#character: cash wheeler
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neverthebabysitter · 3 months ago
Adding to this post, imagine them being famous in the future.
Eddie becoming a rising star as soon as he gets out of Hawkins, his band corroded coffin entering the music scene and having massively popular songs. People are getting more intrigue for his past murder charges, but he gets easily defended once he gets a solid fan base (and the fact that he was absolved of those charges).
And Steve entering the acting scene at the same time, him and Robin being just some extras in a movie for the extra cash, but the director falls in love with the sibling-like duo, making them a cameo where Steve acts like a buffer, making the male character jealous so he can make a move.
It was a simple role, just a few minutes of screen with one-liners of dialogue, but to the surprise of everybody—except for Robin—Steve killed the role. Maybe it was his eyes that enamored everyone, his kicked puppy look or his smile, but he became the nation's sweetheart. 
After that, he got cast for more minor roles, and little by little established himself as an actor, to the point of being the lead more frequently. 
With that, the two of them are well established in their own fields, working hard and being well-known. So it's not rare that at some point they end up in the same event.
It could be anything, a festival, some awards, just a party of famous people—the point is, they are in a public space, surrounded by people that have no idea they know each other, and like an instinct, they act like swore enemies.
Their minds are so used to associate:
"being in public" + "hide true relationship and have fun" = "fake hate each other"
Becuase years of pulling that stunt in their teenagehood that like reflex they spit second-hand insults. 
Like– they lock eyes on each other and instantly looked up and down in the bitchiest way possible. Honestly, at this point it has become their own weird way of flirting, the more vicious the comment the more they will drive the other crazy.
Of course, neither of them realize what they were doing until they both were making out in the bathroom, squirreling away from the vent, going to the closest hotel and waking up the next day with friends/acquaintances from their own jobs field asking for the latest gossip of the industry.
The way Robin would laugh her ass off, only to act like a toddler, pointing fingers and giggling at the two dinguses when they realize what they have done.
It was not intentional, and now everyone who was in the event thinks they hate each other's guts like old times.
The public doesn’t know yet, the reporters still not hearing about this until well-respected journalist, Nancy Wheeler (who has already written about each of them, one for Eddie and one for Steve), makes an article about their long complicated story.
(No, she isn't being petty, Mike, she just thinks it’s funny, and it’s not like she is lying, they do have a long and complicated story, it’s just a little to the left, she just isn't saying some things)
The next time someone interviews one of them, they are asking about the other, why they hate each other, if there’s some drama, why they didn't know they knew the other, etc.
Long story short, they pulled the same bit they did in school, but now by accident and to the whole country (and the world when they start getting more international).
They tried to clarify but fell on deaf ears, people thinking is just to safe face or keep appearances, after all the habit doesn’t quite go and they always ended up flirting with insults in every event they are together.
They definitely start to enjoying it and play along after a while.
Not only that, but they enjoyed it even more when years later, in a random day, they posted their X years wedding anniversary photos with their family.
Everyone lost their shit after that.
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steddiebbang · 5 months ago
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STEVE AND EDDIE MAKE A PORNO  |  Explicit  |  55k
Author: @hitlikehammers
Artist: @hagnoart
Beta Reader: @dontwasteyourchances
[Link to fic]  |  [Link to art]
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, (background Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler/Barbara Holland, Jonathan Byers/Argyle; porn film scene pairings indicated in the relevant chapters)
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham, Jonathan Byers, Barbara Holland, Argyle
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Nay: oblivious!BEST friends to lovers, Romcom, Porn, Y’know because shooting a porno is the orienting plot device, Humor, General Shenanigans, Coffee-related Innuendos Abound, Platonic Stobin, Happy Ending (not THAT kind), (…okay also a lot of that kind because again: THEY ARE SHOOTING A PORNO)
Trigger Warnings: This fic is inspired by a film where the filming of a porno is a central plot device; sex positivity, orientation positivity, sex-and-pairings-for-aesthetic-appeal-NOT-for-endgame-purposes are the name of the game.
↳ Keep reading below for a summary!
Unlikely but inseparable best-friends-since-middle-school Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson move in together after graduation and, honestly? Lead a semi-stable if generally-uneventful life (or not-entirely uneventful, fine, because Eddie takes personal offense to that characterization of anything involving himself): but they make a decent living as minimum wage grunts and they never starve, which of course counts as a win in late-stage capitalism. So what if it’s always been paycheck to paycheck and they’ve only just made it outside their hometown: they still do earn their paychecks, Eddie’s booking more weekend shows to pad his kinda-pitiful record store wages, the cafe Steve works at is expanding and a promotion to senior manager isn’t wholly out of the question, and they did make it out of their back-assward hometown, no matter how far they got. Most of all, through better or worse, bound thicker than blood: they’ve got each other. It’s not the life Steve was raised to expect, but it’s not one he’s trade for anything in the world. 
Which is still true when, due to a very unfortunate lack of communication—with good intentions! It honestly was all above-board and stupidly well-intentioned—they may have entirely unwittingly paved their way into bills-so-overdue-the-utilities-are-canceled. Like: bye-bye-water-mid-shower-canceled. 
Which: fucking late-stage capitalism. Ruining everything. 
And it is ruined: it’s the holidays, which means there are extra hours but they’re being vied for Hunger Games style, and the lack-of-heating thing’s going to be a real problem with the Midwest winter that’s creeping up quick. Basically: ‘up shit creek without a paddle’ is an understatement. 
But then, opportunity presents itself in the most time-honored of professions when they run into the shocker (or: not-really-a-shocker, dude was hella repressed) partner of a straight-laced douchebag classmate at their ten-year-reunion: an adult film star who reveals $100k could be within their grasps—bills paid, debt cleared, money to spare for the first time in forever—if the form of...well.
Shooting their own porno. 
So umm...fucking late stage capitalism? 
And honestly it’s a solid plan, despite being absolute insanity (though that’s honestly unsurprising because, again: nothing’s uneventful when Eddie Munson’s your best friend), but the question that rears its head ultimately isn’t one of revenue, but one they probably should have thought through a little harder from the get-go: when budget’s tight, cast is limited, and promotional value is crucial—alongside everyone banging everyone? 
You’re also probably gonna have to fuck your best friend on camera for cash in the process.
(Goddamn previously unrealized and unacknowledged feelings late stage capitalism, man. Fucks up everything.)
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years ago
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master list
Eddie x fem! reader
Absolutely no minors, gtfo. Hopefully everyone has read the warning post from earlier this week regarding this chapter. it is extremely dark themed.
Heavy violence
References to past rape/ assault
Blood, gore
Domestic violence
Character death etc
A/N: please know your limits. I love you and let’s get into this chapter so we can move on.
The brown popcorn bag spun lazily in the microwave like an oily inflating balloon. The steady hum of the appliance kept you company as the countdown to the sad supper ticked to an end. The cheerful ding springing you from the staring contest you were having with the counter top. 
  The small radio you had purchased was sitting on the counter, the soft belt of Linger by The Cranberries was playing for what seemed like the tenth time today and you couldn’t help but feel the lyrics in your blood. 
  Unaware of anything out of the ordinary. A typical night after working at the bar. Showering and throwing on a pair of pajama shorts, tucked next to the pair of Eddie’s boxer briefs you had found last week. 
  After investigating why the washer banged all to hell when even the smallest of loads were in it, wedged tight under the plastic agitator were his underwear. 
  And you’d be a fool to say you hadn’t broken down and sobbed in the basement on the discovery. 
  You dried them and folded them neatly next to your delicates. The same drawer that held the worn and tarnished pig ring he gave you as a Christmas gift, and the envelope full of cash. 
  The water works started again. 
  Hot tears flooding your eyes, the simple act made you feel like he was home with you. But the nightmare always continued.
  You missed him so much. 
  “But you always really knew
I just want to be with you
  If you were a tiny bit more awake you might have caught that the door to the garage was locked even though you had no memory of locking it yourself. 
