#celestia is more emperor of man
emotiandon · 1 year
Fe oc week Ending @fe-oc-week
Last day somehow made it, though I wish if I had learnt what time management was maybe I could’ve made more time to put in effort, maybe one day
Crowbar endings
After losing two of the people she cared the cares the most in her life, Kaguya gave up her Nobel title and quickly left House Kamiyama. And was never seen again by the public, though those close would often see her in her Cafe called Cosmic cup. Where the specialty will always be coffee and might be selling many clocks too, many surviving students come to the cafe to catch up and say the cafe is 5 stars. And in her cafe Hubert and Kosuke’s pictures hung proudly for all to see those who sacrificed themselves for Kaguya to live.
Hubert Kaguya-
Once the war ended, the couple were the first to marry, their love after their academy days and a war was stronger than anyone could imagine. At the end of the day after a gruesome work of being the emperor’s right hand man,Hubert will often been seen at night running across hills with his wife as they stargaze, slowly their twin children would be giggling with them as the family stargazed.
Kosuke Kaguya (pure platonic)-
The two twins both stepped down from their noble duties from the house of Kamiyama and quickly made a decision to go across the seas bringing guest along the way to make a cruise called the Celestia cruise. The ship has become so popular that they often had to expand the ship newly every month as lots of people wanted to board. Of course they visited Fodlan to see all their friends and invite them for a free private sail across the sea.
Byleth Kaguya-
After the war, the Professor was sadden to see Kaguya all alone, offered her to stay with them to keep peace across Fodlan. Kaguya agreed and has since been aside the Professor as their right hand just like someone important to Kaguya, and she would often do the paperwork for Byleth and they go onto free front lines of battle as Kaguya out all that behind her. Though they had a purely platonic relationship they were very loyal to each other and helped fill the empty hole.
Venus Kaguya-
Though the two were never close during their academy days, the death of Kosuke effected both of them severely that they found warmth in each other presence and often mounted together and laughed at the memories of Kosuke, glad that his charisma brought them closer.
Marianne Kaguya-
Once Kaguya stepped down from nobility she moved to the Leicester Alliance, she would help Marianne in politics even against her protests. Her adoptive father would grant Kaguya permission to live in the house as well and it was often where she and Marianne would often have walks together to birdwatch or help abandon animals.
Lysithea Kaguya-
Though the two had a large age difference, they became very close friends and both sworn to vanish those who slither in the dark. Though once their lifelong mission to elongate those who took their lives, Lysithea and Kaguya were never seen again though they would often bake sweets in a cottage deep inside a forest where no one can find them.
Ignatz Kaguya-
Though an unlikely duo, once Kaguya was no longer a Nobel the two started to make a business of painting and making clocks, and also sold coffee and paintings. Because of this their business was a success which made the duo happy and wanted to share their work with others do they had numerous classes on painting, making clocks and coffee.
Venus Kosuke-
Kosuke had left house Kamiyama to pursue life on the sea with his one live Venus, and his boat Apollo. Though the two would often travel far, they would come back to Fodlan to visit his sister and her husband. Than they’ll sail across the world again, going across the ocean multiple times and had adopted people to join their crew, young or old who didn’t have a home a new life as they set sail once more.
Kosuke supports are hard okay so not a lot
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angeloandteddy · 8 months
Eckhart back story (My Oc)
Eckhart: The Genesis Emperor
Eckhart is one of the only khaenri'an to survive the cataclysm 500 years ago. He was the right hand man of the twilight sword dainsleif and is one of the most powerful royal guards of the kingdom before its eventual demise. During the cataclysm dainsleif ordered him to run while he was fighting off the monsters with a blonde haired girl.
Eckhart refuses and after some fighting a rift opened under him amd brought him to a realm of water and space. A being calling themselves skirk seems to take an interest and gave him a crystal. Later this crystal will be known as a "Genesis Crystal" after skirk gave the crystal to Eckhart, he eventually got sent back. After days of fighting however nothing was left. It was too late. And as he lays down on the barren wasteland he once called home. Thr heavenly principles cursed him. A curse that will be the bane of his life. Immortality.
After months of roaming around the wasteland that is Khaenri'ah he found a door. A door leading to the surface realm. He then slowly sealed the door shut and put a curse on it. So that it will warn those who dare trespass.
Recently he's been using this power that hailed from the Abyss. And with that power he then made sure the door to Khaenri'ah was sealed and never to be re-opened once again.
As he ventured out of the underground sand cave he then found himself In sumeru. From there he started to secretly explore 7 nations of teyvat. Gaining knowledge and trying to find the "truth"
After more then 500 years he travelled so far and learned so much. However this takes a toll on the mental and physical health of Eckhart as well as the curse erasing more of his memories. The marks that he has has been deteriorating his straight to fight. Until one day he reached the neighboring nation of sumeru. The nation of justice Fontaine. He has heard of the recent events and how furina the hydro archon had destroyed her throne to rebel on celestia. One cold night he was just watching 2 mechanical machines dance gracefully as a pair. He notices a girl with white hair and a dress fit for a princess. She also harbors a mutual feeling. A feeling of intrigue. However those machinations suddenly started malfunctioning. And started to attack those in thr vicinity. Which was both of them. The girl was skillful and from her thr way she swings her sword ro her stance, its obvious to Eckhart that she was from inazuma. Even the blade she uses has the art of the sword of inazuma.
The girl however got overwhelmed. Before the weapon of the machines would hit her, his sword then parries it and Eckhart did a finishing blow to the machine. He then coughed up blood due to him using too much abyssal power from sustaining him. He falls down and the girl manage to catch him just in time.
"Are you alright?!" Said the girl
Eckhart then opened his eyes and the girl helped him to sit up.
"Thank you.. for saving me. I really appreciate it.. Mr?" the girl said sincerely yet worriedly as he still keeps bleeding a bit.
"Eckhart.. My name is Eckhart. May I know yours?" He said with a weak smile
"My name is Kamisato Ayaka. Delighted to make your Acquaintance"
Edit: I Just realised there's a lot of typos. Please forgive me
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kimothyroll · 10 months
Day 3
Day Total: +6 Theoretical, -1 Spark point, +3 Practical, +1 spark point
The Emperor
Today started off with another Group task. I was dreading it after the disaster that was 2 days ago. I knew that I couldn't have another meltdown, even though I know that Celestia would be right by my side again. This time I took charge in leading the task. Whilst my decisive leadership earned me respect, it also created strains within the team. The assertiveness required inadvertently led to moments of tension and differing opinions among the members, highlighting the delicate balance between authority and collaboration.
Overall it was a positive experience, and I'm proud of myself for how I managed it, but I can tell I will need to ensure I keep up my resilience as we continue throughout the term!
+1 Theoretical, -1 Spark point
Knight of Swords
 It was time to take part in my first duel today. To say I was bricking it would be an understatement. This was different to duelling with my friends. This meant something I needed to prove myself. To prove I was worthy of being here. We got to chose our duelling partners. For some reason Oberon immediately said he'd duel me. I can't work that boy out still. What was his thought process?
Draw 1:
M: The Star- no effect- redraw Ten of Swords- 10
O: Ten of wands- 10
Outcome: no elemental advantage. 10 v 10 Drawn Battle +1 spark
How interesting that we should both start on equal footing. I fully expected Oberon to come at me all guns blazing. Maybe he's trying to mislead me into relaxing. I am not so easily fooled.
Draw 2:
M: Temperance- all elemental strengths gained- redraw Knight of cups-  14
O: Two of Swords- 2
Outcome: no elemental advantage. 12 v 2 WIN
Ok so maybe I went in a bit too hard, I won this round, but he barely tried. I almost wondered if he'd let me win, but then I saw a spark flash in his eyes. As I study him I realise, wasn't danger I saw it was challenge, amusement, and, dare I say it, excitement. I don't think he expected that from me. I've not seen him this animated before? Does he see me as an equal? An actual challenge? I need to be ready to bring my A game in this final round, because he sure as hell will.
Draw 3:
M: The Hermit- strategic pause- redraw The Hanged Man- disadvantaged element would be neutral- knight of pentacles - 14
O:  Strength- plus 4- redraw Eight of Wands- 12
Outcome: no elemental strengths gained. 14 v 12 WIN
I don't know how, but I won. I actually won. I can't read Oberon's thoughts on this. His words portray that he is impressed, and that he is surprised I won, but not in a condescending way, no, it sounds like respect. His face on the other hand, I don't recognise the expression, he doesn't seem mad, or frustrated, yet it doesn't match his words. He looks almost…neutral. I don't know what that means.
