dragonballofficial · 3 days
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The people wanted to see my vision for a Perfect Cell gijinka. Please Let Him Win.
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nekromantiiks · 19 days
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Heated Argument.
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yourlastbraincell64 · 5 months
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(File is named dumbass brain cell.png)
(I made this in ms paint)
I got fan art!
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Gene is short for Eugene
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rnu4 · 3 years
Simplified Version Of That Code
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var cellw = 50; var cellh = 44; var W = 500; var H = 330; var config = {    type: Phaser.AUTO,    width: W,    height: H,    parent: 'isaac_gen',    scene: {        preload: preload,        create: create,        update: update    } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () {    if(window.baseUrl)        this.load.setBaseURL(baseUrl);    this.load.image('cell', 'cell.png');    this.load.image('boss', 'boss.png');    this.load.image('reward', 'reward.png');    this.load.image('coin', 'coin.png');    this.load.image('secret', 'secret.png'); } var startText; var started = false; var placedSpecial; var images = []; var floorplan; var floorplanCount; var cellQueue; var endrooms; var maxrooms = 15; var minrooms = 7; var bossl; function create () {    startText = this.add.text(W/2, H/2, 'Click to Start', { fontSize: '32px', fill: '#FFF' });    startText.x -= startText.width / 2;    this.input.on('pointerdown', start, this); } function img(scene, i, name) {    var x = i % 10;    var y = (i - x) / 10;    var img = scene.add.image(W/2 + cellw * (x - 5), H/2 + cellh * (y - 4), name);    images.push(img);    return img; } function poprandomendroom() {    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * endrooms.length);    var i = endrooms[index];    endrooms.splice(index, 1);    return i; } function picksecretroom() {    for(var e=0;e<900;e++)    {        var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1;        var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 2;        var i = y*10 + x;        if(floorplan[i])            continue;        if (bossl == i-1 || bossl == i+1 || bossl == i+10 || bossl == i-10)            continue;        if(ncount(i) >= 3)            return i;        if(e > 300 && ncount >= 2)            return i;        if(e > 600 && ncount >= 1)            return i;    } } function update() {    if(started){        if(cellQueue.length > 0)        {            var i = cellQueue.shift();            var x = i % 10;            var created = false;            if(x > 1) created = created | visit(this, i - 1);            if(x < 9) created = created | visit(this, i + 1);            if(i > 20) created = created | visit(this, i - 10);            if(i < 70) created = created | visit(this, i + 10);            if(!created) {                endrooms.push(i);            }        }        else if(!placedSpecial) {            if(floorplanCount < minrooms) {                start.apply(this);                return;            }            placedSpecial = true;            bossl = endrooms.pop();            var cellImage = img(this, bossl, 'boss');            cellImage.x += 1;                        var rewardl = poprandomendroom();            var cellImage = img(this, rewardl, 'reward');            var coinl = poprandomendroom();            img(this, coinl, 'coin');            var secretl = picksecretroom();            img(this, secretl, 'cell');            img(this, secretl, 'secret');            if (!rewardl || !coinl || !secretl) {                start.apply(this);                return;            }        }    } } function start() {    started = true;    placedSpecial = false;    if(startText) {        startText.destroy();        startText = null;    }    images.forEach(image => {        image.destroy();    });    images = [];    floorplan = [];    for(var i =0;i<=100;i++) floorplan[i] = 0;    floorplanCount = 0;    cellQueue = [];    endrooms = [];    // Our grid is one row lower than isaacs as referencing negative indices isn't a good idea in JS    visit(this, 45); } function ncount(i) {    return floorplan[i-10] + floorplan[i-1] + floorplan[i+1] + floorplan[i+10]; } function visit(scene, i) {    if(floorplan[i])        return false;    var neighbours = ncount(i);    if (neighbours > 1)        return false;    if (floorplanCount >= maxrooms)        return false;    if(Math.random() < 0.5 && i != 45)        return false;    cellQueue.push(i);    floorplan[i] = 1;    floorplanCount += 1;    img(scene, i, 'cell')    return true; }
0 notes
petaminds · 5 years
Recurrent neural network - time-series data- part 1
Recurrent neural network – time-series data- part 1
If you are human and curious about your future, then the recurrent neural network (RNN) is definitely a tool to consider. Part 1 will demonstrate some simple RNNs using TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras functional API.
