#changmin is over all ur shit hyung
imagineurfavs · 5 years
First Dates - The Boyz
“First dates with The Boyz? uwuwuwuwu If that’s too much, maybe just the hyung line?” 
Would probably take to you see some live music. Not a full on concert though, more so one of those acoustic indie bands you often find playing in small cafes or dusty old record shops. Followed by a walk through the park at sunset, arm in arm, cute as shit tbh
Prepares a whole ass picnic for the both of you, in a lil basket, cute blanket and all. Sets it up prior and asks you to meet him in the park so he can surprise you, you’ll probably end up staying out until it gets dark and looking at the stars together.
Two words. Cat Cafe. That way, you can both relax, talk to each other and have something to eat all at the same time. He’ll use the cats as a conversation starter nine times out of ten, just bc he can get a little awkward when he’s nervous (and god knows u make him nervous ur just so cute) and he needs something to talk about other than just going on and on about how pretty you are.
Wouldn’t really have anything planned but the two of you would probably end up at an arcade, competing over who can end up with the most tickets and get the most ridiculous prize. Makes a bet as to who can win the biggest plush, “loser pays for the next date?” Acts like he’s going all out but would probably lose tbh. Jokes on you though, he was always gonna pay anyway.
Big into the whole “become a tourist in your own city” type of dates. He’ll take you to all the obvious tourist traps, all the popular food spots and makes you both take do all the super cliche photo ops. The one thing he says you MUST do, is put a padlock on a bridge together and throw away the key, because “well that’s what all the holiday couples do, right?” 
Takes you to a super quaint lil coffee shop in a quiet part of town. Sitting opposite each other sharing a big ass piece of cake, just talking about anything and everything. Probably does something cliche like put a blob of whipped cream on your nose and gush about how cute you are. 
Chanhee (New):
He’d cook for you, for sure. But it would in no way be a surprise lol. He’d have spent the last few weeks asking you and trying to figure out what your favourite foods are. He’d be super conscious about trying not to make you ill too, “you’re sure you’re not allergic to this y/n, you won’t die if i feed you this?????” pls compliment him on his cooking and he’ll turn into a smiley mushy mess it’s very cute lol.
Changmin (Q):
A super relaxed, informal “Netflix and chill” type of date, only you two actually would just watch Netflix and chill together. He’ll probably end up picking something scary deliberately in the hopes that you’ll cuddle up to him if you get scared. 
Is a night market date a thing? To him its the perfect day, walking around the city at night time, arm in arm, shopping and sampling all the crazy foods on offer. He’ll find a little table somewhere out of the way where you can spend your evening, just eating and laughing together.
Hyunjoon (Hwall):
As tame as it sounds, he’ll probably take you shopping. Fashion is something he’s passionate about, so he’d love to get your opinion on his fits, what you like him in etc etc. He’d see it as a way to get knowledge on potential gifts too. Don’t be surprised if he rocks up to your house to surprise with the item that you said you really wanted but didn't buy.
Honestly, probably nothing. Like, he’d have nothing planned, but deliberately so. He’d feel like too much structure in a date makes things feel less organic and he doesn’t wanna feel like he’s taking control. He’ll still take you out but like, it’ll be just like hanging out with your friend doing nothing. Maybe you'll grab some food and hang out somewhere, maybe you'll end up seeing a movie who knows
Probably takes you to work out or something dumb tbh. In his defence, he does think playing basketball in the park together is a super cute idea, but its just tiring... It’s a bonus for him if you've never played before so he can teach you and act all knowledgeable and athletic.
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