#chloe sullivan resident mom friend
frcnkiesvll · 7 years
task one!
( &&. general information )
Full name: Francesca Persephone Sullivan
Pronunciation: Fran-ches-ka Suh-liv-in
Nickname(s) or alias: Frankie
Preferred name: Frankie
Current age: 22
Astrological sign: Pisces
Element: Water (Or ice, if that counts)
Title: Miss
Label: The Anthomaniac
Gender: Female
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Sexual preference: Bisexual
Romantic preference: Biromantic
Resides in: An apartment
Current occupation: Student
Language(s) spoken: English
Native language: English
Current marital status: Single
( &&. background )
Reason behind name: No reason
Birth order: Only child
Ethnicity: Chinese and American
Nationality: American
Species: Human
Religion: Christian
Financial status: Upper-class
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
( &&. physical appearance )
Looks like (or face claim, if applicable): Chloe Bennet
Height: 5′6″
Weight: 121
Figure/build: Slim
Hair length: Past the shoulders
Eye colour: Brown
Do they shave/wax? Where?: They shave and wax
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Only one on each earlobe
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: She has a birthmark on her hip
Dominant hand: Right
Usual style of clothing: Depends on her mood, she can be feeling casual or something fancy if she feels like being professional
Frequently worn jewelry: A bracelet
Describe their scent: Anything floral
Describe their posture: Tries to sit up straight and walk properly
( &&. legal information )
Birth Name: Already mentioned.
Other names they go by: Already mentioned.
Any speeding tickets?: At least two.
Have they ever been arrested?: Nope.
Do they have a criminal record?: Nope.
Have they committed any violent crimes?: Nope.
Property crimes?: No.
Traffic crimes?: No.
Other crimes?: No.
( &&. medical information )
Place of birth: A hospital in Las Vegas
Vaginal birth or cesauren section?: Vaginal
Sex: Female
Diet: She tries to be healthy
Smoker? / Drinker? / Drug User?, Which?: No, not often, and no.
Addictions: None.
Allergies: None.
Do they get occasional checkups?: Yes.
Ever broken a bone?: TBA.
Hospital visits, what for?: TBA.
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: No.
Any medication regularly taken: No.
( &&. personality )
Direct quote from them: "I thought you were going to say the Thain Cafe and I was about to judge you so hard because their coffee isn’t all that great and neither are the employees.”
Positive traits: Adaptable, responsible, loyal, generous
Negative traits: Reserved, distant, grouchy
Likes: plants, Gardening, animals, dogs, eating, coffee, shopping
Dislikes: Rude people, bad hygiene
Strengths: TBA
Weaknesses: Being too distant
Insecurities: TBA
Fears/phobias: Getting hurt again
Habits: TBA
Quirks: TBA
Hobbies: Gardening, watching tv shows
Guilty pleasure: TBA
Desires: TBA
Wishes: TBA
Regrets: TBA
Secrets: TBA
Turn ons: TBA
Turn offs: TBA
Kinks/fetishes: TBA
Pet peeves: TBA
Their motto: TBA
( &&. favourites )
Food: Burgers and fries
Drink: Shakes
Fast food restaurant: McDonald’s
Flavour: Strawberry
Word: Fuck
Colour: Blue
Clothing: Sweatpants
Accessory: Necklaces
Candle scent: Anything fruity
Store: H&M or Forever 21
Instrument: Violin or piano
Animal: Dogs
Holiday: Christmas and her birthday
Weather: Cloudy
Season: Summer
Sport: Soccer
School subject: English
Possession: A teddy bear both her parents gave
Name: Frankie
Number: 2
Emoji:  🙄
Mythological creature: Phoenix
Person: Her mom
( &&. skills )
Talents: Singing
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: Yes and sure?
