#chocolate mm oohhh
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missprincesse345 · 1 year ago
Chocolate never was more tasty than this 😈😈
Summary: The 3 times y/n’s badass moments made her husband Roman Reigns feel like the luckiest man on the planet. This fic is a Aew au
Pairing: Roman Reigns x cargil reader
Random pairings: Jon moxley x jade cargil ( her sister), willow nightingale x Ricky starks, ruby soho x Anglo Parker.
Her faction: the vagabonds ( y/n,jade,willow,Brandi, and Keira hogan)
Championship title: current Aew women world champion
Face claim : saweetie
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1. “ Roman!!” Y/n yelled running into his arms hugging him tightly as he caught her , earlier in the night while she was at home making dinner Jey called stating Stephanie got him arrested during the smack down taping under false accusations making her blood boil with anger. Ever since Roman turned heel becoming the tribal chief and creating the bloodline certain people have been trying take him down or destroy his accolades in & out the ring “ hey babygirl I’m okay I’m okay” he said softly soothing her worry’s knowing how worried she’d get about his safety sometimes.
As they get in the car once she got the paperwork as well bail taken care of he filled her in on the situation Stephanie wanted him,the twins and solo to pay for their actions against Sami zayn & Kevin Owens during royal rumble which upon further investigation that the two were forced to by the women or they’d be sent back to nxt. “ I’m fucking done!!!” He said seething with anger as y/n nodded letting him vent all of his anger out knowing he needed it “ okay love then quit always come to Aew with me I mean Jon’s way happier over there” she said looking over at him.
“ I’m with you baby let’s do it” he said interlocking his bigger hand with her smaller one heading home Stephanie say your prayers she thought smirking to herself.
A week later
Walking into the stadium hand & hand the tribal chief was ready to make a statement with his Nubian queen by his side “ go get yourself all dolled up sweetness gonna go over the plan with the boys” he said looking down at y/n squeezing her hip “ mm okay my chief” she purrs kissing Roman deeply before walking away.
“ what the hell !!! It’s the bloodline ohhh and they don’t look happy, well what do you expect Stephanie’s actions towards Roman Reigns * sami & Kevin join them * ohhh looks like they got back up!!!” Michael Cole and pat mcafee said watching them launch a sneak attack on the couple at one point Roman points to the ramp giving y/n the signal. Watching everyone go crazy while walking down the ramp to the ring she only had one goal make this woman pay “ oohhh and her comes the tribal goddess herself” Cole said with a hint of excitement the whole roster was ready to see the couples demise and we’re enjoying every minute.
Standing face to face with the evil woman who hurt her tribal chief y/n waisted no time pouncing on her attacking Stephanie with every thing she had the older woman was no match for her cheetah like moves “ hold them up!!! Both of them!!!” She screamed as the boys got them in position “ no are they?! Double spear !!! double spear !!! My god Hunter and Stephanie just got snapped in half!” Cole said as the crowd chanted you deserve it
“ nobody!!! Can take down the bloodline we run this shit!!! We’re done with this company I’m done with this bullshit everywhere I go or my tribe goes you acknowledge us !!! Cause we the ones!!!” Roman said growling loudly in the mic as everyone held their fingers up. He was done with wwe and to do it with his goddess it felt great standing tall.
2. Roman & y/n where hanging out with his 6yr daughter Joelle at their new home in L.A California located in Beverly Hills. The couple was happy to have some time off after battle of the belts ppv not minding the little girls presence since she’d taken a liking to y/n instantly after Roman divorced his nightmare of a ex fiancé , hearing the door bell Roman got up from the couch smiling softly watching his two favorite girls laughing and smiling “ oh great what are you doing here?” He groaned coming face to face with his ex.
“ you weren’t answering my calls Joelle left her snacks & blanket at my place last week” his ex replied slightly upset he didn’t really talk to her since the divorce only if something involved jojo his ex was a gold digging bitch breaking his trust once to many. “ well jojo has all the snacks and blankets she needs but extra wouldn’t hurt * grabs her blanket & Cheeto puffs* oh while you’re here Joelle will be living with us or parents from now on” he said making the woman gasp in sock
“What?!!! Why Joe I” the woman only could get out as Roman turned around snarling at the woman immediately shutting her up “ you will never get to call me that again got it? Secondly you missed the court date , hearings as well meetings with the lawyers multiple times and your mother vouched for me stating that Joelle deserved to be with me besides y/n has been way more of a mother to her than you” he said smirking as y/n appears next him with jojo in her arms.
