#chester a bum's tag
Been watching some of the Bum Reviews and this moment actually fucking took me out.
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parakeetpark · 3 years
I saw your tags on my "Alice in Wonderland" GIFset, and I would love to know about the notes you took during the ballet--it sounds fascinating! :)
Hello!! Well I keep a media journal to write my thoughts on any media I'm consuming. I have ADHD, so it helps me concentrate films/tv/podcasts you see :)
I kept getting so overwhelmed that I would pause media, have to move around/ ramble to whoever I'm watching it with, or if I was alone I would find it really difficult to keep watching. So I came up with this idea to solve that problem.
I don't know if it will be interesting reading, but I'll tell you some of what I wrote below the readmore!
And finally, all i wrote about when Chester appeared was "THE CAT. CHESTER" skdnskdj.
A little side info is I've just finished reading the Alice's adventures in wonderland book, so it was very fresh in my mind. Alice in Wonderland has been one of my longstanding fixations - I just counted and I've watched eight different film adaptions so far! So, I was often drawing comparisons between the ballet to the book and films I've seen.
At the beginning I was trying to figure out who the attendees of the tea party would be in wonderland - it's funny reading my only figuring out "handsome photographer man" was the white rabbit when he started shaking his bum and the little tail popped out sjdjdkdj.
I wrote a lot of questions I had about how they would handle the fantasy elements. For instance, I wondered how they would fill the room with Alice's tears, and then was very impressed with the background illustration of Alice's face crying and slowly being filled with water!
I noticed at times they skipped scenes and adjusted things, and thought about what the reasoning for this might be! Mostly it felt very appropriate. But, I admit I complained a LOT about how they made the Duchess' scene into a weird Sweeny Todd butcher's house... because it felt very far removed from the original content.
Oh another thing that felt quite different - The Caterpillar and Alice usually do not get along, in the book she is frustrated by his short replies and almost leaves in her anger etc. But, in the ballet the way they danced together spoke of a real accord, if that makes sense? It makes sense to change this, because in the book and many of the films Alice is quite alone and unsupported in her wandering, so creating a narrative where she makes friends is more lightheaded and fun, and it's also what people expect because of the 2010 version. It makes sense for that to be the tone they went for in the ballet.
Also, I often noted how brilliantly the animal characters personality showed through their dancing and body language. The part of James Hay are the best example of this imo, because he completely came across as a well mannered and twitchy rabbit, springing about because he is very distracted with expecting impending beheading, and slowly coming to care about Alice!! The fish and the frog footmen conversation scene also had the animal traits incorporated very well.
Ummm I must admit I've watched the Mad Hatter's tea scene about 10 times now jsjfksdjdk. I was very taken with how on point Steven McRae was with encapsulating his erratic and irritable character!!! Tap dance felt so appropriate!! And his outfit and stage makeup were gorgeous. I loved the exit from the scene when he backed out, twirled and somehow 'gracefully' lunged off stage.
I ended up writing heaps about the trial. The most notable thing to me was when they all ran together with Alice and Jack/Knave, they all tilted together diagonally to the left and the right at points, there was such harmony. But yeah for me all the chaotic movement of the group throughout the scene made it a lovely build up of energy to the end.
I rewatched the prologue afterwards, and it was such fun to have the realisations of who some of the characters at the tea party correlated with which I hadn't identified the first time. And I considered how my impressions of things had changed, and wrote about what I hadn't noticed the first time around.
Sorry for babbling so much! I actually tried to condense it down and hold myself back, since I imagine you weren't asking me to relive the entire 10 pages of notes, but I haven't been too successful in that!! I hope at least some of these musings are interesting. I know these aren't some huge relevations - just opinions, and my notes are usually just little happy things I enjoyed :). Anyway, thank you for your lovely gifset and being curious about this enough to ask :)
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martinandlewis · 4 years
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
I was tagged by @blackbellmont a while ago. I really need to check Tumblr more
1. Satellite by Lena
2. We Are Golden by Mika
3. We Can't Stop by Andy Lange, Chester See
4. Patron Saint by Regina Spektor
5. Bumming Around by Dean Martin
6. Praying by Kesha
7. Counting Stars by One Republic
8. No Flex Zone (Remix) by Watsky, Karmin
9. Half the World Away by AURORA
10. Some Nights/We Are Young by Straight No Chaser
Tagging: uuuuuh
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so today marks one year since the youtube premiere of my favorite nostalgia critic episode, phantom of the opera! great music parodies, lots of good side characters getting character development, cool special effects, funny twists, confirmed hyperboner, and introduced me to shark jumping! 
maybe if i have time i’ll make this a poster. i just rlly love this one.
interestingly, yesterday, the episode’s channel awesome premiere date annniversary, was also andrew lloyd webber’s birthday...coincidence?
