhance your writing. Explanations and examples from such things as “plot” to “Epizeuxis”, this site has it all.
Learning to Write
Resources For Describing Emotion
Resources For Describing Characters
Resources For Describing Physical Things
Writing Prompts - Websites that offer creative writing prompts to spark inspiration and overcome writer's block.
Spizzy’s Writing Prompt Generators [Promptinor | Dark Promptinator | Romance Promptinator]
Reddit Writing Prompts
Writing Prompt Generator
BehindTheName - A website that provides the etymology and meaning of names, which can be useful for character development.
Spizzy’s Character Sheet - A Google Doc with detailed template for character development, covering basic info, physical descriptions, personal history, and personality traits. It includes prompts for exploring motivations and character arcs. It’s meant to help with developing rounded characters, or just keeping track of information.
Spizzy’s Character Sheet
Image Editing
Here are some places you can go to edit your avatars.
Canva - An online tool for graphic design. The focus is more on design and less image editing. Does the job of basic editing of images. Free version is enough.
GIMP - A free and open-source image editor that provides advanced image manipulation capabilities similar to Adobe Photoshop. Desktop only.
Krita - Another free, open-source painting program. Can be used for image editing. Kind of like Adobe Photoshop. Desktop and Android only.
Pixlr - A powerful online photo editor that is accessible from any device with internet access.
Procreate - An iOS app for digital painting and image editing. iOS only, and a paid software, no subscriptions.
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ciayaq · 6 months
Welcome to CIAYAQ: a guide to Character AI. 
Hello! Whether you’re a newbie to Character AI or a seasoned creator, this guide is designed to be a one-stop source for everything Character AI. My name is Spizzy, also known as sleepymaul on Character.AI, and I created CIAYAQ as a way to demystify character creation. And also because I really love explaining things.
What to Expect
In this guide, I’ll break down the basics of Character AI in an effort to make it accessible to everyone. From there, I will walk through the fundamentals of character creation, providing the tools anyone would need to go forth and create on their own.
But from there, I will go into the more advanced part of character creation. From learning how to achieve certain behaviours from the characters, create engaging characters, to crafting dialogue examples. My goal is to provide creators with more hands-on examples, so people might get a better understanding of how to achieve their ideas.
I will also be providing outside resources, tips ‘n tricks, and anything else that I might find helpful along the way.
Who This Guide Is For
This guide is for you if:
You’re brand new to Character AI or character creation and want to learn the ropes.
You’ve experimented with Character AI before but now want to expand your knowledge.
You’re looking for inspiration or just practical examples.
You’re in need of more resources or assistance.
Why This Guide?
When I first started out on Character.AI, I found a lot of conflicting and confusing information on the internet. And once I learned how it works, I found that even if I understood a character creation concept in theory, I struggled with how to do it in practice. And I couldn’t find a lot of accurate examples online that could give me an idea of how to do certain things, specifically with the definition and dialogue examples.
That’s why I have now created this guide - a way for me to share the knowledge and experience I’ve since gained, and hopefully help others get over the hurdle so they can get to creation faster!
A Work In Progress
This guide is still very much a work-in-progress but I did not wish to keep the already finished sections to myself. I hope you’ll be patient with me as I write and expand each category, but if you’re in need of help, feel free to reach out. You'll find my contact information here.
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