  ..And I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
  Rustling the steaming bag from the microwave with burnt finger tips, you toss it on the counter hastily. Sucking your fingers into your mouth to dull the stinging redness away.
  Do you have to let it linger?
  And maybe it was then that if you weren’t busy nursing the premature burns, you would have noticed the odd set of keys on the counter next to the mail, pushed to the side by the buttery bag of popcorn. 
  Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?
  Bending at the waist to the lower cabinet you reach around for the smooth plastic of the yellow popcorn bowl. Upon standing you feel dizzy. You hear it before you feel it, the loud thwap of something heavy against the back of your head. The pain is searing and turns your vision to black. You’re passed out before your head even hits the floor. 
  The November air whipped into reddened skin, striking out any heat you had left in the confinements of the peach sweater you borrowed from Nancy on your frozen walk to Forest Hills Trailer Park. 
  It happened again. 
  And this time it wasn’t an accident, no matter how much he begged, no matter how many times he said he was sorry. 
  He hit you with a closed fist. 
  You weren’t flirting with Dustin. He was your friend. Way before Chad had taken any interest in you. Most of your friends were guys, besides El and Max, and even though Nancy Wheeler was older and more popular— you considered her a friend too. 
  When she left for college this past fall, she insisted on making her room more stylish to your liking. And she never once minded the twin beds you both slept in, a night stand between them. 
  But when Mike sat next to you at lunch and was going over notes from Kensington’s class, Chad’s mind twisted it into Mike hitting on you. Which led to Chad hitting on you, but instead of compliments and doting behavior— he drug you out to his car, a bony grip on the back of your neck.
  He screamed at you with every vein protruding from his tan skin. Voice hoarse and throat stretched tight. 
  Apparently you were fucking people behind his back. Even though you were a virgin. The town whore! He had yelled loud for even some of the teachers to hear, all turning a blind eye to the obvious domestic abuse happening on school grounds. 
  Explaining yourself only made it worse. 
  He slapped your face hard when you opened your mouth to interrupt him. And when you stood your ground and raised your chin to him, calm and steadily telling him to go fuck himself, he swung a fist into your eye. 
  And that’s when you left. 
  His apologies trailing behind you and caught in the gut of wind to travel far away from your ears. He wouldn’t follow you, he had appearances at school to keep up. 
  Much easier to tell Aaron and Sean that you got your period and were being crazy then explain why he had left school.
  The gravel crunched beneath your feet, frozen from the last winter storm and holding pockets of ice amongst the rocks. 
  Pale blue and still holding the old television lawn ornament, you sighed audible when Eddie’s van was parked outside of the aluminum sided trailer. 
  You hadn’t seen him since graduation last May. The night Chrissy’s extra curricular activities with Rick finally came out when they were caught fucking in the shower upstairs, at Steve’s house. Both sporting pricked arms with needle marks. 
  A broken hearted Eddie drank all night long and puked into the hot tub.
  Your quickened steps up to the concrete stairs and a shaky broken knock on the screen door have you stepping back waiting for the door to open, awaiting Eddie’s stupid grin waiting on the other side. 
  Living with Eddie you had no reason to be afraid. Many nights the front door was left unlocked. And maybe it was out of habit. Maybe you had left it unlatched tonight too. 
  It would explain how he was there now. 
  Hovering over you, his blond hair coined perfectly slicked to the side, slightly feathered back with thick styling gel. A Ralph Lauren polo with the logo on the left chest. His cologne reeked of some designer brand, making your stomach queasy.
  The only difference between those years ago and now was that he had a small dusting of a flesh colored mustache wiggled on his sweaty lip. Same maniacal inky blacks to his blown pupils, laced with the piercing blue. 
  The realization ices your veins and stings your eyes with angry tears. 
  Chad Cunningham was in your home, his body over yours as you're pinned beneath him, the smell of iron invading your nose. Looking around with wild eyes you see the crimson streaks from the linoleum in the kitchen to the carpet where you are laying. Your head thumping with the rhythm of bloody drops against the fibers of the worm carpet.
  “Been a long time hasn’t it, honey bun?” 
  An eternity wouldn’t have been enough. 
  Pressing his body into yours, you can feel the stiffness of his starched shirt as you try to will your arms to fight him away. He chuckles at your feeble attempts to push him off.
  His weight presses deeper into you as he lowers his mouth to your lips, squeezing your face he almost sings,  “Told you I’d see you soon.” 
  His lips are harshly planted into yours, feeling like jagged rocks against your soft waters.
  “Fuck,” he groans, hard against your thigh. “just like I remember. I’ve missed you.” 
  The clink of his belt unthreading from the loops of his khakis finally renders your senses. But you wait with calculated timing. 
  Leaning back, he stares into your face with a quizzical expression burrowed deep on his brow. “What’s the frown for? Don’t you miss me? Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
  Evident that his delusions still ran deep, it’s showtime. You would survive this. One good hit, that's all it would take. 
  Pushing yourself up gently, your head is swimming with nausea and the steady dripping tick of blood down the back of your neck. 
  Placing a shaky hand to his cheek he moves into your hand, the same way Eddie had that night, your stomach somersaults at the memory. 
  When his eyes shut, you turn your fingers into a clawed position, and scrape the flesh from the corner of his eye down to his lip. 
  It happens quickly and with your blurred vision and pounding head it feels like it’s all in slow motion. He wasn’t expecting it. 
  A kick to his ribs hurt your bare feet probably more than it injured him but you needed the extra time to escape into your room. 
  The phone feels cool against your cheek, and weighs heavy on your shoulder when you realize it’s dead. The plan of you running in here, dialing 9-1-1 and holding him off until they came was foiled. 
  “BITCH! You can’t hide from me!” 
  Knowing you only have seconds before he finds you, you 
frantically look around for something to defend yourself with. Searching eyes land on the window. 
  Just need to get out and run to Mr. Griffin’s house. 
  Fingers on the frame you yank upwards, palms digging into the wired screen, pushing it out.
  Throwing your leg out into the darkness of the night, you’re one step closer to being safe. One step closer to ending this night of horrors before it could begin. 
  The noise of splintering wood and the crack of a door being snapped from its hinges join your erratic breath and piercing screams— a monstrous reel of symphonic sound. 
  Chad twists a thick fist into your scalp, freeing the hair from its follicles in a sickening pop as you scratch your nails into the window sill, trying to hold on.
  He’s stronger than you, no different than years before. And when your body crumbles onto the floor with a squelching thud, splinters of lacquered wood and nails that once held the door in place, pierce into your exposed skin. 
  But that is minor league compared to the shattering pain delivered from his fist into your face as he straddles you.
  “Think you can hide away with that freak from me?!” He rocks his closed hand into your other cheek, this time clipping your eye with a gold wedding band.  
  Your cries fall on deaf ears. Tears stinging and trying to drip from your swelling eyelids. 
  “Honey bun,” he purrs into your ear, “don’t tell me you’re that fucking stupid to think I wouldn’t find you.”
  His fingers move to brush your hair from your face, and he holds your head in place when you try to bite at his fingers. 
  His wicked smile could make the devil’s scaly skin crawl. 
  “Such a dumb whore, forgetting I have eyes and ears all over this town.” Placing his grabby fingers on his breasts, he continues, “Aaron and Sean may not be the brightest candles on the cake but they are loyal.” 
  You rack your brain for any recollection of those names.  and it finally clicks. Chad’s friends in high school, following him around like he was the King. A snap of his fingers and they’d move like henchmen. Fighting anyone who got in his way, putting themselves at risk just to say they had a friend from a rich family. 
  The realization swims in your eyes and scares your tears dry. 
  “Pieced it together huh?” Chad laughs wildly. “They work..” he grunts, hips rutting against you, pinching your perked nipples in his tight grasp, his fingernails digging through your shirt around the delicate skin, making you squeal, “..with the freak!” 
  His deranged cackle doubles when you yell out in pain. 