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idreamofplaid · 5 years
Backstage Pass
Square Filled: musician!Jared for @spnaubingo & Free Space for @spnkinkbingo
Characters: Jared x Reader; Jada(OFC)
Rating: Teen
Summary: The reader’s best friend gets her concert tickets for her birthday, and it’s the best night of her life.
Word Count: 1508
Created for @spnkinkbingo & @spnaubingo​
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Your eyes had been on the drummer all night, the way he held the drumsticks in his huge hands had you fantasizing about how those hands would feel on your body. The way his hair moved as he played the rhythm on his drums made you wonder just how it would feel between your fingers. As far as his shoulders and arms, they were entirely distracting. So distracting you hardly heard the words to the songs beyond knowing the lead singer had a good voice. You thanked the gods many times that your best friend, Jada, was generous and had gotten you front row seats for your birthday.
During intermission you braved the lines at the concession stand to get a beer. When you got back to your seat, Jada seemed a little bummed. You settled back in your seat and took a big drink of your beer figuring you might need it. You asked her, “Did I miss anything?”
“Yeah,” she said with a slight pout on her face. The lead singer had some kind of accident backstage, and he won’t be singing the second half of the show.
You took another sip of your beer. “So, is that it? Is the show over?”
“Nah,” Jada said adjusting her top. With the departure of the lead singer she had been gushing about all night, it didn’t seem she felt the need to show quite so much cleavage anymore. “The drummer is going to take over the vocals.”
You didn’t have time to say anything else because the lights dimmed signaling the start of the second half of the show. The announcer’s voice boomed through the auditorium as strobe lights moved over the crowd. “Welcome back to the stage Salt-n-Burn with Jared Padalecki on lead vocals.”
The first number had an upbeat, driving rock rhythm. It hadn’t been possible to really see the way he could move when he was sitting behind the drums, but this man was a master at swiveling his hips. His voice was a smooth baritone that had you wishing you knew the way it would sound when he whispered in your ear.
The music started for the next song. It was going to be a ballad. You closed your eyes to better lose yourself in his voice. This was going to be good. The first few bars of the music filled your ears along with the gasps of the women near you. You opened your eyes to see Jared Padalecki standing before you and holding out his hand for you to take it. Without thinking, you put your hand in his to the loud cheers of the crowd.
He led you up on stage. One of the crew brought out a stool, and Jared helped you up onto it. This close you had a good look at his eyes. They weren’t just one color but a mix of green, gold, and just a touch of stormy gray. If possible, they were even more gorgeous than the rest of him. Jared sang to you about love and devotion while holding your hand and looking in your eyes like you were the only person in a room full of thousands. He should have been an actor he was so convincing. When the song was over, he led you to the edge of the stage where another member of the crew was waiting to help you down the steps.
The rest of the concert passed like you were in a dream. You knew Jada wouldn’t agree with you, but you thought Jared was better than the original singer. It was definitely safe to say you were completely smitten.
After an encore and rousing applause, Jared blew the crowd a kiss and left the stage. The lights were coming up and you were collecting your things to leave when a man walked up to you wearing an ID badge hanging on a lanyard around his neck. “Excuse me, Miss.” You clutched your purse strap and pulled it up higher on your shoulder just to have something to do. “Mr. Padalecki would like to see you in his dressing room.”
You glanced at Jada. She had an enormous smile on her face. “Get it, Girl! I’ll take a cab home.”
Your friend was already turning to go when you looked back at the guy who had approached you. “O…okay.” He led you through the halls back stage to a black door with Jared’s name on it. He made a fist and rapped on the door with his knuckles.
Jared opened the door wearing the white t-shirt and black pants he’d worn on stage minus the leather jacket. “Hey, thanks, Chris.” He opened the door wider and turned his attention to you. “Please, come in.”
The room you walked into didn’t say typical rockstar to you. It was pretty simple really. The decor was mostly white with a black leather sectional in the center of the room and plants scattered about. “Make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink? I’ve got sparkling water and juice. I can get something else if you want it.”
You sat down in the corner of the sectional. “Water’s good. You don’t have booze?”
He laughed while he was opening the mini fridge. “I don’t do booze, rarely anyway. I used to though.” Jared brought you a glass of bubbling water and sat down next to you. “I wanted to say thanks for helping me out.”