 +3 Practical
Ace of wands
After the duel it feels like a whole day has passed, but I still have more lessons. At least I'm back to what I know. In my elemental magic class, I showcase my exceptional skills by seamlessly melding multiple elemental forces into a harmonious display of magical prowess. Drawing inspiration from the recent duel with Oberon, I infuse my spells with a newfound confidence and creativity. My control over the elements is masterful, weaving them together in intricate patterns that captivate both my classmates and professors.
+2 Theoretical
Ace of cups
While I typically avoid solitary contemplation, today's events make me appreciate the tranquility. The evening is splendidly balmy, reminiscent of those summer nights in Tranmere. As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky paints itself in breathtaking hues. Embracing the beauty, I wander the grounds, reflecting on the actions of the day during a peaceful meditation.
As I find myself immersed in reflection, my thoughts gravitate towards a pivotal decision from my past – the moment I chose the path leading me to The Midnight Court. Initially shrouded in uncertainty, that decision now stands as a beacon of transformation and growth. The challenges and triumphs within these enchanted halls have become integral to my magical journey.
The hesitations that once accompanied that decision have evolved into a profound gratitude for the opportunities, friendships, and self-discovery that unfolded at The Midnight Court. What was once a daunting choice now feels like a defining and positive chapter in my magical odyssey. Looking back, I feel a deep sense of fulfillment and appreciation for the transformative journey set in motion by that crucial decision.
+1 Theoretical
Ten of cups
As I continue to stroll through the enchanting grounds, I take a moment to consider and evaluate the remarkable growth I've experienced since joining The Midnight Court. It's almost surreal to realize that only three days have passed. The familiarity of the school already feels as if it has been a part of my life for years. In this short span, I've witnessed a profound expansion of my magical knowledge, honed my skills in various disciplines, and forged connections with fellow students. The challenges faced, lessons learned, and the camaraderie established have accelerated my understanding of the mystical arts. The once unfamiliar terrain of The Midnight Court has become a second home, and the transformation within me is a testament to the rich and immersive experiences packed into these brief three days.
+2 Theoretical
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aswasforetold · 2 years
The Dessidiac - Lawful Great Adventures
A bit of a challenge and work in progress for how a zodiac/astrology might exist on the Continent.
Dec 21st - The Passing, no one god, rather the god entering Dec 22 - Jan 6 (noon) - Mercatus Jan 6 (noon) - Jan 22 - Donrai Jan 23 - Feb 8 (noon) - Ryllae Feb 8 (noon) - Feb 24 - Ghailen Feb 25 - Mar 13 (noon) - Arcos Mar 13 (noon) - Mar 30 - Eddin Mar 31 - Apr 16 (noon) - Lencellier Apr 16 (noon) - May 3 - Zelka May 4 - May 20 (noon) - Heradrel May 20 (noon) - Jun 6 - Astolat Jun 7 - Jun 23 (noon) - Efdelshedel Jun 23 (noon) - Jul 9 - Corlesis Jul 10 - July 26 (noon) - Ahm July 26 (noon) - Aug 12 - Malomb Aug 13 - Aug 29 (noon) - Luxitor Aug 29 (noon) - Sept 15 - The Shadow Sept 16 - Oct 1 (noon) - Kaer Oct 1 (noon) - Oct 18 - Hemeel Oct 19 - Nov 3 (noon) - Sheffelfleck Nov 3 (noon) - Nov 20 - Shiom Nov 21 - Dec 6 (noon) - Dorrál Dec 6 (noon) - Dec 21 - Neriev
0 - Mercatus - The Fool - The youngest god, son of Arcos and Ghailen. A trickster God who created mortalkind by asking for a gift from each of the deities on his birthday. Adventures, beginnings, risks, travellers pray to Mercatus before a long journey
1 - Donrai - The Magician - The God of all things knowable. Keeper of the library of Celestia where all the knowledge shared in the world is stored.
2 - Ryllae - The High Priestess- The Goddess of secrets and all knowledge that is NOT to be known. She is advisor to the suspicious and desperate, and the revealer of the truths we push away from ourselves.
3 - Ghailen - The Empress - Ghailen is the keeper and ruler of the lands and the wilderness. She is the goddess of growth and fertility. She is not always so gentle, but rather cares more about the growth of the whole rather than the plight of individuals.
4 - Arcos - The Emperor - The king of kings and ruler of Celestia, which sits upon the crown of the spoke of The Wheel. Where Ghailen tends to the lands of mortalkind, Arcos rules mortalkind itself. He is a just and wise ruler, if divinely arrogant.
5 - Eddin - The Hierophant - The God of lineage, history, and tradition. Keeper of the lines of all mortals, and worshipped by lawmakers and ledgermains. Eddin is the father of the three sisters, Justice, Temperance, and Judgement.
6 -Lencellier -  The Lovers - The deity of love and community. Lencellier is the parent of several gods including the three sisters. They delight in the bonds mortals form and often finds ways to spend time physically in the world for festivals.
7 - Zelka - The Chariot - The great steed of Celestia who is ridden by the eldest sister, Dorral. Zelka is the god of action and travel, but Zelka does not care who is lost or left behind when the action starts.
8 - Heradrel - Strength - The eldest daughter of Arcos and Ghailen, who tamed Zelka. Heradrel is the goddess of both inner and outer strength, she is worshipped by mortals seeking inner peace and stability so they can control their own fates.
9 - Astolat - The Hermit - Astolat is the only goddess who abandoned Celestia. After she was jilted by Lencellier, she wandered into The Shadow where she now spends her time guiding lost souls. She is the goddess of letting go, of the lost, the forgotten, and lonely.
10 - Efdelshedel - Wheel of Fortune - Efdeleshedel is an eternal wheel grinding slowly in The Shadow. Efdelshedel is the entity of time and fate. It is said that one rotation from The Wheel can take millennia and that every rotation is nearly identical but with small changes.
11 -Corlesis - Justice - The sister of revolution. She is the youngest of the three sisters and fights injustice directly with violence and fury. She is often depicted like a valkyrie and is worshipped by rebels and those opposed to bullies and tyrants.
12 - Ahm - The Hanged Man - Ahm is the god of patience, martyrdom, sacrifice, and suffering. Ahm teaches us to grow from our pain and wait it out. Ahm loves Astolat and so hangs upside-down from his spoke for eternity, watching for her to return.
13 - Malomb -  Death - When Mercatus created mortals, there were only 21 gods. Malomb appeared and gave mortals The Gift, which is death. Malomb sees to the passage of souls at their time and abhors those that would try to refuse their gift.
14 - Luxitor - Temperance - The middle sister, she is the sister of compromise and non-violence. She seeks change gradually so that all parties become better through each other. She seeks balance in disputes. Comparing someone to Luxitor is sometimes considered an insult.
15 - The Shadow - The Devil - The place between places is a whirling ocean of black ink containing all of the collective wants and desires of all mortals. Associated with mirrors, The Shadow does not lie, it only allows you to lie to yourself.
16 - Kaer - The Tower - Represented by a meteor crashing to the world, Kaer is the god of great upheaval. Often called "The Father Moon" Kaer is the harsh realization of your weakness after a tragedy, the lesson learned after a calamitous mistake.
17 - Hemeel - The Star - One of the "outer" Gods, Hemeel follows Kaer as the first glimmer of hope during the darkest night. The bereaved and the downtrodden turn to Hemeel when they feel all is lost in search of guidance.
18 - Sheffelfleck - The Moon - The God of dreams, one of the earliest entities in the pantheon who dreamed The Wheel into existence and The Sun to see it. It is said that Sheffelfleck eats nightmares but should Sheffelfleck stir, all the nightmares he has eaten will come to life.
19 - Shiom - The Sun - The mother sun who delights in the revelation of truth and loves to gaze at the world from on high. She hates The Shadow and so only watches The Wheel and its passing. It is said she perpetually sleeps and only awakens at the end of a rotation.
20 - Dorrál - Judgement - The eldest of the sisters, the general of the armies of Celestia who rides on the back of Zelka. She is a brilliant tactician who seeks change dispassionately through guile and strategy.
21 - Neriev - The World - The goddess of hearth, home, and the very essence of the living world. Neriev is both easy and difficult to worship, as she is essentially everything. Travelers often thank her when they catch a familiar sight when they are nearly home.
The God whose time you were born during, the God whose Passing you were born under, and the God who marks your current year all effect you differently to make your present reality, which then interacts with the god who is currently Passing.
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redladydeath · 3 years
ur W101 worlds as tarot cards post appeared on my dash and now im wondering which card would you assign to lemuria?
also do u have a post explaining why you associated the different worlds with the cards u picked? im intrigued!