  “Small town bosses don’t lock their offices, and it was too easy for Aaron to find your address, even easier to find out that Eddie had left your ass here, unguarded, alone, waiting for someone to save you, and honey bun here I am!” 
  His sick twisted smile oozes fear further into your gut, brooding and feeding on any small amount of joy you had left. 
  “You need a fucking psychiatrist.”
  “Such harsh words for that sweet mouth, but don’t worry!” he reassures, eyes wide with delight and a psychotic expression on his face as he brings his voice low and secret-like, “I won’t kill you yet, the boys are looking for Munson and when they find him…” he lowers himself to kiss your lips, sliding his tongue against the split flesh. 
  “Fuck!” He bellows, licking his lips savoring your taste on his tongue, “when they find him they’re gonna bring him here, and it’ll be arranged to look like the freak killed you and then himself.. a lover’s quarrel gone bad.” 
  He rubs his face and grunts again at the warbled wails you let out, squeezing your breasts and bucking into your clothed crotch. “Goddamn,” he groans, his eyes rolling into his head at the sound of your cries, getting off on your distorted face, “I just couldn’t help myself, had to come here and do this first. One last goodbye.”
  You’d rather be dead at this point. You wish he’d kill you now and get it over with. But the thought of Eddie seeing your lifeless body haunted you. And you stop crying when his hands close around the hollow of your throat. 
  “Gonna be mine, one last time honeybun?”
  “Fuck you,” you croak beneath his hands on your throat.
  You’re weak and running out of time. Rolling your tongue against your teeth and cheeks, harboring a mixture of saliva and blood you wait until Chad is leaning over you, and when he’s close enough you spit the concoction into his face.
  Chad bellers out, letting go of your throat and standing abruptly to wipe his face. The split second he’s distracted you try to crawl away, but he kicks you down. 
  Delivering several soccer styled strikes into your stomach, his voice spewing insults with every jab of his white Nikes into your body.
  A raging shock of fury paints his face.
  “What did I tell you hmm? If I can’t have you— no one can!” You scream loud when his shoe propels into your crotch, shocking your pelvis with burning heat. 
  All noise is void when he rolls you over and crashes down on your beaten body, clobbering your tear and blood streaked face, blow after blow.  Your eyes are swelling shut and you’re surprised when you see Eddie’s face, before your eyes shut. 
  It feels like home. 
  The warm smile you missed so much was not there to greet you. A cold calloused “what?” finds you instead. 
  “Eddie?” you ask with a scratchy throat, clearing it once, twice, to answer him against the wind. 
  Grumbling and stomping in the trailer is heard. Along with two separate giggles. 
  The door is yanked hard inward revealing a version of Eddie Munson you’d never seen before. His skin was sunken in on his cheeks, dark circles rimmed his eyes. His once soft features were sharp and lackluster, brooding with ashy shadows and skin that looked like it hadn’t seen sunlight in months. 
  He looked gaunt and hallowed out, his ribs poking against the cindery color of his skin. The warm whiskey eyes that once danced when he laughed were now gaping blacked marbled, polar and dull. 
  He speaks but you are too busy holding your breath from the stench of rotting clothes and unwashed bodies. 
  Stumbling over an apology for not hearing him, you are startled when he barks back,  “I said, what the fuck are you doing here, Tooty?” 
  You look to the floor and notice he’s wearing a heavily stained sock with a hole in the toe, the other foot bare, next to a pair of work boots are three pairs of women’s shoes:, heels, keds, and pink reeboks. Your toes wiggle in your worn converse. 
  “I’m.. I uh..” 
  Eddie rolls his eyes, “oh for fucks sake spit it out! You selling raffle tickets or something for school? Pep team need new Pom-poms? Or maybe the chess club is looking for a new board?” 
  Shock stealing your speech you stand on frigid feet digging your fingers into the yarn on the Nancy’s sweater. Tears bite your lashes and fall on cold cheeks. 
  Eddie! Where’s your lighter? A sultry voice coos, padding feet getting closer to the threshold. 
  “Listen kid, I’m fucking busy, I don’t have time to haul you around because twiddle dick and dum forgot you at the gas station again.” 
  He has barely looked at you since you got there. The guy who held more merit to you than your own brother was gone. 
  When you wipe your eyes on the sleeve of your sweater  he lets out an exaggerated groan. 
  He thrusts dirty fingers into his sweatpants pockets. Pulling out a perfectly rolled twenty dollar bill, he flattens it smooth. He smears his finger along the length of the bill, collecting remnants of a fine white powder, which is quickly shoved into his greedy mouth and rubbed on his gums like he’s brushing his teeth. 
  “Here,” he grunts, shoving the drugged money into your pocket, avoiding your eyes at all cost, “now get lost.” 
  The blinds on the door are still swinging as you stand there dumbstruck and watery eyed. Low voices are murmured through the thin walls as a lighter flicks and sizzles.
  Who was that baby? 
  And that’s exactly who you were to everyone you knew, nobody. 
  And ironically enough— that’s exactly who you could rely on. 
  One thing was for certain: Eddie Munson was a stranger to you. 
  The tears fell harder on the shameful walk back to Chad. But you weren’t sure if you were crying harder because of the sudden loss you felt from an old friend or because of the pain in your eye.  
  Heart hammering in his chest, Eddie jiggles the door handle, it’s locked and he panics and realizes he still has his key. Fumbling with the key ring, Eddie finds the short brass one and unlocks the door. 
  The sight of the mostly empty house is jarring, causing his stomach to drop , a small recliner rests in the living room where his couch once sat. Wine is spilled from the kitchen to the living room, smeared like it was swept poorly with a mop. 
  You never drank wine.
  Maybe you started drinking heavily after he left. He did. It only made sense. 
But a second glance at the claret colored stain embedded into the carpet and his worst fear was realized. 
  The sound of something wet and thwacking settles into his bones and shakes his spine. Someone was hurting you.
  Heavy docs lead him to the corner of the house, your room and his old room. Where his door was intact, yours was shattered. Like Jack Torrance took his ax to it in The Shining. Stepping on cracked wood, Eddie sees the most horrific thing he’s ever been a witness too. 
  And suddenly he’s six years old again, helpless. Watching a woman he loved lose a battle she didn’t even know she was in. But instead of his mother’s lifeless body crumbled by his father’s feet, instead of her dark curly hair matted with pooling blood and a gaping bullet hole— It’s you underneath a guy he doesn’t recognize.
  Your face is battered and covered in blood, the once plush lips he held so warmly between his own were split and slack. Your eyes were swollen, lacking any shine to them they normally held. 
  His eyes connect with yours for a brief second, and when they close he doesn’t know if they will open again. 
  Fury radiates through his entire body, masking the pain of heartache at the sight of you slipping from him. 
  Before he can acknowledge the thought of you being gone, he lunges at the catalog Dad dressed asshole. Knocking him off your body and landing on top of him, colliding into your dresser. The tangle of body parts wrestling for purchase tumble into the hall. Ringed fists land home on every surface of this guy's face, and when he stops to take a breath— he realizes the face he is hitting is Chad Cunningham’s.
  How did he find you? Had he been stalking you both since that day at the grocery store?
  Didn’t matter all that he cared about was throwing this mother fucker the biggest ass kicking of his life, and he wouldn’t stop until either Chad or himself was dead.
  “I’ve waited years for this day,” Chad spit, after getting a punch in when Eddie was in his own head, knocking Eddie’s jaw to bite down on his tongue, filling his mouth with blood immediately. “Trailer trash Munson finally came to play.”
  Taken by surprise, Chad shoves Eddie from him and stands up, looking through the doorway at your limp body. 
  Eddie stands slow, using the bathroom doorknob to help, he reaches for the knife kept in his back pocket. 
  Chad spins to face Eddie, his hair sweaty and face ballooning out from Eddie’s rings. “You should have left my girl alone Munson, would have saved your uncle the heartache.”
  Eddie flicks the blade open on the knife, grip tight around it, he breathes through his nose his throat tight and stretching around his words, his leather jacket creaking when he moves his neck around in a stretch, confident in his delivery, “she’s not yours.” 