You blinked. “Helping you out?”
He smiled, and dear god those dimples might be the death of you. “Yeah.” He glanced down at his hands in his lap. “That’s the first time I sang in front of that many people, and I was nervous as all hell. Having you up there with me helped.” He sat up straight then. “I’d like to know your name.”
“Y/N. It’s Y/N.” You wrapped both hands around your glass hoping it could somehow ground you square back on earth in this surreal situation. “Is that a line?”
Jared smiled easily. “Nope. Not a line. I really wanted to say thank you.”
You looked back around the room. There was a mirror in here. He had to know how he looked. Hot. Rockstar. Hello?!! “I don’t get it. Where are all the girls? The liquor? The drugs?”
His smile faded a little. “I used to do that. All of it. Before my fiancé.” Fiancé. Right. What the fuck? This guy who had thousands of women screaming his name and throwing their underwear at him was actually faithful. Make a note. Find a man like this.
You sipped at your water. Expensive. “She must be really proud of you. Not many people succeed at their dreams like this.”
That’s when you noticed his eyes had gotten all soft and a little sad. “Would have been. I lost her a couple years ago in an accident.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.” This was getting awkward.
The awkwardness was only yours, and Jared smoothed it right over. “I’m okay. It was really hard at first, but I did my grieving. All that stuff you mentioned isn’t here because she showed me there was more to life than partying. If she hadn’t, I’d have gotten at least two shots of whiskey in you by now and you’d be half naked on the way to my bed.”
Speechless. How the hell do you respond to that kind of honesty? “I see.”
So much for eloquence on your part.
He glanced down at your lips. “I would like to kiss you though.” You nodded and when his lips touched yours they were softer than they had any right to be. The kissing went on, and Jared lay you down, eased his hand down to cover your hip, and continued to kiss you open mouthed. But he never any move to put his hand up your shirt, down your pants, or take off any of your clothes.
It was like being a teenager again and making out with your boyfriend. Only, Jared was much better at kissing than any boyfriend you’d ever had. When he kissed the corner of your mouth, you smiled. “You are nothing I would ever expect.”
He smiled back at you before giving you another quick kiss. “Is that a good thing?”
“Yeah. That’s a really good thing.” He held you there on that oversized piece of furniture made for an oversized man.
After just being with him for a couple of minutes in the silence, he said, “Don’t think I don’t want to sleep with you. I do. But I want to take you on at least one proper date first. Will you go out with me?”
You twisted your head around to look at him. “Are you serious? Is this real life happening to me right now?”
“I’m completely serious, and I hope you’ll want to go out with me again after that.” He covered your mouth with his before you could get out the word yes.
Tags: @coffee-obsessed-writer @timelordy-fangirl2 @stusbunker @girl-next-door-writes @mariekoukie6661 @sandlee44 @bitterstar88 @cosicas-cuquis @ohnowin-chester @waywardbaby @dean-winchesters-bacon @akhuna01 @tumbler-tidbits @thoughtslikeaminefield @maddiepants @evansrogerskitten @emoryhemsworth @just-another-busyfangirl @ackleholicwinchester @sorenmarie87 @ladywinchester1967 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @sea040561 @atc74 @mrs-meghan-winchester @deans-baby-momma @ellen-reincarnated1967 @death-unbecomes-you @volleyballer519 @iamme0456 @wendibird 
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tumbler-tidbits · 5 years
More than my Brother
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This is a reposts because I accidentally deleted the first one
The Winchester Way- More than my Brother
@spnbromentbingo multi-square fill: Fathers Day & Wee!Chesters
Characters: Sam (8) and Dean (12)
Warnings: None, just fluffiness
Word Count: 875
Summary: Sammy has a surprise for Dean
A/N: this idea has always been in my head, with adult Winchesters but I figured it fit here too :)
Sam’s POV-
I am so excited! Today is a special day and I have a surprise for Dean. Dad’s gone on another hunt, left yesterday and will be gone all week. I can tell Dean’s bummed he didn’t get to go, but we have school and Dad insisted since Dean’s grades are slipping.
I’m eight now so Dean says I can stay by myself for little bits at a time. So he’s around the corner at the gas station getting us something for lunch and now is the perfect time for me to wrap up his gift!
I’ve always known Dean was special, not like all the other brothers out there. He always plays with me and even at school he isn’t embarrassed to see me or talk to me. It’s more than that though. Dean takes care of me too, he always has.
He makes sure we have food and that I do my homework. He makes sure my clothes are clean,takes care of me when I’m sick, and holds me when I have nightmares.
