#check it out i'm gay -rargh barkrock and also those two guys probably
haydenthewitch · 8 months
y'know what? if we aren't getting a full seawon of this funky little night yorb i can at least make up imaginary bits of the season we "missed"
1. they go to a cute little classic western town. we see a tumbleweed. the editors put the clasic "we-we-we-we-woooo bump bum bum" and we meet our fave western centuar and his good pal in a classic shootout. how did the night yorb lead them there? idk! how are their western heatwave effects when its night? IDK!
2. we meet squeem in a classic "you have been wandering the desert for days and you think you see a cristline owasis" execpt that the water is real and the city is real and the entire party isn't sure if they are dying of heat exhaustion and group hallucinations or if they are actualy there (emily "i will not know if it's true untill i crit" axford is back at it again in this episode).
3. we get a messy breakup scene with gorgug and zelda where temporarly gorgug turns emo and writes a song about it and the whole time fig is like "bro you are ruining our punk rock vibe by being emo"
4. kristan gets some gains buy just lugging barrels of sand. thats how kristens -3 becomes a -4 for dex. they have a bunch of sand to cary to make them buff. thats why
5. ecaf reflects each of the charcters of the party for a brennan monolog and some charcter groth but then lou said "fuck that this is our permenant npc now" and now the bad kids have to deal with fabain flirting with HIMSELF all the time
6. maybe it's not in the lost night yorb season (TM), but i want a sidequest all about the tactical but late yorbies. name them chip and dale. make them as gay as ragh
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