  The hysterical laugh that leaves Chad’s lungs could resemble bats screeching in the night, he’d make a great clown in a haunted house. 
  “Dead or alive whether I’m married or not— she’ll always be mine.”
  Like alley cats, they stare each other down, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
  Chad licks his lips and looks your way again, “listen, I get it, she’s hot. And that tight little pussy..” he licks his lips and grabs himself over his denim jeans, stained with your blood.
  Eddie’s blood is boiling, he’s seconds away from snapping but trying to hold it together long enough to make a perfect attack.
  Chad leans forward, gesturing a mockery secret with his hand held around his mouth, “It’s even better when she’s fighting you,” he inhales deep, like he’s wishing he was in a past memory, “screaming really tightens her right up.”
  Knife out, Eddie charges forward. And is struck dumb when the knife is kicked from his hand. Another kick this time to the chest that he wasn’t expecting sends him stumbling into the living room, air gone from his lungs. Chad follows and swings into his diaphragm making Eddie choke out on nothing, gasping for air. 
  “Oh come on, Munson,” Chad taunted, leaning down to kiss Eddie’s cheek, “Thought you would have some trailer park moves to throw at me.”
  Raising a heavy boot, Eddie stomps on Chad’s toes, and mule kicks his kneecaps. A ringed fist meets his cheek, adding another forming bruise to his winter tan skin. Shoving him backwards into the counter in the kitchen, the cabinet doors bust on the impact. 
  The punches Eddie is landing have his knuckles bloody and swelling but he doesn’t care. Each punch is a testament for the years you held yourself together, acted like nothing bad was going on, when in reality you were experiencing hell on Earth and he never knew. 
  This was his payback. His way of righting a wrong. A wrong that should have never even began.
  He doesn’t know what he was hit with just that he was stumbling backwards again. Temple throbbing and without reaching up he knows he’s bleeding. His back hitting the corner of the fridge he slides down onto the linoleum.
  His head is heavy and his vision blinded with hazy clouds of black and white. He hears Chad but doesn’t see him, just feels his head being slammed in the fridge and a grip in his hair. 
  “Could have saved your uncle funeral costs you stupid bastard… clearly you don’t care about him, or Tooty for that matter, leaving her all alone like that,” Chad sucks through his teeth, splitting blood onto Eddie’s shirt, “thought the raccoons usually stuck together.”
  He chuckles low and slams Eddie’s head one more time with such force it leaves a dent in the fridge. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” he says, straightening his shirt, walking towards your room , “my girl is waiting.”
  “Don’t touch her!” Eddie roars, pushing himself up to stand with all his might. Pounding head and nausea thick in his mouth. Raising his head he looks at Chad with blurry sight, trying to see clearly. His voice is low, catching his breath and taking all of his strength to utter out the words. Balancing around the mark of deranged, “I’ll fucking kill you.”  
  Chad swivels on his heels, head cocked at Eddie, he grabs under his chin holding it firmly in place. His breath fanning over Eddie’s cheeks and he smiles maniacally, blood painting his teeth. 
  “Don’t flatter yourself.” A heavy fist to the gut has Eddie doubled over. Gripping the counter with white knuckles and wet blood smeared fingertips. 
  He had failed again. He wasn’t able to stop his own father from killing his mother. And now Chad was on his way to desecrate your lifeless body. He’s a fuck up and a failure. 
  A low guttural choking sound breeches Eddie’s ears. And he turns to see you covered in your own blood, barely standing and wielding a bat with nails protruding from every which way. 
  The nails are claret colored and dripping thick drops onto the carpet, fibers of Chad’s jeans hang in shreds from the sharp edges. A scant look towards Eddie and your eyes swim with relief and mourning. 
  He’s here. Blood is smeared down his lips and his hands look tight and swollen. 
  But he’s alive. And so are you.
  Eddie’s vision is doubled and he blinks rapidly unaware if he is seeing you or not. He swallows hard and almost chokes on tears.
  But that is short lived.
  And it happens fast. 
  The yelling rage from Chad’s lungs over power your screams. His hands are tight around your throat before you can blink, your spine snapping into the nearest wall, feet dangling off the ground. 
  Haziness bleeds into your eyes and your breath is expelled from screaming— now gone when your windpipe is crushing like a pixie stick under Chad’s grip. 
  Desperate to fight back you jam your thumbs into his eyes. Victor Creel style like the Urban Legends passed down that you were told as kids. 
  If you were going to die, at least he would be blind, a forever reminder of this day etched, literally, into his face. 
  You prayed Eddie would know how much you loved him.  
  Should have’s taking over the last puffs of oxygen in your brain, popping like bubbles. 
  Should have told him sooner. 
  Should have said it every day. 
  Should have kissed him more. 
  Should have let him love you. 
  The guilt wraps around your mind as the cold hands of death welcome you. But you’re not afraid. Knowing Chad always kept good on his word, Eddie would join you in the afterlife.
  Hand in hand. 
  Strolling along the pinked cotton candy clouds and the pearly gates. 
  You are his and he is yours. 
  Lovers together finally at last. 
  The last breath on your lips is a silent devotion to him. 
  I love you, Eddie.
a/n: my asks are always open ♥️
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springgirlwaiting4fall · 2 years ago
Beach/Body Insecurities-Being Reassured by Cash Wheeler
Idea and Requested by: @princessmermaid1289
Trigger Warning: The main female character does think negative thoughts about her body.
Please remember all bodies all beautiful
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Movies, restaurants, coffee shops were what you thought of for third date locations. A crowded beach on the Carolina Shores in August was not what you would think of. Or a place that you would ever think of agreeing to. Sure you loved laying out in the sun, the sand between your toes, ice cream, and swimming. Having a date see you in your bathing suits made your stomach turn into knots. But it seems like Cash could ask you to go anywhere and you would follow him.
Cash Wheeler is handsome, kind, and funny. He is tall, but doesn’t tower over your tall. Fit with blonde hair and dark hazel eyes. He is an actual professional athlete. It was still hard to believe he was interested in you and this was not some type of prank show with hidden cameras. Its not like you are some Quasimodo. You’ve had boyfriends and other men interested in you. But those guys would say you were cute. Your body could be described as soft and a little jiggly.
You shake those negative thoughts from your head and focused on Cash. He was talking about how in the off season dogs are allowed on he beach and how the two of you should take his bulldog down for the day. Warmth and excitement raced through you as Cash talked about his future and how he planned to include in you.
“That would be great Cash,” you smiled at him. He pulled into a parking spot and turned his truck off.
You tried helping him carry the beach chairs, his book bag, and your bag; but Cash is a gentlemen he insists on doing it himself all while holding our hand. The two of you find a spot on the beach among the crowd of other beach goers. After unfolding both chairs, Cash pulls his shirt off. You have seen him wrestle on tv, seeing him in person however is a whole new experience. He makes your knees weak and mouth go dry. From the corner of your eye you spot a group of women who also notice your date. They are younger than you. One is wearing a “finally 21,” birthday sash over her string bikini. Each one is gorgeous, tall and thin, with thick bust and bottoms. You can’t stop thinking that one of those girls should be here with him.
The birthday girl must think so too, because she saunters over to Cash without even noticing you. Her voice is smooth and confident. “Hey! My friends and I are going to the bar.” She shakes her head to the left where about a mile away there is a bar and restaurant in the sand. “You want to buy me a birthday shot?”
Cash doesn’t even give her a second look, “no thanks.” He grabs your hands and laces his fingers into yours.
Birthday girl looks at your intertwine hands, pouts for a second, before smiling again. “Your sister can hang with us too.”
Cash’s voice is harder now, more firm, his southern politeness is gone. “Listen my girlfriend and I just want to spend the day alone.” He turns his back to her and faces you. The woman stalks away back to her friends. “Sorry about that,” Cash voice is softer and unsure now. “I hope that didn’t freak you out.” His face is red and you want to tell him not worry. You are not surprised by other women hitting on him, but he keeps talking. “I know your not my girlfriend, and this is only our third date, but hopefully not out last.” It hits you that Cash is trying not to freak you out about him referring to you as his girlfriend. Seeing Cash embarrassed is new to you and its adorable.