“ everything okay here? Oh hi” y/n said smiling as Roman explained the situation she never liked his ex and it was time to put the woman in her place “ jojo bug can you cover your ears for me ? * the little girl nods doing as told* good girl” she smiles at the girls cuteness. “ I’ll only say this once and once only you lost bitch you don’t deserve shit from him or anyone with your leg spreading flat chested twink dollar tree having ass unless you’re making a billion dollars a year,own fifteen businesses, model the hottest brands or look half as good like me” steps a little closer “ then get the fuck away from my family understand? Good” she said smiling at the fear struck woman as Roman watched proudly if you thought Roman’s death glare was scary hers was 10x more terrifying.
Walking back inside the couple shared a sweet kiss “ me too!! I want one!!!” Joelle squeaked making them laugh attack the girl with kisses “ you’re so good to me sweetheart thank you for coming into my life and hers” he said kisses her forehead making the woman melt “ I’d like to say it’s the other way around but you’re welcome cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else” she said touched by his words “ daddy!! Momma!! Can we make noodles and fried dumplings ? Oh please!” Joelle said smiling up at the two shocking them mostly y/n not wanting to push it letting Joelle get comfortable with the idea of being her new mom but the young child always saw y/n as her mother the first time they met .
“ uh - yeah of course darling but we gotta make sure you’re daddy doesn’t eat all the cookies we’re gonna make too” she said smirking at Roman as jojo hugged her tightly while on the inside she was buzzing with happiness as Roman did holding them close.
3. The wrestling it couple were tag teaming with her sister,Jon,Brandi and Cody against daddy magic,Anna,tay conti and Sammy after some off hand comments were made about the couple’s relationship.
“ ohhhh !!! God !!! Tay conti just got rocked!!” Taz comments as y/n super kicked her in the face before yanking into a deadly samoan drop doing a kip up as the crowd cheered “ let’s go!!!!” She screamed firing up the crowd turning around smirking pointing to Sammy mockingly blowing a kiss “ we run this bitch!!! Hoe!!!” She cackled licking her chops setting up for a Superman punch in honor of her husband which she perfectly executed before tagging her sister in.
“Come on baby!!! Roman cmon!!!” She shouted holding her hand out as her tribal chief tagged her in hopping over the ropes knocking down everyone on the opposite team before coming face to face with daddy magic yelling in her smiling like a psychopath slapping him not phased by the threats. She put him her finisher the cradle ( inverted ddt) “ and your winners the vagabonds and Roman Reigns,Jon moxley and Cody Rhodes!!!” They announced the crowd cheering as they all stood tall in victory.
Walking backstage they all were heading back to the locker room they heard Tay screaming about them cheating and so on down the hall “ kiss my ass bitch!!! Oh that’s right you don’t have one!!!” She smirked laughing twerking a little cause Roman to chuckle at her antics.
“ you are bad” he growled playfully against her ear before squeezing her plump bottom “ mmm but you like it though my tribal chief” she said looking up at him before getting brought into a steamy lip lock.
She was the whole package and all his nobody compares to his chocolate dipped goddess.
Her outfits 1,2,3 created by me:
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purplerose244 · 4 years ago
Here for this year’s Ninjago Secret Santa! Man I love this event, thank you a lot @coco-jaguar for organizing it once again! ❤ Hi @davisisacommonname, I’m your secret santa! Here’s you gift, I hope you like it! 😊😊
Merry Christmas and happy festivitites!! 💕💕
Summary: It’s a day like others, just without the usual mayhem shaking the entire city. A time to think of less stressful possibilities.
“So, what did we learn today?”
“That dares are stupid?” As they got back inside the monastery, finally escaping the chilling winter air, Nya raised a gigantic eyebrow at the green ninja. At which the mighty leader seemed to shrink the littlest bit. “… that dares involving the master of lighting putting lights on the tree using spinjitzu, resorting in him entangling himself into the wires and making every single bulb explode by electrification, are stupid?”
