#certainy bad translations made with google and I'm sorry for that
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dyns33 · 9 months ago
Family language
We love a man who can use his tongue in a lot of different ways, even if he's pretty annoying.
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It had become a habit.
Of course, sometimes they did it on purpose, to share information without being understood, but most of the time the Shelbys spoke Romani among themselves without even realizing it.
There were often a few words, and sometimes entire conversations. The first few times, Alfie hadn't said anything.
Sitting amidst the screams and noise that always accompanied his in-laws, he silently recited a prayer that they would quickly leave his house, before he lost his patience and killed one of them.
This would probably not please his wife, who was laughing happily with her brothers. Or her fratii, as she said.
He was starting to understand certain things. Alfie Solomons was gifted with languages. But he couldn't guess all the unfamiliar vocabulary, and so sometimes he got lost in very annoying gibberish.
“Cred it soțul tău se îmbufnește.” Finn whispered.
“Nu. E obosit, lasă-l în pace.”
“El simte că oamenii vorbesc despre el.” Tommy said smiling, his eyes landing on Alfie. “Domnul Solomons este deștept.”
No doubt, they were talking about him, under his own roof, purposely making fun of him in an unknown language so that he couldn't understand.
When he asked Y/N, she said he was imagining things. And even if he was right, he probably pleased his brothers by reacting like this. He just had to ignore them and act like an adult for once.
He could have listened to his wife's good advice.
Aside from the threats he had made if anyone misbehaved with her, the community had come to adore Y/N because it was obvious that she knew better than anyone how to control the King of Candem.
There were still fits of rage, because the man remained mad, but she always managed to calm him down. Undoubtedly, taming wild horses as a child helped to acquire this kind of gift.
In a way, Alfie listened.
The normal reaction he would have had would have been to attack the Shelbys directly, getting revenge in some way for their insult. But he let the night pass, thinking about the adult way to deal with this problem.
“DДоброе утро, любовь моя.” he said to Y/N, continuing to read his newspaper with his tea, as she entered the living room, still groggy from sleep.
This seemed to wake her immediately. She stared at him, with a look that showed which family she came from.
"What ?"
"I said 'DДоброе утро, любовь моя'."
"I heard. What does that mean ?"
“Nothing bad, don’t worry, клад.”
Y/N grimaced, visibly irritated, but she didn't insist, announcing that she was going to take a bath. Alfie didn't continue his game right away, because he wished he could join her.
The afternoon arrived, and his wife visited him at the Bakery to check that he had eaten, that he had not died under a pile of files or stabbed by a competitor, and to massage his back very carefully.
“Tes mains sont magiques, mon coeur”
This time, it was Ollie who made a funny face, looking at his boss, then at Y/N, as if silently asking if she understood what he had just said.
“Italian ?” she asked, continuing to massage him, looking detached.
"No. Questo è italiano, mia principessa."
"Prinţesă ? I'm not a princess, and you're becoming a pain."
As painful as her and her brothers speaking Romani in his presence, but he didn't say it. Alfie wanted her to understand it on her own, and no doubt she had understood from the moment he spoke Russian.
But even if she was Mrs. Solomons, Y/N would always remain a Shelby, proud and stubborn, refusing to admit her wrongs, and she would not apologize for having secrets with her family.
That wasn't even the problem. He respected secrets even if he didn't have any for her, and he liked it when she clearly gave him affectionate names that he didn't understand.
Obviously she liked names too. Amore mio, אהובי, mon amour. Their nights were much more passionate when he didn't speak English, the bedroom being the only place where she forgave him for this change.
But in front of others, when she didn't have the slightest way to decipher what he was saying, she didn't like it at all.
"היא הולכת לכעוס, בוס… זה לא מאוד נחמד." Ollie said, very embarrassed at being forced to participate in what seemed like a lovers' quarrel, and not knowing if he respected or was more afraid of Alfie or Y/N.
"אני מקסים עם אשתי. זה המשחק הקטן שלנו."
“I know you’re talking about me.”
“Not at all, милый.”
“Your employees look frantic, staring at me, I know you’re talking about me.”
The game lasted several weeks, before stopping completely, except for the little nicknames. This seemed to surprise Y/N, who wasn't used to seeing her husband give up so easily. She had grown up with the Shelbys, she knew these kinds of men.
Alfie didn't know whether he should be flattered or annoyed that she read him so well, because if he spent less time teasing her, it was to concentrate on another project in secret.
If he was good with languages ​​and didn't like not understanding, the solution was simple. He could learn Romani.