Can they ride a bike?: Yes
Do they play any sports?: Used to
Anything they’re bad at?: Dancing and cooking
( &&. firsts )
Childhood memory: Playing hide and seek
Crush: Someone from first grade
Kiss: Someone from middle school
Love: Someone from high school
Sexual experience: Someone from high school
( &&. childhood )
Best childhood memory?: Baking cookies with mom
Worst childhood memory?: Seeing her parents cry
What were they like as a child?: Playful, more interested in going out and being socializing
Any crushes growing up?: Yes
Did they know/like their parents?: Yes, she likes both of her parents
Did they have a lot of friends?: Yes
Were they heavily punished?: No
Anything they wish they could cut out?: Nope
Were they more feminine or masculine?: Feminine
Were they an early or late bloomer for puberty?: Late
Do they still know any of their childhood friends?: Yes
Did they have any chores? What?: Nope
Describe their childhood home: She was always being taken care of as a kid, maybe a bit more protected than the average child, but she was happy
( &&. this or that )
Expensive or inexpensive tastes?: Expensive
Hygienic or Unhygienic?: Hygienic
Open-minded or close-minded?: Open
Introvert or extrovert?: In-between?
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Pessimistic
Daredevil or cautious?: In-between
Logical or emotional?: In-between
Generous or stingy?: Generous
Polite or rude?: In-between
Book smart or street smart?: In-between
Dominant or submissive?: Submissive
Popular or loner?: Used to be popular, now a loner
Leader or follower?: Leader
Day or night person?: Both
Cat or dog person?: Prefers dogs
Closet door open or closed while sleeping?: Closed
( &&. family relationships )
Father: TBA
Describe their relationship:  She’s a lot closer to her dad than mom, but that’s because she just chose to spend more days with him  
Mother: TBA
Describe their relationship: Even when they don’t spend as much time, she still loves her mom dearly and she doesn’t mind telling her anything.
Brothers: 2 step-brothers
Describe their relationship: TBA
( &&. other relationships )
Best friend: Bianca Vanzant
Childhood friend: Bianca Vanzant
Enemy: TBA
Past romances: Santiago Ramirez, more TBA.
Pets: Luna (dog)
Roommate(s): TBA?
( &&. social media )
Do they have a Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Vine? Snapchat? Tinder/Grindr? Tumblr? YouTube?: Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, and maybe in the future.
If so; Name on Facebook: Frankie Sullivan
Twitter handle: btwfrankie
Instagram user: btwfrankie
Snapchat user: frankiesulls
Name on Tinder/Grindr: dvmnfrankie
Tumblr URL: btwfrankie
YouTube channel: TBA
( &&. musical tastes )
Theme song: New Rules by Dua Lipa.
Can relate to: TBA.
Makes them happy: Anything instrumental.
Makes them dance: Anything pop.
Loves the most: TBA. 
Never gets tired of: TBA.
Would like to be played at their wedding: TBA.
Would like to play at their funeral: TBA.
( &&. head canons )
She’s had Luna for about a year now.
Her car is a red honda civic
( &&. miscellaneous )
Do they have a fake I.D.?: Used to
Are they a virgin?: Nope
Describe their signature: She uses cursive
Do they travel?: Yes
One place they would like to live: Italy
One place they would like to visit: Switzerland
Celebrity crush: Chris Evans
What can you find in their pockets/wallet/purse: Her wallet filled with cash and cards, her car keys with her house keys, mints, 
Place(s) your character can always be found: Her apartment or Starbucks
When does your character like to wake up?: Around 12pm
What’s your character’s morning routine?: Making her bed, making coffee, looking at her flowers, drinking coffee, then watching something if she’s staying in or getting ready to grab breakfast
What does your character eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?: Depends on her mood
How does your character spend their free days?: Reading, watching tv, or gardening
What’s your character’s bedtime routine?: After having a shower, she brushes her teeth, puts on pajamas, then lays in bed while looking at her phone
What does your character wear to bed?: A shirt dress with panties
If your character can’t fall asleep, what are they thinking about?: Probably what to do tomorrow or her plans for the week
What has been their greatest achievement?: Getting As and Bs
What is their idea of perfect happiness?: Traveling, maybe eventually settling down, and having at least a few pets
On what occasions do they lie?: If someone asks her on a date or if somebody wants more than just sex
What is one thing they’d most like to change about themselves?: To find out what she’d like to do in her future
Do they snore? Not unless she’s exhausted
Do they chew their pens/pencils?: No
Can they curl their tongue?: Yes
Can they whistle?: Yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?: No
Have they ever cheated on anyone?: No
Have they ever been cheated on?: Yes
Has anyone ever broken their heart?: Yes
Have they ever broken anyone’s heart?: Yes
Are they squeamish?: No
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How?: No
Have they ever seen anyone die? What happened?: No
Are they a lightweight?: No
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