What is RNN
An RNN is a class of artificial neural networks where connections between nodes form a directed graph along a temporal sequence (time series). This allows it to exhibit…
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oneangrygamer · 5 years
Ubisoft Teases New Splinter Cell Game
Ubisoft Teases New Splinter Cell Game | #SplinterCell #Ubisoft #DoRightBySam
Ubisoft is at it against teasing fans of the spectacular return of the most official unofficial spy in gaming history. Courtesy of Twitter the latest tease is a simple tagline hinting at a dark, mature narrative accompanied by a picture of the agent himself: Sam Fisher. (more…)
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learngujarat-blog · 6 years
3553 Posts Railway Recruitment Cell Western Railway Recruitment
3553 Posts Railway Recruitment Cell Western Railway Recruitment
3553 Posts Railway Recruitment Cell Western Railway Recruitment
3553 Posts Railway Recruitment Cell Western Railway Recruitment
Railway Recruitment Cell (Western Railway) Recruitment
Total No. Of Posts :- 3,553
Last Date :- 09 Jan 2019
Railway Recruitment
Post Name : Apprentice
No. of Posts : 3,553 Posts
61 Posts – Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Recruitment
Education Qualification : Matriculate or…
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apprenticemages · 6 years
And so, the season ends…  The fall picture from Yama no Susume is appropriate, as it’s both Fall (seasonally) and the Fall anime season is underway.  (I think I’ve featured Yama no Susume as the head screenshot more than any other this season…  but my love for the show is no secret.)
Anyhow, all the finale episodes are now in the can.  Hit the jump and let’s chat about how they went! The shows that I am watching are in bold, shows my wife and I are watching together are in bold italics, and strikethrough marks dropped shows.
Attack on Titan 3 / Shingeki no Kyojin Ep 10 (Ep 47)
An odd bit of…  Not quite filler (since it’s canon), but doesn’t advance the narrative much.  For a season with such a strong sense of direction it just seemed off to pause and go on a bit of a tangent.
At any rate, despite nominally being about Kenny (criminally underused and now dead) Levi was actually the centerpiece of this ep.  We know now a lot more about his background (and it isn’t pretty)…  And he now has a Build-A-Titan kit in his possession.  He’s about the last person I’d ever imagine would take advantage of such though.  I wonder where it ends up.
Aldael at Aldael’s Attic wrote a wonderful piece last week – Dear Diary, an well done account of the last couple of episodes from Mikasa’s POV.
Cells at Work / Hataraku Saibou Eps 12-13 (Finale)
Wow – this is the Big One, something not easily solved by White Blood Cell going postal…  Overall, handled well enough I guess.  I felt something was vaguely wrong, and CactusMatt nailed it – it felt like they were stretching limited material to cover two episodes.
Seeing Red go all Serious Business was mildly surprising, but I guess she’s seen it all by this point.  Despite being an airhead, she’s second to none when it comes to work ethic. Chio’s School Road / Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Ep 12 (Finale) The perils of putting off writing – here we are a week later, and I can barely recall the episode (and not just because I’m a little fuzzy from insomnia and pain pills).  Looking up the episode on Crunchy, now I remember why I don’t remember…  A pair of forgettable and largely phoned in segments.  Chio’s has been uneven all season, and it closes out with a whimper.
Encouragement of Climb 3 / Yama no Susume 3 Ep 13 (Finale)
What can I say?  While not a perfect ending, it was the perfect end.  (If that makes any kind of sense.)  Last episode Aoi declared her eternal friendship, and this episode Hinata reciprocated.  (As if the issue was ever in doubt.)
I think that’s all I want to say, risking saying too little rather than saying too much.
Grand Blue Dreaming Ep 11 – 12 (Finale) The season closes out with the conclusion of the Okinawa arc and the gang up to their usual shenanigans.  I loved how they dealt with Azusa’s casual approach to sexuality in Ep 11 – simply presenting it as it is without preaching or playing it for laughs.  In a series where practically everything else is played for laughs, that’s surprising and welcome.