Sorry I took so long to respond to this.
Haven't played Lemuria yet (need to get on that once college isn't kicking my ass anymore), so I can't speak on that one.
It's been a while since I made that post so my memory for specific rationales (and the meaning of the original cards tbh) has kind of faded, but I'll try my best:
Wizard City as The Fool because of new beginnings and the naiveté of the wizard at the very start
Krokotopia as Justice because of the whole "liberation of the Manders" plotline
Marleybone as The Emperor because of the paternalistic empire thing
Mooshu as Temperance because of the themes of peace and balance
Dragonspyre as Death because it's the end of the first arc
Grizzleheim as The Hierophant because of the emphasis on legends/spiritual stuff
Wysteria as The Wheel of Fortune because of the wizard's success at the competition and the quasi-comedic tone of the world
Celestia as The High Priestess for similar reasons to Grizzleheim, although Celestia has a more delicate/feminine aesthetic
Zafaria as The Magician because of the resourcefulness the wizard shows during its plot
Avalon as Strength because of the lion thing, plus the themes of courage and compassion
Azteca as The Tower because of the wizard's failure
Aquila as The Chariot because of the regimented aesthetic and the themes of competing for honors sake
Khrysalis as The Moon because of the themes of espionage and anxiety (plus the first half of Khrysalis puts a pretty heavy emphasis on moon imagery)
Darkmoor as Judgement because of Malistaire's twentieth rebirth and challenge to the wizard
Mirage as The Hermit because of the themes of solitude in the vastness of the desert and the wizard's need for guidance
Empyrea as The Lovers because of Raven and Spider's whole storyline
Karamelle as The Sun because of the themes of childlike happiness and fun
Some fit better than others and I might switch some around if I was to do this over again. The remaining cards are The Empress, The Hanged Man, The Devil, and The World, which you can find the basic meanings of here if you wanna try and assign one to Lemuria.
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wardingdreams · 4 years
been fiddling with luna’s titles and uh. 
an observation / semi-hc I have to write up at some point :  the fact that the title of princess holds the highest power and stands above a prince ( e.g. prince blueblood ).  though there are kings and queens within the universe, they are of different cultures such as changelings and kelpies.  the only exception, I believe, is king sombra. ( though by lore of the comics he is not actually a pony, he grew up with their culture ).  it’s easy to see that pony culture seems to straight up be a matriarchy by design, similar to an actual equine hierarchy, but the titles don’t quite rank the same as they do for us. 
what throws this off a bit are King Bullion and his daughter, Princess Platinum.  to my knowledge, it is not mentioned whether Platinum stood equal in rank to Bullion, unfortunately, but she clearly was considered the leader of the unicorn tribe.  
however, this leaves open the spot of a prince’s equivalent.  one could assume that there is no such thing and it’s a bit akin to like... if you’re a mare in power, you will always be above a stallion in rank.  which, looking at the whole show, I sadly wouldn’t question much, but even then, I feel like there needs to be a position for a mare below the actual rulers of equestria. 
ofcs, I’m also debating of just voiding that chaos because celestia was supposed to be called queen.  hasbro just didn’t like it because queens are usually considered evil in kid stories, apparently.
tbh I mostly like the idea that while princess is the highest official rank, celestia and luna in particular are an exception and as such have an extra title.  perhaps say that queen or empress in pony culture is unique to them.  would also make it interesting because a pony, when hearing of a queen, will think of very specific individuals with cosmic powers, whereas other cultures see it more so as a title the way we do.  but at the same time it also might clear up confusion because at the end of the day, equestria’s queens and those of foreign lands would hold similar, if not the same, positions in legal terms.
the only fanon thing I don’t like is the idea that the sisters are princesses because they rule together - the suggestion that there cannot be two queens.  cowards. sure, it’s a lovely thoughts for such a significant show of “we rule together”, but I feel like it doesn’t need to come at the expanse of their status.  let them be equals on the same throne, not a step lower !! 
idk man.  something just feels wonky with the entire system, and I feel like it’s mostly because of how we understand the titles.  our definition of them just doesn’t match.  the crystal empire should have and empresses and emperors, not princesses and kings.  unless ofcs we go the route of it not being as independent as it’d like to think & it had to conform to the rest of equestria in those regards; but that empire was completely gone for a thousand years, and amore was a princess even back then.  I don’t think the sisters rule was that aggressive for something like this, but who knows.
they probably kept it simple for the kids, lbr.  me beating canon with a broom.  make sense or so help me !!  
edit: NOT TO MENTION ALICORN CULTURE.  i scream.  maybe they used empress & emperor.
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shining-red-diamond · 5 years
Ch. 7: Locations
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
Tumblr media
Words: 1205
Pairing: OT8 x OCs, Seonghwa x Grace-Anne
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of fighting, violence, and brief sensuality
A/N: Italics mean they’re speaking in Korean.
The rest of the crew met up later that afternoon and headed back to the ship. Hongjoong didn’t hesitate to call a meeting in the boardroom after Jongho was given cold, raw meat for his eye. He wasn’t angry at the youngest crewmember, but he was disappointed that he used his hands against another civilian. However, Jongho had a good reason to fight.
“No woman should be treated like that,” he had stated. “Especially not any of my sisters. He deserved to have his face smashed.”
The captain didn’t scold him. Jongho was an adult, and Hongjoong wasn’t his mother; but he did punish him by not allowing him to join them in their next exploration of a city. He was put on ship watch.
Now in the boardroom, Hongjoong unrolled the first scroll on his desk and Celestia stood next to him with a notepad, ready to decipher any riddles there might be. She blew some of he dust away, causing Yunho to sneeze.
“Bless you,” Phoebe said.
The scroll was well aged with time and about the size of standard printing paper when rolled out. The string tied to it was deteriorating, the paper was brittle, and the writing was faded but still readable. It didn’t seem to be more that at least three hundred years old.
Celestia took her magnifying glass and began to read:
“-In a place where the water never ceases
-Where the mountains of the snow barely touch the sky and the air never warms
-The mausoleum of a great and forgotten queen, her husband’s love is legendary
-Men fought to death, Christians died for peace, and animals were mocked
-An emperor rests here, lost and nearly forgotten. His greatest achievement occurred after death
-Playwrights, warriors, women, and poets walked the streets all for the same purpose. The great Athena stood watch
-The Huns passed it despite all that was done to keep them out, before the great Yuan. She was the pinnacle of protection.
-Stones of blue and grey, death and magic all as one. A great clock, an altar perhaps? Only those of a time before Congregation know.
My time is coming to an end. I have seen the world for all of its glory and wonders, but in my findings, I’m leaving a treasure. This treasure filled with precious stones, gold, and silver will belong to those with the kindest hearts and the bravest souls. For those individuals, I ask that you use it for not only your own good, but for the good of their fellow man. The diamond I had carried is the key to unlocking its capsule, but I have divided it into eight pieces and hidden them in various places around the world.
A warning to those whom take this journey: others will be after this treasure but for more selfish reasons. This journey is not for the faint of heart. You will be tested, but remember to trust in each other and your instincts. Remember one thing as you go along: gold and precious stones won’t be the only treasures you find.
“You’d think it’d be a little more dark and mysterious,” Dinah joked, “but it’s kind of just in your face already.”
“Well, let’s try to figure out the clues,” Celestia replied. She read the bullet points on the scrolls about two more times before writing on her note pad. Phoebe had her laptop with her and began typing away at something.
“I can tell you now that number seven is The Great Wall of China,” the archaeologist continued. “And clue number two is the Rockies in Colorado.”
“Good start,” Hongjoong nodded.
“Number six is Acropolis in Greece,” Grace-Anne spoke up. “The name ‘Athena’ gave it away.”
“Number eight sounds like Stonehenge,” San chimed in.
“Correct,” his wife nodded. “And numbers one, three, four, and five are Niagara Falls, Taj Mahal, the Colosseum, and the Great Pyramid of Giza.”
The rest of the crew looked at her in astonishment.
“How?” was all Dinah could manage to get out.
“I read a lot of history books growing up,” Celestia smiled.
“Well, I just looked up where three pieces of the diamond were discovered,” Phoebe set her laptop on the desk and turned it towards everyone else, “The two sitting in the Smithsonian were discovered at Stonehenge and in China, and the missing one was found in Greece.”
“Well, that saves us three extra trips,” Hongjoong said. “So we’ll be heading to Egypt, Colorado, India, Italy, and New York.”