That last part is our secret though, cause I’m eight, m’not a baby! Dean says so.
I hear the key in the door, Dean’s back!
“Heya Sammy”
“Hi Dean”
“You hungry? I even got you some of that rabbit food you like so much”
“It’s not rabbit food Dean, their called fruits and vegetables”
“Yeah whatever you say squirt, dig in”
Dean sets up my food at the table, and starts eating his burrito. Great, he’s gonna be gassing me out all night!
I walk over to him with my surprise behind my back.
“Watchya got there Sammy?”
I set the small package wrapped in newspaper on the table,
“Happy Father’s Day Dean”
He looks at the package then at me as I sit down to eat my Apple,
“I’m not your Dad, Sammy”
“So why are you giving me a Father’s Day present? Save it for dad”
“No, it’s for you!” I’m yelling now but Dean won’t listen.
“But I’m not your Dad Sam” he says calmly. UGH!
“Your like a Dad is s’posed to be!” I say, “you get me food, and wash my clothes, and you take me to school, and help me with the bad dreams. Your more than just my brother!”
“NO DEAN! Dad doesn’t do any of that stuff, just you! I got the surprise for you!”
Switch to Dean’s POV-
Crap, now he’s looking at me with those damn puppy dog eyes. Awe man, he’s getting all misty eyed too.
“Ok Sammy I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you” I soothe. “I’ll take the present.”
He’s just sniffling now so that’s better. Slowly I unwrap the newspaper that he’s folded and tucked until it reveals the contents inside. It’s 3 fun size bags of peanut m&m’s and a black tree air freshener. I look up at him and his face is just beaming.
“Wow Sammy, this is great!”
“Do you like it?!” He asks and before I can answer he’s babbling again,
“I saved the m&m’s from my Halloween candy cuz I know they’re your favorite, ‘member when you took me trick or treating at Pastor Jim’s?!”
I nod.
“And the air freshener is for the Impala, I found it in an old Junker and Uncle Bobby said I could have it. I know the car is dad’s but you love it too and...”
He’s still rambling and all I can do is sit here and swallow the lump in my throat and will myself not to cry like a girl. I can’t believe he’s been saving these for me for so long. I stand up and go to him and scoop him up in a big bear hug.
“Thank you Sammy, I love it” he returns the hug but soon rasps out,
“Dean, I can’t breathe”
I release him with a half hearted laugh and bend down to look him in the eyes.
“This is the best present ever Sammy and I love it, but I’m still not your Dad.”
He starts to object but I shush him,
“Why don’t we celebrate our own holiday instead squirt. We can call it Brothers day. How does that sound huh?”
“We can’t just make up a holiday Dean”
“Says who? I’m in charge and I say we can”
“Yeah, I like that! Happy Brothers Day Dean”
“Yeah ok. Happy Brothers Day Sammy” I reply,
“Now eat your food, enough with the chick flick moments”
I watch him while he eats, happy and content swinging his legs back and forth in his chair.
I don’t think I’ll ever say it out loud but I Love him so much, there is nothing I wouldn't do for him. And there isn’t anything, past or present, that I would put in front of him. He’s more than my brother, he’s my whole world, and I’ll do anything to protect him.
Want to be tagged? Want off the tags? Just let me know.
Taglist: @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants @pisces-cutie​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas​ @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​ @ruthiesconnells​ @bobasheebaby @evansrogerskitten @missjenniferb @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @purpleskiesandcherrypies @curly-haired-disaster @getnaildbyme @thoughtslikeaminefield @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @a-mess-of-many-fandoms
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polirange · 6 years
21 Questions Meme
I got tagged by @asreoniplier. 
Thank you very much for that. I’m an attention hog so I really appreciate getting tagged :D
1. Nickname: Hey-yeah you! (I react to that one quite well) , Jessi, Poli
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: 5′3
4. Last movie I saw: Sadly, I rarely go to any theatre to watch a movie (because I’m a lazy ass idiot). The last movie I watched was ‘Queen of the Damned’ because Stuart Townsend -obviously. And I haven’t watch it in a long time.
5. The last thing I Googled: Ehm... well, perfectly innocent things of course.
6. Favourite musician: That’s a tough one. It varies with whatever is my favourite song at the moment. I guess Chester Bennington will always have a precious spot in my heart. May he rest in peace.
7. Song stuck in my head: It changes between three songs currently: SVRCINA - Astronomical, Eurielle - City of the Dead and Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun. That would be one hell of a remix though.