“There you go.” The master of water sighed loudly. “I don’t even know why I’m surprised it happened.” Despite the nonchalance of this blondie, the brand-new lights that they had been forced to buy and how she was probably the only one irritated about it – especially since Kai had been laughing hysterically for ten minutes straight afterwards –, she smiled.
Lloyd mimicked her, probably sensing he was not in mortal danger anymore, taking off scarf and hat. His golden locks puffed up as soon as the headpiece was off.
“Does the fact that I lost against Cole count as enough punishment?”
“I bet with him it was going to be Kai the first to cause an incident, he was supposed to be the one to take the bet. Now I’m in debt of one week of chores.” Another eyebrow was raised, less furious, more judging. “What? I’m trying to catch up, apparently the guys used to bet on everything when they first formed the team, from who was going to be the green ninja, to who was going to be the first to find out the identity of Samurai X! Like, I’m that prophesied green savior, and I knew about your little escapades.” Nya couldn’t help the little smirk. Ironically, the green ninja did turn out to be the first to discover the truth. “I could’ve won two times already, I wanna keep up now.”
They stepped into the kitchen, hearing faraway sounds. The others were most likely elsewhere putting up less expendable decorations. Nya was already looking towards the stove, thinking of nothing other than hot chocolate. Knowing Lloyd, they were on the same page.
“Okay, that’s uselessly prideful and kind of adorable, but this better not turn into a gambling addiction little one.”
“Nya, my father was the king of the Underworld. Is there really a worse evil than that?”
She couldn’t argue back.
Lost in thoughts about something warm to melt her frozen bones, she almost jumped when the sudden scribble came to her ears, and one extremely peaceful whistling that they were all too accustomed to at this point. In the living room right next, sitting on the sofa with the television uncharacteristically switched off, was Cole. Eyes on a random notebook he had on his knees, a pencil in the air, wearing that ridiculous sweater Jay found at the mall with muscled arms drawn over the sleeves – such a miracle of an ugly sweater.
He looked extremely taken by his activity, munching the end of the pencil every once in a while. Seeing their official lifter so calm and captured by whatever mindless activity had forced him to sit down was curious. It did happen before, but lately it got rarer. It was always a nice view.
Nya looked at the green ninja, who pointed at the kitchen with his thumb, right where the mugs where. She nodded, and went to take place next to the master of earth.
Who jumped right away, giving her a look.
“What the…? You’re back already? I didn’t hear you get in.”
“Wow, you don’t say!” From the kitchen the blonde’s voice erupted. “It’s almost like we’re ninja or something, unbelievable!” It followed accurate noises made by mouth, and if they knew him – and after years they absolutely did – then the little brat was probably mimicking an explosion coming out of his head – he was hanging around Jay a little too much.
Nya giggled, while the master of earth rolled his eyes with a little grin.
“Nice to hear you’re all in a good mood after our little blackout. You got the lights?”
“All done. Sorry about the scare, but it looked like you were in your own world.” She tilted her head, looking around. The living room was getting more festive, but it missed at least half the holly. “Didn’t you guys finish while we were gone?”
“We were going to, then something came up and we can’t really continue until Zane comes back to the shop… Kai accidentally set the tree on fire while you two were gone.” Her loud facepalm spoke louder than any of them. “I think Wu is still giving him an earful as he did with Jay as we speak … and before you ask Lloyd, Jay made a mess before Kai. So I still won the bet.”
“Aww, for once that I actually need Hot Shot to cause a mess!” The green ninja came out of the kitchen, the kettle starting to heat up into the kitchen, pout clearly in sight. For being their brave leader and the strongest ninja of all, he was still kind of a kid – although in all honesty, weren’t they all? “Anyway, what got you so into it that you forgot how to hear?” He walked until he was behind the couch, leaning over the master of earth’s shoulder and smiling. “Hey, that’s pretty cool! I didn’t know you could draw!” His surprised tone came out sincerely, especially since it felt like forever since they had found each other in this weird family. Finding new details was always a shock.
Nya scooted closer as well, smiling at the familiar shading of the chicken drawn onto the paper, with the real one sleeping over a pillow in front of the tv.
