#charizma by
todayinhiphophistory · 3 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Charizma was born July 6, 1973
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thevaultboombap · 2 years
Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf - Ice Cream Truck (live on Home Turf 1992).
R.I.P. Charizma.
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yessurwhateva · 2 years
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myfashionroad · 1 year
Elevate Your Style: Affordable Pakistani Suits Online - My Fashion Road
The allure of Pakistani fashion is undeniable, with its rich heritage, intricate embroidery, and elegant designs. In today's digital era, the world of Pakistani suits is just a click away. My Fashion Road, an esteemed online shopping store, brings you a curated collection of Pakistani suits that embody elegance, comfort, and cultural authenticity, all at reasonable prices.
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A Tapestry of Choices: Online Pakistani Suits
My Fashion Road offers a diverse range of Pakistani suits that cater to different seasons, occasions, and personal styles. From lightweight and vibrant Pakistani lawn suits perfect for the summer breeze, to cozy and chic winter Pakistani suits that wrap you in warmth, the platform is a treasure trove of options that make online shopping an enriching experience.
Designer Delights: Sana Safinaz, Zara Shahjahan, and More
The online store proudly showcases an array of renowned Pakistani designers, including Sana Safinaz, Zara Shahjahan, and more. The Zara Shahjahan winter collection and Muzlin collection are a testament to creativity and innovation. The Charizma velvet collection offers opulent luxury, while Coco by Zara Shahjahan captures modern femininity. These designer collections bring you the finest Pakistani suits online, allowing you to embrace style that speaks to your individuality.
Craftsmanship and Elegance: Pakistani Embroidery Suits
The magic of Pakistani fashion lies in its intricate embroidery. My Fashion Road's collection features a plethora of Pakistani embroidery suits that showcase the artistry of skilled artisans. From delicate threadwork to elaborate embellishments, these suits are not just clothing; they are wearable masterpieces that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan.
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Luxury in Fabric: Karandi, Linen, and More
The platform offers an extensive array of fabrics to choose from, ensuring comfort and elegance go hand in hand. The karandi fabric adds a touch of sophistication, while Pakistani linen suits bring a blend of comfort and style. Whether it's a casual day out or a special occasion, you can find the perfect fabric to match your mood and needs.
Beyond Borders: Pakistani Dresses in India
The charm of Pakistani fashion transcends borders, and My Fashion Road takes pride in offering Pakistani dresses in India. Bridging cultures, the platform brings a piece of Pakistan's elegance to the Indian subcontinent, allowing fashion enthusiasts in India to embrace the beauty of Pakistani suits online.
Convenience Redefined: Ready-Made Pakistani Suits
For those seeking convenience without compromising on style, My Fashion Road offers a collection of ready-made Pakistani suits online. These ready-to-wear ensembles save you time while ensuring you look your best, making them a perfect choice for various occasions.
My Fashion Road emerges as a digital haven for those seeking Pakistani suits online at reasonable prices. With a curated collection encompassing diverse fabrics, designs, and collections from renowned designers, the platform caters to all your fashion desires. From casual outings to wedding celebrations, every occasion finds its perfect match in the assortment of Pakistani suits available. Embrace the artistry, culture, and elegance of Pakistan through the carefully curated collection at My Fashion Road, where style meets affordability in the world of online Pakistani suits.
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zumaira · 1 year
Vasal Embroidered Chiffon Wear Collection 2023 By Charizma
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magazinepk · 1 year
Vasal Embroidered Chiffon Wear Collection 2023 By Charizma
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Charles Edward Hicks Jr. (July 6, 1973 – December 16, 1993), also known by his stage name Charizma, was an MC from Milpitas, California. He is best known for his work with Peanut Butter Wolf; the two artists formed a duo after meeting in 1990. Their musical partnership was cut short following Charizma’s murder in 1993. Charizma was 13 when he started rapping at high school talent shows. He was…
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wonnado · 2 years
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Особая любовь Насколько мне было известно по подготовке к переезду, в Грузии особое отношение к собакам. Оче��ь их тут любят, ценят. А те не разочаровывают в своей благодарности. И пройдя немало улиц разной величины смог и сам в этом убедиться. Ласковые и добродушные животные позволяют к себе подойти, погладить. А потом увязываются до соседнего двора, где передают эстафету таким же покладистым четвероногим. Но еще с дома, с поездки на Кипр или в Турцию, испытываю любовь к котам. И тут невероятно помоешные котики не обладают тем привычным лоском или грацией. Но вот что у них не отнять, так это харизмы. Своенравные, наглые смотрят на тебя свысока, даже сидя на пару ступеней ниже. Стоит только навести на них прицел камеры как засверкают своим хвостом, убегая в закат. Поэтому их фотографии приобретают иную ценность. Если будет получаться, постараюсь показать интересные экземпляры. Вот этот, например, закрепил за собой Sioni Cathedral. #mood: #charizma #artbunny #georgia #тбилиси #tbilisi #архитектура #культурагрузии #fujifilmxt3 #travelphoto #travelphotography #instatravel #x_t3 #phototour #tourism #фототуризм #грузинскийкот #котыгрузии #georgiancat #cat #sioni (at Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwG_Lxo2bU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mordorlady · 1 month
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- Charming Charizma -
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miss-midnightt · 1 year
Intimidation doesn't work on Lazard. How do 1sts convince him to do or not do smth? Bribery? Puppy eyes? Promises they do or don't intend to keep? Charizma?