“I thought Niagara Falls was in the Venezuela,” Mingi spoke up. “That waterfall we saw a few months ago.”
“That was Angel Falls,” the captain replied.
“Where do we start, captain?” Seonghwa asked.
Hongjoong pulled out one of his maps and pinned it to the corkboard behind him. With a red marker, he began circling the general locations of each famous sight.
“I’ll map everything out tonight,” he promised, “and our journey will start the day after tomorrow since I’m keeping my promise of having our one day vacation.”
“Do Mingi and I need to set a course and navigations?” San asked.
“Later. For now, meeting adjourned.”            
It was a chore everyone hated to do, but it needed to be done. Yunho and Grace-Anne both liked having clean spaces to cook in. They took turns doing the dishes each night, and it just happened to be Grace-Anne’s turn after dinner. She had the radio on to help the time go by and make cleaning seem not as boring.  Grace-Anne hated dish duty growing up, but she didn’t mind it as it became more routine since joining The HALA’s crew.
Her hand became to cramp up. Setting the sponge down, she massaged and stretched her palm and fingers. She glanced over at the remained unclean dishes. Only two left.
Good, she thought.
A pair of hands sat on her waist and soft, plush lips began trailing kisses from her cheek down her neck and onto her shoulder.
“Miss me that bad, Seonghwa?” Grace-Anne laughed at her fiancé’s sudden affections.
He rested his chin on the crook of her neck and whined, “I’m lonely.”
She turned her head and kissed just above his eyebrow. “I’m almost done, babe.”
Seonghwa kept his embrace on her as she finished cleaning and drying the last two plates. After setting them on the drying rack, she dried off her hands with a towel and turned to face her fiancé. Throwing her arms around his neck, her lips met his. His arms wrapped around her more tightly in a loving embrace. The kiss deepened, Seonghwa refusing to let her go anytime soon. She enjoyed moments like this. When it was just the two of them, every problem in the world just seemed to melt away into oblivion. No tears, no storms, just happiness.
An exasperated sigh sounded from behind them. The couple broke the kiss to see who interrupted their moment of bliss only to find Yunho dressed in his pajamas with an annoyed expression on his face.
“Can I please come into the kitchen to get a snack without seeing you two sucking each other’s faces off?” he asked as he picked up an apple.
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happypastelponies · 7 years
My Little Pony crossovers and collabs that I want to see happen- Part 1
(In no particular order)
My Little Pony x Minori– this person is a revolutionary model who reinvented “Shironuri” (painted in white) street fashion in Harajuku, Japan. She has been featured in Vogue and has an international following. Moore often than not, her artistic outfits consist of soft and flowing pastels, which would work quite nicely with MLP’s image and pastel ponies. Ideally, the pony I would like to see utilized in this collaboration would be Rarity, who is also a fashionista and well versed in the art of style, but also Fluttershy, who has had her moment in the spotlight with modeling, but is also quite knowledgeable about sewing as well. Perhaps also to be considered is Celestia, as her color scheme would work nicely with the Shuronuri theme and iconic styles of Minori, who best utilizes the fashion; along with a possible dusting-off and reappearance of the g3 original character, Kimono in the style of g4 (or g5)- for obvious reasons.
My Little Pony x Moi-même-Moitié– this gothic lolita fashion brand is iconic in Japan, and was created by the visual kei gothic metal band, Malice Mizer/ Moi Dix Mois’ leader and guitarist, Mana. While the image of this brand doesn’t necessarily mesh with a bright and pastel little ponies, there are a few darker-themed lines of this popular toy brand that could work nicely with it; case in point, the Ponymania collection. While they seemed more like a mishmash of visual kei rock, gothic lolita, and sweet lolita all rolled into one, a second attempt at this Ponymania theme, in collaboration with Mana’s fashion brand, with Ponies such as Moonlight Raven, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, and Inky Rose would be perfect for this.
Music/ Vocals
My Little Pony x Yoshiki– a Japanese musician, songwriter, composer, record producer, and co-founder of the heavy metal visual kei band, X Japan. This guy is pretty major, as he was requested by the Japanese government to compose and perform a song for the Emperor’s coronation, has a radio station named after him, collabed with American comic book legends like Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane (as well as a guest of honor at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo), along with music legends like KISS, designed theme songs for the Golden Globe Awards, played a concert in Madiison Square Garden, has a hologram of himself, and so many more monumental achievements. As to why I think MLP should collab with him, he is a phenomenal musician and songwriter. If he were to work with Daniel Ingram or just standalone, I suspect that future songs for any reboot series for MLP would be equally exquisite.
Animation and Story Direction
My Little Pony x Hayao Miyazaki– One of Japan’s highly respected and most prominent film directors/ producer/screenwriter/ animator/ author, manga artist/ co-founder of studio Ghibli who is responsible for a laundry list of amazing animated films like Spirited Away (which won an Acadamy Award for best Animated Film (making it the only hand drawn animated film and non-English-language animated film to win that award), and was the highest-grossing animated film in Japanese history, and overtook Titanic, at the time, as highest-grossing film worldwide). A collab with this man would be refreshing, as like MLP, many of his works are characterized by themes such as environmentalism (humanity’s relationship with nature and technology), pacifism (the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic in a violent world), feminism, love, and family. In addition, The protagonists of his films are often strong girls or young women. Miyazaki has described his female characters as “brave, self-sufficient girls that don’t think twice about fighting for what they believe in with all their heart”, stating that they may “need a friend, or a supporter, but never a saviour” and that “any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man” For a show about ponies that promote love and friendship, a collab with a person such as this seems ideal.
Anime (Animation)/ Manga
My Little Pony x Cardcaptor Sakura– this is a crossover that I’ve expressed a desire to see made possible before. Read it in my blog here: https://happypastelponies.tumblr.com/post/170326310843/why-mlp-fim-should-crossover-with-cardcaptor
My Little Pony x Care Bears– this is a crossover that I’ve expressed a desire to see made possible before. Read it in my blog here: https://happypastelponies.tumblr.com/post/171670025613/are-my-little-pony-care-bears-related-theory
My Little Pony x Star Darlings– This would be an ideal collab to make a reality in order to promote Hasbro’s IP: Namely, through the production and promotion line of a g1 (perhaps anniversary related) spinoff that would allow them to finally produce a group of long-time prototype ponies called the “celestial ponies”/ “Fancy Swirl” ponies, especially since there has been a bit of hype amid the Gen 1 community of pony collectors, which they’ve been trying to get noticed and made by a company called Bridge Direct/ Basic Fun. With their celestial theme, they would pair and play nicely with the Disney Star Darling franchise in collaboration, whose characters are based off the 12 astrological symbols and live in a setting called Starland, in the celestial skies.
Voice Acting & Series Appearances
My Little Pony x Wanda Sykes– An American voice actor, comedian, and writer. This is one person who has quite a distinctive voice and plays in a number of comedic roles, such as “Granny Sloth” in “Ice Age”, “Stella the Skunk” in “Over the Hedge”, and “Barb Baran” in “The New Adventures of Old Christine”. She was also named one of the top 25 funniest people in America by Entertainment Weekly. There’s no doubt her memorable voice acting could bring a fresh dose of comedic relief on MLP, especially in union with Pinkie Pie.
My Little Pony x Whoopi Goldberg– An American actress, comedian, author, and tv host. She is one of the few people to have won an Oscar, a Grammy, Emmy, and Tony Award. Her voice is also iconic, and she has had many roles in films and series such as “Star Trek- the Next Generation”, “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”, “The Color Purple”, and “Sister Act”; while also VA’ing a character, “Shenzi the Hyena” in “The Lion King”. Due to her comedic and Voice acting background, she could also bring a hint of comedy and acting talents to the MLP series.
Moon Dreamers x Star Darlings– While not necessarily a My Little Pony related crossover, it is one with another one of Hasbro’s Intellectual Properties, “Moon Dreamers”. This would provide a good opportunity for Hasbro to dust off one of its older IP’s and revitalize a long dead toyline from the 80’s.
With Moon Dreamers, they are insanely similar to a more recent IP made by Disney, called “Star Darlings”. One IP’s characters works with dreams, while the other series’ characters works with wishes, and correct me if I’m wrong here, but those are both really identical professions. Especially where Disney is concerned, apparently. The lyrics of a classic song “when you wish upon a star” has verses that say the following: “A Dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep”. The only difference is that while Moon Dreamers work in the world of slumber to grant kids their wishes/ dreams, Star Darlings work in the waking world to do the same. And Hasbro is no stranger to collaborating with Disney.