You look down at your hand that is still holding Cash’s and smile “its okay.”
He clears his throat the red on his face fading away. Both smiling at each other for way too long. Only breaking apart when a mom holding hands with her toddler walks by and the little boy yells out “look mama their holding hands too.” Cash squeezes your hand before letting go. He walks over to his book bag hanging off his chair opens it and pulls out sunscreen.
“I figured we might need some.” He offers the bottle out to you. Cash is only in his pink swimsuit and you still need to undress. You tell him to go first, and have to stop yourself from panting as he rubs his whole body down. “Can you get my back?”
“Sure.” Helping someone apply sunscreen isn’t a big deal, or at least it shouldn’t be. But with Cash it feels intimate. The farthest the two of you have gone is a couple of kisses last week in Cash’s truck after dinner when he was dropping you off at home. And now here you are behind him taking time rubbing lotion on to his neck, over his shoulders, down his back, over his ribs, down right to wear his bathing suit starts. You take longer rubbing in where his tattoos are. You barley recognize your own voice at how sultry it is when you whisper in Cash’s ear your all done. But you do notice the small hair on Cash’s neck raise and that he takes two slow deep breaths before turning around.
“Thanks,” he is waiting for you. Its time for you to get out of your t-shirt and jean shorts. Your mind races with all the negative things you see when you look in the mirror. You slide out of your flip flops and unbutton your shorts. As you bend over to pull them down, you notice that Cash is looking anywhere but at you. You pull your shirt over your head and quickly stuff your clothing into your bag, Why did your roomie insist you wear the high waisted two piece. Now everyone will see how much you miss match with Cash. He finally looks back at you. “Damn,” he flinches at his curse. “Sorry. You look really nice.” Your right arm wraps around your midsection the insecurities in your head are telling you that he is surprised by how bigger you look this close to being naked. (Anybody else who heard Cash would be able to tell he was amazed at how good you looked.) “Do you want some help?” Cash is holding out the sunscreen bottle. The idea of Cash feeling how soft and squishy you are compared to his muscle body makes your stomach turn. You shake your head no. Cash takes your hand that isn’t hiding your stomach and leads you to the water.
The water was cool, but thanks to the blazing sun it feels amazing. The two of you began to go deeper and deeper until you were as far out as the lifeguards allow. With the water going past your shoulders you are able to stop focusing on your body and focus on having fun with Cash. You let the smaller waves wash over you. With the bigger waves Cash and you body surf. It seems like when your with Cash the idea of time disappears and you aren’t sure how long the two of you were swimming for. At one point a wave unexpectedly knocks you under. Before you can really comprehend what was happening Cash’s hand wrap his hands around your waist and pull you up. “You okay?” His face frowning.
Without second guessing yourself you wrap your legs around his. “I’m good.”
Cash holds you in his arms before lightly kissing you, “I really want to kiss you more; but you really should put on sunscreen.” He starts walking towards the beach. When Cash is in knee deep water you tell him he can put you down while laughing. “I could, but I don’t want to.” He carries you until he is standing in front of your chair. Cash gently puts your feet onto the sand, before grabbing his towel. He started drying the top of your head than the end of your hair, neck arms, stomach, back, legs all the way to the top of your feet. Without words he grabs the sunscreen and begins applying it all over you. His hands move gently, his fingers linger over your neck. He drops to his knees to get your lower half, tickling the back of your knees. Cash finishes up by standing up and applying the lotion to your face. “You are beautiful Y/N. Absolutely stunning. I love how your body feels in my hands. You are gorgeous inside and out.” The words make you light headed, because not only did his words sound so sincere, you felt loved. Which is crazy. You cant fall in love with someone on a third date. Or maybe you could? You blink and Cash is standing in front of you, his shirt back on. “Hands up.” You do as he asked and he carefully slides your t-shirt back on. “This is because I have to go to Canada tomorrow. And I wont be able to help put aloe on you until I get back on Sunday. Its not to hide your body. Okay?” You smile and answer Cash with a kiss on his lips.
Together the two of you have an amazing lunch, before sunbathing and taking a nap. After reapplying sunscreen onto each other, Cash and you head back into the water. The two of you stay in the ocean until the lifeguards call everyone out of the water because the sun is setting.
“How about a ride on the ferris wheel or a walk on the boardwalk?” Cash asks as he carries everything back to his truck.
“Not tonight.” This time you take Cash hands into yours. Today was a perfect day and you were proudly holding his hand with your shorts pulled over your wet bathing suit bottoms and your T-shirt stuffed in your bag. “Im pretty tired and you have flight tomorrow. So why don’t we watch a movie at my place instead?”
Cash looks over at you surprised, but excited. “Just you, me, and a movie sounds amazing.” Cash loads the bed of his truck, than opens the car door for you. He gets in on his side and starts to drive back to your place; for snuggling, a movie, and while he didn’t know this yet. Maybe even a bit more than kissing.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 years ago
This is my Main Masterlist that shows all the fics I have written for the following AEW and NJPW wrestlers. I ONLY write for the following AEW and NJPW wrestlers. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox!
RULES FOR REQUESTS: I do not write about the following under any circumstance
Any and all forms of pedophilia, rape, incest
Daddy kink/ dd/g
Characters must be 18+
Group sex of any kind
These are my personal rules, I do not write about these certain things as I am either uncomfortable doing so.
I will delete any requests I am uncomfortable making!
Rules will be updated if needed
If you have any questions feel free to send a message!
✉️: Request 💎: Personal fav ❤️‍🔥:18+/warnings of any kind
🤷🏼‍♀️: Wrestler's I no longer write for
Note: wrestlers with more than 5 fics will have their own master-list that you can find below!
“Hangman” Adam Page Masterlist
Click on the link to view to view all the Adam Page Fics!
Billy Gunn Masterlist
Click on the link to view all the Billy Gunn Fics!
Blackpool Combat Club
Fine Print ✉️
Single Mother
Cash Wheeler Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Cash Wheeler fics!
Christian Cage  Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Christian Cage fics!
Chuck Taylor
Enough 💎
Pregnancy headcanons ✉️
Sub Headcannons ✉️❤️‍🔥
Birthday Blues
Clark Connors
Pregnancy Headcannons
CM PUNK Masterlist
Click on the link above to view all CM Punk Fics!
Darby Allin
Coming soon
David Finlay 
Pregnancy Headcannons
Dream Girl ✉️
Hate Fuck ❤️‍🔥
Beach Days
Drilla Moloney
Zen ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Pregnancy Headcannons
El Phantasmo Masterlist
Click on the link to view all ELP fics!
Elite Masterlist 
Click on the link to view all Elite fics!
Kenny Omega Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Kenny Omega fics!
Nick Jackson
The Final Show ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Falling In Love
Pregnancy Headcannons
You scared me
Nic Nemeth
Bundle Of Joy
Pregnancy Headcannons
Matt Jackson Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Matthew Jackson Fics!
Malakai Black 🤷🏼‍♀️
I do not write about HOB but I accidentally wrote this filthy SMUT with Malakai! Enjoy it because it's the only one lol
Saviour ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
MJF Masterlist 🤷🏼‍♀️
Click on the link to view all MJF fics!
Jay White Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Jay White fics!