“You still have a nice touch. I haven’t seen you do it ever since it was just the four of you in action, and this little evil brat was in some random snake prison.” Lloyd mouthed an ‘oohhh’ of understand as why he didn’t remember. “To be more specific, I’m pretty sure it was back when instead of listening to my research about the Serpentine, you guys have tried to poison me with perfume.” Good thing no villain knew about her little Achilles hill.
Cole snorted, pressing his eraser on the corner of the paper.
“You were telling complicated stuff to that airhead that is your brother, to the guy that was lookin at your in awe while trying his hardest to ask you out, and to a nindroid. A robot. You can’t really blame us.”
“What’s your excuse then?” The master of earth raised his piece.
“I’m pretty freaking good at this.” Nya snorted. Again, no arguments here. “You know… I’ve been thinking about those times. And it’s not like it was easier, but I guess we didn’t really know how much things could become complicated and return back then.” Cole looked over the drawing, shrugging. “But I’m in vein of taking something back from there, exactly because we don’t know when we could get called into action again. It’s little, but it’s still mine… I felt silly like that this morning.” He grinned of that introverted nature that, despite years, was still a part of him.
And it was okay. It was great even. Nya gave him a shoulder.
“Hey, it’s not silly, it’s good.”
“Yeah! All of us should do something other than fighting.” Lloyd chimed in, dropping next to Cole on the other side, smiling. “Like for example, even though it’s been a pretty shady part of my life, I kinda miss PE back at Darkley’s. Moving just for the sake of moving. We should play sometimes, not because of training, it could be fun… or Nya could annihilate us, whichever comes first.”
“I’m not that competit-” The master of water blinked twice, shaken by the quickest flashback of her life. “… no wait scratch that, I totally am.”
Cole snickered, tapping the notebook with his pencil.
“Besides having as a golden rule to never put the blacksmith brothers against each other-” It could be the time Ninjago actually managed to get completely destroyed for good. “I would be down for that, why not? No sparring or anything, just a friendly match of whatever. I didn’t even get to do that as a kid, dad would always say that I could risk putting muscles where a dancer didn’t need them…” He flexed one arm, the massive hill pulling up the drawing onto the sleeve. He grinned with satisfaction. “How about football? I’ve always wanted to try football!” Oh for whatever reason other than having the strength to tackle a mountain?
“Absolutely!” Lloyd nodded eagerly. “Let’s do it! Oh, and soccer too, Brad and I used to try that a lot when we were kids!” He seemed to absolutely glow and the perspective, and it was kinda sad that such a simple reality represented an actual opportunity for him.
Before Nya could get lost into more self-deprecating depressive thoughts, and the fact that not even one of them had a normal childhood except maybe for Jay – and considering the still not so clear Cliff Gordon erased reality affair that was still up to discussion –, there was a loud whistle coming from the kitchen. The green ninja immediately sprouted into action, sprinting towards the sound. As soon as Cole decided to put down his drawing, seeing as the chicken had woken up to go bother someone – bet on Kai –, the blondie came back with three steaming mugs, giving to them all.
The master of water held up hers – a blue one with a storm cloud on it saying ‘Too tide to talk’ –, smiling at the distinct bitter scent of black cocoa. They knew each other tastes way too well.
“Sounds good to me. I also fancy basketball, so I’m down for that.”
“Nice! Mm, but how about other hobbies? Nya?” Cole took his time to take a generous sip from his mug that was literally dripping because of the amount of marshmallow – covering slightly the orange surface with ‘I’m a grounded person, like my coffee’ written on it –, while the gray ninja frowned a little. “Anything you would like to regain? You never really stopped with engineering so I’m guessing that’s out of the way.”
“Yeah, but,” She hummed, tracing the warm cup with her fingers. “That wasn’t a hobby or something I liked to do, not at first at least. It was just like Samurai X, a way to show you guys I could do what you did, even better. It grew on me, but it’s kinda work too, I’m proud of it but nowhere near as passionate as Jay or Cyrus Borg could be.” It was all about her tendency of holding onto the things she excelled at after all, the one obstacle that had almost cost her the true potential of her element. Despite her steps forward, putting a difference between liking to be good at something and liking it was still a little complicated. Then again… “… maybe painting?”
Cole grinned in surprise, Lloyd raised his head from his cup showing an impressive chocolate mustache – along with that black mug saying ‘It’s morning so you green and bear it’… and yes those mugs were all Jay’s presents.