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venjix5 · 4 years
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Professor N. Shroud's profile by venjix5
"Damn you, Twilight SPARRKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLELLLLE!!!!!" —Professor N. Shroud's villainous breakdown after seeing the Elements of Harmony in the chest are gone. Professor Nigel Shroud (also known as N. Shroud "enshroud") is a mad scientist and powerful evil warlock who is bent on world domination, and main antagonist of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and Age of Equestria 3: Shrouded Darkness. He is a human and the archenemy of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. This dark scientist dreams of dominating Equestria and the human world, but his constant plots to create his N. Shroud Empire are always thwarted by Twilight and her friends. He is the mastermind for turning Sunset Shimmer evil and freed Tirek in Tartarus. Species: Cyborg (formerly human) Gender: Male Height: 7ft Alias: Boss (by his minions) Sir Professor N. Shroud Shroud Lord N. Shroud Emperor N. Shroud Supreme Emperor N. Shroud The Dark Emperor The Emperor of Shadows The Emperor of Equestria (self-proclaimed) The Emperor The Dark Lord Master N. Shroud Master Doctor Doc Nigel Mr. N The Dark Warlock The Greatest Scientist of All Equestria The Greatest Scientist and Dark Warlock of Equestria Evil Scientist Dark Scientist A Man with a Red Eye A Red-Eyed Stranger The Great N. Shroud Master of Mechanics Ruler of Robotics Monster Evil Human (by Princess Celestia) The Evil Warlock (by Star Swirl the Bearded) The Evil Sorcerer The Mechanical Tyrant The Mechanical Emperor King of Robots The First Human who came Equestria Evil Genius Dad (by Guno and Muno) Daddy (by Guno and Muno) Crazy Old Man (by Sunset Shimmer) Professor Dorkenstein (by Rainbow Dash) Mad Man (by Twilight Sparkle) All the Darkness (self-proclaimed) Occupation: Scientist Technologist Technocrat Tyrant Dark Lord Ruler of the N. Shroud Empire Ruler of N. Topolis Ruler of Equestria (in the bad future) Founder and CEO of N. Mare Enterprises Mastermind Billionaire Dictator Warlock Canterlot adviser (formerly) Hobby: Creating robots. Taking magic. Corrupting magic. Ruling. Ruling the world. Deal-making. Spreading darkness. Attacking Twilight and her friends. Tormenting ponies. Making ponies and creatures suffer. Manipulating people and creatures. Turning ponies, people, and other creatures into his robotic slaves. Polluting and destroying beautiful lands. Enslaving ponies and other creatures. Commanding his army. Causing destruction in many places. Mocking his enemies whenever he can and whatever he can. Antagonizing Twilight and her friends. Pound or electrocute Nobo for being so sarcastic, rude, and insulting to him. Playing his organ. Goals: Conquer both Equestria and the human world by any means necessary. Rule the Multiverse. Plunge the whole world into darkness. Build his mechanical utopia N. Shroudland. Kill Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Get revenge on everyone for his abused torment and unhappy life in the past. (later in the story) Wipe out all life in Equestria and the human world and rebuild the two worlds into his dystopia with robots, machines, and darkness. Type of Villain: Tyrannical/Power-Hungry Mad Scientist and Warlock Allies: Nano Nobo Guno (daughter) Muno (daughter) Bronk Dennis (bodyguard and right-hand man) Susan Nina (spy) Diamond Dogs The Dazzlings Queen Rabia Prince Solaris Queen Chrysalis N-Series Henchbots Robot Minions Lord Tirek Cozy Glow (for now) Enemies: Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Applejack Fluttershy Sunset Shimmer Starlight Glimmer Sci-Twi (human Twilight) Humane Six Star Swirl the Bearded Princess Celestia Princess Luna Spike Other ponies Other humans (some of them) Voice Actor: Mark Oliver Japanese Voice Actor: Takaya Kuroda or Ainosuke Kataoka Personality: N. Shroud is a cruel, ruthless, dark, power-hungry, sinister, ambitious, megalomaniacal, cunning, brutal, egotistical, arrogant, tyrannical, sadistic, masterful, cold-hearted, determined, thuggish, wrathful, fearsome, and manipulative evil genius who is constantly planning to take over the world. He is very vengeful and hateful with a deep grudge towards humans for abusing and laughing at him, and ponies for rejected him. He despise ponies the most who dare to defy him, tolerating only his own. An important subject to note is that, unlike the other villains of the show, N. Shroud is extremely serious, menacing, dangerous, psychopathic, and a pure evil monster. He frequently refers to ponies as "worthless mules" and other insults generally directed at ponies. He is one of the most malicious, sadistic, and dangerous villains in the show, often attempting to kill, control, or otherwise torment ponies. He is willing to deprive innocent creatures of their free will to get them to work for him, he is willing to turn formerly beautiful communities into severely polluted wastelands, and he doesn't show any remorse for any of his actions. He turns anyone into robotic slaves if they don't obey him. However, he does still have a lighter side, attending villain parties and events, and when in a good mood. And he also shown that he has a comical side and with a sense of humor. Although, he was once a nice, kind-hearted person. But then, when he was a little child, he accidentally enter the portal to Equestria. He was very curious and interested in Equestria, ponies, and Equestrian Magic. He then developed a excessive in the unknown. He was just an excited little kid dreaming about the new discovery. However, no one believed him when he told them about the magic world he went, they all call him a crazy liar and started laughing at him. It broke N. Shroud's heart. Due to his painful past, he became cruel, sadistic, and cold-hearted. Despite his opposing personality, N. Shroud has rarely shown emotions other than anger or hatred. However, it should be noted that, despite N. Shroud's evil nature, he has shown that he has a soft side of him; that he cares for his robots like Nano, Nobo, Guno, Muno, and Susan. Although, N. Shroud sees Nobo as his primary punching bag for being so sarcastic and lazy. He treats his robot daughters Guno and Muno with great care and kindness, even going as far as to act as a parental figure to the young robots. History: 500 years ago, after Princess Celestia sealed Nightmare Moon, in the 19th century, when he was little boy, Nigel Shroud is the first human to discover Equestria, he was very obsessive and interested in Equestria, ponies, and Equestrian Magic. He then developed a excessive in the unknown. However, he couldn't prove their existence and once he saw one, no one believed him when he told them about the magic world he went, they all laughed at him thinking he’s a crazy liar. Being laughed at and treated cruelly all of his life, he has grown a deep hatred of all humanity. Thus he decided to abandoned his life in the human world and decided living in Equestria instead. Few years passed, Nigel works at Canterlot as an adviser as well as pursue a teaching degree (apparently because he liked telling ponies what to do) and learning of Equestria Magic. However, he later became so obsessed of the ponies’ magic, that he has thought a plan to use them to taking over the Human World under his rule and finally have his revenge on the humans who mocks him. Later, Nigel abducts 10 ponies and tried experimenting on them and harnessing their magic to attain for himself. However, Princess Celestia knows his evil plan and arrested him for his crimes. He was on trial for his crimes of kidnapping ponies and try to drain their magic. Nigel tries to apologize Princess Celestia for his actions, but Celestia refuses, for she has seen that his greed and hatred in his heart. Celestia sentence Nigel Shroud exiled, return to his world and never come Equestria ever again. But, Nigel swore revenge, someday he would return, and all of Equestria and the Human World would bow at his feet. As the years progressed, he began to build an army of robots and transformed himself into a robot. Apparently all these years been exiled from Equestria, driven him into a deep-seeded hatred for humans and ponies and love of technology. Extremely tech savvy, he loathes humans and ponies. This has lead him to adopt the philosophy that technology is the only thing that can be trusted. He modified himself so that he could rule whatever remained as their mechanical king. Utterly convinced with his twisted belief that the results of a world conquest orchestrated by him would make the world a better place and benefit all its inhabitants. Using his unmatched genius, N. Shroud began his plans, spending his entire life on his self-righteous mission. He also had been studying dark magic for 500 years and become the most powerful warlock in Equestria and the Human World. Abilities and Powers: Claws (Professor N. Shroud has razor sharp claws, which he repeatedly used in attempts in combat or murder.) Enhanced Strength Enhanced Speed Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Agility Enhanced Endurance Enhanced Durability Vast Dark Powers Vast Mastery of Powerful Dark Magic Umbrakinesis Shadow Ball Projection Shadow Mimicry Dark Energy Manipulation Dark Energy Blast Magic Cancellation Magic Reflection Cyborg Eye (N. Shroud's eye gives him several optic visionary functions he can use simultaneously, such as Zoom-in, Thermal vision, Night vision, X-Ray, and more.) Dark Electrokinesis Dark Pyrokinesis Aerokinesis Cryokinesis Geokinesis Laser Vision (with his Cyborg Eye) High Intelligence Super-Genius Class Intelligence Vast Knowledge Mastery of Tactics Marksmanship High-Level Fighting Skills Incredible Mastery of Swordsmanship Leadership Telekinesis Telekinetic Choke Hi-tech Weaponry Expert Piloting Skills Mechanical and Technological Engineering Skills Technopathy Teleportation Umbrageous Teleportation Bionic Physiology (N. Shroud is half man and half robot.) Ponified Negation (Thanks to his robot half, everytime he goes Equestria he can't get ponified.) Longevity (N. Shroud is stated to have been alive for a hundreds of years without showing any signs of aging thanks to his robot half, making him one of the oldest characters in the series.) Mastery of Disguise Mind-Reading Negation (N. Shroud has an advanced firewall in his system that can block Sunset Shimmer's mind-reading magic.) Mind Control Immunity Fourth Wall Awareness (Possibly due to his state of mind, N. Shroud is seemingly aware he lives in a fictional world. Like telling the audience that even though they might see through his disguise, they should not tell Twilight of it.) Craftsmanship Magic Intimidation Mastery of Deception Mastery of Manipulation Portal Creation Summoning Summoning Robot Minions Full Control on his Robots Ability to turn other people and ponies into a painting Political power and supreme authority over his empire Gravity Manipulation Petrification Petrification Immunity Petrification Cancellation Smoke Generation Bubble Imprisonment Crystal Imprisonment Plunder Vine Manipulation Ability to pass through walls and objects Technology Expertise Charisma Clairvoyance Deception Control of his hive mind Possession to his robots Prehensile metallic tendrils Psychic connection to his robots Access to his robots' memories Vast resources Levitation Flight Weapons: Laser Gun Ion Blaster Mallet Robot Vehicles Mechs Metal Gauntlet Arms Armor N. Shroud's Staff Staff of Sacanas Magic Staff Sword Dagger Energy Whips Halberd
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I spent far too long mapping out MLP Tarot Cards. So I’m putting the list here to help myself remember to do something with it and possibly discuss with others?