Jon Moxley
Pregnancy Headcannons
Wild Thing
Nsfw Alphabet ❤️‍🔥
Pregnancy Headcannons
Preston Vance 🤷🏼‍♀️
Nsfw Alphabet ❤️‍🔥
Samoa Joe 
NSFW Alphabet  ❤️‍🔥
Pregnancy Headcannons
Swerve Strickland 
Leather And Lace ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Pregnancy Headcannons
Swerve When I Ride ✉️❤️‍🔥
Jealousy Jealousy ✉️❤️‍🔥
Wardlow Masterlist 🤷🏼‍♀️
Click on the link to view all Wardlow fics
Zack Sabre Jr
Black Widow ✉️
Tokyo Disney ✉️
Forbidden Love ✉️
Pregnancy Headcannos
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year ago
Songs4Caplan Challenge
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(I located an older song fic challenge from a deleted blog I had that had this graphic on it. LOL)
Tag me in the authors notes & send me a message with yuor fic once it's posted! (along with the hashtag so I know which Masterlist to place the fic when I post it)
Please tag the proper warnings before the fic
More than one person can write for the same prompts
RPFs are allowed
If you’d like to write for more than one song, please make them separate fics
the songs are randomly picked from my playlist, so don't judge lol.
Can be however long you’d like the fic to be, however, please be considerate to the folks using the app and place the 'keep reading' feature on your posts!!
PLEASE tag the fic as #songs4caplan so i can easily find your fics!!!
Addicted to you simple plan
Africa Toto 
All downhill from here new found glory 
All for you sister hazel 
All summer long kid Rock 
Alone together fall out boy
Amnesia 5 seconds of summer
Animals maroon 5
As it was Harry styles 
as the world caves in Sarah cothran
Ashes of Eden breaking Benjamin 
Attention Charlie put 
Bad guy Billie eillish 
Bad things jace Everett
Beautiful mistakes maroon 5
Beautiful soul Jesse McCartney 
Before he cheats carrie underwood 
Before you go Lewis capaldi 
Beggin maneskin 
Better than me hinder
Blue ain’t your color Keith urban 
Burn usher 
Car radio twenty one pilots 
Church fall out boy
Climax usher 
Come & get it Selena Gomez 
Count on me Bruno mars 
Criminal Fiona Apple 
Deja vu Olivia rodrigo 
Delicate Taylor swift 
Diary Tino Coury 
Dirty laundry Carrie underwood 
Dirty thoughts Chloe adams 
Don’t call me up Mabel 
Downtown lady a 
Drivers license Olivia rodrigo 
Easy on Adele 
End of me a day to remember 
Every breath you take the police 
Every morning sugar ray 
Everybody hurts r.e.m. 
Fall for you secondhand serenade
Fallin Alicia keys 
Fast car Tracy Chapman 
Flowers Miley Cyrus 
For the first time the script
Forever young alphaville
Forever and ever amen randy Travis
Fuck it Eamon 
Fuck you bitch wheeler walker jr
Ghost of you Justin beiber
Glimpse of us Joji
God gave me you Blake Shelton 
Hate (I really don’t like you) plain white tees
Havana Camilla cabello 
Heart attack Demi lovato 
Heartbreak anniversary giveon 
Heaven Kane brown 
Hello darlin Conway twitty 
Hold on, we’re going on drake 
How do you sleep Jesse McCartney 
Hurt Johnny cash 
I fall apart post Malone 
I miss you blink 182
I see red everybody loves an outlaw 
I wanna be your slave maneskin 
I’m not the only one Sam smith 
I’m the only one Melissa Ethridge 
I’m yours Alessia Cara 
In my blood Shawn Mendes 
It ain’t me baby me Johnny cash 
Jealous nick Jonas 
Just one yesterday fall out boy 
Just the way you are Bruno mars 
Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne 
Killer queen Queen 
The last of the real ones 
Leave  the door open Bruno mars 
Leavin’ Jesse McCartney 
Let her go passenger
Like I can Sam smith
Lips of an angel hinder
Little do you know Alex & sierra 
Little Talks Mumfords & sons
Mama's broken heart Miranda lambert
Man down Rihanna
Misery Maroon 5
My Boo usher & Alicia keys 
Needed Me Rihanna 
Never gonna be alone Nickelback
New Rules Dua Lipa 
Not Over You Gavin DeGraw
Obsessed Mariah Carey
One Call Away Charlie Puth
One More Night Maroon 5
Our Song Taylor Swift
Picture KidRock & Sherry Crow 
PillowTalk Zayn Malik 
Please Don’t Leave Me Pink
Red Taylor Swift 
Remember the time Michael Jackson
Rolling in the deep Adele 
Say My Name Destiny’s Child
Say So Doja Cat 
She’s Got You Patsy Cline
Shower Becky G
Smokin out the Window Bruno Mars 
Someone You Loved Lewis Capaldi
Stay With Me Sam Smith
Take a Bow Rihanna
Take Me to Church Hozier
Take You Dancing Jason Derulo
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back Shawn Mendes
Title Meghan Trainor
Too Good at Goodbyes Sam Smith
Too Little Too LAte JoJo
Trip Ella Mae
Trouble P!Nk
True Love P!NK
Unfaithful RIhanna
Unholy Sam smith
Unsteady X Ambassadors
Uptown Girl Billy Joel
Wait For You Elliot Yamin
Walk Me Home P!NK
Walkin After Midnight Patsy Cline
Want U Back Cher Lloyd
What a Man Gotta Do Jonas Brothers
What Ifs Kane Brown
Wolves Selena Gomez
Would You Go With Me? Josh Turner
You Found Me The Fray
You Had Me @ Hello A Day to Remember
You Need to Calm Down, Taylor Swift
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sheinthatfandom · 29 days ago
Got this idea from @bang-bang-gang since @mostbelovedaewwrestlertournament has so many people in the first round I wasn’t sure about spamming the posts all day so if you wanna know my votes and why it’s under the cute I added all 78 matches and tried to keep it in order
Aaron solo vs Yuka : Yuka all the way she’s fun she’s cute I love her style and her moves
Abadon va willow: this made me sad to choose between two people I live but I went with willow
Action vs Ospreay: I do not give a fuck about Andretti he had a very short window of me caring and it’s been a very long time since then
Adam Cole vs wheeler Yuta: YUUUUTTTTTAAAA BABY THEY DID YOU DIRTY PUTTING YOU UP AGAINST COLE.Yuta man Yuta best Yuta the one I vote for always
Adam page vs wardlow: hanger is amazing and probably the greatest wrestling storyteller
Alex Reynolds’s vs Vincent: I was gonna say Vincent but then got sad thinking Alex would have no votes had I known he was winning I woulda been honest.
Angelico vs Trent Baretta: Angelico all the way wish it was closer cause honestly he’s a cute fun guy and deserves more votes
Angelo Parker vs Tony nese: it’s angelo there’s no thinking about it welcome back new daddy
Anna jay vs Toni storm: I picked Toni but I love them both it’s just Toni knows who she is knows her characters and is the greatest storyteller
Anthony bowens vs toa liona: Anthony bowens let’s start pushing him and not use the breakup to catapult caster
Ar fox vs the butcher: butcher all the way I miss this trio
Anthony ogogo vs thunder Rosa: they can never make me hate you it’s la mera mera
Daivari vs the blade: the blade again I miss this trio
Athena vs the beast mortos: I knew all votes would go to Athena so I wanted mortos to have a vote he’s not doing nearly as badly as I assumed but I love them both
Austin Gunn vs Taya: how you put two bad bitches against each other I went with Austin cause I haven’t see him in forever so I miss him more
Bandido vs tay melo: fuck that bitch anyone over tay but I actually do like bandido
Big bill vs swerve: one is the greatest and most charismatic wrestlers in the world wow who to choose lol swerve
Billy Gunn vs sting: I respect them both but I rather eat out Billy
Bishop Kaun vs skye blue: skye skye skye
Bobby lashley vs Shelton Benjamin: Shelton has more personality
Brandon cutler vs Shawn Dean: I went with cutler assuming he’s be outvoted I was wrong again lol
Brian cage vs serpentico: SNAKE MAN!!!!!