Ah, and before I forget – the pool scene was played out to perfection and I laughed my butt off.
Hanebado! Eps 12-13 (Finale)
This is the Big One – Ayano v. Nagisa for none of the marbles (since they’re both advancing).  But I get why both girls want to play the other, their respective feelings are abundantly clear.
The match was astoundingly well done in terms of animation, one of the few good things about the finale.  Cheers for not cheaping out and blowing out Nagisa’s knee.  I’m more conflicted about her win though, which came about because Ayano dropped her racquet.  Nagisa was beating her at the mental game, and pulling a draw in the brute stamina competition…  But it still just doesn’t feel right.  (And I hate admitting that since Nagisa is Best Girl.)
Harukana Receive Ep 12 (Finale)
That was one tense game, wasn’t it?  Though I never doubted the outcome, in the end the protagonists always win even if they’re newbies.
It was painful but realistic to watch Eclair struggle with their conflicting emotions.  Angry and sad at the end of their dream, happy that their club would be represented at the Nationals, pride in their kohai‘s success.  I have to hand it to them that in the end, they swallowed that bitter pill and put it behind them.  This was really because Akari, the outsider, strongly supported both pairs and reminded them that at the end of the day they were all friends.
Writing these reviews – I found the parallels between the final matches in Hanebado and Harukana Receive to be interesting.  The emphasis on stamina, the mental game, and of great interest – both victories were due as much to a mistake on the loser’s part as anything else.
My Hero Academia 3 /  Boku no Hero Academia 3 Ep 24 (Ep 62) – Ep 25 (Ep 63) (Finale)
These two episodes…  Felt kind of off.  Not quite like an epilogue or a cliffhanger, but still feeling like a loose end.  They had to run out the clock, and they had to work with what they had (from the manga), and left the season break at an odd place.  Much of the material covered here doesn’t matter in the context of this season.
Music Girls / Ongaku Shoujo Ep 12 (Finale)
This is me pissed – in the final minute of the show, just after reinforcing that Hanako can’t sing…  They put her on stage singing with the group.  Ah well, they’d long since tossed aside the basic premise of the show anyhow.
And there we have it!  The Summer 2018 anime season is in the books!
Look forward to my season review later this week, and I should have my first Fall 2018 First Impressions up later today or sometime tomorrow.
What are your thoughts on the finales?  Drop me a comment and let’s chat!
Summer 2018 – Week 12/13 Finales And so, the season ends...  The fall picture from Yama no Susume is appropriate, as it's both Fall (seasonally) and the Fall anime season is underway. 
0 notes
headlinetimes-blog · 7 years
Aaron Hernandez Found With Bible Verse ‘John 3:16’ Written On Forehead In ‘Blood Red Marker’ [Report]
Aaron Hernandez Found With Bible Verse ‘John 3:16’ Written On Forehead In ‘Blood Red Marker’ [Report]
<img width="940" height="545" src="http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Aaron-Hernandez-suicide-jail-cell.png" class="attachment-single-leader size-single-leader wp-post-image" alt="Aaron Hernandez suicide jail cell" srcset="http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Aaron-Hernandez-suicide-jail-cell.png 940w,…
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nekromantiiks · 17 days
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Perfect Cell looks stupid and gay the second you put him in clothes. Good thing he's already both of those things.
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splixiohack-blog · 8 years
Which is the best Splix.io mod?
Which is the best Splix.io mod?
Splix.io is the most popular multiplayer game in recent times. People get addicted in playing this game. If you are a beginner it may appear a bit confusing to you but in the long run the game will become very interesting and amazing. The best splix.io mod: Now let’s see which of the three mod appears to be easier for the player. As you all know that the three mod namely stop cell, Zoom in and…
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nekromantiiks · 23 days
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Mentor/Pupil Beam Attack!
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Bonus Clean Grayscale/Beamless version because I liked it.
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nekromantiiks · 1 month
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@hebezunet requested a drawing of my Perfect Cell design...
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nekromantiiks · 1 month
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Quick doodle of a Semi-Perfect Cell redesign... He had the face of a cop. I couldn't do it. I had to put the Bug back.
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nekromantiiks · 1 month
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One Perfect Cell, coming right up!
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