Ah, here we are. The three Bs of getting favors from Lazard:
🅱️est behavior - Sephiroth acts all perfect and sweet before asking for a favor. He puts up with Genesis’ shenanigans, calmly does paperwork, and causes as little trouble as possible before asking for something from Lazard. Works about half the time, and if it doesn’t work he’ll definitely offer to vacuum Lazard’s apartment (Lazard has severe dust allergies so needs his apartment to be vacuumed weekly, but vacuuming stirs up dust.)
🅱️ribery (with food)-
Angeal: So, um, I need to ask a favor…
Lazard: one pan of brownies.
Angeal: half a pan.
Lazard: three fourths, take it or leave it.
Angeal: deal.
🅱️lackmail - Genesis is the master of blackmail. While Lazard attempts to constantly keep up a professional persona, he does have his moments. Moments that he wouldn’t want anyone to see ever. Meaning he will do anything and everything to keep Genesis from leaking that one video of him singing really bad really off key karaoke to ‘Talking to the Moon’ by Bruno Mars.
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todayinhiphophistory · 9 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Charles Hicks better known as Charizma died December 16, 1993 R.I.P.
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newesprod · 1 year
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thevaultboombap · 2 years
Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf Studio Time 1992.
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taiyyna · 1 year
I love how Brennan is trying absolutely everything to make Bishop Archdeacon Raphaniel Charlock as unappealing as possible, but due to unbound charizma he fails every fucking time! Like, dude, I would still shag that very old, batshit crazy squishy radish.
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mes susitikome lygiai prieš metus ir kalbėjomės visą savaitgalį. tu papasakojai man savo gyvenimo istoriją, aš tau savo skaudulius, kuriuos tuo metu nešiojausi dar taip arti savęs ir taip bijojau kam nors atskleisti. man patiko tavo asmenybės gylis, charizma, taiklus humoras ir įžvalgos. tu man pasirodei labai gražus ir įdomus žmogus tiek savo vidumi, tiek išvaizda. sekmadienį, kai jau skirstėmės ir ketinome atsisveikinti, pasakei, kad taip atvirai kalbėjai, nes daugiau nesusitiksime ir nepažįstamiems lengviau išsipasakoti. aš negalvojau, kad tu būsi teisus. pusiau rimtai užsiminiau, kur gali mane rasti, jeigu norėsi su kuo nors pakalbėti.
po kokių pusės metų, gal daugiau, gal mažiau, aš vis pagalvodavau apie tave. paklausdavau vieno kito žmogaus, kuris susijęs su ta aplinka, ar žino tave, aprašydavau, ką atsimenu iš to savaitgalio, bet tos paieškos toli nenuvesdavo. per šiuos metus taip susipažinau su nemaža dalim tavo aplinkos ar bent su bendrais pažįstamais.
aš labai norėjau tave pamatyti vėl. norėjau, kad vėl mūsų darbo vietos būtų šalia, kad galėčiau atbėgti prie tavęs ir paklausti, kaip tau sekasi bendrauti su motina, ar pagyjo tavo širdies žaizdos, kur tave nuvedė gyvenimas. važiuojant į tą pelkę įsivaizdavau, kaip tave nustebinu. bet niekur tavęs nepamačiau, niekur nesutikau, nors visi kiti žmonės, kuriuos pamenu kaip tavo draugus, buvo susirinkę. dar galvojau, kad, matyt, šiais metais esi užsiėmęs kitais reikalais.
antrą dieną įsidrąsinau ir užkalbinau tavo draugus, pasakiau visas detales, kurias pamenu ir tenorėjau, kad jie primintų man tavo vardą. mainais mane sutiko kelis mėnesius gedinčios akys. tu mirei pavasarį, dar visai neseniai praėjus tavo gimtadieniui.
aš labai atsiprašau, M, kad neįdėjau daugiau pastangų tavęs ieškant, kad niekaip negalėjau tau padėti, man labai liūdna ir gaila, kad būtent taip susiklostė. galbūt būčiau ką nors pakeitęs, galbūt ne, aš nežinau ir jau dabar niekada nesužinosiu, kas iš tikrųjų dėjosi tavo galvoje. mes tik prasilenkėme, vos perbraukėme pečiais šitame gyvenimo kelyje, bet tavo gyvenimas ir mirtis paliko gilų pėdsaką mano širdyje ir praėjus pirminiam šokui man nenustoja riedėti ašaros. lengvos tau žemelės, tikiuosi, kad bent ji pagaliau tau suteikė ramybę, kurios negavai šiame gyvenime.
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zumaira · 2 years
Charizma Signature Leather Dresses For Women 2022-23
Charizma Signature Leather Dresses For Women 2022-23
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