Brody king vs Serena deeb: an amazing man musician father and wrestler vs a pedo wife to whoever voted for her please block me I don’t wanna know you
Bryan danielson cs Scorpio sky: my BCC daddy the American dragon the clam digger
Bryan Keith vs satnam Singh: Bryan Keith but he deserves better than what he’s been giving now
Buddy matthews vs saraya: buddy hell I’d choose a pile of hot elephant dung before I choose saraya
Cash wheeler vs Samoa Joe: Joe Joe Joe got if he chopped me I think it might actually fix me
Jericho vs Sammy: I chose no one
Christian cage vs rush: Christian we love a cult daddy
Chuck Taylor va ruby soho: this is the Chuck Taylor website and I voted Chuck lol
Claudio vs Rodrick: Swiss sweetheart!!!!
Colt cabana vs riho: I went with riho but neither one is my most beloved
Colten Gunn vs richochet: Colten is coming back!!!! Sorry richochet especially now when you’re starting to show personality
Cope vs Ricky Starks: my big booty Ricky god I miss you the charisma the skill you deserve so much better the fact that cope has so many votes really tells me people get mad that a black man knows his worth
Danhausen vs Rey fenix: danhausen I do not care about Rey he ruined all good will with me last year
Daniel garcia vs red velvet: Danny!!!!!
Dante Martin vs rebel: is rebel still signed? I voted Dante
Darby vs aminata: the queen of course
Dax vs powerhouse: powerhouse and I’m so glad others are agreeing with me
Darius vs Preston: I voted Preston cause I knew he wouldn’t get many votes and I was right
Deonna vs Peter Avalon: Deonna
Diamante va penlope: call me Odysseus cause I’m obsessed with Penelope
Dmd va Paul wight: Paul again ruined all good will
Dralistico vs pac: my soggy wet man pac
Dustin Rhodes va ortiz: ortiz Dustin holding two belts hostage is tiring and made me stop watching roh honestly
Dutch orange Cassidy: I was going to give Dutch a pity vote but orange was the savior of the death riders story and he deserves all the votes
Eddie va Nyla: I’m sure she would vote Eddie too
Emi vs Nick Wayne: one I love in fics and one I love to actually watch wrestle emi for the win
Evil uno vs comoroto: evil uno
Griff vs Nick buck: Nick buck best buck
Shida vs mjf: holy shida
Harley vs Brodie lee: it’s unfair to have someone who passed away go against anyone I voted Harley rip Brodie
Hologram vs miro: legit forgot miro still worked here hologram for the win want him up against Harley
Hook vs Mike Bennett: hook mainly cause I like his current polycule more
Isiah vs nakazawa: Isiah he deserves a win cause lord knows Tony won’t give him one
Jack Perry vs Mercedes mone: Jack he doesn’t have a catch phrase and his whole thing with Danny is still feeding me
Jamie vs martinez: Jamie
Jay lethal vs max caster: I hate them both
Jay white vs matt Jackson: legit thought it would be all Matt and no one but me would vote jay so I’m glad to see others have jay some love he deserves it
Jeff jerrett vs matt taven: taven!!!!!!! Taven taven taven he’s got the skill the charisma the ship ability but also he’s not a misogynistic pos who cares more about pushing himself than the rest of the company
John Silva vs matt sydal: matt I knew he wouldn’t get votes I was right John is just too fun
Johnny tv vs matt Menard: daddy magic all the way
Moxley vs Quen: JON MOXLEY!!!!!!!!!! The heart and soul of professional wrestling
woods vs mark Davis: both have great asses but Davis has personality
Juice vs mark briscoe: mark all day every day I miss the word of the day and him with KOR
Julia vs Marina: I love Marina and she’s great in ring but aew doesn’t use her so I’m going with Julia
Kamille vs Mariah may: Kamille is a garbage person and Mariah is a goddess according to Nigel
Shibata vs Malakai: hopefully he doesn’t see this but had it been anyone else I woulda voted him but shibata got that damn Turkey leg in his shorts so I went shibata lol
Okada vs Madison rayne: okada is Madison still here
Keith lee vs Luther: I went Luther cause I knew he wouldn’t win and I did enjoy his character with timeless
Omega vs lio rush: best bout machine for a reason!!!
Kiera vs Layla: I’m going with Kiera hogan she shows more fun in her personality
Killswitch vs leila grey: leila no offense but luchasaurus was better and what I remember that’s canon killswitch wasn’t more fun than everything Leila brings
Kip sabian vs Lee moriarty: I love them both but voted Kip cause he was sweet and kind to my family when we met him him Penelope and willow have my heart
Komander vs lee johnson: I went with lee I might have been the only one damn
Takeshita vs archer: I shoulda voted lance so he wouldn’t get spanked so badly but my love of Takeshita was so strong I hit vote before seeing who he was up against
Ibushi vs o’reilly: I still do not know this man hopefully that gets fixed now that Kenny is back and healthy kor for the win him and mark were the best together
Statlander vs Fletcher: I voted Fletcher sorry you won’t get to see the next round
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collinthenychudson · 4 months ago
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"One thing about trains: It doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on." - Conductor
Twenty years ago, The Polar Express made it's theatrical debut in cinemas across the United States. Loosely based on the 1985 children's book of the same name written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg, the film was directed by Robert Zemeckis (who also directed the Back To The Future trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump, etc.) With Alan Silvestri producing the film's music. Although the film's premiere was held at the Chicago International Film Fesitval on October 13th 2004, the theatrical debut took place on November 10th of that year.
Among the cast members was Tom Hanks (the voice of Woody in the Disney-Pixar Toy Story franchise) who took on the roles of Chris the Hero Boy, the Conductor, the Hobo, the Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet, Santa Claus, Chris' Father, and the narrator, although Chris' child voice was done by Daryl Sabara with additional motion capture done by Josh Hutcherson.
Other cast members include:
Nona Gaye (voice), Darrian O Driscoll (additional motion capture), Meagan Moore (singing voice), and Tinashe (motion-capture model) as Holly the Hero Girl.
Peter Scolari (motion capture), Hayden McFarland (additional motion-capture), Jimmy Bennett (voice), and Matthew Hall (singing voice) as Billy the Lonely Boy.
Eddie Deezen and Jimmy Pinchak (additional motion capture) as Know-It-All.
Michael Jeter (voice) and André Sogliuzzo (additional voice) as Steamer the Engineer and Smokey the Fireman.
Leslie Zemeckis (motion capture), Isabella Peregrina (voice) and Ashly Holloway (additional motion capture) as Sister Sarah and Chris' Mother.
Dylan Cash as a Boy on the Train.
Brendan King and Andy Pellick as the Pastry Chefs.
Josh Eli, Rolandes Hendricks, Jon Scott, Sean Scott, Mark Mendonca, Mark Goodman, Gregory Gast, and Gordon Hart as the Waiters.
Julene Renee as Red Head Girl and an Elf.
Chris Coppola and Connor Matheus (additional motion capture) as Gus the Toothless Boy and an Elf.
Phil Fondacaro, Debbie Lee Carrington, Mark Povinelli, and Ed Gale as the Elves.
Charles Fleischer as the Elf General.
Steven Tyler as the Elf Lieutenant and Elf Singer.
The locomotive that pulls the train is based on No. 1225, an N-1 class 2-8-4 "Berkshire" type locomotive that was built by the Lima Locomotive Works in October 1941 to pull freight trains for the Pere Marquette Railway. The locomotive's design and sounds were used for the Polar Express while the whistle came from Sierra Railway No. 3, a 4-6-0 "Ten Wheeler" locomotive built by the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works March 26, 1891.
Upon it's release, the film was met with mixed reviews with many people labeling the film as a "Christmas Classic" and others criticizing the film's characters as "lifeless zombies". The movie recieved a Rotten Tomatoes score of 56% but had otherwise performed successfully in the box office at $318.2 million reaching over the film's budget of $165-170 million. Over the years follwing it's theatrical debut, the film would be released to home media both on DVD and VHS with occasional DVD releases from time to time.
Like all films, The Polar Express also has marketing and other promotional materials. One example comes in the form of games based on the film such as a PS2 game of the same name, a Ticket Chase game, a Train Adventure game, and so forth. Another example is with model railroad and toy train companies such as Lionel and Brio have made various train sets based on the Polar Express train.