And it would be much more fun if his in-laws and his wife didn't know.
“Pare mai puțin enervat decגt de obicei.” John observed.
“Și mai puțin deranjant.” Arthur growled.
“El plדnuiește ceva.” sighed Y/N, observing Alfie, sitting quietly in his chair, looking at them and smiling. “Nu știu de ce מl iubesc atגt de mult pe idiotul דsta.”
“Cu toții ne מntrebדm asta, surioarד.” Tommy sighed, patting his sister on the back.
Although he had never played poker, Alfie was normally good at hiding his emotions when necessary. But hearing Y/N say she loved him to her brothers, he couldn't help but smile even more, which was noted.
And oh, how he loved his smart wife.
While the rest of the Shelbys were bickering about their future jobs, she came up to him, looking less angry than he expected.
“Ințelegi foarte bine ce spun.”
"Yes, treacle. A little surprise, which I thought I would keep secret for a little while longer. I'm not completely fluid yet."
"It's not fair. I don't understand anything when you speak in other languages."
"Je pourrais t'apprendre, chérie."
Most of the lessons were done in the bedroom, despite Y/N's protests that he was absolutely not focused enough to teach her anything useful.
When she threatened to make him sleep on the couch, Alfie found some time in his busy schedule to give her real lessons, or at least to give her real words.
"… You lied to me, again."
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, love.” he said while continuing to count his coins.
"I wanted to greet Ollie, like you taught me. I said to him 'אתה מטומטם עם זין קטן'."
“He must have been happy.”
"I've never seen him so upset in my entire life. You know my brothers never really made fun of you now, and I'd love to make fun of others with you, but don't make me say horrible things without let me know."
"Okay. You should also stop greeting Italians by calling them 'Stronzo' then."
"… I knew they weren't answering me politely."
"No. I had their balls cut off for that, אף אחד לא מדבר ככה ללב היקר שלי."
"Your 'dear heart' will sleep with Cyril tonight, while you are on the sofa."
"Think about my back, cruel woman ! I'm sorry, okay ? Mоя жизнь, mia vita, החיים שלי !"
“Canapeaua !”
"Does that mean 'I forgive you darling, come kiss me' ?"
He called Tommy to ask him, without explaining why, and even though he had an idea of ​​the answer. At least, the fucking Shleby had a good laugh.
Fine, I won't like you all in the dark like that :
“Cred it soțul tău se îmbufnește.” - "I believe your husband is sulking." (romani)
“Nu. E obosit, lasă-l în pace.” - "No. He's tired, leave him alone." (romani)
“El simte că oamenii vorbesc despre el. Domnul Solomons este deștept.” - "He feels that people are talking about him. Mr. Solomons is smart.” (romani)
“DДоброе утро, любовь моя.” - “Good morning, my love.” (russian) “клад.” - treasure (russian)
“Tes mains sont magiques, mon coeur” - "your hands are magical, my heart." (french)
"No. Questo è italiano, mia principessa." - "No, this is Italian, my princess" (italian)
Prinţesă - princess (romani)
Amore mio - my love (italian)
אהובי - my love (hebrew)
mon amour - my love (french)
"היא הולכת לכעוס, בוס… זה לא מאוד נחמד." - "She's going to be angry, boss… that's not very nice." (hebrew)
"אני מקסים עם אשתי. זה המשחק הקטן שלנו." - "I'm charming with my wife. It's our little game." (hebrew)
“милый.” - "Dear." (russian)
“Pare mai puțin enervat decגt de obicei.” -"He seems less annoying than usual." (romani)
“Și mai puțin deranjant.” - "And less mad." (romani)
“El plדnuiește ceva.” "He's planning something." (romani)
“Nu știu de ce מl iubesc atגt de mult pe idiotul דsta.” - "I don't know why I love this idiot so much." - (romani)
“Cu toții ne מntrebדm asta, surioarד.” - "We're all wondering that, little sister." (romani)
“Ințelegi foarte bine ce spun.” - "You understand very well what I'm saying." (romani)
"Je pourrais t'apprendre, chérie." - "I could teach you, darling" (french)
'אתה מטומטם עם זין קטן'. - 'You're a moron with a small dick'. (hebrew)
'Stronzo' - assholes (italian)
אף אחד לא מדבר ככה ללב היקר שלי - Nobody talk like that to my dear heart (hebrew)
Mоя жизнь - my life (russian)
mia vita - my life (italian)
החיים שלי !" - my life (hebrew)
“Canapeaua !” - "The couch !" (romani)
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