Major Arcana
The Fool- The Cutie Mark Crusaders
The Fool is for innocence and beginnings. The Crusaders are kids starting to figure out who they are. It is also for recklessness and inconsideration. While not malicious, children don’t fully think through their choices and make mistakes.
The Magician-Trixie
Obviously.However, she does fit the card meaning.Willpower and desire are words associated with the card, something Trixie has a lot of. But so are trickery and illusions, when she cared only for Trixie.
The High Priestess- Discord
My choice for this is more on my own headcanons of Discord’s past. But the card is for Intuition and Inner Voice, but on the reverse we have repressed feelings that cause a loss of said Voice. 
The Empress-Chrysalis
The Empress is a symbol of Motherhood, nurturing guidance. Things Chrysalis is supposed to be. But the Empress is also controlling. Mother Knows Best, after all.
The Emperor- Nightmare Moon
The Emperor is for structure and control. A father figure. Stern but wise and understanding. Quite like Luna. However, it’s reverse is a cold tyrant, the grip on the Kingdom causing them to suffer, much like Nightmare would have.
The Hierophant-Starlight Glimmer
Tradition and Conformity, much like Starlight’s Town. But also taking new approaches, diverging from the restrictions. 
The Lovers-Cadence and Shining Armor
Self explanatory. The Card of Union, but also Harmony. But reversed could be a loss of balance.
The Chariot-Rainbow Dash
Willpower and control, harnessing the world around you to achieve goals, like becoming a Wonderbolt. Yet she is also at the mercy of opposing forces. Rainbow is Loyal to many ponies, which causes her to be stuck in the middle when friends fight, even if it’s a friendly competition like the Equestria Games. 
Bravery and Compassion. Some argue that Flutters isn’t brave due to her fears, but ‘ bravery is not ‘being without fear’ it’s standing up for what is right even though you are scared’. That said, the reverse is self-doubt and insecurity.
The Hermit-Spike
The Hermit represents contemplation, finding out who you are through journeying by ones self, but also the loneliness of losing your way on that journey. All I can think of is Spike’s search for who and what he is, a Dragon that acts like a Pony or a Pony that looks like a Dragon.
Wheel of Fortune-Pinkie
The Wheel is for changing cycles, and also Luck. But also the uncontrollable. Change and cycles, like that of seasons or the Sun and Moon. But it’s also for the fact that even when things are bad, there will always bee something good just around the corner, always another reason to smile.
This is another connected to personal headcanons, involving Blueblood being, essentially, an inside informant on the Nobility’s misdeeds. Justice stands for fairness, but also karmic retribution. However, there is also accountability.  Turning a bling eye to something that should have been given the proper punishment. In Blueblood’s case, that is Sunset Shimmer.  
The Hanged Man- Rarity
This card is about sacrifice, self-sacrifice to be exact. while the card is a bit literal, it’s about Generosity, giving your all to others, even if it could hurt you. But there is also a thing as too much sacrifice, or hesitating out of your own wants. Rarity finds a good balance, but has moments of giving too much or hesitating for her dreams. 
The Death card is for Change, Metamorphasis and the end of a cycle that starts anew, so it is quite literal here. It’s for a radical transformation, losing something to be better. Thorax is the symbol of Change for the Changelings, but also the end of a cycle. The end of Queen Chrysalis’s reign and the beginning of King Thorax’s. 
Temperance is about walking the middle path. Unlike Rainbow and her Card(the Chariot) being torn between her Loyalties, Applejack goes for who is objectively right, but stays emotionally neutral in the conflict. The Mom friend. However, she does have her buttons to be pressed.
The Devil- Sombra/Obsidian’s Posesion
One of the more literal ones, and 100% headcanon related. This card represents fears, obsessions, and insecurities that hold people back. The Reverse, however, is about freeing ones self from the Devil’s clutches, restoring your own control. 
The Tower-Diamond Tiara
Had to have Diamond in here because I love her so much. Anyway, the Tower is a card about the dangers of Pride, the destruction of the foundation of our lives to remake ourselves. Diamond’s whole life was about the things her Mother taught her, but she has seen the path she was heading down and has begun to fix it. However, as long as her mother is there, she can’t fully rebuild. 
The Star-Twilight Sparkle
The Star is for Hope and Rejuvenation. She’s the Hero, and as long as she stands they are Invincible. But she also gives others second chances, and helps them remake themselves on their journey. That said, there are times where she gets into insecurity, and loses faith in herself, but just a Spark will give her what she needs to save the day.  
The Moon-Luna
Duh. The Moon card is about the unconscious and illusions, Dreams that reflect our minds and hearts. But there is also confusion in the vagueness of Dreams, and it is easy to lose your way in the dark. 
The Sun-Celestia
Again, duh. This card is for Joy and Celebration.Success overcoming any obstacle, just like the Invincible Sun Princess. But sometimes, the cloudcover can block the Sun’s rays, making it difficult to be optimistic. Making it difficult to see things right in front of you until it is too late.
Judgement-Sunset Shimmer
Judgement is for reflection, to evaluate your life and lead to your Rebirth. But you can also judge too harshly, letting yourself be lost in the details you don’t like instead of seeing the full picture. Sunset has definitely done the reflect and rebirth, but we only saw a little of the harsh judgement. She focused on the terrible things she did, letting it define her despite having good parts of her past(hey, she was Celestia’s Student for a reason!). While she has accepted her past and has been Reborn, there are moments where she focuses on the bad(her anger management issues in FG.)
The World-The Elements
Again, self explanatory. The World stands for Harmony and Completion. Unity and Perfection from inner and outer sources. And how empty everything is without them. 
Minor Arcana:
I don’t think I’ll give as much Meaning to the Minor Arcana as I did the Major Arcana. Mostly because that’d be a pain to go through and match each one to one specific character. Like, matching the Death card or the Sun card is easy. But matching the four of Pentacles? Actually, that one could be Filthy Rich... ignore me. I’m not doing that for all the cards. 
That said, the Suits are mostly organized. The Kings of each are one of the four princesses, and each suit itself is made up of a corresponding race of pony, or said pony’s ‘Court’(aka, important characters that don’t match but I put in that group) in the Crystal Pony case(Seriously, can we get more Crystal Pony characters that have legit names and personalities????).  The Ace is a non-pony(or not exactly a pony) that is associated with that Suit or Race. Some will get an extra ‘why I put them there’ note.
Wands represent creativity, passion, desire, and the Spark of beginnings. It’s element is Fire. Wands are perfect for the magic wielding Unicorns. 
