#chae thank you for asking for a snippet of this i think you just single handedly fixed my writers block w this series
bearseungmin · 2 years
can you give us a snippet of not so strayed??👀
004 not so strayed | ot8 miniseries
not so strayed... my lost boys! au for skz that's been in my head for nearly two years now and yet it's still not finished. I'm really hoping to have time to work on it before spooky season ends considering I have an entire other series (aka 003 the price of a bite | ot8 series) that is based around the same theme (except it's a fic per member instead of ot8 all together making you question your sanity). but, we will see!
see the WIP GAME that this ask refers to!
snippet of not so strayed: part one "figments of your imagination" below the cut!!!
His scent was thick like the smoke of a fire, the distant man passing by your form. By fate or karma, you took notice of him. His leather jacket swayed through the crowd like a drop of rain moving through rocks. Undetected, but impressionable.
Lights beamed and music blared, the crackles of the sparklers in people's hands giving an aura to the overwhelming pier. A concert played in the distance, the orange flickers of the flames presenting shadows along your skin.
You tried to move at his pace, to keep up with the mysterious man's figure. But just as you caught a glimpse of his side profile, the smirk telling that he knew he was being followed, he finally fell in between the cracks.
You halted just outside of the calmest store present, the long aisles of thick and thin booklets enough of a distraction from the stranger to make you move inside. Comics with colors bright and looming, your eyes sifted over each and every one until a gruesome sight caught your glance.
A large man with a distraught woman in his arms, blood dripping from the main artery in her neck. Her face was terrified, while he was satisfied.
"The ones who tread at night are more frightening than monsters in closets." A deep voice caught your ears, a guy at your side peering at the same comic.
Fluffy blonde hair pulled from his face by a red bandana, his skin was amply illuminating that you could count each and every freckle on his cheeks until they met at the bridge of his nose.
The first to offer you guidance since halting inside the desensitizing town, he blinked his welcome.
"Name's Felix, and you're new here."
"So I've heard and lived." His faint smile warmed you, blood rushing through every vein in light of the acquaintance just in time for his sight to dart away from you.
"We get new people often, but none with your tone."
"I'm sorry, have I already done something?" The angle in your voice was unveiling, the guy shifting from his heels to his toes as he lifted the comic with his index finger and thumb alone.
"Most people who come here aren't looking for a good place, but a good time." You watched his lips finish speaking before they motioned the words of the comic's title, 'Dark nights, Cold Bodies'. "You, on the other hand, seem so out of place. You didn't come here on purpose, did you?"
"Blown tire on the freeway. Happens to stop a trip, ya-know."
His eyes got wider with his nod, the pearled teeth between his lips admirable. Felix had said so little to you, but his attention still sat upon the comic in between his fingers.
"On me." His teeth went behind his smile, lips a pale pink as you stared for too long. "Might save you one day."
"Vampires are a figment of some very good storyteller's imagination." Your response sounded sarcastic.
"Then how do you explain the found burials of those that have risen. Broken coffins, long teeth, stake through the heart?"
"An odd last wish. Someone with a sense of humor knew what they wanted even after death."
His head tilted to the side with innocence, eyes casting sight of your face. "Clever."
"It would be smart to think that far ahead."
"I mean you."
© bearseungmin 2022. do not modify, repost, or translate in any way. please.
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