8. Any other blogs: yupp. One for my Yu-Gi-Oh (*cough* Seto Kaiba*cough*) obession, and another one for Stardew Valley, gonna make a fourth one soon.
9. Do I get asks: Too rarely for my taste. I like random bullshit asked/send to me by random people and not so random people.
10. Followers:  96 (what the?! already? geez, you people. what do you want from a weirdo like me. I love every single one of you though ♥)
11. Following: 161 and rising
12. Amount of sleep: Either 10 hours or 3 ... there is no in between.
13. Lucky numbers: 5,11,13 and 42
14. What am I wearing: I really like tight fitting shirts. And my style is something in between cool rocker chick and bum living on their couch. I favour black, grey and white clothes. But I also take a huge liking in green, especially olive green and pine green, as well as darker shades of red and berry colours.
15. Dream job: That’s the thing. I don’t really know. High school-me would have said Psychologist/Therapist. And I still would like to do something to help and reach people. I studied to become a teacher but I dropped out really late without state examination because I got depressed. It wasn’t what I wanted to do anymore. I need to do something creative, something pracitcal, something that reaches people. I’m still searching for what I really want to do with my life and for myself. Hope I’ll get there someday. *fingers crossed*
16. Favourite food: My grandma’s Pierogi. And I really love good sushi. I’m more of a salty gal. I rarely eat sweet stuff.
17. Play any instruments: I wish I would have learned to play an instrument. But my mother never really liked music even though my father is a music enthusiast, but he never came thorugh with me playing an instrument (even though I really wanted to :/) I really would like to be able to play the piano. I think I would be a decent drummer - my father was a drummer in his teenage years and adulthood in a band way back in Poland. I do sing though and I love it.
18. Favourite song: Way. Too. Many.
19. Random fact: I can do guinea pig noises. I can twist my arm  to 180° when I stand and my hand is flat on the table. (it looks just as wrong as it sounds).
I have ADHD. I make a damn good Mousse au Chocolat and I take pride in it.
20. Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
Complementary colours - specifically green and purple. The moon in all it’s phases. Black and Gold. Late night walks to the playground just to sit on the swingset and watch the night sky. Lead pencil scribble on white paper.  Way too many nailpolishes. Hoop earrings. Labradorites. (Mostly just things I like myself - this list could go on forever - idk)
21. Tag: I don’t wanna get on anyones nerves for already being tagged so I just tag some people and hope they haven’t already done this. Anyone else: Feel free to do this withouht being tagged :3
@rumpixel @kat-is-cosmic @teilzeitsunny @terrrydragon @planet-lark @hazelolive
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the-boy-branithar · 6 years
What up, I got tagged by @aflairformisadventures to do this thing!
Named after anyone? I made my preferred name from Chester Benninton cuz he’s a huge inspiration to me, Kellin Quinn cuz it gives my name a rhythm I like and Austin Carlile also because he’s an inspiration, so three people. 
Last time I cried: Probably yesterday when a saw a guy that was just too dang beautiful or sthing. I get really emotional about pretty boys. 
Have kids? I don’t have any kids and I don’t want to have any cuz I worry that I won’t always be there for them. I don’t wanna be that kind of dad.
Use sarcasm? Eh, not a LOT because people always think I’m completely serious and it’s ridiculous. 
First thing I notice about people: Varies from person to person. If someone has a facial feature that reminds me of someone it usually catches my attention first. Also tone of voice when they speak. Some people are just unnecessarily negative about everything and I notice it cuz I wanna be more positive. 
Eye Colour: Blue, which is weird cuz I find blue eyes kinda creepy. I wanna wear eyeliner but since my eyes and hair are so light I think it might make my whole face look kinda washed out. 
Scary movies or happy endings? A lot of movies these days tend to leave me pretty unsatisfied with the “happy” ending, but at the same time I haven’t seen many scary movies so this is hard. I’m pretty even on both tbh. 
Special talents: Aside from being able to pick things up pretty quickly, I don’t know. The downside of that one is if something takes longer to learn and I’m not instantly alright at it I get kinda bummed out about it. 
Hobbies: I don’t really do a lot, maybe drawing? And writing is pretty fun too. Now that I don’t have to do it for assignments, I really like writing analyses for music videos, theorising is great! 
Height: 162cm or 5′3″! 
Favourite subject: I liked art when I was at school. Also, I really liked Outdoor Recreation, we did snorkelling and rock wall climbing and got out of school a lot so it was awesome! 
Dream job: I really wanna be a roadie of some kind. The idea of getting away from home for weeks on end is super appealing and it’d be awesome to get to work with music. 