King- Twilight Sparkle
Twilight was born a Unicorn, and a part of her will always think of herself as one.
Queen-Sunset Shimmer
A Unicorn just as powerful as Twilight, but not the Princess. 
Page-Sweetie Belle
10-2-Starlight, Trixie, Moondancer, Lyra, Blueblood, Party Favor, Sugar Belle, Vinyl Scratch, Fancy Pants
Not only is Spike only associated with Unicorn characters(Twilight, Shining, Rarity, etc.), but he is a Fire element. 
Pentacles- Earth Ponies
Pentacles relate to worldly things, are much more ‘passive’ than the Wands’ ‘active’ nature, and is associated with the Earth Element. 
King- Celestia
Celestia is the most ‘grounded’ of the Princesses, but also the most ‘princess-like’. 
Knight-Pinkie Pie
10-2-Big Mac, Maud, Marble, Limestone, Bonbon, Double Diamond, Cheerilee, Octavia, Nurse Redheart
Ace-Timber Spruce. 
Another personal headcanon
Cups- Crystal Ponies
While they aren’t related to the Suit’s Element(Water), the suit is associated emotions, especially Love. Considering the Crystal ponies run on Emotions, it’s a good fit.
King- Cadence
Princess of the Empire
Queen- Shining Armor
Hey Jori! This one’s for you! Okay, really, while he’s not a Crystal Pony, he’s husband to the Princess
Knight- Sunburst
Headcanon-wise, I headcanon him as part Crystal Pony. But he is the Crystal Mage.
Page- Diamond Tiara
I headcanon her as part Crystal Pony and I love her too much to not include her.
10-2- Flurry Heart, Autumn, Mercury, Rose Quartz, Verity Lucky, Scarlet Heart, Amber Laurel, Fleur de Verre, Golden Harvest, 
Honestly, there aren’t any Crystal Pony characters that aren’t background ponies. Seriously, how and why so you’ll have to go to the wiki to know them,
Ace- Thorax
Not a Crystal Pony, but his default disguise is one, and he lived with them for a while.
Swords- Pegasai
Pegasai match this suit’s Element(Air) more than its symbolism, as Swords are for reason and logic. Not to say they aren’t reasonable or logical, but it’s not something they’re known for. 
King- Luna
Mostly by default, but she is the one seen flying most often(and also the one seen using magic most often but I digress). Also Air is a Moon Element. 
Queen- Rainbow Dash
10-2-Flash Sentry, Derpy, Daring Do, Spitfire, Soarin, Thunderlane, Night Glider, Lightning Dust, Alula
Ace- Gilda
Not a Pegasus but related by flight.
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henbooks · 7 years
Writing Update 9/18/17
Late night update! I’m about to turn in, but I thought I’d check in really quick.
I got about half of a chapter on Celestia edited, but I want to finish note taking based on beta reviews thus far to see what needs to be fixed before I get too far into the third draft. I;m also excited to start line editing- one of my favorite things to do.
I was working on Chapter 19, one that is pretty dang spoiler-y. I picked a line that has no context. I also do genuinely like it, though.
I wrote a bit on TCotMK today (a rare occurrence- I had very little homework and had some time to write.) I got a bit more done on the first scene where Romulus and Jewel talk, one that i have a lot of conflicted feelings about. I’m having trouble seeing how they fit together on the page, even if it’s perfect in my head. I think it’ll iron out fairly soon. The quote I chose is actually between Jewel and Emperor Kalipus. I had fun playing with his dialogue- it still needs a lot of work, but I’m fond of the overall feel as it stands.
Favorite line written: “Such a strange girl. I may have to fix that before you become queen. You are quite pretty, but that might all be the dress and makeup. I suppose I’ll find out when we’re in a less… formal event.”
“You will not intimidate me, Emperor,” she said, letting a harsh edge into her voice. “You will speak to me as an equal, not as some future plan of yours.”
“I already intimidated you. I can do as I well please.”
Favorite line edited: “Her wrists were raw from the rubbing of the rope, and her fingers hurt from bending at uncomfortable angles to work away at it. Her fingernails, however, were by far the worst. She could feel that two of them had torn off completely- jagged edges left behind digging into her flesh and wet spots of warm blood gathering underneath.”
In other news, Frostbitten has been on my mind for no reason today. I really want to do something with that story, but man I also need to stay focused. I mostly just remembered how much I love Newton- he’s a great character.
I’m going to update its description in my blog before too long, now that i know something about it/ how it will go down. The name may change, but I’m not sure. It has more story lines than just the one, and frost isn’t as universal a symbol anymore. I’ll figure it out. Oh well.
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ask-de-writer · 7 years
Some more TEA LEAVINGS!  We are mining our archives to find as many of the old ones as we can.  These will be added to the main TEA LEAVINGS! post.
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: I thank you for read of A Day in the Antique Trade. I have made you reader appreciation post for do so. Sorry I spring my know of Tia and Luna on you. They was good filly. Only mess up a little. Like that Edict of Banishment on me. A few other tiny thing like Nightmare Wars but learn real well and now make their old foster dad proud!
Thomas the writer: well like my father always tell me, kids will be kids, even thought that one time when nova almost sent the entire school building to the other realm once. and trust me it took me every ounce of energy to bring the entire school back to the real world. but still I’m still surprise that Tia and Luna are your daughters and hoping that she would have told me all about this sooner.
Celestia: do we have to argue about this tommy wommy
Thomas the writer: would you please stop calling me that, it still silly
Celestia: but I like calling you my tommy wommy, your special to me * she hug him*
Thomas the writer:…………….. sigh and your my special…………… my special
Celestia: oh come on now Thomas you can still call me that special name
Thomas the writer:……………. sigh (I so gonna hit my head for this) your my specialpony princess Tia
Celestia: oh you know how to make me happy, now I be right back, I got a special gift for you
Thomas the writer: *Thomas grab a paper bag and barf right in there, then throw the bag away* now I know the reason I broke up with her, no wait the other reason was of my mother is the demon queen, but still it nice to be with Tia again, she still the same pony that I knew a long time ago and since she is de-writer daughter, at least I will try to be nice
Celestia: here is your gift Thomas
Thomas the writer:…………….. what is it?
Celestia: it a Christmas sweater and it got a good santa face on it
Thomas the writer: but Tia it the middle of November
Celestia: I know Thomas, but I can’t help it, so I want you to try it on
Thomas the writer:……………….. (help me. Again)
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: For question I have, you answer please. You like See Story part 1, I saw. Did you read the rest of tale or just part one? Need know for reader post. Thanks, De Writer. PS Have found Atlantis Sea Weed Tea! not bad, but a bit salty! Have send package with Dashie for your collection.
Dashie: so dad, what you think about the sea weed tea
Thomas the writer: a little salty like de-writer said, but taste pretty good. oh and to answer your question de-writer, I was able to read the see story part one when I saw it. I know I only read part one for sure. But I do enjoy reading it thought, as always brilliant work.
The door bell rang
Thomas the writer: dashie, can you see who that at the door
dashie: sure thing dad * she went to the door and open to see who it was, then she saw a giant squid. she stay for a moment and then close the door and went back to her dad*
Thomas the writer: so who was it dashie
dashie: ……………….. trust me dad, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: Have give reader appreciation post for read of Blindsided. Much thanks. Also have two tip for you. First is NEVER use Yangtze river water to make tea. It worse than mud! And One Other Thing: Remote control T-82 is NOT amphibious! Best not ask how I find out!
Thomas the writer: it’s no problem de-writer and I will keep in mind on those two advice as well.
dashie: hey da, how come de-writer always have a lot of those remote control T-82 and thanks whenever he goes get certain teas and stuff
Thomas the writer: well dashie, that a mystery that will never be solved
Jarred Tech: hey Thomas, I have a order of top secret explosive that I need to deliver for someone and he told me you know him.
Thomas the writer: Jarred, you been selling him some of those stuff
Jarred Tech: hey, somebody got to make living am I right
dashie: hay dad, how this guy?
Thomas the writer: he just a friend dashie, tech, just bring the stuff somewhere else and go
Jarred Tech: sure thing, I just put it on your bill
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: Most sorry that you been ill. I receive your reply to my note. Make happy that you have read Dragon’s Plea. I have send you three packages. One have some tea from central Tibet. One have bad temper old hen not lay eggs for long time. Make own air holes with beak. Handle with care and make better soup. Last package contain remote control override device for Dashie playhouse T-82.
Thomas the writer: thanks for the tea and the soup, but the best gift for last is the remote control to override dashie T-82. *he used the control and take over dashie T-82*
Dashie: hey, why i having a hard time controling my T-82 ?