A third example includes various Polar Express-themed train ride events loosely based on the train's journey taking place at various heritage railroads during the Christmas season such as on the Durango & Silverton, Grand Canyon Railway, the B&O Railroad Museum, and even from Pere Marquette 1225, although under the name of "North Pole Express". In addition, SeaWorld Orlando did a temporary Christmas Layover of the Wild Arctic motion simulator ride called the "Polar Express Experience" from 2007 to 2015. Other forms of marketing, promotional materials, and merch has come or have came in the form of various board games such as a matching game and Train-opoly, a book showcasing the film's concept art, and even a limited edition cereal.
Despite what some people think of the movie, The Polar Express continues to remain one of the most iconic Christmas movies to this day making occasional returns to cinemas during the Christmas season alongside various other Christmas movies. In fact, this is my number one favorite Christmas movie of all time not just because I'm obviously a railfan, but it's also because that this was the first ever movie I have seen in the theaters. It was this film, alongside Thomas The Tank Engine and I Love Toy Trains, that have gotten me into steam locomotives and trains in general.
To Robert Zemeckis, Alan Silvestri, Tom Hanks, and everyone else who took part in the making of this film, thank you. Happy 20th anniversary to The Polar Express!
Models and Route by: K&L Trainz, Auran and Download Station
The Polar Express C) Warner Bros.
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blaseballshottest · 2 years ago
Disappointed that your favorite hot player got out of the competition? Well, here's your chance! Unfortunately, not every single player that got out could be fit into this poll, so this is the ones that got the farthest/had the most vocal fans/had the closest polls. Jessica Telephone and Jaylen Hotdogfingers shall advance to the finals... but who will be with them?
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[ID: A banner with the minis of all of the above characters. They are over an image of fire. End ID.]
(Minis by HetreaSky.)
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artofwrestlingrpg · 2 years ago
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Role names in bold have multiple member requests and multiple potential plots and connections within the group. Original characters are welcome!
Art of Wrestling is an established ( over a year old! ) non-au wrestling roleplay on discord, and we'd love for you to join us.
With biweekly tasks, game nights, monthly events, a biweekly tabloid, and so much more!
We currently have FIFTY NINE active members, and over ONE HUNDRED characters to interact with. Want to check it out before applying? No problem! Send us a direct message for an invite to the server today!
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steddiebbang · 5 months ago
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we shut ‘em up, and then we shut ‘em down  |  Explicit |  41k
Author: @greatunironic
Artist: @redlegumes
[Link to fic]  |  [Link to Art Coming Soon]
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Corroded Coffin, Stranger Things Ensemble
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Street Racing, Enemies to Lovers, (Or Rather: Rivals to Lovers), Rivals With Benefits, Mutual Pining, Mutual Pining Even While Boning, Misunderstandings, Fast Cars, Dumb Boys, Car Chase, Injury, Service Top Eddie Munson, Beefcake Babygirl Steve Hours, Brat Steve Harrington, Shades of Power Bottom Steve Harrinton, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Car Sex, Hand Kink, Spit Kink, Panty Kink, Feminization, Oral Sex, Rough Sexm Semi-Public Sex, Injured Sex, Anal Sex
Trigger Warnings: No Warnings Apply
↳ Keep reading below for a summary!
Eddie Munson is a mechanic at his uncle’s sunny SoCal garage during the day; at night, he’s one of the most highly sought after mechanics for the street racing community as they race for pink slips, cash, and glory. He works on all the winningest cars, makes a killing in his bets and cuts with the racers for his work, and is generally just a top dog in this underworld scene — until some new hotshot out of Miami shows up, allegedly tight with racing legend Joyce Byers (or maybe that ex-cop squeeze of hers), and starts sniping wins from Eddie’s guys. He wants to hate him, and the suped up, hot pink Honda S2000 he rolled in on; it’s just too bad that he’s also just Eddie’s type: pretty, mean, and lethal behind the wheel.
He’s desperate to keep his wits about him and to keep this grudge going, but it’s fucking near impossible when it seems like him and Harrington can’t keep their hands off each other whenever they end up in the same darkened clubs to save their lives. And it’s maybe even worse than just a shitty crush, because, all the while, someone is causing trouble for the whole racing community when a trio of white Honda Civics start robbing eighteen wheelers of their cargo, bringing the heat down on all of them...
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
I feel like I may have cursed something with this announcement of the eddie book. i sent you an ask yesterday about not wanting a book about any of the byers or wheelers, and gave eddie as an example of the main characters we have less background of that a book would be better suited to, alongside steve, argyle, dustin or erica.
this book just doesnt seem like it's going to add much, and is basically going to be fan service. they saw how popular eddie was and how so many were upset at his death and want to capitalise off that popularity.
and the synopsis? calling him dustins best friend? like what the hell, as if steve isn't right there.
i think a book about eddie would have been best suited to be set between s3 and 4. to see him building relationships with the kids, and learning about them. they still could have touched on his backstory, but it would have added more to the world building.
i hadn’t gotten to answering it yet, but yeah!
honestly tho, i don’t think there’s any eddie story they could tell that i would be interested in. like, everything before s4, he’s not at all involved in the upside down, so i don’t care about those. and it could be interesting to see his and kids dynamics grow, but honestly, i think we see it in s4. prior to the season, or at the very beginning, we’re not actually shown him being super close with the kids. the duffers thought they were showing this beautiful growing friendship, it just did not translate well on screen.
but yeah, i think it’s a useless story that’s obviously just a cash grab, i care way more about wayne that eddie’s fucking dad, and steve is dustin’s best friend. not eddie.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year ago
Hey there. :) Do you mind writing a NSFW Alphabet for Grayson Waller?
Hello! I'm sorry but I don't watch WWE or NXT so I don't think I could properly write a NSFW Alphabet for him because I am not familiar with his character. If I wrote on I don't think it would be accurate.
If you are interested I have written NSFW Alphabets for Billy Gunn, Cash Wheeler, Christian Cage, Pac, Preston Vance, Wardlow, Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe, Matt Jackson and I am currently working on one for Jay white.
You can find all of those fics HERE
I'm sorry I can't fulfill your request but I feel I wouldn't do it justice. Feel free to leave any other requests!
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wrestlefesthq · 3 months ago
I can't wait to join ! I never been part of a big group before. Most Wanted? I can't decide!
we can't wait for you to join us! don't be scared at all we are all friendly writers here! we would love to see new characters here!
personally I would love to see cathy kelley, kamile, kevin owens,willow nightingale, max caster, aj lee, vipress, lola vice, wren sinclair, john cena, trent beretta, chuck taylor, danhausen, chris sabin, alex shelley, eddie kingston, jacob fatu, zilla fatu, tonga loa, pac, roderick strong, matt taven, mike bennett, kyle o'reilly, ricky shane page, cash wheeler, dax harwood, shawn spears, chris brookes, powerhouse hobbs, zack sabre jr, iyo sky, asuka, kairi sane, xia brookside, tegan nox, thea hail, lash legend, piper niven, allie katch, delta, red velet !
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mirecalemoments01 · 1 year ago
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buffyfan145 · 2 years ago
While shopping yesterday I unexpectedly found MJF's wresting AEW action figure!!! :D I didn't realize the store had them so that was fun getting it. I also saw there's a new one of FTR's Cash Wheeler too online at Target and since my birthday is Friday I should be getting my birthday reward from them so I know what I'm ordering if it's hopefully still there. LOL :D Also my brother was making fun of me as he said both Cash and MJF's wrestling personas fit my usual favorite character types as Cash is the sweet himbo hero character, while MFJ is the villain that's trying to go through a redemption arc but probably isn't going to last as you can't trust him but he's hilarious and charming when he's trying to be good, and the two of them used to be friends (and actually are friends irl). LOL I might get more figures but for sure getting them and adding them to my wrestling collection as I have both the Ultimate Warrior and Bret Hart's Funkos.
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