I’m tagging @massiveheartpainter @adorable-little-miku @sonoorousmusic @prinofpol @batterycityraces and anyone else who wants to do this. My brain’s poop rn so I can’t remember who else I wanted to tag RIP. (You don’t have to if you don’t want to)
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jugggheadjoness · 7 years
from afar pt two // jughead jones au
from afar // the one with the ten hour drive
summary: (Y/N) needs a wedding date. jughead is the only one available. small problem- they aren’t on good terms.
words: 1201
(((author’s note: i’ll try to release new parts daily but i don’t even know if you’re all enjoying this but i’m loving writing this so i’m sorry, you’ll have to put up with new parts whilst i avoid writing the final part for the parent trap. i hope you enjoy reading this part.)))
"Stop switching stations." (Y/N) grumbled, keeping her eyes on the road.
"Stop switching stations." Jughead mimicked her voice, causing her to let out a scoff. Using her right hand, (Y/N) switched off the car radio.
The pair sat in silence for awhile, the only noise was the other cars on the highway passing by. (Y/N) let out a groan as Jughead proceeded to switch the radio back on and flick through the stations, increasing the volume every time he did so, purposely trying to get a rise out of (Y/N).
"Can you please stop?" she groaned "Use the bloody AUX cord."
"No, can do. Tryna save my battery."
"I'm going to rip my hair out." she mumbled under her breath.
"Hey, babe?"
"Don't call me that."
"Sorry, sweet cheeks."
"Don't call me that either."
"Well, sweetheart, I need to call you something otherwise we won't be very believable."
"Why'd you agree to help?"
"I love to see you crash and burn."
Gently shaking his shoulders, (Y/N) tried go interrupt the sleep that had taken over Jughead. She was met with groans and mumbles.
"I'm stopping here for a bit, I'll be inside when you wake up. I'll leave the keys with you, just in case you want to join me." (Y/N) smiled at him, and for the first time in awhile she wasn't met with a stupid remark.
"Joshua, I hate you." she grumbled "I honestly cannot believe you."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), it was a last minute thing, Mon decided that it would be better if we had the wedding at home, so we pushed the wedding forward."
"Anyways, I can't wait to see you. I've missed you." She took a sip of her coffee, spotting Jughead shutting the passenger door with his foot. She made a mental note to scorn him for his action.
"Andrews tells me you've got yourself a boyfriend."
"Archie hasn't been back for more than two seconds and he's already snitching."
As soon as he entered the store, she gave him a nod of acknowledgement before focusing her attention back to her brother.
"How long are you going to be? I'm way too excited to see you, so is mom and dad."
"It's safe to say that there's no need to wait up for Jug and I. We'll be arriving quite late. Still got another 6 hours to go."
"Is that his name?"
"It's actually Forsythe but that makes him sound like an old man."
She sighed as he once again shuffled in his seat. He was beginning to grow impatient and she knew it. "Stay still, Jones. You're distracting me."
He wiggled her eyebrows at her words "It's not my fault you're disgustingly in love with me."
"If we're going to do this properly, we need some guidelines. You can call me anything other than sweet cheeks or angel face."
"Alright then and when your family asks what happened to us after our "break up", you tell them that I broke it off."
"Definitely not."
"Alright then, sweet cheeks, you broke it off."
"Ugh fine, you broke it off."
"Hey, sweet cheeks. I need to pee."
"Hey, Jughead, shut up."
"Fine, I'll pee in your car."
"Jughead, shut up."
"No, you shut up."
"Do you want me to stop or not?"
"You're going to make me lose my hair."
"Give me five mins, darling." she scoffed. "I'll stop off at the nearest station."
"God, you're driving me mad. I don't know if its for better or for worse." he mumbled under his breath, (Y/N) unaware of his words.
"You hungry?" Jughead broke the silence as settled into his seat "I think there's a McDonald's coming up."
"I'm fine, but I'll stop off if you want to get food."
"I'd appreciate that, thanks sweet cheeks."
"What? No stupid comment?"
"You underestimate me sweet cheeks."
"Are we there yet?" Jughead groaned "I can't feel my bum."
(Y/N) ignored him and opted to put all her focus on the road and the long drive ahead.
"Don't ignore me, sweet cheeks."
"We've got three hour left, Jughead."
"Okay, sweet cheeks."
"Stop calling me that."
"Why are we stopping here?" Jughead glared at (Y/N) "We're nearly in Boston."
"Shut up, Jughead."
"Who put a stick up your ass?"