Thomas the writer: ………………………. wasn’t me
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: I have thank you for read of Caramel Treat’s Lunch! which I write! I have send you gift of antic teapot collection that I stumble across in tomb of Emperor Hang He Hei! Had very short reign. One of the pots here might be why. Wash most careful or sell for money to buy tea.
Thomas the writer: *he examing the tea pot* wow this tea pot from emperor hang he hei is amazing, it got to be at least 2,000 year old. i would used it for serving tea, but at this condition, it would be dangerous for me even used it. all i have to do now is put it in the safe box and place it in the closet so i can bring figure it out what to do with it.
he place the ancient tea pot in the safe box and carry it on his back to his study room. just before he reach his study room, his daughter dashie stop and call his name, almost made him drop the box, but lucky for him to caught it with his hooves before it fell to the ground.
Thomas the writer: dashie, i thought i say no yelling when you call someone name out
Dashie: sorry dad, i thought i want to let you know that i join the music class in school today
Thomas the writer: that nice to hear dashie, what kind of instrument are you playing ?
Dashie: *went back to her room and grab a turn table and a bass in front of her* time to drop the bass
she turn on the bass and large music roam around the apartment, everything around the area that was nail to the ground started falling and several glass item break, when Thomas was shaking to the bass, he accidently drop the box in his hooves and it fell to the ground. Thomas walk to dashie and unplug the bass.
Dashie: hey come on dad, you kill the wubb
Thomas the writer: dashie i have three thing to say before your grounded, one that music was too loud, but cool, two thanks to that music it broke a 2,000 year old tea pot
Dashie: and what number three
Thomas the writer: and number three……………. help me clean up all the glass on the floor
Dashie: i would but
Thomas the writer: help me now and i forget about the grounding
Dashie: deal
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: Have add arrows to ancient wisdoms. Anypony asking about me, my shop not were you tell them, OK? Say it move from place to place like Howels moving castle. Also, not show them your tea. Is for you to have.
Thomas the writer: sure thing de-writer, I mention next time when I work on the next wisdom, I was doing my best to write it as your shop, is very secretive and only a few know about it. but I will fix it around and make it more cooler and I promise not to mention about the tea you gave me
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ask-de-writer asked: Uncle: I have post latest Ancient Wisdom. I plan add magic arrows to send reader to other part story, so find first piece or find second part. I also send you new package of tea. You like it I am sure. Not say where this tea come from but will say news stories full of lies!
Thomas the writer: thanks for the tea de-writer, but kinda strange though of what you say for this tea, but I going to try it anyway
Thomas gone to the kitchen and start up the fire and place a teapot with water in it, waited for several minute for the teapot to whistle, Thomas pull the teapot and pour the hot water in the cup, where the leaves are. waited for a few minute to cool down, he started to drink the tea. after a few sip from, Thomas mind gone to a shock and was unconscious. inside his mind, his see some kind of vision, in that vision, was showing himself and his father, coming out from a portal and reach to the real world. his father look at his son and wanted check up with him.
Edison: son are you feeling alright now
Thomas the writer: feeling alright ? of course I’m not feeling alright, you could have let me stay there dad, I could have done at least something, now Celestia is alone now, facing her little sister, which she is now a nightmare moon, I could have done something
Edison: I know you would have son, but you was injured and no condition to fight.
Thomas the writer: so I used my other form to fight nightmare moon
Edison: oh! you willing to used the legend horsemen power to defeat nightmare moon, not knowing, once you defeat her, you have to steal the soul, not only nightmare moon, but Luna included
Thomas the writer: …………………….
Edison: son, there was a wise man, once say these words, to someone he care about, “with great powers, come with great responsibility” you have all the powers in the world, but you have to know when to used, or not. if you used them the wrong place or the wrong time, a lot of innocence lives would be lost and what celestia would think of you then
Thomas the writer:………………..
Edison: Thomas, I love you to much to lose you and I don’t want to lose you the same way like I did with your sister, who now living with your demonic mother. someday you will understand
Thomas the writer: ok father, will I be able to see celestia again ?
Edison: in do time Thomas, someday you find the way back and find the courage to ask for her forgiveness.
before he can hear more, he felt a shake out of nowhere, everything around him, gone bright light and next thing you notice, Thomas started to wake up. he look around and see his daughter dashie was next to him worried
dashie: daddy, what happened to you, I see you on the floor and you wasn’t moving
Thomas the writer: I was, I guess I must the felt tired and fallen asleep, I guess I should head for bed then
dashie: are you sure your ok dad ?
Thomas the writer: yeah I’m, just remember something from my past that I forgot
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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crusherthedoctor · 7 years
Have you ever came up with your own idea for a "Eggman Nega", but better?
Sort of?
I do have a fancharacter that could be seen as an example of that… but the thing is, he’s not actually a Sonic fancharacter. Instead, he’s a MLP:FiM fancharacter. His name is Dr. Razor Dominic, and he’s the main antagonist in a FiM fic of mine.
Similarities between him and Robotnik include:
They’re both mad scientists who want to rule everything and think only they know best.
They both have a preference for robots, and own seemingly limitless technological resources.
They both have a propensity for using mechs when forced to fight, yet they’re both capable of impressive physical feats despite their appearances suggesting otherwise. (That said, Razor’s general body structure is more akin to Mario, only a bit taller.)
They both don’t necessarily think of themselves as villains.
They’re both apathetic about their crimes as opposed to taking card-carrying delight in them.
They are both completely fearless.
However, there are many differences between them too, including but not limited to:
Razor is not a human being, although he’s still very anthropomorphic compared to the majority of the FiM cast, to the point where he still regularly wears full clothing. (For the record, Razor’s species is completely fictional, and he’s the only one of his kind that we see. This serves to make him all the more unsettling, even though his appearance is not full-on scary in itself.)
Razor is a very calm and serious character, inside and out, and he doesn’t appear to have a sense of humor. He almost always looks miserable, and his default expression is completely blank. Compare that to the famously expressive and jovial Robotnik. (Oddly enough, Razor still has a lot of creations that outwardly look just as colorful and wacky as Robotnik’s, but there’s usually a practical reason for this.)
As if to further compliment the above, Razor has a stylized but still casual way of dressing. He only wears a dark grey jacket (left unzipped), a dark red shirt, black trousers and shoes, and sunglasses. Compare that with the often more elaborate clothing of Robotnik.
Unlike Robotnik, who is usually all too willing to be hands-on in the battlefield at any moment’s notice, Razor tends to continue plotting in the shadows, and will only engage in a fight himself if he thinks the time is right and/or if he has no other choice. Unlike other villains of this type however, this is not due to Razor sitting on his lazy ass and hiding away like a coward: on the contrary, he just tends to be very busy with his machinations, hence why he lets his minions do most of the physical confrontations.
Whereas Robotnik is fueled by his ego and seemingly nothing else, Razor is mostly fueled by the desire for things to change. In his point of view, Princess Celestia and the rest have proven to be incompetent at dealing with known threats, and he’s not exactly thrilled with their tendency to befriend some of these very threats either (ie: Discord, Starlight Glimmer). Naturally, he thinks he’s the man who knows what needs to be done, which of course involves very questionable extremes. Some aspects of his backstory are purposefully left ambiguous to up the creepiness factor, but there’s enough alluded to that makes it clear that Razor grew increasingly disillusioned with the princesses and their rulership as time went on.
Whereas Robotnik is presumably somewhere in his 50′s or so - maybe late 40′s at earliest - Razor is only slightly older than the Mane Six themselves, roughly in his early 20′s. This also serves to make him contrast with the other villains the Mane Six have faced, who have (mostly) been very old and ancient.
Whereas Robotnik will happily regard himself as King/Emperor/etc should the world be in his hands, Razor actively dislikes royal titles, and thus doesn’t care for being referred to as such should he ever succeed in his plans. He always thinks of himself as Doctor first and foremost, and if another character were to call him King Razor or what have you, he would dismiss the title like a stern teacher. (It’s never outright confirmed, but it’s hinted that his beef with the princesses may be a factor in this trait.) Subsequently, he doesn’t care about the fancy robes and crowns and all the rest that come with being king of the world. He only cares about the power itself and it’s practical purposes.
Compared to Robotnik, who mostly sticks with robotics, Razor is literally omnidisciplinary, much to the bafflement and slight horror of Twilight when she finds this out for herself. (Though that said, robotics is still his most used expertise.) Evidently, Razor felt he had to know every field of science possible so that he was well-equipped to set about his goals.
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