“Whoa, where did that come from?”
“Yeah no offence, but you never stroke me as the artistic type.”
“None taken, it’s not exactly something that I feel it belongs to me, but maybe that’s why I used to like it. Because it was so far I didn’t have to think too much about it.” Nya smiled, taking another sip. “Remember the second Steep of Wisdom Wu opened in the middle of Ninjago City? To attract more customers I decided to work on a mural, right on the side. I don’t even know why, I just bought paint, brushes and a suit and started.”
“Oohh, I remember the one!” Lloyd snapped his fingers, the marshmallow in his cocoa shaking in the movement. “It was the one with the big majestic Wu serving the customer, I thought he hired an artist for it! That was cool!”
“You’re not saying it just because you’re my little brother, right?”
“Oh no, if it was ugly I would make a manifest all about it exactly because I’m your little brother. Brotherly code, smack talk every time it’s possible.” And then he fist bumped with his earthly brother nearby, wearing that same stupid grin. “But seriously, you were good at it. We finally have some free time to our hands, maybe it could be a good time for a new work. We still need the mural of that Day of the Departed where Cole turned back human after all, since those monks decided they had ‘lost the harmony of the inspiration’.” No one had been happy with leaving that important adventure behind – too bad they were in a monastery, a place of peace.
Cole hummed mindlessly, munching a marshmallow.
“Tell you what, how about we buy drawing and painting materials together for Christmas shopping?” He chugged down his drink, releasing a very satisfied sigh before leaning his back softly over the couch. “It’s usually Zane or Pix, we could take over for once and no, don’t give me that look water lily, it’s not for buying an extra cake and yes, do give me that look greenie, if you come along we’re so escaping and get to the sweet shop.” And there it came, another fist bump.
She had signed up for this.
She had signed up for this the moment she had let herself being overtaken by a bunch of skeletons, a past hit on her pride that to this day made her want to take a bone and break it in halves every time she thought about it – sports were going to be massacres, she was kinda looking forwards to it.
“I’m bringing leashes for you two vampires with sweet teeth, but it’s not a bad idea. And I like the mall in this period, it could even bring some inspiration as to what to paint.”
“How did you decide the first time?”
“I just thought of a simple design to get more clients.” Nya finished her drink, giving her eyes to a very curious looking blonde, thinking that it had been so long. It had always been so long, every single time she reevoked a part of her life, even though she was still so young. It was that eventful. “I worked on that project all day… but after it melted under the sun, it got ruined because of the wind and a lightning decided to strike it right in the middle, I just splashed it with all the colors I had and spinjitzued the heck out of it.”
“… rage, the mark of an artist.” Lloyd snickered, then he froze, suddenly beaming at the two. “Hey, why don’t you two work on something together? Cole makes the drawing and you paint it, it could be like a Christmas gift or something!”
Nya popped her mouth opened. How did they never think of that? How did they never while they had been battling villain after villain after villain after- Oh, there was the answer.
She turned to the master of earth, who looked just as engaged with the idea, if not more.
“Heck yeah, let’s do it! I can sketch a few ideas!”
“I do have colors I never got to try last time…”
“And I know mom got a few old frames that didn’t get accepted by the museum, I’m sure we can find a good one for this.” Lloyd grinned, scratching his cheek. “It’s almost weird putting up a plan for something other than defeating evilness…”
“Maybe, doesn’t make it any less good.” Cole winked at the two of them, looking inspired. And it was so good to see her brothers so high-spirited, and being happy with them. “… aha, I got one!” The master of earth hurried to the notebook, scrabbling quickly while the green ninja leaned his chin over his shoulder to see better, and the master of water did the same with her elbow on the other side. There was no other noise besides the pencil moving, and the suddenly more vivid voice of the rest of their family not too far away.
Peace was an abstract concept, it was in her life at least. But at least this moment, this situation, this instant, for Nya this was hers. And she wanted to make the most of it.
“… is that Jay getting entangled into the Christmas lights while doing spinjitzu?”
“Yeah? Is that the ‘should I punch you now or later for stupidity’ frown?”
“Nah, it’s the ‘what shade of color better depict bad life decisions’ frown.”
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