"Shut up, Jughead."
"I mean, come on. We were fine a minute ago."
"That's because you weren't speaking."
"Okay, sweet cheeks. I'll shut up."
"Stop calling me that."
(Y/N) looked at Jughead, who had a smirk plastered on his face almost as if he knew that he were bugging (Y/N). She had tried to fight the annoyance that grew inside of her but she could no longer hold it in.
"I'm stopping here because I can't stand to be in the same car as you."
"Oh, so you don't have a stick up your ass. You have the entire tree."
Unsure of what to say she just mocked him before locking her car and walking off.
He was hot on her heels, almost afraid that if he lost sight of her, he would be stranded in the middle of nowhere, with no way of getting to Boston or back to Riverdale.
"Keller, I can't do it."
"Can't do what?" Concern filled his voice and he immediately began to think of the worse scenarios
"This thing, whatever it is."
"You can't lie to Josh or you just can't stand Jughead?"
"I don't know, Kevin. He's just, I don't know..." She lowered her voice, gazing around to make sure Jughead was nowhere near her "Has he always been that good looking?"
"Jughead Jones is sex on legs." Kevin exclaimed.
"As good looking as he may be I still don't like him."
"See you in two week, (Y/N), Reggie and Ronnie and myself miss you a lot."
"Tell Reg, not to forget to pick Chester up in a week's time."
"Who the fuck is Chester?"
"He's mine and Reg's new child."
Jughead listened to the conversation from opposite her, (Y/N) still refusing to meet his eye. He reached over and pulled the phone away from his ear. "Sorry to cut the conversation short, Kev, I need to speak to my lovely girlfriend."
(Y/N) let out a scoff, taking her phone back from the dark haired boy who was sat opposite her. "Just remember to tell Reg that Chester's bed and food is in my room and that he's welcome to come in at anytime."
"Who's Chester?" Jughead questioned her.
"What's it got to do with you?"
"Whatever Chester is, he's living with us."
"Forsythe, you haven't lived with us in over six month. I wouldn't be surprised if your room is covered in an entire layer of dust."
"You know sweet cheeks, that was the least sarcastic thing you've ever said to me. Your lady boner for me is really coming out."
“Sweet cheeks, are we there yet?”
“Sweeeeeeeeeet cheeks, don’t ignore me.”
“Can you please just stay quiet for the last ten minutes of this journey?”
“We’re in the middle of nowhere.”
“My parents live in the middle of nowhere.”
“Oh, is sweet cheeks a rich girl?”
“Stop calling me that.”
Tags: @xxgrunge-gerardxx
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I didn't know white Chart Guy used to be an attorney.
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mummyyoga · 5 years
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Spot the difference in the two photos... . Both are me with each of my daughters finding a moment to do something for myself without “mum guilt”. . I pride myself on my physical strength that helps me with my mental resilience. This sense of strength in my own identity takes up a new meaning during the postnatal period. . The first is me doing what is generic mainstream “entertain your baby, do something for yourself” type of exercise. . The second is an exploration in bonding, breath modulation and connection (while I still got a decent “workout”). . Having your baby close to you while you engage in something that is deeply important to you passes on this message to them. It helps you transmit not just your inner strength and enjoyment, but it elevates your companionship to that of equal footing. . Our babies are NOT props... they are our partners, our companions our reason to be our true selves. . If you feel this path speaks to you more than “tonning tums and bums” for the sake of some irrational social pressure then come to #KeepMeClose #babywearing yoga class. . Fridays 10-11 am @hoolecommunitycentre https://bookwhen.com/mummyyoga/?tag=chester . . . . . . . #MummyYoga #MMhM #babywearingyoga #happymama #connection #connectionmatters #carryingmatters #buildabetterfuture #buildahappybrain #carryyourbaby #holdyourbaby #babywearingmatters #wearallthebabies #closeenoughtokiss #infantmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #mumssupportingmums #mumlife (at MummyYoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5s4DWklW_Q/?igshid=9bvmyh797nrx
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diadyn · 7 years
10 Songs I’m Currently Into
Technically tagged by @atarostarling but mainly because I wanted to do the thing~
I like this “currently into” bit. I’m terrible about picking favorites, my interests and tastes and current favorites change depending on what I’m watching/playing and/or mood and/or day of the week it seems.
Therefore in no particular order I give you what my YouTube searches are telling me are my current musical interests!
In This Moment - “In The Air Tonight (cover)” YouTube is fantastic about suggesting songs based on my interests and I found this gem amid the rubble. 
twenty one pilots - “Can’t Help Falling in Love (cover)” A Facebook friend shared this Tumblr post and I fell in love. I’m fond of most Elvis songs already but this was raw and the only musical accompaniment (other than the background chorus was a ukulele, it’s just so good~ low key want to get a ukulele now because of this song
Pearl Jam - “Last Kiss” My guitar teacher used to play this all the time in class and a recent Tumblr post had the lyrics within. Thus my love for this song was reborn.
Halsey - “Castle” Again Tumblr post, thanks @swabin10. I’m officially addicted to this song. It suits FFXV so well and it’s fantasy themed so obviously heart eyes <3
Paramore - “Brick by Boring Brick” Replied to an ask “what song describes your aesthetic” that was ridiculously hard either lyrics were too vague or too specific for me but this song definitely captured me in a way: she lives in a fairy tale somewhere too far for us to find 
Disturbed - “The Sound of Silence (cover)” This cover has been making the rounds for good reason too because it’s AMAZING.
Sia - “Fire Meet Gasoline” Another YouTube suggestion but damn this song is hot! hehehe puns, but no literally it’s sexy
Three Days Grace - “Fallen Angel” I was really bummed when Adam Gontier left TDG because 1.) I thought that would be the end of them and 2.) if not, their sound would be so different and the band wouldn’t have the same feel! I was wrong on both accounts and I appreciate their new lead (even if I still miss Adam) 
All That Remains - “Thunder Rolls (cover)” Another Facebook share I spotted. I used to be really into country as a child and this song was always one of my favorites. Not as good as it could be unfortunately (I wish it was harder tbh, Garth Brooks was more powerful vocally) but I still kinda dig it.
Fleetwood Mac - “The Chain” Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Soundtrack. ‘Nuff said. I fucking love GotG and 80′s music. 
Linkin Park - “One More Light” (full album) Did you count? Because I cheated...twice. This is a listing for a full album AND it’s number 11. I’m quite literally still grieving Chester Bennington and while it’s hard to listen to his voice I adored this album despite the flack it got before he passed.
Holy covers batman! 
Feel free to consider yourself tagged and play along! Be sure to tag me in your reply~
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rudebbomb · 7 years
another questions tag
@beebeecee tagged me in a different questions tag! thank you <3333 sorry for the spam im in major procrastination mode
how tall are you? - 5′11/180
what color and style is your hair? - dark brown and textured
what color are your eyes?- brown
do you wear glasses or contacts? -yes
do you wear braces? - no i never had them
what is your fashion style? - i call it beach bum luxe but someone told me today i look like id lounge around new york so probably somewhere in the middle of that
when were you born?- Dec 16
how old are you?- 21
do you have any siblings? - 2 younger brothers
what school/college do you go to? - UCLA
what kind of student are you? - a good one?? idk i study a lot so i hope im a good one
what are your favorite subjects? - art history and chemistry
what are your favorite shows? - community, psych, bates motel, twin peaks
what are your favorite movies? - Rushmore, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Friday Night Lights, A Cinderella Story, 
what are your favorite books? - i just finished house of spirits by isabel allende its so good i highly recommend. 
what are your favorite past times? - going to touristy areas and people watching
do you have any regrets?  - not keeping up with dance
what is your dream job? - architecture critic
would you like to get married? where? - im going to elope to te south of frence
i’m leaving this question out because it was lame and creating my own. do you think chester the rat terrier is the cutest and greatest dog on the planet? - no bc im afraid of small dogs
do you want kids? how many? - idk sometimes i think i do sometimes im like no
do you like shopping? - i really have to be in the mood for it
how many countries have you visited? -7- Canada, England, Wales, Ireland, France, Italy, Korea
what was your scariest dream? - i had this dream my parents died and i became a pimp
do you have any enemies? - yes some kid from my grade school we might not be enemies anymore
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? - no
put your phone on shuffle. without skipping post the first 15 songs that play
Lazy Flies-Beck
Take a Slice- Glass Animals
Tony Stark- The Symposium
Feels Like We Only Go Backwards- Tame Impala
Summer Friends- Chance The Rapper
Love Inside- BJ the Chicago Kid
Survivor- MIA
Kids- Sleigh Bells
Boy- Boyboy
Oasis (feat. Zico)- Crush
Where is My Mind- The Pixies
Hey Ya- Sweaterbeats
Ribs- Lorde
Flexin- Beenzino
im not tagging bc im lazy but feel free to do this if ur bored
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drew a doester because i just realized i've never drawn them together
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made these out of boredom
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